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Glossary : KPI

KPI Area

KPI Name

Technical Name

Gross Sales Amount

Gross Sales Amount

Gross Sales 3 Month Run Rate

Gross Sales 3 Month Run Rate

Gross Sales 6 Month Run Rate

Gross Sales 6 Month Run Rate

Gross Sales vs PY

Gross Sales vs PY


Gross Sales vs Target

Trade Spend Amount

Gross Sales vs Target

Trade Spend Amount

Trade Spend 3 Month Run Rate

Trade Spend 3 Month Run Rate

What it Tells You

Gross sales from GL
Average Gross sales based on 3
months Run Rate
Average Gross sales based on 6
months Run Rate
Gross Sales growth vs Last Year
(Previous year)
Gross Sales vs Target (in %)

Trade Spend 6 Month Run Rate

9 General Ledger Trade Spend vs PY

Trade Spend 6 Month Run Rate

Trade Spend vs PY


Trade Spend vs Target

Trade Spend vs Target


Trade Spend Percent of Gross Sales

Trade Spend Percent of Gross Sales


Trade Spend Percent of Net Revenue

Net Revenue Amount

Trade Spend Percent of Net Revenue

Net Revenue Amount


Net Revenue 3 Month Run Rate

Net Revenue 3 Month Run Rate


Net Revenue 6 Month Run Rate

Net Revenue 6 Month Run Rate


Net Revenue vs PY

Net Revenue vs PY


Net Revenue vs Target

Net Revenue vs Target


Open Order Amount

Open Orders Amount


Open Order Percent

Open Orders Percent


Open Order Quantity (Eaches)

Open Order Qty Eaches


Open Order Quantity (Cases)

Open Order Qty Cases

Trade Spend Amount from ICE

Average Trade Spend based on
past 3 months
Average Trade spend based on
past 6 months
Trade spend growth vs Previous

Logical Formula

Dimensions required by this KPI?

GS3P from ICE

Gross sales (past 3 months ) / 3

Dimensions this KPI wont work with?

Distributor, outlet

Time period

Distributor, outlet

Time period

Distributor, outlet

Time period

Distributor, outlet

Gross Sales target

Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet

Time period

Distributor, outlet

Time period

Distributor, outlet

Time period

Distributor, outlet

Trade Spend Target

Distributor, outlet

Gross sales (past 3 months ) / 6

Gross sales (select Time period)/ Gross
sales (Same Time period last year) shown in %
Gross sales (select Time period)/ Gross
sales targets - shown in %
TSP from ICE
Trade Spend (past 3 months ) / 3
Trade Spend (past 6 months ) / 6

Trade Spend (Select Time period)/ Trade

Spend (Same Time period last year) shown in %
Trade spend vs Target (in%)
Trade Spend (Select Time period)/ Trade
Spend Target - shown in %
Trade spend logged as a % of
Trade Spend (select Time period)/Gross
gross sales
sales (select Time period)
Trade Spend logged as a % of NR Trade Spend (select Time period)/Net
Revenue (select Time period)
Net Revenue from ICE
NR3P from ICE
Average Net revenue based on past Net Revenue (past 3 months ) / 3
3 months
Average Net revenue based on past Net Revenue (past 6 months ) / 6
6 months
Net Revenue growth vs Previous
Net Revenue (select Time period)/ Net
Revenue (Same Time period last year) shown in %
Net Revenue vs Target (in%)
Net Revenue(select Time period)/ Net
Revenue targets - shown in %
Open Order amount from the Sales Open Order amount from JDE based on
file with requested delivery date for requested delivery date
current month
Open Order as percent of total
Open orders value/ total orders value for
orders in the month
the selected Time period
Quantity in eaches of Orders Open Open orders quantity from JDE
in Sales file
Quantity in Cases of Orders Open Open orders quantity from JDE
in Sales file

Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Time period

Distributor, outlet

Time period

Distributor, outlet

Time period

Distributor, outlet

Net Revenue Target

Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet

Orders invoiced in the month


Invoiced Amt
Primary Sales
Invoiced Percent
Invoiced Order Quantity (Eaches)
Invoiced Order Quantity (Cases)
Cancelled Amt

Invoiced Orders Amount

Invoiced Orders Percent
Invoiced Order Qty Eaches
Invoiced Order Qty Cases


Cancelled Order Percent

Cancelled Order Quantity (Eaches)
Cancelled Order Quantity (Cases)

Cancelled Orders Percent

Cancelled Order Qty Eaches
Cancelled Order Qty Cases


Service Level

Service Level


Return Amt


Invoiced Order amount as percent

of total orders in the month
Invoiced Quantity in Eaches
Invoiced Quantity in Cases
Not Possible
% of Order quantity which is
Cancelled quantity in eaches
Cancelled quantity in Cases
Total Order lines served among the
orders placed (%)
Total order amount for returns
Sum of Secondary Sales Amount
in a given currency


Secondary Sales Amount

Secondary Sales Amount


Secondary Sales 3 Month Run Rate

Secondary Sales 3 Month Run Rate


Secondary Sales 6 Month Run Rate

Secondary Sales 6 Month Run Rate


Secondary Sales vs Target

Secondary Sales vs Target


Secondary Sales vs PY

Secondary Sales vs PY


Secondary Sales Qty Eaches

Secondary Sales Qty Eaches


Secondary Sales Qty Cases

Secondary Sales Qty Cases


IMS Outlet Penetration

IMS Outlet Penetration


Outlet Productivity

Outlet Productivity

Average Secondary sales (IMS)

based on past 3 months
Average Secondary sales (IMS)
based on past 6 months
Secondary Sales vs Target (in%)

Orders invoiced based on selected Time

Invoiced orders value/ total orders value for
the selected Time period
Invoiced orders quantity from JDE
Invoiced orders quantity from JDE

Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet

Cancelled amount / total orders amount in

JDE for the selected period
Cancelled orders quantity from JDE
Cancelled orders quantity from JDE
Total lines invoied / Total lines ordered in
Jde in selected Time period
Total amount for orders retutrned with
specific reason codes
Sum of Secondary Sales over a user
specified Time period (or any other
dimensional attribute)
Secondary Sales (past 3 months ) / 3

Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet

Time period
Secondary Sales (past 6 months ) / 6

Secondary Sales (select Time period)/

Secondary sales targets - shown in %
Secondary Sales growth vs
Secondary sales (select Time period)/
Previous year
Secondary sales (Same Time period last
year) - shown in %
Quantity in eaches
Sum of Secondary Sales QTY Eaches
over a user specified Time period (or any
other dimensional attribute)
Quantity in cases
Sum of Secondary Sales QTY Cases over
a user specified Time period (or any other
dimensional attribute)
%age of outlets in total universe a Outlets in which product is sold in
brand or sku is sold. (Universe is selected Time period / total outlets
defined by all the outlets recording universe
atleast one sale trransaction for
any product in past 3 months)
%age of outlets invoiced in a total Outlets with a sale transaction in selected
universe in a particular month.
tmie period/ total outlets in the universe
(Universe is defined by all the
outlets recording atleast one sale
trransaction for any product in past
3 months)
*This calculation is essentially
The formula has an error. It should be:
estimating Inventory Days Covered. Current Inventory On Hand / (Quantity
SLOBS days covered can be
Sold From 12 Months Ago to 10 Months
obtained by filtering a SKU level
Ago (ex: 2014/05-2014/07) / Days in the
report to where Slow Moving SKU period) *( YTD Quantity Sold / Prior YTD

Time period
Secondary Sales Amount Target
Time period

Time period, product

Distributor, outlet

Time period


is one.

SLOBS Days Covered

SLOBS Days Covered


Percent Slow Moving SKUs

Percent Slow Moving SKUs


OOS Risk

OOS Risk


Secondary Sales Lines Per Call

Secondary Sales Lines Per Call


Secondary Sales Drop Size

Secondary Sales Drop Size


Distributor Inventory Cases

DB Inventory Quantity Cases


Distributor Inventory Eaches

MSL Compliance %

DB Inventory Quantity Eaches



Distribution White spaces



Sales Uplift - Converted White Space



IMS Lost Due to OOS

POS Amount
POS Quantity Eaches
POS Quantity Cases

POS Amount
POS Quantity Eaches
POS Quantity Cases

Sales (IMS)

Quantity Sold). This calculation amounts

to: Stock On Hand divided by Average
Daily sales from last year's data Times
the year over year growth
This KPI can be used for two
(Count of Unique SKUs that have at least
purposes: At a SKU level, this will one recorded sale - Count of Unique
show the Slow moving SKUs. A list SKUs that have a sale in the last 6
of Slow moving SKUs can be
months) / Count of Unique SKUs that
obtained by filtering this measure have at least one recorded sale
to where it is 100% (because it out
puts a percent) At an aggregated
level, it will provide the percentage
of SKUs that are slow moving
within a user specified dimension.
For example, the Slow Moving SKU
Percent for distributor A would be
the SKUs that have not sold in 6
months to Distributor A divided by
the number of SKUs that have been
sold at some point, to Distributor
Skus at a risk of OOS based on
IF The Current Inventory On Hand is less
the current inventory position and than the (Quantity Sold From 12 Months
future 3 months need. Need is
Ago to 10 Months Ago (ex: 2014/05determined by past year 3 month 2014/07) *( YTD Quantity Sold / Prior YTD
performance + YTD growth so far Quantity Sold) THEN SKU is an OOS
Risk, ELSE SKU is not an OOS Risk.
Total No of lines in each call in
Order Lines / Orders
selected period
Total size of an invoice on average Total Secondary sales amount / Count
in selected period
total of secondary sales invoices
Quantity of distributor inventory in Quantity of distributor inventory in cases
Quantity of distributor inventory in Quantity of distributor inventory in eaches
Compliance against MSL targets <Remove from the list>
A white space in an outlet. The list <Remove from the list>
of skus not complying MSL across
The sales uplift happened by
<Remove from the list>
selling skus to outlets where they
were non compliant and identified
to sales team
IMS lost due to Stock became "0"
at distributor. The calculation is
based on "same day" average sale
in past 3 months
Amount sold by a retailer
Quantity sold by a retailer
Quantity sold by a retailer

Time period, customer


Time period, distibutor


MSL Target

Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet
Distributor, outlet


The share of RB brand vs

competitors in a particular product
Category Share Family
POS RB Category Share Family
The family/category where share
Category Share Risk Family
POS RB Category Risk Share Family has declined vs last month
The share of RB brand vs
competitors in a particular product
Category Share SubFamily
POS RB Category Share SubFamily family/category
The family/category where share
Point of Sale
POS RB Category Share
has declined vs last month
Category Share RiskSubFamily
100% MSL Compliance Retailers (%,#) N/A
The % of retailers selling a
particular sku vs total No of
Presence %
Average price of a product across
POS Average Price Cases
Average price of a product across
POS Average Price Eaches
Average No of units of a particular
product sold in each store of a
POS Average Units per store
Target specified and loaded for
Primary Sales Amount Target
Primary Sales Amount Target
primary sales
Target specified and loaded for
Primary Sales Quantity Target
Primary Sales Quantity Target
primary sales
Target specified and loaded for
Gross Sales Target
Gross Sales Target
Gross sales
Target specified and loaded for Net
Net Revenue Target
Net Revenue Target
Local Measures
Target specified and loaded for
Trade Spend Target
Trade Spend Target
Trade Spend
Target Specified and loaded for
Secondary Sales Amount Target
Secondary Sales Amount Target
Secondary sales
Target Specified and loaded for
Secondary Sales Quantity Target
Secondary Sales Quantity Target
Secondary sales
Target specified and loaded for
Days coveer to calculate out of
Out of Stock Target
Out of Stock Target

Published by Google Sheets Report Abuse Updated automatically every 5 minutes

RB products sale in the product family/

total sale in the family in a selected Time
y - if category share for current month is
less than category share for last month

RB products sale in the product sub

family/ total sale in the family in a
selected Time period


Distributor, outlet

Time period, family

Distributor, outlet

sub family

Distributor, outlet

Time period, sub family

Distributor, outlet


Distributor, outlet


Distributor, outlet


Distributor, outlet

Primary Sales Amount Target

Distributor, outlet

Primary Sales Quantity Target

Distributor, outlet

Gross Sales Target

Distributor, outlet

Net Revenue Target

Distributor, outlet

Trade Spend Target

Distributor, outlet

Secondary Sales Amount Target

Secondary Sales Quantity Target
Out of Stock Target

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