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Good morning and welcome to the Journey Room.

I am 2LT Ryan and I will introduce to you the

BMT journey that every Singaporean Son has to go through.. The Journey Room is divided into
three main parts: the Transition Room, Training Room and Transformation Room.
We are now in the Transition Room. This is where we showcase the purpose of National
Service. As our late Minister of Defense once said if history has one thing to teach us, it is that
we hope to live in peace, only if we have a strong defense. Because of Singapores small
population, we have to resort to NS to maintain a sizeable defense force. Also, NS serves to
bond people from all walks of life together with one common goal, which is to defend our nation.
Over here is a map of Pulau Tekong. We are currently in Ladang Camp. This is where School 1,
2, and 3 are situated at. Rocky Hill camp is where School 4 is located. Each school consists of 7
companies, which can hold up to 240 recruits each. So, in total, BMTC can hold up to 7000
recruits in total.
Now, lets watch a short clip of the history of BMT.
In BMT our vision is to win every heart and mind with a meaningful and memorable BMT
Our mission is to transform recruits into confident and committed soldiers by inculcating a sense
of purpose for NS.
Now, lets move on to the Training Room.
In BMT we adopt a Best Practice approach that helps to build character and resilience in our
recruits. We aim to build them up compared to the past where we break down their morale.
To meet the needs of our 3rd Generation SAF, we have done scientific research to enhance our
soldiers performance. For instance, we consult DPD on how to better manage our recruits.
Over here is the BMTC training architecture. It is a standardized framework which all
commanders follow to train our recruits.
Our guiding principles are to have safe, customized and progressive training based upon
scientific research so as to have good physical, intellectual and emotional outcome.
Our building blocks are what we aim to build in our recruits. These include Basic Soldiering
Skills, Fitness, Leadership and Values, Confidence and Resilience.
As Commanders we will journey with our recruits through three phases of their BMT life. First is
the Orientation phase where they acclimatise to basic soldiering life. This occurs during the first
two weeks of confinement. Next is the Learning Phase where they pick up basic soldiering

skills. Last is the Transformation Phase which occurs in the last week of their BMT phase. This
is where to graduate and become fully fledged soldiers of the SAF.
Here in BMTC, we train our recruits holistically in 3 main components. The body, mind and
heart. First, we have to Body. Recruits undergo physical training through Route marches, Field
Camp, Runs, etc to build up their physical training. Next is the Mind. Recruits not only have to
be physically fit but also mentally resilient to endure the tough training ahead. Hence, they will
have to go through lecture on Leadersihip and Values as well as go through some journalling
and reflection exercises so as to build up their mental resilience. Last is the Heart. This is where
we build up a recruits commitment to NS through things like Weapon Presentation the 24km
Route March as well as the Graduation Parade. These activities will make them feel proud of
their achievements and proud to be a soldier in the SAF.
Over here are examples of what our soldiers look like in their Full Battle Order or FBO. The field
pack weighs roughly 10kg and contains all their essential items to survive in the jungle.
Over here, we showcase the different elements of a recruits training. The highlights of their
training are showcased. As you can see, there is the Standard Obstacle Course (SOC), Field
Camp and Battle Inoculation Course (BIC).
The Standard Obstacle Course comprises of 12 different obstacles that mimics what you would
see in an urban environment. These includes the low wall, the rubble, windows etc. This will be
followed by a 300m rundown. Recruits will train here to build up their effectiveness in an urban
Next is the Field Camp where they will be trained in conventional jungle warfare. They will
spend 4D3N in a jungle environment. This is also the highlight of most recruits BMT experience
as it is one of the most tiring and gruelling experiences. Recruits will have to go through a Group
Battle Course. This course tests them on basic soldiering skills such as reaction to enemy fire,
crossing danger obstacles, etc. They will also have to dig a shellscrape which is one of the most
challenging parts of the field.
The highlight of the field camp would be exercise Mail Run. This is where recruits received
letters from their loved ones. This is also where Commanders reinforce the idea of committment
to NS to the recruits.

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