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This research used the questionnaire in the form of rating scales. Rating scales
questionnaire is very useful for the researcher for its effectiveness in building degree of
sensitivity of response which will generate numbers (Cohen et al, 2007, p.325). The advantage in
using questionnaire in the research was the respondents were free to express their feeling without
any pressure from anyone (Alwasilah, 2003:152). The purpose of the research in using
questionnaire was to find out how the edmodo can help motivate the students in learning acid
base and how the students responses towards the use of edmodo. The purpose of the research in
using questionnaire was to find out how the edmodo can help motivate the students to write and
how the students responses towards the use of edmodo.


The Likert-Scale in the Questionnaire

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

The questionnaire was aimed to gain specific data that were needed to analyze the students
writing motivation. The questionnaire was designed based on the existing theoretical frameworks
such students motivation towards science learning by Hsiao-Lin Tuan (et all, 2005). supported
by Vallerand (et al., 1992, cited in Blais, 1995) namely dividing motivation into two categories:
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and students perception about edmodo by Mark Angelo S.
Enriquez (2014).
The framework of students motivation questioner





intrinsic Self-efficacy
Active learning strategies
Science Learning Value
Students extrinsic Learning

Expectation of rewards
Avoidance of

Item Number


Students responses Students enjoyment

to edmodo activity


writing on edmodo
Students motivation using



: Chemistry

Class/ Semester

: II / 2


1. In this questioner, consist of 26 statement. Consider carefully every statement and Give an
answer that really matches your choice.
2. Consider each statement separately and determine the truth. Your answer should not be
affected by the answer to another statement.
3. Record your response on the answer sheet provided, and follow other instructions may be
given relating to the answer sheet. Thank you.
Descriptiom Option Answer
1 = strongly disagree
2 = Dissagrre
3 = doubtful
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly agree


Whether chemistry content is difficult or easy, I am sure
that I can understand it.

Option Answer


I am sure that I can do well on chemistry tests.

During learning activities, I prefer to ask other people for


the answer rather than think for myself

When I find the chemistry (acid base) content difficult, I


do not try to learn it

When learning new acid base concepts, I attempt to


understand them.
When learning new acid base concepts, I connect them to


my previous experiences.
When I do not understand acid base concept, I find


relevant resources that will help me.

When I do not understand acid base concept, I would
discuss with the teacher or other students to clarify my


During the learning processes, I attempt to make

connections between the concepts that I learn

10. I think that learning acid base is important because I can
use it in my daily life
11. I think that learning acid base is important because I can
use it in my daily life
12. I think that learning acid base is important because it
stimulates my thinking.
13. During acid base course, I feel most fulfilled when I attain
a good score in a test.
14. I feel most fulfilled when I feel confident about the content
in acid base course.
15. During acid base course, I feel most fulfilled when I am
able to solve a difficult problem
16. During acid base course, I feel most fulfilled when the
teacher accepts my ideas.
17. I am willing to participate in this acid base course because
the teacher uses a variety of teaching methods.
18. I am willing to participate in this acid base course because
the teacher pays attention to me.
19. I am willing to participate in this acid base course because

the students are involved in discussions.

20. Assignments, quizzes and other online tasks given by
teacher in Edmodo help me to improve my learning and
comprehension skills about the course.
21. The quality of my work in online activities (e.g. online
discussions, quizzes, and other activities) in Edmodo
significantly improved because of the feedbacks coming
from my classmates and teacher.
22. The reference materials (e.g. internet articles, online
videos, power point files, etc.) posted by my teacher are
useful in understanding the contents/topics of the course
23. The use of Edmodo is a good learning tool to supplement
face to face discussions in class.
24. Edmodo allows me to easily interact/partici pate with my
classmates and teacher about assignments, group tasks and
other course activities
25. Edmodo is convenient to use especially in submitting
assignments, taking online quizzes and doing other course
26. Online activities and discussions in Edmodo motivate me
to learn more about the course
4. Students intrinsic motivation
a. Self-efficacy
1) Whether the science content is difficult or easy, I am sure that I can understand it.
2) I am sure that I can do well on science tests.
3) During science activities, I prefer to ask other people for the answer rather than
think for myself
4) When I find the science content difficult, I do not try to learn it
b. Active learning strategies
5) When learning new science concepts, I attempt to understand them.
6) When learning new science concepts, I connect them to my previous experiences.
7) When I do not understand a science concept, I find relevant resources that will
help me.
8) When I do not understand a science concept, I would discuss with the teacher or
other students to clarify my understanding.

9) During the learning processes, I attempt to make connections between the

concepts that I learn
10) When I make a mistake, I try to find out why.
c. Science Learning Value
11) I think that learning science is important because I can use it in my daily life
12) I think that learning science is important because it stimulates my thinking.
d. Achievement Goal
13) During a science course, I feel most fulfilled when I attain a good score in a test.
14) I feel most fulfilled when I feel confident about the content in a science course.
15) During a science course, I feel most fulfilled when I am able to solve a difficult
16) During a science course, I feel most fulfilled when the teacher accepts my ideas.
5. Students extrinsic motivation
a. Learning Environment Stimulation
17) I am willing to participate in this science course because the teacher uses a variety
of teaching methods.
18) I am willing to participate in this science course because the teacher pays
attention to me.
19) I am willing to participate in this science course because the students are involved
in discussions.
6. Students responses to edmodo activity
a. Students enjoyment in writing on edmodo
20) Assignments, quizzes and other online tasks given by teacher in Edmodo help me
to improve my learning and comprehension skills about the course.
21) The quality of my work in online activities (e.g. online discussions, quizzes, and
other activities) in Edmodo significantly improved because of the feedbacks
coming from my classmates and teacher.
22) The reference materials (e.g. internet articles, online videos, power point files,
etc.) posted by my teacher are useful in understanding the contents/topics of the
course better.
b. Students motivation using edmodo
23) The use of Edmodo is a good learning tool to supplement face to face discussions
in class.
24) Edmodo allows me to easily interact/partici pate with my classmates and teacher
about assignments, group tasks and other course activities
25) Edmodo is convenient to use especially in submitting assignments, taking online
quizzes and doing other course activities

26) Online activities and discussions in Edmodo motivate me to learn more about the


Mata Pelajaran : IPA

Kelas/ Semester : II / 2
Hari/tanggal :
7. Pada kuesioner ini terdapat 36 pernyataan. Pertimbangkan baik-baik setiap pernyataan dalam
kaitannya dengan materi pembelajaran yang baru selesai kamu pelajari, dan tentukan
kebenaranya. Berilah jawaban yang benar-benar cocok dengan pilihanmu.
8. Pertimbangkan setiap pernyataan secara terpisah dan tentukan kebenarannya. Jawabanmu
jangan dipengaruhi oleh jawaban terhadap pernyataan lain.
9. Catat respon anda pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia, dan ikuti petunjuk-petunjuk lain yang
mungkin diberikan berkaitan dengan lembar jawaban. Terima kasih.
Keterangan Pilihan jawaban:
1 = sangat tidak setuju
2 = tidak setuju
3 = ragu-ragu
4 = setuju
5 = sangat setuju



27. Jika pelajaran kimia sukar atau mudah, saya berusaha
untuk memahaminya.
28. Saya yakin bahwa saya bisa mengerjakan soal kimia asam
basa dengan baik.
29. Selama kegiatan belajar mengajar, saya lebih memilih
untuk meminta orang lain menjawab daripada dijawab
oleh saya sendiri
30. Jika saya menemukan konsep asam basa yang sukar, saya
tidak mencoba untuk mempelajarinya.
31. Saat mempelajari konsep baru tentang asam basa, saya
berusaha untuk memahaminya.
32. Saat mempelajari konsep asam basa yang baru, saya
mencoba menghubungkannya dengan kehidupan sehari-

Pilihan Jawaban

33. Jika saya tidak memahami materi asam basa, saya
berusaha untuk mencari sumber yang lain yang relevant
sehingga membantu saya memahami matei tersebut
34. Jika saya tidak memahami materi asam basa, saya akan
mendiskusikanya dengan guru, atau teman yang lain yang
lebih memahami.
35. Selama proses pembelajaran, saya berusaha untuk
menghubungkannya dengan konsep yang saya pelajari
36. Saat saya melakukan suatu kesalahan dalam proses belajar
mengajar, saya berusaha untuk mencari tahu jawaban yang
37. Saya merasa mempelajari asam basa sangat penting karena
berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari
38. Di dalam mempelajari asam basa sangat penting karena
meningkatkan pengetahuan saya
39. Selama belajar asam basa, saya berusaha untuk mendapatkan
nilai yang tinggi
40. Suatu keharusan bagi saya untuk percaya diri dalam
mempelajari kimia terutama asam basa
41. Suatu harapan dan kaharusan bagi saya untuk dapat
menyelesaikan soal-soal yang sukar pada materi asam basa
42. Selama proses belajar mengajar, saya merasa sangat senang jika
guru menerima ide/pendapat saya.

43. Saya selalu aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar jka guru
menggunakan metode yang bervariasi dalam mengajar

44. Saya selalu aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar jka guru jika
guru memberikan perhatian pada saya

45. Saya aktif aktif dalam proses belajar mengajar jika teman-teman
saya aktif dalam diskusi ketika proses pembelajaran

46. Tugas, kuis , dan pekerjaan ruma yang lain yang diberikan guru
melalui edmodo. Membantu saya untuk meningkatkan
pemahaman saya tentang pelajaran
47. Kualitas pekerjaan saya secara online ( diskusi secara online,
kuis, dan aktivitas lain) melalui edmodo menjadi lebih baik
karena ada feedback( timbal balik) secara langsung dari teman

dan guru
48. Sumber referensi lain (seperti artikl internet, video online, file
power point, dll) yang diposting oleh guru sangat membantu
saya dalam mempelajari topic asam basa

49. Penggunaan edmodo dalam pembelajaran sangat bermanfaat

dalam diskusi secara online
50. Edmodo membantu saya dapat berinteraksi dengan guru dan
teman sekelas saya dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah, tugas
kelompok, dan aktivitas lainya.

51. Edmodo sangat tepat terutama dalam mengumpulkan tugas,

kuis, pekerjaan rumah, dan test formative secara online.

52. Aktivitas secara online dengan menggunakan edmodo

memotvasi saya untuk belajar kimia

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