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Don't ridicule Anomen, call him weak, or question his stories of heroic deeds.

Just play the

nice (and gullible) girl next door.
At some point during his personal quest, Anomen will receive a letter telling him that the
decision you made was wrong. If you didn't seek revenge for the killing of his sister, the
murderer turns out to be the man he suspected all along. If you did take revenge, the man
you murdered turns out to have been innocent of this crime. In both cases, Anomen will run
off to set things right once and for all, and it is important that you find him within five days,
and that when you do, you choose the right dialog options.
In Throne of Bhaal, Anomen will become increasingly anxious about your impending destiny,
and that it might mean he is going to lose you. Just calm him down, and accept his proposal
when he offers to marry you!
This is by far the most intricate and satisfying romance in my opinion. To romance Jaheira
you must be male, and you must be Human, Elf, Half-elf, or Halfling.
Jaheira is understandably traumatized by the loss of her husband Khalid and hesitant to
move into another relationship so soon after his death. The romance also ties in with
the Harper Hold quests, which eventually cause Jaheira to renounce the Harpers. Bear with
her and be understanding when she undergoes a serious crisis.
Ridiculing Khalid and his memory or referring to the Harper Hold quests as "garbage" are
sure-fire ways to ruin the relationship.
As opposed to Aerie, Jaheira will at least tolerate if you sleep with Phaere in Ust'Natha,
though you will have to handle the matter delicately. Jaheira will eventually offer to sleep
with you and this time it is safe enough to take her up on her offer.
To romance Viconia, you must be male and either Human, Half-elf, or Halfling. As a Drow,
Viconia will not get involved with Elves.
In many ways this is the easiest romance to play. Just listen with interest to Viconia's tales
of her life, and don't accept it when she tries to push you away. Being a Drow female, she
will not immediately accept that she is falling for a male surfacer. Just persist and she will
eventually accept her fate.
Viconia will sleep with you readily enough. The first time, she chastises you for your
performance. You will have to take that in your stride. The second time she will be nicer. Or
at least less wicked. The third time she offers to have sex with you, she will be exhausted.
Offer instead to hold her while she sleeps; insisting on having sex will wreck the romance.
If you play a virtuous character, you can get Viconia to change her outlook on life in Throne
of Bhaal. This happens after you have killed Yaga-Shura. If you pick the right dialog options,
you can get Viconia to change her alignment to True Neutral.

Race: Elf (Avariel)
Gender: Female
Class: Multi-classed Cleric/Mage
Alignment: Lawful Good

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 17

Constitution: 9

Intelligence: 16

Wisdom: 16

Charisma: 14


Club: *

Mace: *

Quarterstaff: *

Sling: *

Starting Equipment:



20 Bullets.

How to find: Go to the Circus tent in Waukeen's Promenade and ask the guard outside to let
you investigate. Enter the Circus. Aerie will be on the second level of the circus.
NOTE: She appears as an ogre the first time you see her. This is an illusion. Get her sword
from the two "peasants" (who are really orcs), and she will be free of the illusion and offer
to join your party.

If you don't bring her along the first time, once you have finished the Circus quest, Aerie will
be inside the Circus tent.
If dropped: Aerie goes back to the Circus.
Exception: If Aerie leaves the party permanently, she will no longer be available.
Romance: Aerie can be romanced if the protagonist is a male Human, Elf, Half-elf, Halfling
or Gnome. Please see Extremist's Romance Guide (available here) for details.
NPC Quest: None; however if you haven't got the quest to free Haer'Dalis (Bard Stronghold
quest), after a few days with Aerie in the party you will meet a messenger somewhere in
Athkatla. He will ask you to return to the Circus where Aerie's foster uncle Quayle (one of
the NPCs from Baldur's Gate) wants to talk to her. When you return, Quayle will ask you to
speak to his old friend Raelis Shai in the Five Flagons Inn in the Bridge District. This starts
off the Haer'Dalis quest.
Relations with other NPCs: Korgan and Aerie don't get along at all. Korgan keeps teasing
Aerie about her missing wings, and in the end Aerie gives you an ultimatum: If you don't
boot Korgan from the party within 24 hours, she will leave instead. 24 hours later, if both
are still in the party, Aerie leaves permanently and is no longer available.
If Anomen fails his test, Aerie will try to soothe him. But Anomen sees this as an insult and
attacks her. Order her to run around and avoid him for a while, and he should stop
automatically. The same dialog comes up again repeatedly but they won't be fighting.
After Dynaheir's death, Minsc is looking for a new witch to protect. He will latch on to Aerie,
who gladly accepts his protection. If Aerie is killed in combat later, this will cause Minsc to
go berserk.
If you are pursuing a romance with Aerie, she may have less than friendly exchanges
with Jaheira and especially Viconia; but this will not lead to any fights to the death or NPCs
leaving the party.
More seriously, if you are pursuing a romance with Aerie and Haer'Dalis is in the party, he
also falls in love with Aerie. This situation has to be handled very carefully, or you will break
the romance and possibly end up having to fight Haer'Dalis. Please see Extremist's Romance
Guide for details on how to avoid this.
Behavior that causes her to leave the party: Aerie leaves the party permanently if the
party's reputation drops to 2 or below.
She will also leave permanently if you pursue her romance to the point where you sleep with
her and then say the wrong things next morning. Please see Extremist's Romance Guide
(available from Sorcerer's Place) for details.
At 13 in Saradush (Throne of Bhaal), Aerie will leave the party if you urge the Il-Khan
Soldiers to kill the elves.

Background Information: Aerie is a member of the race of winged Elves, the Avariel. As a
young elf she was captured by slavers and sold to the circus as a curiosity. Her wings
atrophied and had to be amputated, and Aerie is deeply traumatized by this.
Fortunately Quayle, one of the joinable NPCs from the original Baldur's Gate game, joined
the circus and took care of her, and she still regards him as her "uncle" and mentor. As a
result she is a follower of the Gnomen god Baervan Wildwanderer.
Interestingly, as an Elf Aerie shouldn't be able to be a multi-classed Cleric/Mage. A Gnome
can, but if she was counted as a Gnome (being taught by Quayle), she would have to be a
Cleric/Illusionist. I suppose only the protagonist has to obey the 2nd Edition rules. ;-)

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Druid (Shapeshifter kit)
Alignment: True Neutral

Strength: 13

Dexterity: 9

Constitution: 13

Intelligence: 12

Wisdom: 18

Charisma: 15


Scimitar: *

Dagger: *

Quarterstaff: *

Sling: *

Starting Equipment:

Staff of the High Forest

Cloak of the High Forest

How to find: Go to the City Gate District in Athkatla and speak to Flydian to get theAnimal
Attacks in Trademeet quest. Travel to Trademeet and speak to the Master Trader, who will
allow you to speak to Cernd in his prison. Go down into the cellar and speak to Cernd, who
offers to join.
If dropped from party: Goes to the Druid Grove.

Romance: No.
NPC Quest: Cernd is a father! when you return to Athkatla after solving the Animal
Attacks in Trademeet quest, Cernd will meet an old neighbor of his and learn that when he
left his former wife, she was pregnant. You now have to find Cernd's son.
When you find the child, Cernd leaves the party to bring the boy to the Druid Grove. You
can go here to find him, and he will join the party again after having secured that the boy
will be taken care of.
Relations with other NPCs: Cernd's relations with the other NPCs won't escalate into fights
to the death or NPCs leaving the party for good. He will discuss philosophy with Keldorn, on
which they will eventually just have to agree to disagree.
When Edwin's experiments with the Nether Scroll go awry
and he is turned into a woman, Cernd's comments are
nothing short of hilarious!
Behavior that causes him to leave the party: Cernd leaves
permanently if the party's reputation drops to 1 or below.
He also leaves permanently and turns hostile if you poison the Druid Grove in connection
with the Animal Attacks in Trademeet quest. If he isn't part of the party at the time, he
"only" becomes unavailable for the rest of Shadows of Amn. (You can still find him outside in
the Druid Grove but he refuses to speak to you.)
Background information: As a single-class Druid, Cernd is one of the best divine magicusers in the game, and the only NPC who becomes a high-level Druid (level 15) within
Shadows of Amn. Jaheira may achieve this in Throne of Bhaal but only towards the end, by
which time Cernd will have all the high-level abilities for a Druid. However, as a single-class
Druid with a rather low Constitution, Cernd is also rather weak in melee combat and likely to
take severe damage since, as a Shapeshifter, he can't wear any kind of armor. In combat it
is best to keep him in the background with a Sling, or let him transform into his Werewolf

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Dual-classed Fighter (7th level)/Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (this will change to either Lawful Good or
Chaotic Neutral during his personal quest)

Strength: 18/52

Dexterity: 10

Constitution: 16

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 12 (may change to 16 during his personal quest)

Charisma: 13


War Hammer: *

Mace: **

Sling: **

Sword and Shield Style: *

Starting Equipment:



40 Bullets.

Splint Mail.


Delryn Family Shield.

How to find: Go to the Copper Coronet in the Slums district. Anomen will ask you whether
you're brave or a coward, and whether you're a force for Good or for Evil. If you answer that
you're brave and Good, he offers to join. If you tell him you're a coward, you can come back
and recruit him later. If you say you are Evil, he walks out and can not be recruited again
If dropped from party: Goes to the Copper Coronet.
Romance: Anomen can be romanced if your protagonist is female, and a Human, Elf or Halfelf (Halfling?). The romance ties in with his personal quest.
NPC Quest: Anomen is Called Home after five days in the party (or at a specific point in
the romance, if you are romancing him), Anomen's father summons him home because his
sister has been murdered. How you resolve this quest decides whether he will be accepted
into the Order of the Most Radiant Heart.
About 12 days later (or at later point in time if the romance is still active), Anomen is
summoned to the Order of the Most Radiant Heart in the Temple District. Depending on how
you resolved the issue of his sister's death and on the party's reputation at the time, he is
either accepted or rejected by the Order. If he joins the Order, his name changes to Sir
Anomen, his Wisdom is raised to 16, and his Alignment changes to Lawful Good. If he is
rejected by the order, he effectively goes insane and becomes Chaotic Neutral.
If you are romancing Anomen, at a later stage he will receive a message that his sister's
murderers have been identified. He leaves the party and you now have to find him within
five days and convince him to abandon his quest for revenge and rejoin the party.
Relations with other NPCs: Before Anomen's test, Keldorn tries to guide Anomen. Anomen
doesn't take kindly to this but it never escalates into open hostilities. If Anomen is accepted
into the Order of the Most Radiant Heart, he realizes that Keldorn was right all along and
apologizes to Keldorn for his behavior.
If Anomen is rejected by the Order of the Most Radiant Heart, he will become insane. At
some point he and Keldorn will leave the party and fight to the death.
If Anomen is rejected by the order, Aerie will also try to soothe him, which causes Anomen
to attack her. If you order Aerie to run around for a while, he will stop automatically.
Behavior that causes him to leave the party: If Anomen has not passed his test, he leaves
the party permanently if your reputation drops to 1 or lower. If he has passed his test, he
leaves permanently if your reputation drops to 2 or lower.
Background Information: Anomen's father is a formerly wealthy Athkatla merchant who
disapproved strongly with Anomen's decision to abandon the family business and become a
knight. This breach with his father plagues Anomen, who on some level thinks he has let
down his family.
Anomen is often considered an annoying, condescending and arrogant character. However,
as a Fighter/Cleric he is also a very useful NPC. Being Neutral, he can join any party. To fit

him into an Evil party, just make sure to have him fail his test. ;-) As a dual-classed
character he can eventually achieve grand-mastery in any weapon class. I particularly like
to train him in hammers and let him wield Crom Faeyr, unless I also have Korgan in the
party, in which case I prefer to train Anomen in Flails and give him the Flail of Ages.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Mage (Conjurer kit)
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 10

Constitution: 16

Intelligence: 18

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10


Dagger: *

Quarterstaff: *

Starting Equipment:



Adventurer's Robe.

Edwin's Amulet.

Mae'Var's Strongbox Key.

How to find: Go to the Docks District in Athkatla. Enter the Shadow Thief Guildhall and seek
out Renal Bloodscalp, and accept his quest to spy on Mae'var. Go to Mae'var's Guild and
speak to him and accept his quests until he refers you to Edwin, who can be found on the
second floor of the building. After doing a few small quests for Edwin and Mae'var, Edwin will

call your bluff and offer to help you find incriminating evidence against Mae'var. He also
offers to join the party at this point
If dropped: Goes to the Copper Coronet.
Romance: No.
NPC Quest: The Nether Scroll when you enter the Graveyard District, Edwin will mumble
something about an ancient scroll, the "Nether Scroll", being hidden somewhere in the
nether crypts. Help him find the Nether Scroll, and in a few days' time he will decipher a
part of it, gaining a substantial XP bonus. His later experiments turn out somewhat worse,
though. ;-)
Relations with other NPCs: Edwin constantly teases Minsc with the fact that Minsc's witch,
Dynaheir, was killed by Irenicus. This will end with a fight to the death.
I have read that Edwin will also get into a fight with Valygar; however I haven't been able to
get them to fight.
Edwin's arrogant nature grates on several of the NPCs and many take the opportunity to
tease him when the Nether Scroll transforms him into a
woman. :-)
Behavior that causes him to leave the party: Edwin leaves
the party permanently if your reputation rises to 19 or
He also leaves the party and attacks you if you turn him over
to Degarden in connection with the Nether Scroll quest.
Background information: Edwin, one of the Red Wizards of Thay, is a returning NPC from
Baldur's Gate, where he was on a quest to kill Minsc's witch Dynaheir. With his high
Intelligence score, his specialization as a Conjurer and not least his special Amulet, which
allows him to memorize two extra spells per level, he is easily the best mage in the game.
His role in combat should be strictly in the back, slinging spells, spells, and more spells at
the enemy.

Race: Tiefling
Gender: Male
Class: Bard (Blade kit)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Strength: 17

Dexterity: 17

Constitution: 9

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 13

Charisma: 16


Short Sword: **

Dagger: *

Dart: *

Two Weapon Style: **

Starting Equipment:


Chaos Blade

How to find: Go to the Five Flagons Inn in the Bridge District. Enter the cellar and watch the
failed theater performance. After the show, Raelis Shai will ask if there are any adventurers
present. Seek her out to learn that one of their actors, Haer'Dalis, is missing. Go to
the Temple District and enter the Sewers. Find Mekrath's Lair and either solve his little quest
or kill him. Haer'Dalis will now be free and offers to join the party.

When you return to Raelis Shai, however, she and her entire crew, including Haer'Dalis, are
abducted by bounty hunters. You have to jump through the portal into the Planar Prison to
free them and Haer'Dalis. He is now once again willing to join up.
If dropped: Goes to the Five Flagons Inn.
Romance: None. However, if you are romancing Aerie, Haer'Dalis will also fall in love with
NPC Quest: None, once you have saved him twice just to get him.
Relations with other NPCs: If you are both romancing Aerie, Haer'Dalis ends up challenging
you to a duel. Please see Extremist's Romance Guide (available from Sorcerer's Place) on
how to resolve this love triangle without losing your love, your life, or your Bard.
Haer'Dalis has many funny comments to the other NPCs; not least Edwin when the Nether
Scroll turns him into a woman. However, as the illustration shows, not all his comments are
all that popular with the targets of his wit. :-)
Haer'Dalis is very suspicious of Yoshimo and his motives.
After Haer'Dalis makes this clear, Yoshi keeps his distance
from Haer'Dalis.
Behavior that causes him to leave the party: Haer'Dalis
leaves permanently if your party's reputation drops to 1 or
Background information: Haer'Dalis is a Tiefling; a person with one or more Demons as
ancestors. He is a carefree and happy person who has traveled far and wide among the
planes, and as any Bard he is, as they say, "A knave of many trades but a master of none".
His low Constitution makes him unfit for melee combat and I usually equip him with bow
and arrows, or have him cast his spells or sing his Bard song to support the party.
As a Bard, even a Blade who receives less Lore than other Bards, he still has the way best
Lore skill of any NPC. In time he makes it unnecessary for the party's mages to memorize
Identify spells, or to buy the Glasses of Identification.
One point where Haer'Dalis excels is in combat against Demi-liches. As a Bard he can cast
fifth level spells, including Spell Immunity. This enables him to protect himself against the
Demi-lich's Imprisonment spells, equip a +4 weapon and step right up to the abomination
and hack away! Just don't forget to cast Death Ward on him, to protect him against
Demilich Howl.

Starting Equipment: None

How to find: Minsc will be in one of the cells just north of the starting point at the beginning
of the game. Speak to him and choose any dialog options you like. He will reach the
conclusion that you're not going to help him, go berserk and break out of the cage and
then fortunately "realizes" that you were only trying to get him mad enough to break out.
He then offers to join.
If dropped: Goes to the Copper Coronet in the Slums District.
Romance: No.
NPC Quest: None.
Relations with other NPCs: Edwin will badger Minsc about the death of Dynaheir until the
point where Minsc can take it no longer and attacks the evil wizard.
NOTE: If Aerie or Nalia is in the party, either will offer to become Minsc's new witch. If his
new witch is killed in combat after this point, Minsc goes
Jan Jansen constantly annoys Minsc by trying to steal Boo.
Despite Minsc's threats this doesn't end up in open hostilities
but Jan gets very close to a sound beating!
Behavior that causes him to leave the party: Minsc leaves
permanently if the party's reputation drops to 2 or below.
Also, if the party's reputation drops to 4 or below, he becomes a Fallen Ranger.
Background information: Minsc is a Berserker Warrior and Ranger from Rashamen. In
Baldur's Gate, his task was to protect the mage Dynaheir, and her death at Irenicus' hands
has affected him badly.
He is very fond of his familiar Boo, a hamster which Minsc claims is a Miniature Giant Space
Hamster. Whether this claim is true we don't know.
Minsc is trained in Two-handed Swords, but as a Ranger he also has two proficiency points
in Two-weapon Style. So you can choose to equip him with either a Two-handed Sword or
with two one-handed weapons. You are really spoiled for choice here. What you should
choose depends on your personal preferences and the party you eventually put together.
If you keep Minsc in Leather Armor, he can also hide in the shadows and scout ahead of the

Race: Drow Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Evil (can be changed to True Neutral in Throne of
Bhaal if you romance her and pick the right dialog options)

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 19

Constitution: 8

Intelligence: 16

Wisdom: 18

Charisma: 14


War Hammer: *

Mace: *

Sling: *

Starting Equipment: None

How to find: Go to the Government District. At 6 in the western part of the district, next to
the prison, a group of fanatics is preparing to burn Viconia at the stake because she is a
Drow. You will have to release her from the stake and fight the fanatics if you want her on
board. If you don't save Viconia the first time you come by, she will be killed.
Your party's reputation will drop by 2 points simply for traveling with a Drow Elf. If Viconia is
dropped, the party gets the 2 reputation points back, which is bad news if you're traveling
with other Evil companions and your reputation goes from 17 to 19...
If dropped: Goes to the Graveyard District.

Romance: Viconia will romance a male protagonist if he is Human, Half-elf or Halfling. As a

Drow, she will not romance an Elf! Please see Extremist's Romancing Guide (available from
Sorcerer's Place) for further information.
NPC Quest: None.
Relations with other NPCs: Keldorn can't stand the Drow and will in the end give her one
day to leave, or else... If Viconia is still around 24 hours later, they leave the party and fight
to the death.
Viconia may get into a fight with Valygar if you speak to the "lady" Oriana in theGovernment
District. She hits on Valygar who rejects her, and when Viconia questions his manhood, they
both leave the party and fight to the death.
If you are romancing Viconia with Aerie or Jaheira also in your party, there will be some not
too friendly exchanges between the ladies.
Behavior that causes her to leave the party: Viconia leaves the party if your reputation goes
to 19 or higher.
Background information: Viconia Devir comes from the Drow city of Menzoberranzan in the
Underdark. Her family lost influence in one of the frequent Drow "political" battles and she
had to flee the Underdark. However, her experiences with the "surfacers" haven't been
pleasant either.
Viconia is the best divine spellcaster in the game, with the possible exception of Cernd. Her
combat abilities are less well developed and I prefer to keep her in the back with a sling.

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Thief (Bounty Hunter kit)
Alignment: True Neutral

Strength: 17

Dexterity: 18

Constitution: 16

Intelligence: 13

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 14


Katana: *

Dagger: *

Short Bow: *

Single Weapon Style: *

Starting Equipment:

Leather Armor.

Katana +1.

Short Bow.

60 Arrows.

How to find: You meet Yoshimo on Level 2 in Irenicus' Dungeon when you arrive here from
Level 1. He automatically offers to join you.

If dropped: Goes to the Copper Coronet. Please note that Yoshimo won't be available when
you return to Athkatla in Chapter 6.
Romance: No.
NPC Quest: Not really; however please see the bottom of this page if you don't mind a
Relations with other NPCs: Haer'Dalis is very suspicious of Yoshimo and his motives and
makes this very clear, after which Yoshimo keeps his distance to the Bard.
Apart from this, Yoshimo gets along fine with all NPCs.
Behavior that causes him to leave the party: None.
Background information: Yoshimo is surprised and not a little bit hurt that you haven't heard
about him before. He is not from Athkatla and is barely tolerated by the local Shadow
Thieves for working "freelance".

Yoshimo betrays you to Irenicus when you reach Spellhold in Chapter 4. When you return
from the Spellhold Dungeon, he attacks you along with a number of Assassins, and you
have to kill him. You can pick up his heart and bring it to a Temple of Ilmatar when you get
back to Athkatla for 200,000 XP. If you plan to use keep Imoen after Spellhold, it is
therefore recommended to bring Yoshimo to Spellhold so you will gain this experience and
so you won't have to drop another companion.


In the original Baldur's Gate game you learned that you were one of the Bhaalspawn, the
children of Bhaal, the dead God of Murder. Shadows of Amn continues the saga. It tells the
story of how you are captured and tortured by the archmage Jon Irenicus, of your escape
from his dungeon, and of your hunt for Irenicus - and for answers to the questions about
who he is, what he wants from you, and why. The hunt will take you all over the land of
Amn, and under a goodish part of it, too!
On your journeys you will meet a variety of companions, some of which you may already
have met during the original Baldur's Gate game, and some of which you have never met
before. Some of them you can even start a romance with, and all of them will to some
extent have their own agenda - which in some cases may clash violently with your own!
Shadows of Amn is divided into seven chapters, each of which tells a part of the tale of your
hunt for Irenicus.
1. Here is the door to the Elemental Plane of Air. You need the Air Elemental Statuefrom
the Master's Room at 19 to open the door.
2. There is a trap in the floor at (x=2310, y=490), so be
sure to search for traps!
3. The Cambion in this room can't hurt you, and you
can't hurt him. Unless of course you deactivate the
machine in the middle of the room. Watch out; he
packs quite a punch! He drops Chain Mail Armor,
aBastard Sword +1, and some minor treasure.



On Level 1 of Irenicus' Dungeon you will run into three Dryads who are being held captive
by Irenicus. To escape they need their Acorns. They suspect that Irenicus has given their
acorns to a Duergar Dwarf named Ilyich.
How to solve this quest:
1. Go to the Library at 16 on Level 1. If you haven't been here before, you will have to
fight a Mephit and a Goblin War Party. Loot the Library for anything useful.
2. Continue north killing another Mephit, go east, and south to Ilyich's chamber at24 on
the map. Ilyich will not bid you welcome...
3. Kill Ilyich and his party of Duergar Dwarves and then loot his body for theAcorns.
While you are here, you may as well loot the room for anything else you can use.

4. Bring the acorns back to the Dryads. The party receives 9,500 XP for solving the
5. However, the Dryads have yet another request: You
must bring the Acorns to the Fairy Queen in the
Windspear Hills. This is the Free Irenicus' Captive
Dryads quest which you won't solve until Chapter 2.


If you enter the Elemental Plane of Air in Irenicus' Dungeon, you may find a Genie trapped
in a bottle. The Genie tells you it has something of yours and that it will give it to you if you
will help set the Genie free. In order to be freed, the Genie needs itsFlask. While the Genie
doesn't know where the flask is, it expects that Irenicus will be keeping it close to himself.
1. Go back to Level 1 of Irenicus' Dungeon.
2. Find your way back to the Dryads at 21 on this map.
3. If you have solved the quest to Find the Acorns for the Dryads, just ask them if they
have seen the Flask. They will give it to you.
Alternatively, you can also kill the Dryads. One of
them will drop the flask.
4. Return the flask to the Genie for 15,000 XP. You will
also receive Sarevok's old two-handed Sword of
Chaos +2. It has lost most of its special abilities when
Sarevok died but it is still a very useful item at this
point in the game.

Officially, Chapter 2 begins when you enter the Slums District in Athkatla and accept Gaelan
Bayle's offer. Unofficially, for the purposes of this walkthrough it begins at the point where
you escape Irenicus' Dungeon and arrive in Waukeen's Promenade. Don't worry, the
difference is minimal.
Chapter 2 takes place in Athkatla, capital of the land of Amn, and the surrounding lands.
You emerge from Irenicus' Dungeon only to witness a battle between Irenicus and several
hooded figures. Once he has disposed of them, he turns his attention to you. A short,
scripted exchange between Irenicus and Imoen follows, after which they cast spells at each
other without doing much harm.

Several hooded wizards teleport to the scene and declare

Irenicus and Imoen to be law-breakers for casting spells
within the city of Athkatla. After an exchange, where Irenicus
kills several of the cowled mages, he and Imoen are taken
into custody. You now have your work cut out for you: Free
Imoen, and find Irenicus to learn what he wants from you.

What Happens in Chapter 2?

Once you have investigated Waukeen's Promenade and leave the area, the only area you
can go to is the Slums District where you run into a man named Gaelan Bayle. You don't
know him but he knows you and your plight, and he also knows a powerful group who can
help you find Imoen and Irenicus. The sting is in the price tag: His friends need 20,000 GP
before they will help you. Gaelan Bayle suggests that you can raise this huge amount of
money by selling off some surplus items, and by working for others in Athkatla. Depending
on your class, he suggests that you seek out different people:

If you are a Fighter, a Barbarian, or a Monk, he

suggests that you look for a young woman
called Nalia in the Copper Coronet in the Slums District.
Nalia is more than eager to give you the The De'Arnise
Hold Has Been Invaded quest.

-level party, but only with careful planning, skill - and a

bit of luck!

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