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E-leaning Is the Future of Learning

--Your intro-With the development of the technology, learning is not an

issue of time or location anymore, thanks to e - learning options.
Everyone who has access to online resources via their smart phones,
tablets, or personal computers, can easily join a lecture while drinking
coffee at their homes or enjoying themselves at a cafe. By this way,
education would be continuous without distractions. In the traditional
system, an average student has to travel a certain route in order to
attend his lectures. There are numerous factors he has to overcome to
reach his school, including weather conditions, traffic, probability of
being late to class and so on. All those factors produce stress, which
reduces the overall performance of a student. ... at the WisconsinMadison University, 172,000 US$ have been saved, due to savings in
professors time, who previously had to spend much more time in
teaching sessions in order to cover for large groups of students; in
addition, the number of traditional classrooms has been reduced, and
thereby costs necessary for their use. (Radovi-Markovi 291) This
shows, time and location flexibility saves great amount of money and
time for both the teachers and the students. This time spent on the
way going to school can be rather spent for more useful activities
including socializing or simply studying for the course. Research shows
that both students and teachers think they receive the same level of
efficiency from e learning as they do from traditional classroom
learning. (Radovi-Markovi). If this is the case, one wonders, why to
spend all the extra time and money. In addition, both students and
teachers can arrange their time in a more efficient manner with e
learning. This would again give them the opportunity to arrange their
life in more productive ways
E learning turned the classroom from teacher-centered to
learner-centered environment. The fact that the traditional classroom
experience had to be mostly teacher-centered has been, arguably, one
of the most important problems in the traditional system. The teacher
had always been the one deciding the shape and content of the
learning process. The process, as a result had to be one type fits all.
However, it is a well-known fact that different students have different
needs when it comes to learning. Different individuals have different
ways of learning: some learn better by looking at images, while others
are more vocabulary-oriented. E-learning gives the students the
chance to contribute to the organization of the class activities and the
learning process in general (Zhang et al. 77). With the introduction of
Internet's endless resources and facilities to share these resources,
students have a higher chance to contribute to the way the class is
conducted. They can even offer content related options to be

considered by the teacher. On the other hand, this makes the job of the
teacher easier and more manageable and also arguably more fulfilling.
When the teacher has to coach all the students in a classroom at once
in the same way, even though they know the differences among them,
they also suffer from this situation. The freedom of being in the
Internet environment makes the interaction between the student and
teacher much more human despite the fact that it is not face to face
(Arkorful and Abaidoo).
Last but definitely not least, the unlimited sources of information
that e learning provides the students makes the learning process much
easier on the student. This is because, in traditional learning, most the
time the whole class has to rely on one book as the source of
information or the class notes. However, there is always more to learn.
Internet provides the opportunity to reach the diverse and rich pool of
resources. One might claim that it is not necessary to be in an elearning environment to reach these resources. However, the
classroom experience helps the student to know what resources to rely
on and what not to trust. In Internet there is all kinds of information,
some better than others. In addition, the best resources are academic
and still not available to people, who are not part of an institutions
program. Since in e learning, the students are part of a real institution,
they end up having access to academic articles and books online.
To sum up, among the many reasons to favor e-learning as a
viable alternative to traditional classroom learning, I find three reasons
especially important: the flexible time and place options, the learnercentered instead of teacher-centered approach and finally the
immense amount of additional and better resources being available to
the use of the student. All these reasons and many more guarantee
that e learning will become even more wide-spread in the close future
and potentially replace traditional learning environments with more
technology- integrated ones.
Works Cited
Arkorful, Valentina, and Nelly Abaidoo. The Role of E-Learning,
Advantages and Disadvantages of Its Adoption in Higher
Education. INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (2015): 29. Print.

Radovi-Markovi, Mirjana. Advantages and Disadvantages of ELearning in Comparison to Traditional Forms of Learning. OF THE
Zhang, Dongsong et al. Can E-Learning Replace Classroom Learning?
Communications of the ACM 47.5 (2004): 7579. Print.

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