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The Rainbow Isles

A Short Story


E. Thornton Goode, Jr.


It should be noted this story was inspired by a lecture

given by the Republican Congressman from Texas, Louis
Gohmert, at Liberty University in Virginia in November
2015. I do realize there are many who share his views.
When I heard what he said, I was totally dumbfounded and
realized he really IS a fucking asshole, scumbag, piece of
shit. And those are my kind words for him. But as expected,
he’s a bit late on the draw since putting gay people on an
island had already been suggested YEARS EARLIER by
Anita Bryant back in about 1977. I remember that
eventually she got a pie in the face from a gay guy. Excuse
me while I laugh as I watch the video of that event.

If my history is correct, I recall a similar event,

happening before. Yes. That’s right. Hitler, having all the
Jews rounded up and placed in concentration camps. He also
had all gay people rounded up and tattooed with pink
triangles, so they could be identified immediately. Please,
remember these pieces of information as you read the story.
The Rainbow Isles

It all began right after the election of a Republican

president then a Republican congressman giving a lecture at
a religious college. Not long afterwards, many evangelical
fundamentalist religious leaders were quoting him and
indicating they thought it was an excellent idea.

It was very interesting how most of the discussion and

aim was towards gay men and not gay women. The reason
for this wasn’t quite clear but every example of sinful and
sodomizing wrongdoings usually involved gay men. Putting
all the gay men on an island would remove all those
disgusting sodomite pedophiles from society, making the
country a better and more wholesome place. There was a
large controversy over this idea but no one took the proposal
seriously. After all, it sounded way too ridiculous and

About a year later, suddenly, men started going

missing, not many at first but little by little. Neighbors
thought they’d moved. Right after disappearing, moving
vans would roll up to their homes or apartments and
everything removed. Also, a ‘FOR SALE’ or ‘FOR RENT’
sign would appear.

Even businesses began to close or change hands in

ownership. People noticed but they never took stock in what
might be happening. Male employees slowly began to
disappear from their jobs. Reasons were given such as, he
got a new job, he moved away, he went to help his ailing
parents. These were the answers people were given when
they made inquiries, regarding these individuals, so no one
really investigated it further.
No one equated the missing men with their sexuality.
The idea of removing gay men from society was totally
absurd and would never actually happen. What the general
public really never realized was… it was happening.

It all began during the night while no one could see.

Many white supremacy groups were quietly going around
the country, abducting known homosexuals, bringing them to
a secluded camp and when there were enough, they were
trucked to a port on the west coast. From there, on large
transports, they were shipped to a group of islands.

The religious fundamentalists and all those politicians

with the same thinking had secretly passed an appropriations
bill. Government money had been siphened off several
legitimate governmental projects and was used to purchase a
large group of islands out in the Pacific Ocean. That way
nothing could be tied back to them or the government. They
knew one island wouldn’t be big enough to house them all.
Negotiating secretly with a foreign government, twelve
islands, relatively close together in a group, were purchased.
Not much was paid for them as the foreign government
thought them useless and too out of the way for any
commercial use.

This secret society also used government money to

actually purchase the properties and businesses of these gay
men, depositing the funds into the actual accounts of the
owners. This would prevent any further checking by
relatives if the sales were real and legitimate. It was done in
a convoluted way to eliminate any improper paper trail
which could be investigated. All purchases seemed
legitimate and seemed to be done by private individuals or
businesses. Needless to say, the bank accounts of many gay
men were now, overflowing with money. These men still
had access to their accounts.
It should be noted steps were taken to living on the
islands in the form of a tent city with hundreds of thousands
of tents. It was extremely rustic but it worked. Also,
stringent identification was made to identify each man in
order to prevent him from returning to the mainland. Each
was provided with a pink triangle tattooed on his right hand.

When it became evident what had happened and all

had gathered their wits, the new gay community began to
organize. It knew it had to take action and make drastic
changes. This had to be done quickly. Professionals from
every walk of life were gathered together to start planning
for their new homeland. Communication experts, architects,
engineers, city planners, construction workers, bankers,
service industry people and others of many occupations were
gathered into groups to assure maximum efficiency.

Hundreds of doctors gathered together with architects

and builders to discuss and design hospital and health
facilities. These would be among the first buildings

Over a very short period of time, experts in the field

set up communication to contact the outside world. This
completed, the bankers established a new bank on the main
island. The Rainbow Bank of the World. Accounts were set
up for millions of the new founding customers and all their
monies were transferred to their new accounts. Their old
accounts were immediately closed at all banks in the states.

With all this money now deposited in their new

accounts, negotiations with a foreign country took place,
purchasing several more islands in the area. It wouldn’t be
discovered until later it was the same foreign country who
sold the original islands to the religious fundamentalists and
politicians in the first place. This purchase was done for a
specific reason. It was known eventually, expansion would
be necessary and to buy the islands now, they could be
purchased at a much lower price than in the future.

This done, a letter was written with copies sent to the

president and every member of congress, indicating since
they owned no property in the country and made no money
in the country, no one was going to pay any taxes to the
country. They were no longer being represented. It was a
situation of ‘taxation without representation’ and THAT was
NOT going to happen. The government no longer had any
leverage of confiscating property or bank holdings. Gay
men no longer owned any property in the country. Nothing
could be said about possible confiscation of the islands
because it would let the cat out of the bag, regarding the
government’s deviousness. It was also the same for bank
accounts. All had been transferred to the Rainbow Bank.

At the same time, construction materials were being

bought from major companies around the world and building
began on a massive scale. Immediate work began on what
would become the new capital city on the largest main island
and different communities on other islands. One of the
centrally located islands is where the hospital, water
treatment, sewage treatment and major solar panel/wind
power generator facility would be located.

Those who had owned large manufacturing companies

before organized and designed a major manufacturing
complex on another island. This would keep them off major
islands of commerce, health, living and utilities. These
companies no longer would use one-story manufacturing
facilities. Multi-story construction would be the norm. There
would be no wasted space. Everything would be streamlined
and efficient. These businesses also gave an opportunity to
those who’d lost their jobs in the manufacturing field as well
as those who’d worked in the offices of these companies on
the mainland.
Everything was taken into account. Even areas to be
developed for entertainment and relaxation were planned.
Why? Because everyone knew, ‘they’ would eventually be

It was also known from the very beginning, individual

dwellings would be impossible. Multi-story apartments were
built, so each and every resident had sufficient space for his
needs. Wealthy residents obviously could afford to live on a
grander scale than others. But every effort was made to
make sure even the man who made the least amount of
money prior to being relocated still lived with dignity and
pride. Even those who suffered from debilitating disease
were housed comfortably and efficiently. All would be cared
for. Those who could work gladly did what they could.

Since this wasn’t a place for cars, eventually a

sophisticated and streamlined electric monorail system was
designed and constructed. Underwater tunnels would allow
the system to include all the major islands. All utilities were
placed underground and in undersea tunnels. Boats would be
used in the beginning until the undersea tunnels could be

Millions in the total community were all working

together toward a new and open society. Everything was as
modern and up-to-date as possible. Work on all projects
continued twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. It
took nearly five years to complete major installations. No
corners were cut and the best materials were used for
everything. All construction took into account its aesthetic
appeal as well as making sure it looked like it belonged
where it was in the environment.

Extreme effort was made to make sure everyone was

being taken care of. This normally applied to those in the
arts, music and the invalid. True. There were those who
were famous and continued to do their profession. It was the
lesser-known, up-and-coming artists and the unknown artists
and musicians who were encouraged to continue their way
and would be supported by the community.

By the sixth year, virtually everything was up and

running. Small businesses like bars, restaurants, clothing
and department type stores had already gotten off the ground
in the first year. Rainbow City on the main island of the
Rainbow Isles was now a bustling commercial center and
totally open for business. What everyone knew was it
wouldn’t be just gay men buying merchandise there. One
day the straight community, ‘they’ would be knocking at the

Meanwhile, back on the mainland, the reality began to

sink in. Some of the most talented and artistic people were
no longer around. Women, most of all were extremely
distressed. They missed their favorite doctor, decorator,
hairstylist and other service people who were always so

The servicing industries took a major hit. Restaurants

no longer had their favorite waiters, chefs and other service
people. Hotels lost some of their most beloved doormen,
concierges, managers and other service people. Beloved
men from all walks of life were being missed. Favorite
doctors, favorite nurses, talented musicians and artists,
actors, bartenders, taxi drivers, grocery clerks, pet groomers,
auto mechanics, policemen, firemen, department store clerks,
you name it, many talented and helpful people weren’t there.

Yes. Everyone began to realize a very interesting fact.

Gay men were a part of every walk of life and had always
been there. And now, with them gone, it became extremely
evident at how infused gays were into society and how much
they were missed.
What was expected to occur on the islands, finally
happened. It began with some wealthy vacationers. They
were looking for a place known for excellent service, food
and accommodations. It began as a joke to go to the
Rainbow Isles. But the more it was discussed and joked
about, the more the realization set in. They could fly to the
nearest major city closest to the islands then take boats to
their destination.

Needless to say, the gay guys were ready and waiting.

Beachfront hotels were ready. Attractions on all the islands
were made accessible, using the monorail system and boats.
The best foods would be prepared and live entertainment was
available every evening, either in the concert hall or the
amphitheater. Singers and musicians also performed in bars
and restaurants. Artists displayed their works in galleries
and on the streets.

After the first visitors returned to the mainland, the

word spread like wildfire. This being anticipated, one of the
outer islands was set up strictly for incoming and outgoing
visitors. There was no commercial airstrip. Provisions were
made to land flying airboats flown by gay pilots and
personnel. Launches would take visitors to and from the
main island. There would also be no hassle with customs
and immigration. Eventually, provisions were made for
cruise ships. It was time to gear up the gay-owned travel

Every service and desire of every client was met and

attended to. Service personnel were making a killing on tips.
Even the poorest guys began to establish sizable bank
accounts. Many began to joke about maybe what had
happened wasn’t a bad thing.

Seeing the growth of the tourist industry, there was

talk about buying even more islands elsewhere and
expanding. Islands in the northern regions could be for
winter sports and snow. It was decided not to do it. The cost
of heat was much too expensive, using non-petroleum based
fuels. Maybe at a later date when there was some other
cheaper form of power to heat.

What was so interesting is a plan to isolate the gays

turned out to be a major vacation destination and money
maker. There even began a movement to bring them back to
the mainland. This was instantly turned down by the chosen
commission who began governing the islands. A vote was
taken to see how many wanted to give up what they had
there and return to the mainland. It was unanimously turned
down by ALL the island citizens. They might return for a
visit but they’d never live there on the mainland again. It
was the same in reverse. The islands would be for gay men

Eventually, it was discovered who the ones were,

proposing the original plans for rounding up the gays and
carrying them out. Those folks were immediately ostracized
and were never allowed to set foot on any of the Rainbow

The Rainbow Isles were now an institution and would

never go away. Younger guys who realized who they were,
immediately left the mainland and arrived to take up
residence and work. They knew they’d be welcomed with
open arms and told not to feel ashamed of who they were.

With everything finally established, a movement took

place to allow ALL THOSE of the LGBTQ Community to
come to the islands, live and work. Work also began on
acquiring more tropical islands where the Community could
expand in the future.

Even a great edifice for religion was constructed on

one of the highest hills of a small, out of the way, peaceful
island. It was a gleaming symbol of humanity and
acceptance. It was founded on the great principles of all the
major religions of the world. There was no altar and no
statues, nor figures in the stained windows. Alcoves and
places of reverence were located throughout the building
with many places where candles could be lit and prayers

Yes. What started out as a hate movement, ended up

being a place where many wanted to travel and enjoy a
relaxing and fun time vacation. It was a place where visitors
were welcomed and well taken care of. Many returned again
and again. Even families began to arrive and enjoy the
accommodations. Those who arrived thinking they were
going to convert the men or had ugly words to say were
immediately ushered off the islands and sent back to where
they came from. They were forever banned from ever
coming back. And… they lost their deposits. GRIN!

An entire new thinking and understanding were taking

place, regarding homosexual men. All those who wanted to
continue thinking through the use of outdated and
unsupported information would be left in the past. A new
day of understanding and acceptance had dawned. The
words to the great Bob Dylan song: The Times They Are A-
Changin’ were written in bold letters on the wall at the point
of entry for all visitors. It was a time of moving forward.
The Rainbow Isles were now and forevermore, a sanctuary.

And maybe one day when the evangelical

fundamentalist MORONS accept the legitimate and unbiased
medical FACTS regarding homosexuality, that gays are born
gay and that homosexuality exists ALL through nature,
maybe one day gay people will return to the mainland and
not be HATED and discriminated against. But as my mother
would tell you, “Don’t hold your breath. You’d look like
Hell blue.”

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