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Code Of Practice

What does the code apply to?

This Code applies to all advertisements (including teleshopping,
content on self-promotional television channels, television text
and interactive television advertisements) and programme
sponsorship credits on radio and television services licensed by
Ofcom. It is designed to inform advertisers and broadcasters of
the standards expected in the content and scheduling of
broadcast advertisements and to protect consumers .

What are the central principles of the code?

The overarching principles of this Code are that advertisements
should not mislead or cause serious or widespread offence or
harm, especially to children or the vulnerable. Broadcasters are
responsible for ensuring that the advertisements they transmit
comply with both the spirit and the letter of the Code. All
compliance matters (copy clearance, content, scheduling and
the like) are the ultimate responsibility of each broadcaster. The
ASA may decline to investigate where there is a dispute which,
in its view, would be better resolved by another regulator or
through the Courts.

What are the basic rules of compliance for the code?

Advertisements must reflect the spirit, not merely the
letter, of the Code.
Advertisements must be prepared with a sense of
responsibility to the audience and to society.
Advertisements must comply with the law and
broadcasters must make that a condition of acceptance.
Advertisements must not state or imply that a product can
legally be sold if it cannot.

What are the different sections of advertising that the

code covers?

Print and press ads

Direct mail
Television and radio ads
Competitions, special offers
Email and text messages
Internet (banners, pop-ups, virals, sponsored search,
marketing communications on companies own websites
and other non-paid for space under their control.)
Cinema commercials
"Teleshopping" means television-broadcast direct offers for the
supply of goods and services, including immovable property,
rights and obligations, in return for payment.The "audience"
comprises all those who are likely to see or hear a given
advertisement; and a "claim" can be implied or direct, written,
spoken or visual. The name of a product can constitute a claim.
Television licensees should seek BCAP's permission if they want
to have any rules in the Code disapplied because the
advertisement in question is on a programme service
addressed exclusively to audiences outside the UK.A television
advertisement that is targeted specifically and with some
frequency at an audience in the territory of a single party to the
1989 Council of Europe Convention on Transfrontier Television
must, with some exceptions, comply with the television
advertising rules of that party.

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