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Anatomy & Physiology

Ms. Greenawalt

Samantha Talucci


Go to the following website:
Click on Integumentary System and answer the following questions
1. What structures are associated with the integumentary system?

The structures associated with the integumentary system are, the immune system, digestive system, circulatory
system, and the nervous system.
2. What are the functions of the integumentary system?

The functions of the integumentary system are involved with protecting you and regulating the bodies internal
functions. Some functions are, storing water and fat, and helping dispose of waste material.
3. What part does the skin play in your immune system?
The part the skin plays in the immune system is it is one of the first defense mechanisms.
4. How does the integumentary system interact with the digestive system?

The integumentary system and the digestive system interact to encourage the uptake of calcium from our diet.
5. Why is it that patches placed on the skin can be used to deliver medications to the bloodstream?

Medications in the patches enter the capillary networks in the skin and deliver the medications into the bloodstream.
6. What role does your skin play in the regulation of body temperature?

The three ways your skin regulates body temperature are by, hairs on the skin trap more warmth if they are standing up, and less if they are lying flat;
glands under the skin secrete sweat onto the surface of the skin in order to increase heat loss by evaporation if the body is too hot; capillaries near the
surface can open when your body needs to cool off and close when you need to conserve heat.

7. How important is your skin for the functioning of the nervous system?
The skin has neurons embedded in it and it helps the sense of touch on the outside world.
Click on Cutting Dead Cells, answer the following question

8. What parts of the integumentary system are made up of dead epidermal cells?

The parts of the integumentary system that are made up of dead epidermal cells are the hair,
fingernails and toenails.

Click on execratory system, answer the follow questions

9. What is the purpose of the excretory system?

The purpose of the excretory system is finding and removing waste materials produced by
the body.

10. What primary organs are involved in the excretion process?

The primary organs involved in the excretion process are the lungs, kidneys, and skin.
11. What types of waste products are removed through the skin?

The types of waste products removed through the skin are dead cells and sweat.
c/o Jacline Buchalski, Monteville Township High School

Anatomy & Physiology

Ms. Greenawalt


Go to the following website:

Follow the directions and answer the following questions.

12. List and describe the five layers of the epidermis.

The five layers of the epidermis are stratum corneum, stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum
granulosum, and stratum lucidum.
13. Where is the epidermis and dermis located in relationship to each other?

The epidermis is located directly above the dermis.

14. What types of tissues/cells are found in the dermis?

The tissue/cells found in the dermis are, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, arrestor pili muscle,
hair follicles, hypodermic, and sensory receptors.
15. List the two types of sweat glands and explain the difference between the two.

The two type of sweat glands are apocrine and eccrine. The difference between the two glands
are that eccrine glands excrete waste product and control the temperature of the body while
apocrine glands are larger and mature at puberty.

16. What role do sebaceous (oil) glands play in the skin?

Sebaceous glands produce oil or sebum to lubricate hair and the skin surfaces.
17. What is the job of the erector pili muscle? How is this related to the phenomenon called

The job of the arrector pili muscle is to attaches from the skin surface to the hair follicle and
pull at an angle. The pulling at an angle distributes sebum and apocrine sweat and these
contractions can lead to goose bumps.

18. What are hair follicles? Where do hair cells get their color?

Hair follicles are epithelial tubes and hair cells get their color from melanocytes.
19. Where is the hypodermis? What is the hypodermis composed of?

The hypodermis is found under the dermis and it is composed of adipose and loose
connective tissue.

c/o Jacline Buchalski, Monteville Township High School

Anatomy & Physiology

Ms. Greenawalt


20. What types of sensations do sensory receptors detect? What is the function of the sensory

Sensory receptors detect pain, touch, pressure, and temperature to protect and help maintain

c/o Jacline Buchalski, Monteville Township High School

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