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The United States NGO role in Haiti's Recovery and Reconstruction:

U.S. National Consultation with Key Donors

March 24, 2010

Top Take Away: Land rights are critical – address through the lens of gender
programming to ensure that women have the same rights to land, and therefore
financial sustainability. The government of Haiti must acknowledge the role of women in
the recovery and reconstruction process, provide tools to build women’s capacity to
manage resources and risks, and invest in women as economic actors through
education and providing equal access and rights under the law. The informal sector is
mostly women and needs to be made formal to help make women independent
economically. The government of Haiti must make changes to allow and encourage the
participation of and representation of women at 50% in decision-making bodies; women
have to be at the table.
Immediate needs  Solar ovens and other innovative products could help alleviate burdens on
women like walking to get fire wood.
 Cash-for-Work programs can serve as a model for men and women doing
the same job for the same amount of pay.
 Cash-for-Work programs should include specific provisions for the
protection of women, such as the rotation of the days of payment, paying
women in smaller increments, and direct deposits.

Recovery and  Carefully formalize land rights; even well-intentioned formalization can
development disenfranchise women.
 Conduct a needs assessment of women, paying attention to their
livelihood needs, and disaggregate the data.
 Reconstruction jobs and training cannot only go to men; women need to
do the same jobs as men and get paid equally, while keeping in mind the
unique situations women workers face like having a child at home.
Accountability  Engage men and boys as allies for women and girls.

Gender  Micro-crediting programs just for women are vital.

 Acknowledge that some men are now in unfamiliar roles caring for
children and reflect this in programming.
 Acknowledge that gender-based violence was a problem even before the
earthquake – overcoming it will require training police and enforcing
Sphere and Inter-Agency Standing Committee standards.
Civil society  Women need to have 50% representation in all sectors.
 Administer a consultation with women, men, girls, and boys about what
keeps them protected.
Coordination  The Development Authority should be required to review a set of gender
indicators before approving projects.
 The Development Authority should include women as decision-makers.
 Hold a separate CSO conference in Haiti, inviting NGOs, Haitian partners,
and the private sector to discuss gender issues.
 Coordinate an exchange program with Haiti to share best practices.

Government  Work with both civil society and the government; do not undermine the
government’s role.
 Raise the issue of gender to USAID and other appropriate government
 Get Secretary Clinton involved.

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