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1. Justify if True dip is greater than Apparent Dip or not, with mathematical expression.

Relation between true and apparent dips- The mathematical relation between the true dip
and apparent dip is given by using the following formula:
tan() = tan() cos()
where is true dip, is apparent dip, and is the angle between true dip-direction and
apparent dip direction.

Fig.1: True dip and Apparent Dip

Now in the above used formula cos() lies in the range 0< cos()<1, and cos() cannot be equal
to 1 since cannot be equal to 0 for true dip and apparent dip have some angles between
Therefore we have
0< tan ()/ tan ()<1since tan ()/ tan ()= cos()
And this implies that tan ()< tan () and we know that in the first quadrant tan is monotonically
increasing function.
Therefore, < or apparent dip is always less than true dip.

2. Short notes of reef.

A reef is basically a rock, sandbar, or other feature which lies beneath the surface of the water
(approximately 80 meters or less beneath low water).There are many reefs which result from
abiotic processes such as by deposition of sand, wave erosion planning down rock outcrops,
and other natural processes. But the best-known reefs are the coral reefs of tropical waters
through biotic processes
by corals and calcareous algae. Artificial
reefs such as shipwrecks are sometimes created to enhance physical complexity on generally
featureless sand bottoms in order to attract a diverse assemblage of organisms, especially fish.
There are also varieties of biotic reef, including oyster reefs, but the most massive and widely
distributed are tropical coral reefs. Although corals are major contributors to the framework and
bulk material comprising a coral reef, the organisms most responsible for reef growth against
the constant assault from ocean waves are calcareous algae, especially, although not entirely,
species of coralline algae.
These biotic reef types take on additional names depending upon how the reef lies in relation to
the land, if any. Reef types include fringing reef, barrier reefs, as well as atolls. A fringing reef is
a reef that is attached to an island. A barrier reef forms a calcareous barrier around an island
resulting in a lagoon between the shore and the reef. An atoll is a ring reef with no land present.
The reef front (ocean side) is a high energy locale whereas the internal lagoon will be at a lower
energy with fine grained sediments.

3. How to decide the cavability index with mathematical expression?

Cavability estimation of overlying roof rocks is the first step for identification of strong and
bridging rock bed.
There are various norms prevalent in different countries for assessing cavability of roof rocks.
The Longwall Research Group of Central Mining Research Institute, Dhanbad has developed a
method of assessing the cavability of roof rocks suitable for the Indian geo-technical conditions.
A careful observation of the caving behavior of roof rocks overlying the coal seams of different
coal fields shows that cavability of a rock bed depends on its bed thickness, the strength of rock
bed and its massiveness characterized in terms of RQD. Accordingly an empirical relationship
has been developed as below:

Where, I = Cavability index, c= Intact rock compressive strength (kg/cm2)

t = Bed thickness (m), L = Average core length (cm)
n = l.0 (RQD < 80)
= 1.2 (RQD < 80)

Table 1: Cavability classification in coal measures

4. Effect of Thickness on Beam.

The hanging beam used to connect two tall towers (also known as Sky Bridge) are generally
constructed as a safety device so as to evacuate one tower in times of emergency. Also when
the towers are constructed on two different types of soil i.e. - one on hard soil and the other on
soft soil, then also such beams are provided so to avoid leaning of the tower constructed on soft
soil. The connecting beam provides lateral force to that tower preventing tilting.
Results show that beam size doesnt affect its own strength. But the increase in thickness of the
over-hanging connecting beam will increase its load-bearing capacity. And shear strength of the
beam increases. Hence its capacity to transfer lateral load increases.
5. Free Body Diagram

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