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Crime and Punishment by Feodor Dostoevsky

Use the following questions to guide your reading of the text. You do NOT need to answer
these questions on a separate sheet of paper, but the text is difficult and these questions will
be helpful for both basic comprehension and larger themes. ALSO, these questions MIGHT
guide your annotations! We will collect your book at the beginning of the year and look for
how you annotatewhat you underline and your comments in the margins. IF we find out
that you used an older siblings book, you MUST show your own annotations or take a zero
for the assignment.
Part I
1. Describe in detail Raskolnikovs living conditions. Include details about his room and the
area of St Petersburg.
2. What can environmental factors like Raskolnikovs living conditions do to ones mind?
3. Describe Raskolnikovs looks, personality, and intelligence.
4. Describe the pawnbroker. Include a description of her personality and her looks. Is she
described in sympathetic or unsympathetic terms?
5. How are the descriptions for the pawnbroker and Raskolnikov ironic? What point is
Dostoevsky making in their descriptions?
6. Describe Marmeladov and his family.
7. Is Marmeladov to be pitied or despised?
8. Describe Katerina Ivanovas background and her personality.
9. Describe Sonya.
10. Reread pages 29 & 30. Natasya tells Raskolnikov two important pieces of information.
11. What was Raskolnikovs former occupation, and why isnt he engaged in it now.
12. Describe Raskolnikovs mother Pulkheria.
13. Describe Dunya.
14. Describe Marfa Petrovna.
15. Describe Mr. Svidrigaylov.

16. Describe Peter Petrovich (Luzhin).

17. How does Raskolnikov feel about Dunyas proposed marriage to Luzhin? Explain why he
compares Dunyas proposed marriage to Sonyas prostitution.
18. Does Raskolnikov love his family? How can you tell?
19. Reread page 45. Explain why Marmeladovs question from the day before came back to
Raskolnikov. Do you understand, my dear sir, do you understand what it means when there is
no longer anywhere to go?... For it is necessary that every man have at least somewhere to go
20. Describe the incident with the young girl on the street and Raskolnikovs reaction to her on
pages 46-50.
21. Describe Razumikhin.
Dreams play a major role in the novel. They are tied to events in reality, especially violent ones.
Dostoevsky was the first novelist to use dreams to show the mental and emotional turmoil of
22. Describe Raskolnikovs dream on pages 54-59. How is this dream symbolic?
23. Describe Raskolnikovs mental state after the dream.
24. On page 62, why does Raskolnikov walk like a man condemned to death.
25. On pages 63-66, Raskolnikov overhears a conversation between a young student and an
officer. Explain the conversation and the effect it has on Raskolnikov.
26. What preparations does Raskolnikov make for the murder?
27. What last minute details went wrong in preparation for the murder?
28. Reread page 73. Explain how luck was on Raskolnikovs side.
29. Describe how Raskolnikov murders the pawnbroker.
30. Describe the murder of Lizaveta.
31. Explain the quote on page 80. - the thought that he had fallen into madness and was unable
at that moment either to reason or to protect himself
32. Explain in detail how Raskolnikov was able to get away and out of the pawnbrokers
apartment without being seen.
33. How was luck on his side?

Part II
1. Look back to the ending of Part I on pages 70-1; 85-86. Explain Raskolnikovs theory as to
why most crimes are so easily discovered.
2. THUS, does Raskolnikov react the way he theorized that he would? (see pg. 7) Explain
3. Psychiatrist point out the effects of guilt can be paranoia, isolation, physical illness, obsession
with the act itself, and loss of interest in everything else. Give examples of each of the above
behaviors for Raskolnikov.
4. Psychiatrists also point out that many people who feel guilty also feel compelled to confess.
Does this apply to Raskolnikov?
5. Explain what Raskolnikov does with the spoils of his crime?
6. Was robbery Raskolnikovs motive? Explain.
7. Raskolnikov is summoned to the police department. Explain why. Point out all the ironies in
his visit there.
8. Dostoevsky spent five years in Siberia for writing politically subversive articles against the
Tsar; he understood suffering. Dostoevsky believed, like the Greeks, that one gains knowledge
through suffering. Is Raskolnikov suffering?
9. Why does Raskolnikov go to Razumikhins apartment and how does he behave there?
10. Explain Raskolnikovs dream. Explain Nastasyas ironic statement, Its the blood.
11. Raskolnikov has become increasingly alienated form everyone. Describe his behavior.
12. What qualities of a good friend does Razumikhin possess, and how does he show his
13. Explain what Raskolnikovs wild ravings reveal about him.
14. What is the only subject that Raskolnikov shows interest?
15. Why does Razumikhin feel that Mikolay is not the murderer?
16. What does Razumikhins theory about crime reveal about him?
17. How does Pytor Petrovich behave in his interview with Raskolnikov?
18. Explain Luzhins philosophy of life. (pages 148-151)
19. In your opinion, what qualities does Dostoevsky seem to value and despise in people?

20. Reread page 158. What are Raskolnikovs thoughts on life and death?
21. Why does Raskolnikov go to the tavern where he encounters Zametov?
22. Explain Raskolnikovs behavior with Zametov at the bar. Who provokes the conversation
about the murder?
23. Based upon his behavior at the bar, what other personality traits of Raskolnikov surface?
24. Raskolnikov returns to the pawnbrokers apartment. Explain what takes place.
25. Explain the accident of Marmeladov and Raskolnikovs reaction.
26. What do Katerina Ivanovnas reactions to Marmeladovs death say about her character?
27. Discuss the incongruity of Sonyas description and her actions on pages 182-185.
28. On page 186 Raskolnikov is described as, He went down slowly, unhurriedly, all in a
feverThis sensation might be likened to the sensation of a man condemned to death who is
suddenly and unexpectedly granted a pardon. What has brought about this change in feelings?
No quote necessary

29. Reread the paragraph on page 188 that starts with Enough! He said resolutely and solemnly.
Explain this paragraph. No quote necessary
30. Reread the paragraph on page 191 that starts with Listen, Razumikhin, Raskolnikov
started to say. . . Explain this paragraph. No quote necessary
Part III
1. What personality traits does Dunya share with her brother Raskolnikov.

Explain how Razumikhin is both alike and different than Raskolnikov.


Describe Pulkheria. What kind of mother is she?


What does Luzhins letter reveal about his personality?


Explain what Zosimov believes is the nature of Raskolnikovs sickness.


Reread page 224 stating with What? He went to see you during the night, too?
Explain what happens in this passage. No quote necessary.
7. Point out the duality of thought in Raskolnikov in regards to Dunyas marriage.


Explain the significance of Raskolnikovs reaction to his mother.



Explain the ultimatum that Raskolnikov presents Dunya with. Is it fair?


Describe the familys reaction to Sonya. How does Dunya react to her mothers
comments about Sonya?


How is the stranger (Svidrigaylov) who is new to St. Petersburg described, and where
does live?


From a strategic standpoint, why are the playful actions of Raskolnikov and Razumikhin
upon entering Porfirys room effective?


How is Porfiry described in a somewhat contradictory way? Does Porfiry seem like a
formidable opponent at first?
*14. Discuss the main points of Raskolnikovs article on crime as published in the
Periodical Review. Reread pages 258-261.


Why does Raskolnikov go to see Porfiry, and explain Raskolnikovs reaction to him?


What does the fact that Porfiry has studied Raskolnikovs article reveal to both
Raskolnikov and the reader?
Explain how Porfiry questions Raskolnikov. It is the traditional police interrogation

Where is Porfiry being sarcastic in his discussion of Raskolnikovs theory?


What result is Porfirys friendly disposition likely to provoke in a criminal?


When does Porfirys lighthearted manner give way to a deadly serious question?


Is Raskolnikov a suspect?


Why does Porfiry ask Raskolnikov if he believes in Lazarus rising form the dead?
*23. Reread page 264. Explain Raskolnikovs theory regarding crime and


Explain the trap that Porfiry sets up for Raskolnikov on pages 265.


How does Razumikhins reaction to Porfirys question about the painters further describe
his character?


Reread pages 274-275. Explain how Raskolnikov is starting to look at his actions in
relation to his theory.


Discuss the significance of Raskolnikovs dream about the beating of an old woman.

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