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Competency Analysis & Competency Mapping

Q. 1 Define Competency Mapping.

Ans.Competency Mapping is processes of identifying key competencies for an organization
and/or a job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes (i.e. job
evaluation, training, recruitment) of the organization. It generally examines two areas: emotional
intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ), and strengths of the individual in areas like team
structure, leadership, and decision-making.
According to Boyatzis(1982) A capacity that exists in a person that leads to behaviour that
meets the job demands within parameters of organizational environment, and that, in turn brings
about desired results
Q. 2 What are the components of competency?
Ans.There are four major components of competency:
1. SKILL: capabilities acquired through practice. It can be a Error! Hyperlink reference not
valid. Skill such as budgeting, or a verbal skill such as making a presentation.
2.KNOWLEDGE: understanding acquired through learning. This refers to a body of
information relevant to job performance. It is what people have to know to be able to perform a
job, such as knowledge of policies and procedures for a recruitment process.
3. PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES: inherent characteristics which are brought to the job,
representing the essential foundation upon which knowledge and skill can be developed.
4. BEHAVIOR: The observable demonstration of some competency, skill, knowledge and
personal attributes. It is an essentially definitive expression of a competency in that it is a set of
action that, presumably, can be observed, taught, learned, and measured.
Q. 3 What are the tools to identify and assess employee competencies?
Ans. Competencies are the abilities needed to conduct a role in an organization. Identifying
competencies for a role is a very useful exercise to really get one thinking about whats need to
carry out the role.Competencies descriptions are usually worded in measurable terms ; therefore
they are useful for reference when identifying training.
Tools to identify the competencies of of Employees:
1.Productivity & Effectiveness
2. Job Satisfaction

3. Organisational Coherence
4. Stress Symptoms and Physiological well-being
5.Communication Effectiveness
6. Psycological Well being
7. Emotional Intelligence
Q.4 What are the steps for process of Competency Analysis?
Ans. STEPS for process of Competency Analysis are1.Identification of Competencies
2. Mapping of Competencies
3. Analysis of Competencies
4.Preparation and presentation of report
5.Evaluation of competency analysis process
Q.5 Discuss some Competency Analysis Approaches used by Organisation.
Ans. Competency analysis in organization can be carried out in a number of ways.
1.Survey Questionnaire
2.Self analysis
3.Multi Rater
4.DACUM-Develop A Curriculum
5.Functional analysis
6. Delphi
7.Inventory Comparison
8.Focus Groups
9.Critical incidents
10.CODAP-comprehensive occupational analysis programs
11.Information Search
12.Direct Observation and checks
Q.6 Assesment of Competency Mapping Process.
Ans.1.Purpose and content: Manager decides the purpose of competency mapping procurement
or development.
2.Evidence-For the purpose of evidence the manager have to:
-Designate a group of core managers.

-Designate a group of core high performers in all relevant levels of performance.

3.Mapping-Test Grids experts assess:
-Organisation benchmarks for high performance at the appropriate levels.
-The correlation of the tools output to employee competencies.
4.Scoping report development: Once the mapping has been accomplishment , a report format that
meets organizational needs will be designed and the development work scoped and quoted
for.Employees accept the quote and the specialist work are programmed.
5.Report Delivery L: Employees receive the beta version of the report, test with a pilot group,
and confirm contents.Final touches to the report are programmed.
Ans.Competency Mapping is a process of identify key competencies for an organization and/or a
job and incorporating those competencies throughout the various processes (i.e. job evaluation,
training, recruitment) of the organization. To ensure we are both on the same page, we would
define a competency as a behavior (i.e. communication, leadership) rather than a skill or ability.
Q.8 What are the steps involved in competency mapping with an end result of job
evaluation ? Ans.1) Conduct a job analysis by asking incumbents to complete a position
information questionnaire (PIQ). This can be provided for incumbents to complete, or you can
conduct one-on-one interviews using the PIQ as a guide. The primary goal is to gather from
incumbents what they feel are the key behaviors necessary to perform their respective jobs. 2)
Using the results of the job analysis, you are ready to develop a competency based job
description. A sample of a competency based job description generated from the PIQ may be
analyzed. This can be developed after carefully analyzing
the input from the represented group of incumbents and converting it to standardcompetencies.
3) With a competency based job description, you are on your way to begin mapping the
competencies throughout your human resources processes. The competencies of the respective
job description become your factors for assessment on the performance evaluation. Using
competencies will help guide you to perform more objective evaluations based on displayed or
not displayed behaviors. 4) Taking the competency mapping one step further, you can use the
results of your evaluation to identify in what competencies individuals need additional
development or training. This will help you focus your training needs on the goals of the position
and company and help your employees develop toward the ultimate success of the organization.


Ans.Competency analysis is simply defined as an analysis of the competencies of a given
company, essentially asking, What does this company do better than most? In order for an action
to qualify as a competency, it should be identified as something the company does better than
most (effectiveness), but also more efficiently than most (efficiency). These actions that a
company performs better than most are referred to as core competencies. Core competencies
have three characteristics that distinguish them from noncore competencies. First, a core
competency must be relevant; this means that it must contribute to what makes the company's
product unique and thus marketable. Second, core competencies are difficult to imitate; this is
how a company can offer that unique product and generate profit from that product. Last, it
should have a broad application; a core competency does not focus on smaller, niche markets,
but rather it is what makes a company shine.
Q.9 What are the steps in competency analysis?
Ans.1. Identify what skills, knowledge and behaviours are required for you to do your job
Every role in the University has a job description and a person specification. Your job description
will list the things that you are expected to do, and the person specification will identify the
skills, experience, knowledge and behaviours that you need to do that job well.
You may find it helpful to talk to your line manager or Head of Department if you feel you want
to clarify any of the requirements set out in the person specification. Your Annual Review
meeting will be one place to have this discussion, but you can raise the issue of development at
any meeting with your manager or HOD during the year.
At this stage, its also worth thinking about the skills, knowledge and behaviours that you may
need to develop in the future in your current job. You may know, for example, that your role will
be changing or that you will be working on different projects or that you are interested in a career
change. What new or different skills, knowledge and behaviours will you need? 2. Look at the
skills, knowledge and behaviours you actually have now.
Its important to ask yourself some rigorous questions at this stage and answer honestly! Are
there areas of your work, for example, where developing more confidence would make a real
difference to your success in your job? Are there knowledge, skills and behaviours that you only
need on occasion that would benefit from some development? Can you identify areas where you

feel confident and believe you perform well that could be an even greater strength for you with
some development?.
3. Compare actual with required to identify the gaps. These are your development needs.
Try and be as specific as possible about what you need to do differently. This will really help you
when you are deciding how to best address your development needs. It will also help you review
and measure your success.
For example, I need to learn how to use Outlook to sort, prioritise and store my emails, will be
much more helpful than I need to be more organised, when it comes to deciding what
development you need. It will also help you check how the Outlook training you undertook
actually made a difference in your ability to be organised.
Q.10 Categories Human resources.
Ans.HR in any organization can be classified in to four categories using two simple yet effective
criteria the ability to learn and the willingness to learn. Individuals who are high on both
counts are the stars of the workplace. They need to be encouraged and rewarded. Individuals who
are low on both dimensions often may need to be retrenched in the interests of maintaining or
improving organizational efficiency. The in-betweens are those who are high on the ability to
learn but low on willingness to learn who need to be re-trained; and those who are high on the
willingness to learn but low on the ability to learn who need to be redeployed. Many
organizations however, are unable to effectively manage these four categories of employees,
often because they are unable to match employee with category reliably. As a result, even those
organizations that have the will to proactively manage their HR, ultimately are rendered
powerless to effect change in their employees. Indeed, such has been the story of many Indian
firms, particularly those entrenched in the traditional manufacturing sector.
Today however, globalization is compelling several Indian organizations to march to a new tune.
Increasing competitive pressure is bringing about a keener focus on profitability and productivity
of employees. The older employment relationship characterized by the existence of only one
employer and workplace, an indefinite work contract, full-time work and some degree of social
and legal protection, is being replaced by performance-driven employment terms. Alongside, job
definitions are changing as well. Based on the idea of competency assessment, the art of human
resource management is shifting focus from performance appraisal to performance management.

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