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Lampiran HSE 5_Perencanaan dan Prosedur


5.1. Buku Panduan HSE dan Operasi

Apakah Anda mempunyai buku panduan HSE perusahaan atau buku panduan Operasi
yang sesuai dengan aturan-aturan HSE yang dijelaskan secara rinci dalam cara kerja
HSE dan aturan keselamatan yang disahkan oleh perusahaan seperti yang menyangkut
perancah (scaffolding) alat pengangkat, alat-alat berat, bejana tekan atau penggalian?
x Ya


Please see PT Aldaberta Indonesia Management Plan attached

If the answer is YES please attach a copy of supporting documentation.
Attached: HSE manual
Bagaimana Anda memastikan bahwa cara kerja dan prosedur yang digunakan oleh
karyawan di lapangan konsisten dengan tujuan dan pengaturan kebijakan HSE Anda?
Company continuously monitors HSE performances. All observed hazards and HSE
non-conformances shall also be reported.
The purpose of monitoring is to promote continuous improvement of HSE standards
that are based on the KPIs.
A quality management system is required to ensure that work is performed in
accordance with the standards.
The system scheme involves an assessment of the effectiveness of HSE procedures
and how well they are implemented.
As guidance for assessment, review and monitoring process:

Analyze performance indicators and action items, and propose how the

management system could be modified to improve future performances;

Carry out HSE meetings and receive suggestions for improvements from the

Carry out audit and review on HSE activities;
Conduct task observations to determine the level of compliance and

employee understanding of the procedures/instructions;

Carry out worksite inspection programs;
Encourage personnel to report hazards and non-conformances;
Report key performance indicators (KPIs);
Manage actions arising from inspections, reviews, and audits;
Monitor incident frequency rates;
Monitor effectiveness of the risk control measures;
Prepare method statements for all tasks;
Work only in accordance with approved method statements;
Stop work when hazardous conditions are encountered;

Lampiran HSE 5_Perencanaan dan Prosedur

Submit hazard, near-miss and incident reports;

Provide competent personnel for all tasks;
Report details of activities undertaken as HSE inspection report

5.2. Pengawasan dan Perawatan Peralatan

How do you ensure that plant and equipment used within your premises, onsite, or at other locations by your employees are correctly registered,
certified with regulatory requirement, inspected, controlled and maintained
in a safe working condition?
/ Bagaimana Anda memastikan bahwa
stasiun produksi dan peralatan yang digunakan di wilayah kerja Anda, lokasi,
atau pada lokasi lain oleh karyawan Anda, didaftarkan, disertifikasi sesuai
tuntutan peraturan, diinspeksi, diawasi dan dirawat dengan benar dan dalam
kondisi kerja yang baik ?
All equipment to be used in construction shall be supplied in conditions that are suitable
for their intended purposes. The equipment shall accompany appropriate valid
certification and test records. All equipment shall be inspected at regular intervals as
defined in Company HSEMS Plan. Inspection and test records of the equipment shall
be maintained. Equipment shall be fit for the purpose, safe to use and not cause any
pollution during their operation or while being transported to the sites. Use of Any noncompliant equipment, shall be suspended until they are repaired or replaced.
Any equipment which does not satisfy company HSE requirements shall be immediately
removed from site and replaced with acceptable equipment
5.3. Penanganan dan Perawatan Keselamatan Transportasi
Pengaturan apa yang dipunyai perusahaan Anda untuk pencegahan
kecelakaan kendaraan?

PT. Aldaberta Indonesia have identified that both on and off-road vehicle transportation
may present a significant risk to the personnel. Therefore, the Company develop and
implement management systems and procedures to provide highest level of control over
these hazards.
The Company Transportation Management Plan shall specify the responsible parties for
implementing the plan.

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