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3.2 Plus-Minus Calculations

The Hagedoorn plus-minus method is suitable for near-horizontal interfaces, and
can only be used if there is suitable reversibility in travel times of profiles of two
different shots on a line (Figure 3.2.1). However, the method is not nearly as restrictive as
the general analytical solution method for a flat-layer case, and hence can still be used
when an interface experiences a slight dip. The plus-minus time analysis window is the
area between the two crossover points of the forward and reverse shots, i.e. where the
head wave overtakes the direct wave and becomes the first arrival. This is noted on
Figure 3.2.1 below by the refraction in the first arrivals.


Figure 3.2.1: Forward shot & Reverse shot along a seismic line; shows reversibility in
travel-times and crossover points from direct waves to head waves

Using two selected shots on a survey line, plus times and minus times can be
calculated at each receiver within the analysis window, and hence depth to till can also be
calculated at each of these receivers, as well as first and second layer velocities. The plus
times are calculated using the expression below:




TAD is the travel time at a receiver from the forward source

THD is the travel time at the same receiver from the reverse source
TAH is the total travel time to the end receiver for each source

The minus times at each receiver are calculated in a similar fashion, using a slightly
different expression, seen below:




Using this expression and calculating minus times at two receivers (T-D and T-D) with a
separation distance (X), a velocity of the second layer can be found using the expression:

V2 = 2 (X) / (T-D T-D)


Calculating the slope of the direct wave and taking the inverse will yield a value for the
velocity of the first layer:

V1 = 1/ slope of direct wave


From V1 and V2, and the plus times at each receiver, a depth to till can be calculated
below each receiver, using the following:

Z = (T+D * V1) / [2 (Cos (c))]



c = Sin-1 (V1 / V2)

V1 and V2 being the first and second layer velocities respectively.

These equations provide depth to fill-till interface below receivers within the
analysis window, but to obtain depth information
below receivers outside this window
extrapolation is necessary. With the velocity information already calculated, the apparent
velocity of the second layer (V2) is known. Using this velocity and its relationship to
slope, a line was extrapolated on both sides of the analysis window. These lines were
drawn from the last receiver on each side of the analysis window to the last receiver on
each end of the seismic line, and were drawn at a correct slope for the 2nd-layer velocity
(V2) (Figures 3.3.1-3.3.3). To obtain correct plus times for receivers outside the analysis
window, I took the difference between the observed refracted arrival time and the
extrapolated line and multiplied this by two. Then I added or subtracted this value from
the plus time of the last receiver within the analysis window, depending if the curve
showed an earlier or later arrival time than the refracted time at that point. If the arrival

showed an earlier time then the extrapolated curve, I subtracted the value from the plus
time of the last receiver within the analysis window, and vice versa. A sample calculation
for depth in both circumstances is provided in Appendix A.

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