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Table of Contents
Page 3

Praying Through Lent

Page 4

Church Council

Page 5

Photo collage

Page 6

Lenten Schedule

Page 7

Credo Confirmation

Page 8

AUMC Missions: Africa

Page 10

AUMC Missions: Charlottesville / Albemarle County

Page 12

Toddler Playgroup

Page 13

Member Care / Hospitality

Page 14

Small Group News

Page 16

Bowling for a Cause

Page 17

Financial Report

Page 18

Here WEE Grow Again

Page 19

Bits n Pieces

Page 20

Staff Listing


The Friendship Luncheon is always a fun time at the DoubleTree Hotel! We eat a lunch catered
by the DoubleTree chef, enjoy fellowship with each other, and listen to entertaining or informational
guests such as speakers, singers, and musicians. Luncheons are held on the third Tuesday of each
month at 12:30 PM. If you would like to join us, please see Jean Ward (964-1178). You do not have
to be a member of the Friendship Class. As long as you enjoy Christian fellowship, please come!

United Methodist Men

Aldersgate United Methodist Mens group meets the second Thursday of the month at 6:30pm in
the Hospitality Room on the lower level. On February 11th, we will schedule our annual Sweetheart
Supper out with our wives. In March, our big activity is our annual St. Patricks Day Corned Beef
and Cabbage Supper on the 19th. This will involve the cooking on Friday the 18th and the mass
serving of hundreds of guests on Saturday evening in the Fellowship Hall with the help of the Scout
Troop as waiters. Come join in the fun and fellowship. Contact Merrill Bishop at 434.975.3072.

An Oratorio in Three Parts, by George Frideric Handel
A video of a performance of of "Messiah," performed by the Choir of King's College, Cambridge, will
be shown in the Sanctuary on Sunday, March 6, from 2:30 pm to about 5:00 pm. There will be an
intermission of about 10 to 15 minutes after Part 1. If you don't have this much time to spare, or
wish to listen only to your favorite parts, please feel free to come and go as you wish.

The Aldersgate Ringers are looking for several more ringers. We rehearse on Tuesday evenings in the
Sanctuary from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm., and ring about every six weeks for the 11:00 am service (and
occasionally for the 9:00 am service). We are happy to teach you the basics of handbell ringing. Please
contact Melody Day at 434.906.3919 or

Friendship Ladies
The UMW Circles have disbanded, but the Mary Mills Circle would like to continue informal fellowship.
Now known as The Friendship Ladies, all women of the church are welcome to attend the third Thursday of
each month at 10am in the Friendship Classroom. We are planning lighthearted fellowship with quarterly
luncheon dates. You are invited!

Here WEE Grow Again is certainly living up to its name! Our

fall sale broke records in sales and attendance. Our total sales
were up by $18,000 and we had over 3,700 people through to
shop. Our volunteer force was 175 strong and we had over 400
consignors participate! We sold over 37,000 items and
donated over 800 items to the clothing center in Belmont. It
was quite an event and a real win-win!
Our volunteers are what make the sale such a huge success;
without them the sale would not be possible. Of the 175 volunteers, 45 of them were Aldersgate
members. You can ask any of the folks who helped out in the fall how much fun it is and what a great
opportunity it is to get to know church members as well as the hundreds of people who come
through our doors as volunteers, consignors, and shoppers. I do hope you will join us in March for
our spring sale! You can sign up to volunteer in one of two ways ...
1. Go online to and click on Volunteer Vine. There you will
find all of the dates we need volunteers and it will show you how to create an account to sign
up as a volunteer. If you find that you cant do a whole 4-hour shift, go ahead and sign up for
the shift that has the times you can work and then e-mail Karen at with the actual times you can be there.
2. Sign up during Sip n Chat during the coming weeks. Find Karen Chang in the Reed Room
with her sign up sheets and we will get you started!

If you have volunteered with us before

and would like to be available to talk to potential
volunteers during Sip n Chat, please let Karen know!

Spring Sale Dates:

March 2nd
March 3rd-7th
March 8th
March 9th
March 10th-11th
March 12th
March 14th-19th
March 20th

Volunteer Shop
Charity Shopping Event
Restock Inventory
Opening Day
Public Sale Days
Consignor Pick up day

"Praying Through Lent" is our congregational emphasis during the 40-day time of preparation for the
celebration of Easter. During each worship experience throughout this sermon series we'll dig deeper
into scripture and will explore a spiritual practice to help us all draw closer to God and to those around
us. We anticipate many conversations and opportunities for spiritual growth as we seek to follow Christ

Ash Wednesday

Fifth Sunday of Lent

February 10
Psalm 51

March 13
John 12:1-8

First Sunday of Lent

Palm Sunday

February 14
Luke 4:1-14
Boy Scout Sunday (11:00)

March 20
10:00 Combined Service

Second Sunday of Lent

February 21
Psalm 27

Third Sunday of Lent

February 28
Luke 13:1-9

Fourth Sunday of Lent

March 6
Youth Sunday

Maundy Thursday
March 24, 7:00 pm

Good Friday
March 25, 7:00 pm

March 27

2016 Church Council

These are the names and faces of those currently serving the Aldersgate congregation on Church Council, which
meets monthly. Should you have any general questions or comments, feel free to e-mail

Billie Campbell
Council Chair

Laura Nelson
Lay Leader

Nancy Berman
Recording Secretary

Faith Painter

Mike Thornton
Spiritual Growth

Joan Forrest
Staff/Parish Relations

Pat Daniel
Staff/Parish Relations

Tina Shifflett
Member Care
and Hospitality

Jennifer Hamlin
Member Care
and Hospitality

Kathy Morse
and Missions

Lucas Ohlendorf
Trustees Chair

Carrie Chang
Youth Representative

Susan Painter
Lay Member
to Conference


Rejoice and Ring!

Cooper J.W. Miller

Melody Day leads

hand bells for our Nativity

Official mascot of the

Aldersgate UMC office

Aldersgate UMC ... Everyone is welcome!

A Place for Every Generation

Eating together ...
one of the things we do best!

- Lenten Study Small Groups - will be meeting at various dates/times - please visit the church website and
stay tuned to the Announcements Insert in the weekly bulletin for details
- Please feel free to pick up a Lenten devotional, provided by the Society of Saint Andrew, in the Narthex
beginning in February. Church Staff will also be creating a devotional to be posted electronically during Lent
on the website and social media.
- Wednesday, February 10th - Ash Wednesday - Pastor Scott will be at the Starbucks across from the Fashion
Square Mall on Route 29 from 6:30 - 9:30 am and Mike Thornton and Rachel Miller will be in the church
parking lot just off Rio Road. You may stop by either location to receive the imposition of the ashes (a fancy
word that means we'll make a cross on your forehead with ashes) and prayer.


Weekly Small Group Prayer

A time of prayer is filled with wonderful moments when you may sit at the feet of God and call him Abba.
When you may open your heart to God and hear His voice despite all the noise of the world.
Each week on Wednesday evening from 5:00 to 6:00 pm, a small group gathers in Room 108 for an hour
on prayer. We have been gathering for two years now with music, Scripture, prayer and silence, and
discussion. Our group is always open to people and you may attend every week or as much as you wish.
We welcome those who have special intentions or needs and we always pray for Aldersgate. Come join
us in prayer.
For more information, contact Mike Thornton at

- Wednesday, February 10th - Ash Wednesday Worship at 7pm, nursery care provided - Lenten Sermon
Series (Praying through Lent) begins with Confession.
- Sunday, February 14th - First Sunday in Lent, Scout Sunday, St. Valentine's Day - Lenten Sermon Series
(Praying through Lent) continues with Fasting.
- Sunday, February 14th- Congregation-wide service opportunity - Join our youngest members in their annual
tradition of making pipe cleaner hearts and delivering them to a local nursing home. For more information
please contact Rachel Miller.

- Sunday, February 21st - Second Sunday in Lent - Lenten Sermon Series (Praying through Lent) continues
with Study
- Saturday, February 27th - Congregation-wide service opportunity - Join our youth and youth from across
the Charlottesville District at AUMC in the afternoon for a Stop Hunger Now Packaging event and to make
sleeping mats for the homeless from plastic grocery bags. Time TBA. Please contact Rebecca Wagner for more
- Sunday, February 28th - Third Sunday in Lent - Lenten Sermon Series (Praying through Lent) continues with
- Sunday, March 6th - Fourth Sunday in Lent, Youth Sunday - Lenten Sermon Series (Praying through Lent)
continues with Worship
- Sunday, March 13th - Fifth Sunday in Lent - Lenten Sermon Series (Praying through Lent) continues with
- Sunday, March 20th - Palm Sunday - Combined Worship at 10am - Lenten Sermon Series (Praying through
Lent) continues with Meditation
Continued ...

How Do Small Groups Get Started?

Like to ride your bicycle? Like to hike? Going through the loss of a family member, unsettling medical
diagnosis, divorce, or other life-change? Enjoy reading mystery books? Why not find others in our
church and community who enjoy the same things you do or are in the same place in life!
You, yes YOU, can start a small group at AUMC! You dont have to have a seminary degree or have
grown up in the church it takes someone(s) who is (are) willing to commit their time and energy to
gathering a group and who will pray for Gods guidance. Your group can be short-term (a 6-week study
about loss and grieving), longterm (a 6-month training
program working towards a 10
mile hike), or ongoing (a group
who meets the first Thursday of
every month to walk around the
Downtown Mall picking up trash
and pray for our community).
You can meet at the church, in
your home, or elsewhere in the
Youll want to
commit time at each of your
meetings to pray together, read
Scripture or a devotion, and
check-in on everyones spiritual journey. If you feel called to start a group and want to discuss it, please
contact Mike Thornton at or Pastor Scott Davis at
or 434.973.5806.
Some examples of small groups at AUMC who would love to have you join are the Sunday Morning
Sermon Discussion Group, the Wednesday Evening Womens Bible Study, the Saturday Morning Mens
Group, and the Thursday Craft Group. This is not an exhaustive list! To find more, read through our
church calendar or check out our website at


(Lenten Schedule continued)

- Thursday, March 24th - Maundy Thursday Worship at 7pm, nursery care provided - Lenten Sermon Series (Praying
through Lent) continues with Solitude

Saturday Morning Mens Small Group

Prayer Bear Ministry is provided by the Saturday Morning Mens Small Group.
The following is a story from Linda Austin on the Prayer Bear Ministry. Thank
you, Linda, for your willingness to share this story:
In November my good friends nephew, Zac, died unexpectedly in North
Carolina. Zac had been in the military for a little over a decade. During this
decade, he was deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan five times. Zac was a family
man and had to leave his wife and children many times (once being back
stateside for less than a month before being called to return to overseas duty).

- Friday, March 25th - Sunday, March 27th - Labyrinth available at the church for you to come (at times that will be
advertised) to walk the labyrinth and meditate.
- Friday, March 25th - Good Friday, Tenebrae Worship at 7pm, nursery care provided - Lenten Sermon Series
(Praying through Lent) continues with Submission
- Saturday, March 26th - Holy Saturday Hike, all are welcome - details TBA - Please contact Laura Nelson for more
- Sunday, March 27th - Easter Sunday (worship at 9 & 11) - Lenten Sermon Series (Praying through Lent) concludes
with Celebration. Children's Easter Celebration, including Easter Egg Hunt, at 10am.

Zac did not talk much about the horrors of war, but did share a few
heartrending episodes with close family and friends. Unfortunately the ravishes
of war was his secret companion and the PTSD was so sever that unexpectedly
he took his own life. Zac left behind a young family and large extended family, including a devastated
mother who suffers from MS.

Credo Confirmation at Aldersgate is for students in grades 6 - 12.

During times of acute grief it is difficult to know how to comfort those in great pain. Not knowing what to
do, I went to my church to pray. When I turned to leave there were the Prayer Bears in the pews. The
Mens Group sponsors these sweet little teddy bears that sit every week waiting to give comfort and love to
anyone in need. The bears wear a cross, with a prayer pinned to them. I took several and was able to send
them to Zacs daughters immediately.

Confirmation is not the beginning or the end

of the faith journey. Confirmation is about making
disciples. It is that simple and that challenging.

My friend tells me the girls (ages 5, 8, 10, & 14) loved the Prayer Bears. When the 8-year-old daughter had
to return to her elementary school she was wearing the cross that belonged to her bear. The bear seemed
to mean the most to the 14-year-old who memorized the bears prayer. At the memorial service a week
later all four girls sat in the front row with their Prayer Bears. I wouldnt be surprised in the bears
accompany the girls to Arlington National Cemetery when their dad will be laid to rest with our countrys
great veterans.

Students each have a mentor from our congregation and will have the opportunity near the end of
our course to decide if he/she wants to join The United Methodist Church, specifically Aldersgate. If
your student is not already signed up, you are an adult who would like to be a mentor, or you would
like to support our upcoming class, please contact Rachel Miller at by
Monday, February 1st.

I am so thankful to Aldersgate United Methodist Church and the Mens Group for their wonderful ministry.
Sincerely and with great gratitude,
The Saturday Morning Mens Small group meets every Saturday morning from
8:00 to 9:00 am in Room 208 at the church. We spend an hour in informal
sharing of coffee and food, fellowship, and faith. All men are welcome and the
small group is open to join at any time. Contact Jonathan Peterson at or Mike Thornton at for more information.

AUMC Missions: Africa

The 2015 Advent Brunch was a wonderful time of fellowship and food. This year the brunch was offered
between 9 am and 11am services so that we were able to bring together the entire congregation and share
in the celebration of the season.

Imagine No Malaria
In Sub-Saharan Africa, malaria
kills 1 child every 2 minutes.

If you have an interest in playing a part in the Member

Care / Hospitality Team, we would love to have you! There
are small projects that do not require much time or effort
and we always have a great time together while serving
Aldersgate. Please feel free to contact Jennifer Hamlin at
434.960.1597, or Tina
Shifflett at with interest.

Aldersgate United Methodist

Church supports Imagine No
Malaria that is working to beat
malaria once and for all. By
improving the ways people fight
the disease using bed nets,
providing access to diagnostic tests
and medicine, draining standing water, and improving
sanitation, malaria deaths have already been reduced by more
than half. There are literally 300+ clinics, hospitals and
outposts maintained by the United Methodist Church in Africa.

Member Care is also responsible for arranging the schedule for those
hosting sip-n-chat, which is held each Sunday before and after the
Worship services in the Reed Room. Sip-n-chat is also a time of great
fellowship for both members and visitors in an informal
atmosphere. There are a few Sundays still available for those that
would be interested in hosting sip-n-chat for the 11:00 Worship
service. Hosting simply means that you commit to a Sunday every
other month (that's only 6 times a year) to make sure there is food
and beverages available after the 11:00 Worship service. Aldersgate
provides all of the supplies, you only have to put the food/beverages
out and clean up at 12:30. If this is something that you might be
interested in helping with please contact Jennifer Hamlin at or 434.960.1597 or Tina Shifflett at

Ghana: Fred Amoah-Darko,

Ambassadors for Christ
Aldersgate UMC provides $2,500
each year to support the work of Fred
Amoah-Darko, the Regional Director
for Ambassadors for Christ
International (AFCI) in Africa and
the Middle East. Freds role is to equip church leaders with the
tools necessary to evangelize their country. He established the
Ambassadors Leadership Institute, with a curriculum to train
pastors and church leaders not just academically, but also
practically. As Regional Director, he is building teams of likeminded leaders from Africa. From the most rural villages,
Fred, and Ambassadors for Christ International teams, are
spreading the message of Christ and developing disciples who
will ensure that the Great Commission is a priority within their
spheres of influence for many years to come
Fred lives in Ghana with his wife, Ruby, who is also actively
serving the work of AFCI. They have 3 grown children.

Africa University, Zimbabwe

Through the Virginia Conference,
Aldersgate financially supports
Africa University, a private United
-Methodist related institution that
has more than 1,200 students from
22 African countries. It grants both bachelors and masters
degrees in various programs.

Are you a gregarious, outgoing person? Do you enjoy talking to people? Are you
excited about Aldersgate and want to help seekers and new residents feel welcome?
Then there is a place for you! Each weekday from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm, Aldersgate will
have a friendly face (or faces) in our office narthex to answer phone calls, receive
packages, and welcome visitors who come through the door. This is perfect for best
friends, spouses, and individuals who would like to spend a few hours a week in service
to our community. If you would like to volunteer one day a week, please contact Amy
OBrien, Church Administrator, at 434.973.5806 or for more

AUMC Missions: Africa

The AUMC weekly toddler playgroup is going well! We met close to 8 times during the Fall, twice a month,
and were very happy with the opportunity to get to know each other better and have the children play.
Some of our activities included Carter Mountain Apple Orchard, local parks, and a visit to the fire station!

If you would like more information about when this group meets and future plans, please feel free to
contact Tori (; 804.450.7035) or Heidi (; 434.806.3467).

Upcoming 2016 Schedule


Playgroup at AUMC (in Fellowship Hall), 9:30 am.

Please bring ride on toys to share.

2/ 16 Moms Night Out, 6:30 pm

Hollymead Panera Bread

Africa Lighthouse
Baptist Temple,
In December 2015,
AUMC hosted Africa
Lighthouse Baptist Temple
in a program titled African Stories. The children
performed a Christmas pageant, and several refugees
told their stories of how their faith has sustained them
through escape from violence or persecution, and their
transition to life in the United States.
Aldersgate United Methodist Church has developed a
relationship (through church member Fay Painter) with
this church of African refugees and immigrants living in
the Charlottesville area who come from 15 different
countries in Africa.

3/7* Saunders-Monticello Trail

(parking is available on both Rt. 20 N and Rt. 53 E)
We will meet by the brick wall near the
parking area on Rt. 53, 9:30 am.
3/15 Moms Night Out, 6:30 pm, Location TBA
4/11** Pen Park, 1400 Pen Park Rd., Cville, 9:30 am

AUMC Playgroup will meet from 9:30 to 11 am on the

first Monday of each month. (**Except in April when we
will meet on the second Monday due to Albemarle
County Public School Spring Break.)
Moms Night Out will meet at 6:30 pm on the third
Tuesday of each month.
If it is rainy on days when outside activities are planned,
we will meet in the church Fellowship Hall (*except 3/7
we will be in the Youth Center due to Here WEE Grow
Again, if weather is bad) for inside fun. Please bring
toddler ride-on toys and balls to share.

22 African countries. It grants both bachelors and masters

In case of winter weather, playgroup will be canceled if Albemarle County Public Schools are canceled.
Please plan to join us for Moms Night Out even if you arent able to participate in playgroup!

Bibles for Liberdale

United Methodist
Church in
In this 2,000-member
congregation, there were
no Bibles in their local language (Xitswa). Bibles in
this language were needed for the worship services
and Christian Education for children, youth and
adults. In 2015, Aldersgate raised $5,000 to purchase
385 Bibles @ $13 each.
Jamaa Letu Orphanage, Dem. Republic of Congo
AUMC supports the Jamaa Letu orphanage through
Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church

Our Missions in Charlottesville/Albemarle County

The Haven 112 Mar ket Str eet

Habitat for Humanity

The Haven is a dynamic, multi-purpose community space. It

enhances our city by providing a centralized location for resource
providers, a commercial kitchen, a day haven, a community garden,
and a cultural and arts space in downtown Charlottesville. The
Haven has adopted a Housing First approach to ending homelessness.
We understand that homelessness is a housing crisis, and the
solution to homelessness is housing. With this in mind, we
facilitate homeless prevention, coordinated assessment, housing navigation, housing
stabilization, and coordinate with Thrive to administer rapid re-housing.

919 West Main Street

Habitat for Humanity of
Greater Charlottesville was
founded in 1991 as an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. Over
the past two decades, we have built homes in partnership with more than 160
local low-income families. We also currently manage the Southwood Mobile
Home Park and operate the local Habitat Store, which raises money for
Habitat homes by selling building products and other donated materials.
Our Mission Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville works to
create simple, decent, affordable housing in partnership with low-income
families, volunteers and the communities of greater Charlottesville.

The Wesley Foundation

1908 Lewis Mountain Road
We look forward to welcoming new
students each year and at any time during
the year. Unlike many student groups at UVA, Wesley is not a club. There are no
sign up dates. Wesley is a faith community and the doors are always open. Wesley
is a community of people but its also a place. We are located on the corner of
Emmet Street and Lewis Mountain Road and we open up the building from early
morning til late at night, to give students a place to meet, study, talk with the
campus minister, raid the kitchens leftovers, or pray in the chapel. You are
welcome to make yourself at home here and we hope you do.

Project Treasure Box

We are dedicated to enriching the lives of less fortunate children in the

central Virginia area by providing educational, fun and practical gifts
during Christmas, Easter, and back-to-school times. Our goal is to
provide local underserved preschool-aged children with Treasure Boxes
filled with new items of their own such as art supplies, learning tools,
hygiene products, toys, stocking-stuffers and gift certificates for services.
We provide a complete "Christmas-in-a-box" to 36 children at Christmas,
36 complete back-to-school backpacks in the fall and 36 Easter baskets in
the spring.

198 Spotnap Road

Love INC mobilizes The Church to transform lives and communities In the Name
of Christ. We know that the needs ar e over whelming, and often beyond the
capabilities of a single church or ministry. That is why our vision is to mobilize the
members of local churches and ministries, partnering together with them and providing
them with opportunities for service.

Families Anonymous

We are a support group for people who are experiencing conflict or pain
as the result of a family member, based on 12 Step principles. We meet
weekly at Aldersgate United Methodist Church, and provide mutual
support for families in distress.

Heart Havens of Charlottesville

Charlottesville UMC District

Heart Havens builds and supports
homes where adults with intellectual
disabilities have the opportunity to live in a family setting while making
personal choices, achieving individual goals, and contributing to the
surrounding community. There are currently 11 Heart Havens homes across
Virginia and the Charlottesville UMC District is raising $400,000 to build one
in Charlottesville.

Alliance of Interfaith Ministries (AIM)

1025 Park Street

American Cancer Society, Relay for Life

1445 Rio Road East

Food Network

900 Harris Street

3 days of food supplies ready on
the day requested.

The primary purpose of The Alliance for Interfaith Ministries (AIM) is to

provide emergency assistance to families threatened with homelessness, loss of
power or fuel, or other temporary financial crisis.

Hospice of the Piedmont

Since 1980, we have been guiding patients and families

through this difficult journey with comfort, compassion,
and dignity. Hospice of the Piedmont, the regions oldest
provides services that are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance;
no one is turned away due to an inability to pay.

It doesnt
matter why you are hungry. We are here to
help. The Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
supports approximately 234 pantries, soup kitchens
and outreach programs across Western and Central
Virginia which distribute food directly to anyone in

Gleaning at the City Market

Gleaning to help stop hunger one

apple at a time! Join other volunteers
to glean produce at the City Market to
pass on to our hungry neighbors.

The Pregnancy
Centers of
Central Virginia
is a Christian nonprofit organization
focused on the needs of women in the
Charlottesville, Albemarle, Culpeper,
Orange, Greene, Madison, Buckingham,
Louisa, Fluvanna and Rappahannock,
Virginia Communities.

For over 100 years, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has
worked relentlessly to save lives and create a world with
less cancer. Together with millions of our supporters worldwide, we help people stay well and get well, find cures, and fight back
against cancer.

Food Backpacks and School Supplies, Greer Elementary School

The Weekend Backpack Program fills close to 200 backpacks with

nutritious food for children who otherwise would have no food for the
weekend. Each week during the school year, Aldersgate volunteers gather
at nearby Greer Elementary School on Thursdays at 6:00 pm.

Action in Reading

The Action in Reading (AIR) program is dedicated to helping children

cultivate a love of reading! We meet each Wednesday from 2:30-3:30 pm
in the Community Building of a local apartment community for snacks,
reading, puzzles and games. We are unique in that the program is held in
the students own neighborhood! Come join us on Wednesdays no commitment necessary.

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