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Espaol III


Leticia Palominos

Metzli Sabrina Plascencia Romo #38.



Axwell, cuyo nombre de nacimiento es Axel Hedfors
productor de msica house, y propietario de un sello
originario de Lund, Suecia. Form parte junto a Steve
Sebastian Ingrosso de la agrupacin de msica
Swedish House Mafia. Ms tarde se volvi a juntar
Ingrosso, formando el do actual Axwell Ingrosso.
encuentra en la ubicacin #17 en la encuesta
2015 por la revista DJmag.

Love beyond belief

Raid the seven seas
Come uneven, come undone
Then you came my way on a winter's
Shouted loudly come out and play
Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you

"Sun Is Shining"

And we're gonna be alright

Dry your tears and hold tight
Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you

A simple band of gold

Wrapped around my soul
Hard forgiving, hard forget
Faith is in our hands
Castles made of sand
No more guessing, no regrets

Sun is shining and so are you [x6]

Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you

Then you came my way on a winter's day

Shouted loudly come out and play
Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you

And we're gonna be alright

Dry your tears and hold tight
Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you
Sun is shining and so are you
Sun is shining and so are you

es un DJ,
Angello y
con Sebastian
Actualmente se
realizada en

And we're gonna be alright

Dry your tears and hold tight
Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you
And we're gonna be alright
Dry your tears and hold tight
Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you
And we're gonna be alright
Dry your tears and hold tight
Can't you tell I got news for you
Sun is shining and so are you
Diamonds to behold, waiting to unfold
Bite the bullet, bite your tongue

RO ROMA Te Quiero Mucho, Mucho

Ro Roma es un do mexicano de pop latino y baladas romnticas, integrado por los hermanos Jos Luis Roma y
Ral Roma. En 2008 iniciaron su carrera con un proyecto soado toda su vida: cantar sus propias canciones
juntos. Con el apoyo de Sony Music, comenzaron con un dueto llamado simplemente Jos Y Ral. En menos de
2 aos han presentado ms de 250 shows.

Te Quiero Mucho, Mucho

Ya s que no hay reglas,
ni en el amor, ni en la amistad,
lo que hace lo importante
es hablarse con honestidad,
por eso hoy
te traigo unas palabras que regalarte,
no soy ningn poeta
ni busco impresionarte.
Es que me gustas t,
me haces feliz en un segundo,
no s si sea tu luz
pero te veo y me quedo mudo
oh baby i love you!
Yo quiero que te quedes en mi mundo
y quiero confesarte que
aunque te conozco poco ya
Te Quiero Mucho
Mucho, Mucho, Mucho.
Me pareca pensar que ya es una verdad,
es muy casual,
no busco una respuesta,
busco que tu sepas nada ms que...
Me gustas t,
me haces feliz en un segundo
no s si sea tu luz
pero te veo y me quedo mudo

Oh baby i love you!

yo quiero que te quedes en mi
y quiero confesarte que
aunque te conozco mucho,
ya s que te sorprende mi sinceridad
(mi sinceridad)
pero no hay nada de malo
en decirte la verdad.
Es que me gustas t,
me haces feliz en un segundo,
no s si sea tu luz
pero te veo y me quedo mudo
Oh baby i love you!
Yo quiero que te quedes en mi
y quiero confesarte que
aunque te
poco ya decirte que te
buen momento
Te Quieroquiero
Mucho, Mucho,
que te quiero
Apareciste justamente
Mucho, Mucho,
estaba listo para quererte
Y despus de todo te fui a encontrar
Y ya eres mi persona favorita
Cada minuto a tu lado es genial
Y no hay nadie en el mudo mundial
Que ame ms que estar contigo
Cada momento lo haces especial

Ro Roma Mi persona Favorita

Mi Persona Favorita
Desde, el da en que te vi
Sent como que ya te conoca
Un minuto fue suficiente y ya senta quererte

Tu eres mi persona favorita

Y aunque no siempre lo ando
Es buen momento decirte que te
Te quiero te quiero y siempre as ser
Y siempre as ser y siempre as

Me encanta que seas tan ocurrente

De repente dices cosas que me vuelan la mente simplemente
Pero siempre estas presente
Aunque no pueda verte
De locura casi estamos igual
De un da a otro me volv tu mega fan
Y ya eres mi persona favorita
Cada minuto a tu lado es genial
Y no hay nada en el mundo mundial
Que ame ms que estar contigo
Cada momento lo haces especial
Tu eres mi persona favorita
Y aunque no siempre lo ando diciendo
Es buen momento decirte que te quiero
Te quiero te quiero y siempre as ser
Creo que por ms que pase y pase el tiempo
Aunque llueva o truene nunca pasara lo nuestro
A menos eso ciento
De locura casi estamos igual
De un da a otro me volv tu mega fan
Y ya eres mi persona favorita
cada minuto a tu lado es genial
y no hay nadie en el mundo mundial
que ame ms que estar contigo
cada momento lo haces especial
Tu eres mi persona favorita
Y aunque no siempre lo ando diciendo

Ro Roma Hoy Es Un Buen Da

Hoy Es Buen Da
A veces las cosas suceden
tan rpido van, tan rpido vienen
y casi no hay tiempo para lo que importa
en realidad
Reglame 5 minutos
apaga el telfono y ven un segundo
que quiero que nos olvidemos del mundo
y su inmensidad
Muchas veces he querido detenerme
para abrazarte, y poder respirar
Pero no encontraba la oportunidad
Esta vez por fin t lo vas a escuchar
Hoy es un buen da para decirte que
es para m un honor que me quieras tambin
Que me encanta cada espacio de tu piel
espero en verdad, me puedas entender
Que hoy es un buen da para besarte
Hoy es un buen da para contarte
que en mi eres lo ms importante
y cada vez te admiro ms como mujer
Te he dicho mil veces te amo

Esta vez por fin t lo vas a escuchar

Hoy es un buen da para decirte que
es para m un honor que me quieras
Que me encanta cada espacio de tu
una bendicin contigo amanecer
Lo nico que quiero es hacerte ver
Que me siento el hombre ms
porque me has iluminado con tu
amor, tu voz, tu piel
Hoy es un buen da para decirte que
es para m un honor que me quieras
Que me encanta cada espacio de tu
espero en verdad, me puedas
Que hoy es un buen da para besarte
Hoy es un buen da para contarte
que en mi eres lo ms importante
y cada vez te admiro ms como

No es que haya mentido, no es que haya inventado

pero sin embargo esta vez te lo digo
y lo siento ms real
Muchas veces he querido detenerme
para abrazarte, y poder respirar
Pero no encontraba la oportunidad

Ro Roma As Me Decas (Perdedor)

As Me Decas (Perdedor)
Me fascinas por fuera y por dentro
Me provocas ternura y deseo
Me convences, me haces agua, me haces viento
y aunque quiero no te encuentro ni un defecto
As me decas
tambin me decas
Solo tu eres algo parecido al egosmo
tu maldito terror al compromiso
ese estpido miedo de estar bien conmigo
Eres casi perfecto pero no
solamente te falta sentir lo mismo que yo
y que fueran ciertas las palabras
que me dices en la cama
pero ya se te olvido

La vida te eligi y de todo te dio

aunque en mi humilde opinin
te puso chiquito el corazn
Eres casi perfecto pero no
solamente te falta sentir lo mismo
que yo
y que fueran ciertas las palabras
que me dices en la cama
pero ya se te olvido
Eres casi perfecto pero no
eres alegre, valiente, amo tu voz, tu
tus besos son lo mejor
pero que lastima que para el amor
seas un perdedor

Eres casi perfecto pero no

eres alegre, valiente, amo tu voz, tu dolor
tus besos son lo mejor
pero que lastima que para el amor
seas un perdedor
Y cuando me decas, aqu sigo contigo
esperando a que un da todo sea distinto
que de pronto sea yo tu prioridad
y le cuentes lo nuestro a los dems
Eres casi perfecto pero no
solamente te falta sentir lo mismo que yo
y que fueran ciertas las palabras
que me dices en la cama
pero ya se te olvido

Ro Roma No Somos As
No Somos As
Si tan solo fuera menos mentiroso, dira que te extrao con
tanto dolor
y si fuera menos, menos orgulloso me atrevera a decrtelo
pero no mi amor, yo no soy as
si tan solo fueras menos hermosa, sera ms fcil olvidarme de ti
y si fueras menos, menos caprichosa, tal vez no te hubieras
burlado de mi
pero no mi amor, t no eres as
pero no, no somos as
y si tan solo no te amara como un loco seran ms cortas
las noches sin ti
y si tan solo me quisieras solo un poco, yo hara todo

por amarte siempre y hacerte feliz

pero no somos as, no
si tan solo fueras menos vanidosa, talvez en el fondo
serias ms feliz
y si al menos fuera ms poderoso, hara que me amaras
como yo a ti
pero no mi amor, no somos as
pero no, no somos as
y si tan solo no te amara como un loco seran ms cortas
las noches sin ti
y si tan solo me quisieras solo un poco, yo hara todo
por amarte siempre y hacerte feliz
y hacerte feliz
y si tan solo me quisieras solo un poco, yo hara todo
por amarte siempre y hacerte feliz
yo hara todo por amarte siempre y hacerte feliz
pero no somos as.

Ro Roma Me Cambiaste La Vida

Me Cambiaste La Vida
Fue un da como cualquiera, nunca olvidar la fecha
Coincidimos sin pensar en tiempo y en lugar
Algo mgico pas, tu sonrisa me atrap
Sin permiso me robaste el corazn
Y as sin decirnos nada
con una simple mirada comenzaba nuestro amor
T me cambiaste la vida desde que llegaste a mi
Eres el sol que ilumina todo mi existir
Eres un sueo perfecto, todo lo encuentro en ti
T me cambiaste la vida por ti es que he vuelto a creer
Ahora slo tus labios encienden mi piel
Hoy ya no hay dudas aqu, el miedo se fue de m
Y todo gracias a ti
Tan hermosa eres por fuera como nadie en la tierra
Y en tu interior habita la nobleza y la bondad
Hoy la palabra amor tiene otra dimensin
Da y noche pido el cielo por los dos
Ahora todo es tan claro es a ti a quien yo amo
Me devolviste la ilusin
T me cambiaste la vida desde que llegaste a mi
Eres el sol que ilumina todo mi existir
Eres un sueo perfecto, todo lo encuentro en ti
T me cambiaste la vida por ti es que he vuelto a creer
Ahora slo tus labios encienden mi piel
Hoy ya no hay dudas aqu, el miedo se fue de m
Y todo gracias a ti

Ro Roma Tan Solo Un Minuto

Tan Solo Un Minuto
En una historia sin ti
Fui fcil de predecir
Justo enfrente de m
Un tnel obscuro y sin fin.
La tormenta que ahogaba mi alma
De pronto aclaro el cielo gris
En un momento entend
Que eres la mitad de m.
En un instante te vi
Y el mundo dejo de existir.
Ya no puedo dejar de encontrarte
Y hablarte aunque no ests aqu.
Tan solo, tan solo
Un minuto fue suficiente
Para quererte
Con solo un segundo
Nos dimos cuenta que era para siempre
No puedo ocultarlo, no puedo evitarlo
Estar a tu lado me hace sentir diferente.

Estar a tu lado me hace sentir

No me dejes aqu
Ya no quiero sufrir
Si tan solo supieras
Que ya no soy nada
Sin ti... sin ti.
Tan solo, tan solo
Un minuto fue suficiente
Para quererte
Con solo un segundo
Nos dimos cuenta que era para
No puedo ocultarlo, no puedo evitarlo
Estar a tu lado me hace sentir

Rabia esperado por ti

Toda una eternidad
En esta tarde de abril
La espera llego al final
Ya no puedo dejar de pensarte
Y amarte aunque no ests aqu.
Tan solo, tan solo
Un minuto fue suficiente
Para quererte
Con solo un segundo
Nos dimos cuenta que era para siempre
No puedo ocultarlo, no puedo evitarlo

Ro Roma Por Eso Te Amo

Por Eso Te Amo
Por cmo me miras y me dices tanto
Cuando dices nada
Por cmo me tocas con esa mirada
Que acaricia el alma
Y por cmo me abrazas,
Por eso te amo...

Por eso yo te amo porque

Eres ms de lo que haba soado
Porque amo tu ternura y me vuelve
loco tu pasin
Porque nadie me hace sentir como t
en el amor.

Porque cuando le ped al cielo que mandara un ngel

Me llev hasta ti y antes de pensar en alguien
Pienso en ti primero incluso antes de m
Porque atrapas mi atencin, eres mi aventura,
Mi emocin y mi inspiracin.

Por eso yo te amo

Soy tu dueo pero tambin soy tu
Y si acaso alguna vez te has
cuestionado la razn
Y por lo que sea nunca me lo has
Aqu te lo canto amor.

Por eso yo te amo porque

Eres ms de lo que haba soado
Porque amo tu ternura y me vuelve loco tu pasin
Porque nadie me hace sentir como t en el amor.

Porque son tus brazos al lugar

perfecto a donde pertenezco
Porque si te tengo, tengo todo
En ti tengo todo... por eso te amo.

Por eso yo te amo

Soy tu dueo pero tambin soy tu esclavo
Y si acaso alguna vez te has cuestionado la razn
Y por lo que sea nunca me lo has preguntado
Aqu te lo canto amor.
Por cmo me inspiras y me vuelves loco
Cuando nos amamos
Porque haces cada da extraordinario
Y cada noche es perfecta en tus labios
Tu piel es mi espacio...
Porque cuando le ped al cielo que mandara un ngel
Me llev hasta ti y antes de pensar en alguien
Pienso en ti primero incluso antes de m
Porque atrapas mi atencin, eres mi aventura,
Mi emocin y mi inspiracin.

Ro Roma Cmo Fui

Cmo Fui
Esta bien, vamos a ser amigos
Fue lo que prometiste, el da en que nos conocimos
Ok, no estaba convencido
Mas tuve que aceptarlo, por culpa del destino

Pero ahora, muero por ti

Estoy muriendo
Como fui a enamorarme as de ti
Mis sentimientos
Yo juraba que nada me lastimaba
pero ahora, muero por ti

Pero pasaba el tiempo y la verdad te fui queriendo

Y comenc a encontrarte en cada sueo, en mis deseos
Poco despus cuenta me di que odiaba ser tu amigo
Y ya no se si alejar mi amor o te lo digo
Como fui a enamorarme as de ti
Yo siempre supe que no eras para mi
Yo juraba poder controlar mis sentimientos
Como fui a enamorarme as de ti
Yo juraba que nada me lastimaba
Pero ahora, muero por ti

Estoy muriendo por ti

Esta bien, ya no te digo nada
Solo te pido ahora que no cruces la mirada
Ok, dijiste preocupada
Que nunca ibas hacer algo que ami me lastimara
Pero pasaba el tiempo y la verdad segu sintiendo
Y te volv a encontrar en cada sueo en mis deceso
Hoy nuevamente veo que no soporto ser tu amigo
Y otra vez no se si alejarme o te lo digo
Como fui a enamorarme as de ti
Yo siempre supe que no eras para mi
Yo juraba poder controlar mis sentimientos
Como fui a enamorarme as de ti
Yo juraba que nada me lastimaba

Ro Roma Tonto

Algo he aprendido
el tiempo ha pasado ya
y tantas cosas he vivido
que hasta consejos puedo dar

a alguien que me ame y que me

haga bien
mientras tanto aqu estar

Ya no estas conmigo
debo dejarte de pensar
pues me hace mal quererte tanto
pero no logro dejarte de amar

Porque en el amor sigo siendo un

Siempre caigo en el mismo error
Y entre menos me das, ms me
enamoro yo.

Porque en el amor sigo siendo un tonto

Siempre caigo en el mismo error
Y entre menos me das, ms me enamoro yo.
Porque en el amor sigo siendo un tonto
me creo muy listo sin razn
pero me gana el corazn y te doy todo

Porque en el amor sigo siendo un

me creo muy listo sin razn
pero me gana el corazn y te doy
y te doy todo...

Se que me lastimas
se que vienes y te vas
pero prefiero tus cenizas
a ya no verte nunca ms
Tal vez algn da
pueda dejarte de verdad
pues muchas veces lo he intentado
pero no logro dejarte de amar
Porque en el amor sigo siendo un tonto
Siempre caigo en el mismo error
Y entre menos me das, ms me enamoro yo.
Porque en el amor sigo siendo un tonto
me creo muy listo sin razn
pero me gana el corazn...
Llegar ese da en que encontrar

Ro Roma T Me Caste Del Cielo

T Me Caste Del Cielo

Eres mi ms bella coincidencia,

Case se me acaba la paciencia,
Yo que ya dudaba del amor,
Y de pronto sucedi
Un milagro que seguro el universo me mand...

Tu me caste del cielo (me caste del

Desde aquel da no hay nada que
pueda pedirle a la vida,
Teniendo tu amor,
Que bendicin que llegaste,
Ahora yo voy a cuidarte,
Porque te amo, eres mi vida y mi
Que bendicin que llegaste,
Ahora yo voy a cuidarte,
Porque te amo y me caste del... Cielo

Tu me caste del cielo,

En el preciso momento,
Seguramente algo bueno deb de haber hecho,
Y mi recompensa fuiste t,
Tu me caste del cielo,
Te veo y no me la creo,
Desde aquel da no hay nada que pueda pedirle a la vida,
Teniendo tu amor,
Que bendicin que llegaste,
Ahora yo voy a cuidarte,
Porque te amo, eres mi vida y mi cielo
Hoy por fin me duermo sin temor,
Ahora entiendo que es muy cierto ,
Que los tiempos son perfectos y de Dios...
Tu me caste del cielo,
En el preciso momento,
Seguramente algo bueno deb de haber hecho,
Y mi recompensa fuiste t...
Solamente pretendo que entiendas que yo,
Te valoro y respeto demasiado,
Eres lo ms bonito que la vida me dio...
Tu me caste del cielo,
En el preciso momento,
Seguramente algo bueno deb de haber hecho,
Y mi recompensa fuiste t


Rio Roma Me Arrepiento

Me Arrepiento
Me gusta ir contra del viento
Buscarle a todo el lado bueno
Dar siempre mi mejor esfuerzo
Y aunque a veces me tropiezo
De cada cada aprendo

No soy una mala persona

No entiendo por que la vida me
castigo contigo
Maldito sea el momento, el da y la
Esa en la que el destino
Me cruzo en tu camino

Me gusta comenzar de nuevo

Hacer el bien lo mas que puedo
De lo vivido no me quejo
Hasta lo malo lo agradezco
Y tengo miles de defectos
Pero no soy una mala persona
No entiendo por que la vida me castigo contigo
Maldito sea el momento, el da y la hora

Y no me da remordimiento
Decirte que de ti si me arrepiento
Antes me haban lastimado
Pero tu eres diferente
Duele el alma y duele el cuerpo
Y no me da remordimiento
Decirte que de ti si me arrepiento
Pues de la historia de mi vida
Solo quitara tus hojas
De ti si me arrepiento

Esa en la que el destino

Me cruzo en tu camino
Y no me da remordimiento
Decirte de que ti si me arrepiento
Antes me haban lastimado
Pero tu eres diferente
Duele el alma y duele el cuerpo

De ti si me arrepiento
Yo te juro que de ti si me arrepiento
Pues de la historia de mi vida
Solo quitara tus hojas
Para arrancarlas,
Para quemarlas y arrojarlas por el

Y no me da remordimiento
Decirte de que ti si me arrepiento
Pues de la historia de mi vida
Solo quitara tus hojas
Para arrancarlas,
Para quemarlas y arrojarlas por el viento
Y no hablo con resentimiento
Si te lo digo es por que siento
Que deberas de saberlo
Le haces dao a los dems
Por tu placer, por tu deseo

Rio Roma Vida Nueva

Vida Nueva

Te estoy siendo sincero

lo nico que quiero
es una vida nueva junto a ti.

Te entiendo, yo tambin sufr,

te entiendo porque ya me han lastimado tanto,
como a ti, pero yo se que tu eres diferente,
y voy a darte mi alma.

Nunca antes me haba pasado esto,

hoy concuerdo lo que digo,
lo que hago y lo que siento cada vez
que te beso.

S que puedo hacerte muy feliz,

se ve tu miedo pero ven aqu,
dame tu mano as, cierra los ojos si,
siente que puedes confiar en mi.

Quiero una vida nueva contigo,

quiero volver aprender a besar, a
a acariciarte como la primera vez.
Quiero una vida nueva a tu lado
que olvidemos juntos todo el pasado
y darte lo nunca di.
Te estoy siendo sincero
lo nico que quiero
es una vida nueva junto a ti.

Quiero una vida nueva contigo,

quiero volver aprender a besar, a confiar,
a acariciarte como la primera vez.
Quiero una vida nueva a tu lado
que olvidemos juntos todo el pasado
y darte lo nunca di.
Te estoy siendo sincero


lo nico que quiero

es una vida nueva junto a ti.
Lo pido porque s que puedo,
mas junto a ti yo siento que encontr el lugar
perfecto y que todo lo antes vivido
solo fue parte del camino.
S que puedo hacerte muy feliz,
se ve tu miedo pero ven aqu,
dame tu mano as, cierra los ojos si,
siente que puedes confiar en mi.
Quiero una vida nueva contigo,
quiero volver aprender a besar, a confiar,
a acariciarte como la primera vez.
Quiero una vida nueva a tu lado
que olvidemos juntos todo el pasado
y darte lo nunca di.

Ro Roma Disclpame
Pero, tambin,
no creo que sea justo que
la engaes mientras que...

s que t eres y
has sido mi amigo fiel, lo s.
Pero esa mujer a la que ests besando
y mintindole creo que...

Esto no est bien,

desde que la mir
siento que ella es mi mujer
y que yo no la puedo perder.

Que ella, escchame,

lo tienes que saber,
que yo la amo tanto que
no puede ser.

Y disclpame
pero quiero que sepas
que yo s la amo
y que s muy bien
que slo ests jugando,
que me vuelve loco
y a ti slo un poco.

desde que la mir
siento que ella es mi mujer
y que yo no la puedo perder.
Y disclpame

Y disclpame
pero no creo que pueda
seguir ocultando,
yo s que esto te
ha de estar molestando
pero es mejor que
seguir fingiendo que
no la amo.

pero quiero que sepas

que yo s la amo
y que s muy bien
que slo ests jugando,
que me vuelve loco
y a ti slo un poco.
Y disclpame
pero no creo que pueda
seguir ocultando,
yo s que esto te
ha de estar molestando
pero es mejor que
seguir fingiendo que
no la amo.

Y, por favor,
por favor, disclpame.
Yo s la amo.
Yo s la amo.

te juro que antes de decirlo
pens muy bien y lo dud.


Rio Roma Por Si Maana

Por Si Maana
Llevo mucho tiempo intentando no sentir
Pero no es nada fcil escapar de ti
He intentado ya de todo pero sigues aqu
Y es que es algo tan difcil de intentar fingir
Cuando estoy con alguien mas me acuerdo mas de ti
Ay amor este dolor me quiere hacer morir.

Y quien me asegura que mi vida

Va a soportar un da mas de dolor
Y por eso que hoy que puedo nia
Hoy vengo a regalarte mi confesin
Por si maana muero sin tu amor quiero que sepas hoy
Que an sigues siendo mi dolor
Por mas que intento, voy y vengo, quiero pero no te olvido
Por si maana muero sin tu amor quiero que sepas hoy
Que lo que siento por ti es mucho mas fuerte de lo que soy
Ya s que tal vez esto no te importe y mucho menos yo
Pero quera que decrtelo
Ya gast todas mis lgrimas por extraar
Ya perd toda esperanza y el poder soar
He perdido casi todo menos mi soledad
Y quien me asegura que mi vida
Va a soportar un da mas de dolor
Y es por eso que hoy que puedo nia
Hoy vengo a regalarte mi confesin


Ro Roma Otra Vida

Otra Vida


Se me olvido como hacerte sentir especial

Y no debi de tratarte mal
Se me olvido como amarte de verdad
Tu corazon aguanto hasta que no pudo mas
Y senti la necesidad de dejarte ir
Es mejor asi... esto ya no es justo para ti
Y aunque es muy triste la verdad,
Hay que aceptar la realidad... En esta vida no,

Voy a buscarte en Otra Vida
Porque en esta te falle
No supe hacer las cosas bien
Perdoname, no supe hacer las cosas

No te supe hacer Feliz

Ojala que haya otra vida y podamos coincidir
Porque en esta vida No
Tu amor me lo gaste
Comprandome ilusiones y caricias de papel
Voy a buscarte en Otra Vida
Porque en esta te falle
No supe hacer las cosas bien
Ojala que hubiera como echar el tiempo atras
Y asi tener la oportunidad de hacerte feliz
De no ser quien fui... de pensar primero en ti que en mi...
Y aunque es muy triste la verdad
Hay que aceptar la realidad
En esta vida no
No te supe hacer Feliz
Ojala que haya Otra Vida y podamos coincidir
Porque en esta vida no
Tu amor me lo gaste
Comprndome caricias e ilusiones de papel
Voy a buscarte en Otra Vida
Porque en esta te falle
No supe hacer las cosas bien.


Ro Roma Fcil
Ya deca yo
demasiado bueno para ser verdad
tan bonita, tan coqueta, tan sensual,
qu casualidad que slo as conmigo,
slo as conmigo.

que tus labios eran mos y de otros

que tena razn mi corazn
esas noches que dud de ti.
Tengo que aceptar que yo lo present
pero fue terrible cuando descubr
que con todo el mundo siempre eres
as. (x2)

Me decas amor, yo no soy as,

esta noche fue especial
normalmente tardo aos en llegar
a entregarme como me entregu contigo,
me entregu contigo

Tan linda, entregada y tan fcil

Porque eres fcil
porque eres fcil

Prometas que jams te iras,

me decas que eras slo ma,
me jurabas que era lo mejor
de tu vida
Un da vi que no slo me decas eso a m,
que tus labios eran mos y de otros mil,
que tena razn mi corazn
esas noches que dud de ti.
Tengo que aceptar que yo lo present
pero fue terrible cuando descubr
que con todo el mundo siempre eres as
tan linda, entregada y tan fcil.
No te culpo no, eso es algo que se trae por vocacin,
la necesidad te llama la atencin,
as eres no te juzgo ms, me despido,
me despido.
Prometas que jams te iras,
me decas que eras slo ma,
me jurabas que era lo mejor de tu vida.
Un da vi que no slo me decas eso a m,

Rio Roma - Y Ahora Qu?

Y Ahora Qu?
Te acuerdas de aquel viernes en la cama
Mirando llover tras de la ventana
Hablando de todo sin pensar en nada
Suplicando al tiempo que se congelara
Me acuerdo de ti, tan enamorada
Despus de subir al cielo sin alas
Me volv un adicto a tu piel dorada
Siempre a donde iba solo de tu amor hablaba
Y ahora qu le digo a tu almohada

Al lado izquierdo que hay en mi cama

Ahora como callo este silencio
Que no hace mas que hablarme de
tus besos
Y ahora qu le digo a mi alma
Si lo nico que sabe es amarte a ti,
solo a ti
Lo nico que queda es seguir
Que despierto junto a ti

Al lado izquierdo que hay en mi cama

Ahora como callo este silencio
Que no hace mas que hablarme de tus besos
Y ahora qu le digo a mi alma


Si lo nico que sabe es amarte a ti, solo a ti

Lo nico que queda es seguir soando
Que despierto junto a ti
Me acuerdo de ti, cuando despertabas
Cuando eras feliz, como me besabas
Y aunque no te veo, vas a donde vayas
Aunque quiero todo no te pido nada
Y ahora qu le digo a tu almohada
Al lado izquierdo que hay en mi cama
Ahora como callo este silencio
Que no hace mas que hablarme de tus besos
Y ahora qu le digo a mi alma
Si lo nico que sabe es amarte a ti, solo a ti
Despus de llevarme al cielo
Me dejas besando el suelo
Y ahora qu le digo a tu almohada

Avicii Wake Me Up
Tim Bergling (Estocolmo, 8 de septiembre de 1989), ms conocido por su nombre artstico Avicii (estilizado
como o como VICII), es un DJ, productor, y remixer sueco.

Wake Me Up
Feeling my way through the darkness
Guided by a beating heart
I can't tell where the journey will end
But I know where to start
They tell me I'm too young to understand
They say I'm caught up in a dream
Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes
Well that's fine by me

Didn't know I was lost

I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know I was lost
I didn't know (didn't know, didn't

So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost
I tried carrying the weight of the world
But I only have two hands
Hope I get the chance to travel the world
But I don't have any plans
Wish that I could stay forever this young
Not afraid to close my eyes
Life's a game made for everyone
And love is the prize

So wake me up when it's all over
When I'm wiser and I'm older
All this time I was finding myself
And I didn't know I was lost

Avicii Waiting For Love

Waiting For Love


Where there's a will, there's a way, kind of beautiful

And every night has its day, so magical
And if there's love in this life, there's no obstacle
That can't be defeated
For every tyrant a tear for the vulnerable
In every lost soul the bones of a miracle
For every dreamer a dream we're unstoppable
With something to believe in
Monday left me broken
Tuesday I was through with hoping
Wednesday my empty arms were open
Thursday waiting for love, waiting for love
Thank the stars it's Friday
I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday
Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday
I'll be waiting for love, waiting for love
To come around
We are one of a kind irreplaceable
How did I get so blind and so cynical
If there's love in this life we're unstoppable
No we can't be defeated
Monday left me broken
Tuesday I was through with hoping
Wednesday my empty arms were open
Thursday waiting for love, waiting for love
Thank the stars it's Friday
I'm burning like a fire gone wild on Saturday
Guess I won't be coming to church on Sunday
I'll be waiting for love, waiting for love
To come around.


Cascada Everytime We Touch

Cascada es una grupo alemn de eurodance que se form en 2004. Cascada est formada por la cantante
Natalie Horler, y los productores DJ Manian y Yanou.

Everytime We Touch
I still hear your voice, when you sleep next to me.
I still feel your touch in my dreams.
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why.
Without you it's hard to survive.
Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I can fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
Cause everytime we touch, I feel this static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go.
Want you in my life.
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky.
They wipe away tears that I cry.
The good and the bad times, we've been through them all.
You make me rise when I fall.
Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I can fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
Cause everytime we touch, I feel this static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go.
Want you in my life
Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling.
And everytime we kiss I swear I can fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.

Cascada Bad Boy

Bad Boy
Remember the feelings, remember the day
My stone heart was breaking
My love ran away
This moments I knew I would be someone else
My love turned around and I fell
Be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you in my life again
Won't you be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you again
No I don't need you again

That I don't need you again

No I don't need you again

You once made this promise

To stay by my side


But after some time you just pushed me aside

You never thought that a girl could be strong
Now I'll show you how to go on
Be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you in my life again
Won't you be my bad boy, be my man
Be my week-end lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand

Cascada Miracle
Boy meets girl
You were my dream,my world
But i was blind
You cheated on me from behind
So on my own
I feel so all alone
Though I know it's true
I'm still in love with you

I wanna be your girl

Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see it can happen to
I need a miracle
I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see it can happen to
It can happen to me

I need a miracle
I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see it can happen to me
I need a miracle
I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see it can happen to me
It can happen to me

Miracle... Miracle [echo]

Miracle... Miracle [echo]

Miracle... Miracle [echo]

Day and night
I'm always by your side
Cause I know for sure
My love is real my feelings pure
So take a try
No need to ask me why
Cause I know it's true
I'm still in love with you
I need a miracle...

Cascada Ready For Love

Ready For Love
You took a piece of my heart
I never thought that this could fall apart
You said you fell in love
And this was more than I had ever been afraid of
Another life

I start to talk in my sleep, cause our

souls have divided
How can it be that you're ready for


How can it be that you're ready for

love ...
How can it be that you're ready for
love ...

Another happy ending cuts like knife

Another place, another time
Another hand to touch, another sun to shine
You got me deeper than deep and I'm constantly blinded
I'm running around but there's no place to hide
I start to talk in my sleep, our souls have divided
Why can't they forgive me these demons inside
Deeper than deep and I'm constantly blinded
My heart starts to shiver for I was letting up
I start to talk in my sleep, cause our souls have divided
How can it be that you're ready for love
Ready for love ...
How can it be that you're ready for love .....
Time will tell
A single day had helped me break this spell
Don't want to be alone
When will I be understood when is my kingdom to come
Another boy, another life
Another happy ending, and I'll be alive
Another place, another time
Another hand to touch, another sun to shine
You got me deeper than deep and I'm constantly blinded
I'm running around but there's no place to hide
I start to talk in my sleep, our souls have divided
Why can't they forgive me these demons inside
Deeper than deep and I'm constantly blinded
My heart starts to shiver for I was letting up

Casacada A Neverending Dream

A Neverending Dream
I'm waiting for the night drifting away
On the waves of my dreams to another day
I'm standing on a hill and beyond the clouds
The winds blowing still and catching my doubts
I'm hunting on the night the slave to my dream an illustrated seen decends in the steam
We're playing for the fights emotional games
I'm turning off my eyes and hiding my shame
(Chorus)x 2
A neverending dream a dream of you I believe I received a sign of you
tonight I want to hide my feelings too
as you do and I want to be with you
I'm waiting for the night drifting away on the waves of my dreams to another day
I'm standing on a hill and beyond the clouds the wind's blowing still and catching my doubts
I'm watching all the flowers dyeing away
inheated breath of life at the dawning day Im waking up in spring and kissing your face the sweet imoving
thing I feel your imbrace
A neverending dream....
(Chorus) x 2
A Neverending dream a dream of you
I beleive I received a sign of you tonight I want to hide my feelings too as you do and I want to be with you


(Chorus) x 1


Cascada Truly Madly Deeply

Truly Madly Deeply
I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope
I'll be your love
Be everything that you need.
I love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply, do..

I'll be your dream

I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope
I'll be your love
Be everything that you need
I love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply, do..

I will be strong
I will be faithful
Because I am counting on a new beginning
A reason for living
A deeper meaning yeah

I wanna stand with you on a

I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

I wanna stand with you on a mountain

I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me
And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky
I'll make a wish send it to heaven
That'll make you wanna cry
The tears of joy for all the pleasure and the certainty
That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection
Of the highest power and lonely hours
The tears divide you
I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

I wanna stand with you on a

I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me
(I wanna stand with you on a
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me)
I wanna stand with you on a

Oh, can't you see it baby?

Don't have to close your eyes
'cause it's standing right before you
All that you need will surely come

Cascada One More Night

One More Nigth
are all I can remember
after all that we've been through
forever in my heart
now i'm through
and June feels like november
so cant believe its true
too long we've been apart
one more night i wanna be with you
where i wanna hold you tight
it feels so right
so leave it up to you
and i think the time is right
to stop the fight
one more night i wanna be with you
where i wanna hold you tight
it feels so right

one more night i wanna be with you

where i wanna hold you tight
it feels so right
so leave it up to you
and i think the time is right
to stop the fight
one more night i wanna be with you
where i wanna hold you tight
it feels so right
so leave it up to you
and i think the time is right
to stop the fight
hey check it out now


so leave it up to you
and i think the time is right
to stop the fight
stop the fight..
stop the fight..
why can't true love be forever
why did my dream explode
the day you went away
cause i will keep the spare together
i wish you well of hope
a girl from yesterday

Cascada What Hurts The Most

What Hurts The Most
I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don't bother me
I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I'm ok
But that's not what gets me

Even though going on with you gone

still upsets me
There are days every now and again I
pretend I'm ok
But that's not what gets me
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away

What hurts the most

Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away

And never knowing

What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

And never knowing

What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do
It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I'm doin' it
It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm
Still harder, getting up, getting dressed, living with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade, give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken
What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away

What hurts the most

Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away


And never knowing

What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

And never knowing

What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do
I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while

Cascada Who Did You Think You Are

Who Did You Think You Are
Why can I still believe in tomorrow,
when all I have tried was just in vain (just in vain)
Is it worth the fight I couldn't start believing that those feelings who died could face the pain (could face the pain)


I don't need no diamond rings, alibis no more.

Who do you think you are
cuz once again you broke my heart
I know that love went just too far
its hard to catch a falling star
but now I finally realize, you're a brown eyed angel in disguise
just one step too far so tell me honestly
who do you think you are (who do you think you are, who do you think you are)
you and I were on our way together
but this life passed by, these days are gone (these days are gone)
all the tears I've cried they taught me nothing lasts forever
I been blind for just too long
cuz I don't need no diamond rings, alibis no more.
Who do you think you are
cuz once again you broke my heart
I know that love went just to far
its hard to catch a falling star
but now I finally realize, youre a brown eyed angel in disguise
just one step too far so tell me honestly
who do you think you are (who do you think you are)


Cascada Because The Night

Because The Night
Take me now, baby, here as I am
Hold me close, and try and understand
Desire is hunger is the fire I breathe
Love is a banquet on which we feed
Come on now, try and understand
The way I feel when I need your hand
Take my hand, come under cover
They can't hurt you now can't hurt you now, can't hurt you now






Have I a doubt, when I'm alone

Love is a ring on the telephone
Love is an angel, disguised as lust
Here in our bed 'til the morning comes
Come on now, try and understand
The way I feel, under your command
Take my hand, and the sun resets
They can't hurt you now can't hurt you now, can't hurt you now







Cascada I Will Belive It

I Will Belive It
It's over boy
everyone can tell
no need to hide it from your friends
it's sad, but it's true
you've got your self to blame
and you (and you)
will never understand
don't try to talk me into it again
I will believe it when I see it
with my own eyes no more lies
I will believe it
when I receive the love that makes me feel alive
I will believe it when I see it
with my own eyes no more lies
I will believe it
that I can feel your love so now I realize this is good bye
let's face it boy
it wasn't meant to be
you and me
don't you understand
don't try to talk me into it again
I will believe it when I see it
with my own eyes no more lies
I will believe it
when I receive the love that makes me feel alive
I will believe it when I see it
with my own eyes no more lies
I will believe it
that I can feel your love so now I realize this is good bye
this is good bye
this is good bye

Cascada What Do You Want From Me

What Do You Want From Me
So there you are,
again you're circling all around,
if you could only touch me now,
strangers from the past,
Dont hesitate,
now we're standing face to face,
if heaven is the only place,
would you take my hand?
Just tell me what do you want from me,
this is love in the first degree,
tell me why, everytime I feel your eyes all over me.
Tell me what do you want from me,
are you mad enough to see,
that its hard to cross the line,
come on now, set me free.

that its hard to cross the line,

come on now, set me free.
And I know, If you give me this
I'll be there to hold you tight.
Cauz I'd show, your love is a hero,
we will run, run out of sight.
What you want?
What do you want from me,
this is love in the first degree,
tell me why everytime I feel your
eyes all over me

What do you want from me.


Get closer now,

softly whisper in my ear,
please take me away from here,
away from all my tears.
Its not too late,
now we're standing face to face,
and heaven is the only place,
will you understand?
Just tell me what do you want from me,
this is love in the first degree,
tell me why everytime I feel your eyes all over me.
Tell me what do you want from me,
are you mad enough to see

Cascada Ready Or Not

Ready Or Not
What is my destination?
Spinning so fast I can't slow down
I lose my head when you're around, yeah
Don't tell me to run away from this
Cause you've got the love I can't resist
How can I breathe?
How should I feel?
Holding me back
Baby what you do, what you do, what you do to me
Makes me want to be somebody I'm not
Every time you do, what you do, what you do to me
Take your chance boy, ready or not
Baby what you do, what you do, what you do to me
Makes me want to be somebody I'm not
Every time you do, what you do, what you do to me
Take your chance boy ready, ready or not

Baby what you do, what you do, what

you do to me
Makes me want to be somebody I'm
Every time you do, what you do, what
you do to me
Take your chance boy ready, ready or
Baby what you do, what you do, what
you do to me
Makes me want to be somebody I'm
Every time you do, what you do, what
you do to me
Take your chance boy ready, ready or

Take your chance boy, ready or not

Longing for inspiration
Somehow you turn me inside out
I need an explanation now, right now
Don't tell me to run away from this
Cause you've got the love I can't resist
How can I breathe?
How should I feel?
Holding me back
Baby what you do, what you do, what you do to me
Makes me want to be somebody I'm not
Every time you do, what you do, what you do to me
Take your chance boy, ready or not


Cascada Dangerous
Don't know anything about you
So close, just a touch away
Your love hits me like no other
They say I'm a true believer
I know something's taking over now
I wanna run but I don't know how
You just crossed my border now
Just a kiss away
Give me a break
I'm melting away
You're so dangerous
Or is it too late?
Gotta know what's on your mind
I'm out of control
Cause you want it all
You're so dangerous
My biggest mistake
I'm blinded by your eyes

I'm melting away

You're so dangerous
Or is it too late?
Gotta know what's on your mind
I'm out of control
Cause you want it all
You're so dangerous
My biggest mistake
I'm blinded by your eyes
I'm out of control
Cause you want it all
You're so dangerous
My biggest mistake
I'm blinded by your eyes

I'm out of control
Don't you push it to the limit
Cause you know I'm hungry for your touch
No doubt, I wanna be your lover
They say, just a pretender
I know something's taking over now
I wanna run but I don't know how
You just crossed my border now
Standing face to face
Give me a break

Cascada - Night Nurse

Night Nurse
Night Nurse, urse
Night Nurse, urse
Its critical
Your body's gonna rock like a chemical
Makes you bouncing around the block like an outlaw
We're gonna take it too the top, 12 O'Clock (that's it)
G-g-guess whos on night shift?,
'Cause tonight I'm working over time
Oh are you ready to cross the line
I'll treat you until the break of dawn
You're not alone
Night Nurse-urse
Night Nurse-urse
Who you gonna call?
Night Nurse-urse
Who you gonna call?
Don't wanna be a lover, oh no
But I could be your remedy, oh oh

Night Nurse-urse
Who you gonna call?
Night Nurse-urse
Who you gonna call?
Don't wanna be a lover, oh no
But I could be your remedy, oh oh
Don't wanna be a lover, oh no
But I could be your remedy, your cure
Night Nurse
I am not the enemy I cold be your
Doh-doh-doh-doh-go-doh-doh do
I am not the enemy I could be your
Its critical
'Cause your bodys gonna rock just
like and outlaw, outlaw
Who You Gonna Call?
Its Physical
'Cause tonight we gonna party on the
top floor
Party on the top floor
Break-Break Down
Night Nurse-urse
Night Nurse-urse
Who you gonna call?
Night Nurse-urse
Who you gonna call?
Don't wanna be a lover, oh no
I could be your remedy, oh oh
Don't wanna be a lover, oh no
But I could be your remedy, your cure

Don't wanna be a lover, oh no

But I could be your remedy, your cure
Night Nurse
Its physical
Cuz tonight were gonna party on the top floor
And I'll meet you there
And I dont care if it all comes natural
Your medical prescription -- baby get ready now
This is my religion
'Cause tonight I'm working over time
Oh are you ready to cross the line
I'll treat you until the break of dawn
You're not alone
Night Nurse-urse

Cascada Summer Of Love

Summer Of Love
This is the summer of love,
I feel my heart is dancing.
If you wanna dance with me,
get ready there's a party tonight.
We gonna dance so free,
let's do it for the very first time.
You better wake up, wake up
the party's gonna take up.
We livin' for a saturday night.
All my girls on the floor
are you ready for the time of your life?
(time of you life)
This is the summer of love,
I feel my heart is dancing.
Summer of Love
It makes me feel alive.
Keep rocking rocking your body,
Rocking rocking the party,
Rocking rock everybody,
Welcome to the summer of love.
And make this feel alive.

We're loosing gravity

The party is about to ignite.
So put your hands up, hands up
Your body's gonna take up,
We livin' for a suturday night.
All the boys on the floor
Are you ready for the time of your
(time of you life)
[Chorus: 2x]
Welcome to the summer of love
I feel my heart is dancing
summer of love
It makes me feel alive
This is the summer of love
summer of love
Keep rocking rocking your body,
Rocking rocking the party,
Rocking rock everybody,
Welcome to the summer of love.
And make this feel alive.

I need a thrill of ecstasy,

So DJ come and give us a ride.

Cascada Glorious
Do you know its time to let yourself go?
Why dont we just let it show?
Tell me what youre waiting for
Cause I, I wanna live before I die

Glorious, found a love that eyes

cannot see
Delirious, oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh


Crash and burn and lose my mind

We can set the world on fire
Tonight we can be glorious
We are young at heart and were free
The world is ours, I can feel the music in me
Glorious, found a love that eyes cannot see
Delirious, oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh
I believe the little child inside of me
Can reveal my destiny
And one day Ill be breaking free
Nows the time, were running at the speed of light
Ill meet you on the other side
Every time I close my eyes
Tonight we can be glorious
We are young at heart and were free
The world is ours, I can feel the music in me
Glorious, found a love that eyes cannot see
Delirious, I can feel the music in me
(Glorious) Found a love that eyes cannot see
(Glorious) (We are young, oh oh, oh oh oh)
(We are young, oh oh, oh oh oh)
(We are young, oh oh, oh oh oh)
(We are young, oh oh, oh oh oh)
Tonight we can be glorious
We are young at heart and were free
The world is ours, I can feel the music in me

Cascada Blink
I dont want to blink, I cant close my eyes
These are the best years of our lives
I dont wanna sleep while Im alive
I dont wanna miss a thing tonight
For once in my life I realized
What Ive been given, in an instant
I dont need this to end to understand
That Im gonna miss it, gonna miss it
I cant believe how the minutes keep passing us by
Better live my life
Here in the moment just own it and dont think twice
Lets go
I dont want to blink, I cant close my eyes
These are the best years of our lives
I dont wanna to sleep while Im alive
I dont wanna miss a thing tonight
I don't wanna blink, blink,
I dont wanna blink, blink
I dont wanna blink
No, I dont wanna blink

I dont wanna blink, blink

I dont wanna blink
No, I dont wanna blink
Cant stop, wont stop
Give me some more
So many things that I wanna explore
Years ahead, more, we were put in for
Now I now
Lets go
I dont want to blink, I cant close my
These are the best years of our lives
I dont wanna to sleep while Im alive
I dont wanna miss a thing tonight
I don't wanna blink, blink,
I dont wanna blink, blink
I dont wanna blink
No, I dont wanna blink

There used to be a time when I was blind

I had no vision, wouldnt listen
Now every heartbeat is tellin me
That Im on a mission to make a difference
I cant believe how the seconds keep passing us by
Better live my life
Here in the moment just own it and dont think twice
Lets go


I dont want to blink, I cant close my eyes

These are the best years of our lives
I dont wanna to sleep while Im alive
I dont wanna miss a thing tonight
I don't wanna blink, blink,

The Weeknd The Hills

Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, mejor conocido por su nombre artstico The Weeknd (Scarborough, Canad, 16 de
febrero de 1990), es un cantante, compositor y productor canadiense.

The Hills

Your man on the road, he doing promo

You said keep our business on the low-low
I'm just tryna get you out the friend zone
'Cause you look even better than the photos
I can't find your house, send me the info
Driving through the gated residential
Found out I was coming, sent your friends home
Keep on tryna hide it but your friends know
I only call you when it's half past five
The only time that I'll be by your side
I only love it when you touch me, not feel me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, yeah
I only fuck you when it's half past five
The only time I'd ever call you mine
I only love it when you touch me, not feel me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, babe
I'ma let you know and keep it simple
Tryna keep it up, don't seem so simple
I just fucked two bitches 'fore I saw you
You gon' have to do it at my tempo
Always tryna send me off to rehab
Drugs start to feeling like it's decaf
I'm just tryna live life for the moment
And all these motherfuckers want a real love
I only call you when it's half past five
The only time that I'll be by your side
I only love it when you touch me, not feel me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, yeah

I only fuck you when it's half past five

The only time I'd ever call you mine
I only love it when you touch me, not
feel me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real
When I'm fucked up, that's the real
me, babe
Hills have eyes, the hills have eyes
Who are you to judge, who are you to
Hide your lies, girl, hide your lies
Only you to trust, only you
I only call you when it's half past five
The only time that I'll be by your side
I only love it when you touch me, not
feel me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real
When I'm fucked up, that's the real
me, yeah
I only fuck you when it's half past five
The only time I'd ever call you mine
I only love it when you touch me, not
feel me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real
When I'm fucked up, that's the real
me, babe
What about love? What about love?

The Weeknd Cant Feel My Face

"Can't Feel My Face"
And I know she'll be the death of me, at least we'll both be
And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to
But at least we'll both be beautiful and stay forever young
This I know, (yeah) this I know
She told
She told
We both
She told

me, "Don't worry about it."

me, "Don't worry no more."
knew we can't go without it
me you'll never be alone-oh-oh, whoa

I can't feel my face when I'm with you

But I love it, but I love it, oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with you
But I love it, but I love it, oh

We both know we can't go without it

She told me you'll never be alone-ohoh
I can't feel my face when I'm with
But I love it, but I love it, oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with
But I love it, but I love it, oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with
But I love it, but I love it, oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with
But I love it, but I love it, oh


And I know she'll be the death of me, at least we'll both be numb
And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love
Yes I know (yes I know), girl, I know
She told
She told
We both
She told

me, "Don't worry about it."

me, "Don't worry no more."
knew we can't go without it
me you'll never be alone-oh-oh, whoa

I can't feel my face when I'm with you

But I love it, but I love it, oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with you
But I love it, but I love it, oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with you
But I love it, but I love it, oh
I can't feel my face when I'm with you
But I love it, but I love it, oh
She told me, "Don't worry about it."
She told me, "Don't worry no more."

Kelly Clarkson Because Of You

Kelly Brianne Clarkson, es una cantautora, compositora y actriz estadounidense.

Because Of You

I will not make the same mistakes that you did

I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

I was so young
You should have known better
than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of
the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
I never stray too far from the
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone
else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because
it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid

Because of you
Because of you

I watched you die

I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else


You just saw your pain

And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid
Because of you
Because of you





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