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AY 2009 - 2010.

Income Tax computation For Males

I Income From Salary -

II Income from House Property

Self Occupied
Interest Paid (Upto Rs 150000) -
Let Out Property
Rent Received
Less: Municipal Taxes
Less:30% deduction -
Less: Interest paid (No limit) - -

III Income from Business/Profession

Net surplus

IV Income From Capital Gains

Short Term Gains
Sale Consideration
Less: cost of purchase
Less: Selling expenses -

Loss to be carried forward

Long Term Gains

Sale Consideration
Less: Selling expenses
Less: Indexed Cost of acquisition - -

V Income From other sources

Bank Interest
Any other -

Gross Total Income -

Less: Deductions
Tax saving Investments -
(Upto Rs100,000)
U/s 80 D
Other 80G, 80E, 80U -

Net Total Income -

Rounded of Income -

Tax on Short term gains - -

Tax on Long term gains (with Indexation) - -
Tax on Normal Income - 0 -

Add: Surcharge (if Net total income > 10lakhs)

Add: education Cess -

Total Tax Liability -

Less: TDS -
Advance Tax
Self assesment Tax -

Tax Payable/ (refund) -

AY 2009 - 2010.
Income Tax computation For Females

I Income From Salary 0

II Income from House Property

Self Occupied
Interest Paid (Upto Rs 150000)
Let Out Property
Rent Received
Less: Municipal Taxes
Less:30% deduction 0
Less: Interest paid (No limit) 0 0

III Income from Business/Profession

Net surplus

IV Income From Capital Gains

Short Term Gains
Sale Consideration
Less: cost of purchase
Less: Selling expenses 0

Loss to be carried forward

Long Term Gains

Sale Consideration
Less: Selling expenses
Less: Indexed Cost of acquisition 0 0

V Income From other sources

Bank Interest
Any other 0

Gross Total Income 0

Less: Deductions
Tax saving Investments 0
(Upto Rs100,000)
U/s 80 D
Other 80G, 80E, 80U 0

Net Total Income 0

Rounded of Income 0

Tax on Short term gains 0 0

Tax on Long term gains (with Indexation) 0 0
Tax on Normal Income 0 0 0

Add: Surcharge (if Net total income > 10lakhs)

Add: education Cess 0

Total Tax Liability 0

Less: TDS 0
Advance Tax
Self assesment Tax 0

Tax Payable/ (refund) 0

AY 2010-11
Income Tax computation For Males

I Income From Salary -

II Income from House Property

Self Occupied
Interest Paid (Upto Rs 150000) -
Let Out Property
Rent Received 190,000
Less: Municipal Taxes 6,550
GAV 183,450
Less:30% deduction 55,035
Less: Interest paid (No limit) 128,415 128,415

III Income from Business/Profession

Net surplus 35,600

IV Income From Capital Gains

Short Term Gains
Sale Consideration
Less: cost of purchase
Less: Selling expenses -

Loss to be carried forward

Long Term Gains

Sale Consideration
Less: Selling expenses
Less: Indexed Cost of acquisition - -

V Income From other sources

Bank Interest 1,560
Any other 135,200 136,760

Gross Total Income 300,775

Less: Deductions
Tax saving Investments 35,260
(Upto Rs100,000)
U/s 80 D
Other 80G, 80E, 80U 35,260

Net Total Income 265,515

Rounded of Income 265,520

Tax on Short term gains - -

Tax on Long term gains (with Indexation) - -
Tax on Normal Income 265,520 10,552 10,552

Add: Surcharge (if Net total income > 10lakhs)

Add: education Cess 317

Total Tax Liability 10,869

Less: TDS -
Advance Tax
Self assesment Tax -

Tax Payable/ (refund) 10,869

AY 2010-11
Income Tax computation For Females

I Income From Salary 0

II Income from House Property

Self Occupied
Interest Paid (Upto Rs 150000)
Let Out Property
Rent Received
Less: Municipal Taxes
Less:30% deduction 0
Less: Interest paid (No limit) 0 0

III Income from Business/Profession

Net surplus

IV Income From Capital Gains

Short Term Gains
Sale Consideration
Less: cost of purchase
Less: Selling expenses 0

Loss to be carried forward

Long Term Gains

Sale Consideration
Less: Selling expenses
Less: Indexed Cost of acquisition 0 0

V Income From other sources

Bank Interest
Any other 0

Gross Total Income 0

Less: Deductions
Tax saving Investments 0
(Upto Rs100,000)
U/s 80 D
Other 80G, 80E, 80U 0

Net Total Income 0

Rounded of Income 0

Tax on Short term gains 0 0

Tax on Long term gains (with Indexation) 0 0
Tax on Normal Income 0 0 0

Add: Surcharge (if Net total income > 10lakhs)

Add: education Cess 0

Total Tax Liability 0

Less: TDS 0
Advance Tax
Self assesment Tax 0

Tax Payable/ (refund) 0

AY 2010 - 2011.
Income Tax computation For Senior Citizens

I Income From Salary

II Income from House Property

Self Occupied
Interest Paid (Upto Rs 150000)
Let Out Property
Rent Received 295,000
Less: Municipal Taxes
GAV 295,000
Less:30% deduction 88,500
Less: Interest paid (No limit) 206,500 206,500

III Income from Business/Profession

Net surplus 0

IV Income From Capital Gains

Short Term Gains
Sale Consideration
Less: cost of purchase
Less: Selling expenses 0

Loss to be carried forward

Long Term Gains

Sale Consideration
Less: Selling expenses
Less: Indexed Cost of acquisition 0 0

V Income From other sources

Bank Interest 35,000
Any other 45,210 80,210

Gross Total Income 286,710

Less: Deductions
Tax saving Investments 0
(Upto Rs100,000)
U/s 80 D
Other 80G, 80E, 80U 0

Net Total Income 286,710

Rounded of Income 286,710

Tax on Short term gains 0 0

Tax on Long term gains (with Indexation) 0 0
Tax on Normal Income 286,710 4,671 4,671

Add: Surcharge (if Net total income > 10lakhs)

Add: education Cess 140

Total Tax Liability 4,811

Less: TDS 0
Advance Tax
Self assesment Tax 0

Tax Payable/ (refund) 4,811

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