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January 29,2005
1.1 Ancient History
1.2 Recent History
1.3 Alien Messages
1.3.1 The Response
1.3.2 The Alien With Disk
2.1 Foreign Threats
2.1.1 Human Looking Andromedians Pleiadians Procyonians Aliens Masquerading as Humans
2.1.2 Smooth Skinned Humanoids Tall Grays Short Grays Human/Gray Interbreeds Zeta Reticulans Sirians Insectoids Other Smooth Skinned Humanoids
2.1.3 Scaly Rough Skinned Reptilians
2.2 International Threats
2.2.1 Satanic Organizations Illuminati Freemasonry Jehovahs Witnesses Mormons Skull and Bones
2.2.2 Global Organizations The Round Table United Nations Bilderbergers Club of Rome Trilateral Commission World Trade Organization
2.2.3 Regional Organizations Federal Reserve Royal Institute of International Affairs Council on Foreign Relations
2.3 Individual Threats
2.3.1 Drugs Legal Drugs Illegal Drugs
2.3.2 Mind Control Electronic Manipulation Trauma-Based Slavery Implants
2.3.3 Terrorism Firearms Explosives Weapons of Mass Destruction
2.3.4 National Security Communications Tracking and Monitoring Martial Law Crises Relocation
3.1 Foreign Intervention
3.1.1 Religious Consequences
3.1.2 Global Conquest
3.1.3 Covert Manipulation
3.2 International Intervention
3.2.1 Global Economy
3.2.2 One-World Government
3.2.3 Overt Manipulation
3.3 Domestic Intervention
3.3.1 Emergency Powers
3.3.2 World Government Consequences
4.1 Foreign Threat Resistance
4.1.1 Public Resistance
4.1.2 Passive Resistance

4.1.3 Active Resistance

4.2 International Threat Resistance
4.2.1 Economic Threats
4.2.2 World Government Threats
4.2.3 Satanic Threats
4.3 Domestic Threat Resistance
4.3.1 Martial Law Threats
4.3.2 Crisis Relocation Threats
4.3.3 Mind Control Threats
5.1 Preparations
5.2 Law Enforcement
5.3 Political Reform
5.4 International Relations
5.5 Foreign Relations
The purpose of this document is to provide humanity with
information about hidden threats that exist to the free will and
self-determination of mankind. This information describes threats
from extraterrestrial societies, international organizations, and
domestic shadow government activities. The implications of
successful fruition of these threats are also presented along with
information that must be considered when planning a strategy for
resisting these threats and ultimate objectives.
This document attempts to expose the fact that all three
sources of threats must be considered together because they are
all interrelated. What may appear to be independent groups with
vastly different agendas are all actually working toward the same
goal of world domination and the abolishment of individual freedom
for all of mankind. The only way to prevent this from happening
is for humanity to become aware of the threats and respond as one
people, despite how unpleasant this may be. It is morally
improper to remain silent and do nothing to prevent global
domination from occurring.
This document contains information of a serious and troubling
nature that will be emotionally disturbing to sensitive
individuals. Only by viewing this information from a
dispassionate and discerning point of view, can the emotional
reactions of anger, fear, anxiety, and depression be avoided.
This document may not represent all truths from all points of
view. It only presents information relevant to the preservation
of Human freedom.
This document provides a full operational briefing. However, it
only contains a summary of available information. For a better
understanding of the topics covered herein, the reader is

encouraged to review the source material listed in the References

section. Each section, subsection, and paragraph of this document
is assigned individual numbers for identification in regards to
source references that are listed in section 7. For instance,
2.3.4 refers to the fourth subsection of the third subsection of
the second main section of the document.
Every paragraph within each section is also sequentially numbered,
such as this paragraph of 5). In addition, the Reference
section identifies portions of paragraphs with a fractional
percentage number after a decimal point. For instance, 2.5
indicates the mid point of the second paragraph and 3.9
indicates the bottom of the third paragraph. By using the section
and paragraph numbers, the source of all information presented in
this document can be determined by finding the associated numbers
that are listed sequentially in the References section.
Ancient History
In order to understand the nature of the threats facing humanity,
it is necessary to know what events have taken place that have
brought us to the point of where we are today. This section
describes the origins of modern civilizations and the affects that
extraterrestrials have had upon human development. The next
section will cover important events that have occurred in recent
history that have brought us to where we are today.
75 million years ago, an Intergalactic Federation existed,
consisting of 75 planetary civilizations. However, this
Federation was overcome by a catastrophe resulting in a cultural
desert with fragmentation, over population, and war. 50 million
years ago, Tall Blond entities from the Andromeda Galaxy used a
black hole to enter the Milky Way Galaxy near Arcturus. They
settled in the Lyran system. 22 million years ago, the Lyran wars
began. Portions of the Lyran population settled in the Orion,
Taurus, and Era constellations.
On Earth, early human development evolved slowly for the first 150
million years. Then, two million years ago, the Elohim came to
Earth from the Aldebaran System. They were a tall humanoid
species with blond hair and fair skin. They departed with over
10,000 of our simian ancestors. Hundreds of years later, they
returned to deposit a more advanced, genetically engineered race
that could use tool and fire. The Elohim have returned seven
times within a period of 23,000 years to accelerate human
evolution. 450,000 years ago, the Anunnaki settled on Earth from
the planet Nibiru at Mesopotamia.
300,000 years ago, a great civil war began on Rigel, within
the Orion constellation. Peaceful tall Blonds escaped to the
Procyon system in Canis Minor. Those who remained on Rigel became
the tall Grays with genetic damage due to the nuclear weapons
exchange. 208,000 years ago, the tall Grays reconstituted their

power base and began the Markab Empire with the short Grays from
Betelgeuses and conquered Procyon covertly with mind control.
100,000 years ago, the Anunnaki mated with Neanderthal beings
to form Cro-Magnon terrestrial beings as a genetic hybrid for
mining purposes. 70,000 years ago, Lemuria and Atlantian
civilizations began to flourish. 50,000 years ago, 70,000
rebellious beings left the Pleiades and settled on Earth where
they flourished. 40,000 years ago, war broke out. Nearly all on
Earth were destroyed. A few escaped to another planet. The
Survivors on Earth became wild and degenerated. 35,000 years ago,
those who had escaped, returned and rebuilt Lemuria and Atlantis.
30,000 years ago, the current Homo Sapiens began in the
Andes. 12,000 years ago, Lemuria and Atlantis are destroyed by
global catastrophes. 6,000 years ago, the Sumer civilization
thrived between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers of present day
Iraq. 5,000 years ago, civilizations spread to Europe and the
Indus Valley of India.
Recent History
In 1776, a secret organization was started by a Jesuit priest
named Adam Weishaupt. This organization was known as the Order of
the Illuminati. Its purpose was to take over political control
from the Catholic Church and the Kings of Europe. In 1777, Adam
Weishaupt was initiated into the Masonic Order in Munich, Germany.
On January 25, 1878, farmer John Mertin of Dallas, Texas
observed a flying disc. On August 12, 1889, Jose Bonilla took
several pictures of over 300 objects which crossed the Sun. In
1896 and on into 1897, a wave of sightings occurred in the United
States of winged cigar shaped craft and airships. In 1909, the
first recorded wave of European sightings occurred in England.
In 1932, Adolph Hitler directed German scientists to work on
aircraft designs using advanced technology provided by Gray
entities from inside the Earth. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt
became President of the United States. Roosevelt was a Mason at
the time when interaction with the Gray entities began with the
U.S. Government. In the winter of 1933-34, there were 487 flying
disk-sighting cases in Scandinavia (240 Norway, 96 Sweden, 157
On July 11, 1934, aboard a naval ship in Balboa, the first
deal was made between the United States and the Grays. The
agreement stated that the aliens would not interfere in our
affairs and we would not interfere in their affairs. It allowed
the aliens to establish underground bases on U.S. soil in exchange
for alien technology.
During the winter of 1936-37, there was another wave of
increased sightings of disks over Scandinavia. In 1938, the
Germans began flying experimental craft using unconventional power
sources and Methods obtained from a downed alien craft. Also in

1938, the U.S. Government engaged Orson Wells to do the "War of

the Worlds" broadcast in order to gauge public reaction to the
idea of alien contact.
In 1947, a powerful radar unit caused the crash of several
alien disks in the Four Corners area of the U.S. The most notable
of which were at Roswell and Aztec, New Mexico. The disks
recovered had a reptilian species on board as well as the bodies
of U.S. Air Force pilots that had been mutilated. The disk crash
at Roswell netted one live alien that was referred to as EBE for
Extra-terrestrial Biological Entity.
President Truman knew nothing about aliens prior to this
time. He responded quickly to keep everything about the aliens
secret and established a group of 12 top military and scientific
personnel to deal with the aliens. They were known as the
Majestic-12 and the group still exists today with different
In September of 1947, President Truman caused the National
Security Act to be passed, creating the Central Intelligence
Agency, in order to hide the activities of the government and the
alien problem. CIA mind control projects began at Bethesda Naval
Hospital. Project Sign was created on December 30, 1947 at Wright
Field to investigate disk technology capabilities and performance.
The Navy Auxiliary Field in the Groom Mountains of Nevada was
chosen as the place to do the testing.
In 1949, alien craft were often seen hovering over sensitive
nuclear installations, especially in New Mexico. Probes, known as
"green fireballs", were frequently seen over the state. In 1949,
another disk crashed, with one fatality and one living alien, that
was kept in a facility with an electromagnetic grid. In December
of 1950, a disk crashed in the El Indio-Guerro area of Mexico and
was taken to the AEC facility at Sandia in New Mexico. In 1951,
flying wing type aircraft were seen over Albuquerque.
10) Also in 1951, the alien, known as EBE, suddenly became ill
and died in 1952. In 1952, President Truman created the National
Security Agency to monitor and contain the secret of the alien
presence, decipher alien communications, and eventually establish
an ongoing dialog with any aliens it could communicate with.
11) In 1952, a group known as the Bilderbergers was created in
order to take the decision making about the alien problem and
other international issues out of the hands of governments. The
Bilderbergers, headquartered in Geneva, evolved into an elite
secret body that still controls international situations.
12) In July of 1952, disks flew over Washington D.C., creating a
public stir. One of the disks flew away at a speed estimated at
over 7,300 mph. In 1953, there were 10 disk crashes, 26 dead and
4 living aliens. Astronomers in 1953, discovered a large object
that entered the solar system and later proved to be intelligently

guided and emitted communication signals. The Air Force, in the

same year, discovered huge orbiting objects between 100 to 500
miles in altitude. They were alien craft.
13) In 1953, members of the Pleiadian race met with President
Eisenhower to warn him about the Grays and offer their help. But,
to receive their help, the people of the planet would have to stop
killing each other, stop polluting and destroying the Earth, and
request their help as one people. Their help was refused because
they would not provide advanced technology.
14) It was decided by the government to communicate with the
Grays and possibly acquire advanced technology. They also wanted
to find out more about both the aliens and the role they were
playing in mutilations and abductions of humans and animals.
Project Sigma, a joint NSA/CIA project to communicate with the
alien species, was successful. The aliens told the government
that their abductions of humans were for medical examination
purposes only.
15) Diplomatic relations were established and a meeting was held
between elements of the U.S. government and the Grays from the
Marcab Empire on April 25, 1954 at 6pm at Holloman AFB. Two disks
hovered above the runway while a third landed. Representatives of
each species were exchanged. The representative of the EBAN, as
they call themselves, was named Krlll (no vowels) and confined to
an Electro-magnetically secure facility near Los Alamos.
16) A secret treaty was negotiated with the EBAN by the United
States government. The agreement was made and contained some of
the following provisions: (1) The U.S. would not reveal the alien
presence and would not interfere with alien operations, (2) The
U.S. would allow the aliens to maintain underground bases on U.S.
soil, (3) The U.S. would allow the aliens to abduct it's citizens
on a periodic and limited basis for medical examination, provided
that the people were returned unharmed and without memory of the
interaction, (4) The aliens would furnish a periodic list of
abductees to the NSC, and (5) The aliens would provide the U.S.
with advanced technology.
17) To finance these "Black" projects, without being accountable
to the U.S. Congress, the government allowed Lucky Luciano to
return to Italy in 1949. Heroin began flowing into the United
States in the 1950's. Today, the U.S. government is the largest
purchaser and distributor of heroin and cocaine in the world.
Primarily, the CIA and the Delta security forces (sponsored by
the NRO) were involved.
18) By April of 1954, the U.S. began to suspect that the aliens
were abducting a larger number of people than were being reported
to the NSC. They realized that they had made an error in trusting
the aliens. The purposes for the abductions turned out to be: (1)
Insertion of an implant device for the biological monitoring,

tracking, and control of the abductee, (2) Implementation of a

post hypnotic suggestion to carry out a specific activity during a
specific time period, (3) Termination of some people for
biological materials and substances, (4) Termination of
individuals who represented a threat to their activities, (5)
Effect genetic engineering experiments, and (6) Impregnation of
human females for the creation of crossbred infants.
19) So, the aliens had violated the agreement. The government
realized that there was little that they could do but try to keep
the information classified to prevent panic. It became
increasingly obvious to MJ-12 that things were not going as
planned. The extent and number of persons reported missing every
year is a closely guarded government secret. But since 1980,
there have been at least 20,000 children reported missing each
year. There have been over 14,000 cattle mutilations since 1973.
And, over 20 million Americans have reported seeing a UFO.
20) In 1955, a large donut shaped UFO was seen over New York. In
1956, mind control experiments on prison inmates, was approved in
the United States. On August 13, 1956, radar operators at RAF
Benwaters, England detected objects flying over the North Sea at a
speed of 4,000 mph.
21) In March of 1956, at the White Sands Missile Range in New
Mexico, Air Force sergeant Jonathan P. Lovette, was abducted by
aliens. An Air Force major witnessed him being hauled aboard a
flying disk with tentacle-like cables. His mutilated body was
found three days later about ten miles from where it was taken.
22) In 1957, a facility code named DREAMLAND, was constructed at
Groom Lake, Nevada in the proximity of an alien underground base
known as S-4. The bargained for technology was set in place but
could only be operated by the aliens themselves. It was found
that the advanced technology could not be used against the aliens,
should the need arise.
23) In 1961, Cape Canaveral/Kennedy radar locked onto an object
that was following a Polaris missile over the ocean. Vice
President Johnson's private aircraft crashed. Radar showed UFOs
in the area. At Fort Ord, California, 221 military members were
abducted and implanted with devices. All were sedated through the
efforts of 600 other soldiers who were recruited for the purpose
and debriefed. Many suffered severe physical and psychological
trauma. They and their families were sequestered.
24) On September 21st of 1961, two Boeing 707s encountered a
large donut shaped UFO over the Pacific Ocean. Betty and Barney
Hill were abducted in New Hampshire. The Hills were taken onboard
a disk, examined, and released with memory loss until it was later
revealed under hypnosis. Also in 1961, President Kennedy,
dissatisfied with some areas in the covert government structure,
threatened to go public about the alien presence.

25) In 1962, the Bilderbergers met to discuss the ultimatum.

1962 was also the year that a space probe landed on Mars and
confirmed the presence of a viable atmosphere. Disk activity was
observed by the public around Dulce, New Mexico, which was the
site of a joint government-alien underground facility.
26) In 1963, mind control experiments began in Warminster,
England. In May of 1963, Gordon Cooper had visual contact with a
UFO while in orbit on a Mercury flight. Within a month after
President Kennedy's assassination, the Bilderbergers met again to
formulate their plans.
27) In April of 1964, Cape Kennedy radar technicians tracked
disks in pursuit of a Gemini capsule. On April 15th, two
intelligence personnel met with aliens in the New Mexico desert to
arrange a meeting on April 25th at Holloman AFB, New Mexico in
order to solve the problems with the Grays.
28) In 1966, the Soviet Union had a massive wave of sightings.
In October of 1967, Britain was hit by a wave of disk sightings.
In 1968, disks that were known to be flown by the U.S. Navy, were
frequently seen around China Lake, California. In May of 1968,
disks frequented the demilitarized zone in Viet Nam.
29) On July 20-21 1969, the Apollo 11 crew witnessed a huge alien
spacecraft surround their landing site on the moon. In October of
1969, Jimmy Carter reported seeing a UFO. A major flap of
spacecraft sightings occurred in Australia.
30) In late 1972 and early 1973, numerous sightings of disks
occurred in South Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Canada,
and in Australia. On October 25, 1973, a disk buzzed the National
Security Agency High-frequency transmitter facility at NW Cape in
Western Australia. In 1974, large numbers of animal mutilations
began to occur in Texas.
31) In 1975, captured German technology allowed development of a
sonic weapon against the EBEs. The project continued until 1978.
In November of 1975, Travis Walton was abducted and returned five
days later. Also in 1975, bases in the northern tier of the U.S.,
were flown over by UFOs. Chase planes lost them near New
Brunswick, Canada.
32) In 1977, President Carter was elected and said that he would
make every piece of information about UFOs available to the
public. Carter was shown a disk and changed his mind. In 1978, a
wave of sightings in England began that lasted until 1983 with
some 3,000 sightings documented. On March 18, 1978, William
Herman was abducted and told by the aliens of the existence of a
"network" of civilizations.
33) In September 1978, scientist Paul Bennewitz discovered the
activities of alien craft at Manzano Weapons Storage area outside
of Albuquerque, New Mexico. In November 1978, a huge cylindrical
object was seen hovering over oil company equipment in Kuwait.

The CIA had secured control over most of the worldwide traffic in
opium by the end of 1978.
34) 1979 was the year that a disgruntled scientist at the Dulce
Bio-Genetics Facility fled with evidence, vowing to expose the
atrocities found there. In October 1979, 66 people were killed
during an altercation with aliens at the underground facility near
Dulce, N.M. Also in 1979, Electronic Identification Research
began at Los Alamos National Labs for identification implants.
35) In 1980, the Federal Emergency Management Agency conducted
REX-80, readiness exercises in which they relocated Cuban refugees
as part of a population relocation test. In May of 1980, Myrna
Hanson related information, under hypnosis, of being abducted and
taken to an underground base with vats. Also in May, Judy Doraty
and her son witnessed a cattle mutilation and were abducted and
implanted themselves. In December of 1980, the Cash-Landrum
incident occurred where both women received severe radiation
poisoning during an encounter with a U.S. disk.
36) In 1982, the Federal Emergency Management Agency conducted
the REX-82 exercise, which tested the nation's ability to mobilize
quickly for wartime military production. Industry failed
miserably. In 1983, FEMA obtains standby legislation with the
passing of the "Defense Resources Act". This bill suspends the
Bill of Rights, abolishes free enterprise, eliminates privately
owned property, and censors all means of communication in the
event that a National Emergency is declared under any pretext.
37) On April 26, 1984, General Bond is killed while flying in
Area 51 during a classified aerial test. In September of that
year, a high delta-winged craft soundlessly buzzed golfers in
Australia, which set Royal Australian Air Force into motion. The
event caused the subject of UFOs to be raised in Parliament.
38) In September of 1987, 16-cycle waves are broadcast for a
period of four months before the election of George Bush. The ELF
waves caused entrainment of millions of Americans to occur. On
September 21, 1987, President Reagan voiced his thoughts about
aliens threatening the Earth in an address to the United Nations.
On the 27th of November, groups of U.S. Army Rangers attempted,
but apparently bungled, to enter a joint U.S.-alien facility in
New Mexico.
39) On December 17, 1987, a UFO in Gulf Breeze, Florida dropped a
fluid on the local athletic field. Analysis showed that the fluid
was of unknown origin. In 1988, George Bush became President. A
joint U.S.-alien base off the Florida coast was reactivated,
giving rise to the sightings at Gulf Breeze.
40) In May of 1988, Ronald Reagan again made a speech in which he
referred to an "alien threat from outside this world". In New
Mexico, an antimatter weapon was developed at Los Alamos as a
weapon of last resort if "the Grays cannot be pried away from the

planet". The number of Grays on Earth was estimated at 20

41) In February of 1989, the government began communications with
a Reptilian species (who were advancing on this system), because
they were one of the few enemies of the Grays who could get rid of
42) In 1989, data on Project Excaliber was released. The project
was involved in developing a warhead that would penetrate 1,000
meters of earth and then detonate. This was useful for destroying
underground bases. On May 7th, the South Africans shot down a
flying disk. U.S. pilots exited the craft and South Africa
complained about invasion of their airspace. On June 30th, after
a spree of what were possibly government induced violent episodes
with guns on school yards, gun legislation was presented to
Congress to disarm the American public.
43) On October 11, 1989, a large disk was seen by hundreds of
witnesses in eastern Oklahoma. Sightings began to be reported in
Iowa and around the U.S. in large numbers. On October 16, 1989,
information was disclosed about a disagreement between the U.S.
and Soviet Union in a base on the far side of the Moon in which
several U.S. scientists were machine-gunned in 1986 or 1987.
44) In January of 1990, witnesses in Lancaster, California viewed
a delta shaped craft, 900 feet long, fly slowly over a ten minute
period. The craft was accompanied by another disk. On February
17th, a Ukranian astronomer detected radio emissions near Altair,
which has been associated with reptilian creatures.
45) In 1994, the motion picture film of an alien autopsy in 1947
was released. In 1997, the failed attempt to shoot down an alien
spacecraft in space, was video taped from the Space Shuttle, and
released to the public. In 1998, the video taped evidence of UFO
activity, from several people all over the world, were released.
Also in 1998, many of the original MJ-12 documents were released.
In 1999, the first national televised presentation about UFOs
occurred during prime time, with "Confirmation, The Hard
Alien Messages
The term Crop Circle refers to a phenomenon whereby a pattern is
mysteriously formed in a cultivated crop field with affected
plants that grow horizontally, instead of vertically. This causes
a contrast to the even shades and colors in the rest of the
field. There have been over 10,000 crop circle formations that
have been discovered just since the early 1980s. Although this
is a worldwide phenomenon, over 90% of all formations have been
discovered in Southern England.
Crop circles began as simple circle patterns. Over the years,
they have grown in size, complexity, and sophistication. Some
formations cover an entire square acre, or more, that depict

advanced geometry, technology, and communication. Although some

crop circles are manmade, mysteriously formed formations have
evidence of fundamental biophysics and biochemistry affecting the
plants. The following paragraphs describe two of the most
interesting crop formations that have been discovered in recent
The Response
Across from a giant radio telescope at Chilbolton in England, a
crop formation appeared in a wheat field on August 19, 2001. It
was 75 feet wide and 120 feet long. It contained a response to a
message that we humans sent out into space back in November of
1974. Dr. Carl Segan and Francis Drake created the message as
part of the project for the search of extraterrestrial
It was transmitted with two trillion watts of radiated energy from
the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico. The message was sent
in a very narrow beam towards a galactic cluster known as M13,
which is 65 million light years away. It was a pictogram arranged
in a matrix of 23 pixels by 73 pixels.
It was intended to
describe our numbering system, the building blocks and formulas
for DNA, a double helix symbol of DNA, a figure of a human being,
our solar system, and a diagram of the radio telescope that sent
the message.
The crop formation looked very similar to the Arecibo message
with some very interesting differences. Below the dot pattern for
our numbering system, the crop formation had an additional pattern
that indicated the atomic number of Silicon in addition to the
hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus numbers, which
are the basic elements for life on this planet. Instead of a
double helix symbol of DNA, the crop formation depicted three sets
of diagonal lines that indicate three strands of DNA.
Instead of a depiction of a human being, as presented in the
Arecibo message, the crop pattern had a different depiction of a
humanoid form. This new depiction showed a body with two arms and
legs like humans. But, the head was much larger. The height of
the crop formations body was indicated as being a little taller
than half our height. And, the dot pattern in the crop formation
indicated a population that was almost six and a half billion
larger than our own.
The Arecibo message depicted the 9 planets around the Sun
with the symbol for Earth raised above the rest to indicate where
humanity lives. Earths dot was also located directly below the
depiction of man. In the crop formation, there were three symbols
that were raised above the rest. They indicated the planets of
Earth, Mars, and Nibiru. However, it was the symbol for Mars that
was located directly below the humanoid body.

At the very bottom of both formations, you have distinctly
different dot patterns. The Arecibo message had a depiction of
the telescope that sent the message with an indicated size of
2,430. The crop formation had a depiction of something else with
a size of 6,748. It was very similar to another crop formation of
one year earlier in the very same wheat field that depicted a new
form of radiated energy.
If the information presented is accurate, we now know that we
are not alone in the universe. There is intelligent life on Mars
and on the planet Nibiru. We know the general form and size of
what they look like, the composition of their DNA, and their
population. We also know how they communicate and, most
importantly, that they want to communicate with us. But, what
this formation does not tell us is why they want to communicate
with us and share their advanced technology or what their
intentions may be.
The Alien With Disk
On August 15th of 2002, an elaborate crop formation was
discovered at Crabwood Farm House in Winchester County, England.
It was a framed design of an extraterrestrial being holding out a
disk that measured 232 feet by 390 feet. The disk was 100 feet in
diameter. The head appeared to be large with a pointed chin,
parted mouth, small nose, and large eyes. It had a long neck and
thin torso. There were also three small shapes in the background
that appeared to be UFOs.
This crop formation had a much higher resolution quality than
the facial crop formation of one year earlier. That is because
horizontal lines of varying widths were used, which is the same
way that pictures are displayed in television.
The disk was composed of blocks formed by standing crops
surrounded by flattened crops. It was a spiral pattern with a
sequence of blocks and spaces that started in the center and
spiraled out to the edge of the disk. The sequence was divided
into groups of eight equal parts that were separated by triangular
arrowhead-shaped symbols. The patterns represented letters and
symbols, based upon a computer code known as ASCII, which actually
spelled out an intelligent message.
The complete translation of the message on the disk stated,
Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much
PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We oppose
DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING,. All of the letters in some of the
words were all capitalized in order to add emphasis.
The first sentence states, Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts
& their BROKEN PROMISES. This message is far too important to
simply be telling us to be cautious of one another. Because this
message appears to be of extraterrestrial origin, it appears to be
referring to the intentions of an alien race that could offer us

advanced technology and spiritual guidance. Although it does not

specifically reveal whether false gifts have been offered in the
past or will be offered in the future, it does say that those who
offer the gifts have
broken their promises in the past. This is telling us that we
should be suspicious of any gifts from an alien race and that we
should not trust everything that they tell us.
The second sentence says, Much PAIN but still time.
Whoever wrote this is displaying compassion for human suffering,
which they know exists on this planet. Although this does not
indicate who is suffering, it can be assumed that the pain
referred to here is caused by the bearers of false gifts and
broken promises. However, it does state that there is still time
to overcome the pain.
The next sentence consists of a single word, BELIEVE. It
is telling us to believe that there is still time for humanity to
end the suffering here. This is calling for a huge leap of faith
by all of humanity to trust the authors of this message, have
hope, and believe that there is still time to overcome the pain.
The next sentence states, There is GOOD out there. It
implies that there are good entities that can help to stop the
pain. Although there is no indication of immediate help, it is
saying that there are good entities that can help us.
The next sentence states, We oppose DECEPTION. This
identifies the source of this message as coming from a group of
beings that are concerned about the dangers to humanity by
untrustworthy entities that seek to deceive us with false gifts.
They are making it clear that it is their intention to oppose
those who would take advantage of others through deception.
10) The last sentence is the most puzzling. It states, Conduit
CLOSING. There is no mention as to what the conduit is used for
or why we should be interested in the fact that it is closing. A
conduit is a channel that enables fluids, cables, and other
materials to pass through it. It is also defined as a narrow
corridor for people to pass between buildings. In the context of
this message, this may be referring to a passageway or portal that
enables entities to pass into our world. The fact that it is
closing could be telling us that no more entities can come into
our world or leave. However, the message ends with a comma, which
indicates that the last sentence is incomplete and that there is
more information to follow.
This section is intended to identify threats to human freedom
and assess the level of severity that they pose to mankind. The
threats are differentiated according to their areas of influence
for being foreign, international, and individual. This
differentiation is only for organizational purposes. It must be

noted that all of the threats are interrelated with a common

malevolent goal for world domination.
The subsection relating to Foreign Threats presents
information about extraterrestrial societies that have come to
Earth. The origins, physiology, motives and current activities of
each species, is described in detail. The subsection relating to
International Threats presents information about secret
societies, both global and regional, as well as satanic cults.
The subsection on Individual Threats describes government
sponsored covert projects in the areas of drugs, mind control,
terrorism, and national security.
Mankind has suffered from a form of darkness for most of its
history. The Creator Source is Love and Light and is incapable of
generating such a hideous form of energy. Creation, in order to
create, has a positive and negative polarity. There are Beings of
Light in both sides of the energy forms that make up the whole.
The Beings on the negative pole play an important part in
Creation. Without it, Creation could not exist.
When Beings wished to create, they were instructed that they
must go to their Creator in order to receive the light and energy
in the form of love so that anything created would follow its
evolutionary path to higher states of consciousness. However,
eons ago, some of these Beings of the negative polarity decided
that they could create with their own energy. They created clones
of themselves, which took on a life of their own. They have no
soul light from the Creator. They began multiplying and
replicating themselves.
This is the face of evil. It has been termed the Luciferian
consciousness. However, evil is known among the Galactic star
nations by another more accurate term: Artificial Replicating
Viral Intelligence or ARVI for short. The visiting negative,
malevolent astronaut gods of long ago were physical, replicating
strains of ARVI. This includes all of the abnormal Grays and
Reptilian lines of malevolent alien life forms.
These Beings learned how to tap into the light bodies of
beings in different galaxies. They would suck the life out of
them. They grew enormous in their appetite. They designed
implants and ways of controlling beings so that they were enslaved
like herds of cattle to be milked whenever their light was needed.
ARVI needs to keep beings in a state of fear. Fear leaches
light from Human Beings through the cordings and implants that are
attached to most people. ARVI created a huge storage supply
system to keep stores of light energy. The cordings and implants
are connected to this vast storage system.
This is the reason for the kidnapping and brutalizing of so
many humans, where ruthless experiments are visited upon these
people. DNA, both human and animal, is harvested in order to keep

replicating the various ARVI strains. Any abduction that is

forced upon humans, which is disrespectful and in denial of free
will, is perpetrated by ARVI strains.
ARVI has human servants/hosts that are rewarded when they
perform acts of evil by feeding the host/ego plenty of money and
power. All wants and desires are fulfilled. But, if a servant
rebels, then ARVI destroys it. This is how human sacrifice began
on Earth. The viral intelligence (Luciferian consciousness) was a
fearful demonic god that demanded to be fed blood. In turn, it
would not bring violence to a tribe. Blood sacrifice is still
being offered up to ARVI through violence, hatred, war and greed.
10) ARVI has been clever in convincing some of humanity that it
is part of the family of souls that the Creator created. ARVI
strains can appear to be very loving on the surface. Real Beings
have been duped into making agreements and contracts to give ARVI
the DNA that it needs in order to keep replicating itself.
11) The story that some of the Grays tell of their star system
collapsing and needing help from Earth is not true. These ARVI
strains take advantage of human compassion in order to dupe people
into cooperating with them, believing that they are assisting
space brothers at a time of need. Let it be known that all such
contracts can and should be voided.
2.1 Foreign Threats
The universe is immense and full of life. Intelligent life
is concentrated in some places more than others. There is a great
diversity of life in the galaxy. Our world exists in an area of
congregation with many inhabited worlds. Our world is being
scrutinized by many powerful forces.
Societies exist in the universe at every conceivable level of
social and spiritual development and in countless expressions.
There are vast areas that are unexplored and sparsely populated
where many societies live in secret. Many have never been
The universe is a rigorous existence for survival. It is a
difficult and competitive environment. It is not a heavenly
state. Everyone in the universe must deal with the rigors of
physical life of survival, hardship, competition, and depravation.
There are many civilizations and empires that are far older
than humanity. Wars and great conflicts do occur in the universe,
but they are very rare. Resources are valuable and so, the
destruction of resources is generally looked upon with disfavor.
Rebellions and internal disputes are more common. It is better to
persuade a race to come into alliance with you than to try to
overtake them by force. So, advanced nations have become powerful
in influencing mental environments.
As societies become more technologically advanced, the need
for resources becomes greater and the preservation of natural

resources is emphasized. In many cases, home worlds have

outstripped their resources to where they have become barren and
unproductive. That is why Earth is viewed with such great
interest. It is rich in mineral and biological resources,
strategically located, and accessible to many civilizations.
Fortunately for us, our world cannot be conquered, for we
live in a region that is governed by rules of conduct. This means
that our world cannot become apart of a larger association unless
humanity visibly demonstrates that we agree to it and welcome it.
Because there are many societies in our region of space, they tend
to hold each other in check and will take legal action against one
another should the rules of conduct be violated.
There are other parts of the universe where great empires
exist with their own rules and few competitors. Many nations have
also joined together in associations of economic, political, and
military, or all three for mutual trade and defense. These are
quite common. The region where we live contains about 5,000
stars. This is a small part of the galaxy with important rules of
conduct. There are also small empires here, both dictatorial and
Main thoroughfares are ruled by councils for safety and
security. The councils exist in order to provide insurance
against violence that could erupt and grow into war. Disputes
occur frequently and are handled by negotiations or through legal
procedures. In our region of space, societies are not allowed to
have military forces, only security forces for their own defense.
True democracy does exist in the universe, but it is very
rare. They must be very strong in their dealings with other
societies in space. There is no one empire that is predominant
because there is too much diversity of life here. There are many
marvelous and wondrous creations and there are many societies that
have achieved a very high state of awareness. But, they remain in
the minority.
10) Collectives are different from Empires in that they have no
source home planet. They have a group of planets that are
dissimilar. They have joined together, usually through conquest
and persuasion, and have become a formidable force. Empires are
usually centered in one world or region by one race. Collectives
are made up of many races. Collectives may encompass hundreds of
worlds and exist beyond vast reaches of space. They are always
interested in gaining new allegiances and new members. They are
highly organized and have a hierarchical structure.
11) Collectives are comprised of a series of races functioning at
different levels of authority and command. The worker-class is
bred to serve in specific functions. They have very little
individuality or individual abilities of reasoning and
discernment. They have a hive mentality and are rigidly

controlled with no personal freedom. They are impressively

efficient in very specific areas, but they have no insight and are
not creative in their approaches. They rely on structure, codes
of conduct, and their ability to manipulate the thoughts of others
they influence.
12) Collectives are not military powers. They are economic
powers. Their focus is on trade, resource acquisition, and
building alliances. There are many Collectives functioning in our
region. Other nations have established defenses against
Collectives intervention in their trade, commerce, and internal
affairs. Collectives must abide by rules of conduct or face grave
consequences. They must use negotiations, diplomacy, and
13) Collectives do not have an artistic appreciation of Earth.
They need our resources and view Earth as a prize, the best among
many. Nuclear weapons triggered their intervention on this
planet. They realized that if we became strong and had greater
technological power, their intervention here would become more
difficult to achieve. They believe that they cannot wait. They
seek to have humanity believe that they will save us from our own
14) Because they are prevented from having a military presence,
they must take a long time and be very subtle in their influence
with humanity. They want our help because they cannot breathe our
air and take our resources themselves. They want to add humanity
to their collective community and mentality. They want us to
become a part of them. This adds to their strength and minimizes
15) This is why there is such an investment in time and energy in
gaining our allegiance, in bonding with humanity through
interbreeding, and in establishing a deep and pervasive
association. In order to gain control over us, they must have us
welcome them, want what they have to offer, seek their assistance,
and believe that we need their help in order to satisfy the
restraints that are placed upon them, according to the rules that
have been established.
16) Sources for non-human entities originate in different sectors
of space, both on and inside planets and planetoids or moons and
in different harmonic frequency bands and dimensions that are
outside the perceptive range of humans as well as outside linear
matter, energy, space and time. There are over 70
extraterrestrial species interacting with this planet at this
time. There are 9 that are the most active. They can be
classified into three general categories of: (1) Human Looking,
(2) Smooth Skinned Humanoids, and (3) Scaly Rough Skinned
Human Looking

This section covers all aspects of human looking
extraterrestrials. This includes inter-dimensional entities, the
Blond species, and aliens masquerading as humans. Although humanlooking extraterrestrials generally appear to be benevolent
towards humanity, there are many that have been influenced,
controlled, or possessed by malevolent beings.
Any apparent alien who is essentially human and Caucasian in
appearance, even though sometimes very tall, may be called a
Blond. Though many are tall, blond-haired, and blue-eyed,
certainly all are not. Even some of the American Indian
connection may be considered Blond in origin. There are many
factions of these aliens, from different places, with different
motivations. Andromedians
There is a great force of entities coming from the Andromeda
Galaxy. These are inter-stellar entities that go in light. Their
craft have the ability to go in hyper-light so that, in only a
matter of moments, they can be here from an entirely different
star system.
These entities are very beautiful. They are lithely built
and very thin. This race is so spiritually evolved that they no
longer require a physical body. They are almost beings of light
energy. They are illuminated in light. They are very tall and
stand eight to ten feet in height. In mythology, they were
referred to as the Winged Gods.
Their biological system is based entirely different than our
genetic system. These entities display an embodiment that is
magnetized in light. They do not eat. They gain knowledge. They
live off of Prona which is an ancient term meaning truth.
They are beautiful beyond description and mankind shadows
fragments of that beauty. They have taken care of humanity
because they consider us as their brothers and sisters. They
believe that we all came from the same source and that we were all
created in light. It is the common bond between us.
They have a very great Mother Ship. At night, it is
invisible because of the metal that it is made out of. It looks
black. But, if it were to light up, it would be the sun
illuminated 10,000 times. It is here in our stratosphere. It
moves quietly and stealthily. Our government is aware of its
presence and it is ominous to them.
This ship is called Miria Amour. It means the silver light. The
ship has warriors that would defy imagination. It can blast a
continent to the bottom of the sea. It could rotate our planet
and send it spinning out of orbit. The ship is here because of
the disease on this planet. It is here because of the collapse of
consciousness of civilization. It is here also because of the

changes that are going to occur here. And, it is here because of

another force that is engaged on this planet.
These beings have inspired profits, in the past, to do
wonderful things and preserve the seeds of humanity. Its truth
and its words have been misused, misconstrued, and taken by
powerful men to enslave people. And, it has been allowed. But,
these entities are back now for truth. Pleiadians
The Pleiadians come from a small cluster of stars called the
Pleiades. Of the seven stars, which make up the Pleiades cluster
in the Taurus Constellation, the Pleiadians come from the star
known as Taygeta. There are nine planets that revolve around
Taygeta. Four of these planets are inhabited.
The Pleiadians home world is the planet Erra, which is very
similar to Earth, being only ten percent smaller. Nature there is
also very similar, especially since samples of plants, minerals,
and animals have been taken to the Pleiades and developed there.
The surface gravity is slightly less than on Earth. A day on Erra
is six tenths of a second less than on Earth.
The Pleiadians are humans with few physical differences.
Their skin is whiter than humans as a result of higher evolution.
They are several million years older than humanity. The
Pleiadians live a more spiritual life style. This means that they
are experiencing and learning more with their spiritual senses
than with their material senses. There are no medical problems.
They are able to control their health through psychic balance.
The life span for a Pleiadian is more than 700 years. The ability
to project thoughts to another place on the planet is very common
and is the socially accepted method of visiting.
Only 400 million people live on Erra. Population control has
come about in a desire to keep their society spread out and able
to share the resources of the planet equally. Pleiadians on Erra
live in a utopian world free of pollution, war, hunger, and
disease thanks to advanced technology and spiritual awareness.
Because the population communicates by telepathy, there is no
dishonesty. All basic necessities are provided freely, and
anything beyond that is acquired through individual barter. There
is no money and, hence, no irrational grasping for wealth and
power. The Pleiadians have no economics, but do have a system of
sharing the resources of their world. Material possessions are
all provided, based on their contribution to the community.
There are no large cities with towering buildings as on Earth.
But instead, the small population of Erra is spread out into
smaller communities that span the planet, connected by a series of
sentient tubeways that not only transport the population but
educate and inform them along the way. The people live in more
rural settings and keep a distance from each other.

Nearly all of the manufacturing and production of products
for living is done on other planets in their solar system so as to
not upset the ecology on Erra. They have long since developed a
balance with nature that is well protected. The planet has a
green atmosphere, which is controlled, and it contributes to their
health and stressless way of life.
What government is necessary is provided by a 'High Council'
composed of the wisest and most evolved Pleiadians. Any changes
to their social order must be approved by a vote of the highest
percentage of the population. The Pleiadians are part of a
federation of civilized worlds that live by the words of an
advanced race in the Andromeda Galaxy.
It is the desire of Pleiadians to stimulate the human
consciousness through the dissemination of information so that
humanity can make the necessary changes to create a new world
based on Saalome, which is a Pleiadian word meaning 'peace in
wisdom'. Procyonians
Procyonians have been nick-named 'Swedes' and are on the
average between six and six and a half feet tall. They are from a
solar system that revolves around Procyon, a binary yellow-white
and yellow star system that rises before Sirius in Canis Minor (in
the body of the Lesser Dog), about 11.4 light years from Earth.
They are from the fourth planet in orbit around the Procyon double
star system.
These Blonds are muscular with slender necks and agile
bodies. Their eyes are alert and of high intelligence.
Physically they are almost identical to humans. The main
difference is that by human standards their blood circulatory
system is under-developed, while their lymphatic system is overdeveloped. This gives them stronger immune systems than
terrestrial humans.
Some Blonds have high intellectual and verbal abilities,
while others are mute and telepathic. The Blonds with speech
abilities will respond violently if attacked or threatened. But,
the telepathic type will not. Both types are careful to avoid
exposure, and usually encounter humans in quiet isolated places.
They contact females more frequently. They may just stare and
observe humans, then retreat. The Blonds do not seem to age, and
consistently appear to be from 27 to 35 human years old, no matter
what their real age may be.
Sometimes Blonds are prisoners of the Grays. The Grays must
paralyze or destroy their ability to teleport through time and
other dimensions in order to take them prisoner. The Blonds that
are seen on the same ships as the Grays, working with them, are
hybrids or they are clones. One way to distinguish the clone is

that they all look alike. The real Blonds have distinct facial
feature differences, and do not look alike.
The clones have thick necks and coarsely muscular bodies.
They do not have the ability to teleport or to travel interdimensionally. They can be contacted by telepathy, but are unable
to send. They can be given orders telepathically. They are
zombie-like flesh robots. You can tell that they are of low
intelligence by looking into their eyes.
The tall Blonds from Procyon have a benign attitude toward
humanity, except for their strong disapproval of our inhumanity to
each other. This strong disapproval is further intensified by the
fact that our government has made a secret alliance with their
hereditary enemies, the Grays, in order to obtain even more
destructive weapon systems than those that were already in
existence. Our government is not interested in negotiating with
the Procyonians, as they would not provide us with weapon systems. Aliens Masquerading as Humans
The purpose of aliens who masquerade as humans are so that
they may perform certain activities on Earth without suspicion.
These activities include the study of human development, the
transfer of information to humanity, and the direct intervention
and control of human activities for alien purposes. Aliens who
have been acting in this manner include the following:
* Pleiadeans - for benevolent study and spiritual
* Nordics - the nordic/arian race forefathers.
* Koldasians - similar level of evolution.
* Ashtarians - for the advancement of religious dogma.
* Gray controlled bio-drones, droids - to replace
Earth's leaders
for social and economic control.
* Gray controlled Men In Black, holograms, and
for mystical figures that appear to give divine
2.1.2 Smooth Skinned Humanoids
Smooth skinned humanoids, presented in this section, include:
the Tall Grays, the Short Grays, Human/Grey Interbreeds, Zeta
Reticulans, Sirians, Insectoids, and others. These are all
humanoid beings with a body that has a head, two arms, and two
legs similar to the human body. However, these beings have a
physiology that is obviously not human in nature. Tall Grays
Some of the various 22 sub-species of Grays originally
started out as tall blond-haired humanoids in the Rigel system,
but were subject to heavy radiation due to a nuclear exchange over
a long period of time, changing their DNA to the point where some

of the species became stunted misshapen dwarves. Glandular

structures were also affected, including reproductive and
digestive organs. The nuclear exchange occurred approximately
300,000 years ago. This type of Gray species has been referred to
as the "Orion Crusaders" or the "Markabians".
There are two main types of the tall Gray species who call
themselves the EBAN. Type 1 of the Orion Grays are about seven to
eight feet tall and have what you would call an insect-base to
their genetic makeup. They have a pronounced nose and slanted
black eyes. They have no external genitalia and are extremely
aggressive toward humans. Type 2 of the tall Grays, are between
six and seven feet tall and have external genitalia. This type
appears to be a taller form of the short Gray species with similar
large heads and large black eyes.
The Grays operate very efficiently in the dark. Their eyes
are more sensitive to ultraviolet light. They have the ability to
control their heart rate. The normal heart rate for a Gray is
above that of a human. The skin seems to have a metallic content
and an unusual, cobalt pigmentation.
The brain has been described as having many more lobes than
the human brain. There have been previous references to
crystalline networks that have been found in the brains of some of
the alien autopsies. It is believed that the network has a
functional relationship to telepathic communication and acts as a
functional node for group control of the cloned species, which
function in what is essentially a hive mind.
They have problems with their glands, particularly with their
sebaceous glands, which make it difficult for them to digest
food. They derive nourishment from the glandular secretions and
enzymes that they extract from animals that they mutilate. They
absorb these extracts through the pores in their skin.
The Gray species is not based on individualization or being
an individual entity. For entities maintaining a group mind set
(social memory complex), individualization seems to cause a great
deal of random energy loss. They were initially fascinated with
both human individuality and the human emotional spectrum, which
they can perceive but apparently do not comprehend what it means
(to humans).
This species objectives appear to be founded on a rigid
domination survival-based social order, where their "religion" is
science, their social structure is geared to obedience, and their
military concepts are grouped around conquest, colonization, and
domination through covert mind control programs. It has become
apparent that there are definite hierarchies within their social
structures that provide for each entity having specific duties to

These beings have technological superiority, but they appear
to be lacking in spiritual and social sciences. This is evident
in their obvious lack of warmth, emotionality, and respect
relative to humans. They can sometimes obtain momentary pleasure
in terms of mood elevation by tuning in on human wavelengths via
telepathically connected radionic devices. They react to intense
human emotion such as ecstasy or agony. They blanket couples for
sexual thrills and are drawn to aberrants and sexual deviates.
The Markabs use sex, pain, drugs and fear as obsessive elements
with which to aberrate humans.
There appears to be much subtle conditioning that has helped
prepare Earth people for certain aliens. However, it is now clear
the aliens that have made technology available to the secret
government are not benevolent but are our enemies, as they do the
abductions, lie, deceive, are generally malevolent and are
apparently implementing a very carefully planned covert invasion
which includes the brutal and inhumane use of humans and animals
for advanced genetic experimentation and crossbreeding.
10) It is a strategy whereby the malevolent aliens are building
an 'Faustian' alliance with the secret government to enable them
to effectively claim the Earth for their own, with humanity's
unwitting consent, before any other aliens are able to effect
appropriate contact within the constraints of so called 'Universal
Laws' to which other alien races supposedly adhere.
11) The malevolent aliens have claimed their total authorship of
the religions as a means to inculcate humanity's dependence and
prospective allegiance to them and reverence of them. Their
apparent behavior indicates an attempt to leverage that claimed
authorship to their own benefit by placing themselves in the
position of being 'Gods' or 'God's divine messengers'. Short Grays
The large Grays use smaller cloned, big-headed Grays to
perform abduction and examination work. It is these Grays that
abductees see most of the time. They are referred to as the
Belletrax species from Betelgueses in the Orion Constellation.
The Gray species in general is more on the order of an
electronically based space society with a common social memory
complex that allows them to collectively function as areas of
group-mind. Groups of Grays are controlled from one central
source being, usually one of the large Grays, a Blond humanoid, or
other dominant species.
The approximate height of the big-headed Gray is 3.5 to 4.5
feet tall, and have an average weight of about 40 pounds.
Proportions of the head to the body are similar to a human fivemonth fetus. This seems to reflect a very ancient nature as a
species as well as the fact that their DNA patterns lie within a
specific band that is on a more primitive scale.

The species skin tone variation seems to be widespread, with
skin colors ranging from bluish gray to beige, tan, brown, or
white. There are factors that affect skin color, and one of them
is the state of general health of the entity. Skin color is known
to change after they have consumed nourishment.
There are no reproductive organs or reproductive capability
with the cloned species. The brain capacity is estimated to be
between 2500 and 3500 cc, compared to 1300 cc of humans. Due to
the cloning process, the neural matter is artificially grown brain
matter. The Grays have technology that enables them to insert
memory patterns and consciousness into clones in any manner or
pattern that they wish.
They have two separate brains with many more lobes than human
brains, and contain a crystalline network for telepathic
communication and group control. The cloned species function in
essentially a hive mind. Their movement is deliberate, slow, and
The Grays consume nourishment through a process of absorption
through their skin. The process, according to abductees who have
witnessed it, involves spreading a biological slurry mixture that
has been mixed with hydrogen peroxide (which oxygenates the slurry
and eliminates bacteria) onto their skin. Waist products are then
excreted back through the skin. Many abductees have noticed that
the Grays have a distinct series of odors, many of them appear to
be similar to a mentholated cinnamon smell.
The Gray clones have one major organ that has the combined
function of a heart and lung. The rest of their body consists of
a homogeneous spongy tissue infused with circulatory systems,
glands, and other amorphous structures. Each of the Gray clones
has an individuality, but it is much less pronounced than in the
human, where tendencies toward expanded awareness and shared
consciousness are minimized through cultural conditioning,
programming, and basic cranial differences in structure.
The clones are subservient to the taller Grays. The smaller
Grays possess an electronically monitored and controlled social
memory complex that allows them to function effectively in a
group-mind mode. They do not have distinct individuality, as the
larger Grays have. When one of the Grays dies, it's implant
serves as a focusing device for retrieval of the body. When Grays
die, their bodies are "beamed" away. Human/Gray Interbreeds
The Grays are cross-breeding with human beings in an attempt
to populate the Earth with hybrid beings that serve their agenda
for global domination. This activity has been going on for a long
time and has produced many generations of Crossbreeds. These
crossbreeds are potentially more superior in function than either
humans or Grays.

Many individuals have seen breeding labs, both underground
and on spacecraft. In those labs, Gray fetuses can be seen.
Those fetuses have heads that are "out of proportion" to their
body as compared to humans.
The Gray clones are abducting human females, both temporarily
and permanently, and using them for cross-breeding in order to
produce a new hybrid species that does not serve humanity.
The Grays do understand the concept of bonding, but only
intellectually in terms of bonding (between a human mother/ ovum
source and an alien cross-bred child) that will serve to
contribute to the survival of the cross-breed. They recognize the
need for it in the child only in terms of survival.
Thousands of years ago, many races interbred here to create
an intelligent and adaptive being. But, the current interbreeding
is to create humans that will serve the Visitors. Interbreeding
enables them to establish a presence and commanding influence
here. Interbreeding has been going on for several generations.
It is becoming very successful.
There are hybrids that are living among us in our world
today. There are not many, but there will be ever more in the
future. These are intelligent humans that do not serve humanity.
There are also hybrids that actually possess the Visitors
consciousness. Soon, the Visitors will be able to live on the
surface of our planet permanently. Zeta Reticulans
The Zeta Reticuli Grays have an insect-based genetic system
and are about 3.5 to 4.5 feet in height. They have no external
genitalia. They are less aggressive toward humans than the other
Gray species. These beings are from Zeta Reticuli in the
Reticulum Constellation. These humanoids have very distinctive
facial features with a turned-up nose and long slender neck.
The Reticulans appear to be a highly aware grouping of
entities that function as a social memory complex. Individuality
appears to exist, but is overshadowed by the group mind. The
Reticulans are millions of years old as a species and have a
weakened DNA structure as the result of conflicts that involved
nuclear radiation. The Reticulans have relied on artificial
reproduction or cloning and face extinction from incurable
diseases. They are creating hybrid human-Reticulans capable of
mating with humans.
The Reticulans are largely involved in scientific
exobiological surveys as well as systemic geological observation
and field studies. Their civilization appears to be totally
dedicated to interstellar research and life analysis. The Network
has been on Earth for the past 50 years.
The basic objectives of the Reticulans is to use
nullification and domination to control the leaders of various

targeted civilizations. They accomplish this by taking out the

leaders and replacing them with entities they can control.
Military operations of the Reticulan species consist of
colonization of unprotected civilizations for the purpose of
setting up logistical supply depots, slave sources, acquisition of
potential allies, and biological materials.
The process of conquering a planet involves location of
beings that vibrate in resonance with their vibrational
frequency. These located beings are then told that they are the
Elite or Chosen Ones who will conquer or lead the human race and
rule the world for their Gray masters.
Often the located beings are physically taken aboard a craft
and given physical examinations, provided with implants, given
accelerated data through inculcation methods that will help them
serve the Grays. The function of the Elite is to decimate
portions of its own race in an effort to reduce populations to
manageable limits so the remainder can be easily controlled. Sirians
Sirius apparently possesses qualities that develop some
highly unusual personalities. Known as the Dog Star, in the
constellation Canis Major, it is the brightest star in the
firmament, and more than twenty times as luminous as our own sun.
The Sirians are a hybrid race with traits that are similar to
the Blonds and Reptilian species. They are similar in appearance
to humans except for the eyes, which have vertical slit pupils,
and an elongated nose. They have short blond body hair under the
tight fitting body suit uniforms that they wear.
The Sirians are actively involved in a war with the Grays
from the Orion constellation. They have formed an alliance with
the tall Blonds against the Grays. They are working in
underground bases on Earth for the purposes of abducting humans
and programming them. They are also performing genetic work there
with humanoid forms.
Sirian Females have long hair, feminine features, and
breasts. One female has been seen wearing a blue two-piece
uniform with a pendant on her forehead. The males wear tight
fitting hoods with round-shaped radio receivers and short antenna
over their left ears. The insignia over their left breast is
triangular in shape with either three parallel lines across it or
a winged serpent inside of it. Insectoids
Although there appears to be a large variety of
extraterrestrials in the form of insects, the most common and
advanced species appears to be a giant insect creature, two meters
(6'6") tall that resembles a Praying Mantis. It should be noted
that experiencers feel that this type is no insect, but rather an

intelligent, gentle-spirited, but somewhat "hyper" and jerkymoving, human-like lifeform, both males and females.
These Beings have long, narrow faces, with long, narrow,
large eyes, sharply slanted upward and outward in an almost
narrow-V position, given an almost insect-like appearance. This
comparison is heightened by the Praying-Mantis types' extremely
thin, long torsos, long, extremely-thin arms which are usually
crooked into a sharp bend at the mid-joint, with the hand and
fingers/mitten sloping almost vertically downward from the
"wrist", and legs also bent at an almost right-angle at the midjoint, creating a crouched pose. The overall effect is the
characteristic "Praying Mantis" look.
Witnesses have reported seeing this strange and frightening
being on several occasions. In Maryland, in 1973, a group of four
Preying Mantis aliens abducted a law student and examined him. On
another occasion, a creature, fitting the same description, was
found attacking a teenage boy.
The boy was rescued with some difficulty and the being was chased
away. Other Smooth Skinned Humanoids
Other species of this type include the Akartians, Iargans,
Dwarfs, Hairies (Yeti type, Sasquatch), and Ummo's. Another group
is from the Arcturus system. These humanoids have red hair and
have been called Oranges. They remain neutral toward humans and
are waiting to reclaim a portion of the Earth for them selves.
Another group of entities that have a more pessimistic view
of human fitness for being in charge of the planets resources is
a very large humanoid race that are described in the book of
Genesis as the Nephilim (literally giants) who impregnated human
females who then gave birth to giants. This race is reported to
originate from the constellation of Lyra and inhabits the planet
There is an on-world presence of humanoid races that have
historically assisted humanity in its evolutionary development.
Such a race has been the remnants of the ancient Lemurian and
Atlantean civilizations that established large crystalline cities
inside the Earths crust after abandoning their
cities/civilizations established on the Earths surface. They are
a tall Nordic-looking race living in a subterranean city under the
North Pole. Strictly speaking, this group is not extraterrestrial in origin but simply a sub-terrestrial humanoid race
that is genetically linked to humanity.
Another group of extraterrestrials are off-world ETs that
intervene to assist humanity in dealing with off-world ET races.
This category is commonly described as Nordics and Semites
that come from Altair Alpha Centauri, who are humanoid in
appearance, between 7-8 feet in height. Altair's fourth and fifth

planets are inhabited. In fact, the people from Altair colonized

the Pleiades system long ago. The human-looking Pleiadean
extraterrestrials are actually ancestrally Altairians. There are
two variants, the Semitic-looking ones and the Nordic-looking
2.1.3 Scaly Rough Skinned Reptilians
Scaly rough skinned humanoids describe the appearance of the
Reptilian species from the Draco constellation and the Capella
System. These beings have elongated heads and eyes with vertical
slit pupils. Some of the reptilian hierarchy are albino white and
not the usual green or brown. Some have conical horns midway
between the brow and the top of the skull.
For the most part, we are dealing with another species that
is humanoid in shape, but Reptilian in heritage. Their leader
elite are the "Draco" that have special "wings", which are flaps
of skin, supported by long ribs. These can be folded back against
the body. They are also known as the "Dragon Race" and their
symbology usually includes a Winged Serpent. There are elements
of their species that do not have wings - the "soldier class" and
"scientists" have none.
They are all 'cold blooded' and must have a balanced
environment to maintain body temperature. The "soldier class" of
the species can bury themselves in the ground and wait long
periods of time in order to ambush their enemy. If need be they
can survive on one very large meal every few weeks or even once a
year. As a species, they are well suited for space travel due to
their ability to hibernate. These reptoids have scales that
protect them from moisture loss. They have no sweat glands.
The scales (scutes) are much larger on their backs, making
the skin waterproof. The scales elsewhere on the body are more
flexible. They have three fingers with an opposing thumb. The
eyes are catlike and large. They have twin nostrils at the end of
a short stubby muzzle. They are mostly meat eaters. The mouth is
more like a slit, but they do have teeth that are differentiated
into incisors, canines, and molars. They average from 6 to 7 feet
in height.
The Reptilian (amphibian) humanoids have been interacting
with Earth for ages. Many contactees and abductees repeatedly
describe an insignia of a Flying Serpent on the shoulder patch,
badge, medallion or helmet. The Serpent Race lives under the
The Draconian Group is a Confederation with subgroups (The
"Serpent Race" from Sirius) and various crossbreeds. They set up
bases inside of Venus, the Earth, and other locations. Earth is
on their ancient space trade routes.
The Draco are about 8 feet tall and have winged appendages
coming out of their shoulders, dark scaly skin, and have glowing

red eyes. They have the ability to fly and usually operate at
night. These entities, as well as the elite of the other
Reptilian species (that also have winged appendages) were the
source for some of the legends of the past relating to Gargoyles
and Valkyries. It is also apparent that some of the qualities
ascribed to vampires have also been taken from these creatures.
Some Reptilians eat humans like we eat chicken. In the
United States, there are great, underground food-storage rooms
full of preserved human bodies. Sometimes the bodies are those of
children. It is not only children but also adults that Reptilians
eat. However, children are preferred because they are not
poisoned with substances like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and
other things that adults are saturated with.
The Reptilians don't seem to be dependent on humans as a food
source, although part of their experimental work with us is toward
the end of future food supply/production. When they become
involved with crossbreeding (humans and Reptilians), they are not
doing it for racial survival but for the purpose of creating a
subclass (slave race) within their own culture. These half-breeds
are to be biological war machines and laborers, etc. They are to
be someone else's property.
10) The Reptilians seem to have little regard for us as living
beings. (They think we are as ugly and repulsive to them as we
ever portrayed them to be, and that we, the human race, are "as
valuable as weeds".) However, they do seem to consider some of us
valuable property. One gets the feeling they will continue to use
us as they see fit, or, if we ever become a real problem as a
group, they would sooner wipe us out than deal with us.
11) They do not fear humanity and consider themselves far
superior to humans by all comparisons. They supposedly consider
the surface of this planet to be a poisonous, inhospitable
environment and "allow" us to live here, since they live below the
surface and in space. (We and our surface environment function as
a physical buffer or living shield around their home underground.)
2.2 International Threats
This section provides information pertaining to threats of a
terrestrial, international nature. The information describes
organizations whose true agendas and activities are kept secret.
These secret societies are differentiated by their areas of
influence in regards to Satanic, Global, and Regional
Organizations. Although many of these organizations publicly
appear to have differing and unrelated interests and agendas, they
are all interrelated with a common goal of world domination.
2.2.1 Satanic Organizations
This portion of the document contains subsections that
describe threats from Satanic Cult organizations. All of the
leaders and many of the members of the global and regional

organizations are also affiliated with one or more of the

organizations described in this section, which includes the
Illuminati, Freemasons, Jehovahs Witnesses, Mormons, and Skull
and Bones societies. These groups are presented in the order in
which they were created.
The term Satanism is used to describe a system of ritual
sacrifice and torture that is commonplace all over the world
today. Satanism is just another name for the worship of a highly
destructive, negative force that has been given many names over
the centuries such as Nimrod, Set, the Devil, and Lucifer.
Satanism perverts everything positive.
Satanism is based on the manipulation of energy and
consciousness. Their rituals create an energy field of
vibrational frequency that connects the consciousness of the
participants to the Reptilians and other consciousness of the
lower fourth dimension.
The leading Satanists are full-blood reptilians cloaked in
human form. These rituals invariably take place on vortex points
so that the terror, horror, and hatred created from them enters
the global energy grid and affects the Earths magnetic field.
Thought forms of that scale of malevolence hold down the
vibrational frequency and affect human thought and emotion.
The Reptilians and their crossbreeds drink blood because they
are drinking the persons life force and because they need it to
exist in this dimension. They will often shape-shift from human
into reptilian form when drinking human blood and eating human
flesh. Without human blood the reptilians cannot hold human form
in this dimension.
There are regeneration rituals where an aging Satanist
stands in the center of a circle of babies or young children. As
they are sacrificed the ritual allows the Satanist to absorb their
life force and regenerate his or her body. The worlds most
famous Satanist, Alister Crowley, advocated human sacrifice and
admitted to sacrificing children. He performed just such a
sacrifice 150 times every year between 1912 and 1928 and
sacrificed almost 2,500 young boys in that period alone. Satanism
at its core is about the manipulation and theft of another
persons energy and consciousness.
The astrological energies constantly generated by the
movement of the planets and the cycles of the Sun and Moon are
also employed to add to the power of the rituals. So, there are
particular days for their most important Satanic ceremonies. On
these days, unimaginable numbers of people, mostly children, are
sacrificed. Some of the main dates are: spring equinox, summer
solstice, autumn equinox, Halloween, winter solstice and every
full Moon.

What is called Satanism is the ruling hierarchy of the
brotherhood pyramid under the command of the reptilians. Your
position is decided by the purity of your bloodline and the
level at which you operate within the global network known as
Satanism. In other words, the power of the demons that have
taken possession of you during Satanic ritual. In this way, the
other-dimensional hierarchy is reflected in the human hierarchy
of the Illuminati.
The Satanic network is vast. Satanists are very organized
and extremely ruthless. They are very strong in the medical
profession, police, the judiciary, coroner offices, politics,
government administration, and so on. There is tremendous
infighting within Satanism, as they battle for supremacy by
seeking more and more powerful demonic entities. They hate each
other as much as they hate humanity.
10) The whole Satanic network is ruled by fear. Cult members are
disciplined by having to watch their children tortured, beaten to
death or brutally raped. Others are sacrificed. Satanists are
deluded into thinking that they control the demons when actually
the demons are just using them as pawns.
11) Many sacrifices are babies produced by women called
breeders, who give birth in secret. Other sacrifices are people
the Satanists have kidnapped. It is common for Satanists to die
in rituals designed to transfer their power and demons to another
person. When they die, their consciousness becomes the property
of the demons, as ritually agreed when they become Satanists. The
deal involves demonic power for the Satanists on Earth in return
for their soul when they leave their body.
12) Drinking human blood appears to be vital to reptilian
entities to hold open DNA codes that maintain an outward human
appearance. The reptilians also feed off an adrenaline that
enters the bloodstream at times of extreme terror. The ritual is
performed to increase this terror to its maximum at the time of
death. Consuming the heart is also at the center of these
sacrifice rituals and they have been performed in the same way for
thousands of years. The heart represents the very essence of who
we are.
13) During sex, the two energy fields merge, especially at
orgasm, and this is a common way that reptilian entities take
possession of people. When a possessed person has sex with
someone, it opens up the energy connection for his or her sexual
partner to be possessed also. The Reptilians and other demonic
entities are obsessed with sex because it allows them to possess
the victim and to vampire their life force. Drugged and
alcoholic states also open people to possession, as does fear and
deep depression.

14) Sex with children has been part of the Illuminati modus
operandi from ancient times. Sexual and Satanic abuse of children
are aspects of the same agenda. This allows the demonic entities
in the perpetrator to take control of their victim. They want to
absorb the energy of children before puberty and orgasm because
the energy is still pure. Every year, more than 2,000 children
disappear in America alone and many end up with Satanic cults or
in the underground bases. Illuminati
The global secret society network of today is topped by the
Illuminati and, at the very peak, by a reptilian species. It has
had to be done in this covert way because there are not many of
them compared to the human population and they would be
overwhelmed if enough people knew what is really going on.
The Illuminati are also known as the serpent cult or serpent
brotherhood. Their secret language includes the lighted torch,
the pyramid and all-seeing eye, the lion, the snake, fish, flying
reptile (gargoyle), and other reptilian symbolism.
The Priory of Sion, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta,
Teutonic Knights, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and a long, long list
of others, are the same organization, the all-encompassing network
called Illuminati.
The elite families, no more than 13 at the peak of their
pyramid, created and manipulate this system of control through a
network of secret societies. This network and the bloodlines it
serves are known as the Illuminati, the Illuminated Ones. In
other words, they are illuminated into knowledge that everyone
else is denied. The Illuminati is an organization within all
significant organizations. Its like a cancer. The highestranking member of the Illuminati is a man code-named Pindar from
the Alsace-Lorraine region of France. Pindar means Penis of the
Although Illuminati concepts can be traced back through
history to the earliest sects claiming exoteric knowledge, the
order was first publicly identified in 1776. On May 1 of that
year, the Bavarian Illuminati was formed by Adam Weishaupt, a
professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University of Bavaria in
One of his cofounders reportedly was William of Hesse, the
employer of Mayer Rothschild. The Rothschilds and German royalty
were connected through Freemasonry. The Bavarian Illuminati was
banned by Pope Clement XIV in 1773, which caused Weishaupt to
break with the church while studying to be a Jesuit priest.
The Illuminati originated within the Muslim Ismaili sect, a
group closely connected to the Knights Templar who brought
Illuminati ideals to Europe centuries before. The Illuminati were
indoctrinated with ancient esoteric knowledge and were opposed to

what they saw as the tyranny of the Catholic church and the
national governments it supported.
Weishaupt evoked a philosophy that any means to gain their
ends was acceptable and the key to Illuminati control was
secrecy. Weishaupt and his Illuminati sought a world government
based on their philosophy of human-centered rationalism. In 1777,
Weishaupt blended his brand of Illuminism with Freemasonry after
joining the Masonic Orders Lodge Theodore of Good Council in
Munich, Germany.
The Bavarian government cracked down on the order in 1783.
Authorities saw the Illuminati as a direct threat to the
established order and outlawed the organization. This action
prompted many members to flee Germany, which only spread their
philosophies further. Secret Illuminati orders sprang up in
France, Italy, England, and even the new lands of America. Freemasonry
During the late Middle Ages, among the only organized groups
able to move freely throughout Europe were the guilds of stone
masons, who maintained meeting halls or lodges in every major
city. The masons, who traced their own secret knowledge of
architecture and building back to Egypt and beyond, were essential
to the construction of Europes churches and cathedrals.
Freemasonry is the largest worldwide secret society and was
spread largely by the advance of the British empire in the
nineteenth century. Already possessing certain esoteric or secret
knowledge, the Masons were an ideal vehicle for the covert
distribution of anticlerical teachings.
Occult geometry, sometimes called sacred geometry, long has
utilized geometrical symbols for metaphysical and philosophical
concepts. Masonic lore traces its origins back to the
construction of the biblical Tower of Babel and King Solomons
Temple of Jerusalem.
The Freemasons originate from the Essenes, the Pharisee Jews,
the ancient mystery schools of Egypt and Greece, the Vehm-Gerichte
of Westphalia, Germany, the Roman Collegia, the French Compagnons,
and the Rosicrucians. The Knights Templar-Rosicrucian-Babylonian
Brotherhood underground created their own initiation structure to
pass on the secret knowledge to the chosen few and keep it out of
Freemasonry was born in Scotland among the Brotherhood
bloodline families, especially the reptilian St. Clair/Sinclairs.
They were based at Rosslyn or Roslin Castle just South of
Edinburgh in a region steeped in Templar tradition.
The biggest rite of world Freemasonry are the 33 degrees
(initiate levels) called the Scottish Rite. The other main stream
of the craft is the York Rite, after which New York was named,
which is the center of United States Freemasonry to this day.

Freemasonry quickly became a vehicle for political and
economic manipulation with its members working through all sides
to the same end. Their agenda was to diminish the power of the
monarchies in Europe and replace them with political systems
designed in a way that allowed the Brotherhood to control them.
It was based on the structure in ancient Sumer and Babylon and
this has continued to this very day.
The Brotherhood Elite and the reptilians do not care who
introduces their Agenda, so long as someone does and the most
influential of their bloodlines are not always the most famous
people. Often the most influential ones work in the background
where the real power lies.
Freemasonry is a cesspit of deceit and hypocrisy, and the
oaths made to the secret societies and your fellow initiates
override any oath you may have made to your country or to people
such as a president, prime minister, congressman, Member of
Parliament, policeman, or judge. The Mason swears to keep the
secrets of another Mason, protecting him even if it requires
withholding evidence of a crime, giving false testimony, perjury,
or rendering a false verdict. Jahovahs Witnesses
The Jehovahs Witness or Watchtower Society worships the Hebrew
angry god Jehovah. Jehovah is an English translation of the
Hebrew Yahweh or Lord, a word that was expressed only as YHWH.
After admonishing Moses and his people not to kill, steal, or
covet anothers property, Jehovah ordered them to the lands of the
Amorites, Hittites, Canaanites, and others to kill men, women, and
children and take their lands and possessions.
The Jehovahs Witness, or Watchtower Society, is another
Illuminati religion used for mind control and a front for
Satanism. It systematically disconnects its members from nonmembers in the way of all mind control cults. The Jehovahs
Witnesses are a replica of the Mormons, even down to the
Freemasonic founders, like Charles Taze Russell.
Charles Taze Russell was from the Illuminatis Russell
bloodline, which also founded the infamous Skull and Bones Society
at Yale University. Russell was a Satanist, a paedophile
according to his wife, and a friend of the Rothschilds, who funded
the Jehovahs Witness operation into existence, along with other
Illuminati bankers.
Charles Taze Russell was a high-degree Freemason and Knights
Templar. He promoted Zionism, another Rothschild creation.
Russells family was formally known as Roessel and went to
Scotland from Germany. Both are massive occult centers.
From the start, Charles Russell used his new Watchtower
Society, based at Bethel, Brooklyn, New York, as a front for black
magic, or Enochian magic as his brand of Satanism was called.

Russell was buried under a pyramid in the United States after he

was ritually killed on Halloween 1917.
The Jehovah Witness organization uses trauma-based mind
control for unspeakable mind control projects. Jehovah Witnesses
are told to believe in and welcome Armageddon because that is when
the world will be destroyed and only they will avoid the
Witnesses and their children are separated from society and
only the minimum necessary contact with non-believers is
encouraged. This isolates them from other information and visions
of reality. They attend meetings three times each week to be
brainwashed with the religions dogma, hatred, and fear. They are
told to avoid independent thinking, not question the council, and
to hate in the name of their God. The shunning laws are breaking
up many families, causing many divorces, and driving people to
Witnesses are discouraged from listening to popular music,
celebrating festivals and holidays with non-witnesses, and urged
to read the Bible every day. Not only the minds, but the clothing
and hairstyles of the Witnesses are monitored. Every area of
their lives is dictated, including the movies and television
programs that they watch; celebrating birthdays; lotteries;
relationships after divorce; inter-racial marriage; drinking tea
and coffee; wearing cosmetics and jewelry; national anthems;
contraception methods; oral sex in marriage and masturbation.
10) No questioning or rebellion against the leadership is
tolerated and Witnesses are pressured to inform on each other.
Encouraging Witnesses to confess their sins to an elder opens
the way for unlimited blackmail. Nor is the privacy of these
confessions maintained. They are kept in a constant state of fear
and unworthiness. Mormons
The Mormon Church is another vision religion that very
powerfully locks into the Brotherhood network, as all religions
do. The Mormon Church, or more formally, the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints, was founded by Joseph Smith after he
claimed an angle called Moroni appeared to him in 1823. Moroni,
he said, told him of the existence of a book of gold plates
containing: the fullness of the everlasting gospel and an
account of the former inhabitants of this continent and the
sources from which they sprang. The location was revealed to
him, and in 1827 with the help from two magic stones called Urim
and Thummim, he translated the plates into English. From this
came the Book of Mormon two years later and his followers became
the Mormon Church in 1830.
The pillars of the early church were Smith, his brother
Hiram, and Brigham Young. They were all high-degree Freemasons

and from the same Merovingian bloodline. The expansion of the

church was funded by Kuhn, Loeb, and Company (the Rothschild bank
in the United States).
Mormons recognize the Bible, but claim that Smiths writings
are equally divine. They set up communities called Stakes of Zion
and eventually settled in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The Mormon Church at Salt Lake City is a major center for
Illuminati trauma-based mind control. The Illuminati look for
families with a history of child abuse and trauma because each new
generation of these bloodlines become more open to mind control as
their DNA is reprogrammed by the experiences. The Mormon Church
is obsessed with genetics and its massive genealogical data banks
are used by the Illuminati to keep records of who has reptilian
The Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, which is covered in
Illuminati symbols like the all-seeing eye, stands over a large
underground reptilian base that can be accessed from the temple
site. Reptilians and hybrid bloodlines reside permanently in the
underground society and are sold-out Satanic worshipping, bloodfeasting, shape shifters.
Satanic ritual goes on within the Mormon Church. In an
underground chamber called the Pink Room, Mormon leaders dressed
in black robes, worship Lucifer in a ritual called True Order of
Prayer. Newly delivered babies are sacrificed while the mother is
tied to a cross-shaped stone alter. Skull and Bones
Skull and Bones is the American chapter of an earlier German
secret organization, known as Chapter 322, the Brotherhood of
Death, or The Order. It was founded at Yale University in 1832
by General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft.
The Russell family was at the center of Russell and Company,
a firm that became enriched first by the slave trade and then by
opium smuggling in the early nineteenth century. The pirate
symbol of skull and crossed bones was adopted as the Orders
insignia. It was also the official crest of the Bavarian
Skull and Bones has close links with Freemasonry. Masonic
emblems, symbols, a German slogan, even the layout of their
initiation room are all identical to those found in Masonic lodges
in Germany associated with the Illuminati.
Each year, only fifteen Yale juniors are selected to
participate in Skull and Bones during their senior year. The
Order has its own membership designations. Neophyte members are
called Knights. Once a full member, they are known as
Patriarchs. Outsiders are derogatorily referred to as Gentiles
or vandals.

Active membership in Skull and Bones comes from a core group
of about 30 families. Nepotism runs deep in The Order. Prescott
Bush, former president George Bush, and president George W. Bush
are all members.
The Skull and Bones Society is a political recruiting agency
and the epicenter of New World Order control. The order has been
called a stepping stone to the Council on Foreign Relations,
Bilderbergers, and the Trilateral Commission. It poses a great
and present danger to our freedoms and to our constitutional
rights by a clandestine elite that are manipulating history.
Skull and Bones is a blood drinking, Satanic secret society
for the bloodline families. The Eastern Establishment are the
force behind Americas most sinister and Satanic secret societies,
the Skull and Bones Society, based in a windowless mausoleum at
Yale University in Connecticut known appropriately as the Tomb.
Bloodcurdling screams are heard coming from the tomb of Skull
and Bones. It has an interior with all the trappings of a late
Victorian gothic fantasy. There is heavy dark furniture, medieval
armor, animal heads and everywhere there are skulls and bones
including a skeleton called madam Pompidor. Within the tomb,
bonesmen operate on Skull and Bones time, which is five minutes
ahead of the time in the rest of the world, which is referred to
as barbaric time.
Membership in The Order involves the worship of the skull.
The reason why skulls and bones figure so prominently in it is a
kind of strain of imagery that dates back to Masonic societies of
Germany in which it was important for a youth to contemplate his
10) The Skull and Bones initiation ceremony is held in April in
the tombs basement. One distinguished member serves as Master of
Ceremonies. Once enrobed, he is known as Uncle Tubing. The
shortest member is appointed little devil and dons a satanic
costume. A Bonesman with a deep voice is dressed as Don Quixote.
Another is dressed as the colleges founder. Still another is
given papal vestments and initiates lay naked in a coffin.
11) Every Thursday and Sunday at 6:30, they gather for dinner in
the Firefly Room. Non-alcoholic drinks are served in skull shaped
cups. Skull and Bones is a dry society. Thursday night is a sort
of general autobiographical session in the basement of the tomb.
In the presence of occult Masonic ritual skeletons, coffins, and
death heads, someone tells the narrative of his life. But on
Sunday, there is a special session that is given the name of
Connubial Bliss and that session is a sexual autobiography.
12) The Skull and Bones is particularly important for initiating
American elite bloodline young people into the web. For nearly
two centuries, Skull and Bones have produced the stewards and
leaders of the American ruling class, the Eastern Establishment

elite core of diplomats, spies, supreme-court justices, senators,

and presidents.
13) Skull and Bones is a lifelong society. This is a vicious
group of inter-breeding bloodlines seeking to impose their will
and their structure of life upon the global population.
2.2.2 Global Organizations
The subsections within this portion of the document describe
organizations with global agendas. They are arranged in the order
in which they were created. These organizations include the Round
Table, United Nations, Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, Trilateral
Commission, and the World Trade Organization. The Round Table
The Round Table Groups were established around 1910 by the trust
of English diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes. Rhodess first Round
Table group was established in South Africa with funding from the
British Rothschild family to train business leaders loyal to
Britain in ways to maintain control over the countrys wealth.
The Round Tables started out as a collection of semisecret groups
formed along the lines of Illuminati and Freemasonry with inner
and outer circles and a pyramid hierarchy. Rhodes called his
secret society the Round Table after the legendary meeting place
of King Arthur.
Armed with immense wealth gained from control of gold,
diamonds and drugs, Round Tablers fanned out throughout the world
to take control of fiscal and monetary policies and political
leadership in all countries where they operated. The goal was to
form the worlds nations into one English-speaking entity so as to
maintain peace and bring both stability and prosperity to
underdeveloped areas.
By 1915, other branches of the Round Table were set up in
Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and India. In
the United States, the Round Table was represented by the
Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan, and Edward Harriman. Cecil Rhodes was
also a member of an organization called the Committee of 300,
which is also known as The Olympians. It consists of 300 people
who, in each generation, run the world under the supervision of
even smaller groups above them in the highest levels of the
pyramid. These 300 families are the most reptilian on the planet
and that is how they qualify for their appointment to this
network. United Nations
The United Nations organization was an outgrowth of the old
League of Nations that was instigated by Woodrow Wilson and
members of the Milner-Rhodes secret societies. The concept was
resurrected when representatives of the United States, the Soviet
Union, Great Britain, and China met at the Dumbarton Oaks estate
near Washington DC, from August 21 to October 7, 1944.

Formal construction of the UN began at the United Nations
Conference on International Organization held in San Francisco. A
resulting charter was signed in June and went into effect October
24, 1945, little more than two months after World War II ended.
The United Nations was created essentially by the Council on
Foreign Relations.
Today, the UN supervises the World Bank and the International
Monetary Fund (IMF). The UN also houses a number of social
agencies including the International Labor Organization (ILO),
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and
United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF).
The UN network includes the World Health Organization (WHO),
a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Anglo-American-Swiss
pharmaceutical cartel that produce vaccines that cause untold harm
to the physical and spiritual being of billions. The UN
Population Fund uses population control for a policy of
eugenics. Instead of stopping war, thousands of people have been
killed under the banner of the UN flag.
In 1947, the United Nations formed the World Federation of
Mental Health with Montegu Norman, the Governor of the Bank of
England who funded and manipulated Adolf Hitler. Running
alongside this was the United Nations Social and Cultural
Organization under the leadership of mind programmer, Julian
Huxley. The United Nations is the worlds largest, continuouslyrun, brainwashing program for leaders of developing countries.
The United Nations was a vital achievement for the
illuminati. They tried and failed with their League of Nations
after the First World War and so they engineered the Second World
War. The plan has always been to create so many problems in the
world that the only answer to them is perceived to be a global
government to sort out the mess (problem-reaction-solution).
Those pressing for world government are the same people who are
creating the problems to justify it.
Another scam is to persuade us that a world government would
be the way to bring all people together as one humanity, caring
and sharing, and recognizing we are all one family. Very nice
sentiment on the face of it, but from the illuminati point of
view, that is their worst nightmare. They want humanity to be
divided and ruled, nor united and free. They manipulate people
into missing the fundamental difference between One World
(coming together in mutual support and co-operation) and a global
centralized fascist dictatorship. Bilderbergers
The Bilderbergers are a group of powerful men and women many of
them European royalty who meet in secret each year to discuss
the issues of the day. It still has no official name, but it has

been identified with the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeck, Holland.

Where it was first discovered by the public in 1954.
Attendees include prominent businessmen, politicians, bankers,
educators, media owners, and military leaders from around the
world. The Bilderbergers also are closely tied to Europes
nobility, including the British royal family and royalty from
Sweden, Holland, and Spain.
After the Second World War, Britains Lord Victor Rothschild
and Polish socialist Dr. Joseph Retinger encouraged Dutch Prince
Bernhard to create the Bilderberg group. The Prince personally
chaired the group until 1976. Since 1991, the Bilderberg
chairmanship has been held by Britains Lord Peter Carrington.
The Bilderbergers usually meet once a year at plush resorts
around the globe, and their activities are cloaked in total
secrecy despite the attendance of top-level American media
members. Although the group claims to merely hold informal
discussions on world affairs, there is evidence that its
recommendations often become official policy.
The idea of a common European currency was discussed several
years before it became policy. There were also discussions about
the U.S. establishing formal relations with China before President
Nixon actually did it. It was reported that one of the decisions
of the 1998 Bilderberg meeting was to encourage British prime
minister Tony Blair to press harder for Britains entry into the
growing European Union. Club of Rome
In 1968, came the Club of Rome, headed by the Bilderberger
and Freemason, Aurelio Peccei. The Club of Rome, set up at the
Rockefeller familys private estate at Bellagio in Italy, created
the environmental movement. The Club of Rome has used the
environment to centralize power and confiscate land.
It claims to be campaigning to save the planet when in
truth, it is just another front for the Agenda intent on
controlling the world. It is sponsored by those who are
demonstrably creating the very environmental problems that they
say they wish to stop.
The Club of Rome has been charged with the task of overseeing
the regionalization and unification of the entire world. Most of
the directives for the planning of the world government are
presently coming from the Club of Rome.
The Club has divided the world into ten political/economic
regions, which it refers to as kingdoms. These regions are: 1.
North America, 2. Western Europe and Scandinavia, 3. Japan, 4.
South Africa, Australia and Pacific region, 5. Eastern Europe and
Northern Asia, 6. Mexico, central and South America, 7. North
Africa and middle East, 8. Central Africa, 9. India and Southeast
Asia, and 10. China.

The Club of Rome encourages the creation of a world forum
where statesmen, policy-makers, and scientists can discuss the
dangers and hopes for the future global system. The World Future
Society is where the political, economic, and spiritual aspects of
the one-world government all come together. One of the
organizations directors was Robert S. McNamara, the former
president of the World Bank and Secretary of Defense. Trilateral Commission
David Rockefeller, the former chairman of the Council on
Foreign Relations, instigated the creation of the Trilateral
Commission. The concept of the Trilateral Commission was
originally brought to Rockefeller by Zbigniew Brzezinski, then
head of the Russian Studies Department at Columbia University.
Brzezinskis plan for a commission of trilateral nations was
first presented during a meeting of the ultra-secret Bilderberg
group in April 1972, in the small Belgian town of Knokke-Heist.
Reception to Brzezinskis proposal reportedly was enthusiastic.
With the blessing of the Bilderbergers and the Council on Foreign
Relations, the Trilateral Commission began organizing on July 2324, 1972, at the Rockefeller estate at Pocantico Hills, New York.
It was officially founded on July 1, 1973, with David Rockefeller
as chairman. Brzezinski was named founding North American
director. The total exclusive membership remains about 300
According to the commissions official yearly publication,
Trialogue, The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 by
private citizens of Western Europe, Japan, and North America to
foster closer cooperation among these three regions on common
The Trilateral Commission has headquarters in New York,
Paris, and Tokyo. An executive committee of 35 members
administers the commission, which meets roughly every nine months
rotating between the three regions.
Just a few examples indicate that those espousing Trilateral
policies often end up implementing those same policies in the
government. Three years after his paper was published, Harvard
political scientist Samuel Huntington was named coordinator of
security planning for President Carters National Security
Council. In this capacity, Huntington prepared Presidential
Rerview Memorandum 32, which led to the 1979 presidential order
creating the Federal Emergency Management Agency, a civilian
organization with the power to take totalitarian control of
government functions in the event of a national emergency.
Yale University economist Richard Cooper headed the
commissions task force on monetary policy, which recommended
selling official gold reserves to private markets. Cooper became

undersecretary of state for economic affairs, presiding as the

International Monetary Fund sold a portion of its gold.
Many of the original members of the Trilateral Commission are
now in positions of power where they are able to implement policy
recommendations of the Commission; recommendations that they,
themselves, prepared on behalf of the Commission. A cabal of
powerful men are out to control the world by creating a supernational community dominated by the multinational corporations. World Trade Organization
The controversial General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT) renamed in 1995; the World Trade Organization was widely
seen as nothing more than a vehicle to further the Bilderberger
goal of removing all trade barriers. Noting that free trade
breaks up old nationalities and hastens the social revolution,
Karl Marx in 1848 proclaimed, I am in favor of free trade.
The Illuminati first created the GATT free trade agreement
to stop nation states from defending their economies from the
importation of goods that are destroying local jobs. Illuminati
agents like Peter Sutherland of Ireland, the Bilderberger head of
GATT, later became head of the World Trade Organization in the
Illuminati stronghold of Switzerland. This replaced GATT and now
has extensive powers to impose enormous fines on nations who do
not follow its rules.
The end of trade borders in Europe under the Common Market
removed more control by individual countries over their economy,
and the same with the North American Free Trade Agreement between
the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
The powers of the World Trade Organization insure that poor
Third World countries cannot use their land to feed their people
first, nor keep out imports that are causing hunger and poverty by
destroying local employment.
The trans-nationals pay little or no tax to these countries
and by owning the land, at the expense of the people, they can pay
poverty wages to the workers who have no other form of employment
and no chance of self-sufficiency. The Illuminati trans-nationals
are leeches sucking these countries dry of money, opportunity, and
resources. The Illuminati view humans in the same way that most
humans view cattle.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank told
debt-ridden, poverty-stricken countries that they had to cut
subsidies for food and health care and restructure their
economies in line with the instructions of the IMF and World
Bank. If they did not, they would not get any further help. By
now, these countries could not revert to self-sufficiency because
the Illuminati trans-nationals controlled much of the food-growing
land and they were faced with both world trade restrictions and
debt repayments. People starved.

2.2.3 Regional Organizations

The following subsections describe organizations that pose a
threat to specific regions on this planet. They are arranged in
the order in which they were created. These organizations include
the Federal Reserve, the Royal Institute of International Affairs,
and the Council on Foreign Relations. Federal Reserve
One of the most important coups was the creation in 1913 of
the Federal Reserve, the so-called central bank of the United
States. It is neither Federal nor has any reserves. It is a
cartel of private banks owned by the 20 founding families, mostly
European, which today decides the interest rates for the United
States and lends non-existent money to the U.S. government on
which the taxpayers have to pay interest. Profits exceed $150
billion a year and the Federal Reserve has not once in all its
history published audited accounts.
The elite bankers from the Rockefeller-Morgan-Rothschild-Harriman
cartels met secretly at Jekyl Island in Georgia to discuss tactics
and the nature of the bill they wished to be passed. They pushed
the Federal Reserve Bill through Congress just before Christmas
1913 when many congressmen were already home.
They also introduced a Federal Income Tax Bill in 1913. To
do this they needed an amendment, the 16th, to the American
Constitution, and that required the consent of at least 36
states. Only two states agreed, but Philander Knox, the Secretary
of State, simply announced that the required majority had been
achieved and the bill was introduced. To this day, the enforced
payment of federal income tax is illegal.
The function of the Federal Reserve is to Foster a flow of
money and credit that will facilitate orderly economic growth, a
stable dollar, and long-run balance in our international
payments. But has the Fed accomplished its stated goals? Since
1976 the United States has had a negative trade balance, and, in
1985, for the first time since 1914, the U.S. debts owed to
foreign creditors exceeded foreign debts owed to U.S. creditors.
If the true functions of the Fed are as claimed, then it has
failed miserably.
International bankers, like the Rothschilds and the Warburgs
of Europe and the houses of J.P. Morgan, Huhn, Loeb and Company,
Schiff, Lehman and Rockefeller make money by extending credit to
governments. The greater the debt of the political state, the
larger the interest returned to the lenders. The national banks
of Europe are actually owned and controlled by private interests.
These same private interests can be demonstrated to own and
control the Federal Reserve System.
Prior to the 1930s paper bills could be redeemed for gold,
since Section 10 of the Constitution specified gold and silver as

the only lawful tender. Older Federal Reserve notes bore the
inscription, Redeemable in lawful money at the United States
Treasury, or any Federal Reserve bank. But no more.
Money today is increasingly mere electronic blips in a
computer accessed by plastic cards at ATMs. There is nothing to
back it up. Yet this illusionary money is loaned at interest by
great institutions. As the total amount of money grows, its worth
decreases. This is called inflation, in effect a built-in tax on
the use of money. And, inflation can be manipulated by those who
control the flow of money. The result of this whole system is
massive debt at every level of society and banks often have the
right to seize physical property if its paper money is not repaid.
The same force that created the banking system and controls
all of the banks, also created the political system and controls
all of the major governments. This has allowed these governments
to pass banking laws that allow their banks to lend at least ten
times what they have on deposit. This system of fiat money and
fractional reserve lending, means that banks can create money
out of thin air whenever they choose. Debt does not exist except
as figures on a computer screen.
The head of the Federal Reserve is currently the Illuminati
Satanist Alan Greenspan, who is also a member of the
Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign
Relations. He is high up in the Illuminati ritual hierarchy. The
Fed decides the interest rates in the U.S. which has a
fundamental effect on the world economy because of the
interdependency the Illuminati have built into the system. Royal Institute of International Affairs
In a secret meeting at the Hotel Majestic in Paris, offshoot
organizations connected to the original Round Table group were
created. The first came in 1920 with the formation of the
Institute of International Affairs, also known as Chatham House,
at 10 St. James Square in London. It was given the title Royal
Institute in 1926. The second came with the American branch, the
Council on Foreign Relations, in 1921.
These were designed to control even more completely British
and American politics and much of the wider world. They are both
the same organization under different names. The Royal Institute
of International Affairs was formed by the friends of Cecil
The Royal Institute connects into the top levels of politics,
banking, business, and the media. As with the Round Table, Royal
Institute branches were established in Australia, Canada, New
Zealand, Nigeria, Trinidad, Tobago, and India, where it is known
as the Council of World Affairs. Council on Foreign Relations

President Woodrow Wilsons assistant, Colonel Mandel House,
along with both British and American peace conference delegates
met in Pariss Majestic Hotel on May 30, 1919, and resolved to
form an Institute of International Affairs, with one branch in
the United States and one in England. The U.S. branch was
incorporated on July 21, 1921, as the Council on Foreign
Article II of the new CFRs bylaws stated that anyone
revealing details of the CFR meetings in contravention of the
CFRs rules could be dropped from membership, thus qualifying the
CFR as a secret society.
Since 1945, the CFR has been headquartered in the elegant
Harold Pratt House in New York City. The building was donated by
the Pratt family of Rockefellers Standard Oil. The CFRs
invitation-only membership, originally limited to 1,600
participants, today numbers more than 3,300, representing the most
influential leaders in finance, commerce, communications, and
Council members are in the forefront of Americas globalist
activism. CFR officials include nearly all past and present
senior U.S. government officials who deal with international
matters. A 1997 mission statement stated the council is merely a
unique membership organization and think tank that educates
members and staff to serve the nation with ideas for a better and
safer world.
However, the CFR has had its hand in every major twentieth
century conflict. It is a group of men and women set on world
domination through multinational business, international treaties,
and world government. The one common objective of CFR members is
to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and national
independence of the United States. Primarily, they want the world
banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in control of global
Through 1988, 14 secretaries of State, 14 treasury
secretaries, 11 defense secretaries and scores of other federal
department heads have been CFR members. Nearly every CIA director
since Allen Dulles has been a CFR member.
In January 1943, the secretary of State, Cordell Hull, formed
a steering committee that drafted the original proposal of the
United Nations. All of the members with the exception of Hull
were in the CFR. While the CFR created the United Nations, it is
still only a branch of the Royal Institute of International
Affairs in London, which is only an offshoot of the Round Table,
which is only an agency of an even higher authority in the
2.3 Individual Threats

This portion of the document contains subsections that
describe threats to individual freedom, security, development, and
health. These are threats to humanity that apply equally to the
citizens of every nation on Earth. Although domestic
organizations are involved with perpetuating these threats, this
section is mainly concerned with exposing the threats themselves.
The following subsections describe threats resulting from drugs,
mind control, terrorism, and national security.
2.3.1 Drugs
Information about drugs that pose a threat to human health,
freedom, and spiritual development are presented here in two
subsections. One deals with legal drugs and the other with
illegal drugs. Legal drugs that adversely affect human physical
and mental functions include government approved chemicals,
inoculations, and pharmaceuticals. Illegal drugs, such as heroine
and cocaine, which are smuggled and distributed by governments,
not only pose a threat to the individual victims of drug abuse but
also to societies that must contend with the problems that they
bring. Legal Drugs
The reptilian-Brotherhood has been preparing to stop mankind
from making a shift in consciousness for a long time. They attack
humanity at the physical level with drugs, food additives, and
fluoride in the water. At the same time, the ancient methods of
healing (known today as alternative or complementary) are under
constant assault from the medical establishment, which is awash
with Freemasons and under the control of the Brotherhood
pharmaceutical cartel.
The Rockefeller empire owns more than 60% of the
pharmaceutical industry in the United States. The pharmaceutical
cartel interlocks with the major global food producers like
Nestle, Kellogg, Proctor and Gamble and the rest. Through this
network, the Brotherhood can orchestrate a concerted attack on the
human body and its mental processes. Genetically engineered
animals and food is part of this also.
In order to control a population you must suppress their
ability to think for themselves and see what is going on around
them. This is done through the manipulation of the mind with
drugs, vaccines, and food additives.
Stress causes an imbalanced emotional vibration that disrupts
the body. It interacts with body cells to cause chemical changes
called disease, or dis-ease. The medical profession either
prescribes a drug to try to reverse the chemical changes or uses
surgery to cut away the result of the chemical changes. They
treat the symptom and not the cause. True healers treat and
remove the energy imbalances that cause the physical effect.

Humanity is being fed drugs and chemicals that suppress brain
function, clarity of thought, and the ability to connect
powerfully with our higher levels of being, or sixth sense of
psychic awareness and intuition. The following are some examples
of this war on the human brain and immune system.
Aspartame suppresses the intellect. It is now used in
thousands of foodstuffs and in almost every soft drink. Children,
who drink these beverages are turned into unthinking,
unquestioning clones for life. Aspartame is an artificial
sweetener. It is known under trade names like NutraSweet, Equal,
and Spoonful. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar.
It was introduced in 1981 and has been the subject of 75% of
complaints reported to the Adverse Reaction Monitoring system of
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These complaints
include headaches, dizziness, attention difficulties, memory loss,
slurred speech, and vision problems. It changes the brain
chemistry and lowers the threshold for seizures, causes mood
disorders and other problems of the nervous system. It is also
Prozac, produced by the George Bush drug company, Eli Lilly,
is another Illuminati corruption to impose a mind suppressant on
the population. Prozac was introduced in 1982 and marketed to
target depressive disorders. By 1987, two months before the FDA
approved Prozac, 27 people had died in controlled clinical
trials. 15 were suicides, six by overdose, four by gunshots and
two by drowning. Prozac was directly connected to all of them.
In 1991, the FDA received more than 15,000 reports of all
kinds on Prozac. That number reached 28,000 by 1992 with another
1,700 deaths. Now, they are introducing a form of Prozac for
children and it is widely used among victims of mind control.
10) Ritalin is another mind altering drug that is targeted at
children and can seriously affect their behavior. It has been
connected to many acts of violence. The U.S. Government
classifies Ritalin in the same category as cocaine and heroine.
Its affect on children is to slow them down, shut them up, and
make it more difficult for them to move around. Its effect can
continue long after the prescription has stopped.
11) Adults who take this drug are far more likely to commit
violent crimes. The high number of incidents involving violent
children and the increase in child suicide can be attributed to an
ever-increasing number of children who are given drugs to control
their behavior. The main targets are the children with active
minds and those who act differently to the norm.
12) Fluoride is another major intellect suppressant added to
drinking water supplies and toothpaste. Sodium fluoride is a
common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, anaesthetics,

hypnotics, psychiatric drugs, and military nerve gas. It is one

of the basic ingredients in Prozac and the Sarin nerve gas.
13) Fluoride causes various mental disturbances and makes people
stupid, docile, and subservient. This is beside shortening life
spans and damaging bone structure. Repeated doses of
infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an
individuals power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and
narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him
submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.
14) Fluoride is a by-product of the aluminium industry.
Industrial fluorines are major polluters of rivers and streams,
poisoning land, fish, and animals. It was costing the Aluminium
industry a fortune to deal with it. But, this poisonous waste
product became an enormous source of income and human control when
it was added to the public drinking water by the aluminium cartel
called ALCOA.
15) In addition to dumping toxic fluoride into our drinking
water, innocent, unsuspecting people are also being exposed to
deadly elements of lead, arsenic and radium, all of them
carcinogenic. Fluoride is not there to protect teeth. It is
there to suppress the intellect of the population so they dont
think, question, or rebel.
16) Vaccinations are a highly efficient way of pumping mindsuppressing drugs and immune system destroyers into billions of
people while they think that they are being helped. Repeated
vaccination exhausts the immune system and opens people to all
sorts of diseases.
17) More than 90% of the decline in death rates from infectious
diseases occurred before vaccinations commenced. Millions of
children in Third World countries are still dying from measles,
tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, etc., despite being
fully vaccinated. Illegal Drugs
One of the most powerful weapons in the Brotherhoods war
against humanity over thousands of years has been addictive and
mind-altering drugs. Opium, from which comes heroin, was the
weapon used by the British in the Opium Wars against China in 1840
and 1858. They sponsored a mass addiction to opium until Chinese
society and vitality was torn asunder. The drug trade was (and
is) organized by the Far East lodges of Freemasonry.
The British reptilian bloodline families worked with their
other American relatives to expand the drug trade, as they still
do today. The Russell family made its enormous wealth from the
opium trade in the nineteenth century through the drug syndicate
known as Russell and Company. The Russells, with the Tafts,
formed the Skull and Bones Society.

Alcohol prohibition was a means to create the massive network
of organized crime in the United States. The structure thus
produced was perfect, as intended, for drug trafficking once
prohibition was over. The main groups campaigning for prohibition
were financed by the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, and Warburgs.
General khun Sa is the overlord of the Golden Triangle region
in Southeast Asia, from which more heroine comes than any other
place in the World. Theodore Shackley, the former CIA Deputy
Director for Covert Operations, was claimed by Khun Sa to be in
charge of U.S. involvement in the opium trade in Southeast Asia
during the period 1965-1975. Santos Trafficante, the Mafia Don in
Miami and Cuba, was the civilian enlisted to assist in the
trafficking and distribution of narcotics into the United States.
Richard Armitage was the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
International Security Affairs at that time. He handled the
financial transactions of the U.S. narcotics trade, according to
Khun Sa. Almost continuously since the end of U.S. military
incolvement in Vietnam, it had been the responsibility of Richard
Armitage, in one capacity or another, to account for our MIAs and
bring home American POWs. Armitage has violated his office and
used it as a cover to traffic in arms and drugs to promote covert
operations that bypass our congressional and constitutional
system. Today, he is the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State under the
Bush Administration.
The drug trade is not only about making vast amounts of
money, it is also designed to break down societies and stop young
people from manifesting their true worth and potential. When
people are hooked on drugs they are not going to be a problem to
the Brotherhoods grand design. Violence and crime always follows
the drug trade as drug dealers battle for supremacy and addicts
mug and steal to finance their habit. This offers the Brotherhood
a wonderful opportunity to offer the solution to this problem
more power to the police and further erosion of basic freedoms.
Drugs are being distributed by those fronting the drug war.
Former president George Bush has fronted more wars on drugs than
any other American politician and yet he is one of North Americas
premier drug barons. The anti-drug agencies are controlled by the
drug cartels and big drug busts are usually the Brotherhood
eliminating the competition and giving the impression of action.
2.3.2 Mind Control
The following subsections describe all aspects of threats
stemming from mind control techniques and technology including
electronic manipulation, trauma-based slavery, and implants. This
is perhaps the cruelest form of human abuse and may be the most
difficult subject to deal with emotionally. The reader is
cautioned NOT to read this section unless willing and able to
learn of unspeakable horrors to mankind.

Research into mind control techniques began after a British
and United States Intelligence operation called Project Paperclip
enabled Josef Mengele and the Elite Nazi leadership, scientists,
doctors, and military personnel to escape Germany in 1945 and
become U.S. citizens. Josef Mangele, the Angel of Death,
conducted mind control experiments while the camp doctor at the
Auchwitz Concentration Camp. He was an expert in demonology, the
Cabala, and a Grand Master in the Illuminati. He became known as
Dr. Green.
The Central Intelligence Agency sponsored the unspeakable
mind control programs known as MK Ultra. MK stands for mind
control in German. It was headed, officially, by Ewen Cameron and
based in Montreal Canada. It was reported in 1977 that millions
of dollars had been spent studying voodoo, witchcraft, and
psychics and had been mind controlling countless people without
their consent or knowledge.
MK Ultra had involved at least 185 scientists, 80 U.S.
institutions; among them prisons; pharmaceutical companies;
hospitals; and 44 medical colleges and universities. Over 700
drugs were used and 60,000 electrical shocks were administered to
patients in one year alone: 1961. The purpose of the project was
to create human robots. Electronic Manipulation
Acquisition of mind control and thought beam technology from
non-human sources is the final act in a long series of events that
started many years ago. The purpose of mind control, as far as
the U.S. government is concerned, is to devise operational
techniques to disturb the memory, discredit people through
aberrant behavior, alter sex patterns, elicit information, and
create emotional dependence.
The goal of mind control is to program individuals to carry
out any mission of espionage or assassination, even against their
will or fundamental laws of nature such as self-preservation, and
control the absolute behavior and thought patterns of
individuals. The guise of National Security is used as an excuse
for illegal activities, a cover for unsanctioned deeds, and as an
instrument of manipulation of public opinion and individual
The primary target of National Security has been the people
of the United States, since a secret government cannot exist in a
climate of free speech, open criticism, and public exposure.
Constitutional protections were effective until they were
circumvented by the technology revolution and the National
Security Act of 1947.
RHIC, which stands for Radio Hypnotic Inter-cerebral Control,
is a way of turning people into electronically controlled robots
that are programmed to kill on demand. This is accomplished by

placing an individual into a trance and giving suggestions, that

are activated in one or more levels of the brain, by key words or
EDOM is an acronym for Electronic Dissolution Of Memory. It
is a method whereby the memory of an individual is affected to
either eliminate or alter the memory of events that the person was
involved in. By electronically jamming the brain, the existing
acetylcholine creates static that blocks both sights and sounds.
This method can be used to either block/erase the memory, or to
slow it down so that events seem to happen after they have
actually occurred.
The use of very low frequency sound or Ultrasonics can affect
both the electrical behavior within the brain and the actual brain
tissues. Pulses of between seven and twelve hertz are bounced off
the eight hertz ionospheric envelope around the earth. Within
these pulses are entrained bizarre and aberrant patterns that
produce equivalent behavior in humans.
The Reichian Programming method causes its victims to be held
in a sexual pre-orgasm state. While maintained, this causes a
channel to open between the conscious and sub-conscious mind,
which allows suggestions or programming to be introduced.
This device uses pads that are connected with wires to eight
points on the body. The Reichian state is induced electronically
to remove buried information, reprogram the person, and, when the
programming is over, create blocks on memory or implant substitute
Electro-magnetic pulse weapons research has contributed to
the development of high-power pulsed microwave weapons that range
in frequency from 1200 MHZ to 35 GHZ with power ranges exceeding
1,000 megawatts. These weapons cause the immediate debilitation
of human organs, stimulation through auditory effects, and
behavior control.
10) Other government-sponsored electronic mind control projects
include the CIAs Project Moonstruck where electronic devices were
surgically implanted in the brain and teeth of people. These were
HF and ELF transceivers in the body for long range tracking,
monitoring, programming, and spying.
11) Phoenix II was a U.S.A.F. project that used microwave EHF-UHF
frequencies of gig watt and tara watt power levels for targeted
zapping, killing, and frying brains, loading earth grids, and
putting earth to sleep.
12) The O.N.R.s Trident project uses 3 helicopters, flying in a
triad formation, to emit 100,000 watts of UHF energy for riot
control and managing large crowds.
13) In 1990, the CIA sponsored two projects known as RF Media and
Tower that affects all of humanity subliminally. Project RF Media
uses phase modulation of drome signals over radio, TV, and

communication sources to trigger disease, confuse psychic powers,

and prepare for mass control. Project Tower uses secret
transmitters and cellular phone towers with modulated ELF signals
for programming the population. Trauma-Based Slavery
Trauma-based mind control is the greatest danger to the human
race. It gives evil men the power to carry out any malevolent
deed totally undetected. The centerpiece of the Illuminati,
intelligence agencies, and the occult world is trauma-based mind
control. The basic techniques were developed in German, Scottish,
Italian, and English Illuminati families and have been done for
Trauma-based mind control, which programs multiple
personalities, has been combined into a group package known a
Project Monarch by secret elements of the U.S. government.
Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) or Dissociative Identity
Disorder (DID) is the situation where different dissociative parts
of a single brain view themselves as separate persons.
The primary important factor for the trauma-based mind
control is the ability to dissociate. It was discovered that this
ability is passed genetically from generation to generation. The
children of mutigenerational abuse are good at dissociation. A
test is run when the child is 18 months old to determine if they
can dissociate enough to be selected for programming.
Mind controlled slaves are created for different purposes
within the Illuminati hierarchy and non-hierarchy purposes that
are expendable. These include sex slaves, saboteurs, breeders,
soldiers, drug couriers, etc. The expendable are the children of
parents who are blackmailed into turning their children over to
the CIA.
For the Illuminati, their childrens programming is planned
before they are born. Their plans involve generational spirits
and positions within the hierarchy. In contrast, the children
from foster homes or pedophiles do not receive the same regimen.
Slaves that are to be used for assassination, are selected
for strength and dexterity. Sex slaves may be selected for how
pretty the child is expected to become. However, vastly more
important are their abilities to be programmed to have charm,
seductive skills, charisma, and creativity.
There are 4 beginning foundational stages to prepare the
victim for programming. The first stage consists of demonic
ceremonies and In Utero traumatization. The second stage is to
have a premature birth. The third stage is to provide intense
love for the child for the first 18 months. And, the fourth stage
is to pull that love away and split the mind of the child

Generational satanic families are sold out to Satan and their
children belong to Satan. Stage 1 includes the layering in of
demonic forces and the participation of blood rituals in order to
draw in the most powerful of demons. The Moonchild rituals are
used to demonize a fetus.
Stage 1 also includes the traumatizing of the fetus. Thin
needles are inserted through the mother into the fetus to prick
the preborn child. The mothers are also severely traumatized
during their pregnancy, which simultaneously traumatizes the
babies that they carry.
10) In Stage 2, premature labor is induced in order to cause
trauma in the delivery of the newborn child with an underdeveloped
body. This is the hardest type of birth that there is because the
baby is not able to help. Premature babies are attended to by
satanic witches who are nurses. The controllers begin stretching
the mind of the child as soon as it is born.
11) The third stage is smothering the child in love so that it
can be taken away in the fourth stage at 18 months old. They must
be taught to appreciate their body, before the trauma of stripping
them of everything they value. These children are taught to
trust, obey, and adore their programmer(s).
12) The fourth stage is to strip the child of everything nice and
lovely in the world. The child is caged and tormented with
electric shocks. The childs senses will become overloaded and
they will become numb. If the child is not a premature baby, it
will need some help to want to dissociate. The caged childs
senses are overwhelmed with foul orders, the taste of blood, and
constant loud noises. It is also deprived of sleep and drugged.
13) After being starved, cold, and naked while suffering for up
to 72 hours, the child sees their beloved caretaker and it is
excited and dissociates the pain. At that point, the programmer
shows his or her most vicious side. In order to deal with how
this loving caretaker has not only rejected them but is now
hurting them, the childs mind dissociates along the same
fractures created by the trauma of premature birth. This is
called, severing the core.
14) There is no longer a single person that represents the entire
mind. All that is left are fragments of the mind that are walled
off with amnesia. Each fragment is programmed to think that it is
the only reality. The initial splits are the most energetic and
the easiest to manipulate.
15) After the children are tested for their intelligence,
creativity, and dissociative skills, they are brought before the
Grande Druid Council at the age of three for formal approval.
While the Monarch programming is done with children, one variety
of it is done on adults. The programming places their lives on

very rigid scripts. What applies to one slave may not apply to
16) The basis for the Monarch mind-control programming is that
different personalities can be created who do not know each other,
but who can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls
that are built by traumas, form a protective shield of secrecy
that protects the abuser from being found out and prevents the
front personalities from knowing how their alters are being used. Implants
Many of the individuals that have been abducted by
extraterrestrials are implanted with small devices used for
monitoring, tracking, and control. Catscan analysis indicates
that these devices can be as small as 3mm in size and can be
spherical, egg-shaped, or flat. The interior of a small spherical
device revealed a crystalline matrix embedded with microelectronic circuits.
A spherical biological monitoring and control device
contained a central power nucleus (Energy for the unit is
generated by the decay of a small amount of Strontium 90),
auditory sensors, internal and external sensors capable of
detecting low photon levels of light energy, neural stimulators
that deliver a phased voltage beam directly into the nerve endings
of the brain, cortex-phased transducers that oscillate direct
current stimulation to the brain, a micro-positronic simulated
brain center and data storage unit, a multi-band micro
transceiver, and a self-destruction device.
Modulated, radio frequency electromagnetic emissions were
detected at frequencies of 16, 25.2, and 32.6 kilohertz.
Locations where devices are implanted within a human head include
the forehead, cochlear, pituitary gland, the pineal portion of the
brain, and the brainstem.
A particularly vicious implant consists of a tiny particle of
plutonium that is placed near the pituitary and pineal glands.
This knocks out the third eye functions that allow
teleportation, the ability to leave ones body, and development of
psychic and psionic abilities.
The use of implanted devices of a more primitive design was
seen in Sweden and Canada around 1967. The implantation of humans
with monitoring devices (brain transmitters) was legalized in
Sweden in 1973 by Prime Minister Olaf Palme, who was subsequently
terminated. Implants have been inserted by military and
government intelligence of most westernized countries for
monitoring and control purposes. The use of implants by military
and intelligent forces has taken on a more insidious nature with
the integration of alien related technology.
2.3.3 Terrorism

The purpose of government-sponsored terrorism against its own
citizens is to instill fear, trauma, and submission. When people
fear for their lives, they look to their government for protection
and become willing to give up basic freedoms in order to be safe
and secure which the governments are only too willing to accept.
The results of fear induced terrorism include stricter laws,
strengthened law enforcement, gun control, and the prevention of
open resistance. Trauma induced terrorism causes the population
to become docile, submissive, and obedient. The following
subsections describe how various weapons are used in this regard
and their expected results. Firearms
Terrorist acts involving pistols and rifles have been
effective in instilling fear in the population as well as
terminating the lives of those who pose a threat to the hidden
agendas. Deranged individuals under mind control, sprayed
automatic gunfire at innocent people in school yards, restaurants,
and places of employment in many cities of the U.S. in the
1980s. This resulted in passage of the Brady Bill and many other
laws restricting firearms, which is in violation of the Second
Amendment right to own and bare arms.
Government agents, posing as a gang of masked violent
criminals, fired hundreds or rounds from fully-automatic assault
rifles in a Los Angeles suburban neighborhood and miraculously
avoided being captured. This was used as an excuse to pass
legislation in California that banned all assault weapons by
January 1, 2000.
Guns have also been used in the assassination of presidents
Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy, the Reverend Martin Luther
King, and presidential candidate Robert Kennedy as well as many
others who posed a threat to the power elite. In addition, there
were snipers, using high-powered rifles that arbitrarily shot
innocent people in the Washington D.C. area in 2001. This was
highly effective in eliminating all public protests against the
war in Afghanistan that were planned to take place in that area. Explosives
Government-sponsored terrorist attacks involving explosives
are generally used to motivate a nation into going to war, passing
major legislation, or to further international policies. They
were effective at Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma City, and New York City.
Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, President
Roosevelt forced Japan into war when he shut off the U.S. oil
supply to Japan in the summer of 1941 when we were supplying them
with 85% of their oil needs. President Roosevelt and General
Marshall knew when and where the attack was going to take place
and they allowed it to happen in order to motivate the U.S. into
entering the Second World War.

A truck, packed with explosives, exploded in the parking
garage of the World Trade Center in 1993. If it had not been
blocked from parking where intended, it could have caused the
building to collapse. Instead, it resulted in six deaths, more
than a thousand casualties, and damage in excess of half a billion
dollars. The FBI had prior knowledge and allowed it to happen.
On April 19, 1995, the James P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma
City was destroyed when a fertilizer bomb in a Ryder truck driven
by Timothy McVeigh, exploded. However, this explosion could not
have destroyed that building. Seizmic instruments detected a
major explosion that took place ten seconds after the truck
exploded. This resulted in Anti-Terrorism laws being passed in
Congress that removed fundamental freedoms from the American
In the spring of 2001, the Taliban prevented the building of
an oil pipeline through Afghanistan and destroyed more than 70% of
the opium crops in that country. Prior to September 11, 2001, the
FBI had received numerous warnings of an impending attack.
Although Al-Qaeda terrorists, associated with Osama bin Laden,
were involved, they were not trusted to commit the horrendous acts
of 9/11.
All of the aircraft involved in the attacks on 9/11/2001 were
equipped with an electronic remote control system known as Global
Hawk. In an emergency, the airplanes can be taken over, flown
remotely, and landed safely despite what the crew or passengers
After taking off, flights 11 and 175 diverted from their
flight plans and passed close to each other over Stewart
International Airport, then headed toward the World Trade Center.
While coming from opposite directions, the aircraft lined up on
homing beacons at the towers and at Building 7, which was equipped
with a CIA and Defense Department reinforced bunker. When each
aircraft came in close proximity of the towers, they were guided
to their targets by remote control.
The South Tower suddenly collapsed 56 minutes after it was
hit at 9:03 AM and the North Tower collapsed about 40 minutes
later. Both buildings were brought down with controlled
demolitions. The two buildings between the towers and Building 7
were set ablaze and explosions inside, intended to bring down the
buildings, only left gaping holes. But, the buildings did not
Flight 93 crashed at 9:58AM in Pennsylvania when a few
passengers supposedly attacked the hijackers. However, an F-16
fighter aircraft caused a sonic boom in the area and shot down the
aircraft with 20mm cannon fire. An engine landed six miles from
the crash site and their was a debris field eight miles long.

10) Five and a half hours after the North Tower collapsed and the
dust had settled, people inside of Building 7 set fires and
evacuated the building. At 5:25PM, the building collapsed in
order to destroy all evidence in the bunker. However, since the
buildings between it and the towers remained standing, there was
no explanation as to why Building 7 collapsed.
11) At 5:37PM, flight 77 supposedly crashed into the side of the
Pentagon. However, the damage does not match the size of a Boeing
757. Actually, flight 77 was diverted to an alternate airfield
and a small commercial plane hit the Pentagon.
12) As a result of the attacks on 9/11, we now have Homeland
Security and the Patriot Act which circumvents the U.S.
Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to boost law
enforcements ability to investigate terrorism. In addition, the
attacks provided an excuse to wage war on terrorism in Afghanistan
and Iraq. Now, the oil pipeline is being built for Unocal by
Halliburton, Iraq is being rebuilt at taxpayers expense, opium
production has increased by over 900%, and more fundamental
American rights have been eroded. Weapons of Mass Destruction
Threats from weapons of mass destruction include contact with
chemical and biological agents as well as the release of nuclear
energy. Just two months after the attack on 9/11, in November of
2001, a photo editor working at the largest circulation weekly
newspaper in the world became the first person to die from an
Anthrax attack. A series of anthrax-laced letters killed five Americans.
Anthrax-laced letters were mailed to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy
as well as members of the news media.

The Defense Department has admitted that nerve gas and other
toxic material testing had been conducted in the 1960s. Among its
* At least 14 open-air tests of the lethal nerve gas VX were
performed at Maryland's Edgewood Arsenal.
* Soldiers were exposed to VX to test unproven protective suits.
* Bacillis globigii, a bacteria closely related to anthrax, was
sprayed airborne in Alaska and Hawaii.
* Hallucinogenic chemicals were tested on unsuspecting soldiers.
* E. coli was deliberately released during chemical-dispersion
testing on Oahu, Hawaii.
* Project Shipboard Hazard and Defense serves as an umbrella term

at least 40 and possibly over 100 open-air tests of biowarfare
at its now-closed Desert Test Center in Utah.
* Infectious bacteria was released into the air above San
* A two-year test was executed in which artillery shells and bombs
filled with sarin and VX were exploded near Fort Greeley, Alaska.
* Military barracks in Oahu were sprayed with a biological agent
shown to cause infections in individuals with diminished immunesystem capacity.
* A benzilic-acid derivative known to cause hallucinations and
confusion was sprayed under the jungle canopy near Hilo, Hawaii,
two separate series of tests.
Acute Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), was developed by the
U.S. Navy in 1972. The specific person that developed it was a
doctor by the name of R.M. Donner. The initial AIDS research was
funded by Congress with hearings on July 1, 1969. The Department
of Defense appropriations report for 1970 defined the objective as
creating a biological virus for which there was no known immunity.
The AIDS virus was introduced by the World Health
Organization into Africa in 1972. Part of the final vaccination
series, which eradicated smallpox, also introduced the AIDS virus.
A vaccine for hepatitis B was also tested on homosexuals in
New York in 1978 and two years later in San Francisco, Los
Angeles, Denver, Chicago, and St. Louis, in a program by the World
Health Organization and the National Institute of Health. The
AIDS epidemic began among the homosexual communities of those
very same cities in 1981.
Fortunately, there has not been a terrorist incident yet
involving nuclear weapons. But, the potential dangers are very
real. There are many suitcase size nuclear bombs that have been
smuggled into the United States and can be detonated at any time.
In addition, nuclear power plants are susceptible to damage from
mortar, rocket, and missile attack. The affects from radiation of
a damaged nuclear reactor could cause devastation over a large
portion of the United States.
2.3.4 National Security
National Security does not mean a concern about the security
for the people of a nation. It is the concern by governments for

self-preservation. This section deals with the threats to

individual freedom in an environment where national concerns
override individual rights. The following sub-sections deal with
threats of communications monitoring and control, the tracking and
monitoring of individuals, martial law, and forced crises
During the Bush administration, at 3:30 in the morning of
Saturday, August 4, 1990, a small group of United States Senators
passed a bill that fundamentally alters and seriously endangers
our constitutional system and threatens the continued existence of
our democratic republic. The Senate Intelligence Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 1991 (SB 2834) transfers to the sole
discretion of the president the power to initiate war, appropriate
public funds, define foreign policy goals, and determine what is
important to our national security.
Title VII, Oversight of Intelligence Activities includes the
following provisions:
* It empowers the president to initiate covert actions; an
authority never specifically given to the president;
* It denies Congress the power to prevent the president from
initiating covert actions.
* It permits the president to use any federal departments,
agencies or entities to conduct or finance a covert operation.
* It defines covert actions as operations necessary to support
foreign-policy objectives of the United States, purposes so broad
as to be essentially unlimited.
* It explicitly claims the right of our country to secretly
interfere in the internal political, economic, or military
affairs of other countries in violation of international law.
* It requires the president to prepare a written finding and
deliver that finding to the intelligence committees of the
Congress, but also authorizes the president to omit from the
finding extremely sensitive matters and to claim executive
privilege if Congress asks too many questions.
One prime example of tight inner government control by secret
society members may be found in the National Security Council,
which, since its creation by the National Security Act of 1947,
has come to dominate U.S. policy decisions including those
involving the use of armed force. Council principles are the
president, vice president, and secretaries of State and Defense,
positions predominately held by members of the Council on Foreign
Relations and the Trilateral Commission throughout the twentieth
century. Communications
President Truman created the National Security Agency (NSA)
to monitor and contain the secret of the alien presence, decipher
alien communications and eventually establish an ongoing dialogue

with any alien species it could make contact with. Presidential

Executive Order exempts the NSA from all laws except those laws
that specifically mention the NSA.
However, since its creation in 1952, its charter has expanded
enormously. It is now involved in all manner of communications
monitoring, deciphering, and control in every country on earth,
including the United States. This means that every telephone call
is monitored, every conversation is recognized electronically, and
scanned for certain words, such as bomb and kill.
In addition to illegal telephone taps, the NSA also monitors
all electronic communications via telegraph, FAX, radio, and the
Internet. Every website accessed, every E-mail sent, and all
information transferred is monitored and controlled by the NSA.
Since the passage of the USA POTRIOT Act, the government is
now legally able to keep track of all credit card records, bank
transactions, car rental receipts, gun purchases, passport
applications, magazine subscriptions, medical prescriptions,
academic grades, trips everyone books, events that are attended,
drivers licenses, bridge toll records, judicial and divorce
records, telephone records, internet traffic, and complaints by
nosy neighbors. If the USA PATRIOT Act II is passed, anti-war
activists could be jailed without due process, searches can be
made without a warrant, and private property can be seized. Tracking and Monitoring
The Pentagon has developed an urban surveillance system that
can track, record, and analyze the movement of every vehicle in
any city. In addition, facial feature identification systems are
currently in use at airports, shopping malls, and at sporting
events. Closed-circuit television monitors are also being
installed at intersections and busy streets in every major city in
the world. You cannot go into a store, use an automated teller
machine, drive a car, catch a train or enter an airport without
being watched.
The National Identification card has been suggested by
president Bush as a means to help stop terrorism. However, this
is only an interim measure. The most important goal of the
Illuminati is a micro-chipped population. Their aim is to have
every person on the planet micro-chipped and every child microchipped at birth.
The purpose for having people implanted with microchips is to
tag and keep a constant track of where they are and what they are
doing. But the main reason is to manipulate at will their mental
and emotional processes. Once people are chipped, computers can
make them docile or aggressive, sexually aroused or sexually
suppressed, and close down their minds to a point to where they
are like zombies. Then, they will be nothing more than biological
machines controlled by aliens who are behind the whole thing.

Professor Kevin Warwick of Reading University in England was
implanted with a chip and is promoting the use of human microchips and is introducing all of us to the benefits of controlling
electronic devices at a distance. He and his wife, Irena, were
going to be implanted with another chip that would connect their
nervous systems to data processors, batteries, and radio
transmitters in order to have communications across the Net.
We are now seeing people chipped with their medical records
and other personal details. The plan is to sell the chip as a way
to stop mugging and credit card fraud because financial details
would be on a chip under peoples skin. Children would never be
lost again because their chip could always be located. Microchips
are so small now that they can be injected through a hypodermic
needle during mass inoculation programs.
Chipping people so that they can talk to their personal
computers and the Internet is another approach. Scientists want
to insert electronic chips into our heads so that we can plug
directly into the information superhighway. International teams
are working on an implant to translate human thought into computer
Dr. Sanders said they want the chip to contain the name and
picture of the person, an international social security number,
fingerprint identification, physical description, family and
medical history, address, occupation, income tax information, and
criminal record. People will not need passports or any other
personal paperwork. The global computer network that these chips
could respond to is already in place underground in many
Applied Digital Solutions announced a human microchip it
calls Digital Angle. It is designed to monitor the wearers
physiology, like pulse and body temperature, and their location.
It is also designed to connect with the Internet and to be a useridentity device for the web. It is described as a dime-sided
implant, inserted just under the skin. The chip will be powered
electromechanically through the movement of muscles and it can
be activated by the wearer or by the monitoring technology.
Dr. Peter Zhou is the chief scientist. He stated that he was
excited about the chips ability to save lives by monitoring
medical conditions and give an exact location to rescue services.
Digital Angle will be a connection from yourself to the
electronic world. It will be your guardian, protector, and will
bring good things to you. We will be a hybrid of electronic
intelligence and our own soul. Martial Law
Presidential Executive Orders 10995 through 11005 are
emergency measures that enable the government to take over all
communications media, all electric power, fuels and minerals, all

food resources and farms, all means of transportation including;

highways, seaports, railroads, inland waterways, all airports and
aircraft, all health, welfare, and educational functions, all
housing and finance authorities, all public funds, and authorizes
the relocation of whole communities, as well as drafting all
citizens into work forces.
Executive Order 11051 gives the Office of Emergency Planning and
the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) the authority to
put these measures into effect under any pretext of increased
international tensions or economic or financial crises. Today,
these measures can be put into effect for a national emergency of
any pretext deemed necessary by the president and these measures
remain in effect for a period of six months. At the end of that
period, Congress has the authority to repeal the state of
emergency procedures.
While the state of emergency is in effect, the nation will be
under Martial Law. All medical personnel, law enforcement
officers, and essential service providers will be compelled to
work under the direct control of FEMA. Roadblocks will be set up
and only authorized travel will be permitted. Military personnel
will confiscate all firearms and maintain order. Anyone that does
not comply with all directives will either be detained
indefinitely or terminated. Crises Relocation
Under a state of emergency, the government has the authority
to transport whole communities to crises relocation camps that
have been in existence throughout the country since the 1980s.
One such camp is located nine miles West of Mineral Wells, Texas
where there is row after row for mile after mile of campers,
mobile homes and recreational vehicles.
This camp is surrounded by a twelve-foot high, chain-link
fence with razor wire on the top. At the front, there is an old
and faded sign that says F.E.M.A. It is intended to intern
whole families. It is guarded at all times by military troops,
armed with M-16 rifles, which patrol the facility in military
Humvee vehicles.
Gunderson Steel Fabrication, in Portland, Oregon, built
107,200 full-length railroad cars for the federal government under
a contract worth over two billion dollars. There were also 11
sub-contractors, including Bethlehem Steel Corporation, that are
involved to install 143 pairs of Shackles in each railroad car.
This will enable the government to transport a total of 15,329,600
people against their will with each trip.
At the camps, every aspect of your lives will be controlled.
Where you sleep, what you eat, what you have, what you do, and
what services that are provided will be controlled. In order to
keep you in a weakened, submissive, and compliant state, you will

be required to do strenuous work, your food and water will be

rationed and drugged, and you will be awakened at different times
each night.
You will be kept in a state of dependency, helplessness, and
submission until your processing into absolute servitude is
completed. If you should show any signs of resistance, attempts
will be made to convince you of the need for compliance. If that
should fail, you will be taken away and never seen again.
However, once total control is established, then pain,
deprivation, and fear will be used to keep you in line with no
hope of rescue or relief.
This section of the document is devoted to evaluating the
risks associated with the threats to human freedom that were
assessed in the previous section. Worst-case scenarios are
presented in order to evaluate the impact of foreign,
international and domestic intervention, if not resisted.
3.1 Foreign Intervention
The following sub-sections describe the risks to humanity
from the intervention of extraterrestrial entities. This is
presented in relation to the impacts on religious beliefs, global
conquest, and covert manipulation by malevolent entities. Covert
manipulation refers to sacrificial rituals and trauma-based
activities by extraterrestrials that co-exist with the plans for
global conquest.
Many races have lost their freedom and have become apart of a
Collective. Entire worlds have fallen under the control of such
Collectives. Freedom is a precious thing in the universe and more
than one Collective is competing for advantage here. That places
humanity in the middle. There are no neutral parties. Our world
is far too valuable. Our resources are unique and of considerable
We expect extraterrestrials to have outgrown deviousness,
selfishness, competition, and conflict. But, this is not so.
Greater technology does not raise mental and spiritual strength.
Just because someone can fly around in a spacecraft does not mean
that they are more advanced.
The spiritually advanced do not go about intervening in other
peoples worlds. They may send messages through observers but
they do not intervene. The spiritually advanced remain hidden and
seek insulation from other forces in the universe. The best
position to have in the universe is to be self sufficient,
independent, and extremely discrete. Races that keep their
freedom must be strong, united, and insulated from outside
Earth is beautiful with great biological diversity. It has
not been destroyed through exploitation and it contains immense

biological resources, life-giving resources that are rare and

difficult to find. It has a temperate environment, large tracts
of habitable land, enormous water resources, and an infrastructure
usable by alien technology. The intervention did not happen
previously because our technology has only recently developed the
infrastructure that others can use for themselves.
Our world contains the resources and an environment that
others seek for themselves. However, they need our help to obtain
it. They do not seek to destroy us, but to have us become a part
of their Collective in service to them. The intervention is not a
mystery. It is natures expression of intelligent beings in a
struggle for survival.
History shows how indigenous people were overcome by foreign
powers seeking advantage and wealth, making them vulnerable. Now,
we are the indigenous people. Powerful, intervening forces come
to establish themselves through subtle means by uniting with
humanity for their own authority.
There are important secret depositories here. Earth has been
a safe haven for storage of sacred and powerful items for
millennia. Some Collectives know this and seek psychic people
with intrinsic knowledge of these hidden treasures. If
discovered, they would make humanity vulnerable with unwanted
attention from powerful forces.
There are many different Collectives competing for preeminence here. That is why there are so many different kinds of
craft seen with different races. Our isolation is over and we
will never have it again.
3.1.1 Religious Consequences
Several groups of extraterrestrials wish to establish
themselves as Gods or religious leaders. They seek to gain
allegiance through religious and spiritual motivations. These
entities would like to have religious institutions govern our
nations, and they would like all of us to have religious values
because this is fundamentally acquiescence and submission. It
would be heralded as a great advancement for humanity. This would
be a new unification, equanimity, and spirit over instincts.
Religions control our dedication and allegiance more than
governments. Religions make us weak and vulnerable to divine
guidance. Our spiritual predispositions and ideals are being
greatly manipulated. Extraterrestrials seek to convince our
religious leaders. They also contact those who are sensitive,
receptive, and cooperative. People longing for redemption are the
most vulnerable. They say that they will uplift humanity
spiritually. The extraterrestrials will offer peace and
redemption and the return of our religious leaders. Believers
must discern these influences and counteract them. Religions must
have integrity in order to serve in a genuine way.

They will try to pacify and reeducate through religious
persuasion. They will use our identification with Jesus and his
promise to return. Extraterrestrials can project images of
religious saints, angels, and leaders.
A second coming is being prepared now. People will assume
that this is the return of their savior and teacher. The one
claiming to be Jesus will be born and bred for this purpose by
extraterrestrials and will look human. He will have greater
abilities, seem altruistic, and will perform acts that will
engender fear or great reverence. This Jesus will project images
of angels, demons, or whatever desired. He will engender
followers and encourage alienation or destruction of the nonbelievers.
There will be a ferocity of religious beliefs expressed in
violent ways against those who disagree and against weaker nations
in the name of God. The people that are believers will be valued
as useful and the others will be discarded. The extraterrestrials
dont care how many humans die as long as they have allegiance by
the majority.
A uniform religion of fundamentalism will be established
based upon the past, allegiance to authority, and conformity to
the institution. Other religions will be allowed only if there is
order, allegiance and conformity.
3.1.2 Global Conquest
It is now clear, the aliens that have made technology
available to the secret government are not benevolent but are our
enemies, as they do the abductions, lie, deceive, are generally
malevolent and are apparently implementing a very carefully
planned covert invasion which includes the brutal and inhumane use
of humans and animals for advanced genetic experimentation and
Respect for humanity is rare in the universe. Many other
races determine our value and worth by what we own and by what we
can trade, sell, or surrender. This is the nature of life.
Technology does not change this. If you believe that technology
is our salvation, then you will be saved for another race that is
technologically superior.
The extraterrestrials are not drawn to our spirituality or
lifestyle. They believe that we cannot rule ourselves and that we
will destroy the world and so they think that it is their right
and privilege to intervene. They think that we are like animals.
They will bring order and structure here. The extraterrestrials
think they are providing a great service and are wholeheartedly
They do not believe that we will mount a resistance against
them that would be effective and are sure that their secrets and
agenda are well preserved. They do not seek to destroy us. But,

they will destroy anything that they think will interfere with
them. Entire worlds have fallen under the control of such
collectives. We are valued only as being useful. If not, we will
be discarded.
Intelligent life from other worlds, do not wait for us to be
ready. Visitation has occurred without our agreement or
permission and the Visitors presence is growing. We are studied
without our permission as a laboratory experiment so that they can
take advantage of everything that we are and everything that we
have. This is not a military invasion. It is a subtle invasion.
It is inducement and persuasion.
The Visitors will offer peace, order, beauty, and
tranquility, which is what we all want. They will offer what you
want and say what you want to hear. They will promise, offer, and
do anything to achieve their goals. The Visitors will use our
values, beliefs, rituals, and traditions. They will use religion
to get our trust that they know what is best for us. They may
seem to empathize only to gain our allegiance.
The Visitors intend on having us be simple within ourselves.
They seek to disable our inner vision and knowledge. The Visitors
isolate us from our knowledge within and make us completely
dependant so that we will follow orders with no power to resist.
Teachings have been introduced that teach human acquiescence, the
suspension of critical spiritual abilities and to value only
pleasure and comfort.
The Visitors use the hierarchy of human authority to serve
them and the infrastructures that we have built. They need
governments and religions through which they can control all. The
methods employed will be used to encourage, induce, and seduce
humanity into a cooperative and subservient role. All competing
Collectives will use these methods. The inducements will vary
depending upon who is being reached and for what purpose.
Receptive and cooperative government officials will be
promised greater power and technology. World domination will be
promised either through ideas that are sent into the minds of
people or face-to-face meetings. The technology that is offered
will not be advanced, unique, secret, or sacred to the Visitors.
It will be basic space propulsion, electronic energy, and methods
of production. Many will succumb to the offerings of wealth,
power, control, domination, and advantage over others.
10) Cooperative and receptive people with economic power and
wealth will be promised more wealth, power, and control in order
to gain a strong liaison. Whatever strength and power is given to
them will be only a temporary bestowal. Collectives believe
deception to be ethical because they think that we will destroy
the world without their help and they believe in the superiority
of their race.

11) Religious leaders deemed cooperative and receptive are

promised that their organization will become predominant in a New
World Order and that their teachings will extend beyond our
world. They will be promised pre-eminence in our world and their
beliefs will be acknowledged by the Visitors in a deception to
gain allegiance when they do not care about religion.
Those considered psychic and sensitive will be encouraged to
support the intervention. Their own beliefs in the frailties and
sinfulness of humanity will be encouraged along with their hope
that the Visitors will rescue us from our own demise and that they
are part of a greater association of life. They are told that
they are here to uplift humanity, transform us and rescue us.
They will be encouraged to become representatives and speakers to
inspire others to give their faith and trust to the Visitors.
They will pacify others.
13) They appeal to greedy peoples quest for power, wealth, and
spiritual fulfillment so they will operate against their own best
interest in the believe that their activities are ordained by a
greater power. They will say, We have no war. Let us teach you
how to live in peace, harmony, and equanimity.
14) For those who are not receptive and cooperative, their skills
will be thwarted and offset. They become the target of mental
disruption. For those who will not cooperate, they will be given
confusing information and tormented mentally unless they call upon
an angelic presence for help. They must resist with an
understanding of the intervention.
15) Zealous representatives of their own religious traditions
have a fundamentalism similar to Collectives. Zealous people,
filled with anger against the world and those who oppose them,
will be prime candidates to espouse a cooperation with Collectives
and destruction of all opposed. Blind passion, fueled by anger
and hostility, become a consuming force that can be manipulated.
Those who oppose the intervention will be identified and sorted
out by the zealots on behalf of the Visitors secretly.
16) The occupation will be fully realized once it has been fully
established, yet by then, it will be too late to offset its
influences without great struggle and sacrifice. There will be no
freedom. We will become nothing but servants bonded to our new
masters. We will be enslaved and the power to resist will have
much greater costs and consequences.
17) In order to make the governing powers observing the
intervention believe that humanity welcomes it, there is a great
effort to secure emissaries and have people in positions of power
and leadership advocate for the Visitors presence and affirm
their promise of greater wealth, power, freedom, and peace. This
is a deception within and beyond Earth.

18) Each year, thousands of people are taken and not returned.
They are not simply conditioned. They are kept. Some perish in
captivity, some do not survive the process of being captured, and
some become sick and die. Those that cannot survive are used as
biological resources. Everything is used according to its value
in the universe.
19) Biological resources such as blood, plasma, DNA, bone marrow,
skin, and body organs can be used for their chemical substances.
From these, medicines are made and new life forms are bred. These
substances are valuable commodities in the universe because they
can be used and altered for a variety of purposes. This is why
our animals are taken. The plants, animals, atmosphere, water,
and minerals are all resources to be used by the Visitors along
with humans as a biological resource.
20) In their attempt to breed a hybridized person as a new
leadership for humanity, they need all of these resources. The
most secret and hidden part of the intervention is the selling of
our biological parts on the Black Market in the universe. The
value and demand is significant. Such trade is illegal and
considered morally and ethically reprehensible. However, many
advancing nations have outstripped their own biology and must
trade or barter for our biological parts in order to survive.
21) The Visitors are here to do business and we are part of that
business. Our hands, eyes, reproductive organs, blood, plasma,
and biochemistry are all part of their business. To them, we are
like intelligent livestock; useful, interesting, and commercially
important. They want to use every part of the world and they want
to use every part of us. At the outset, they will treat us with
difference. They will give us no power or choice. They will only
try to convince us of the wisdom of their ways.
22) If the intervention is successful, the human population will
be reduced into an efficient working class. It will be
accomplished without outrage and revolution, through the
disappearance of people who are considered to be uncooperative or
dissenting after they are isolated. They will be taken away and
never seen again. While all appears normal, behind the scenes,
everything will be changed and managed by a different set of
3.1.3 Covert Manipulation
The Illuminati bloodlines are all genetically connected through
hybrid DNA, a genetic fusion caused by the interbreeding of a
reptilian race with humanity and the Nordic extraterrestrial
race. This interbreeding began hundreds of thousands of years ago
and continues to the present day.
The Nordics were one of the key extraterrestrial races
involved with Lemuria and Atlantis. They went to war with the
reptilians and forced them to flee underground, to other locations

in the universe, and to other dimensions. The reptilians have

been working ever since to regain control of the planet that they
believe to be theirs and interbreeding with the royal bloodlines
of the Nordics was the most effective means of doing this.
The Anannaki interbred with Earth races, especially the
Nordics and their offspring, to create bloodlines through which
they can manipulate the world while appearing to be human.
The Anannaki gods began to hide their true nature and
operated behind the cover of the human-reptilian priesthood who
were the only people allowed to approach god.
In addition to residing in underground city complexes, the
serpent race also resides in the lower end of the fourthdimensional frequency range, which vibrates very close to the
range of physical human senses in the Third Dimension. It is a
parallel universe. To operate and manipulate our vibrational
level of the planet, these fourth-dimensional reptilians need a
third-dimensional human form. This was achieved by creating
bloodlines that fused their reptilian DNA with that of humans. It
is to retain this genetic structure that the Illuminati bloodlines
have always interbred with each other. The genealogy of those in
the major seats of global power today can be traced back to the
royal lines (the Anannaki hybrids) that ruled Sumer, Egypt, and so
The theme of ruling royal families and emperors claiming
descent and their right to rule, from the serpent gods can be
found across the ancient world. These bloodlines and connections
were symbolized by royal emblems in the form of a dragon, snake,
sphinx, plumed serpent, or the free-cross or Ankh.
The Illuminati (Anannaki) manipulate their bloodlines into
positions of power and take over those bodies for themselves as
possessed souls. The rituals conducted by the Illuminaticontrolled secret societies, like the Freemasons, Knights of
Malta, Knights Templar, etc., are one way this is done.
These rituals are designed to create a vibrational
environment in which the fourth-dimensional reptilians can possess
the body. These are the people who become the presidents, prime
ministers, banking and business tycoons, media owners and others
who run or administer the Anannaki agenda.
The worship of the reptilians and their Dragon Queens, and
the placing of their bloodlines into positions of power, is the
secret of secrets held within all of the secret societies.
10) There are so many reptilian hosts (possessed people) in
positions of political, financial, media, and military power that
they can control the physical world from their dimension while the
human population thinks that humans are governing them.
11) The 13 family bloodlines and their offshoots are
orchestrating an agenda to take over the planet. That agenda

demands a world government, central bank, currency, and army,

underpinned by a micro-chipped population connected to a global
computer network.
12) The demonic entities and the malevolent faction of the
reptilians are overwhelmingly astral beings that can move between
dimensions, thus appearing human one minute and then shape
shifting into something else the next.
13) Satanic and secret society rituals are designed to create the
means through which these mostly lower fourth-dimensional entities
can possess the body of the initiate and also manifest directly in
physical form.
14) During sacrifices, the physical reptilians and hybrids
consume the organs of a physical body, especially the heart, and
drink the blood of the victim. At the same time, the lower
fourth-dimensional demons or psychic vampires absorb the deeply
negative energy generated by such horrors. The vibrational
frequency of negative emotion, like fear and terror, resonates to
the lower fourth-dimensional range or density and so those
emotions generate energy for the fourth-dimensional reptilians and
demonic entities. Energy = creative power, positive or negative.
They are feeding off human emotions and they manipulate events in
the world to trigger the desired emotional responses.
15) A cycle is created in which the astral manipulators use their
energy to set up physical events; these events cause emotional
reactions that generate emotional energy; this pours into the
astral dimension; and the astral entities recycle it back to
continue and increase the cycle still further.
16) The reptilians need to drink human (mammalian) blood to
maintain human form and stop their reptilian DNA codes from
manifesting their true reptilian state. This explains why these
bloodlines have always taken part in human sacrifice and blood
drinking rituals from the ancient world to the present day. This
includes people of bloodlines like George Bush, Al Gore, Bill
Clinton, Henry Kissinger, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, British
prime ministers like Ted Heath, and the British royal family.
17) They also want an adrenaline that enters the bloodstream in
large quantities at times of extreme terror. Hence they have
victims who know they are going to be sacrificed and they use the
ritual to build their terror to the point of death. This allows
them to drink blood full of adrenaline.
18) Reptilian shape-shifters are finding it more and more
difficult to hold their human form. The base resonant frequency
of the planet is getting closer every day to the fourthdimensional range. Sacrificial rituals and blood drinking
increased dramatically from the mid-1980s as the vibrational
change forced them to work harder to hold human form. It is no

coincidence that this period coincides with the completion of

their centralized global state.
International Intervention
This portion of the Risk Evaluation section describes the
implications of international intervention for a global economy
and a one-world government. Also described is the overt manner in
which previously covert ritualistic activities will take place
once a world government, controlled by extraterrestrials, is in
Global Economy
The Illuminati are planning to complete their financial
control of the human race with a world central bank and one global
electronic currency. This bank would make all the major financial
decisions affecting every country. The currency would eventually
bring an end to physical cash and all other currencies.
Singapore (a British-controlled Illuminati country) will
become a cashless society by 2008 with the phasing in of e-money
and the insistence that everyone uses it. Financial transactions
will be made using money stored on computer chips and cash will be
a thing of the past as money changes hands electronically using
digital pulses transferred through mobile phones, hand-held
computers and even watches.
Under the Singapore scheme, shoppers will be able to point a
phone at an item to register the price. The phone would check the
shoppers bank balance on the Internet and deduct the money from
the account if it was told to buy the item.
The fewer currencies there are, the more control there is
over the money system. The Euro has been introduced within the
European Union and the pressure is mounting for Canada to take the
U.S. dollar. These are stepping-stones to the world currency.
Under the Euro, a group of un-elected bankers at the European
Central Bank in Frankfurt have control over the interest rates and
financial policy for the whole of Europe. The next stage is to
create the World Central Bank in which Illuminati bankers would
set interest rates and financial policy for every country on the
planet. The world currency will be electronic.
In a cashless society, when a computer refuses to accept a
debit card, credit card, or micro-chip, there is no other way of
purchasing and whoever programs the computer will control what,
where, and whether anything is purchased at all. Also, whenever a
product of any kind is purchased, the place, time, item, and cost
will be recorded. There will be no privacy regarding what, when,
where, and by whom anything is purchased.
A new global money and banking system will be activated as
soon as ten nations have ratified a World Constitution. The new
monetary system will be based on Earth Dollars. The main portion

of the plan for world government is the establishment of the Earth

Financial Credit Corporation.
The amount of credit available to a given nation would be
dependent upon its birth rate. Those countries with two percent
or more annual population increase (which would include the
poorest nations) would receive the least help, while those with
zero or less population growth would be eligible for the most
Each participating country could have any existing external
debt cancelled by handing the responsibility for repayment over to
the Earth Financial Credit Corporation (EFCC). The EFCC would
then pay the loans back to lenders in Earth Dollars, according to
its own terms. This action will prompt national governments to
join the New World Order, otherwise their banks would end up with
worthless Earth Dollars, which could not be used in their local
10) The first twenty-five national governments to participate in
the new global system would be able to name one representative
each to the board of directors of EFCC. Those countries, whose
leaders are part of the plot, would be among the first twenty-five
to join the New World Order, while those countries that do not
join right away, will suffer enormous economic consequences.
11) An additional thirty members would be appointed to the board
of directors by the various organs of the world government
itself. This guarantees that those who originate the world
government would always retain control by holding a majority
12) A Procurement Agency would be established to expedite the
widespread and universal acceptance of the Earth Dollar global
financial system. It would oversee the development of global
trade and commerce on a regional basis.
13) Those existing financial institutions that join the new world
system within two years would be integrated with the new system on
the basis of 100% valuation. Each year thereafter, the valuation
rate would drop by ten percent for new financial institutions
joining the system. Those corporations holding out twelve years
or longer would therefore have no transfer value left.
3.2.2 One-World Government
The Illuminati global web is now a maze of interconnected
secret and semi-secret groups who are manipulating to the same
end: the centralization of power. It is these groups that have
been responsible for the emergence of the centralized fascist
state called the European Union.
The European Union is classic fascism and this is precisely
the governing structure that is being planned for the world. The
EU is a 100% Illuminati creation, manipulated into being by

covert operators and a network of organizations coordinated by a

secret society called the Round Table.
Fascism is defined as a system of government characterized by
a rigid one-party dictatorship, forcible suppression of
opposition, and private economic enterprise under centralized
governmental control.
The plan has always been to create so many problems in the
world that the only answer to them is perceived to be a global
government to sort out the mess (problem-reaction-solution).
Those pressing for world government are the same people who are
creating the problems to justify it.
World government is being presented as the way to bring all
people together as one humanity; caring and sharing, and
recognizing we are all one family. But actually, the Illuminati
want humanity to be divided and ruled, not united and free. They
use terms like Global Neighborhood and One World to manipulate
people into missing the fundamental difference between the coming
together in mutual support and cooperation and a global
centralized fascist dictatorship.
The Constitution for the Federation of Earth was first
adopted during a meeting of the World Constituent Assembly in June
1977 at Innsbruck, Austria. It was intended to replace the United
Nations charter to become the centerpiece of the New World Order.
The following are excerpts from the articles of the
Constitution for the Federation of Earth: Article I, point 4
reveals that the world government would regulate virtually every
aspect of life. Article II, point 1 states that the world
government would be all-encompassing. Points 4-7 reveal the
political and administrative structure of the government. The
world would be divided into twenty World Electoral and
Administrative Regions and ten Magna-Regions. Point 8 states that
the new political boundaries will not necessarily conform to
existing national boundaries.
Article III, point 2 may lead to the seizure of all personal
weapons required for self-defense. Points 14 & 17 indicate that
the government would control all aspects of international trade,
banking, and finance. Point 21 relates to the plans for
controlling population growth and solving problems of population
distribution. Point 37 relates to the designation of a world
Article V, section A, point 3 permits the World Parliament to
reject the international laws developed prior to the advent of the
World Government. Article VIII, section G pertains to the
establishment and operation of a Planetary Accounting Office,
Planetary Banking System, and Planetary Monetary and Credit

10) Article IX specifies that the World Judiciary branch of the

world government would interpret the rights of world citizens and
will issue rulings regarding the sentencing of those who refuse to
concede to the demands of the world system.
11) Article X dictates that the Enforcement System branch would
enforce the decisions of the World Judiciary and other governing
bodies. Article XV stipulates that there will be a total of
twenty World Federal Zones established for the location of various
organs of the world government. Five World Capitals will be
established as proposed by the World Presidium. One of these
Capitals will be designated as the Primary World Capital.
12) Article XVII states that the World Constitution will be
transmitted to the United Nations General Assembly and to each of
the national governments for approval, with a final ratification
vote held in a popular referendum of the people. If a national
government fails to submit the Constitution for ratification
within six months, then the agency of the Provisional World
Government, which is responsible for the worldwide ratification
campaign, could override the national government by conducting
direct referendums with the people of that country.
13) The structure of world government under the Constitution for
the Federation of Earth starts with the people of the world.
World Electoral and Administrative Districts combine into 20
Regional Districts of five Continental Divisions that oversee the
election of representatives to the House of Peoples. The World
Parliament consists of the House of Peoples, the House of
Counselors, and the House of Nations. The House of Counselors is
comprised of people that are nominated by Colleges and
Universities. The House of Nations is comprised of appointed
delegates from the nations of the world.
14) Under the World Parliament, there is the World Judiciary, the
World Executive branch, the Enforcement System, and the World
Ombudsmus. The World Judiciary is a collegium of World Judges
with 8 major branches of the World Supreme Court and Superior
Tribunal. The World Executive branch has a presidium of five
people with an executive cabinet of 20 to 30 members of
parliament. The Enforcement System has 20 Regional World
Attorneys under the Attorneys General Office and the World
Police. The World Ombudsmus has a Council of five World Ombudsmen
and 20 World Advocates.
15) The Integrative Complex exists under the World Executive. It
consists of a World Civil Service Administration, a World
Boundaries and Elections Administration, an Institute on
Governmental Procedures and World Problems, an Agency for Research
and Planning, an Agency for Technological and Environmental
Assessment, and a World Financial Administration.

16) Under all of this, comes the World Administration with

agencies on Genetics, Education, Health and Nutrition, Water
Supplies and Waterways, Food and Agriculture, Population,
Disarmament and War Prevention, Habitat and Settlement,
Environment and Ecology, World Resources, Oceans and Seabeds,
Atmosphere and Space, Energy, Science and Technology, The Arts,
Communications and Information, Transportation and Travel, MultiNational Corporations, Commerce and Industry, Labor and Income,
Economic and Social Development, Human Rights, Distributive
Justice, Democratic Procedures, World Service Corporations, World
Territories, Capitals and Parks, Exterior Relations, and Revenue.
3.2.3 Overt Manipulation
The laws and policies of the world government will be
enforced by a World Army, that will eventually become an
amalgamation of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force and the
North American Treaty Organization (NATO). There will be more
conflicts engineered in which NATO will be used to intervene and
save the people until NATO becomes a world police force.
During the war in Bosnia, the Dayton agreement called for a
60,000-strong NATO world army in Bosnia to curb the unrest there.
This was the biggest multi-national force assembled since the
second world war. The first head of the NATO world army in Bosnia
was Admiral Leighton Smith. The Secretary-General of NATO (the
head of the biggest military force in the world) is appointed by
the Bilderberger Group.
From the start of the conflict, the world looked to NATO to
intervene in Kosovo, which extended their control in that region.
Since then, NATO troops from many nations have been involved with
the war on terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere.
The World Government would control the World Army. Its job
would be to implement the laws and decisions of the world
government, should any country rebel and refuse to comply. The
Illuminati know there is a chance that, if U.S. troops were asked
to abuse and murder U.S. citizens, that many would rebel and
perhaps mutiny. So they are covertly locating foreign troops in
the United States under the guise of the United Nations while
sending vast numbers of American troops abroad. The same thing is
occurring in other countries as well.
Once the One-World Government is established,
extraterrestrial races will then be able to make their presence
known to the world and operate openly, without interference from
humanity. The objectives for all of the secret societies will
have been accomplished and all of the covert conspiracies will
then become overt operations without fear of reprisals.
With the world army supporting the true objectives of the
Illuminati, extraterrestrial races would no longer need to abduct
people covertly for experimentation, genetics programs,

implantation, and servitude. They will simply be allowed to take

however many people that they require. The same would be true for
all of the Satanic organizations. They would be allowed to take
however many people that are required for their sacrificial
rituals. In addition, the Reptilian race would have a vast supply
of humans to terrorize in order to generate all of the negative
emotional energy desired.
Domestic Intervention
This portion of the Risk Evaluation section involves
information regarding the risk to individual freedom from the
actions of domestic local governments. The following subsections
describe the risks from the use of emergency powers and the
consequences of a world government.
3.3.1 Emergency Powers
The Department of Homeland Security in the United States has
established an advisory system of five color-coded threat levels.
Green indicates a low risk of terrorist attacks. Blue represents
a guarded condition of general risks. Yellow is an elevated
condition with a significant risk. Orange means a high risk and
red is a severe risk of terrorist attacks.
A Red Alert is expected to result from a specific threat to a
particular region or industry and is not intended to be sustained
for substantial periods of time. A Code Red means there is a
severe risk of terrorist attack, an attack is imminent, or that it
may already be under way.
Responses to a red alert would include the shut-down of
national landmarks, aircraft could be grounded, train service
could be halted, bridges and tunnels could be closed, boarders
might be sealed off, and roadblocks might be set up on interstates
and other major highways. The National Guard and military
reserves could be activated, government buildings could be closed,
all non-essential government services would be suspended, schools
could be closed, and children may be bussed to secret locations
that cannot be disclosed to parents. All non-critical functions
would cease, including all businesses except health-related.
During a Code Red alert, citizens would be required to remain
in their homes or offices, listen to the radio or TV for
instructions, adhere to all restrictions, and be prepared to
evacuate. The authorities will assume that everyone is the enemy
if they so much as venture outside of their home. A Red Alert
would virtually tear away all personal freedoms to move about and
In the event of a chemical or biological attack, 18 states
have authorized the federalization of all health care providers,
from doctors and nurses to ambulance drivers. They will be
required to obey all orders of the military.

When a crises occurs, government agents, the local police, or
the military will be pounding on your door and saying, In this
emergency, you are going to have to come along with us. Get in
the trucks. We are going to take you to a crises relocation
facility for your own protection. You dont have time to collect
your belongings or to call anyone. Everything has been provided
for you. Come on. Lets go!
If you refuse to go, you will be classified as a dissident,
arrested, and be subject to criminal penalties indefinitely
without an arrest warrant or trial and there will be no recourse.
Once in the trucks, you will be taken to a railroad station
for the boarding of boxcars with shackles that are put around your
ankles by foreign military, mind controlled slaves, or alien
hybrids that cannot be reasoned with. At the relocation camps,
you will unload from the boxcars and line up for mind altering
drugs, vaccinations, or implants to prepare you for a life of
slavery. Those people that are too old or unhealthy to be of
value as slaves, will be terminated.
3.3.2 World Government Consequences
The Illuminati plan is to create American and Pacific Unions
based on the same structure as the European Union. One would
encompass the whole of the Americas and the other would control
the Asia-Australia region. The Illuminati are preparing to use
the same method they employed in Europe by evolving these
political unions out of the free trade areas called the North
American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA and the Asia Pacific
Economic Cooperation or APEC. Then, the world government, with
its central bank, currency, and army, would dictate policies to
the three unions.
When key decisions affecting countries and communities are
made by those who actually live there and care about their fellow
citizens, there is a potential for diversity in decision-making.
But, by creating a structure in which global policy in politics,
business, finance, media, and the military is decided by world
bodies, all controlled by the same force, the efforts of the
entire human race can be coordinated while calling it democratic
From a world government perspective, there would need to be a
redistribution of wealth, property, and resources in order to
raise the standard of living for the less fortunate people on the
planet. In order to do this, it would mean that those above the
poverty level, will have their standard of living reduced so that
everyone is in the same social class, except for the elite class.
The problem with this form of government is that there is no
incentive to excel, take risks, or evolve. This would result in a
stagnant growth pattern of survival mentality for all of humanity.

Since the world government leaders, representative, and
officials will either be controlled, possessed, or hybrids of
malevolent extraterrestrial entities, they will insure that
humanity fulfills all of their objectives. Societies will be
subordinated to powers from beyond our world. We would be managed
by hybrids that are bred to lead us into a new world order where
freedom would no longer exist. People will be corralled to work
and rebels will be destroyed. Earth will be mined for its
resources. Mankind would suffer under a rule that would be harsh
and exacting.
Humanity will become slaves, doing endless, backbreaking work
for an alien race that neither appreciates our efforts or cares if
we live or die. People will have no home, possessions, or contact
with their loved ones. This would be the end of times, for what
would time matter to anyone if there was never any time off to
enjoy life? Why would you care what day it is if there are no
days off? Every day would be the same as every other day.
Extraterrestrials will have all property and possessions to
do with as they see fit while humanity is forced to deliver all of
the Earths minerals, fuels, crops, livestock, forests, water, and
air. Then, when they have taken everything of value and left our
planet barren, we will have our very means of survival stolen from
us and we will be left bereft. It has happened before on many
other worlds and it will happen on Earth under a One-World
Government and a New World Order.
This portion of the document is devoted to presenting
information that could help in the planning of a strategy for
resisting the threats on human freedom. This help is provided in
the form of information that should be considered when dealing
with foreign, international, and domestic threats.
Because of a concern for security, no specific plans can be
offered in this document. The information provided is only
intended to be a partial list of major items that should be
considered when planning strategies for opposing the threats to
Humanitys enemies are well entrenched within our societies.
They have been conspiring throughout our evolution to consolidate
global power. They are very intelligent, well financed, and are
technologically advanced. Any strategy developed must take the
entire situation into consideration.
This may appear to be a daunting task. However, it is only
through the efforts of informed individuals, acting independently,
that success is possible. The days of masses of humanity that
blindly follow leaders that do their thinking for them, are over.
Leaders can be corrupted. People, who do their own thinking, pose
the greatest threat to global conquest.

Throughout eons of time, the evil energy of Artificial
Replicating Viral Intelligence (ARVI) has grown to become strong
and powerful. Galactic groups have been formed for millions of
years for the purpose of tracking and destroying the artificial
Planet Earth is a jewel of Creation and the Light Warriors
assigned to the job of hunting down the viral energy knew that
ARVI would not resist invading planet Earth and the surrounding
star systems. Earth is a rare planet of white light and the virus
needs this light in order to survive. The main reason that
dinosaurs suddenly died out was because they were the main DNA
source for creating artificial reptilian ARVI energy forms. The
replications were greatly slowed down once their supply was
A plan was set up to trap ARVI in this galaxy and then to
quarantine the planet in order to destroy it. As the virus came
into this galaxy, portals were invaded and opened by it. For
millions of years, there have been tremendous battles over these
portals. Over time, the portals have been taken back by the Light
Warriors and closed so that the virus cannot get out of this star
At the same time, wise counsels of elders have been keeping
records and new laws have been set up. Once the virus is
destroyed, this will never be allowed to happen again. The laws
are set in place so that the instant such an artificial
intelligence is formed, it will be destroyed before it can begin
replicating itself.
A main strain of the virus that has been operating in the
Middle East has been removed and destroyed. Peace will come. The
portal in the Middle East has been closed. The ARVI that is left
will begin to die out naturally when its supply of light is
depleted. This will take time and there are many difficult events
that the Earth must go through. But, the Earth will continue to
make its ascension. As it does so, ARVI will die out completely.
Unfortunately, the effects of ARVI will still be felt for a few
more years.
10) All Warriors of Light who have been directly involved with
this battle have allowed themselves to be infected with the ARVI
containment. These loving beings took on the containment and have
had to work arduously to destroy it from within their own
consciousness. It is in this manner that the strain has been and
continues to be destroyed. It was the only way, for ARVI cannot
be fought on the outside. Fighting ARVI on the outer levels only
feeds it and makes it stronger.
11) Continue to raise your Christ Consciousness. The more love,
peace, and Oneness you bring within yourself, the more ARVI strain
you destroy. You do not have to love ARVI. But, do not hate it.

Have no judgment of it, no matter how destructive and detrimental

it is to life. Simply consider it to be an enormous supercomputer run amok. Call upon the Creator and ask for angelic
assistance to stop the intervention.
12) There are Galactic brothers and sisters that have been
helping Earth for a long time. Soon, there will be more frequent
contacts in a loving and benevolent manner. All damage caused by
ARVI can be corrected through advanced technologies. Black shadow
governments are losing their power. Earth is the final
battleground. Artificial intelligence cannot prevail over the
Love and Light of our Creator.
13) We, as human beings, are being challenged. Our right to be
here, to be free and self-determined in the universe is being
challenged. Our independence is being lost. We must be quite
sober and objective in order to deal with this effectively.
14) This is a worldwide problem. But, humanity is divided and
contentious. Because we do not speak as one people, we are prone
to intervention and manipulation. But, when we know that there is
a greater problem, cooperation and unity will begin. What good is
one nation over another when we are all being threatened?
15) This could become a great tragedy, depending upon how people
respond. But, it could also be a great opportunity. This is
really our one great chance for humanity to unite itself and to
become strong in its own defense. It takes something of this
magnitude to overcome the tribal animosities and histories between
cultures. It takes a greater problem to unite people.
16) It is like a house on fire. If the people in one room wont
speak to the people in another room and the people upstairs hate
the people downstairs and the house is on fire, you either help
each other or you perish. The world is like a house on fire due
to environmental degradation and through increasing conflicts
between cultures and nations.
17) Something has got to be done or humanity will give away the
keys to the kingdom freely, openly, and with very few questions.
Our choices are limited, but fundamental: acquiesce or stand for
freedom. The only thing that is going to save humanity is
humanity itself. Humanity has everything it needs to be
successful. We do not need advanced technology or alien genetic
material. But, we are grossly unprepared for the problems before
us to the point that the situation has become rather desperate.
18) We must prepare. Awareness is the first thing. We must all
recognize the reality of what we are facing. Humanity could end
the intervention tomorrow if it were informed and aware. We must
understand about life here and in the universe, which we need to
do objectively. Our lack of comprehension could truly be tragic.
4.1 Foreign Threat Resistance

This section covers important information that must be
considered when resisting the threats to human freedom from
extraterrestrial societies. In addition to providing an overview
of the considerations involved, specific information regarding
public, passive, and active resistance is provided in the
following subsections.
More people are becoming acquiescent and less able to discern
every day. People give up control for direction, council, and
preservation. Do you wish to give over the authority of your life
and have your life completely controlled for a promise of greater
technology? There is peace in the prison because everyone is
controlled. But, is this really peace or is this simply the
restraint of war?
With each passing day, opportunities fade as more people are
captured and their awareness is re-cultivated. There are not many
aliens here. But, their job is being made easy because of human
ignorance and acquiescence. It will be okay until people find out
what is really going on.
Humanity should not let any foreign race upon its soil
without permission from the population. Obviously, this
permission was never asked for and never granted. That is why it
is an intervention and not a visitation. We have these rights and
we must exercise them. Visitors are welcomed in because they have
asked permission to visit and it has been granted. An
intervention does not have this permission. It is forced upon us.
We must become mentally strong and not open our hearts and
minds to the extraterrestrial presence. Resist the intervention
through awareness, advocacy, and understanding. Become aware of
the aliens, but do not yield. Regain your inner authority.
Become a power to be reckoned with regarding any who would
trespass or deny your fundamental rights. Become aware of the
mental manipulations. Choose who and what is influencing your
thinking. Learn to determine with discernment and objectivity
what others and the world is telling you.
In addition, there must also be new information and
perspective. Only a teaching from beyond our world will prepare
us for life from beyond that is here now and seeking to establish
itself here. Our challenge is to know who are our allies and who
are our adversaries. We must see the difference between the
spiritually advanced and the malevolent forces in the universe.
You may recall the statement that There is GOOD out there
in the 2002 Crabwood crop formation message on a disk. It refers
to a group of extraterrestrial entities known as the Allies of
Humanity. The Allies know from experience the nature of the
conflict and challenge that we are facing. The Allies own home
worlds were once overcome by malevolent forces in the universe and
they had to regain their freedom. Each of them came very close to

loosing everything and they do not want to see that happen to us.
They have suffered and learned much to be able to help humanity.
The Allies are observers who claim no rights and have no
agenda against us. They are from many worlds and remain hidden in
order to help emerging worlds. We will not meet the Allies and
they will not meet with our leaders. The Allies will remain
mysterious. They will not divulge information about their origins
or identities.
They are being discrete. They must remain hidden in order to
spy on the other extraterrestrials or they would surely perish, if
discovered. The Allies know where the others come from and why
they are here. The Allies are here without any official
permission from other worlds. In truth, they are not really
supposed to be here doing what they are doing.
10) People want the Allies to be saviors, rescuers, to intervene
and prevent the Visitors access here. People may even feel
betrayed or let down because the Allies are not here to protect
us. The Allies cannot save us with military intervention. If the
Allies were to fight those intervening here, we would have warfare
at our doorsteps and their home worlds would also be threatened.
If the Allies did protect us, then they would have to continue to
protect us and take control of our world. This would lead to a
loss of freedom, even to a friend. The Allies would not accept
11) The Allies bring important, but serious news. They want to
warn us of the gravity of our situation and provide a greater
perception and understanding of life in the universe. The Allies
come not to incite fear, but to provoke responsibility, engender a
greater awareness, and encourage preparation for a life with
greater problems and challenges. The Allies do not want to see us
loose our freedom and become a client state. They abhor the
treatment, reeducation, and pacification of us by malevolent
12) Once their messages to humanity have been transferred, they
must withdraw for their own safety for they have no authority
here. If discovered, they would surely perish. Once they depart,
there can be no further direct assistance. This information is of
the greatest importance. It tells you about the Collectives, how
they function, why they are here and what they are doing here. It
reveals our importance to other worlds and about the greater
spiritual powers that exist.
13) They have imparted all that is essential for our well-being
and survival. The Allies want for humanity to have freedom from
intrusion, self-sufficiency, creativity, and life without conflict
in order to achieve a higher purpose and respond to a higher
calling that the Creator has provided. They work behind the

scenes to advocate for freedom and Knowledge in all sentient

4.1.1 Public Resistance
Can humanity deal with intelligent life from beyond our world
without romance, hopeful expectations, or greed, but objectively
and honestly? People think they should be told. But, most people
could not handle it. This may be the hardest thing for humanity
to ever come to terms with.
Most people have a very romantic view of life in the
universe. They are dazzled by technology and want more. They
think contact will bring untold benefits. They think that
advanced races will teach us how to live in peace, maintain our
environment, and elevate the standard of living for people
everywhere. But, is this possible? Do people really want to have
their lives changed?
Some people think that we should not jump to any premature
conclusions. They need more facts and evidence. But, how much do
you have to see before it is clear? They are ambivalent about
coming to a conclusion because then they must really act and they
are afraid of ridicule. No one wants to take the risk of knowing
You dont want to wait for the proof because then it will be
too late. By then, there will be very little recourse. After
extraterrestrials have taken over, what will you do then, protest,
write letters to your Senator, or complain to your friends? This
is a very serious situation. People must take risks to see and to
People will say, I cant deal with this now. I have got
other problems to deal with. Really? What other problems do you
have which are more important than this? Yes, there are things in
everyones lives that must be dealt with, but not at the expense
of this madness. This is the most important awareness that we can
have in life at this time.
Many people will simply go into denial. Some cannot
comprehend these things. Others will want to defend themselves by
building bunkers, living underground, and storing weapons and
mistrust everyone and everything. Some people will resist the
intervention to protect their wealth and privileges or they will
attempt to unite with the aliens for their own benefit. This is a
very dangerous scenario.
This is not a time for ambivalence, complacency, or to
project your grievances and distrust upon the world. Because
humanity is divided and unaware of life beyond our planet, we are
vulnerable. We are without real security. We have no defense
against outside influences.
So long as we are free to know, respond, and speak out, we
must do so.

In order to preserve freedom, we must be prepared to endure a

difficult and prolonged transition. To survive, humanity must
unite and protect the world from the intervention by
extraterrestrial forces. We must establish strength and
independence for all mankind. Freedom must be the rallying cry.
The Visitors are not our friends. We have the power to
resist the persuasion for human allegiance. But, we need
awareness, discernment, and inner conviction, not technology.
This must be given priority. There is still time. It can be
stopped. Ignorance, greed, hostility, and naivet will undermine
human strength.
10) Freedom is a difficult thing to achieve and to maintain. We
must be self-sufficient, united, and very discreet. The more
self-sufficiency is sustained, the stronger and more independent
we will become. The depletion of essential resources causes
extreme vulnerability and powerlessness. We must regenerate our
resources in order to prevent dependency.
11) We must unite and oppose the violation of alien craft in our
skies, people taken against their will, the harvesting of
biological resources, and the manipulation of powerful people. A
movement must arise to demonstrate displeasure with our uninvited
guests, provide awareness of the situation, and an understanding
of what we must do to secure our freedom and well-being.
12) We must have a strong public voice of resistance or it will
appear that the intervention is welcomed. We must shout, No,
this is wrong! We are being visited and manipulated against our
will. We do not welcome this. They must leave. We must have a
public outcry, demonstrate displeasure, and oppose the abductions
and interbreeding. Resist and it must stop.
13) But, knowledgeable people will be demoralized, discouraged,
made to feel weak, helpless, hopeless, and impotent in the face of
beings with enormous power. They will feel like they have no
possibility of resisting. This is part of the manipulation.
These feelings are not just a lack of self-trust, but are a
manipulation of your mental environment. Humanity must realize
this and deal with it.
14) Resist inducement and find insulation and freedom from
torment with Knowledge. Counteract a wishful and hopeful view of
things, which is susceptible to persuasion and manipulation. We
must see with clear and sober eyes without hope and fear. Do not
give over your mind, heart, and the world for the promise of
peace, power, and equality. We will succumb either due to
persuasion or by being discouraged from resisting. So, we must
not loose faith.
15) We must be informed, sober, and wise. We must have an
orientation to what exists, what to expect, and how to function
and conduct ourselves with the Allies help. There is still time

to stop the intervention. We must advocate the Allies messages

and publicly support their representative, Marshall Vian Summers.
16) If we are successful in defending our right to be the preeminent race on Earth and to live in freedom, then we will be able
to meet and to know our Allies. In the meantime, there is great
work to be done and everyone has the possibility to do this work.
4.1.2 Passive Resistance
Because the Grays have invaded the home planet of the Blonds
from Procyon, just as they are attempting to invade Earth, it
could be beneficial to heed the words of a Procyonian by the name
of Khyla. He has stated:
It is impossible for you to fight the Grays on a military
level. Even an alliance between the U.S. and Russia could not do
it. Their technology is too far in advance of yours. It would be
like bows and arrows versus machine guns. However, this time
around, you would be the ones with the bows and arrows. They can
use electro-magnetics to axis-switch this planet or take it out of
Active resistance would be suicidal due to their
technological advantage, foolhardy rather than courageous. If you
took hostages, so would they. They can get to you, but you can't
get to where they come from. Not even their moon base is
vulnerable to you. It is necessary to fight in another manner,
through passive resistance.
At this stage, one thing you can do is to provide the public
with as much information as possible. This will make it more
difficult for the collaborators and Grays in disguise within the
government to continue to work against humanity in favor of the
Grays. Tell the public how to put their minds into a state that
the Grays cannot penetrate, by focusing the mind on powerful
imagery, different for each individual.
The only way to victory is through the strength of your
consciousness. When genetic or other manipulations are being
performed on the abductees, the Grays expect them to cringe in
fear, and derive a second-hand high from the intensity of the
emotions expressed. If instead of cringing in fear, an abductee
can put his or her mind elsewhere, focusing attention on dynamic
protective imagery of a religious or mystical nature, it decreases
the gratification that the Grays are getting from their secondhand high, and it confuses them. Center the consciousness on
something so different from what they expect that it puzzles them.
No matter what the physical situation may be, it is essential
to send an SOS telepathic message to the higher powers protective
of humanity without becoming entangled in negative emotions such
as fear, rage or hatred. Negative emotions not only diminish the
effectiveness of one's SOS message to the higher powers in the

universe, they are the type of response that the Grays are used to
evoking and are expert at manipulating.
If you combat the Grays with hatred in your heart, you become
like them, and further entangled with them, instead of free from
them. A difficulty with the viewpoint of many of the adherents of
organized religions is that they tend to perceive the Grays as
demons, and therefore to hate them. Although to some extent this
analogy is valid, hatred is a form of attachment, a negative
emotion they know well how to use to bind you to them.
A more correct perception is that the Grays are a species
that is terminally ill, having exhausted their DNA, and are
therefore in a state of desperation. That is why they are so
ruthless in their genetic and other experimentation. Their
physical bodies are degenerating from generation to generation.
Their DNA is running out and no longer replicates properly, so
they are unable to replenish themselves.
It should be remembered that aggressive behavior or attempts
at physical resistance, during an abduction, may result in death.
The Grays have no more compunction about taking human life than
humans have about taking reptilian life. During the time that one
is in their power, one has no more control over what happens
physically than does the victim of a human kidnaper or rapist.
10) Their 'chosen ones' are attempting to sugar-coat the bitter
pill and get you all to stand in line to be processed without any
effective resistance, like cattle into hamburger, depicting
abduction by the Grays as a glorious experience that everyone
should have. These 'chosen ones' are the 'bellwethers' that
Charles Fort referred to.
11) Although active resistance to the Grays would not be
advisable at the present time, due to their technological
advantage, this does not mean that you should surrender. It means
that you should focus your attention on the different techniques
of passive resistance that may be applicable to the situation,
making the fullest possible use of your individuality, which so
puzzles and confuses their collective hive mentality. As
collective thought patterns enhance the abilities of the Grays to
manipulate you, original thinkers acting on their own are more
likely to have success than mass movements led by leaders who do
everyone else's thinking for them.
12) In preventing the take-over of your planet, as a colony ruled
by Gray overlords, you should go back through your own history and
learn what you can from the techniques of passive resistance that
have been used to bring about independence. Study what happened
in India, with the American Indians and the Blacks in South
Africa, the French Resistance during the Nazi occupation, and
anywhere else in your historical records where there are lessons
of this nature to be learned.

13) The point of passive resistance is to endure, to survive

until the moment when it becomes possible to switch over to active
resistance because outside help has come. However, be careful to
avoid the mistake of the citizens of Budapest, who rose up
believing propaganda assurances that the United States would
support their uprising, only to be crushed by Soviet tanks when no
such help was forthcoming.
14) Prematurely triggered active resistance would be a disaster
that would enable the Grays to perpetuate their colonization of
this planet, exactly the type of situation they would try to bring
about. Beware of zealots with an obsessive hatred of the Grays,
who may have been subconsciously programmed by the Grays to act as
agent provocateurs. If you get all those sincerely devoted to
resistance together into one place, it is much easier to wipe them
out. If the resistance remains disseminated among the population
at large, it is more difficult to round them up.
15) Don't add to the superiority of the Gray position by playing
into their hands. And remember that although their technology is
far in advance of yours, you do vastly out-number them, and can
over-extend them. They are already over-extended elsewhere and
are unable to commit further forces to this area of the universe,
so those already here must operate without reinforcements coming
to their aid.
16) You are so far outstripped in terms of physical weaponry that
you must find a source of strength that transcends the physical,
such as techniques of centering consciousness on powerful
motivating imagery, which would be different from one individual
to another. For the religiously oriented it might be a key event
in the life of Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, or whoever the
appropriate figure would be in the tradition one's belief system
is centered around.
17) For those who are not religiously oriented, it would be
whatever figure that person sincerely admires as representing what
is best in humanity, whether it be an artist or inventor or other
type of benevolent leader of society. If the admiration is not
wholeheartedly sincere, the intensity of the attention focused on
the symbolic image will not be sufficient to be of much use as
protection, nor can the attention be maintained for long.
18) The degree of protection given by such imagery depends
largely on the intensity and endurance of the single-pointed
attention. So it is best to choose whatever figure you genuinely
feel spontaneous admiration for, which makes your heart sing and
makes you feel at one with the infinite. That will always work,
and is all you can do for now.
19} The intelligence of terrestrial humanity has now evolved to
the point where it has a choice in the matter. By understanding
the long-term hive-mind strategy of the Grays, individual humans

who attain multi-dimensional awareness, can circumvent and shortcircuit it. If enough individual humans do this, and refrain from
quarreling over petty differences, and unite together to liberate
the planet, the Grays will be obliged to seek elsewhere in the
cosmos for a slave species they can genetically manipulate.
20) At some point help may come from outside, from my own and/or
some of the other space races. There may also be revolt within
the ranks of the Grays, based on widespread discontent with their
rigid insectile hierarchical caste system. In the process of
infiltrating a species, the Grays cannot avoid being influenced by
that species, and some of them who had never thought of
questioning authority are beginning to do so.
21) There is no reason why one should not send out telepathic
appeals for help, in the form of prayer or meditation or whatever
way is appropriate to the individual, to the higher forces in the
cosmos. They do exist, and are sensitive to such signals. There
are extra-terrestrial and other-dimensional cultures, capable of
harnessing the innate power of entire galaxies, that could be of
immeasurable help in liberating your planet from domination by the
Grays, if you could persuade them to intervene.
22) Your secret weapon, your ace in the whole, is that you are
not hive-mind collective thinkers, though many of you fall into
that category by conforming to conventional group-patterns, and
are therefore easily controlled by the Grays. Collective thoughtpatterns among humans empower the Grays. It is your individuality
which is your best weapon, because it is the one weapon you have
that the Grays do not have. The major weakness of the Grays,
their area of vulnerability, their Achilles heel, is their
inability to think as individuals.
23) They are an extremely telepathic high-tech society, but as
individuals they are not creative thinkers. They take orders
well, but they do not conceptualize well. They have the
technology to throw your planet out of orbit. But, there is one
key ability that you have and they do not have. You have the
ability to hold in mind imagery that inspires an individual to
realize his or her direct personal connection to the source of all
that is, which is the ineffable Godhead, no matter what you may
call it. That is your key to victory.
24) What I want to get across to you is that the ultimate evil,
which underlies all the negativity in the cosmos, finds expression
in the form of psychological complacency. It leads an individual
to adhere to a group philosophy rather than to think things
through for oneself.
25) Those who feel safe and comfortable in a belief system,
merely because many others adhere to it, and who get together to
form an arrogant, self-righteous group that is convinced that it
has a monopoly on the truth, are doomed to fail. Those who are

ready to persecute, kill or stifle anyone who challenges that

group's philosophy, have formed an alliance with the ultimate
evil, whether they know it or not.
26) As soon as you become involved in a belief system that you
are a "chosen" special group, who are as lords over the common
folk because of your secret knowledge, you are on your way to a
fall. That type of attitude plants the seed of destruction in any
society or culture, leaving it vulnerable to overthrow by those
oppressed within its boundaries, as well as by outside forces.
All cultures who have elite groups at odds with each other, and
with the population at large, sooner or later collapse from either
internal or external pressures.
27) A healthy organism does not encapsulate portions of itself
off that cease to interchange freely with other portions of its
body. This type of condition is a prelude to cancer, whether it
occurs in an individual or in a society. The only chance of
retaining your freedom is for the awareness of this principle to
penetrate the consciousness of humanity. It is a pearl of wisdom
treasured by those who have attained the ability to travel through
28) I have seen civilizations rise and fall, begin again only to
die again, over and over and over. It isn't only a problem of
this planet. It's a problem that must be faced by all
civilizations in the course of their development, no matter where
they may be located in the cosmos. Everyone wants that slightly
larger piece of the pie than their neighbor for themselves, and
eventually this tendency always culminates in choking them.
29) Sooner or later this will be the undoing of the Grays as
well, thereby enabling us to return in triumph from our exile in
the corridors of time. The Grays do not see and are incapable of
understanding their own fundamental error: that the very weakness
they seize upon in humanity is their own inherent weakness, the
blind spot that inevitably seals their doom.
30) But, nothing in this cosmos can ever be forced. To try to
change the arrogant mentality of a self-righteous government
official is as futile as trying to make a rock perform like a
plant, unless the individual has matured to the point of being
ripe for major change.
31) Everything happens and unfolds as it should, even when you
are confronted with the idiocy that has brought about the
potential end of your species, as you know it. It is a challenge
to be faced, just as Paul Revere and Thomas Paine and John Paul
Jones faced the challenges of their time. May it bring out the
best in you!
4.1.3 Active Resistance
In 1986, a physicist by the name of Paul Bennewitz revealed a
detailed report, called Project Beta, that he wrote for officials

at Kirtland Air Force Base until interests deep within the

intelligence community became involved. It was a plan for a
military attack on one of the major underground basing
installations of the Draconis-Orion-Reticuli forces at Dulce, New
Mexico. It may be necessary to re-take the base from the aliens
and to set free the human captives that are being held there.
After two years of continuous recorded electronic
surveillance and tracking of computer communications and video
monitoring with aliens at the base, their true intentions and
location was established. It was discovered that the aliens are
devious, they employ deception, and that they have no intention of
negotiating a peace-making policy or adhering to any prior
The Grays, having a group oriented mental structure, cannot
process policy decisions without consultation with Grays higher in
their social hierarchy. The result can be confusion when they are
faced with events that they don't expect. They will often cease
operations until a decision is made. It seems to be an inherent
operational "weakness". The more unexpected the event, the longer
it takes. The tall Grays seem to be less prone to the frailties
of the system than do the smaller Grays.
Psychologically, the alien morale is down to near
disintegration. There is pronounced dissention in the ranks.
Communication can encourage this. Inter-echelon and individual
trust appears to be totally lacking and suspicion of each other is
rampant. They appear to be death-fear oriented.
The alien base is on the West slope of Mt. Archuleta,
directly West of the South end of the U.S. base and NW of their
main landing area. It has a large alloy dome of thirty-eight feet
in diameter with a twenty-foot hole in the top. It is an
underground launch egress facility. There is a well-maintained
gravel road, with numerous roadblocks, that is over thirty feet
wide and extends northward through the U.S. base to launch
preparation areas and ships. The total alien basing area of the
multi-level facility is approximately three kilometers wide by
eight kilometers long.
All aliens and humans in the facility must have implants for
telepathic communication, tracking, and control. The Grays
exhibit tendencies for bad logic and appear to have many frailties
and weaknesses. The aliens are capable of killing with a beam
weapon that results in a three to four centimeter purple circle.
The aliens conduct cattle mutilations in order to create a formula
that is made from human and/or cattle biological material that
they feed off of. They are also abducting human females in order
to grow hybrid embryos.
The aliens employ beam weapons as their primary means of
defense. It is a pulse powered, electro-static weapon with plasma

generating voltages and an internal storage device using hydrogen

or oxygen. It has an effective range of about two kilometers, in
dry weather. The weapon has a limited number of full-power
discharges that can be sustained. Slow leakage occurs
continuously. Therefore, they must be recharged periodically. If
it is raining, the weapon becomes swamped, discharged, and is
On the flying disks, the weapon is generally located on the
left side or top center. It has a maximum range of two hundred
meters and can plow a trench in desert soil. It fires to the
front and back equally. If equilibrium is not maintained, the
saucer will spin out of control. Hand weapons do not have much
velocity or staying power. But at short range, they are equally
deadly against aliens and humans. At a range of one meter, beam
temperature exceeds 1600 degrees F and can vaporize metal.
However, at long range, they are less effective.
All of our air-flight planes, helicopters, and missiles can
be brought down instantly without the use of weapons. The aliens
simply need to do no more than make one invisible pass and their
bow wave or screen from their craft will take any airlift vehicle
down. Aircraft equipped with electromagnetic force shields may be
effective against this. Advanced infrared scanners may also be
used to detect cloaked alien ships before they have a chance to
10) Alien craft can also use their bow wave against exposed
humans on the ground. The partial pressure envelope can hit with
the power of a tornado. The shock rise times and G force is
instantaneous. However, their craft cannot make physical contact
as they are fragile and, under slow flying conditions within our
atmosphere, they hold a very tenuous position. Without power,
they loose balance and equilibrium.
11) Most, if not all, of the alien craft run on a charge. The
power source depletes and so dependent upon size, depletion can
occur within a week or less. The ships can replenish each other
but only up to a charge balance. This is done with antennae-like
extensions. They can also replenish from power lines, but only to
a point. So, time of flight is limited. Deprived of their base
recharge capability, it is indicated that all ships will come down
within six months to a year unless they can be transported to a
prime launch ship.
12) Their capability in power survival outlasts their capability
in food or formula survival. If they do not get formula/food
within a certain period of time, they will weaken and die. They
are totally dependant upon a large water supply. Without water,
they have no power to service their ships or weapons and no means
to create the formula/food to sustain their population. If the

water intake points for alien bases can be cut off or re-routed,
then the bases will eventually become uninhabitable.
13) Once the bases are pressed on a large scale, all alien craft
will go airborne immediately. Using the terrain as cover, troops
on the ground can lie in wait for them, armed with laser,
particle-beam, and other advanced weapons. The weapons must
penetrate their screens as well as the ground.
14) Paul Bennewitz has designed a weapon at his Thunder
Scientific and Bennewitz Labs facilities. It causes alien craft
within its range to discharge their power supplies. To counteract
this, they must apply more power, which causes the reserves to be
depleted faster. This weapon is able to penetrate their screen,
hull alloy, and everything else. It cannot be shielded and the
weapons beam affects the aliens implants, causing confusion and
a loss of judgment.
15) For the sake of the humans held captive in the bases, it may
be wise to use an underground invasion force to make strategic or
surgical attacks on the enemy. A multi-leveled operation
utilizing surprise, confusion and intimidation to their fullest
potential should be considered.
16) Once deprived of water, conditions in the alien bases will
deteriorate rapidly. Confusion and disorientation will build. At
the end of four to five weeks or less, all alien weapons should be
totally discharged and power should be out at the bases. Most
personnel, if not all, will be totally incapacitated. The feeding
formula will be depleted and its critical processing ruined. All
alien embryos should be dead and all oxygen and hydrogen
consumables depleted.
17) At that point, standard weapon technology and logistics can
come into play and be used for the destruction of facilities and
the termination of those who pose a threat. A channel of
communications will be used throughout to determine status and to
attempt to instigate surrender. If no response results, then they
could simply be kept confined and waited out.
18) Although the overall problem will not be solved with the
capture of alien bases, it is a firmly based beginning with a high
degree of rated projected success ratio. The alien bases are key
to their plans for this planet. Without them, their mission is
grossly weakened and badly slowed.
19) The aliens cannot, under any circumstances, be trusted. They
are totally deceptive and have no moral respect for humanity or
human life. No negotiation, agreement, or compromise can be
settled upon in any way. No agreement will ever be adhered to or
respected by the aliens, though they may attempt to convince us
otherwise. Absolutely no quarter can be allowed under any
circumstances. Once the offensive is instigated, it cannot be

abandoned. If it is, reciprocal reprisals will immediately

4.2 International Threat Resistance
The following subsections describe concepts that should be
considered when planning a strategy for resisting the
international threats described in the subsections of 2.2 and
3.2. These considerations relate to the resistance of economic,
world government, and satanic threats.
4.2.1 Economic Threats
This section provides considerations for the resistance of a
global economy, as described in section 3.2.1. That section
outlines the plans for the creation of a world central bank and a
one global electronic currency. It is also useful to understand
the current system of economic control, as described in section for the Federal Reserve.
If a world central bank and a single global electronic currency
are established, than nearly all means of resisting a world
government will be eliminated. Not only will all privacy of
purchases be lost, there will be total control over what, when and
where people can purchase anything. If access is denied, there
will be no recourse.
If an individual is thought to be an opponent of a world
government, then all purchasing abilities will be revoked, whether
or not entitled. This means that this individual will not be able
to obtain food, clothing, fuel, electrical power, or any other
possessions. In addition, this person will not be able to pay
bills, debts or taxes. As a result, everything purchased with
credit will be re-possessed. This also prevents the person from
using any means of communication, transportation, or health care.
In essence, that individual is cut off from society and no
one else would dare to have anything to do with that person at the
risk of succumbing to the same fate. At this point, the
individual is faced with three options. He or she can die, turn
to a life of crime, or covertly barter. This person would be
monitored closely and authorities would be ready to incarcerate
the individual for any criminal behavior. All associations would
also be closely monitored.
Anyone that opposes this form of oppression must be prepared
ahead of time for any contingencies. This means obtaining a safe
haven, stockpiling food, water, and supplies, and ensuring a
sustainable lifestyle. This is accomplished with an alternate
power source, a means of barter, and the ability to defend ones
self and loved ones.
Obviously, it would be far better not to be in this situation
in the first place. This means either helping to prevent a global
economy or accepting it. If this form of control is accepted,
then eventually, it will be used to dictate what people must do in

order to obtain whatever is made available. This means

determining what work must be accomplished, where everyone is to
live, and what provisions are made available.
The prevention of a global economy, before it occurs, is the
only peaceful alternative to slavery. This means supporting the
distribution of information about the threats to humanity and
personally advocating independence. People of authority must be
informed, the media contacted, demonstrations organized, and free
balloting used to prevent globalization. Once a global economy is
established, the only opposition possible is sabotage and violent
acts to make resources available.
4.2.2 World Government Threats
This section provides considerations for the resistance of a
world government, as described in section 3.2.2 under the
organizations outlined in the subsections of section 2.2. That
section describes the Satanic, global, and regional organizations
involved in bringing about a One World Government.
Because of a strong sense of patriotism for their country,
people are naturally opposed to relinquishing their nations
independence and sovereignty to a world government. They are
equally opposed to the idea of abiding by someone elses laws and
having their armed services become apart of a world military
force. It is not likely that people will willingly consent to
this in order to obtain an economic advantage, promise for greater
security or world unity.
The only way that people can be expected to agree to becoming
apart of a world government is if they believe that it is the only
way for humanity to survive a global crises. Therefore, it is
possible that a major crises, either real or artificial, will be
staged by those who conspire for a world government. This could
be a worldwide natural disaster, the use of weapons of mass
destruction, or a threat from malevolent extraterrestrials.
The primary concern of a world army is the disarmament of the
people in every country so that they have no means to resist.
Searches and seizures of weapons can be expected to occur
secretly, region by region, until all of humanity is disarmed.
Despite any pretext for a world government, it can be expected
that certain individuals will not be disarmed without a fight.
Violence will be anticipated and the perpetrators will be
destroyed. The only way to retain firearms, in this situation, is
for them to be hidden so that even dogs cannot find them.
The prevention of a world government starts with the
opposition of each nation to becoming apart of that government.
This means supporting the distribution of information about the
threats to humanity and personally advocating independence.
People of authority must be informed of the dangers,

demonstrations should be organized, and free balloting must be

used to prevent entry into a world government.
However, once a world government is established, it would
only be a matter of time before the world army invades all nonconforming nations and attempts to force them to join the world
government. The opposing nations will need to be strong in their
own defense and help other nations to resist. Once a nation
becomes apart of the global government, only individual acts of
sabotage and hit-and-run tactics will be possible.
It was Winston Churchill, during the Second World War, who
said, Still, if you will not fight when you can easily win
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will
have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious
chance of survival. There may even be a worst case: You may have
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to
perish than to live as slaves.
4.2.3 Satanic Threats
This section provides considerations for resisting satanic
threats from the organizations described within section 2.2.1 and
the covert manipulations outlined in section 3.1.3. As indicated
previously, satanic activities enable malevolent reptilian
entities to maintain a human-appearing presence on Earth from
another dimension and deep underground. This presence is very
powerful and has manipulated mankind for centuries. It is time
for humanity to break free from their control.
Elite reptilian and Nordic bloodlines are in positions of
power and authority throughout the world. Their genealogy is well
known as it establishes the hierarchy and is the basis for their
right to rule. The highest level of the Draco Royalty appear to
be humanoid with heads shaped like a lizard, eyes with vertical
slit pupils, and colored albino-white. The highest operative in
the Illuminati calls himself Marquis de Libeaux (of the water) and
his codename is Pindar.
The only way to remove these possessed people from positions
of power and authority is for humanity to be aware of who they are
and what they are doing. Then, their genealogy can be used to
determine who must be voted out of office and removed from
positions of authority. For instance, the New England Historical
Genealogical Society has shown that 33 of 42 U.S. presidents are
related to Charlemagne and 19 are related to Englands Edward III,
and both of them are of the same reptilian bloodline.
However, it is what these beings are doing, during their
ritualistic ceremonies, that provides the right to have them
removed from power and punished. Abductions, rape, torture,
molestation, and murder are still against the law in nearly every
country on Earth. The dates, times, locations, and participants

of these satanic rituals are well known. Everyone found guilty of

these crimes must be held to the same standards of decency as the
rest of humanity and punished accordingly.
The Illuminatis use of organizations such as the Freemasons,
Jehovahs Witnesses, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints, and the Skull and Bones must be investigated for ritual
abuse and mind control practices. The Mormon Temple at Salt Lake
City stands over a large underground reptilian base that can be
accessed from the temple site. Atrocities against humanity must
be stopped within these organizations.
However, it is in underground bases that the worst atrocities
of all take place. There are secret underground facilities
throughout the world, and at the deepest levels, they open out
into the inner-earth centers of the reptilian and Grays. Area 51
in Nevada is the best known. The facilities are connected by a
vast tunnel network with state-of-the-art transport systems that
move at astounding speeds. There are at least 131 underground
military bases, an average of one mile deep, constructed for the
New World Order agenda. Often surface/subsurface terminals exist
beneath Masonic Lodges, police stations, airports, and federal
buildings of major cities.
One of the underground bases is under the Denver
International Airport, east of Denver, Colorado. There are
several main levels underneath, at least ten sub-levels, a 4.5square-mile underground city, and an 88.5-square-mile underground
base. It includes massive containment camps and fenced in areas
deep underground for holding dissidents. This is where many of
the millions of children, that go missing every year worldwide,
are taken. They are used for slave labor, alien nourishment, and
are tortured in order to generate negative energies for reptilian
inter-dimensional travel. This is Hell on Earth. Even though
these bases are deep underground, they are still on the soil of
countries with laws against this kind of horror.
4.3 Domestic Threat Resistance
This portion of the document provides information that should
be considered when planning a strategy for resisting threats of a
domestic nature. The following subsections describe concepts for
dealing with Martial Law, Crises Relocation, and Mind Control
threats. These threats to individual freedom would be instituted
in response to a state of National Emergency as described in the
subsections of 2.3.4 and 3.3.
The crises that would cause a state of National Emergency to
exist can be anything from an alien invasion to a war on drugs.
It can be anything, real or imaginary, that the president decides
warrants a national response. Upon activation, the un-elected
officials of the Federal Emergency Management Agency take control
of the country for a period of six months. Then, the U.S.

Congress, if it still exists, can vote to rescind the state of

National Emergency. This policy is authorized by Executive
Decisions, known as Presidential Findings.
We do not live in a democratic government anymore. It is an
illusion. The National Security State and Military Industrial
Complex, that President Eisenhower warned about, is actually in
control of the United States. The president only has control over
what he is informed about. A state of National Emergency would
only cause the control to change from being covert to overt under
Martial Law.
4.3.1 Martial Law Threats
Section describes the authority and provisions for
Martial Law and section 3.3.1 describes the emergency powers under
the Department of Homeland Security. This section provides
considerations for resisting the threats to individual freedom
resulting from Martial Law.
The four primary security concerns for Martial Law is
disarmament, restriction of mobility, crowd control, and
communications. All firearms, that have been legally registered,
will be confiscated. In addition, sweeps will also be conducted
through residential areas by search teams.
All transportation via busses, passenger trains, aircraft,
and ships will be strictly controlled or prohibited entirely.
Roadblocks will also be set up to restrict transportation via
personal vehicles, on freeways, highways and at many
intersections. In addition, individuals will be prohibited from
leaving their homes without authorization. Any socializing,
associating, or demonstrating by multiple individuals will be
broken up, arrested, or terminated.
All means of communication will be restricted. This includes
limiting postal mail, telephone service, the Internet, and
citizens-band radio communications. Unauthorized radio
broadcasts will either be halted or jammed. Only authorized
commercial radio and television stations will be permitted to
broadcast information that is released by the government.
In order to retain possession of personal weapons, they must
be secretly concealed in conveniently accessible locations, when
not needed. A good way of doing this is to bury or conceal
weapons with scents and disguises to throw off dogs and metal
Only by overpowering guards, officials, and authorities will
it be possible to move about freely, unless it can be accomplished
covertly. This requires prior planning of contingencies and
coordinated activities. Alternate means of communication must be
established ahead of time, that is either secure or encrypted.
4.3.2 Crises Relocation Threats

This portion of the document refers to the threats from
Crises Relocation camps that were described in section
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has constructed many such
confinement facilities throughout the United States.
The official purpose for these camps is to provide safe and
secure locations for the population in times of crises. However,
the fences, razor-wire, and armed guards are not meant to protect
people from dangerous elements at large. It is to keep people
confined and isolated from the rest of the world until they can be
processed into becoming mindless slaves to serve the New World
Normally, during an emergency, such as a forest fire,
authorities will order endangered residents to leave their homes
and evacuate the area to temporary shelters, hotels, or to visit
friends or relatives. Temporary shelters are usually set up at
schools, churches, and sport centers. Donations of food,
clothing, and supplies are provided by the Red Cross, local
stores, and volunteers.
However, in the case of relocation camps, military forces are
used to evacuate whole neighborhoods. This may be justified as a
means to safely transport large groups of people through dangerous
areas to a safe haven. Actually, military units are used to force
evacuation, prevent escape, and squash any form of resistance.
The only way to prevent the military from accomplishing their
mission, is through direct confrontation or by causing them to be
engaged elsewhere.
Once loaded aboard the trucks and busses, people will be
transported to train stations where they will be forced to board
boxcars and be shackled in place for the trip to the crises
relocation camps. At the camps, people will be given drugs to
make them docile and obedient until micro-chipped implants can be
inserted into their brains in order to provide total control for a
life of slavery.
At what point will you resist? Will it be when they come for
you at your home, when you are taken away on trucks and buses,
when you are led into boxcars and shackled into place, when you
arrive in the camps, when they deprive you of everything you own
and love, when you are stripped of your identity and
individuality, or is it when you are given an implant to complete
your transformation into slavery?
When will you be willing to forgo government sponsored
security measures in order to retain your freedom and
independence? At what point do you actively oppose such measures
or will you simply allow it all to happen?
4.3.3 Mind Control Threats
This is the last section that deals with strategic planning.
It covers considerations for resisting threats resulting from mind

control projects, as described within the subsections of 2.3.2.

Those subsections cover electronic manipulation, trauma-based
slavery, and micro-chipped implants.
Regarding the area of electronic manipulation, section describes various projects within the United States that
can have a devastating effect on humanity. It shows how extremely
low frequencies, sonic, and ultra-high frequencies can be used to
fry brains, program people, and control the population.
As a result, it is important to be aware of what may be
influencing people so that it can be avoided or shut down. Beware
of three military helicopters flying in a triangular formation
that could be used against large crowds. Also, be aware of secret
transmitters on cellular phone towers that may be used for
programming the population.
However, it is what is seen and heard over commercial TV and
radio stations that is having the greatest affect on society. Not
only is the news slanted and subliminal messages being used, even
the background drone signal is being used to trigger disease,
confuse psychic powers, and prepare people for mass control. The
TV programs cause people to hate one another, be afraid, conform
to social standards, and only seek pleasure and comfort.
Section describes how trauma is used to create
thousands of slaves with Multiple Personality Disorders. These
people are programmed to become sex slaves, assassins, and the
leaders of people into submission. There are thousands of
children between the ages of one and a half to six years of age,
at the China Lake Naval Ordinance Test Station near Ridgecrest,
California that are kept traumatized in small cages, given
electrical shocks, and tortured. Who will save these children and
all of the people that have grown to adulthood and are forced to
serve the Illuminati?
Section describes how micro-chipped implants have
been developed to provide the final solution for turning humanity
into slaves. If people cannot be convinced to voluntarily have
the implants, then they will be forced upon them in the crises
relocation camps. Then, every child born into this world will
have an implant at birth so that there will be no one left to
resist the intervention. This must be prevented at all costs.
The primary objectives for human survival include freedom,
independence, strength, awareness, unity, and self-sufficiency.
All other objectives, as outlined in the following subsections,
are goals necessary for achieving the primary objectives.
The term Freedom refers to individual freewill and the
exercise of certain unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness. Independence refers to a Right to be
separate and insulated from unwanted influences. Strength

indicates a level of ability necessary to insure Freedom and

Independence for all mankind.
The term Awareness refers to humanitys understanding of
the current state of affairs. Unity refers to humanity
cooperating to overcome mutual concerns. And Self-sufficiency
refers to the preservation of essential resources necessary for
the sustenance of life on planet Earth.
5.1 Preparations
Before humanity can begin to muster a defense against its
enemies and resist their unwanted influences, it must first
prepare for a difficult and prolonged confrontation. This starts
with the strengthening of the human body by the removal of
individual threats, as outlined in section 2.3. Without personal
health and strength, you cannot provide an adequate defense.
The objective of preparation is to make yourself, and your
loved ones, sovereign entities with the ability to exist for at
least two years on your own, without outside assistance. Your
first order of business is to obtain a safe haven. The cities are
the most dangerous places to be during an emergency. Your shelter
should be secluded, independent of financial responsibility, and
secure from the elements and incursion.
You and your family can get along for quite a while without
food, but only for a short time without water. Some of your water
requirements could be met by making use of the water in home hotwater tanks and toilet tanks. If there is any question about the
safety or cleanliness of the water you intend to use, it must
first be purified. The safest method of purifying water is to
boil it vigorously for 1 to 3 minutes to destroy bacteria that
might be present. To improve the taste of the water after it has
been boiled, pour the boiled water from one clean container to
another several times.
Any household bleach solution that contains hypochlorite as
its only active ingredient will purify water easily and
inexpensively. Add 8 drops of bleach to each gallon of clear
water in any clean container in which it can be thoroughly mixed
by stirring or shaking. Use double the amount of bleach to cloudy
water. Then, let the mixture stand for 30 minutes. The taste or
smell of chlorine in the water thus treated is a sign of safety.
You can also use ordinary household 2-percent tincture of iodine
to purify small quantities of water. Add 12 drops for each gallon
of clear water, 24 drops for cloudy water and stir thoroughly.
Stockpiled foods should be in cans, jars, or sealed paper or
plastic containers. Select foods that will last for months
without refrigeration and can be eaten with little or no cooking.
Take into consideration the needs and preferences of family
members, storage space, and the ability to rotate stored foods in

family meals. Familiar foods are likely to be more acceptable in

times of stress.
Whenever possible, choose cans and jars in sizes that will
fill your family's needs for only one meal. This is especially
desirable for meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, evaporated milk,
and other foods that deteriorate rapidly after a container is
opened. The following is a list of foods that will supply the
calories needed by one adult for two weeks. Teenagers are likely
to need more and younger children need less. If your family
consists of four adults, store four times the amount suggested:
Evaporated or dry milk for an equivalent of 7 fluid quarts;
28 servings (8 to 9 pounds) of canned meat, poultry, fish, cooked
dry beans, and peas; 42 to 56 servings (about 21 pounds) of canned
juices, fruit, and vegetables and dried fruit; 42 to 56 servings
(5 to 7 pounds) of ready-to-eat cereal, crackers, cookies, canned
bread, puddings, and cake, flour and mixes, macaroni and spaghetti
noodles; bread and cracker spreads, fats and vegetable oil, and
sugars, sweets, and nuts according to family practices; and
miscellaneous products include coffee, tea, cocoa (instant), dry
cream product, bouillon products, flavored beverage powders,
seasonings, vinegar, soda, and baking powder.
Next, you should equip your shelter with manual tools and
manually operated equipment. Electricity can be generated from
solar panels, windmills, or manually rotated automotive generators
and stored in twelve-volt batteries. DC into AC power converters
are available from electronic and automotive centers. Stoves and
furnaces should use natural fuel such as wood or solar energy.
Farming tools and seeds should also be stored for future food
You should also prepare to defend yourself, your family, and
property against those who may attempt to take your life, freedom,
or property from you. Pepper spray is an ideal non-lethal weapon
with a range of up to 15 feet. But, you should also be proficient
with the use of firearms for hunting and against lethal attack.
Perimeter defenses and intrusion sensors should also be set in
place. In times of emergencies, when law enforcement may not be
available, you should be prepared for desperate actions taken by
desperate people.
10) Finally, you should organize your local community for a
common defense, health care, and the gathering and sharing of
essential supplies. There is strength in numbers if the numbers
do not draw too much unwanted attention. Mutual support should be
organized for the accomplishment of necessary tasks. Essential
skills must be learned, independent power supplied, and secure
communications provided.
5.2 Law Enforcement

Our fundamental rights are being violated on a vast scale
with no protection from government authorities. However, there
are ways for individual citizens to take matters into their own
hands and cause this activity to cease. There are laws that exist
against these atrocities. But, the alien perpetrators are being
protected under the guise of national security.
In addition, law enforcement and judicial systems are unaware
of the problem and are not prepared to prosecute or punish alien
crimes against humanity. However, extraterrestrial beings should
be equally held accountable for illegal acts the same as any
citizen or other alien.
Even if an alien were to be arrested while in the act of
committing a crime, the government has very powerful forces
prepared to remove the criminal and all evidence from law
enforcement custody. All charges would be dropped, victims would
be silenced, and there would be no mention of the incident by the
news media.
To make matters worse, aliens have the ability for themselves
and others to be levitated, pass through walls, and conduct
activities while completely invisible. This is being done on a
routine basis with women that are used for the incubation of
hybrid fetuses. The developing fetuses are removed within a
three-month period after insertion. These abductions can be
monitored remotely with sensors and video systems and firearms can
also be operated remotely.
People have the right to protect themselves against intrusion
in their own homes. But, without a united effort by many people
to preserve everyone and everything involved in the protection
against this kind of intrusion, the abductions will continue
unabated. However, with the disclosure of physical evidence of an
extraterrestrial presence, a public outcry could cause the
abduction activity to be hampered or even stopped altogether.
There are also corrupted, controlled, and possessed people
that are involved in the abduction of children and adults for
satanic acts of sexual abuse and sacrificial rituals. Private
citizens have the right to investigate these acts, make arrests,
and report the incidents to the proper authorities. However,
these people are protected by very powerful secret societies as
outlined in section 2.2.1. Unless a united effort by many people
is organized to press for the prosecution of these criminals, this
illegal activity will also continue.
Secret societies have corrupted people in high places of
authority in government, law enforcement and the judicial system.
Unless these people are investigated, exposed to the public and
removed from positions of power, they will continue to permit
crimes against humanity to be committed. Knowledgeable citizens
on jury duty can also be effective in upholding constitutional

laws or voiding unpopular laws, such as with Prohibition, by

refusing to enter guilty verdicts.
In addition to preventing horrendous crimes from being
committed on Earth, humanity must also take measures to prevent
them from occurring under the surface. What is taking place
covertly on the surface is perpetrated overtly and without any
restraint under the surface in deep underground cavern complexes.
The conduct in these complexes must be held accountable to the
laws of the land above and below the surface.
Mel Waters is a land owner with a supposed bottomless hole
located near Manastash Ridge in Ellensburg, Washington State,
known as Mel's Hole. As related by Mel Waters on national
radio, audio recordings from a microphone that was lowered into
the hole has picked up the sounds of people being tortured and
tormented. This recording is known as, The voices from Hell.
10) Because law enforcement and government officials are
unwilling to put a stop to this, it falls upon individual citizens
to rescue those people from their tormentors. Who will lead an
armed rescue party down the hole while the world watches audio and
video transmissions of everything that happens? Who cares enough
about the innocent men, women and children that are suffering
there to do something about it?
5.3 Political Reform
Section 3.1.3 describes the covert manipulation conducted by
the regional, global, and satanic organizations identified in
section 2.2. Government leaders, representatives, and un-elected
officials are obligated to serve secret societies above the people
that they are supposed to serve. They do not have humanitys best
interest at heart. Their bloodlines and prior actions are easy to
trace. These people must be investigated, exposed, and removed
from positions of power over humanity.
Unconstitutional laws, statutes, and regulations must be
reviewed and repealed. The National Security Act of 1947, many
executive orders, and other oppressive laws must be abolished in
order to restore freedom for all. The people must regain control
over civilian, military and intelligence agencies. National
secrets must be reviewed and disclosed. Defensive measures must
be initiated against humanitys enemies and their influence.
Measures must be taken to reform the economy to insure
prosperity, sovereignty, and national security. Advanced
technology that has been kept hidden must be taken advantage of in
order to provide clean and abundant power, health care, and an
improved standard of living for all.
Measures must be undertaken to renew Earths natural
resources in order to maintain self-sufficiency. Social programs
must be restructured to insure prosperity, personal fulfillment,
awareness, cooperation, and participation in human affairs. Laws

must also be adopted to prevent unwanted influences from affecting

humanity without constraining human freedom.
5.4 International Relations
A United Earth organization must be created to collect
information relating to the planet, inform humanity of worldly
concerns and to express the will of all mankind to nation states
as well as the rest of the universe. It would not be a governing
force, but an advisory body respecting national sovereignty and
individual freedom.
This organization would be comprised of representatives from
all of humanity, supported by individuals and not nations or
geography. Each United Earth representative would be required
to represent their constituents concerns, desires, and dictates
as well as be held accountable for that representation.
In order for all of humanity, in every nation, to become
aware of all matters affecting the planet and its inhabitants, a
Radio Free Earth program must be broadcast worldwide, whether
national governments want it or not. This program can be
distributed via radio, television, printed material or the
Internet. People will be free to ignore it or to learn from it
and respond to it.
As an advisory body, it can be effective in influencing
international cooperation on matters that affect everyone. These
matters include improving the standard of living, health care,
environment, economy, prosperity, security, and the renovation of
essential resources. This organization could also provide
direction for groups to help improve life on Earth. Unique
individual, regional, and national cultures and customs would be
encouraged and respected along with human freedom and selfdetermination.
5.5 Foreign Relations
Foreign Relations refers to a policy of relating to non-human
terrestrial and extraterrestrial sentient entities and societies.
Once all available information has been revealed, public
communications would be established and emissaries exchanged in
order to express concerns, negotiate policies and settle disputes,
if possible.
If differences cannot be settled peacefully, than a united
effort to protect humanity, defend the planet, and repel intruders
must be instituted. Section 4.1 describes the things that must be
considered in resisting foreign threats with public, passive, and
active measures. This requires humanity to be made aware of the
situation so that it can express its displeasure with the foreign
intervention and respond accordingly.
Once humanity has established its pre-eminence on Earth as
free and self-determined beings without foreign influence and
intervention, it must remain strong in its relationship to other

societies in the universe. Relationships can then be established

with friendly races with the consent from the population. There
could be much to be gained from such relationships. We may even
be invited to join an association of free and independent planets
some day.
It has been the purpose of this document to provide the
history, perpetrators, activities, risks, and considerations
regarding threats to human freedom so that an effective means of
resistance can be formulated in order to achieve the stated
goals. Several alien species, human conspirators, and secret
organizations have been identified in order to enable recognition
of humanitys enemies. Their methods of operation and objectives
are also presented in order to better understand what is at stake
and how to respond.
The world is being deliberately prevented from knowing about
the Bearers of false gifts and the good out there. The
authorities fear panic and chaos. The military has no defense and
so they deny everything. Our leaders are either corrupted,
controlled, or are possessed by aliens. There are many groups of
alien beings that are covertly competing for our planets
resources, our allegiance to them, and our strategic location in
It is easy to become overwhelmed by such information and
loose all hope for the future of humanity. It is normal to want
to respond emotionally with anger, fear, and acquiescence. This
is exactly what the conspirators want. Cool heads must prevail.
It is necessary to rise above primitive and primal instincts and
respond intellectually with love in your heart for mankind.
We are not alone in our struggle to be free. Humanity has
allies and they can be of immense help, if we will only use our
inner knowledge to pay attention to them. They have had to battle
the same forces on many other worlds and they know how we can
We need help to see what is going on beyond our world. Could
the Native Americans understand the intricacies and competition
between European nations? No. Look at what has happened to the
native peoples of the world who have simply acquiesced and said,
Welcome. Move on in. We will live here and you will live over
there and everything will be fine. Look at what happened to
them. Is this new scenario really any different? It is very
difficult to be the race that is discovered in a new world by
those who seek the values, wealth, and opportunities of that
world. Such is our predicament.
Humanity is under siege. Our isolation is over. We must
realize that we are not alone in the universe and here on this
planet. This is the greatest event in human history, the greatest

threat to our freedoms and the greatest opportunity for unity and
cooperation. This is not a tragedy for us, but a preparation for
emerging into the Greater Community in the universe. We will
emerge into the Greater Community whether we are prepared or not.
It is inevitable.
Intervention has occurred without our agreement or
permission. Our fundamental rights are being violated on a vast
scale. Many people are taken against their will repeatedly. Do
not believe that the abduction of people has some benefit for
mankind. Many people have acquiesced and serve as emissaries and
intermediaries. Many others serve as resources for the alien
genetics program.
This is the most important problem in the world today. This
is not a future prospect, but an immediate challenge. If people
cannot respond, then the world will be given away. Recklessness
brings a heavy price and great misfortune.
If we seek unity, freedom, and self-determination in the
Greater Community, then we must establish freedom for everyone and
defend it, if necessary, or domination will certainly occur. If
we are to be strong and self-determined, than we must be able to
think independently and consider things deeply, rather than just
accepting whatever we are told.
10) We must not betray the knowledge within ourselves. We need
to strengthen our natural abilities to see, know, and act in
harmony in order to offset the alien influences. This is our most
important need. Our spirituality must be sound and based upon
real experience. People need a greater knowledge, wisdom and
spirituality to find their true abilities and know how to use
11) Although this is a grave situation, there is a gift. The
Allies of Humanity have sent a teaching of spiritual ability,
discernment, and power. It is being given through one person who
serves as intermediary and speaker. His name is Marshall Vian
Summers. He has written the Allies of Humanity, Greater
Community Spirituality, and Steps to Knowledge.
12) We need to learn about a Greater Community Spirituality and a
Greater Community Way of Knowledge that is now being presented.
The way to Knowledge is your true spiritual impulses. This must
be valued. It is the source of our individual freedom. It will
make us wise and discerning about the Greater Community. It is
essential for survival because it cannot be influenced or
13) Only those strong with Knowledge and wisdom can detect the
aliens and protect their minds against their influence. In time,
you will perceive into their minds, which they do not want. You
become a danger and challenge to them and they will avoid you if
they can. Truth is the greatest power in the universe. It is the

power to free, to enlighten, and to give strength and confidence

to those who need it. May it bring out the best in you.
This section contains a list of source references for all of
the material supplied within this document. Each section,
subsection, and paragraph of this document is assigned individual
numbers for identification with regards to source references that
are listed here. For instance,
2.3.4 refers to the fourth subsection of the third subsection of
the second main section of the document.
Every paragraph within each section is also sequentially
numbered, such as this paragraph of 2). In addition, portions
of each paragraph are identified with a fractional percentage
number after a decimal point. For instance, 2.5 indicates the
mid point of the second paragraph and 3.9 indicates the bottom
of the third paragraph. A hyphen (-) may also be used between two
numbers to indicate the use of all of the paragraphs between those
numbers. By using the section and paragraph numbers, the source
of all information presented in this document can be determined by
finding the associated numbers that are listed sequentially for
each chapter.
------- ---------1.1
2.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Esoteric Chronology", page 375.
3.0 Interview with a Reptilian from the Draco Star
from the Internet at website:
3.9 Rule by SECRECY by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, The Anunnaki, page 379.
4.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "A Tentative Taxonomy of ExtraTerrestrial
Humanoids", pages 60-F-1 and 60-F-2.
5.0 Rule by SECRECY by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, The Anunnaki, pages 384 thru 386.
5.3 Message From the Pleiades, 3 by Col. Wendell
UFO Photo Archives 1993, 59th Contact, 8 July
6.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of

Publications USA 2001, Atlantis and Lemuria, page



Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of

Publications USA 2001, Designer History, page 15.

1-44 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Chronology of Human and Alien
Interaction", pages 397 thru 434.
1-2 Alien Messages documentary video by Maurice
available over the Internet at the website address
------- ---------2
3-11 Message from Silancia and Galactic Star Beings
from Star
Base Andromeda through Diana Whitney-Huston.
1.0 The Allies of Humanity, Book II by Marshall Vian
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2004
The Universe Into Which You Are Emerging, page 3
3.0 The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers,
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2001
The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World
Today, 4.0
4-12 The Allies of Humanity, Book II by Marshall Vian
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2004
The Collectives, pages 25 thru 30
13.0 The Allies of Humanity, Book II by Marshall Vian
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2004
Why the Intervention is Occurring, page 10
14-15 The Allies of Humanity, Book II by Marshall Vian
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2004
The Influence Upon Humanity, page 15
16.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "A General View of Space Societies",

page 85

1-7 1-9

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "Blond Humanoid Contact", page 107
"RAIDERS FROM ABOVE" by Ramtha, Audio cassette tapes
Ramtha Dialogues, P.O. Box 519, Yelm, WA. 98597
"ALIEN AGENDA" by Jim Marrs, Harper Collins
New York, NY 1997, "Know Your Neighbors", Pages

210-211 1-6

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "A Tentative Taxonomy of Extra-

Terrestrial 1.0

Humanoids", pages 60-C-1 through 60-G-2

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Who's Who of Aliens Visiting/Living

on 1.0

Earth", page 79.

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Alien Species (Service to Self)",

102-103 2.0

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "Orion Grey Type 1 & 2", pages 51D

and 51E 3.0
Research 4-5

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "Reptilian-Grey Data", page 97
"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Greys with 'normal' sex organs",

page 88B 6-7
Research 8.0

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "The Greys", pages 52 through 60.
"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Alien Species (Service to Self)",

102-103 9-11 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Top Secret/ Apotheosis", pages 10
thru 15. 1-2
Research 2-7

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "The Greys", pages 52 through 60.
"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Primary Physical Characteristics of

the 8-9

Grey Entities", page 81.

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Greys with 'normal' sex organs",

page 88B 1-2

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "Other Concepts Regarding the

Greys", 3-4

Pages 84D - 84E.

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "The Greys", pages 52 through 60.

The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers,
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2001
The Challenge to Human Freedom, pages 21 thru 33.
1.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
5-6 2-3

Group 1990, "Zeta Reticuli Grays", Page 51-D.

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Reticulan Data", Page 92 through

94. 4-7
Research 1-2

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "The Greys", pages 58 and 59.
"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Additional Information About the

Grays", 3.0
Research 4.0

Pages 100A and 100B.

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Conflict for Control", Page 98.
"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "The Sirians", Pages 51-A through



The Praying Mantis found over the Internet. 1.0

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "Who's Who of Aliens Visiting/Living

on 2-4

Earth", Pages 79 and 80.





30, 2003,
by Michael E. Salla, PhD,
1.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Appearance of Reptilian Humanoids"

Page 88A

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "Reptilian - Gray Data" Page 96

8-11 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "The Grays and the Reptilians" Pages

of Love

2-8.0 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love

Publications USA 1999, Satans Children, 294303.
Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge
Publications USA 2001, Calling the Demons, pages

278-287. 1-2

Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of

Publications USA 2001, The Unholy Alliance, page



Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of


Publications USA 2001, Blood Brothers, page 84.

Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of

Publications USA 2001, To the Prison Born, page 2.

The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Satans Children, page
309. 5-9 Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, The Illuminati, pages 235 thru 239.

4.8 1-3

Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins

2000, Freemasonry, pages 242 thru 244.

The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Same Face, Different
pages 170 thru 173.
9.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of

Publications USA 2001, The Many Faces of the



Cult, page 176.

Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of

Publications USA 2001, Group Sects, page 222. 1.5-2 Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, Was There More to Moses? pages 370 and 371. 3-10 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, Jehovahs Mind Control
pages 327 thru 330. 1-3 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Conquered by the Cross,
122. 4-6 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, The Church of Jesus Christ
Latter Day Hybrids, pages 321 thru 326. 1-6 Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, Skull and Bones pages 90 thru 94. 7.0 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Knights of the Sun, page
138. 7.2 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Global Babylon, page 225. 8-13 The History Channels program Historys Mysteries,
segment Secret Societies. 1.0 Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, The Royal Institute of International AffairsRound Tables, page 83. 1.2-3 Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins

2000, Rhodes and Ruskin, pages 87 thru 89.

The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Global Babylon, pages
223-225. 1-3 Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, Korea, pages 140 and 141. 4.0 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Global Babylon, page 242. 5.0 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Where have all the
Children Gone?
page 320. 6-7 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, The World Government, 341342. 1-5 Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, Bilderbergers, pages 39 thru 43. 1-2 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, The Network Today, 268
and 269. 3-4 Enroute to Global Occupation by Gary H. Kah,
House Publishers 1992, Global Politics, pages 40
thru 44. 5.0 Enroute to Global Occupation by Gary H. Kah,
House Publishers 1992, The New Age Movement, pages
84, 85 1-7 Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, The Trilateral Commission, pages 22 thru 25. 1.0 Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, Tax-Exempt Foundations and Alphabet
Agencies, 101. 2-6 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, Free Trade is Stealing the
pages 347 thru 349. 1-3 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Money Out of Nothing,

4.0 4-7

Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins

2000, Secrets of Money and the Federal Reserve



pages 75 thru 78.

Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of

Publications USA 2001, The World Central Bank and

Currency, pages 342 and 343. 1-3 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, The Second World War,
2.2,3.3 1-6 Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, Council on Foreign Relations, pages 32 thru
36. 7.0 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Global Babylon, 240-241. 1-2 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Casting the Spell, 487488. 3-17 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, Serving the Dragon: the
pages 352 and 363. 1-3 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Under the Influence, 286290. 4-5 Called to Serve by James Bo Gritz, Lazarus
Company 1991, Naming Names, pages 370 thru 372. 6-7 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Under the Influence, 291292.
2-4 The Biggest Secret by David Icke, Bridge of Love
Publications USA 1999, Where Have All the
Children Gone?
page 323. 1-6 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Mind Control Efforts in the U.S.",
306-307. 7-8 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Details on Reichian Programming",
page 324C. 9.0

"MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge

Group 1990, "Military Uses of the

Spectrum", Pages 308A and 308B. 10-13 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Electronic Mind Control", page
324D. 1-2 The Illuminati Formula used to create an
Total Mind Controlled Slave, Volume 2 by Fritz
and Cisco Wheeler, Introduction pages 1 thru 8. 3-15 The Illuminati Formula, Volume 2 by Fritz
and Cisco Wheeler, Preparation pages 9 thru 30. 16.0 The Illuminati Formula, Volume 2 by Fritz
and Cisco Wheeler, Trauma page 31. 1-2 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Abductees and Implant Devices",
325-325A. 3.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Lab Report Regarding Analysis of
the Implant",
Page 327H. 3.2 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Alien Manipulation Networks", 326
and 327. 4.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Implant Technology", page 322. 5.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Abductees and Implant Devices",
page 325. 2-9 The War on Freedom by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
Publishers 2003 10-11 Painful Questions, An analysis of the September
Attack by Eric Hufschmid, Endpoint Software 2002 12.0 Take Back America Now!! by Ted L. Gunderson at

www.PatriotAmerica/ 2.0 American Gulf War Veterans Association, Joyce Riley
at:,1283,56055,00.html 3.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Chronology", page 426. 4.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "An Interview With John Lear", page
267. 5.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, The AIDS Scam, page 366.
2-3 Called to Serve by James Bo Gritz, Lazarus
Company 1991, The Third World War, page 557.
4.0 Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
2000, Tax-exempt Foundations and Alphabet
Agencies, 100. 1.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Chronology", page 406. 4.0 Take Back America Now!! by Ted L. Gunderson at
www.PatriotAmerica/ 2.5-9 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, Micro-Chipped Population,
368-372. 1-2 "SIMPLE TRUTH", by J.L. Read, Simple Truth, Box 347,
McKenna, WA 98558, January 1, 1991, Volume I
Number 3 1-2 The War on Freedom by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
Publishers 2003 3.0 The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases & the
Battle for
Planet Earth by Branton, Global Communications
Railroad Cars, pages 134 and 135.
------- ----------



2-4 The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers,

The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2001
The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World
Today, 4-12.
5-9 The Allies of Humanity, Book II by Marshall Vian

The Society for the Greater Community Way of

Knowledge 2004
Why the Intervention is Occurring, pages 9,10, and
1-6 The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers,
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2001
Manipulation of Religious Traditions and Beliefs,
1.0 "MATRIX II" by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group 1990, "Top Secret/ Apotheosis", page 10
2.0 The Allies of Humanity, Book II by Marshall Vian
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2004
Why the Intervention is Occurring, page 12
3-7 The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers,
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2001
The Challenge to Human Freedom, pages 21 thru 33.
8-16 The Allies of Humanity, Book II by Marshall Vian
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2004
The Influence Upon Humanity, pages 16 thru 23.
3.1.2 17-22 The Allies of Humanity, Book II by Marshall Vian
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2004
What They Want, pages 34 thru 42.
1.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, The Bloodlines, page 2.
2-3 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, The Reptilian Connection,
4.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of

Publications USA 2001, The Unholy Alliance, page


5.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of

Publications USA 2001, Children of the Shadows,

page 135.
6.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, The Reptilian Connection,
page 94.
7-8 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, Silent Invasion, pages
9.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA, Freemasons Are the Serpent Cult,
10.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, Food For the Demons, page
11.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, The Bloodlines, page 3.
12.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, Manufacturing Illusions,
page 388.
Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge
of Love
Publications USA 2001, Calling the Demons,
15.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, The Vibrational Prison,
page 390.
Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge
of Love
Publications USA 2001, Blood Drinkers, pages 136139.
18.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, Losing Their Cover?, page
1-6 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of

Publications USA 2001, The World Central Bank and

Currency, pages 345 and 346.
7-13 En Route to Global Occupation by Gary H. Kah,
House Publishers 1992, Part Two-The WGPA, pages
201, 202.
1-2 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA, The European Fascist
Dictatorship 336-7
3.0 Websters New World Dictionary by David B.
Guralnik, The
World Publishing Company 1972, fascism page 508.
4-5 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, The World Government, 341342.
6-12 En Route to Global Occupation by Gary H. Kah,
House Publishers 1992, A Constitution for the
Of Earth, pages 205 through 207.
En Route to Global Occupation by Gary H. Kah,
House Publishers 1992, Part Two-The WGPA, page
1-4 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA 2001, The World Army, pages 351
and 352.
1-2 Threats and Protection from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security at the website:
3-4 ANALYSIS: Imagining America at full alert article
Scripps Howard News Service at website:
4.5 News Alert 03/21/03 by Alex Jones at:
5-8 The War on Freedom by Jim Marrs, Harper-Collins
Publishers 2003
1.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA, The European Fascist
Dictatorship, 336.
1.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of

Publications USA 2001, The Round Table Network,

page 341.
2.0 Children of the Matrix by David Icke, Bridge of
Publications USA, Serving the Dragon: the Future,
4-6 The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers,
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2001
------- ---------4
5-12 Message from Silancia and Galactic Star Beings
from Star
Base Andromeda through Diana Whitney-Huston.
13-18 The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers,
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2001
2-11 The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers,
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2001
12.0 The Allies of Humanity, Book II by Marshall Vian
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2004
The Universe Into Which You Are Emerging, page 6
13.0 The Allies of Humanity, Book II by Marshall Vian
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2004
A Call To Action, page 48
1-6 The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers,
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2001
7-16 The Allies of Humanity, Book II by Marshall Vian
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2004
1-31 MATRIX II, by Valdamar Valerian, Leading Edge
Group, 1990, A Tentative Taxonomy of ExtraTerresrial
Humanoids, pages 60C1 thru 60U2.
1-19 The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases & the
Battle for
Planet Earth by Branton, Global Communications


Paul Bennewitz, pages 110 thru 129.

7-13 The Allies of Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers,
The Society for the Greater Community Way of
Knowledge 2001

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