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The Gospel of God

Samaritan's Mercy Ministries

Evangelist Dr.A.David

Genesis 1
In the Beginning God Created The Heaven's
and The Earth it was good.
He Created the Wild Animals, Fishes of the Sea
and Birds of the Skies it was good
He Created Mankind Males and Female in His
Image to live in Paradise, Everything Was Good
Yes it was all Good until Adam and Eve the
Representation of all Humanity Sinned and
Disobeyed God, Ate from the Forbidden tree
Disobeying God which brought God curses on
Humanity because for the wages of disobeying
God is Death and Curses

However God Finds an Oppressed People from Whom a

messiah will come and save the people from their sins, from
death and curse

Israel is called upon

God founds the nation of Israel
And Through this nation He leads them through
struggles and wars of survival to lead them to a
promised land of milk and honey.
In this land of Milk and Honey He will lead this
nation called Israel from Generation to
Generation until the Messiah who is great to
come and save the people from death and their

In this land the nation is given moral laws to

abide by and follow and there will be blessed
by an Almighty God in Heaven

The nation of Israel keeps it's promise, A Jewish

Virgin woman named Mary is impraganted by the
Holy Spirit of God and what is in her is a Child
who will save the people from their Sins

The Child is born in Beth'lem, With Such Great love He voluntarily

gives himself over to be Crucifed for the Sins of the world and He
commands all men and women everywhere to Repent and believe
on him

Out of Zion Comes Salvation

Prayer of Repentance
Dear Lord I call upon on your Mercy Today
I call upon your unfailing love today O' Lord
Your great compassion,
I ask in Truth Lord
to be forgiven of my Transgressions and Sins, Wash away all my
Iniquity from me, Cleanse me from my sin, Against you Lord
God in Heaven have I Sinned and done what is evil in your sight,
I have broken your laws, I lied, I stolen, In my anger I
murdered in my heart, In my Lust I commited Adultery, I
dishonored my parents, I have not loved you God with all my
Heart and Soul, I have spoken ill, I have not loved my
neighbour, I have spoken false witness Dear Lord I repent for
all my Sins, I now put my faith in you Lord Jesus Christ, Create
in me a pure heart, Let me walk by the Spirit not the flesh for I
have been saved by your grace and in keeping up in
Repentance Lord Let me have compassion for the poor,
orphans, widows, the elderly and let me serve them with great
compassion. Amen.

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