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Jan/Feb/Mar 2016

The Official Publication of Drive-In Ministries

Volume 32/ No. 1

In This Issue

Directors Cut
- Running with Endurance

Ministry Spotlight
- New Partner in HAITI

Ministry Clips

Allen Nye
Alabama Property
Nigeria (GOFAMINT)
Kent Chapman

Behind the Scenes

- New Bookkeeper
P.O. Box 680250
Prattville, AL 36068
O 334.361.1660
F 334.361.9578

Directors Cut by Mike Jones

Running with Endurance

The writer of Hebrews compares living the Christian life

with running a marathon and notes one
of the key elements
to success is endurance. He says,
let us run with endurance the race that is set
before us. Hebrews 12:1b.

Endurance includes difficulty, hardship, and

usually pain. Jesus never said living the
Christian life would be an easy life, but just
the opposite. In John 15:20, He said, If they
have persecuted me, they will also persecute
you and Paul wrote all that will live godly
in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 2
Timothy 3:12.
As we begin another new year at Drive-In, I
am more aware of the endurance needed to
live the Christian life and to serve the Lord
faithfully. This May, AnnaMae and I will celebrate 34 years of full-time ministry (15 years
with DIM), and Drive-In is now in its 66th
While the vision for the ministry continues to
expand and fruitfulness increases, the forces
against us are also relentless and growing.
Satan hates the work of the Lord and works
through every means possible to disrupt it,
defeat it, and destroy it, as well as those involved in it. We experience this regularly in
equipment break-downs, weather conditions,
low funds, difficulty raising funds, and other

As the end times approach, Satans efforts

and hatred are becoming even more open
and aggressive. For some of our International partners this includes terrorist danger areas, verbal threats, rocks and sticks thrown,
attacks on the Mobile Unit and equipment,
and some local government opposition.
All these things are realities of the Christian
life and will not cease until we reach heaven.
They are constant reminders of why we must
run with endurance the race set before us.
If we dont acknowledge them, prepare for
them, and train to handle them, they will defeat us. Endurance comes through unwavering commitment and consistent exercise
in the right disciplines (vs. 1-2). Much discipline, training, and preparation (physical and
mental) are required for running marathons.
The same is true (plus spiritual discipline) for
the Christian service (marathon) spoken of in
this passage. There are times when the body
rebels in pain, and the tiredness and distance
remaining plead with the mind to stop running. Doubt and discouragement knock at
the door of our will to succeed but commitment and endurance can carry us through.
This also applies to those of us who are getting older and experience added difficulties
and limitations that come with age.
Nevertheless, lets continue to be committed
and conditioned to run with endurance
the race that is set before us regardless
of the cost, knowing it will be worth it at the
end, and His grace is sufficient all along the
way. May the Lord encourage and challenge
you through this FOCUS.


The Official Publication of Drive-In Ministries

Ministry Spotlight
Our New Partner in HAITI
by Mike Jones

In the summer of 2015, after much dialogue and investigation, I traveled to Haiti to see
the ministries of Pastor Predestin Pierre Herard. The experience gripped my heart for
the poverty I witnessed, both physically and spiritually. This small country encompasses half an island (Dominican Republic the other half) and is considered the poorest
country in the Western Hemisphere. Pastor Herard shared the following information:
There are different reasons for the poverty in Haiti.
1) Most people do not have jobs because there are no jobs
in Haiti. Most people cannot feed their children properly. Most of the children have one
meal a day, sometimes they do not have anything. Very often children die from malnutrition and other sicknesses. The pastors are in the same condition as the other people. I
know some pastors who cannot afford to send their children to school. Some still live
under tents because of the earthquake of 2010, and some churches are under tents as
well. The situation is very complicated in Haiti.
2) Another reason is because people give more importance to Satan than to God. 70% of
the people in Haiti worship the devil. Sometimes even they are in the church, but still keep
something for Satan. They dedicate their children to Satan at the time they are born. Another weakness is that most
churches in Haiti do not give importance to the children. Most of the children do not know how to read or write and
become witchdoctors very young.
3) The other reason is politics. The politicians do not show interest to the country but to their pockets, while the people
go more and more deeper into poverty.
In all these things we feel great concern. As children and servants of the Lord, we must do more to save lives for the
Lord. It is in this way that I founded the Evangelical Baptist Association of Churches
in Haiti. In this association we have 90 churches. In each church there are at least
120 people. We also have 20 schools and 3 orphanages: My Fathers House (200 orphans), Good Shepherd Orphanage (25 children), Childrens Orphanage of Bon Repos
(65 orphans). In each school there are at least 200 poor children. We also do prison
ministry, open air childrens ministry, and so on.
Drive-In ministry will be a powerful ministry to evangelize and save souls for the
Lord. I pray that it will become a reality soon.
Last fall the Board of Directors of Drive-In unanimously approved the Haiti ministry
as a new partner with Drive-In. However, to make this a reality we must raise the
$45,000.00 needed to purchase a vehicle and all equipment for the MU ministry. It
is a big undertaking, but we have a BIG God and a BIG Faith and believe the Lord will
provide in BIG ways through His family. Please pray for this ministry need and give
as the Lord leads you. We must defeat Satan by leading this lost nation to the Lord.

Ministry Clips

the Lord takes me to churches here in the states. There are

Allen Nye

to to Romania to use in churches and schools. Cost is about

Beside showing War Room on January 15 at a Christian

Camp and February 15 at a local Church, we are working on filling a theater on February 20 for the movie Risen. In the past

two projects to work on. First is to buy a screen to take back

$400. Second is money for repairs to the van, starter, lock for
passenger door, new lock for back door and touch up of paint
in various places, about $2000 needed. Thanks for praying for

few months we have bought out the theater three times with 45

Gods work in Romania.

people trusting in Christ.

Nigeria - (GOspelFAithMissionINTernational)

Local Christian business people have raised the funds to buy

the tickets, and local churches have helped
us distribute them. The theater allows us
to speak to the audience a few minutes
before and after the film. By purchasing
all the seats we can then be free to invite
people to trust in Christ right in the theater.
Please pray for us as we team up with local

by George Adeniyi
We have started January with a seven day crusade. It is a big
outing. From the first day, we have had large attendance. The
second day we had the alter
call and 621 people came
forward. We still have more
days to cover.

business people and churches to reach out

to our community.

Alabama Property

Please pray along with us!

We recently purchased a 2006 like new Kabota tractor with

a loader to help with the
many facets of construction and maintenance at the

Kent Chapman - Andrews, NC

Headquarter property here in

This past summer/fall, we recorded our first confirmed deci-

Alabama. We are trusting the

sion for Christ. Many others have given favorable comments.

Lord to begin construction on two pavilions, soccer fields, a

What price can we put on a persons soul? All efforts are worth

walking track, and more, in order to begin some ministry ac-

it, even to see just one come to Christ. Now we look forward to

tivities and programs while we wait on additional needed funds

the next one, and so on.

to begin the main building. We need to replace the cost of the

tractor ($16k) as soon as possible. Thank You to you who

Colombia by Stephen Jones

have already given almost $1000.00 toward this need.

The ministry in Colombia continues to grow. During my recent missions trip to


Colombia we saw a

I arrived in Michigan the week before Christmas. Spent Christ-

great turn out for both

mas with my parents and sister.

the VBS and Movie

Thankful for all God has done for

ministry in the town

me in Romania in 2015. Many


opportunities to share the Gos-

were able to minister

pel with groups and individuals.

to over 100 kids through the VBS ministry and many of them

Many opportunities to work on

also came to the movie nights. There were many people who

discipling young people. Pray as

came to see the movies. We showed Facing the Giants, Fire-



Prattville, AL

P.O. Box 680250 | Prattville, AL 36068

Return Service Requested

proof, and The Climb. Everyone seemed to enjoy the mov-

prayer for Ambalema, the ministry team, and the country of Co-

ies! The church




partners with in

Behind the Scenes


begun partnering


New Bookkeeper

local church in
Ambalema which,
Lord willing, will
open more doors
to reach the people
of the town. Many
of the people have
hardened hearts to-

Nelda Whitehead, our new bookkeeper (since September 2015) is

working out very well. Her bookkeeping experience and skills are
a blessing, and her willingness to
adapt to helping with other office
needs is greatly appreciated. She
loves the Lord and is a special answer to prayer for us.

ward the gospel, but slowly we are starting to see a response

from the people. We are thankful and grateful for continued

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