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Sore eyes is a broad term describing a range of possible sensations.

The eyes may feel as if a foreign object is in

them, or they may feel tired, heavy, and hard to keep open. One common cause of sore eyes is conjunctivitis (or pink
eye), but the problem can also be caused by an infection, allergies, too much sun exposure, eye fatigue, or contact
lens wear.
Sore Eye Symptoms
You may encounter many different symptoms if you are suffering from sore eyes. These symptoms include:

Redness of the eyes



Gritty sensation

Photophobia (sensitivity to light)


Difficulty opening eyes after sleeping

Eyelids stuck together after sleeping

Watery discharge


Runny nose

Sore throat

Lymph glands are sore (lymph glands are your bodys defensive filter, they are located behind the ears)
What Causes Sore Eyes?
Sore eyes can be caused by a variety of things. In most cases they are caused by staring at a computer screen or book
for too long. Your eyes may become sore after a long day at work or if you have been deprived of sleep. An incorrect
eyeglass prescription may also lead to sore eyes. Additional causes may include:

Airborne irritants such as chemicals, smoke, smog, animal dander, and pollen

Contact lens wear

Excessive rubbing of eyes

Inflammation caused by allergens or infections

Too much sun exposure

Dry eyes or inadequate lubrication of eye surface

Viral infections such as the common cold


Pink eye

Diagnosing Sore Eyes

To diagnose what is causing your sore eyes, your eye care provider will ask you about your symptoms. He or she
will also inquire about your lifestyle, previous eye problems, and diet. Then an eye examination will be preformed to
check the internal and external structures of your eyes and to rule out possible causes. Once a diagnosis is made,
treatment options can be explored.
Treatment for Sore Eyes
The best thing you can do if you have sore eyes is to seek medical attention. Contact your health care provider or an
eye doctor for an eye exam immediately. Treatment for sore eyes can begin once a diagnosis is made. Catching an
eye problem early can prevent further damage to your eyes. Depending on the cause of your condition, your
ophthalmologist or optometrist may prescribe you anti-inflammatory or antibiotic eye drops or ointment, or possibly
antiviral medications. To relieve discomfort at home, you can try applying warm compresses to your eyes for five to
ten minutes three times a day. Additional steps you can take to reduce eye soreness include:

Get more sleep at night

Drink plenty of water throughout the day

Eat a well balanced diet

Avoid rubbing your eyes

Take eye breaks from activities that may be causing eye strain, such as prolonged computer use

Sakit mata adalah istilah yang luas yang menggambarkan berbagai kemungkinan sensasi. Mata mungkin merasa
seolah-olah benda asing di dalamnya, atau mereka mungkin merasa lelah, berat, dan sulit untuk tetap terbuka. Salah
satu penyebab umum dari sakit mata adalah konjungtivitis (mata merah atau), tapi masalahnya juga dapat
disebabkan oleh infeksi, alergi, terlalu banyak paparan sinar matahari, kelelahan mata, atau memakai lensa kontak.
Gejala Mata Sore
Anda mungkin mengalami banyak gejala yang berbeda jika Anda menderita sakit mata. Gejala-gejala ini meliputi:
Kemerahan dari mata


sensasi Gritty
Fotofobia (kepekaan terhadap cahaya)

Rasa sakit

Kesulitan mata membuka setelah tidur

Kelopak mata saling menempel setelah tidur
debit berair

Rasa sakit

Hidung berair

Sakit tenggorokan

kelenjar getah bening yang sakit (kelenjar getah bening yang defensif penyaring tubuh Anda, mereka berada di
belakang telinga)
Apa Penyebab Mata Sore?
Sakit mata bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai hal. Dalam kebanyakan kasus mereka disebabkan oleh menatap layar
komputer atau buku terlalu lama. Mata Anda mungkin menjadi sakit setelah hari yang panjang di tempat kerja atau
jika Anda telah kehilangan tidur. Resep kacamata yang salah juga dapat menyebabkan sakit mata. Penyebab lain
mungkin termasuk:
iritasi Airborne seperti bahan kimia, asap, asap, bulu binatang, serbuk sari dan
Hubungi memakai lensa
menggosok berlebihan mata
Peradangan yang disebabkan oleh alergen atau infeksi
paparan sinar matahari terlalu banyak
Mata kering atau pelumasan tidak memadai permukaan mata
Infeksi virus seperti pilek
Penyakit mata yg menular
Mendiagnosis Mata Sore
Untuk mendiagnosa apa yang menyebabkan sakit mata Anda, penyedia perawatan mata Anda akan bertanya tentang
gejala Anda. Dia juga akan menanyakan tentang gaya hidup Anda, masalah mata sebelumnya, dan diet. Kemudian
pemeriksaan mata akan preformed untuk memeriksa struktur internal dan eksternal mata Anda dan untuk
menyingkirkan kemungkinan penyebab. Setelah diagnosis dibuat, pilihan pengobatan dapat dieksplorasi.
Pengobatan untuk Mata Sore
Hal terbaik yang dapat Anda lakukan jika Anda memiliki sakit mata adalah untuk mencari bantuan medis. Hubungi
penyedia layanan kesehatan Anda atau dokter mata untuk pemeriksaan mata segera. Pengobatan untuk sakit mata
bisa dimulai setelah diagnosis dibuat. Penangkapan masalah mata dini dapat mencegah kerusakan lebih lanjut untuk
mata Anda. Tergantung pada penyebab kondisi Anda, dokter mata atau dokter mata mungkin meresepkan tetes Anda
anti-inflamasi atau antibiotik mata atau salep, atau mungkin obat antivirus. Untuk meringankan ketidaknyamanan di
rumah, Anda dapat mencoba menerapkan kompres hangat untuk mata Anda selama lima sampai sepuluh menit tiga
kali sehari. Langkah-langkah tambahan yang dapat Anda ambil untuk mengurangi rasa sakit mata meliputi:
Dapatkan lebih banyak tidur di malam hari
Minum banyak air sepanjang hari
Makan diet seimbang baik
Hindari menggosok mata Anda
Ambil "istirahat mata" dari kegiatan yang dapat menyebabkan ketegangan mata, seperti penggunaan komputer
yang berkepanjangan

Speech Evaluator

Thanks for the time given to me, I am Wahyu Riantini as a Speech evaluator.

Well, according to me and based on my observation today :

The Table Topic Speaker and the Speaker explained the topic so clearly and easy to be
understood because the dictions were very good. She explained it well, relax, and her speaking
was very good, event her pronunciation was little bit not well enough.
The first, to the Table Topic Speaker, she pronounced the word affect with effect but it
should be pronounced /affect/
The second, to the Speaker, he pronounced the word effectiveness with effectiveness but it
should be pronounced /effektiv-ness/
Those are my corrections and my suggestion just need more practice in pronouncing the word
and also read loud fast to costume the tongue say the word more fluently, thank you.

Thank you for the time given to me. My name is Ni Made Desi Sugiani. Im grammarian in this
Toastmaster today. Well, Im going to give some advices to speaker related the grammar. I think
the all grammars of speaker and all of the members are good enough. The speaker has explained
the materials with the correct grammar.
Those are my corrections. Study harder about grammar and be better for another chance.
Okay thats all from me. I return the time to moderator.

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