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Extraordinary Master-Coupled

TCM Acupuncture Theory - Extraordinary Vessel Master

Coupled Points
Traditional Chinese Medicine utilizies a number of theories which group acupuncture points
together based on their functions and/or other relationships. Many of these theories are
important in a clinical setting and are used, along with other theory and diagnostic
information, to decide which acupuncture points will be used for a given condition.
Below you find information regarding the extraordinary vessel master/coupled points. See
our Acupuncture Point Categories section for a complete list of point categories.
For complete information about a single point, click on it within the chart.

Extraordinary Vessel Points Details

Extraordinary Vessel Points Chart

Discuss Acupuncture Theory

Extraordinary Vessel Points Theory and Applications

The extraordinary vessels run "behind" the 12 main meridians. They interconnect with the 12
meridians and correspondingly allow for broad and deep effects within the body. 6 of the 8
extraordinary vessels has a master and coupled point on a pair of the main meridians. The
Governing Vessel and the Conception Vessel, however, have their own points. The
extraordinary vessels are used extensively within Japanese acupuncture, in particular with Dr.
Manaka's ion pumping cord treatments.

Extraordinary Vessel Pairings:

o Yin Qiao Mai [paired with] Ren Mai (Conception Vessel, CV)
o Yang Qiao Mai [paired with] Du Mai (Governing Vessel, GV)
o Yin Wei Mai [paired with] Chong Mai
o Yang Wei Mai [paired with] Dai Mai

Using the Points in Practice - Master & Couple Combinations:

In general you needle the master point of the main meridian you are treating (due to
symptomology) and then you needle its coupled point.

For males it is common to needle the master point on the Left side and the coupled
point on the Right.

For women it is common to needle the master point on the Right side and the coupled
point on the Left.

Yin Qiao Mai Details

o Alternative names: yin heel vessel, yin motility vessel
o Master Point: KD 6
o Coupled Point: LU 7
o Xi Cleft Point: KD 8
o Intersection Points: KD 6, KD 8, UB 1
o Paired Meridian: Ren Mai
o Areas of effect: medial aspect of lower extremities, genitals, abdomen, eyes,
throat, chest, lungs
nervous, muscular skeletal, digestive and respiratory systems
o Functions:

Controls the ascent of fluids and the descent of Qi

Movement of the body, walking, cold a/or weakness in the lower limbs

Digestive issues, abdominal issues

Urogenital problems, retention of urine

Respiratory issues

Excessive sleepiness

Eye issues

Hot Flashes

o Pathway: Originates at KD 2, travels upward to KD 6 and then to KD 8. It

then continues up the medial aspect of the leg to the inguinal region where it
enters the genitals. From the genitals it travels up the anterior abdomen and the
chest to ST 12. From ST 12 it travels to ST 9 and along the cheek to UB 1
where it connects with the UB, GV and Yang Qiao Mai vessels. From there it
rises upwards and enters the brain.

Ren Mai Details - graphic

o Alternative names: conception vessel, directing vessel
o Master Point: LU 7
o Coupled Point: KD 6
o Luo Points: CV 15
o Intersection Points: ST 1, GV 28
o Paired Meridian: Yin Qiao Mai
o Areas of effect: face, thorax, abdomen, genitals, throat, chest, lungs
endocrine, urinary and digestive systems
o Functions:

"Sea of Yin:" influences the yin, essence and fluids

Regulates female cycles, menstruation (irregular, leukorrhea),


Effects male genitalia, hernia, sexual desire, impotence

Gastrointestinal issues, digestion

o Pathway: Originates at ming men and passes through the uterus and connects
with CV 1. Then it follows the ren meridian up to CV 24. Along the path it
connects internally with the SP, LV and KD meridians. At CV 24 a second
branch rises upwards and encircles the mouth and then rises to the eyes at ST
1. A separate branche originates in the pelvic cavity and rises up along the

Yang Qiao Mai Details

o Alternative names: yang heel vessel, yang motility vessel
o Master Point: UB 62
o Coupled Point: SI 3
o Xi Cleft Point: UB 59
o Intersection Points: UB 1, UB 59, UB 61, UB 62, GB 20, GB 29, SI 10, LI
15, LI 16, ST 1, ST 3, ST 4

o Paired Meridian: Du Mai

o Areas of effect: back, neck, eyes
nervous and muscular skeletal systems
o Functions:

Issues of the eyes a/or face, eye pain (esp. inner canthus), redness a/or
swelling, headache

Effects the lateral aspect of the lower limbs, numbness, weakness,


Excess Yang, insomnia

o Pathway: Originates at UB 62 and travels behind the heel to UB 61. It

continues up the calf to UB 59, up the lateral aspect of the leg to GB 29 and
then up to the scapular region at SI 10. It continues to LI 15 and LI 16 and
then travels to the face and connects with ST 4, ST 3, ST 1 and UB 1 where it
meets with the UB, GV and Yin Qiao meridians. From here it travels over the
head and terminates at GB 20.

Du Mai Details - graphic

o Alternative names: governing vessel
o Master Point: SI 3
o Coupled Point: UB 62
o Luo Point: GV 1
o Intersection Points: CV 1, UB 12
o Paired Meridian: Yang Qiao Mai
o Areas of effect: Posterior midline especially spinal cord and brain
nervous and muscular systems
o Functions:

"Sea of Yang:" effects all of the yang meridians

Brain, marrow a/or spinal cord issues - pain, heaviness, stroke,

psychological issues, etc.

Other facial issues - headache, migaraine, pain/swelling in the


o Pathway: Originates at ming men and descends to the perineum, emerging at

CV 1/GV 1. Then it continues to GV 4 where it enters the kidneys. From the
kidneys it travels up the interior of the spinal column to GV 12 where it goes
laterally to UB 12 and then back to GV 13. From here it continues along the
midline of the head to GV 16 where it enters the brain and ends at the
frenulum of the upper lib (GV 28).

Yin Wei Mai Details

o Alternative names: yin linking vessel
o Master Point: PC 6
o Coupled Point: SP 4
o Xi Cleft Point: KD 9
o Intersection Points: KD 9, LV 14, SP 13, SP 15, SP 16, CV 22, CV 23
o Paired Meridian: Chong Mai
o Areas of effect: Medial aspect of the lower limbs
nervous, cardiovascular, muscular skeletal and digestive systems
o Functions:

Effects the balance of Yin and Yang

Effects the Blood, Yin and Shen - blood circulation, heart pain,
depression, blood deficiency headaches

Pain in the chest, back, middle and/or lower jiaos - abdominal

distention, ST ache, nausea, rectal prolapse

o Pathway: Originates at KD 9 and goes up along the medial aspect of the thigh
into the abdomen where it enters the spleen meridian at SP 13, SP 15, SP 16. It
continues up to LV 14, enters the abdomen and continues upwards through the
chest and throat. It then meets the ren mai at CV 22 and CV 23.

Chong Mai Details

o Alternative names: penetrating vessel
o Master Point: SP 4
o Coupled Point: PC 6
o Intersection Points: KD 11 thru KD 21, CV 1

o Paired Meridian: Yin Wei Mai

o Areas of effect: Abdomen, thorax, genitals, Heart, inner thigh
reproductive, digestive and respiratory systems
o Functions:

"Sea of Blood:" menstrual a/or reproductive issues, irregular

menstruation, infertility

Physical and spiritual heart issues - Heart pain, depression

Balances rebellious Qi - hiccups

Abdominal stagnation

Respiratory issues - SOB, asthma

o Pathway: Originates in the ming men and passes through the uterus and down
to CV 1. From here it emerges at ST 30 and continues upwards along the
kidney meridian to KD 21. It then flows up the throat, encircles the mouth and
continues up to the forehead.
A second branch flows from CV 1 inside the spine to the UB 23 area.
A third branch flows downwards towards the foot where it splits into 2
branches and follows the KD and SP meridians.

Yang Wei Mai Details

o Alternative names: yang linking vessel
o Master Point: TH 5
o Coupled Point: GB 41
o Xi Cleft Point: GB 35
o Intersection Points: UB 63, SI 10, GV 15, GV 16, GB 13 thru GB 21, GB 35,
TH 15
o Paired Meridian: Dai Mai
o Areas of effect: Sides of the body, hips, joints, eyes, ears
muscular skeletal and immune systems
o Functions:

Shao Yang level illnesses - alternating fever and chills

Pain a/or distention in the lumbar region

o Pathway: Originates at UB 63 and ascends along the the GB meridian up the

leg and sides of the body passing thru GB 35. It continues to UB 59 and up to
the hip (GB 29). Then it continues along the lateral aspect of the body to LI 14
at the shoulder, to TH 13, TH 15 and to GB 21. It then travels down to SI 10,
over to GV 15, GV 16 and then to GB 20. It continues downward along the
GB meridian from GB 19 thru to GB 13 where it ends.

Dai Mai Details

o Alternative names: belt vessel, girdle vessel
o Master Point: GB 41
o Coupled Point: TH 5
o Intersection Points: GB 26, GB 27, GB 28, LV 13
o Paired Meridian: Yang Wei Mai
o Areas of effect: lateral sides of the lumbar area
gastrointestinal, female reproductive and muscular skeletal systems
o Functions:

Issues in the middle aspect of the body - abdominal distention, lumbar

weakness, muscular weakness in the lumbar a/or lower extremities

Links the upper and lower halves of the body and helps to move Qi and
Blood in the legs - weakness in the legs, walking problems

o Pathway: Originates at LV 13, continues to and encircles GB 26 and LV 13

and then connects with GB 27 and GB 28.

Extraordinary Vessel Points Chart

Extraordinary Vessel

Master Point

Coupled Point

Conception Vessel
Governing Vessel
Chong Vessel
Dai Vessel
Yin Qiao Vessel
Yang Qiao Vessel

LU 7
SI 3
SP 4
GB 41
KD 6
UB 62

KD 6
UB 62
PC 6
TH 5
LU 7
SI 3

Yin Wei Vessel

Yang Wei Vessel
All Categories

PC 6
TH 5

SP 4
GB 41

There Are (8) Extraordinary Master-Coupled Acupuncture Points

LU 7

2015 Yin Yang House - No Unauthorized Duplication

LU 7 Broken Sequence
o Exterior Wind - body aches, chills/fever, runny nose, scratchy throat, sneezing.
o Internal Wind - bell's palsy, twitching, spasms, lockjaw.
o As Master Point of the CV, paired with KD 6 of the Yin Qiao Mai - treats
genitourinary and gynecological issues also Yin deficient sore throat.
o Command Point of the Head and Posterior Neck - useful for any conditions
involving these areas.
o Pain of the thumb - Luo Connecting Point spreads over the thenar eminence.

PC 6

PC 6 Inner Pass
o Similar to PC 3 but more for Chronic Heart symptoms from Qi stagnation.
o Opens and relaxes the chest, chest tightness, asthma, angina, palpitations.
o Insomnia a/or other spirit disorders of an excess or deficient nature, mania,
nervousness, stress, poor memory.
o Nausea, seasickness, motion sickness, vomiting, epigastric pain.

o Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

SI 3

2015 Yin Yang House - No Unauthorized Duplication

SI 3 Back Ravine
o Master Point of the GV, effects entire pathway.
o Pain in the scapula, arm a/or hand combine with local points.
o Stiff neck, cervical strain/sprain, pain of the back or neck.
o Occipital headaches, combine with local points.
o Night sweats, combine with HT 6.
o Clears heat and excess from the head, ears and eyes, eye redness,
inflammation, visual dizziness, earache, tinnitus, sore throat.
o Calms the spirit, anxiety, manic depression.

TH 5

TH 5 Outer Pass
o Beginning exterior conditions, tonify for wind-cold, cold-damp & sedate for
wind-heat, fever.
o Headache from exterior wind as well as migraines and headaches in any area
especially with stiffness or pain in the posterior and lateral aspects of the neck.
o Upper limb disorders including the elbow, forearm, wrist and hand.
o Shaoyang stage diseases - alternating fever and chills, etc.
o Luo connecting point of the TH connects to the PC, TH 5 & PC 6 as master
points of the Yang Wei and Yin Wei respectively can effect the balance of yin

and yang in the body. If right pulse is stronger than the left (more Qi than
Blood) disperse TH 5 & tonify PC 6 and vice versa

SP 4

2015 Yin Yang House - No Unauthorized


SP 4 Yellow Emperor
o Excess pathologies of the ST and Intestines - severe abdominal a/or epigastric
pain, dysentery, food poisoning.
o Gynecological and Abdominal issues due to stagnation of Qi and Blood masses, fibroids, cysts, irregular menstruation.
o With PC 6 for chest and heart pain, shen disorders, sighing, anxiety, insomnia,

KD 6

2015 Yin Yang House - No Unauthorized Duplication

KD 6 Shining Sea
o Sore throat from any etiology, especially empty heat from yin deficiency.
o Other Yin Deficient throat related issues - swollen, dry, loss of voice, difficult
o A range of menstrual issues such as amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, infertility
from cold in the uterus, leukorrhea.
o Genital issues (shan disorders) such as swelling, itching, seminal emission
and/or involuntary erections in men.

o Constipation from Yin Deficiency.

o Plum Pit Qi.
o Nighttime epilepsy, insomnia, disturbed sleep with nightmares, yin deficient
symptoms such as hot hands/feet, night sweats.
o A range of anxiety disorders, fear/fright.

UB 62

UB 62 Extending Vessel
o With SI 3 for low back pain, difficulty walking, spinal problems as well as
wind-cold effecting the taiyang channels: stiff neck a/or shoulders, occipital
headache, etc.
o Insomnia, nervousness (especially late at night), combine with KD 6.

GB 41

GB 41 Foot Overlooking Tears

o Moves LV Qi - menstrual/breast disorders, distal point for headaches (lateral
or migraines - classical mentioned for occipital or vertex).
o As the name indicates - "foot overlooking tears," useful for eye problems,
redness, swelling and lacrimation issues, tearing, excessive lacrimation.
o Local point for lateral foot issues - pain, cramping

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