Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

Jenkins was originally, and up until recently, known as Hudson.

2009, Oracle purchased Sun and inherited the code base of Hudson. In early 2011, tensions
Oracle and the open source community reached rupture point and the project forked into two
entities: Jenkins, run by most of the original Hudson developers, and Hudson, which remained
the control of Oracle.
As the title suggests, this book is primarily focused on Jenkins. However, much of the book was
written before the fork, and the products remain very similar. So, although the examples and
do usually refer to Jenkins, almost all of what is discussed will also apply to Hudson.

4. Font Conventions

This book follows certain conventions for font usage. Understanding these conventions up-front
it easier to use this book.
Used for filenames, file extensions, URLs, application names, emphasis, and new terms when
they are first introduced.
Constant width

Used for Java class names, methods, variables, properties, data types, database elements, and
snippets of code that appear in text.
Constant width bold

Used for commands you enter at the command line and to highlight new code inserted in a
Constant width italic

Used to annotate output.

5. Command-Line Conventions

From time to time, this book discusses command-line instructions. When we do, output produced
the console (e.g., command prompts or screen output) is displayed in normal characters, and
(what you type) are written in bold. For example:
$ ls -al
total 168
drwxr-xr-x 16 johnsmart staff 544 21 Jan 07:20 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 85 johnsmart staff 2890 21 Jan 07:10 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnsmart staff 30 26 May 2009 .owner
-rw-r--r--@ 1 johnsmart staff 1813 16 Apr 2009 config.xml
drwxr-xr-x 181 johnsmart staff 6154 26 May 2009 fingerprints
drwxr-xr-x 17 johnsmart staff 578 16 Apr 2009 jobs
drwxr-xr-x 3 johnsmart staff 102 15 Apr 2009 log
drwxr-xr-x 63 johnsmart staff 2142 26 May 2009 plugins
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnsmart staff 46 26 May 2009 queue.xml
-rw-r--r--@ 1 johnsmart staff 64 13 Nov 2008 secret.key
-rw-r--r-- 1 johnsmart staff 51568 26 May 2009 update-center.json
drwxr-xr-x 3 johnsmart staff 102 26 May 2009 updates
drwxr-xr-x 3 johnsmart staff 102 15 Apr 2009 userContent
drwxr-xr-x 12 johnsmart staff 408 17 Feb 2009 users
drwxr-xr-x 28 johnsmart staff 952 26 May 2009 war

Where necessary, the backslash character at the end of the line is used to indicate a line break:
you can
type this all on one line (without the backslash) if you prefer. Dont forget to ignore the >
at the start of the subsequent linesits a Unix prompt character:
$ wget -O - \
> | sudo apt-key add -

For consistency, unless we are discussing a Windows-specific issue, we will use Unix-style
prompts (the dollar sign, $), as shown here:
$ java -jar jenkins.war

$ svn list svn://localhost

However, unless we say otherwise, Windows users can safely use these commands from the
command console:
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner> java -jar jenkins.war

C:\Documents and Settings\Owner> svn list svn://localhost

6. Contributors

This book was not written alone. Rather, it has been a collaborative effort involving many people
different roles. In particular, the following people generously contributed their time, knowledge
writing skill to make this a better book:
Evgeny Goldin is a Russian-born software engineer living in Israel. He is a lead developer at
Thomson Reuters where hes responsible for a number of activities, some of which are directly
related to Maven, Groovy, and build tools such as Artifactory and Jenkins. He has a vast experience
in a range of technologies, including Perl, Java, JavaScript and Groovy. Build tools and dynamic
languages are Evgenys favorite subjects about which he often writes, presents or blogs. These
days he is writing for GroovyMag, Methods & Tools and runs two open source projects of his own:
Maven-plugins1 and GCommons2. He blogs at

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