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The Basic Techniques of QSR

Rapid page flipping

Adults have a deeply ingrained habit that creates a tendency to follow the
printed word almost unconsciously when flipping through the pages of a
book. As a means of preventing this there is also a way of flipping through
the book with the eyes blindfolded. Even with a blindfold on if pre-training
has been done through the orange card system, looking at the sun or artificial
light imagery, the colors will clearly become visible. Once this has happened
the next step is to grasp their meaning. It then becomes relatively easy to
freely grasp the substance of the books by repeatedly taking off the blindfold
and confirming what the colors are.

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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Rapid page filipping

Step three

It's time at last for Quantum Speed Reading. However we will not be doing
page flipping of books (yet)
Relaxation (for adults) Lightly move your body around and un-stress yourself.
Some examples would be abdominal crunches, headstands, push ups or the
back bridge exercise.

Mental training (for adults)

Please go ahead and do abdominal breathing first. See yourself in a positive

light and as one who can access your highest power.

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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Rapid page filipping

Step four (QSR)

Flipping the pages of a book. See step three for recommended method to
start off with. After doing the rod imaging visualize the following:
See yourself flipping through the pages
See colors being emitted by the book
See yourself understanding the contents

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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Rapid page filipping

Blindfold QSR

You can either make it too dark to see the book or put on a blindfold.
1) Hold the book in both hands and imagine as you concentrate that you and
the book are becoming one.
2) Flip through the pages by turn getting faster and slower. What colors,
images or messages are you picking up? Flip through the pages above your
head, next to your ear, in front of your nose, in front of your chest and so on.

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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Rapid page filipping

With out Blindfold

1) Take off the blindfold and do QSR while actually looking at the book
2) Flip through the book now faster, now slower.

See if you can grasp the colours, the images and the content

Note 1: Books to be read by QSR

1) Begin with books that you have already read at the start. Get the feel of
what it is like to QSR a book that you have already grasped the contents of.
2) Basic points to look for: A book that has a clear argument or contents
relating to nature or in short a good book.
3) Further development: As you get better move on to business books, books
to get credentials with or textbooks and others you might be interested in.

Note 2: Images coming from the book (for adults)

1) Anybody can pick up on colors and messages coming from books.
2) It might be necessary to participate in a seminar to pick up the imagery
that is emitted from the books although there are some people who are
naturals at this.
Reason: It is vitally important that we be able to clearly observe the images.
3) Even if imagery is not observed because of having done the QSR the
quantum information will be inputted to the diencephalon.

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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Rapid page filipping

Books applicable to quantum speed reading

Depending on the content there are some books that are easier or more
difficult to access at the quantum level. The following are examples of books
where it is easy to access the information. The first of these would be books
where the author has been very clear in his or her contentions. I believe that
with books in which the author has strongly inserted his or her beliefs clearly
about an ideology for example, it is that much easier to grasp. Secondly
because we are all of us living beings above and beyond being humans,
books which have common themes concerning life can be strongly perceived.
Examples might be books about plants or animals as well as nature related
books on the sea or mountains. These would be easily accessible. Thirdly,
there are books which are related to your own field of interest. When
choosing books to be used for QSR training I believe that it would be better in
the beginning to start with these above mentioned types. Furthermore,
flipping through books whose content is already known is another good
method of evoking colors and images. In this way we can get the hang of how
to pick up the messages coming from the books and the speed at which
pages should be best flipped.

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The Basic Techniques of QSR

Image training
The basis of QSR when broadly divided into categories looks like this:

Eye training

Before commencing with QSR we conduct eye muscle training, called simply
'eye training', whereby the visual field is expanded. In this, the eyeball is
moved up and down and left and right with each movement being held for
ten seconds. The upper and lower oblique muscles of the eye are then

trained. Through doing this at high speed we can begin to sense colors and
light. For example stars may appear in the middle of the image or butterfly
shapes or even square shapes. Through conducting this type of training it
becomes faster to make the connection with QSR. Though things my not go
well in the beginning it is a good idea to move the eyes as rapidly as possible.
From this start with colors and light, the right brain's five senses begin to
awaken. We begin to feel a dazzling sensation, warm feelings as well as
smells and sensations of pain. Through the repetition of eye training, the
sensory faculties of the right brain start to surface. Though you might think
that this in itself already constitutes QSR ability, it is still the stage of upper
and lower oblique muscle training for the eyes. By rhythmically training the
eyes at high speeds we can evoke images with light, color and form. These in
turn directly serve to connect us to QSR.

Right brain sense perceptions do not use sense organs

At this stage let us say that we have succeeded in evoking images of the
wind, the sea, clouds, earth and rain. At times the sensory perceptions are
stimulated and involve feeling a gentle wind, a salty sea, cold clouds, soft
earth and wet rain. These sensations then appear as images and at the same
time sounds are perceivable. The wind whooshes by, the sea crashes, the
clouds swish, the earth crunches and the rain patters. The following are
comments made by children who were doing eye training:
"Doing this made me feel relaxed. Then my whole mood brightened up."
"It is a strange feeling doing this. It seems like light is shining down on me."
Here we can see how the individuality of each of the children is being
expressed. We next did eye training by using a physics text book. A really
intriguing phenomenon occurred. A light blue sky and orange flames
appeared in the image and seeing this, the child said things like, "From now
on the air and fire are going to be more important." So in this way, even
though we are only doing simple eye training, there is some kind of a
meaning contained in the colors and the light which appears during its
practice. It is furthermore not just colors and light which manifest but sounds
and other sensations. All of the sense perceptions of the right brain are set in

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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Eye training

3D training

The eyes and the right brain are profoundly connected. One theory holds that
3D vision is related to the midbrain within the brain stem. Because the
midbrain is the 'heart and mind centre', when staring at images in 3D there
are times when there are powerful feelings in the heart. Because of this we
can see how after all the eyes and the brain and the heart seem to be
connected. When practicing 3D exercises like this we often use examples
from nature or mandala patterns. With eye training exercises too it is because
of a direct link to the right brain that colors and light are perceived. Eye
training involves the training of the eye muscles utilizing three techniques
which are each done for ten seconds. Through doing only these exercises
there are colors and light perceived. However normal practice of these
exercises does not easily lead to the success which children have. What is
therefore important is increasing the speed of practice. Using a method called
the camera shutter it becomes easier to see colors and light by rapid blinking
during the eye training.

3D Training with [pansies] and [mandalas]

This is three dimensional staring practice

1) Pansies (3D) This is a practice to become able to see things that are
unseen. The right brain is activated by the way the eyes are used here. Do
not focus on the pansies. You will see two dots at the bottom become three
and at that point the stereographic image will appear on the page.

2) The mandalas will be merged together. Use an open gaze to see beyond
(behind) the picture itself by not focusing the eyes. In this way you will see
the two mandalas become one. A new sensation will be awakened in you by
doing this.

< The 3D Stereogram >

The field of pansies.

Along with the butterflies that have flown here attracted by the scent what
else can you see?
Circles are born from within circles.
Look at them from different directions
and see them sparkle and turn.

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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Eye training

Artificial light training

Artificial light training involves using an ordinary lamp stand with a thirty watt
bulb attached. Any ordinary light bulb will suffice but if possible I believe that
it is advisable to use one that has a red, a green or a yellow bulb at the top.
This lamp stand is positioned about two meters (six feet) away from the
subject and is switched off after thirty seconds of being stared at. Then we
look at the afterimage which remains behind the eyelids. This afterimage
training is most important as a basis for being able to see internal images.
Next there comes breathing. We use abdominal breathing with the eyes
quietly closed. Another name for this is hara or tanden (tantien in Chinese)
breathing. The reason that we use artificial lighting is that in image training it
is very important to be able to see the images in color.

The electric bulb light *note that you will need a lamp stand with a thirty watt
naked bulb for this and that fluorescent tubes will not work.
1) Gaze at the light from the bulb from a distance of one or two metres for
about thirty seconds without blinking.

2) Next switch off the light, close your eyes and observe the after image.

You can omit this exercise if you do not have a standard lamp

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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Eye training

Eye training

Basic training: eyes move up and down left and right then diagonally
Further applications: The star shape
This practice improves eyeball movement, widens the field of vision and
heightens the ability to read at a glance
Ten seconds should be spent on each one
Do not move the head just the eyes. Correct posture and breathing are
important in this exercise.
Note that if you can use a metronome or like instrument it will be an effective


( increasing the visual field acuity)

Up/down movement


( increasing the visual field acuity)

Left/right movement
*these pages can be used as
enlarged copies


( increasing the visual field acuity)

Up/down diagonals (1)


( increasing the visual field acuity)

Up/down diagonals (2)
The order goes wind, clouds,
rain, sea and earth
in the five pointed star
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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Eye training

Adult practice in shutter eye training

This is done by rapid blinking which will result in the brain not knowing if the
eys are open or closed. It is vital to increase the speed of blinking to your
utmost ability. In doing so, you will be able to see light and colours.

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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Eye training

The orange card


This is training so as to be able to visualize images. Try staring at this for 30

seconds without blinking.1) Breathe deeply three times
2) Relax your mind and stare at the blue circle for thirty seconds
3) Close your eyes and you will see the afterimage
4) Even if it disappears while you are practicing if you think to yourself, 'It will
re-appear,' then it will in fact.
5) Let's go on to the next four points.
The four stages to being able to visualize images
1: In the beginning you'll see a secondary color orange
2: Then you will see the same color afterimage in blue.
3: The color and the shape of the afterimage can then be changed (a red
circle a green square)
4: After that you will spontaneously be able to see images

You will deepen your ability to do the above by repeating the exercise over
and over.

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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Eye training

Solar glimpse training

The pituitary gland in the diencephalon will be activated doing this

First thing in the morning (before 09:00 if possible) gaze at the sun directly
for a second close your eyes and practice looking at the afterimage
Even on rainy days do this exercise while visualizing that the sun is out
Your body will get healthier too. (early morning once??)
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The Basic Techniques of QSR : Eye training

Eye training for adults

The above information then relates to the usual set routines we do when
training children in QSR. If we can get as far as step four then it becomes
quite possible to do QSR well. Although it appears that children can master it
quickly because of having few preconceptions we still use the same system
to train adults. With the adults too we begin with afterimage training using
the basic observation of light sources through artificial light and orange card
techniques. We next venture into eye training to evoke light and colors and it
is here that it begins to take quite a lot of time when dealing with adults. In
that case we introduce the 'shutter' training. This is eye training done
through blinking at rapid speed. Through doing this the brain no longer can
distinguish if the eyes are open or closed. The brain thus allows a sensation
of visual imagery to occur even with the eyes closed. In this situation it is
important to keep the speed of blinking as fast as possible. The role of this
high speed blinking is to allow QSR to happen. There is also the technique of
doing eye training with the eyes open followed by training with them closed.
By moving into the world of images through the introduction of these training
methods, even adults can see pictures, improve their intuitive capabilities
and be able to read the messages coming out of the books.
Staring practice: The camp fire


Stare at the top black dot for 30 seconds
and then look at the bottom one.
You will see the faint traces of
a red fire above the logs.
If you carry on looking you will clearly see this.
If you do not see anything breathe
in slowly and once more start staring at
the green flame and begin all over.

Stare at this picture without blinking as much as possible. This is the basic
training that will empower your image visualization.
1) Stare at the black dot in the middle of the green fire for thirty seconds.
2) Stare at the lower black dot
3) You will then see a red fire dimly above the logs (if you continue to stare
you will gradually see it appear)
4) If you see nothing then breathe quietly and slowly and start again from
step one. By continuing to practice you'll be able to see the afterimage for
longer durations.

As tcnicas bsicas de QSR

Formao de imagem
As imagens visto quando usando o lado direito do crebro, por vezes, pode
ser fenmenos visuais como claramente real como realmente observados.
Imagens mais acessveis do lado direito do crebro so, naturalmente, em

nossos sonhos. Quando se trata de medir o desenvolvimento de habilidades

do crebro direito, podemos comear por descobrir se o sonho em cores ou
em preto e branco. Perseverando na formao do crebro direito, podemos
comear a sonhar em cores. Este o lugar onde a formao ps-imagem
vem em.

Formao Afterimage significa que estamos usando imagens residuais.

Mover-se de cores complementares (secundrio) para as cores primrias, e
de volta estaca

Atravs fazendo treinamento de ps-imagem na luz artificial, luz natural e

usando cartes de laranja as imagens residuais tendem rapidamente a durar
mais tempo e mais tempo. Alm disso, nos tornamos capazes de ver
persistncias de imagem em cores primrias quase inconscientemente. Com
isto quero dizer que, no incio, mesmo quando usando cartes de formao
laranja as imagens tendem a ser em cores secundrias. Ao usar um carto
azul, por exemplo, a ps-imagem tendem a ser na cor laranja. No entanto,
com mais formao no faz diferena o que cor usada as imagens residuais
so na cor correta. A prxima coisa que fizemos foi usar rodada cartes e
visualiz-los como sendo quadrada ou triangular. Quando isso feito imagens
podem ser facilmente acessveis para a mente.

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As tcnicas bsicas de QSR: formao Imagem

Ondas do mar

Vamos fazer respiraes profundas longas expirando pela boca. Imagine que
voc est agora de p em uma praia arenosa. As ondas esto rodando dentro
e para fora. Vamos combinar nossa respirao para aquelas ondas. Quando a
onda vem em ns respiramos. Como as ondas sair o mesmo acontece com a
nossa respirao. Respire, respiraes profundas longas exalando com lbios

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As tcnicas bsicas de QSR: formao Imagem

O balo

Imagine que voc est em p sobre uma vasta plancie e voc v um balo
que est sendo balanado pelo vento entrar em vista. Como ele balana ao
vento quando voc respira vem mais perto e ao expirar ele se move para
mais longe. Respire profundamente, visualizar este balo em movimento.

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As tcnicas bsicas de QSR: formao Imagem

Em vo
(tornando-se microscpico e vou entrar em algo mais profundo e mais

Feche os olhos. Atrs de suas plpebras voc pode um espelho enorme. Voc
est em p na frente dele. Voc se torna metade do tamanho refletido voc
e, em seguida, metade dos que mais uma vez at que seu corpo se tornou
uma partcula invisvel. Dentro de seu corpo que voc ir .. Esta uma
explorao de dentro do seu corpo. Voc pode rapidamente mudar para l.
saudvel ou no l? Pergunte s clulas o que eles querem ter feito e, em
seguida, ir e fazer isso por eles. Dentro de uma fruta. Verifique as sementes.
Quantos voc pode manchar? Onde voc v-los? Anote estas informaes em
um pedao de papel. Depois de ter feito o vo em exerccio, corte abrir o
fruto e verificar os seus resultados. Dentro de um livro. Ir dentro de um livro e
ver o que est escrito l e que existem imagens.

Quantum Speed Reading (voando para livros)

1) Pegue o livro embrulhado em um saco na frente de voc em suas mos e,

em seguida, dizer para si mesmo: "O livro um amigo" e imagine-se a tornarse um com o livro.
2) agarrar o livro envolto em ambas as mos, concentrar-se e, em seguida,
voar para o livro
3) Escrever ou desenhar o contedo do que voc j viu ou sentiu no livro.
** Um ponto importante: um livro de imagens recomendado no incio

Quantum Speed Reading (voando para pginas especficas do livro)

Este sobre a especificao de nmeros de pgina do livro e depois voando

para eles. Detalhes de como proceder podem ser encontrados em pgina 212

Como proceder com as etapas um a quatro e coloc-lo todos juntos

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As tcnicas bsicas de QSR: formao Imagem

Imagem formao para adultos: Cores do arco-ris [vermelho, azul, verde, da


A chave para desenvolver o poder da imagem est no ar.

1: Outro respirao (imagine que a energia txica dentro de seu corpo est
deixando-5 segundos

2: Na respirao (energia do universo est chegando ao seu corpo) -5

3: entre as respiraes (energia inalado empurrado para baixo na parte
inferior do abdmen-5 segundos
Voc pode fazer estes passos mais como voc se acostumar com o exerccio.

1: cores do arco-ris
As sete cores do arco-ris

Fazer aps o treino imagem do comeo do baixo vermelho. 1) Visualize cores

na progresso vermelho, (amargo) laranja, amarelo, verde, azul, anil e
2) Olhe para o campo visual envolvente
3) Feche os olhos e visualize as cores de um vermelho aps o outro
4) Visualize a todo arquivou de cor
2: Vermelho, Azul, Verde, a entrada

1) Voc tambm pode praticar a imagem aps o treinamento com o carto

2) Red ma, banana amarela, melancia verde, ento voc v a entrada da
sua prpria casa entram em vista
3) Abra a porta. H algum que est por dentro?
4) V atravs da entrada para a sala de estar para a cozinha. Observe que
voc deve verificar os resultados depois de terminar.

** Para as crianas (crianas elementares) As mes devem ler as sentenas

para as crianas.
Para os adultos ** Depois de ler a sentena movimento no mundo do

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As tcnicas bsicas de QSR: formao Imagem

Imagens da vara

O terceiro aspecto chamado de 'Imagens' da vara. Por causa relaxamento e

concentrao so importantes para o trabalho de imagem que treinar em
enrijecer e deixar ir uma e outra vez. No incio, regular a respirao e relaxar
o corpo. Depois disso, em seguida, se endurecer a todo o corpo, como se
fosse uma vara. Em seguida, soltar-se completamente novo. Isso se repetiu
trs vezes. Este tipo de pr-treinamento tem o efeito de levar o nosso crebro
centrada maneira inconsciente esquerda de viver e persuadindo-nos a um
modo de crebro mais certo. Isso feito com a respirao e com o imaginrio
vara ou haste. Este , ento, conectado formao ps-imagem que usado
para adquirir o hbito de imagens visualizando. Para as crianas este tipo de
treinamento bastante simples, mas para os adultos, pode ser bastante
difcil. Porque passamos tanto tempo em nossas vidas centradas no lado
esquerdo do crebro, sem criar as condies mentais corretas parece que
muito difcil para acessar o lado direito do crebro.

A haste (stick) imagem

1) Deite-se tranquilamente no piso
2) Feche os olhos e faa trs respiraes profundas no seu prprio ritmo
3) Como voc respira na visualize-se como uma haste difcil contar um, dois,
trs como voc enrijecer . Levante as costas do cho criando um arco grande
o suficiente para um brao para passar por (cerca de 10 segundos)
4) Como voc solte o ar para fora de voc tornar-se macia e suave.
5) Repita os passos trs e quatro trs vezes cada.

Pgina de topo

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