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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: June 22, 23, 2014

2014- 06- 24 09:06:32 GKToday

1. T he Salar Jung Museum, which has t urned 125 years of f oundat ion
recent ly, is in ____?
[D]Kolkat a
T he Salar Jung Museum is an art museum locat ed on t he sout hern bank of t he
Musi river in t he cit y of Hyderabad. It is one of t he t hree Nat ional Museums of
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2. Who among t he f ollowing has won t he prest igious Pen Pint er Prize-2014?
[A]Salman Rushdie
[B]Ronald Clipp
[C]Arundat hi Roy
[D]J K Rowling
Salman Rushdie
Salman Rushdie, acclaimed aut hor of Midnight s Children and T he Sat anic
Verses, has been named t he recipient of t his years Pen Pint er prize. T he
award was est ablished in 2009 by writ ers charit y English Pen in memory of
Brit ish writ er Harold Pint er.
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3. According SEBI new slew of ref orms all list ed companies including PSUs
must have public shareholding of ___ per cent . Fill t he blank wit h correct
opt ion?
[A]T en
[B]Fif t een
[C]T went y
[D]T went y Five
T wenty Five
T he Securit ies and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) proposed t hat all list ed
companies including public sect or undert aking shall be required t o achieve and
maint ain minimum public shareholding of 25% of t he t ot al number of issued
shares wit hin a t ime period of t hree years.

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4. T he Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) or Indian Nino is an irregular oscillat ion of
sea-surf ace t emperat ure which t ends t o cause drought s in adjacent land
areas of ____?
[A]India and Sri Lanka
[B]Aust ralia and Indonesia
[C]India and Bangladesh
[D]Sri Lank and Aust ralia
Australia and Indonesia
T he Indian Ocean Dipole is t he dif f erence in sea surf ace t emperat ure
bet ween t wo areas-a west ern pole in t he Arabian Sea and an east ern pole in
t he east ern Indian Ocean sout h of Indonesia. T he IOD af f ect s t he climat e of
Aust ralia and Indonesia and is a signif icant cont ribut or t o rainf all variabilit y in
t his region.
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5. T he const ruct ion of irrigat ion dam across t he Palar river has caused disput e
among which t wo st at es?
[A]Andhra Pradesh and T amil Nadu
[B]T amil Nadu and Karnat aka
[C]Karnat aka and Andhra Pradesh
[D]Karnat aka and Kerala
Andhra Pradesh and T amil Nadu
Palar is a river of sout hern India. It rises in Nandi Hills of Karnat aka and f lows
t hrough Andhra Pradesh and T amil Nadu. Andhra Pradesh government is
const ruct ing an irrigat ion dam across Palar near Kuppam which has caused
agit at ion among t he people of t he f ive nort hern dist rict s of T amil Nadu.
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6. Which among t he f ollowing has developing Project Loon project f or
providing Int ernet access t o rural and remot e areas?
[B]Microsof t
Project Loop is a research and development project being developed by
Google wit h t he mission of providing Int ernet access t o rural and remot e
areas. T he project uses high-alt it ude balloons placed in t he st rat osphere t o
creat e an aerial wireless net work wit h up t o 3G-like speeds.
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7. Recent ly, t he Union minist ry of cult ure has launched a project t o rekindle
long-lost t ies across nat ions of t he Indian Ocean world and f orge new
avenues of cooperat ion and exchange. T he name of t he project is ___ ?
[A]Project Mausam
[B]Project Marit ime
[C]Project Wavelink
[D]Project Ocean
Project Mausam
T he Union minist ry of cult ure has launched a project called Mausam t o rekindle
long-lost t ies across nat ions of t he Indian Ocean world and f orge new
avenues of cooperat ion and exchange. T he project , which has been launched
by India in part nership wit h member st at es, will enable signif icant st eps t o be
t aken t o record and celebrat e t his import ant phase of world hist ory f rom t he
Af rican, Arab and Asian perspect ives.
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8. Who among t he f ollowing has won t he Aust rian F1 Grand Prix t it le f or 2014?
[A]Lewis Hamilt on
[B]Valt eri Bot t as
[C]Nico Rosberg
[D]Sergio Perez
Nico Rosberg
Nico Rosberg of Mercedes t eam has won t he Aust rian F1 Grand Prix t it le f or
2014. Lewis Hamilt on claimed second place and t hird place was t aken by
Finlands Valt eri Bot t as f or Williams t eam.
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9. Gro Harlem Brundt land, who was awarded wit h t he f irst T ang Prize in
sust ainable development , is a f ormer Prime Minist er of ___?
[D]Net herland
Former Prime minist er of Norway, Gro Harlem Brudt land was awarded wit h t he
f irst T ang Prize in sust ainable development . She was awarded t he prize f or
her innovat ion, leadership and implement at ion of sust ainable development .
Brudt land is also known as t he Godmot her of sust ainable development .
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10. T he Mandi Gobindgarh place in Punjab is popular as Indias largest ___?
[A]Fruit market
[B]St eel market

[C]Hosiery market
[D]Leat her market
Steel market
Mandi Gobindgarh is a t own in Punjab. It is somet imes ref erred t o as St eel
T own or simply Loha mandi because of large number of st eel mills and
f act ories.
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