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My Portfolio


I am a Graphic Designer and a minimalist Photographer

Designing has inspired me for a long time and challenges me to master new techniques.
Art never comes in isolation. two minds are better than one.
Designing is a matter of concentration because it is everywhere.

Everyone is an artist and design never comes in isolation

I might click the mouse thousand times in an hour and come up with
design but group contribution actually makes it special.
Design, just as art, has multiple definitions; there is no single definition.

Minimalism is indeed the art of less

When I was a kid, my mom gave me comics strips and books with images that had lots of breathing space. Two characters, one speech
balloon, empty sky with no clouds so I could focus on and enjoy the story line. So I was inspired by minimalism in photography.
Space is the breath of art

Hello, my name is Antas Singh!

Born in Andman & Nicobar islands, surrounded with nature and creativity. I believe in simplicity
and feel that simplicity is itself a fashion. My portfolio will highlight a major part of personality.
My life is design, I love it and I surround myself in it every day


In January 2010, I moved from New Delhi to Doha, Qatar to to become the first designer of Renaissance City Center Hotel, Doha during its
pre opening days. It was a learning experience looking after the design requirementsfor the Renaissance Doha City Center Hotel, Marriott
Executive Apartments and Courtyard by Marriott. We designed everything from scratch from sign boards to bill folders and did creative campaigns
for newly opened bars to fine dining resturants. I enjoyed doing wall branding and setting new brand standards for resturants inside the hotel.
In June 2013, I was promoted to Marriott International Head Office in Dubai as a Graphic Designer for the nine brands of Marriott. I was totally
Marrottised by now loving the way they work and treat their employees.

Take care of your people and they will take care of your customers.-J. Willard Marriott, Founder, Marriott Corporation

I hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Graphic Design Major) from The University of Amity, New Delhi, India. Soon after graduation, I started
working for various design studios like Green Goose design Studio, PS design studio (name is quite funny..Please See Design studio.
Yes, that exists.

There is nothing more satisfying than designing something which is aesthetically appealing. Besides the design world, I am a fitness freak who loves YouTubing cat videos,
shopping and home deco and get my suits tailored from my bros at Lobo Tailors. Here is an illustration of my Doha Marriott desk, this reminds me of my busy and lonely
days. I hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Graphic Design Major) from The University of Amity, New Delhi, India. Soon after graduation, I started working for various design
studios like Green Goose design Studio, PS design studio (name is quite funny..Please See Design studio.
Yes, that exists.

Not just obsessed with Illustrator and I say yes to

InDesign and Photoshop. I enjoy mixing them time
to time. My dream is to get well versed with vidio
editing softwares and mix them with Photoshop and
Illustrator. Its fun to do mix media.

Creative Birds

Creative Birds is a name which suffices in itself. It portrays the true

nature of creativity which is being free. It stresses on the spiritual and
philosophically intriguing nature of creativity. It suggests that creativity
is a universal phenomenon and may occur in any form. The logo design
consists of a lamp post to which various ropes are flung, connecting to
many different places. The lamp post is shown to be occupied with many
birds of different colors.

Kabab Theatre

Logo for a restaurant which offers an array of treats that are as

unique as their ambience and dcor. Take a culinary journey
through all the states of India showcasing the varied and
exquisite cuisine.

Ramaswami UK Returned

I worked on an imaginary concept to construct a theme for a

contemporary restaurant. The story line says Ramaswami is a pure
Hindu Brahmin who does not consume any non vegetarian food. He
travels to London and tastes all kinds of foods including non-vegetarian
and develops a taste for different cuisines. He becomes such a foodie that
he returns back to India to open his own restaurant called Ramaswami
UK Returned. The innovative interiors of this hotel and the inspiring
artwork make for a setting that is refreshing, contemporary and stylish.
The jokes on the walls live up to the spirit of the restaurant. The venue
serves coastal cuisines from Andhra, a famous region in India.

Merletto-Italian Restaurant

The branding includes black and white images of Venice with a

touch of pink and few illustrations.

Minimalist Photography

What's On-Magazine

Whats On is a dedicated food & beverage monthly newsletter

published by WestEnd Doha. Colors and themes are inspired by
seasons. Food photography is very difficult, so I cant take the cheap
way out here. Poor food photography can do more harm than good. So
I decided to pick colors from seasons to showcase as visuals.

Quick Bite Restaurant

Quick Bite is a trendy coffee shop for diehard caffeine lovers. The last few years have seen
an explosion of coffee culture in the cities, and Quick Bite is the place to check out.
The circles of Quick Bite have lot of potential for any creative design and I really enjoyed
using them. The bright colors always make me happy and encourage me to experiment
with my design skills.

Champion Sports Bar




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