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Of the

Conference Call on January 21, 2010

Call of Order: Dennis Sandquist called the meeting of the Executive Committee of the County
Planning Division to order at approximately 3:49 p.m. EST.

Roll Call: The roll call verified the following in attendance:

Board Members Present: Dennis Sandquist, Charlie Compton, Joe Scorcio, Mike
Kayes, Robert Hill, James Davenport, Judy Francis, Royce Manico and Keith Cubic
Board Members Absent: Frank Miles, Tim Brown and Mike Harper

Minutes: Joe Scorcio moved for approval of the minutes of October 22, 2009 as presented,
Robert Hill seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Finance: Mike Harper was absent but the financial report was included in the meeting packet.
Joe Scorcio moved to approve the financial report as presented. Charlie Compton seconded the
motion which passed unanimously.

Correspondence: Dennis shared a letter of support for Charlie Compton and his FAICP
Nomination. Charlie was congratulated by everyone.

APA National Conference- Business Meeting lunch: Dennis reported that the business meeting
will be held at the National Conference on Sunday at 11:45 a.m. He will be sharing the lunch
options with everyone before making a commitment, but he would like to have the funds
available to cover the cost. Joe Scorcio made a motion to authorize the full budgeted amount
of $1,800. The motion was seconded by James and passed unanimously.

Travel Expenses – chair and vice-chair: Dennis mentioned that the total travel budget is $1,500.
The funds are earmarked for division leaders to attend national events, including the annual
conference and Fall Leadership conference. He requested that each of them be authorized up
to $400 in travel expenses for the national conference. Judy indicated that she is also receiving
$350 from her state chapter. If she receives $400 from here, she realizes she will incur costs for
transportation and meals. Dennis explained that he will submit for reimbursement for airfare
and his employer will pay for other costs. Charlie suggested passing the motion as requested
and revisiting this matter if necessary. Joe Scorcio moved to authorize $400 in funding for
Dennis and Judy and to revisit the matter in March. Charlie seconded the motion which passed

AICP CM Credit Workshop: James Davenport felt that this would be a great opportunity to
meet APA’s requirement. He reported that he needs the agreement to co-sponsor and have
the $1,000 budget to assist. The cost to participate is free. James will speak to the training
director to move the process along and he hopes for a webinar in late summer. Keith Cubic
moved to accept, encourage and help NACo to sponsor the webinar on Urban Design and
Sustainability. Joe Scorcio seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Newsletter Update: Robert Hill reported that the first newsletter was sent out. Newsletters
will be sent out March, June, September and December. Dennis asked that the March
newsletter is delayed until after the March board meeting to include a synopsis of the award
winners. There will be an article featuring a planner in each newsletter. It was decided to
feature Charlie in the next newsletter.

Website Update: Judy reported there was no activity on the website. She will add the last
newsletter and last set of minute, as well as information on the award.

Electronic Communications Update: Frank Miles was not present. Dennis will contact Frank
on the progress of social networks. Dennis mentioned that he has been sending out the e-news

Other Business: Joe may not be able to attend the meeting in New Orleans and will need
someone to fill in as secretary in his absence. There will be a discussion at the March meeting
to determine if a substitute will be needed.

Next Committee Meeting: The next Committee meeting will be on March 18th at 2:00 p.m.
EST. Charlie will not be in attendance but will submit comments in writing.

Adjournment: A motion was made by Joe Scorcio to adjourn the meeting. Charlie Compton
seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m. EST.

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