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Radionics Tutorial Part 1: The

Newbie's welcome! Radionics is the manipulation of natural energies in the
universe by device, patterns, and the measurements of the same. The tools are
simple, the techniques intuitive, and the results well worth the effort of studying.
Governments around the world have been studying this energy for decades and it is
already being used, albeit subtly, on the population at large. On the plus side,
ANYBODY can do this WITHOUT millions of dollars and teams of scientists. The
'Power of One' slogan used by the military is grossly understated when it comes to
Ones success in radionics depends on a step common to all activites from
aerobics to martial arts and that is PATIENCE. If you already practice radionics, then
why are you reading this? Seriously, it's tempting to skip right to affecting crops,
healing the latest illness and making trouble for the idiots in your neighborhood
without learning the basics; I know, I was there. But for the best possible results,
you must learn to use two tools: Concentration and the Pendulum.
Now on with the Show.
Concentration and Visualization
Your mind is the primary tool for success, but if you cannot control your own
mind, how can you control your surroundings? Or affect someones thoughts? By
controlling your mind, I mean concentrating on one thing for a period of time. This
sounds easy, and it is with practice. But your thinking habits have been in charge of
things for a while and when you try to focus on one image, your mind rebels and
instead of seeing yourself winning the lottery, you're wondering if this or that bill is
being paid and what time the kids are coming home from school.
Begin by finding a quiet place where you can spend at least five minutes in quiet
and silence. Unplug the phone, turn off your Instant Message Program, shut off the
alarm clock... whatever it takes to get total quiet. Sitting in the bathroom has also
worked for me and others, as nobody WANTS to bother us there!
Next, sit perfectly still for at least five minutes (okay, use the alarm clock if you
must). Don't think about anything. Just sit and stare. Hard isn't it? Feel a twitch in
your arm? Hear creaking in the house which you never heard otherwise? What's
happening is your senses are no longer being polluted by noisy thoughts and
movement... they are heightened and this is something that always happens when

one is relaxed. Do this exercise once or twice a day as per your schedule for two
days. Feel free to increase your time if five minutes is too easy.
What you are doing is getting yourself ready to use your mind to manipulate
energy. This energy has had many names through history... Chi, ki, orgone, ether,
kuna, etc. It is the building block of the universe, creating and flowing through
every particle of existence. For now, we'll call it energy.

After a couple days of practice, you'll find less and less things distracting your
attention when you perform the above exercise. Your mind has learned that the
REAL YOU is in charge and will work with you more than against you.
Now instead of just staring, I want you to again sit straight and close your eyes.
Think of something that really excites you or makes you happy, be it a lover,
winning the lottery, driving a fancy car, a new home, anything. Just think about that
one thing while you are sitting quietly, preferably seeing it as a picture instead of
just words. Other thoughts will pop into your head, just ignore them and keep
thinking about what you started thinking about. Do this for as long as you can, and
Repeat this for a week and congratulations, you've just performed your first act of
radionics! What you are doing has been called positive thinking, but it has also
been called meditation and visualization. By thinking/meditating on a desire, your
mind is feeding that with the energy of the universe. The more energy put into the
thought or action, the more likely it will come to pass. This simple technique is the
power behind prayer, REAL magic, manifestation, and most world religions and it
didn't cost you a dime or a trip to the Vatican.
If you really desire what you visualized, practice this DAILY. Not only will you help
make it happen (often unexpectedly) but you are gaining more control over your
thought processes, which will make radionics easier to use.
The Power of the Pendulum
Pendulum's are a key, crystal or other weight, with a pointer, tied to the end of an
8 to 10 inch length of string. It can answer questions put to it in a yes/no/I don't
know fashion, even if you know nothing of the subject. This process is called
Too much about dowsing has been written by others to include here, so I'll deal
with its use in radionics.
One disadvantage about radionics is the accuracy aspect. Voltimeters measure
electricity, rulers measure inches/meters, but there is no device to my knowledge
than can measure the amount of energy one uses to make something happen, ala

our last exercise on concentration. Radio Shack doesn't sell a 'radiometer', and if
they did there is no standard for measuring energy. That is where the pendulum
comes in. With its yes/no capability, one can ask it if a certain operation will work
for good or bad, or gain information about a subject without having to view the
subject in person. it can tell you where to find that receipt you lost or whether your
best friend is a dope dealer on the side... if you need a simple answer, the
pendulum can provide it.
To begin, make your pendulum. My best pendulum was my first... a silver key
that has faithfully served me for 15 years, when I first studied PSYCHIC POWER by
Charles Cosimano. Keys are handy, as someone always has an extra they don't
need. Children's tops, jacks, and a screw with an eye on one end have worked as

Next, draw a circle cut into four parts on a piece of paper, or print a copy of the
Traditional Dowsing Circle found at Yahoo Groups: Practical Radionics. The
pendulum and the circle are all you need to start dowsing.
Set your elbow on a table or hard surface and hold the string between your
thumb and either index or middle finger so the pointer is over the center of the
circle. Ask the pendulum "Is 2 plus 2 four" and DO NOT MOVE YOUR HAND, ARM,
OR WRIST. Keep totally still and stare at the pendulum, thinking your question. It
should start swinging slowly at first, but it WILL swing without having to move it.
Just keep asking until it starts... some people are lucky enough to get it right away. I
myself took a few tries for my first answer. Whatever direction the pendulum
swings means 'yes'. Write 'YES' next to the line that matches the swing.
Now ask the question "Is two times two eight". Whatever direction the pendulum
swings means 'NO' and you should write this down as well.
Ask any question you like, as long as you already know the yes/no answer. This
will tune your mind to working with the pendulum and you'll get the answers faster,
which will give you confidence for later tricks.
Now for answers you do not know. This requires a game of twenty questions, but
let me digress with a quick story.
After my family and I moved to our current residence, money was tight until my
first check. My wife gave me the last $20.00 we had at her sisters house which was
to get gas for work and some food for the next couple of days until I got paid. I
stuck it in my pocket and went home. The next day, I went to my wallet and it was
gone. Panic attack! Being kind of lazy, I stuck the bill in my pocket the night before
and set it somewhere at home instead of in my wallet and it was lost. Not only was

gas going to be a problem, but the wife would have a field day with my lack of
I grabbed my pendulum after having searched the entire house for the damn
money. I asked questions about each room and finally came into the kitchen. When
all other places turned up no, I asked the pendulum "Is the twenty dollar bill in the
Yes it was.
I said "no way" and the pendulum swung yes. Still skeptical, I dug thorugh wet
coffee grounds, dirty plates and meat wrappers to find the twenty dollar bill
crumbled up in some receipts that were in my pocket near the bottom of the can.
WHEW! When my wife came home and wanted to go shopping, I pulled the still
dirty twenty out of my wallet.
See how useful this stuff can be?
Here are some uses for the pendulum and how to make them work.
1.) Finding lost Items

To get the results I got, start by asking "is it inside the house" and go from there.
If in the house, ask "is it in the bedroom" and write down the answer. Do this for
every room in the house. After you've pinned it down, search the room or ask for
more details like "is it under the dresser?". Write down your answers and you
should find the object no problem.
If outside, find out if someone picked it up, did you lose the item in public or is it
on your lawn or in the garage. If valuable, ask if somebody stole it. You won't have
information you can take to the police, but at least you'll know who not to trust if it
was stolen.
2.)Lie Detection
This one is a good trick for dealing with politicans looking for a vote, or a
salesman pitching some useless product. In the politicians case, ask the pendulum
if a statement is true and it will give you a yes or no answer. For salesmen, wait
until they leave and ask questions about the merchandise before you buy it. Use
your imagination here, but you want to get as much info as possible to avoid buying
a lemon.
3.) General Information Gathering

If there's a person you don't trust, or something you want to know the answer
about, ask your pendulum. Most of the time you cannot verify the answers right
away, but can at least keep them in mind for future reference.
A case in point happened a month ago. My area of the Midwest is pretty rural.
The local jerky plant had hired 90 percent Mexican, central, and South American
workers and one was found murdered on a country road not five miles from my
father-in-law's house (who, despite popular myth about father-in-laws, is really cool).
It made a page in the paper, but was ruled a random murder and faded from the
spotlight within 24 hours. This made me suspicious... traffic tickets are major
crimes in this region and a murder would be tabloid material for at least a week. So
I pulled out my pendulum and asked some questions. According to the dowse, it
was a ritual style murder and was played down because of panic, although some
higher-ups were part of the cult that participated in it. I found one of the spots the
cultists use for their ritual, but didn't go there (I've got a wife and kids, after all) but
chalked it up as something to watch out for. Coincidentally, I found out from a
police friend that there was 'unusual circumstances' surrounding the body and let
the matter go.
In another case, a friend had a speaker stolen from her car and I successfully
dowsed the how, when, where, why and who of the crime. When she saw this
individual again, she saw the speaker in the car I dowsed, but again couldn't do
anything about it. Pendulum evidence won't hold up in court.
To discover similiar information, just ask yes or no about anything. Get specific,
follow your intuition, and you can learn everything about anything for use at a later
date. Practice on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you can think of to develop your skill.
Accuracy WILL come with time, so don't be discouraged about getting the wrong
information. It will happen once in a while, but don't let that ruin your motivation.
Your questions don't have to be all serious. Asking about someones sexual
preferences, or what underwear they wear, or who's stealing from the donation
plate at church are all valid questions; relax and have fun.

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