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Scribd Launches Premium On-Demand Printing with

HP's MagCloud, Blurb and Mimeo

Print Partnerships Offer Convenience and Choice

to Consumers, Publishers

SAN FRANCISCO – April 14, 2010 – Scribd, the largest social publishing and reading
site in the world, today launched a suite of premium print options, enabling consumers to
print business material, books, magazines and tens of millions of other written works and
illustrations using print-on-demand services from HP’s MagCloud, Blurb and Mimeo.
The launch is an important step toward making reading convenient and fun for consumers
while also offering individual and professional publishers multiple distribution options.
The news follows Scribd's recent mobile rollout.

“We want people to be able to read in any form or device they choose,” said Trip Adler,
CEO and co-founder of Scribd. “Likewise, anyone can publish original content using the
Scribd platform and distribute their work on the web, onto any mobile device and now, in

For all Scribd documents enabled for printing, users can now choose to print commercial-
quality, four-color hard and soft cover works with no minimum requirements or upfront
costs -- and directly from the convenience of their home or office. Printed and bound
copies are shipped directly to the consumer from the selected partner. Because of the
breadth of available content on the site, Scribd will offer print options based on document
types and other criteria: HP's MagCloud offers self-publishers the ability to print in a
magazine format; Blurb makes it easy to print affordable, professional-quality books;
and, Mimeo provides overnight document printing.

“The future of publishing leverages the web to bring consumers and content creators
together in new and more meaningful ways,” said Andrew Bolwell, director, New
Business Initiatives, HP. “HP’s MagCloud print-on-demand platform enables the Scribd
community to bring their unique content to life in a glossy magazine format that is both
cost-effective and environmentally friendly.”

“Turning Scribd documents into book form will elevate the impact and importance of the
content itself,” said Eileen Gittins, Founder and CEO of Blurb. “Books have a valuable
and extremely long shelf life. We are pleased to bring Blurb’s creative printing solution
to the Scribd community, enabling users to Bookify™ their documents into affordable,
professional quality books.”



Scribd’s community has uploaded and shared tens of millions of free and for-purchase
written documents, including business papers, research reports, graduate theses, legal
filings, creative writing, books, newspapers and more. For more information about Scribd
and its premium print offerings visit

About Scribd, Inc.

Scribd is the largest social publishing and reading site in the world with more than 50 million readers each
month. We've made it incredibly simple for anyone to share and discover informative, entertaining and
original written content on the web and mobile devices. Our vision is to liberate the written word, to
connect people and organizations with the information and ideas that matter most to them. Our innovative
document reader technology has lowered the barriers to publishing by enabling anyone to easily upload and
share their work in any file format, including PDF, Word, PowerPoint and EPUB. Scribd is a venture-
backed company based in San Francisco. For more information, please visit


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