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Lngua Inglesa III

Profa. Ma. Glauce Soares Casimiro

Tema: Reviso de Contedo
Prefer e Would Rather: qual a diferena?
Observe as duas possveis maneiras de expressar preferncias em ingls.
A primeira com o verbo prefer.
J a segunda seria com a locuo would rather, geralmente abreviada para d
Would rather vs. would prefer to express a specific preference.
When we speak about a specific preference, would rather and would prefer
have the same meaning and are interchangeable.
We went to the theatre yesterday. Today I would rather go to the cinema.
We went to the theatre yesterday. Today I would prefer to go to the cinema.
Would rather can be abbreviated to 'd rather.
Would prefer can be abbreviated to 'd prefer.
I'd rather go to the cinema today.
I'd prefer to go to the cinema today.
Both like more and like better (as in the sentence I like apples
more/better than oranges) are widespread, but like more is preferred in British
English whereas
Americans are more likely to choose like better:
I like apples more than oranges.
I like apples better than oranges. (UK)
I like him best. (correct)
I like him most. (correct, may sound slightly formal)
I like him the most. (correct, considered less grammatical by some)
I like him the best. (correct, considered less grammatical by some)
O Simple Present usado para expressar eventos, aes ou condies
rotineiras, permanentes.
I go to the gym every day.
She always remembers my birthday.
He hardly ever goes to the museum.
It always eats meat in the morning.
We don't know each other.
His situation doesn't look good. (Pode-se usar o Simple Present para afirmar ou
negar uma opinio, algo que acredita-se ser verdadeiro ou no).
You look great in this dress.
I don't think it's a good idea to lie.
Italians eat lots of pasta.
She doesnt know anyone in her neighborhood.
He never watches TV in the afternoon.
Existem algumas expresses indicadoras deste tempo verbal, que normalmente
so: usually, frequently, often, every day, all the time.
I thank God for my house every day.
She recently has a new apartment.
I sometimes do social work.

She usually does voluntary work.

I wash my car every weekend.
He washes his car very well all the time.
Interrogativa: Use os verbos auxiliares
"do/does e no modifique o verbo.
Do you like to play cards every weekend?
Where do you live?
Does she work with you all the time?
What time does he go to school?
When do they leave home?
O presente contnuo usado para expressar aes que esto acontecendo no
momento da fala. geralmente empregado com os advrbios de tempo:
now, at this moment, look, pay attention, listen!
My sister and I are doing our homework now.
What is John doing at this moment?
Look! Jill isnt cleaning the bathroom. She is cleaning her bedroom.
Pay attention! I am explaining the grammar.
The simple past expresses an action in the past taking place once, never, several
times. It can also be used for actions taking place one after another
or in the middle of another action.
Affirmative: I spoke.
Negative: I did not speak.
Interrogative: Did I speak?
For irregular verbs, use the past form. For regular verbs, just add ed.
O Presente Perfeito usado para expressar:
a) Aes que comearam no passado e continuam at o presente.
I have lived here since 2009.
She has studied English for three years.
We have gone shopping by ourselves since 2010.
b) Aes que aconteceram num tempo indefinido no passado. (Se for
mencionado ou sugerido o tempo exato em que a ao ocorreu, usa-se o passado
I have studied English (tempo indefinido)
I studied English yesterday. (tempo exato)
c) Aes que aconteceram vrias vezes no passado.
We have seen that film many times.
He has listen to that music several times.
d) Aes que acabaram de acontecer.
The plane has just landed.

The students have just asked their teacher a

e) Unfinished time.
I have visited my friends this week and I have gone to the supermarket this
Future: going to
Grammar Explanations: Its used for planned or certain actions in the future. Use
be going to + base form of the verb (change, be, have, etc) for the future.
I am going to sleep earlier.
You are going to travel next weekend.
He is going to swim in the river.
They are going to visit their parents.
Jack is going to read his new book.
Paul isnt going to work until late today.
Jason and I arent going to have dinner together.
Future: will
usado para expressar ao futura. Como se forma: will + verbo principal.
Affirmative: They will study hard tomorrow.
Negative: They wont (will not) study hard tomorrow.
Interrogative: Will they study hard tomorrow?
Abbreviated forms: ll (will); wont (will not)
- em promessas:
- Dont worry, Ill take care.
- Ill talk to him when he get here.
- para oferecer ou se propor a fazer algo:
- Im starving! Ill make some sandwiches.
- quando algo decidido na hora da fala
- Excuse me, will you have red wine or white wine?
- I wont be here next weekend.
- My father wont let me go to your party.
- We wont go to the beach this Holiday.
As Time Clauses so oraes temporais que, seguidas de algumas conjunes, se
ligam a outra orao. Correspondem, na Lngua Portuguesa, s oraes
subordinadas adverbiais temporais.
When you get back, I'll make you dinner.
When you finish your studies, you will be a great doctor.
You will be a great doctor when you finish you studies.
Hell call me as soon as he get in Canada.
As soon as he get in Canada, hell call me. Before I leave, Ill take a shower.
Ill take a shower before I leave.

Compara-se duas coisas de forma igualitria com a expresso: (as + adjetivo +
as) e em oraes negativas o primeiro as pode ser substitudo por so.
She is as tall as Jane.
She isnt so tall as Jane.
I am as tall as my sister.
I don't spend so much money on clothes as my sister.
usado para demonstrar a inferioridade de uma coisa em relao outra, usa-se
a expresso: less + adjetivo + than.
Some species are less adaptable than others.
You are less short than your father.
My car is less old than yours.
Your hair is less long than mine.
usado para demonstrar a superioridade de alguma coisa em relao a outra.
Quando o adjetivo for monossilbico, usa-se: (adjetivo + sufixo -er + than).
A Lion is stronger than a wolf.
I am taller than my sister.
This leather jacket is nicer than the wool one.
Com adjetivos com mais de uma slaba, usa-se:
(more + adjetivo + than).
Julie is more beautiful than Lana.
Agora sua vez!
01) Supply the sentences with Would Rather or Prefer:
a) She ________ eat a salad than a hamburger.
a) They _______ volleyball. They don't like soccer.
b) We ________ watching basketball.
c) I ________ stay home tonight.
d) We all ________ have the meeting at 8 pm.
2) Supply the correct form of the Present
Continuous Tense of the following verbs:
Study - read - try - sleep - wear - build
1. Silence, please! The baby_________________
2. Look at Jane! She___________ a red blouse.
3. I __________ a book on ancient Greece.
4. We ____ hard because we have a test tomorrow.
5. The women _________ new dresses for the dinner party.
6. The man who ______my house is a good engineer.
3) Answer the questions. Use the words in parentheses.
1. When will you travel? (in June)__________
2. Where will they work? (at home)________

3. What will she do? (work)_______________

4. How will Tom travel? (by plane)_________
5. Where will you talk? (in the park)________
4) Complete as frases com os adjetivos abaixo, usando o comparativo que se
Good pretty smart hard old fast
1. Peter and Bill always get 10 on their tests. Peter is __________ his friend Bill.
2. You have a Fiat 98 and I have a Ford 93. My car is __________ your car.
3. Gisele and Daniela are top models but I think Gisele is _________ Daniela.
4. Im very bad at History. Im good at Geography. Geography is not __________
History for me.
5. A Mercedes is __________ a BMW. (igualdade)
5) Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).
a) The weather this summer is even
__________(bad) than last summer.
b) Which is ______ (big) animal in the world?
c) My car is ________ (expensive) yours.
d) This is _____ (interesting) movie I've ever seen.
e) Fruit is ____________ (health) chocolate.
6) Mark 1 to Simple Past sentences and 2 to Past Continuous sentences.
a) ( ) They were having a dring when I came.
b) ( ) John sold his house.
c) ( ) Me and my boyfriend found a dog this morning.
d) ( ) She was running when I saw her.
e) ( ) I was living in New York.
f) ( ) We took a lot of photos.
As expresses que expressam nossas preferncias: would rather e prefer to
tm algumas diferenas.
Quando queremos falar que preferimos algo entre em duas alternativas ou em
uma situao especfica, usamos a expresso
would rather ('d rather).
Sua estrutura a seguinte: Would rather ('d rather) + verb
1. O Present Perfect Tense usado para referir-se a algo que aconteceu no
passado, mas que mantm algum tipo de conexo com o presente.
I've broken my arm. (= My arm is broken now.)
2. O "Present Perfect Tense", porm, no usado quando no se refere ao
I missed the bus yesterday.

3. O Present Perfect Tense tambm usado quando se referir s

consequncias que aes consumadas tm no presente:
Suzy has had a baby. George has shot his girlfriend.
4. O "Present Perfect Tense" tambm usado para afirmar e/ou perguntar/negar
se algo j aconteceu alguma vez, se j aconteceu antes, se nunca aconteceu, se
aconteceu at certa data, se no aconteceu at certo perodo, se algo ainda no
Have you ever seen Elvis Presley?
I've never seen Elvis Presley.
Degree of Adjectives:
Os adjetivos curtos so aqueles formados por uma ou duas slabas.
Adjetivos - Comparativo de Superioridade - Superlativo
Tall taller than the tallest
Short shorter than the shortest
Small smaller than the smallest
Heavy heavier than the heaviest
Easy easier than the easiest
Hot hotter than the hottest
Big bigger than the biggest
Os adjetivos longos so aqueles formados por trs ou mais slabas.
Adjetivos Comparativo de Superioridade Superlativo
Beautiful more beautiful than the most beautiful
Expensive more expensive than the most expensive
Intelligent more intelligent than the most intelligent
Confortable more confortable than the most confortable
H ainda os adjetivos que possuem formas irregulares para os graus comparativo
e superlativo de superioridade.
Adjetivos Comparativo de Superioridade Superlativo
Good better than the best
Bad worse than the worst
Little less than the least
Few fewer than the fewest
Much more than the most
Many more than the most
Far farther than/further than the farthest/ the furthest
O Past Continuous o tempo verbal que usado para descrever uma ao que
estava acontecendo em algum tempo no passado.
Sua estrutura se d por sujeito + passado do verbo 'to be' + verbo -ing.
I was watching tv last night.

At this time last week, I was playing soccer.

When / While
O When (quando) e While (enquanto) so utilizados em frases do past contnuos
para demonstrar aes que estavam acontecendo
quando alguma outra aconteceu, ou enquanto outra ao estava acontecendo.
I was studing when John called me.
Daniel was washing his car while I was watering plants.
Simple Past x Past Continuous
muito comum confundirmos esses dois tempos verbais, afinal, o sentido que
eles passam so bem parecidos quando pensamos na nossa lngua. Porm, veja
os exemplos.
Simple Past Rita cooked yesterday.
Past Continuous Rita was cooking when her husband arrived.

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