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Name:Musa muwaga.


Drugs are becoming more and more common in many communities .What are some of
the problems associated with drug abuse, and what are some of the possible solutions?

Drug abuse is rife in many countries. Every society, every age and ethnic group, every
social class, and every family has been touched by the devastating effects of drug
addiction. Billions of dollars are spent regulating drug use, treating addicts and their
families, and fighting drug-related crime. Although drugs threaten many homes and
societies, their effects can be combated more effectively.

Drug abuse causes multiple problems for families and communities. Addicts are often
too sick, physically and mentally, to function as normal, responsible members of a family
or of community. For example, they often neglect or abuse their families and strain these
relationships and resources, especially if they eventually require expensive treatment or
hospitalization. Adult addicts may lose their jobs and, therefore, their means of
supporting themselves and any dependents. Children and teens who abuse drugs become
more rebellious and distant from their families, who despair over coping with their loved
ones’ drug problems.
A second problematic effect of drug abuse is the crimes committed by those profiting
from selling illegal drugs and by the addicts who look for more and more desperate ways
to support their habits. Increased police resources are needed to fight smuggling and
dealing illicit drugs and the criminals who profit from them. Communities continue to
struggle to find ways to deter drug abuse and to rehabilitate addicts. Combating drug
problems strains the police departments as well as the communties’ resources. Since
many cities and communities are financially strapped, adding more police protection,
mainly through taxes, puts a strain on the citizens.
Patterns of drug use and abuse
Experimenters Experiment with drugs, often no more than three times. Half will never
use illegal drugs again. Have only a minor place i discussion of drug abuse. A single
incident may indicate hidden emotional problems. One single incident can lead to a
Conviction for drug possession.
Occasional Users Enjoy the social, personal, and emotional Gratification of the drugs.
Use current “in” substance, “social drinkers,” “social” or “recreational” users. Have no
serious problem with drugs.
Regular Users Use drugs regularly, one or more times a week. Part of the drug
subculture. Greatest defenders of personal right to use drugs, they argue that the line
between controlled use of drugs, heavy use of drugs, and compulsive, uncontrollable
abuse of drugs. Dividing line between drug use and drug abuse remains unclear.
Compulsive Abuser Abuse drugs compulsively. Associated with personality deficiency
and emotional problems. Use drugs as the only means of coping with stresses of society.
Under influence of drugs, personality shifts, social behaviour, and modified moods are
very dramatic. Representative of the most serious kinds of drug problems.
Drug Abuse Management Approaches
Because the problem of drug use and abuse is complicated and unique, it is difficult and
perhaps dangerous to over generalize the ways and means to prevent or manage drug use
and abuse situation. Also, no one method of solving the problem of drug use and abuse
works best in all circumstances as no two individuals are exactly alike. Thus, it is
important for all community leaders to be aware of some possible drug use and abuse
management techniques, selecting from them as appropriate. There are two basic
approaches, the traditional and the non-traditional.

The traditional approaches include enforcing legal controls and drug abuse therapies. The
focus of discussion in this paper is on the non-traditional approaches. The non-traditional
approaches are discussed under a modern approach tagged “participatory drug
Participatory Drug Education
Management of drug use and abuse in communities demands a more modern and
practical approach. Participatory drug education, which actively involves the
administrator/educator and the student, even the community members, is one of such
practical approaches.
In fact, education, particularly, participatory drug education is the primary means of
dealing with drug use and abuse. It can be instrumental in preventing and ameliorating
the problem of drug use and abuse in the nation’s educational institutions. Participation of
community members in the struggle against drugs is very important.

Community leaders should be able to recognize the symptoms of drug or alcohol use.
Administrators and community counselors can obtain leaflets on drug use and drug abuse
from the state and federal programmes and use them to conduct workshop sessions to
explain, guide and help members to know what to look for. Generally the members using
drugs may seem out of touch or sleepy depending on the type of drug/drugs being used.
They may giggle, give inappropriate answers to questions or talk in a manner that may
show that they are unaware of what is happening around them.

Obviously, the cure of the compulsive drug user has not proved reliable. The effective
management technique which would allow functioning within the bounds of society may
be the most practical outcome. More research is necessary in order for the society to
maintain a consistent level of cure and rehabilitation. The damage done to the individual
and society by drug abuse is so powerful and so widespread that the only practical long-
range "cure" is prevention.
In this paper, certain special aspects of drug use and abuse have been discussed. Also,
various symptoms, causes and management techniques have been presented.
Participatory drug education promotes especially problem solving; formal and informal
discussion methods in drug management also provide the means by which members can
be helped to move towards desirable health goals.
They must be determined in the light of objectives and with an understanding of the
learning process. It should be noted that the difference between the use and abuse of
drugs and other substances is the degree of usage and the patterns and situations
surrounding the drug being used.
The management or treatment of drug abuse should not be directed at the drug; it must be
aimed at the problems of the individual abusing drugs. Drug management techniques can
be said to be effective only when they are used to correct the basic problem of drug users,
which is the user's inadequate ability to combat the ordinary stresses or challenges of life.

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