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Arms: omitted

Action or Movement: low activity level

Clothing: underclothed

Consistency of figure treatment: poor

Depression Indicators: arms and hands
Depression Indicators: resistance to
drawing body, feet, or legs

Detailing: complete lack

Ears: Lack of emphasis

Eyes: unseeing

Face: oval shape

Feet: omitted
Female figure: small, weak
Hair: mussed
Hands: omitted

May be indicate severe guilt feelings
concerning hostility or sexuality
May indicate schizophrenic depression
with active withdrawal from people or
objects: denial of the world and refusal
to deal with it even symbolically
Constricted rigid neurotics
Depressed individuals
Non-active psychotics
Body narcissist; self-absorbed,
introverted, over concern with body
Indicates pulsivity, ego administration,
mental deficiency, organicity
Deep feelings of inadequacy
Lowered level of activity
Concern about autonomy
Nonacceptance of physical impulses
Lack of energy
Lack of enthusiasm
Severely disturbed and depressed
persons give only barest outlines:
figures convey empty, weak feelings as
experienced by such individuals
Refusal to listen to criticism: denial of
concern over opinion of others
Denial of auditory hallucinations
Emotional immaturity and egocentricity
Childish or regressed adults
Dependence, shallow emotionality, lack
of discrimination
Feminine, sensitive, aesthetic
Sense of lack of mobility or autonomy
Bed-ridden, depressed, discouraged
Weak, sensitive dainty females
Associated with sexual immorality and
lack of control
Feelings of inadequacy in dealing with

Head: large

Legs: no legs

Mouth: concave
Movement: passivity

Neck: omission of neck baseline in profile

Nose: triangular
Placement: left side of page (female)

Placement: upper left corner of page

Stance: legs closely pressed together

Guilt feelings about aggressiveness,
hostility, sexual feelings
Shows strong intellectual strivings
Considerable fantasy activity as a
source of satisfaction
Feelings of intellectual inadequacy with
compensatory stress on intellectual
Possible grandiosity and egocentric
Paranoid, narcissistic, intellectually
righteous, vain persons: enlarged ego
Pathological feelings of constriction and
Difficulty in accepting sexual desires
Oral dependence
Demanding attention and approval
Symptom of growing pathology in one
with excessive feelings of weakness and
Free flow of basic drives and impulses
with inadequate control
Power strivings
Infantile sexuality
Emotional dominance
Emphasis on past
Tendency toward impulsivity
Anxious, desire to shun new
experiences and return to the past, or
seek fantasy satisfaction
Tense, self-conscious, awkward,
resistive to sexual advances

Draw a person test results revealed that the client processed her emotions, thoughts,
and observations on other people internally. She is preoccupied with her own thoughts,
and overly concerned about what other people think about her. She is dependent and
prefers to be alone. She avoids unpleasant and embarrassing social situations in which
she is not comfortable. She is shy and feels inadequate to communicate with people.
She feels inferior, insecure, tense so she seeks mobility and fight frustrating life
experiences. She withdraws from other people and has little or no physical activity.

Test also shows that she is generally inexperienced and tries to be determined. She is
anxious and desire to shun new experiences and return to the past, or seek fantasy
satisfaction. Emotions overrun her and she seemed self-conscious.

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