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Pharmaceutical Engineering-I

Zaki Farhad Habib, MSc

Heat is a form of energy associated with

disordered and chaotic movement of
molecules and ions. The higher the
temperature of a material, the faster the
molecules and ions are moving, and
hence the greater the amount of energy
present as heat.
A substance will have no heat content only
if it is at a temperature of absolute zero (0
Heat is a form of energy and hence can be
measured and expressed in Joules,
practically in Kilo joules (KJ; a 1000 times)
or Mega joules (MJ; 1000 000 times).
e.g. It takes about 65kJ of heat to raise
200mL of water from room temperature to
its boiling point.

Heat transfer is the exchange

or movement of heat energy
and will occur spontaneously
temperature gradient. The
rate of heat transfer indicates
exchanged and is expressed
in J s-1 or watts (W).

Many Pharmaceutical processes

involve the transfer of heat:
Melting materials.
temperature during cream,
Controlled cooling of the
same products.
Heating of solvents to hasten
dissolution processes.
Sterilization of products e.g.
using steam in autoclaves.
Heating or cooling of air in airconditioning plant.
Drying granules for tablet

Methods of heat transfer

Heat transfer can take place by three

In case of a solid no appreciable

movement of the molecules occurs.

1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation

Heat transfer due to electron movement

is generally a greater effect than that
due to vibration of atoms. Therefore,
metallic solids (more free electrons) are
1. Conduction

by better conductors of heat than nonconduction in solids result from the metallic solids.
movement of heat energy to adjacent
molecules by vibrational energy transfer In static fluid (and therefore through
and the motion of free electrons. No boundary layers) the mechanisms are
mixing action is involved so that the virtually the same. Heat is transferred
conduction is limited to solids and fluids between molecules as a result of
that are bound in some way that molecular collisions.
prevents free movement.
The molecule/electron donating the heat
energy will subsequently vibrate to a lesser
extent and therefore cool down whereas the
molecule receiving the heat energy will
vibrate to a greater extent and therefore
increase in temperature.

Gases become better conductors at

higher temperatures owing to the faster
movement of the molecules, whereas
most liquids (with the notable exception
of water) become poorer conductors at
higher temperatures.

Methods of heat transfer

2. Convection Heat transfer by convection is due to the movement of
molecules and their associated heat energy on a macroscopic scale. It
involves the mixing of molecules and occurs within fluids, where the
molecules are free to move around. This process can occur naturally (warm
less dense air rises in the atmosphere to be replaced by colder more dense
air) and forcefully by moving the fluid mechanically using e.g. mixing blade.
If forced convection also induces turbulent flow then the heat transfer process
is aided as there will be a reduction in the fluid boundary layer thickness. It is
a faster process compared to conduction.
3. Radiation Heat transmission by radiation occurs by energy transfer
through space (even vacuum) by electromagnetic radiation. E.g. the energy
emitted by the sun. These waves can be reflected, transmitted or absorbed.
When they are absorbed by a material on which they fall, energy reappears
as heat and the material increases in temperature. Heat transfer by radiation
is only of pharmaceutical practical importance during microwave drying. Black
colored objects are the perfect emitter and absorber of radiation, although all
bodies radiate to some extent.


Heat energy from the gas burner is transferred by conduction through the
container wall to the water in the bath, which therefore increases in
temperature until its boiling point is reached. This heat gained is referred to
as sensible heat, as it produces an appreciable rise in temperature and
the change can be detected by the senses.
When the boiling point is reached, further heat generates steam without
further increase in temperature. This heat gain by the steam is termed
latent heat of evaporation or latent heat of vaporization.

The advantage of using

steam as a heat transfer
agent in this setup:

The steam produced rises and contacts

the cool outer surface of the dish wall
and condenses giving up its latent heat
and forming a condensate layer on the
wall that runs down and drops back
into the water bath. Fresh condensate
is continually formed to take its place.

The latent heat that is liberated by the

condensation passes by conduction
through the wall of the dish and into
the contents to be heated. Heat is then
transferred through the fluid by
natural convection and conduction.

Causes indirect heating where

the temperature can never
exceed 100C (at atmospheric
pressure) and therefore there
is less chance of localized
overheating damaging the
product being heated.
Since the steam circulates
over the whole dish surface,
heating is much more uniform
than It would have been if the
dish was heated directly over
the gas flame.

Steam as a heating medium

The most commonly used heating medium. The reasons for
continued widespread use of steam include:
1. The raw material (water) is cheap and plentiful
2. It is easy to generate, distribute and control
3. It is generally cheaper than viable alternative forms of
heating e.g. electricity.
4. It is clean, almost colorless and tasteless, and so
accidental contamination of the product is less likely to
be serious like diesel and patrol. It is therefore also
environment friendly.
5. It has a high heat content (in the form of latent heat)
and can heat materials very quickly.
6. The heat is given up at a constant temperature, which
is useful in controlling heating processes and in

TS =
TL =

steam temperature
temperature of the
boiling liquid
TI and TO = temperature of the
inner and outer
surface of the dish

Above, heat transfer/flow undergoes three barriers which are the condensate layer, the dish
wall & the liquid side boundary.

The rate of heat transfer i.e. the quantity of heat transferred (Q, Joules) in
unit time (t, seconds) depends on the temperature difference between inner
and outer surface, the dish thickness LD and the area available for heat
transfer A.
Introducing a proportionality constant KD, the factors can be combined as:-

Q/t = KD A (TO TI)/LD

KD is also known as the co-efficient of thermal

conductivity and expressed in W/m K. It gives an
indication of the ability of the material to conduct heat;
higher the value, the more easily heat is conducted.

Question: Calculate the quantity of heat passing in

a period of 4 minutes through a pure Aluminium
dish (204 W/m K) whose effective heating surface
area is 30cm2 and whose thickness is 1.5mm, if the
temperature at the surfaces of the dish are 90C
and 75C respectively.


From kinetic theory of heat, a vapor contains heat in two



Sensible Heat:- can be detected by the sense, i.e. a

temperature change when sensible heat is taken up or
given out.
Latent Heat:- invisible heat, not detected as a
temperature change. So it is taken up or given out at
constant temp. as a change of phase between solid or
liquid or vapor.

Both of these heat contents are very important properties

of steam.

Converting ice to steam

Initially the heat supplied will be used to convert ice to liquid
without any rise in temperature (latent heat of fusion).

Latent heat of fusion - The heat absorbed as a substance

changes phase from solid to liquid. Specific latent heat of water
(LF) is equal to 334 kJ kg-1.
So, for 1kg water, latent heat of fusion = 334 kJ


The specific heat capacity equation can be used to calculate

the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of liquid
water to its boiling point.

All the heat supplied will be sensible heat to rise the temperature of the
water (0C) to the boiling point 100C.
The heat required is given by
mass of water

specific heat capacity

4.2 KJ

temp. rise

So, 420 KJ requires to raise 1kg water to its boiling point. Once the water
has reached boiling point, further heat energy input will not raise the
temperature of the water but will convert the boiling water at 100C to
steam at 100C. Steam at a temperature corresponding to the water boiling
point at that pressure (as in this case) is referred to as saturated steam.


Therefore, with further heat, water will start converting into steam by receiving
latent heat of vaporization (temperature will remain constant at 100C).

Latent heat of vaporization - The heat absorbed as a substance changes

phase from liquid to vapor. Specific latent heat of water (LV) is equal to 2260
kJ kg-1. So, for 1kg liquid water at 100C to convert to steam at 100C it would
require 2260 kJ of energy.

The steam at this instance contains 2260 kJ of latent heat energy.

Steam in this state is referred to as dry saturated steam, as all the
liquid water has been converted to steam. This form of steam should
ideally be used for heating and sterilization processes as it contains
maximum latent heat energy and no associated air or water.


Dryness fraction: It is the fraction of water converted to steam

at particular time. Latent heat of vaporization is 2260 kJ/kg, so
it requires 0.5x2260 = 1130 kJ heat to produce dryness
fraction of 0.5.

Once all the water has been converted to steam, any further
heat energy input increases the steam temperature i.e. the
steam gains sensible heat. Steam at a temperature above the
saturation temperature is called superheated steam.


Design of Heating Equipment

Considering the factors affecting heat transfer, a number of precautions
must be taken in designing equipment for heating operation, especially
when steam is the source of heat.
1. AREA - Heating should take place over as large surface as possible.
Q/t=Kd A(To Ti)/Ld
2. TEMPERATURE GRADIENT - a suitable temperature gradient should
be employed, theoretically, as great as possible. But this is not always
the case in practicea) Many pharmaceutical substances are thermo-labile and would be
damaged with a contact of high temperature surface.
b) Liquids boiling on hot surface form irregular streams of vapor
bubbles. Each stream originates from a point on the surface, called
nucleate boiling.
Above a critical surface temperature however, evolution of vapor is so
rapid that it cannot escape all at once and therefore the surface
acquires a blanket of vapor which forms an additional resistance to
heat transfer, known as film boiling.

3. MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION The plant should be made from

materials of suitable thermal conductivity.
4. GENERAL DESIGN - The design of plant construction should be such
that resistance due to surface layers are minimized.
a. Air Removal Elimination, as far as possible, of air in steam is of
extreme importance. Film of air if present reduces the overall coefficient of heat transfer (4% air reduces 3/4th of co-efficient value!).
Moreover, the total pressure will be a mixture of a partial pressure
of air and steam, i.e. the temperature of the mixture will be lower
than that of saturated steam at same pressure.
b. Cleanliness - The surfaces of the vessel should be kept clean and
free from deposits of solids or scale.
c. Condensate Removal The system should be arranged to permit
correct drainage and removal of the condensate formed as the
steam gives up its heat. The system could include a steam trap, a
device to distinguish between water & steam, allowing the former to be
discharged & the latter retained.
d. Liquid Circulation Turbulent flow should be maintained by
avoiding awkward shapes where stagnation might occur and using
forced circulation if natural circulation is inadequate due to density
or viscosity changes.


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