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Development off Phase Inverter for Perrformance

Improvement of FM-CW Raddar

M Wahab1, Y.P. Saputera1, Y. Wahyu1

Research Centre for Electronics and Telecommunications of

Institute of Sciences (PPET-LIPI),
The Indonesian
Sangkkuriang Road, Building 20, 4th Floor, Indonesia

AbstractIn this paper, development off a phase inverter

module for FM-CW (frequency modulated continuous wave)
Radar is presented. The development is perforrmed in the form of
a design and simulation based on the theory of Samuel Y. Liao
phase inverter
[2] and Tamasi Moyra et.als research for J mode
[6]. In a FM-CW Radar, two parallel separatee antennas are used
for transmitting and receiving signals simultaaneously. Side lobes
from both antennas are interfering with each other. This creates
false detection at the receiver. To overcome thiis problem, a phase
inverter is needed to remove interfering signalss from the transmit
antennas side lobes at the receiver. The phase
inversion is
performed for 180 degree phase shift ( / 2) beetween the TX and
RX signals. Experiments were conducted forr developing phase
inverter based on J, T, Y and # junction meth
hods. Based on the
calculations and simulations for the J-junction
n method, S11 of 22.2 dB and S14 of -43.475 dB (return loss), S112 of -4 dB and S13
of -3.34 dB (insertion loss output) were obtaained, while phases
S12 of 147 and S1 of -123. For T-junction, S111 of -24.86 dB and
S14 of -23 dB (return loss), S12 of -2.8 dB and
S13 of -4.7 dB
(insertion loss output) were obtained with phases S12 of 133 and
S1 of -133. Y-junction produces S11 of -25.886 dB and S14 of 25.989 dB (return loss), S12 of -3 dB and S13 of -5 dB (insertion
loss output) with phases S12 of 65 and S1 of -223. The #-junction
creates S11 of -17.08 dB and S14 of -25.81 dB (return
loss), S12 of
-4.17 dB and S13 of -3.5 dB (insertion loss output) with phases
S12 of 128 and S1 of -143. Based on the results of designs and
simulations, the phase inverting of 180 can be obtained more
using this
precisely by using the T- junction. The phase inverting
T-junction achieves the best performan
nce and will be
implemented for our Radar antennas.
KeywordsFM-CW Radar, phase
simulation, four junction methods.





Fig. 1. Figure 1. a. FM-CW Radar maade by RCET- LIPI, Indonesia. b. Block

diagram of the FM-CW Radar [1.3].

The main advantage of CW

W radar is the ability to detect the
speed of a target while the target
is in moving, where the
movement results in the channges in the frequency (Doppler
frequency). In contrary to its main advantage, the CW radar
cannot detect the distance of thhe target, unlike the radar pulses.
In order for CW radar to be able to measure distance, a
modification is required, i.e., by modulating the transmitted
signal using frequency moduulation (FM). The transmitted,
received and detected signals foor this type of radar are shown in
Figure 2.


Frequency modulated continuous wave (FM-CW) Radar is
a Radar using a frequency modulated saw toooth waveform for
the transmitted and received signals so that thhere is a frequency
variation over time. The reflected signal from
m the target will be
mixed with the transmitted signals to produuce beat signal. A
variety of modulated signal is possible including sine wave,
signal is
saw tooth, triangular etc. The saw tooth modulated
chosen for this FM-CW radar in order to obtain range and
targets speed. [1, 3]. Figure 1 shows an exxample of FM-CW
Radar and its block diagram.

Fig. 2. Signal waveforms of FM-CW radar [1].

The radar signals have a saw tooth shape, where the

frequency changes against tiime and then repeats with a
frequency fm. This frequency is also called frequency sweep.
Because of the triangular shappe, FM-CW radar has a limited
bandwidth, i.e., f. When a raddar signal arrives on a target with
a certain distance, the received radar signal will have a delay of

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t relative to the transmitted signal. This same delay also

occurs as the signal frequency changes, as shown in Fig. 1. If
the difference between the change in the frequency of the
transmitted and received signal, beat frequency (fb) will be
obtained. This beat frequency is proportional to the distance
delay and send a signal reflecting targets, meaning that the
farther the target, the greater the delay, and the greater the beat
A. Quadrature (90) Hybrid (Branch line coupler)
Quadrature hybrid is a 3 dB directional coupler with phase
difference of 90 at both the outputs, through and coupled port
[2]. This hybrid type is usually made on the microstrip or
strapline as shown in Figure 3. This hybrid phase inverter is
also called a branch-line hybrid.

Isolation (dB) =


Isolation can be also defined as a relation between two

output ports. In this case, one of the output ports is
considered as input, where two other ports (input dan
isolated) is connected to matched load. Then [6] ,
Isolation (dB) =


Isolation between input and isolated port can be

difference from isolation between two output port. As
an example, isolation between port 1 and port 4 can be
30 dB, while isolation between port 2 and port 3 can
have a different value, e.g., 25 dB. If both isolation
measurements cannot be carried out, then the value can
be considered to be equal. In reality, isolated port
cannot be isolated perfectly. There is still RF power
passing through it.

Directivity connects to isolation. Directivity is defined


Coupling Factor
Coupling factor (dB) = 10 log


Where P1 is the input power and P3 is the output

power of the coupled port.

Losses On the ideal branch line coupler, losses from

port 1 to port 2 that is caused by coupled power with
coupled output port is as follows [6] :
Insertion loss (dB) = 10 log [ 1 -



B. Amplitude Balance
This describes power difference at the two output ports at
the 3 dB hybrid. On an ideal hybrid circuit, the difference
should be 0 dB. This amplitude balance depends on the
working frequency.
C. Phase Balance
Phase difference between two output ports on the hybrid
coupler can have values of 0, 90, or 180 degrees depend on the
applied type. However, as in the amplitude balance, sensitive
difference on the input frequency results in several degrees
D. Antenna
Radar antenna transmits electromagnetic (EM) waves to the
target and they will be reflected back to the received antenna.
The EM waves were generated by a power transmitter and the
received EM waves will be processed by a sensitive receiver.
All targets will reflect the EM waves in many directions. The
reflected signals can also be called scattering. Backscatter is
reflected wave that in opposite direction with transmitted

Losses that is actually occur at the branch line coupler

is a combination among coupling loss, dielectric loss,
conductor loss, and VSWR loss.


Where P3 is output power from coupled port and P4 is

output power from isolated port. Directivity should be
as good as possible. Directivity cannot be measured
directly, but it can measure from isolation
measurement and coupling [2],
Directivity (dB) = Isolation (dB) Coupling (dB)

Other types of 3 dB coupler such as coupled line couplers

or Lange coupler can also be used as a quadrature coupler. The
basic mechanism of the branch line coupler is as follows: in a
condition where all ports are matched, power that goes in to
port 1 is divided evenly to port 2 and port 3, with a phase shift
of 90 between these two outputs. No power is coupled to port
4 (isolated port). S matrix for branch line coupler is express as
follows [6] :


Isolation (dB) = - 10 log = - 10 log + 10 log

Fig. 3. Branch line coupler [6]


Isolation at the branch line coupler can be defined as

difference at the sinyal level (dB) between input port
and isolated port when two output ports connected to
matched load [6].

978-1-4799-8641-5/15/$31.002015 IEEE

Fig. 4. Antenna FM-CW radar design with side lobes interact with each

E. Gap Analysis
In our design for antennas in the previous researches, side
lobes from the transmitted and received antennas interact with
each other on equal phase. When radar transmit the signals, the
received antennas instantly detects this transmit signals
ignoring the targets aimed by the transmitter. The antenna
configuration is illustrated in Figure 5.



Fig. 6. a Geometry design for # Junction, b. Impedance matching for the

design geometry.

Fig. 7. S parameter simulation for the # Junction.

Based on the simulation results, it was obtained s11 (Port 1)

equals -17,081 dB, the insertion loss s21 is -4.178 dB, s31 is 3.52 dB, s41 (coupling) equals -25.8 dB. For s22 (Port 2) is of 17.48 dB, s33 (Port 3) equals -17.48 dB and s44 (Port 4) is 17.08 dB.

Fig. 5. Phase shifting for transmit (TX) and receive (RX) antennas.

It can be seen on Fig. 5 that transmit and receive antennas

will not interact with each other if phase shifting is performed.
Thus, transmitted signals will not interfere with the reflected
The substrate used for phase inverter development is Roger
Duroid 6006 with a thickness of 1.27 mm and permittivity of
6.15. In our development, 4 phase inverter models were
developed to see which one of the models that performed best
for the FM-CW radar. Modes that were applied are # Junction,
J Junction, T Junction and Y Junction.
F. # Junction
Figure 6 shows geometry design for # junction and its
impedance matching. This geometry design uses SMA
connectors with impedance of 49.8 Ohm at 9.3 GHz frequency.

Fig. 8. Simulated results for phase shifting using # Junction.

Figure 8 shows phases generated by # Junction design with

phases s21 and s12 equal 128.79 and for s31 and s13 equal 143.91.

G. J Junction
Figure 9 shows the design and impedance matching
simulation for the J junction. Geometry of J junction design
uses SMA connectors with impedance 51.43 Ohm at 9.3 GHz

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Fig. 9. a. Geometry design of J Junction, b. Impedance matching of the


Fig. 12. Geometry design of T junction, b. Impedance matching for the


Fig. 10. Simulation results of J junction S-parameter.

Fig. 13. Simulation results of T Junction.

From the simulation results, the values obtained for s11

(Port 1) is -22,784 dB, s21 (insertion loss) is -3.44 dB, s31
(insertion loss) is -4.073 dB, s41 (coupling) is -43.47 dB .
While values for s22 (Port 2) is -23.7 dB, s33 (Port 3) is -23.7
dB and s44 (Port 4) is -22.7 dB.

From the simulated results, the obtained values for s11

(Port 1) is -22.867 dB, s21 (insertion loss) is -2.86 dB, s31
(insertion loss) is -4.73 dB, s41 (coupling) is -23 dB. While
values for s22 (Port 2) is -22.63 dB, s33 (Port 3) is -22.63 dB
and s44 (Port 4) is -22.86 dB.

Fig. 11. Simulated results for phase shifting using J junction.

Fig. 14. Simulated results for phase shifting of T Junction.

Figure 11 shows that the phases of the J junction are s21

and s12 equal 147.5, s31 and s13 equal -123.677.

Figure 14 states that phases from T Junction for s21 and

s12 equal 133.9 and for s31 and s13 equal -134.2.

H. T Junction
Figure 12 shows the design and impedance matching
simulation for the T junction. Geometry of T junction design
uses SMA connectors with impedance 57.50 Ohm at 9.3 GHz

I. Y Junction
Figure 15 shows the design and impedance matching
simulation for the Y junction. Geometry of Y junction design
uses SMA connectors with impedance 50.72 Ohm at 9.3 GHz

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S33 (Port 3)
S44 (Port 4)
S21 (Insertion
S31 (Insertion
S41 (coupling)
Phases s12 and
Phases s13 and

















49 Ohm

51 Ohm

57 Ohm

51 Ohm




Fig. 15. a. Geometry design of Y Junction, b. Impedance matching of the Y


Based on our experimental results, for three models that

were designed based theory described in [2] and another model
based on a research described in [6], the best design for almost
equal phases of port 2 and 3 is by using T junction method. The
phase shifting is needed for FM-CW radar that has two
separate parallel antennas for TX and RX. In general, FM-CW
radar has equal phases for both antennas so that the transmit
EM waves can interfere with the received EM waves. The
effect of this interference is the false detection at the receiver.
Due to this problem, a phase inverter is implemented at the
receiver to remove the interference from the transmit antenna.
This project was a part of research projects at the Research
Center for Electronics and Telecommunication Indonesian
Institute of Sciences (RCET-LIPI), and was performed in
cooperation with the University of Indonesia for the use of
simulation software. The funding for this research comes from
the internal research funding of the RCET-LIPI.

Fig. 16. Simulated results of Y Junction S parameter.

From the simulated results for the Y junction, the derived

values s11 (Port 1) is -25.663 dB, s21 (insertion loss) is -3.04
dB, s31 (insertion loss) is -5.47 dB, s41 (coupling) is -25.98 dB
. While for s22 (Port 2) is -25.98 dB, s33 (Port 3) is -27.196 dB
and s44 (Port 4) is -25.86 dB.




Fig. 17. Simulated results of phase shifting of Y junction.

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Mashury Wahab, Yuyu Wahyu, and Yussi Perdana Saputera, Research
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Tamasi Moyra, Susanta Kumar Parui, and Santanu Das, Modeling and
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journal of radio electronics No. 11, 2012.

Figure 17 shows phases for Y Junction are 65.47 for s21

and s12, -23.2 for s31 and s13.
S11 (Port 1)
S22 (Port 2)


# Junction

J Junction

T Junction

Y Junction

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