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N. Y.


vol. 9. NO.B


'am 1. Column 4.)

B2byIsn-Mother and Daughters

The Pmtesimt sects (and we say
it T . , L ~ L.I b-e dolorenee to a corn,
few desout souls vllhln



clergy are not what they have claimed and think thentsekea
to ba
Bmae 8 ~ o Mommy
n ~
which wnU11s the
article o%e
Fall of Babv1onu is &wbe B minW -.

m n meseenger wrote:
"After the truth, which Babylon now begins to regard a s
her enemy, and a s calculated to accomplish her destruction,
shall have become more generally known and widely circulated;
after 'the hail' has to a considerable extent swept away the
refuge of lies; a ~ after
the now smoldering Iurd menacing
hatred of the truth i s thereb roused t o an opposition so
violent and so general a s to edctually stop the further progress of the great work in which the saints are enga ed," will
be '%he approximato time of the deliverance or 'Ange' of
the last members of the body of Q l r i s L J ' 4 231, 232.
X A m X a OF ELUIEl:
After Eli'& grmote the Jordan Kith t h i s mantle, he d
over with
and while the two d a d together on the
other sik, Elijah was taken up by s whirlwind into heaven.
Elishs then took up the mantle of Eli-&, tht had fallen
from him, and went back over the
It Beems quite
reasonable that the mantle repreeeated the mensage of kuth
which the Elijah daas h w posseseed throughout its journey
during the harvest ;period (Psalm 91:4) Eli@
had thie
mantle with bim a11 the way from Gilgal to bhe JoElijrh
and Eliehn stood a t the Jordan, talking; then Elijah wrapped
up Itis mantle and m o t e the waters. This seema t o explain
the waiting period from 1914 to 1817, when the smiting of
the antity iarl Jordan b $ n by the measage " w r q p d up for
the slsPB&.er."
(Exekie 21:15) 'The -shed
contains the mesmqa of truth in brief, compact form, specially
directed against Babylon. It mas used partiularly from the
latter part of 1917 to the spring of 1818.
itbout the middle of Maroh, 1918, the distribution of '"Zhe
Finished Mystery" was suddenly stopped. The auggbbion
does not seem unreasonable that, "The Finished Mystery" being tbc mantle, the quanti of these printed and not dietributed will he used by thexlisha class for ? wand smiting
of the waters (peoplce).

hah ha;


The saints need not be disturbed by the suppression of the

message against Babylon. This is not man's work, but the
I a r d ' ~work. God bas permitted it t o be interruptad for some
good purpose and will overrule i t to his own glory. 'The
Piilished Mystery" has been suppressed on the theory that it
interferes with the prosecution of the war. (Jeremiah 38:4)
the clergy have represented to ofecials that it ie
interfering with the war. R e cannot agree that the circulation of this book in any manner interferes with the war's
prosocution. Those having to do with ita distribution have
had no intention whatsoever to interfere with the prosecution
of the war. Something, however, must interfere with the
harvest work. Excessive use of authority ma be expected in
this time of stress. In many places, petty of%eials of the law
11are arrested, without warrant, some of the faithful Colporteur brethren; have thrown them into jail and refused to
give them opportunity to arrange for bail; m d after eeveral
days have turned them looeo with tho wam'ng that they
sl~ouldnot sell any of the STUDIESm THE 53-8
or any
publications of the Society. Undoubtedly oBcials ;have thought
i t a.lrsolutely necessary to eupprese this message. TSle h i p ture3 indicate that such a coulee would be taken. In 1881,
the faithful meaeenger of Lsodicea, diacusging this point
said :
"\\%en repressive, restrictive and coercive measures are
Lhought to be necessary, such measures will probably include
not only labor organizations and the publicatio~~s
which advocate their rights and wrongs, but also such others as point
out the plan of God, and the real cause and only remedy for
the great distress of the nations. Yes, the time is probably not
many years distant, when repressive measures rasy be brought
to bear against every effort of the sainta to spread the good


N- S.

news of tbe coming kingdom, all on the plea that the general
intereeta and the public welfare demead such s. course.
'Thus would be fulfilled the redictions of the Second
Psalm, and probably in the end w i 8 more Utternew than can
nuw well be imagined, though i t has ,been partially fulfilled
upon the Head of the ,body.--Acts
"The same n a v s i t y for restricting liberty on political m d
soeial questions will probnbl be supposed to
freedom of expression on re&ious quations
a t the foundation of all liberty. 16 would not be surprising
M a 'stroog government' would some day replace this present
gr& republic; and it is entirely probable that m e c o m m
standard of religious belief will be deemed ex edient and will
be promulgated, to teadh outside of which wily be treated and
punished as a political offense. Such a persecution would
not only furnish, in the end or hameat of this age, another
parallel to the harvest of the J e w i J age, but would also give
a wider and deeper signiicanee to the worda of the Apoeth
Paul and John, and to the typical illustrations of the close of
the earthly career of the true ohurch, as represented in Elijah's
wllirlwind departure and John the Baptist's imprisonment
and :beheading."-B
263, 264.
The door which by the way, our Lord calls a gato-reprew t s the way of entrance into a certain condition or privilege. (Luke 13:24. 25) I n this instance it represents entrance into the race for the prize of the heavenly csllin to
joint-heirship with Christ Jesus in his kingdom. That %mr
upened a t Pentemat. It muat be c l d eome time. It must
remain open until all the "wise virgins" have ,beensealed in
their ,foreheads. While open, it means that thme who enter
have the Meeeed rivilege of sacriticing and sufIking with
Christ J a m , w h i s l o a n i n g is not ardinary auifering, but
such d e r '
aa resnlte from faithfully walking kn the footsteps of %%aster
in loving devotion to the -use of r i g h t
eouanesg, and i n joyfully defending the truth, which is unpopular, and i n expos2 errors whiah are po u h . It means
truth aa we
a d o u s and energ c promulgatdon of
have opportunity, a t all hazards. It means to be true, loyal
and faithful to the Lord under all conditions, even unto death.
Such privileges are the greatest ever afforded to any c m ture. The ceasing of such privileges to any and all persons
would aeem to mark definitely the closing of the door. 'The
night cometh when no man can work."
(John 9:4) l % a t
time will mark the closing of the door. Diermesing this point,
the last messenger t o the church said :
"There a r e three ways in which the cloeing of this door
might be indicated: first, by a definite Bible statement of the
exact date; eecond, by euoh a reversal of pubIic sentiment with
reference to the truth that fidelity and zeal in its service would
no longer meet with opposition, and when snfferin with Christ
for the truth's a&e, would be no bnger potwide; or third.
by enoh a condition of affairs obtaining in the &orid that all
o portunity for such service would be effectually obetmted,
t f u s leaving no-opportunities for u n d i d a t a to enter into
the work and to develop and provo their love and faithfulnesa by their activity and endurance.
We have a cIear
intimtion that t h e door will be shut i n the manner last
named; for, before the Yillennial day breaks, we are forewarned of a dark night wherein no man can lsbor."-C 207.
"The closing of the 'door,' in the parable of >.fatthew 25,
marks the full end of all opportunity for any, even of the
'called' ones, thereafter to attain the prize of the high calling.
I t marks the end of all opportunitv to prove worthy of the
all opportunity for
prize by fsithfulncse in the sew&:
service will there terminate in the 'nightJ wher~inno man
a n work."----C 213.
W H O Ia IS^?
"'The morning cometh, and a3ao the night' T h c night
cometh when no man oan work.' When that is true, you may
b o w that 'the door is shut,' &at all the wise virgins have
entered in, that all have been proved, a d that all vacancies
have been acceptably 5lled."'-C 225.
"Ere long our work will be cut short--gradually a t first,
and then completely and finally, when 'the nigbt cometh, when
no mnn can work.' And thc gloom of that 'night' will b e
dispelled only by the Xillennial sunrise. When our work is
done, and that night e l m in around us, we may expect not
only t o see the storm-clouds grow muc11 darker, but also to
hear and to feel thi! rieing 'winds' which will e ~ h i n a t ein a
wild hurricane of human passion-& whirlwind of trouble.
Thm, having finished our appointad work, it will be our part
t o 'stand,' patiently, until our 'change' eomes."4 230.
We record here some of the trying experiences through


.. .



whiah our brethreo are causod to paw because of their faith- not the earth, neither the sea, nor Chc trees, till we have
(Revelafdncas to the Lord. About the 14th day of Mar&, the At- sealed the eervanta of our God in their foreheads!'
torney General instructed the District Attorne e throughout tion 7:2, 3) The conclusion to be dram from this is tbat
the count? t o yrevcnt the further u l e and b h t r i b . u t h of Dhe demons will be looeed when the eainta a r c scaled and the
"The Finis id 3 ystery," but to arrest no one who had mld door is dosed. The Scriptures clearly show that the demons
inhabit Bab Ion. [Revelation 18:2) It is reasonable to
or distributcd the book prior t o that date without wrongfa1
conclade that, arm being l w e d , some little time might Je
intent. h'otwithstandina this order. local Government &
the demons in influencing the minds of the w~llin difercnt d laces have exceeded their authoritv. Some of occupied
the dear friends have been arrested and thrown into iail for ing ones in Babylon and in thc formulation of plam for
distributing Tss BIBLES ~ D ~ 3 T
6 0 -S~ L Y .others becanee operation ageiwt the Inst members of the body of Ohrmt, and
they were sellinn the first six volume4 of STUDXES YX TEE that during that time the saints would bc concluding their
e: otbers. *because thev eold the Sesurrio of the work. T h e demons will inhabit the members of Babylon
Phob-Drama of Creation. Two' were arrested and b r o w t by taking control of bhe body and mind, as in the days o i
into court because they had dietribnted the IClxfo~oxX'R~S.Noah. They will probbhly first vent their spleen or vengeanc*
After their mearceration, some one induced a woman to make upon tho members of the kingdom clam.
Conditions w M have recencly developed in Russia stronga false affidavit against one of them When the caee wae
heard,. the amdavit was proven to be false nnd both brethren ly indicate that the evil epirits are loose. It is well lcnonn
f i a t the czar of Russia consulted the demons through me&were released.
nms. The violent disposition w t l y manifested by the clergy
Following are a few extrack .from letters suab a s have t o w ~ r dsome of our brethren indicates that the demons are
occupying their minds. \Ve m y expect this violence to inbeen received here every day during the past few weeks:
County Jail. In harmony with tbe Lord's will. crease in the near future. Let ua not be surprised if within a
I am having a quiet seseon of study and fellowship with him short time every avenue for the pmmulgation of %he truth
is c l o d
We shall be taken from here' by a n o k r
We need not be at all disturbed because the o portunity to
to the District Attorney's office lor dietributing KmQDOX
distribute 'Th. Finished Mystmy" has heen h e e n from "8.
''Your telegram received yesterday in the
Jail. They The work is the Lord'a Our business, a s nls ambaesadors,
is to deliver $he message. In the days to come the clergy
after keeping ua four d
will not be heard to eay that they did not have o
t o arut selline anv of
to k m of this -ge.
This mewage must be d x i z z
Babylon. Only the faithful will engage in delivering it. If you
have had an o portunity to do so, rejoice and e v e t h n k s to
the Lord. Tge i e r y chariot that took away FI
four sisters went to a neiphborina town and distributed THE me truy experiences *at would come to tieYitfh"P4 ma
nd- who er&t in making proclamations of the message of the
111ent.' Just M thw t throwh with the distribution, the c i h . king&m, and e o M anxious t o enter the fiery chariot and
g~arahal.with andth:.
insisted that the? EO s a d rather tbe be taken .home rn the hwd's own due time.
Some, when Beeing theae Bery eqeriencee-the 5- ehari?t
pacts up. and thorn thev had a nnblic bumim."-Ill,
t a plrce of d e t y by c a h g k h e ~
* 8 06ice. &a& night
w u ha!d im jail here for appearing, have e
labors in the .harvest field and by refusing to speak anything
Finished Mystery.'
'Last Saturday I went to
t o attend the trial of concerning Babylon, declining even to mention it in elm
two Colporteurs, and, whih looking for them, was arrested. e t u d ~ . If seems-that tbis shows a lack of faith in the Lprd.
They could not prove that I had circulated any of thc books Let us have in mind the Apostle's woras: "Now the just
[the justiiled, having the mbe of (X~rist'sr i g h t e o ~ o ~
since the rulinq was made."-Okla.
"While bus117
in cutting oat the pegee objected live by his faith; but if any man draw baek, my sod Bhsll
to [in # m e pini*WMery**1, an oficer of the federal gw- have no plerrwe in him." (Hebrewa 10:38) This L the
ermenf arrested ua. My t e ~ u e dto ehow me hb warrant was time above dl times to stand finm and truat in the Lord.
we see the persecution becoming more violent
completely ignored. We were converd to the police station Ewn *ugh
and no one was allowed to comuni& with us. From tbe
day, h u m of our faithfulness, let us keep in mind
who is on our part i s greater than all that can be
press accomt, next morning, I learned tbat twv of my friends
came to bail me out, but were not allowed to see us a6 ail. against u s Let us not waver. Let us roeeed in the dechrnAfter spending several nights m jail, we were reluped with- tim of the meesag~of the kingdom a s Tong M the Lord gives
out any explanation whatsoever. Two people told ma that the us any opportunities. "'And probebly a t tbia 'uncture the
officer gave them mverd books, with in#tructions to bum them Elijah clam, persisting in declaring the truth to ?!he last, will
suffer violence, pass into glory and escape from the eeverest
when they had flnished reading them."-La.
" W e are under~.oinpmeat persectltiom while trying to do feature8 of the great time of tronble."4 231.
col orteur work.
r a
u 11 the venth
The Lord bes permitted m e of his people to remain to
and 16.a%%
thia time in order to leave records concerning his kingdom
that will be valuable to the undweloped great compny class
3lox~r1r.r.'The Fall of Bahvlon.' V c have been workine
m-th the other %vlumes and the Scen&rio and booklets: hut and to tbe world in general. It therefore h o m e s the privilego of all the consecrated, as opportunity offers, to make
hear threats of arrest ewrv dav."-Tex,
County Jail.- There are three brothers and my- proclamation of the meessp;e of the kingdom. The trlme ia
self in jail here for selling 'The Finished Mysky.'
We are short. Let every one be active. Let wery one who is able
rejoicing tJlut we hare a share in drinking the Lord'e cup."to give s public addreas, fnd who can And an opportunity,
do so, using the subject. The World IIas Ended-Nillions
my brother and I were stopped from selling Now Living Will Sever Dieu It is a peat privilege to anthe B ~ XV ~ U I O C S of s~ld1~8
m m e SC~wlwmaby a eeeret nounce this message of the Bingdom to the poor world in this
service man. He tokl ns if we tried to sell any mom boo?za hour of distrew. If we are privil
to be the very last
we would be arrested. We were not selling any Seventh Vol- onm on the
to do thie, such wil be a great honor. 'To
b among tbow who rcmpin is no diehonor; and to be the
I n Texae two of the pilgrims have brm arrested for preach- very last one of those to be 'chanw win be no discredit.
ing the -pel,
one of them being held in $10,000 bond for a p Severel &ripkPss ahow that there is a special work for the
p&fore the Grand Jury. Another of our traveling laat memke of tbe body t o do on tbis &e the y d , a s immimetere WM waited upon by the msyor and chief of police pmtant and am d i a U y a ut of &@om work as that
othm side.''-C 235.
in a western town and warned not to preach W ~ ~heJ Ist- of the glorified members on
tempted C do w, a mob chased him out of h,
but capEx
tured his companion and toned bim. The e;ovcmor co-operated
then, ihd some sveuueo of service are c m , let
t o fumiah prote&on. This mob violme indicates tb.t-the M Se&q,
nickly tor ~XIW o 6 h avenue remofming open. 8wn
demons are IOOM
and inhabiting the minds of men, inciting a n look
the m
k will cloee down, arrd then
them to lawleas deeds.
suddenly w i l l sbp cony etely. But let us ramember Pat the
m Loom
feet m e m b e ~ b t b elast members-have some work to do even
St. John the Revelator wrote: "And I m a . nnother m p l
ascending from the east, ,having the # a 1 of the living Ood; '%'The m i d m of the feet, d Z o h is no indpi-t
art of
and he cried with a loud voice to the four an&
to whom the kingdom work, will be accomplished. Though thefr mesi t WM @en
to hurt the a r t h and the rtq mying, Hurt s q m is popularly l w t d urd diemdited and thay am deupieed









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