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History of nuclear weapon and its

development timeline
1.what is nuclear weapon?
2.Types of nuclear weapon
3.Historical development time line

First phase (1950 -1950)

Second phase(1950-1970)
Third phase(1970-1990)
4th phase (1990- present..)

4.Effects of nuclear weapon

6.What is nuclear material
7.List of countries with nuclear weapon
9.facts on Nuclear weapon
10.Future Good? Or Bad?
What is nuclear weapon?
Nuclear weapon : Is an explosive device that derives its destructive
force from nuclear reactions, either fission or combination of fission
and fusion .Both reactions release vast quantities of energy from
relatively small amounts of matter . A modern thermonuclear weapon
weighing little more than a thousand kilograms can produce an
explosion comparable to the detonation of more than a billion
kilograms of conventional high Explosive.
Define nuclear weapon :

Device designed to release energy in an explosive manner as a result

of nuclear fission nuclear fusion and combination of two processes.
Fission weapons are commonly referred as atomic bombs. Fusion weapon
are also referred to as the thermonulear bombs or more commonly
hydrozen bombs they are usually defined as nuclear weapon in which at
least a partition of the energy is released by nuclear fusion .

Types of Nuclear weapon

Fission weapons =>
In fission weapons a mass of fissile material is assembled into a
supercritical mass the amount of material needed to start an
exponentially growing nuclear chain reaction Either bu shooting one
piece of sub critical material into another or by compressing using
explosive lenses a sub critical sphere of material using chemical
explisives to many times its original density the implosion method the
letter approach is considered more sophiscated than the formar and
only the letter approach canbe used if the fasile meterial os
Fusion Weapons =>
A pure fusion weapon is a hypothetical hydrogen bomd design that does
not need a fission primary explosive to ignite the fusion of deu
terium and tritum. two heavy isotopes of hydrogen such a weapon would
require no fissile material and would the therefore be much easier to
build in secret than existing weapons .the necessity og separating
high quality fissile material requires to substantial industrial
investment and blocking the sale and transfer of the needed monarchy
has been the primary mechanism to control nuclear proliferation to date

Historical Development timeline

First phase (1930-1950)

1933 _ leo Szilard realizes the concept of the nuclear chain reaction. He
invented the atomic bomb in 1933 while crossing a London street. He patented it in
1934. (British patent 630,726)
1938 - December - German Chemist otto hahn and firtz strassemn detect
Barium after bombarding uranium with neutrons This is correctly interpreted bylise
meinter and her nephew otto Robert firsch as nuclear fission.
1939 - January otto Robert Frisch experimentally confirrt otto hunnand firtz
strassman discovery of nuclear fission.
1939 - April nazi germanei begins the german nuclear energy protect.
1939 - October - US President franklin ruzvelt receives the and authorizes the
creation of the Advisory Committee on Uranium. Uranium commitee has its first
meeting on October 21, and $6,000 was budgeted for conducting neutron
August 1942
Manhattan Project established in US
16 July 1945

US conducts first ever nuclear test

6 August 1945

US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima

9 August 1945

A second bomb is dropped on Nagasaki

24 January 1946

UN calls for elimination of atomic weapons

29 August 1949

Soviet Union tests its first nuclear bomb

3 October 1952

UK tests nuclear weapon in Australia

1 November 1952

US tests the first hydrogen bomb

1 March 1954

US conducts massive Bravo test

9 July 1955

RussellEinstein manifesto issued

17 February 1958

UK disarmament campaign formed

1 December 1959

Nuclear tests banned in Antarctica

13 February 1960

France tests its first nuclear weapon

30 October 1961

Largest ever bomb test conducted

1629 October 1962

Cuban Missile Crisis occurs

5 August 1963

Partial Test Ban Treaty opens for signature

16 October 1964

China conducts its first nuclear test

14 February 1967

Latin America becomes nuclear-free

1 July 1968

Non-Proliferation Treaty is signed

Third phase :
18 May 1974

India conducts first nuclear test

22 September 1979 Nuclear explosion in Indian Ocean

12 June 1982

A million people rally for disarmament

10 July 1985

Rainbow Warrior ship destroyed

6 August 1985

South Pacific becomes nuclear-free

10 December 1985

Anti-nuclear doctors win Nobel

30 September 1986 Israels nuclear programme revealed

1112 October 1986 US and Soviet leaders discuss abolition
8 December 1987

Intermediate-range missiles banned

Fourth phase :(1990 present)

10 July 1991

South Africa joins Non-Proliferation Treaty

15 December 1995

Southeast Asia becomes nuclear-free

11 April 1996

Africa becomes a nuclear-free zone

1 June 1996

Ukraine becomes a nuclear-free state

8 July 1996

World Court says nuclear weapons illegal

24 September 1996

Total nuclear test ban is signed

27 November 1996

Belarus removes its last nuclear missile

9 October 2006

North Korea conducts nuclear test

30 April 2007

ICAN is launched in Vienna

4-5 March 2013

Norway hosts first humanitarian conference

14 February 2014

Mexico conference calls for ban

Effects of nuclear weapon :

However, depending on the design of the weapon and the environment

in which it is detonated the energy distributed to these categories can
be increased or decreased. The blast effect is created by the coupling
of immense amounts of energy, spanning the electromagnetic
spectrum, with the surroundings. In locations such as submarine is
produced as blast and how much as radiation.

When an air burst occurs lethal blast and thermal effects proportionally
scale much more rapidly than lethal radiation effects, as higher and
higher yield nuclear weapons are used .

The physical-damage mechanisms of a nuclear weapon (blast and

thermal radiation) are identical to those of conventional explosives.
However, the energy produced by a nuclear explosive is millions of
times more powerful per gram and the temperatures reached are
briefly in the tens of millions of degrees.

Energy from a nuclear explosive is initially released in several forms of

penetrating radiation.

What is nuclear material :

Nuclear materials are the key ingredients in nuclear weapons.they include
fissile,fissionable and source materials.Fissile materials are those which
are composed of atoms that can be split
By neutrons in a self-sustaining chain reaction to release energy,and
include plutonium-239
And uranium-235.Fussionable materials are those in which the atoms can
be fused in order to release energy ,and include deuterium and tritium.
Source of additional atomic particals for fission .They include
tritium,polonium,beryllium,lithium-6 and helium-3

List of countries with nuclear weapon :

Five nuclear-weapon states under the NPT

Russian Federation (formerly Soviet Union)

United Kingdom



Other states declaring possession of nuclear weapons

United States

North Korea

Other states believed to possess nuclear weapons


Facts of nuclear weapon :

There are 16,400 nuclear weapons on Earth today, more than 20 years after
the Cold War ended.

Five states are declared as nuclear weapon zones under the NonProliferation Treaty: US, UK, France, Russia and China. These countries
are committed to disarmament under international law. It is illegal for
any other country that has signed the NPT to develop these weapons.

Many other countries have been suspected of developing nuclear

weapons including India, Pakistan, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria and

Future good or bad?

Nuclear weapon is good :

Nuclear weapons are tools of mass destruction. They are also a

possible danger to our would and you have to understand the
consequences of using them.
It also very dangerous, The uranium can get into the skin and
damage your blood, cells and organs.
The nuclear energy can damage whole city and wipe out entire
country in just few seconds. That is the reason why people try to
stop Iran build nuclear weapon.

Nuclear weapon is bad :

Nuclear Weapons has changed human society in the certain way. It

lead the END of the WW2 and reduced the pain that people suffered
from the War.

The use of nuclear weapons has killed many people. In result of that
there are an abundance of people who hate nuclear weapons, and
people who like them.

The Technology has improved when the nuclear energy have been
found. Open a new technology field.

My evaluation :

The entire world would be a more secure planet if we were free from
nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are the only type of weapon in
existence that have the power to wipe out the human species and
countless other species. (

Nuclear weapons have not prevented any wars, which is what they were
suppose to do in the first place. Starting to Conclude..

Conclusion :
Its important to think about the use of nuclear weapons because there may
be a war or other conflict in which we may need to use nuclear force in order
to defend ourselves. This topic was very interesting to research and present
because there are so many things about nuclear weapons that people do not
know about. Basically you are either for or against the use of these weapons
of mass destruction there is no in between

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