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Black seed honey cumin oil

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Koripsion : swa oui swa non, Apre asim to desizion !

The black cumin is a cure for all diseases except death (Bukhari, Muslim).
In the East, the healing properties of black cumin seed oil have been used for over 3000 years.

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Common names of black seed:

Black cumin, Nigella, black coriander. In different languages it is known as black seed, black
cumin (English), nielle (French, German.) Melansion (Greek), shoniz, Siah dana (in Persian),
ketchaz, ketyach (hebru) kalaundzhi (Hindi, Urdu), Krishi dzhirak (sans), kalidzhra (beng.)
kalaondzhi Giro (gudzhratn) niladzhirakira (tel.), kalidzhira (Mar.), Karahunj rigam (Tamil),
Karuna Chirag (mal.) Black karavey seed, habbatul baracka (blessed seed) and habbul
sauda shoniz (Arabic) and the botanical. name is Nigella Sativa. It is grown in many countries,
including Saudi Arabia and India.

The chemical composition of black cumin:

Black seed oil contains more than 100 components, some of which are still unexplored. The seed
contains the following fatty acids: Myristic (0.5%), Palmitic (13.7%), Palmitoleic (0.1%), Stearic
(2.6%), Oleic (23.7%), Linoleic [Omega 6] (57.9%), Linoleic [Omega 3] (0.2%), Arachidic

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(1.3%) and the following nutrients: protein, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, thiamin,
riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, folacin.

Hadith of the Prophet:

Since 1959, there were conducted more than 200 studies in international universities, stunning
results of which were published in articles and reports by various media. This confirmed the
importance of black cumin, which was mentioned more than 1,400 years ago.

Here are some of the hadiths of the Prophet about the good and wonderful
properties of black cumin:
1. The black cumin is a cure for all diseases except death. (Ahmad). 2. Black cumin is the cure for
all diseases, except for Sami (death).(Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah and Ahmad). 3. Khalid bin
Saad: Once I arrived in Medina with Ghalib bin al-Jabari. On the way Ghalib became ill. From the
words of Aisha the Prophet Muhammad said: The black cumin heals all illnesses We pounded
black seed into a powder, mixed with olive oil and dripped the mixture into both nostrils of
Ghalib. And he got better. (Bukhari, Muslim ;). 4. Eat black cumin because it contains the cure
for all diseases except for Sami.
Then someone asked: What is Sami? The Prophet said: death. (Ahmad, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi
Exploring these hadiths, scientists came to a surprising conclusion: it turns out, black cumin effects
the thymus gland, stimulating it. It is known that the thymus is responsible for the bodys
defenses.With the use of black seed, the number of T lymphocytes, T killers and other cells
responsible for healing from illness and strengthening of the bodys defenses increased several
times in the blood.

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Such experiments have been made often, all of them confirmed that black seed increases the bodys
defenses and the properties of black cumin are the cure for many diseases. In the U.S.,
pharmacological companies have even created a special laboratory where, based on black cumin,
scientists create new drugs. As for the cure for all diseases, science has proved that through the
regulation and the effect on the thymus and strengthening the bodys defenses you can cure any
disease. Scientific studies have shown that black seed strengthens the immune system and are
therefore is a panacea because the resistance of immunity is a necessary condition to get rid of
any disease, whatever nature it may be.
Black seed is a plant of the Prophet Muhammad, as it takes a special, unique place in the medicine
of the Prophet Muhammad, mentioned as a cure for all diseases. It is important to note that
before the Prophet nobody gave such great importance to the black seed, and that the prophet did
caraway popular and mentioned it in many hadiths and emphasized the wonderful properties of
black cumin, giving very detailed recipes and methods of its use for specific diseases. In 1989, the
Pakistan Medical Journal published an article about the phenomenal properties of black seed
oil. And in 1992, the medical department of the University of Dahe (Bangladesh) made a research
of antibacterial properties of black seed oil in comparison with strong antibiotics: ampicillin,
tetracycline, gentamicin and nalididixic acid. Indisputable facts are delighted black seed oil has
shown to be a more effective tool.

Some areas of medicine that use black cumin and black cumin oil:
1. The use of ground black cumin seeds, mixed with honey, helps to dissolve gallstones and kidney
2. Black seed increases efficiency and vitality.
3. The use of black seed oil helps to destroy the gastric and intestinal worms (helminths).
4. Compress of cooked black cumin, superimposed on the head is good when you have colds and

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5. When you have sputum, you should use black cumin, mixed with lemon juice (you can add a
little honey or sugar to taste.)
6. Smoke of black cumin deters mosquitoes and other insects.
7. It is also recommended to put the black seed on the appearing moles, it helps to prevent their
development and helps to cleanse the skin.
8. Even with leprosy it is recommended the imposition of a paste of black cumin mixed with
9. In poor condition of the skin you should take regularly the black cumin oil.
10. The use of black seed oil stimulates the generation of an marrow and vital immune system cells,
a fact is officially confirmed by a research of scientists Cancer-immunobiological Laboratory of
Southern California.
11. Moreover, they suggest that black seed is an ideal candidate for use in the treatment and
prevention of cancer.
12. The use of black cumin reduces the level of sugar in the blood, and thus once again confirms the
fact that this blessed herb is an excellent remedy against many diseases, including diabetes.
13. When you have cancer it is recommended every morning on an empty stomach before dawn to
drink the juice of one medium onion, continue it for a month. Claim that this method can cure
14. A throat cancer is also can be cured with daily and constantly drinking of black seed oil with
15. It is used for diarrhea as a fixing agent, as well as when there are difficulties associated with
16. Cumin oil a good antidote for snake bites.
17. It has a beneficial effect on the lymph nodes, helping to reduce them.

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18.It restores hair and also is used against graying.

19. If you soak cumin seeds for an hour in the breast milk and then give a sniff to the Hepatitis
patient, you can get a good therapeutic effect due to the fact that this opens ducts of the liver and
gall bladder.
20. To improve vision you should sniff powdered cumin, mixed with butter of toffee.
21. Vinegar dressings are used in the treatment of skin diseases, purulent scabies, leprosy.
22. It can cure long-standing, solid tumors.
23. Lubricating anus with oil of cumin, you can get rid of the worms.
24. Soaked overnight in vinegar and then milled cumin, you should sniff when you have chronic
headaches and facial paralysis.
25. It is one of the most reliable agents in the treatment of blockage of blood vessels.
26. Mixed with honey, it is used in the treatment of kidney stones and bladder stones.
27. Nose drops for colds are prepared as follows: roasted, chopped black cumin is mixed with a
little butter and you drip 3-4 drops in each nostril.
28. As a hot compress cumin is used in bandages to put on the forehead.
29. It also has sedative properties, has beneficial effects on the nervous system.
30. Improves circulation and skin color (in this case it should be taken in the morning).
31. Cumin oil has a strong impact in the treatment of vascular diseases, in particular sclerosis
32. It breaks up the stones in the kidneys and bladder.
33. Contributes to the secretion of breast milk.
34. Helps to eliminate worms.
35. By grinding, it helps to remove warts.

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36. Cures the common cold, cough, shortness of breath, jaundice, impotence. The oil also has many
other features.

General recommendations for black seed oil and black cumin

Due to the fact that the use of black seed is not only very useful (for general strengthening of the
body and for the cure of many diseases), but it is very, very important Sunnah of Messenger of
Allah, it is recommended the daily consumption of one teaspoon of this oil or black seed. The oil
can be mixed with orange juice or yogurt (halal) to improve the taste. Also we should not forget the
importance of external use of black cumin (compresses, rubbing, etc.).
A teaspoon of black seed oil put in a half a glass of water and add a tablespoon of honey, and mix it
and take 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner. For children, use half the dose, recommended
above. During the use a chronic disease may increase. This is a normal reaction of the body, as
black cumin is immune stimulant and strengthening of the immune system begins to counteract
the disease, which were not treated to the end
For general strengthening of the body it is recommended to drink after eating a teaspoon of black
seed oil (daily dose which should not be exceeded). Many people ask the question, What is more
effective seed or oil? The answer to this question is: Both are effective, but oil is more
concentrated. But still, many people prefer to take black seed (due to the high cost of oil,
etc.). When buying black cumin seed oil, make sure that the label is marked as 100%, cold-pressed,
solvent free, and that it has the factory packaging.

Recipes for the use of black seed oil and black cumin:

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1. Asthma, cough, inflammation of the lungs:

1. In the morning and evening 1 teaspoon
2. Rubbing the affected part
3. Massage the chest and back with black seed oil
4. Inhalation (1 tablespoon and 1 gallon of water)
5. Rub the chest with black seed oil diluted with olive oil (1:5 ratio)
6. Recommended to inhale the smoke of the black seed oil, as well as one-fourth teaspoon you can
keep under the tongue.
2. Diarrhea: Mix one tablespoon of black seed oil with a cup of yogurt. Drink the mixture twice a
day for three days.
3. Headaches: 1. Take one tablespoon of black seed oil and rub the affected part and the front
part of the head (not eating sweets, chocolate, etc.). Recipe 1: Mix 1 tablespoon of ground black
cumin, one tablespoon of ground anise seeds and one tablespoon of ground cloves. Take one
teaspoon before meals. Keep the mixture in your mouth for as long as it will not be easy to swallow

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and you can swallow. Do not use with water! Recipe 2: Take a half a teaspoon of black seed oil 2-3
times a day.
4. Rheumatism (muscle pain): 1. Eat five cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. 2.An hour
later, drink a glass of brew of cinnamon by adding five drops of oil of black cumin. 3. Heat a small
amount of black seed mixed with olive oil and rub the affected area intensely. 4. Just before
bedtime drink boiled black seed mixed with honey.
5. Skin diseases: 1. Mix a small batch of black seed oil with an equal portion of rose water and
two pieces of brown flour. Rub the sore (lesion) place with a cloth soaked in vinegar, then quickly
put the mixture on the skin and try to be in the sun. 2. Inside take one teaspoon of black seed oil
2-3 times a day. 3. Mix one teaspoon of black seed oil with one tablespoon of olive oil. Rub the
mixture into the face and leave for one hour. Then rinse with warm water and soap.
6. Vertigo:
1. Add one teaspoon of black seed oil in the tea and drink.
2. Just rub the cheeks and under the back of the neck. Take a spoon inside a day, rubbing temples
and neck. Black seed oil is instilled into the ear in case of infection.
7. Ear disease. Dizziness. You should drop into the ear one drop of black seed oil it cleans the
ear and relieves the pain.
8. At birth: one of the best remedies for the relief of pain during labor: to drink warm black seed
with honey.
9. At the heart burning sensation: Add a few drops of black seed oil and one teaspoon of honey
in a cup of hot milk. Drink hot. It is recommended to use a lot of salad.

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10. High blood pressure:

1. Add one teaspoon of ground black cumin seeds in a hot drink and take it with two cloves of garlic
every day before breakfast.
2. Mix the black seed with a hot drink (tea or other) and rub the body with black seed oil.
11. Chest pain and cold: In boiling water add one tablespoon of black cumin and inhale the
steam. Cover your head before bedtime.
12. Pain in the eye: 1. Drip in the morning and at night before going to bed and after take a table
spoon of it with honey inside. 2. Rub black seed oil around the eyes before going to sleep and drink
a hot drink, mixed with a few drops of oil of black cumin.
13. Gastric ulcer: 1. One teaspoon is mixed with a solution of flaxseed (linseed tablespoon per cup
of water), boil two minutes, then keep for some time, use in the morning and evening. Drink one
glass daily (not recommended to consume sweets and citrus fruits). 2. Mix ten drops of black seed
oil with a cup of honey, the mixture is taken on an empty stomach, one teaspoon. Then drink a
glass of milk. Continue without interruption for two months.
14. Cancer: 1. Apply black seed oil to the affected area. 2. Mix one teaspoon of black seed oil with a
glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice. Take three times a day for three months.
15. Sloth: Mix ten drops of black seed oil with a glass of orange juice and take a drink for ten days
immediately after waking up.
16. To improve memory: 1. Add seven drops of black seed oil in the broth of honey and
mint. Drink hot on empty stomach once a day. 2. Bring to a boil mint and mix it with honey and
add seven drops of oil of black cumin. Hot drink at any time. It is necessary to stop the use of coffee
and tea.

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17. Diabetes:
1. Grind one cup of cumin, one cup of watercress flower, half a cup of pomegranate peel. All this is
well mixed and you can take one tablespoon on an empty stomach. (Store in a cool place.)
2. Mix one cup of black seed, one cup of watercress seeds, a half cup of pomegranate peel, grind it
all into a powder. Take for one month before breakfast, one teaspoon of this powder with one
teaspoon of black seed oil.
18. Ear pain: For three days, soak one clove of fresh garlic in an ounce of oil of black cumin. Instill
a few drops of the mixture directly into the ear and rub the oil around the ear.
19. Eye disease: 1. Rub temples with a black seed oil before bedtime. Simultaneously take inside
seven drops of black seed oil with a hot drink, preferably with carrot juice. 2. Apply the poultice:
Boil one tablespoon of black cumin seeds in eight ounces of water, allow to cool for ten minutes,
strain through a sieve. Soak two cotton swab into the resulting liquid and put pads on the eyes for
ten minutes. 3. Rub whiskey with black seed oil before bedtime.
20. Insomnia: One teaspoon of black seed oil is mixed with honey or tea and a drink before
21. Nausea and vomiting: Add a teaspoon of ground black cumin in a broth of menthol and take
three times a day.
22. Toothache:
1. Rinse your mouth with a mixture of cumin and cider vinegar.
2. Mix ground black cumin and olive oil to form a paste and apply it on the affected tooth.
3. Boil eight ounces of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of ground black
cumin. Drain. Rinse your mouth with the resulting liquid for a few days.
4. Rub the affected area (teeth and gums) with a few drops of black seed.

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23. Excessive gas separation:

1. Make tea: mix equal parts of ground black cumin seeds, fennel (ground fennel) and peppermint;
add 3-7 drops of black seed oil, sweetened with honey.
2. Apply the poultice with apple cider vinegar and black cumin on the stomach.
24. Tonsillitis: Steam 10 grams (two teaspoons) of black cumin seeds and a half liter of water and
filter. Gargle twice a day.
25. Gallstones and kidney stones: The use of ground black cumin seeds, mixed with honey,
helps to dissolve gallstones and kidney stones.
26. Inflammation of the nasal passages:
1. Steam baths (take one tablespoon of black cumin, pour a glass of boiling water and inhale the
2. Lubricate the nose outside.
3. Take a teaspoon of black seed and drink a glass of water diluted with a tablespoon of pure honey
and take 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner.
27. The treatment of feet, nails, inflammation of the skin (eczema), loss of hair:
1. Lubricate the site with black cumin.
2. Take a teaspoon of black seed and drink a glass of water diluted with a tablespoon of pure honey
and take fifteen minutes before breakfast and dinner.
28. Hair Treatment: Ingredients: one tablespoon of black seed, juice of arugula and apple cider
vinegar, 100 ml. of olive oil. Seeds are mixed with the juice of arugula and infuse for 10
minutes. Add apple cider vinegar and olive oil and mix. Pour into a bottle.Depending on the length
of hair you rub the head 1-3 tablespoon. Leave for 20 minutes and then wash your hair as usual.

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29. Youthful acne: You should eat 1-2 capsules or 20-25 drops of black seed three times a day to
clean the face.
30. Allergies, skin inflammation, chronic inflammation: Take one teaspoon of black seed
and rub the affected part with black seed oil in the morning and evening, .
31. Diseases of the circulatory system: Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey
and a slice of crushed garlic. Take on an empty stomach for five days. You can also regularly take
five drops of oil with a glass of thyme or mint.
32. Gall bladder: Take oil similar to the case of inflammation of the liver.
33. Bone pain: Boiled onions are mixed with cumin oil , take twice a day. At the same time rub the
painful places with the cumin oil and oil of mint.
34. Bloating spleen: In broth of radishes, sweetened with honey, add seven drops of oil. Drink
one cup before bedtime on an empty stomach for a week.
35. Inflammation of the gums and teeth: Ground black cumin is boiled and placed inside the
apple. Use as chewing gum.
36. Inflammation of the liver: Add five drops of oil of cumin in a glass of welded leaves of
willow. Use for a week.
37. Inflammation of the spleen: Drink the oil with the brew of dill for a week (five drops in a
glass). You can also use willow as in the case of inflammation of the liver.
38. Hair loss: Take one teaspoon of black seed and make the head massage with a mixture of
black seed oil and olive in the ratio of 1:1, three times a week with a mixture and do not rinse for 10

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minutes (after which the head can be washed with shampoo) in the morning and evening .
39. Lethargy spleen: Mix a tablespoon of fig jam with a spoon of honey in a glass of hot water
and add seven drops of oil of caraway. Drink in the morning and evening for five days.
40. Hemorrhoids: Dilute black seed oil and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio, take one tablespoon three
times a day for ten days. Massage the affected area with black seed oil to prevent constipation.
41. Influenza: The infusion of thyme is mixed with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio and drip into the nose
3-4 times a day (from the flu and cough).
42. For purifying the whole urethra: Thoroughly cook one cup of barley in one liter of water
until there is about a cup. After cooling grind three cloves of garlic in a blender and add the
water. Drink on an empty stomach every day and drink lemon or other juices. Avoid soda.
43. High Blood Pressure: You must add a few drops of oil of black cumin to all hot drinks (tea,
milk, coffee).
44. Gynecology: rub the oil on scars on the abdomen and chest (during pregnancy and nursing
the inner admission is denied).
45. Cough and nasal hemorrhage: Three teaspoons each day during the week, rub the affected
part, inhalations.
46. Skin growths: Take one teaspoon of black seed oil and massage the affected part three times
a day in the morning and evening.
47. Diseases of the liver: To a cup of honey add a previous dose of cumin and a teaspoon of
ground oak bark. Take this portion on an empty stomach every day for a month.

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48. Fever: Add seven drops of oil of black cumin in a glass of mint tea or a drink, and take after a
meal (three times daily) for a week. You can also rub the body with oil before going to bed.
49. The immune system: Take one teaspoon of black seed oil for three months.
50. Sexual weakness: Rub the back ground cumin oil (lower part of back) and massage, rubbing
the groin area. Stir a teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of black seed oil and a teaspoon of
chamomile in half a glass of warm water and take any time.
51. Prostate: Rub the back with ground cumin oil (lower part of back) and massage and rub the
groin. Stir a teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of black seed oil and a teaspoon of chamomile in half
a glass of warm water and take any time.
52. Reducing cholesterol: Add seven drops of peppermint oil in the mint brew and sweeten with
honey. Drink while hot on an empty stomach once a day, it is prohibited the food with beef fat.
53. Ringworm, impetigo, eczema: You need to rub the black seed oil in the sites of
disease three times a day.
54. The narrowing of the heart valves: Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey
and drink a glass of hot tea. Desirable on an empty stomach and before bedtime.
55. Injuries: Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and drink a glass of hot tea. It is
advisable to take it on an empty stomach and before sleep and rub the affected part three times.
56. If you have closed ears: Put small pieces of cotton wool soaked in oil of black cumin in the
ears and remove in one hour. The result does not take long.
57. At a cold: Attach cotton wool soaked in pure black seed oil for 15-20 minutes.Immediately you

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will feel relief. With a bad cold this procedure can be repeated.
Tea from black cumin
1. In folk medicine, tea from black seed is used as a remedy for flatulence, diarrhea and biliary colic,
as a diuretic, cholagogue, anthelmintic, mild laxative and stomachic.It is given for mothers with
inadequate secretion of milk.
2. Tea from black cumin: take one teaspoon of crushed seeds, pour 50 ml of boiling water, leave for
ten minutes and strain. Take twice a day for a cup.
3. Tea for colds and bronchitis: in a large bowl mix one tablespoon of ground seeds, one teaspoon
of licorice root and chamomile flowers, half a teaspoon of anise seeds, fill with hot water. Infuse for
ten minutes, drain. Sweeten to taste (you can use honey).

Contraindications and side effects

And with all this, the consumption of black cumin has no side effects. The use of black seed, in
general, helps the natural healing process that takes place in the body to successfully cope with
infections, overcome diseases and maintain health. In this case, it neither the slightest way violates
the natural balance of the body. And regular use of black cumin improves the bodys resistance.
Never use the drug for pregnant women, and patients with transplanted organs of the body (liver,
kidney, heart), as it increases immunity of the body, which may lead to the abdication. Not every
black seed is useful, there are poisonous varieties. For general state of the body it is recommended
to drink after eating a teaspoon of black seed oil (daily dose should not be exceeded). Avoid
overdose, because you can irritate the stomach and intestines.
Black seed honey
Bees collect nectar from flowering fields of wild black seed in a sunny Egypt. And they get this

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delicious black caraway honey. It is better to have food as medicine than medicine as food

Honey from the flowers of the Cumin

Indications for use : This is a preventive-treatment product, not a treat. It is taken in the morning,
before eating, one tablespoon per day or is used as applications for wounds, burns,
rheumatism. Honey contains all the valuable substance of black cumin and superior in strength to
the oil and seeds. In the Middle East, honey of black cumin is widely known and loved. Today,
European companies have their apiaries in Egypt, producing and exporting honey from black seed
It heals viral infections, respiratory diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bloating, nausea,

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weak digestion, gastritis, constipation, gastric and duodenal ulcers, opens the appetite, stimulates
the de-worming, treats other diseases (stabilizes blood sugar, normalizes blood pressure, improves
the functioning of the liver and kidneys, lowers cholesterol, treats sexual problems, strengthens the
heart muscle, treats anemia).
How to use: for maximum effect, when using honey of black cumin, it is recommended to put the
honey in a well dried teaspoon and dilute it in a glass of warm water or milk. Take 40-60 minutes
before eating.
Take in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before going to bed.
Keep out of direct sunlight.
Do not store in metal containers.

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Related posts:

Black seed honey cumin oil

andy says:
08.01.2013 at 6:12 am

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20 of 26

Organic raw honey

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Blueberry honey

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Wow! It is very interesting facts about seed of black


ASLAM says:
16.01.2013 at 3:37 am

Leatherwood honey

Honey citron tea

actus honey



UmmAbdAllah says:
05.03.2013 at 7:00 am

As Salam Walaykum,
I saw your website and think that its fantastic, Masha Allah. My husband has some paralysis on his face and I read on your website
to soak the black seeds in vinegar and sniff. I want to know if this means just smelling it, or actually trying to get it up inside the
Also, in what way could my husband use to rebuild his nerves, as he has some difficulty using his right hand after his stroke?

7/16/2015 8:00 AM


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If you could please answer me, then I would really appreciate it.
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xenia says:
22.06.2013 at 11:59 am

I have an ulcer.It started after taking 1 teaspoon of the the black seed oil and swallowing it and then drinking distilled water
afterwards.I did not mix it with honey as I have a skin fungus and think it would aggravate the fungus as it flourishes on sugar.
Can you please advise me what to do as my stomach has these pain which feels like blades cutting on the centre of my stomach even
during the night.Is there another way of taking it without aggravating the stomach lining please?

The Blessed seed says:

25.07.2013 at 11:17 pm

It is very interesting.Rub the back ground cumin oil (lower part of back) and massage, rubbing the groin area. Stir a teaspoon of
honey, one teaspoon of black seed oil and a teaspoon of chamomile in half a glass of warm water and take any time.Thank`s.

Vee Campbell says:

31.07.2013 at 12:38 am

Unbelievably good information. So thankful you shared the knowledge of this wonderful seed.

7/16/2015 8:00 AM


22 of 26

Thanks again. I will be seeking this out asap.

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Mohammed Mustafiz Ur Rahman says:

29.08.2013 at 5:21 am

Assalam Alaykum,
Dear brother/sister,
I am suffering from serious stomach bloating. I have gone to doctor but they could not come to a conclusion. Please advice what
should i do and how do i take black seeds. Should i take honey along with it?
Jazak Allahu khairan

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7/16/2015 8:00 AM


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Saheed says:
10.10.2013 at 8:30 am

Salamuakun.please where can i get cumin honey here in nigeria


22.12.2013 at 7:22 am



saffinaz says:
31.01.2014 at 9:53 am

i want to know how is kalonji seeds helpful in cough and cold. please help

Shaik Nesar Basha says:

15.03.2014 at 6:46 am

How good is kalonji seeds/oil is helpful for liver cancer/bile duct cancer .please send the reply as per hadith and help us

chaudary says:
27.03.2014 at 11:11 am

asalam o alikum
I have severe tonils , also ear pain how can I use black seed oil for it.

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chibaby says:
02.05.2014 at 4:00 pm

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02.06.2014 at 2:46 am

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Lawal Abiodun says:

24.08.2014 at 8:41 am

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20.09.2014 at 4:38 am

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26 of 26

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Rijvan says:
30.03.2015 at 3:16 am

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2015 - Beekeeping

7/16/2015 8:00 AM

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