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Christianity: A Historical Introduction

Spring 2010 Instructor: Nathan Rein
MWF 11-12 Office hours: M 1:30-3pm, Tue 10 am-12 noon, and by appt.
Olin 108 Olin 211, x. 2571, nrein at ursinus dot edu

Final assignment

Please choose one of the following key themes from the course:
A. the mind and the body
B. reason, knowledge, and emotion
C. salvation and the transformation of the self
D. the relationship between the Christian and the world
E. defining the Christian community
F. or, contact me to propose a theme of your own

Then, discuss the roles this theme plays in at least six of the primary texts we have read
thus far. At least three of the texts must be numbered 9 or higher on the list below. To
refresh your memory, eligible texts include:
1. The Gospel of Mark
2. Paul’s Letter to the Romans
3. The Martyrdom of SS. Perpetua and Felicitas
4. The Letter of St. Ignatius to the Romans
5. The Martyrdom of Polycarp
6. Selections from Tertullian
7. Selections from Irenaeus
8. Selections from Justin Martyr
9. The Confessions of St. Augustine
10. The Rule of St. Benedict
11. St. Anselm, selections from the Proslogion (proof of God's existence)
and the Cur Deus homo (theology of the Atonement)
12. Selections from Thomas Aquinas
13. Selections from John Calvin
14. Balmer’s Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
15. Jenkins and LaHaye’s Left Behind

This assignment should have three primary sections. In the first section, explain which
theme you have chosen to focus on and elaborate on it. In other words, the themes listed
above are just names; in this section, which should be substantial (several pages), explain
what you think this theme means, why it is important to the course material, and what you
would look for in the texts to examine it. In the second section, go through each of the seven
texts you have chosen and discuss the role played by these ideas in that text. Again, give
each text a substantive discussion (at least a page). Use numbered subheadings. In the final
section, give your own analytical conclusion based on your careful reading of the texts you
chose. In this section, pay careful attention to the tensions or contradictions you found in
the texts (for example, some texts might emphasize inclusiveness and welcome, while
others emphasize moral strictness and separateness — this would be an example of a
tension within the texts). This section should be several pages long as well. For a total
length, take 10-12 pages as a guideline (3000 words or so). Include a word count. You will
be evaluated on your careful reading of and engagement with the texts and on the
thoughtfulness and originality of your ideas.

Due date: You have two options for this. Option one: you can turn it in on May 12, at 4 p.m.
(not midnight this time) and be graded normally. Option two: you can turn it in one week
earlier, on May 5, also at 4 p.m., and sign up for an oral exam time (sometime between May
5 and May 12). If you choose this option, I will ask you questions based on the work you
hand in, and you will have an opportunity to explain your answers in person; in this case, I
will determine your grade after we meet.

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