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Blushing or flushing is when your skin suddenly turns red, with a feeling of warmth.

Your skin
redness is caused by increased blood flow. Flush redness is an involuntary nervous system
response that causes capillary dilation.
Blushing typically causes face and neck skin redness. However, flushed skin can occur all over.
A red faced blush episode is usually temporary. And its routinely caused by strong emotions,
i.e. embarrassment, anger or excitement.
Facial blushing is often just a healthy body response to your mental state. Yet, skin flushing
can be associated with certain health or environmental conditions, like:



hot drinks




bright sunlight



motion sickness

Cushing syndrome


stem cell transplant

urticaria pigmentosa

alcohol consumption

Hodgkins lymphoma

scombroid fish poisoning

moderate allergic reaction

consuming hot, spicy food

carcinoid tumors syndrome

sudden temperature change

heat exhaustion, heat stroke

vipoma ~ rare type of pancreatic tumor

hypothermia ~ cold induced extremity vasodilation

Flushing also triggers rosacea flare ups.

Those of Asian descent may experience flush redness after drinking alcohol, even just a bit. This
blushing reaction is caused an incomplete breakdown of alcohol. A genetic disorder is your red
face causer.
Your flushing may also be caused by a medication or other substances that open up
your capillaries. Some red faced provokers are:






niacin supplements

nitroglycerin overdose

selenium, iron toxicity

high doses of vitamin C

isotretinoin ~ treats acne

intravenous heroin injection

peyote, PCP ~ hallucinogens

disulfiram ~ treats alcoholism

calcitonin injection ~ treats osteoporosis

laxatives containing magnesium overdose

contrast solution, injected dye for CT scan

certain diabetes & cholesterol lowering drugs

yohimbe ~ natural treatment for erectile dysfunction

nitrates ~ treat chest pain associated with angina, heart failure symptoms

anticholinergics ~ treats frequent urination & urgency of overactive bladder

Avoid all nonessential stuff that might cause a red face. If your facial blushing continues, then
get with your health care professional about this skin flushing for a health assessment of what
may be causing your redness.

Vaginal dryness is a common health issue during and after menopause. Hormonal changes,
primarily a decline in your estrogen level, causes a dry out of a thin moisture layer that coats
your vagina wall.
However, menopause is not the only cause for vaginal drying. Other health conditions and
situations that cause a decrease in estrogen system wide dehydration can play a role in
your vaginal dryness.
Potential vaginal dryness causers include:


breast feeding


ovaries removed

immune disorders

tumor ~ a rare cause

during menstrual cycle

Sjogrens syndrome ~ autoimmune disease

anti-estrogen meds used to treat breast cancer

drugs ~ allergy, cold medications, some antidepressants

cancer treatment ~ chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy

douching ~ disrupts normal vaginal chemical balance, can cause vaginitis

Estrogen not only helps maintain healthy vaginal lubrication, but it also retains its elasticity and
acidity. But when your estrogen levels decrease, it leads to a thinner, less elastic, more fragile
and drier vaginal lining.
Typical symptoms of a vaginal dryness health problem are:




painful intercourse

intercourse caused bleeding

increase in urination frequency, urgency

Estrogens combination of affects creates a naturally healthy defense to vaginal and urinary tract
infections as well. Its reduction may result in an increased incidence of these types of infections.
There are some OTC products and home remedies you can try in an effort to treat your vagina
dryness. Lubricants or moisturizers available without a prescription involve:

lubricants (Astroglide, K-Y) ~ relieves dryness for several hours

moisturizers (Replens, Lubrin) ~ dryness relief for up to three days

Two unproven home remedies is consuming a diet rich in soy foods and using creams containing
wild yam. Scientific backing hasnt been established yet. But give it a go, you never know.

If these vaginal dryness remedies fail, then your gynecological health care person offers some
treatments that might solve your moisture deficit. Vaginal estrogen therapy treatment is usually
prescribed and is delivered in a couple forms:

vaginal estrogen cream ~ inserted directly via an applicator

vaginal estrogen tablet ~ disposable applicator places tablet in vagina

vaginal estrogen ring ~ soft, flexible ring is inserted into the upper part of vagina

If your vaginal dryness is associated with other menopausal symptoms, like severe hot flashes,
then estrogen treatment delivery may be brought to you in some other way. For instance, vagina
dryness treatment via pill, patch or gel.

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