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about the Play
or the
(other similar
works from
this period by
this writer)

The Man Who Had All the Luck

Arthur Miller
The Man Who Had All the Luck (1944) The play depicts a young man, David Beeves, who has a
hard time dealing with his good luck, especially when he sees his no less deserving brother have
no luck at all. Beeves becomes a successful businessman, while his brother Amos loses his
chance to pitch in the baseball big leagues and turns on the father he feels misled him in such a
dream. Thinking that at any moment his luck must run out and disaster will strike, Beeves begins
to live his life in constant fear, at one point even contemplating suicide. He expects his garage to
fail, his son to be born dead, his mink farm to be devasted, but he is repeatedly rewarded with a
healthy son and successful businesses, even when his fellow businessmen go broke. By the close
he seems to at last accept that this is in part by his own diligence, which allows him to finally enjoy
the fruits of his work (in an earlier novelisation of this story Miller had Beeves commit suicide at the
close, but in the play he just has Beeves consider the possibility, but decide against it).
All My Sons (1947) Joe Keller, is an apparently successful businessman who made his fortune by
selling airplane parts to the army during World War Two. Not wanting to slow business he sent out
a batch that he knew to be defective, and twenty-one pilots died as a result. Keller was arrested
and tried, but lied, saying that the parts went out without his knowledge and his partner, Steve
Deever, was the one who had covered it up. Deever is sent to jail and Keller is exonerated. One of
his sons, Larry, is missing in action, but the mother, Kate, insists that their son is still alive, though
we later learn that he committed suicide on learning of his father's arrest. When their other son,
Chris, asks Larry's old girlfriend (who happens to be Deever's daughter, Ann) to marry him, it
causes tension, which results in Keller's deceit coming out. Chris fought during the war and
watched many of his peers die, so on discovering his father's guilt he totally rejects him. On
discovering why Larry died, Keller finally accepts his responsibility for the crime and kills himself.
Death of a Salesman (1949) Death of a Salesman relates the story of Willy Loman, a down-onhis-luck traveling salesman. In order to cope with his failures in life, he retreats to the past in his
mind and seems to be losing touch with reality. He tries to relive the good times, but keeps coming
up against things that went wrong. His family try to help him by lying about their prospects, but
when Loman loses his job, after a lifetime with the same company, he becomes desperate. His
depression is exacerbated by the guilt he feels from a past infidelity which has estranged him from
his older son, Biff. Rather than accept that his life has been a failure, and that Biff is not interested
in big business, Loman decides to commit suicide in hopes that the insurance money will help Biff
become successful. The play ends with his family and only friend, Charley, grieving by his
An Enemy of the People (1950) An adaptation of Henrik Ibsen's play of the same title, Miller's
version remains very faithful to the original as he worked from a literal translation of the original
Norwegian. The play depicts a respected, resort-town doctor who finds himself shunned by his
community. Dr. Stockmann counters the town's decision to conceal information that would put the
health of many tourists at considerable risk, but ensure the great revenue the tourists would bring
to the area. By standing up to his peers, Stockmann is embracing his responsibility to others, but
finds himself branded "an enemy of the people."
The Crucible (1953) The Crucible is an allegorical re-telling of the McCarthy era red scare that

occurred in the United States after World War II. Based on historical accounts, the play is set
during the 1692 Salem Witchcraft Trials when several young girls accuse innocent town members
of witchcraft to avoid getting into trouble for entertaining ideas of witchery themselves. The
husbands of some of the women involved try to convince the judges as to the girls' deceit, but find
them unshakeable. Eventually even the most prominent members of the community find
themselves indicted, and the tension mounts as the central protagonist, John Proctor, must
confess an earlier adultery in order to save his own wife from being hanged based upon charges
brought by his former lover. However, because his wife lies about the adultery to save his name,
the judges fail to believe his charges. Proctor is given the chance to save his own life by
confessing to witchery and naming names, but chooses to die rather than betray his friends and
A Memory of Two Mondays (1955) A one-act play which glances back upon the Depression,
Miller's A Memory of Two Mondays is based largely upon his experiences in an automobile parts
warehouse in Brooklyn, where he worked to save money for college. The play takes a look at his
co-workers and the various people he met who stumbled through life in a haze of hopelessness
and despondency, and portrays the compassion the lead character has for others less fortunate
than himself.
A View from the Bridge (1956) The local lawyer, Alfieri, tells the story of Eddie Carbone, a headstrong longshoreman who has helped raise his wife's niece, Catherine, but has developed an
unwitting sexual attraction towards her. When his wife's two cousins enter the country illegally
looking for work, the Carbones take them in, but when Catherine begins dating the younger of the
cousins, Rodolpho, Eddie gets jealous. Finding his insinuations of Rodolpho's homosexuality and
his warning to Catherine that Rodolpho is only after an American passport are ignored, in an act of
desperation to split them up before they can marry, Eddie breaks an unwritten rule within his
community by betraying both cousins to the Immigration authorities. The older brother, Marco,
vows revenge, exacerbated by Eddie's refusal to admit his "crime." Out on bail Marco comes to
Eddie, who challenges him to a fight to try and redeem his blackened , but when Eddie draws a
knife Marco kills him with it. Eddie dies declaring his love for his wife, never having fully come to
with his actions or how they led to his downfall.
The Misfits (1961) Written as a gift to his then wife Marilyn Monroe, Miller's screenplay relates the
story of three modern day cowboys who refuse to settle down in a society which no longer
respects the traditions and values of the past. In order to mask their frustration with their lives, Gay,
Perce, and Guido drown themselves with drink, sex, and other reckless behavior. They begin to reevaluate their lives, however, after a wild mustang chase. One of the cowboys meets a beautiful
divorcee, Roslyn (played by Monroe) who teaches him to change his ways and attitudes and
together, they take a chance on an uncertain future.
After the Fall (1964) Often viewed as highly autobiographical, this play received much criticism
from reviewers who thought he was tarnishing the memory of American icon Marilyn Monroe, who
had recently committed suicide. After the Fall examines the parallels between private and public
acts of betrayal by drawing connections between the central character's self-assessment and the
atrocities committed during the Holocaust. In an extended confession, Quentin relates the story of
his life, describing what he sees as his formative relationships with women, most notably his
mother, and his first two wives, Louise and Maggie. We also learn of his experiences living through
the Depression, HUAC, and of his eventual acceptance of the possibility of future happiness with

his new wife, Holga.

Incident at Vichy (1964) Written as a companion piece to After the Fall, Incident at Vichy
illustrates the anti-Semitic ideas which fed the Holocaust. Set in Vichy France during the German
occupation in 1942, the action focuses on a group of detainees representing all walks of life-from a
beggar to a prince-who wait to be interrogated by the Nazis who are searching for Jews to send to
the death camps. As the men anxiously wait, a number of discussions arise among the prisoners
concerning their attitudes on the occupation, the resistance, and the anti-Semitic environment
rampant in Europe at the time. Despite confrontations with the Nazi captors and their fear of what
awaits them, the prisoners discover the possibility of meaning in their adversity through non-Jewish
Prince Von Berg's gift of his own pass to freedom to the Jew, Leduc.
The Price (1968) Upon the death of their father, two brothers meet in order to go through their
father's belongings. The two men occupy decidedly different ends of the spectrum-Walter is a
highly successful surgeon, Victor a poorly paid policeman. Both resent each other for different
reasons, one for his family attachments, the other for his financial achievements. Tempers rise until
a confrontation between the brothers occurs and each must decide whether or not to accept or
forsake his past mistakes and accomplishments. Witnessing their inability to understand the value
of each other's decisions and achievements, is a wise old furniture dealer, Gregory Solomon,
whose final response to whole sad situation is laughter.
The Creation of the World and Other Business (1972) Miller pretty much follows the early
events of The Bible, only with a comedic twist, beginning with the creation, the story of Adam and
Eve and their temptation, and culminating with the slaying of Able by his brother Cain. Miller
portrays Lucifer as the voice of wisdom, with God being depicted as a bumbling, good-natured
idiot, despite his powers. Lucifer plots to introduce evil to the world as he feels that evil must be
present for good to have any real meaning. The play was turned into a musical called Up From
Paradise two years after its Broadway production.
Fame (1978) This screenplay is based on an earlier short story written by Miller of the same name.
A prosperous playwright has trouble coming to terms with his fame. His self-consciousness leads
him to feel alienated from those around him, but his situation takes a turn for the better when he
meets a female jockey who teaches him to look for the things that really matter in life and helps
him to accept his success.
The Archbishop's Ceiling (1977)An American writer, Adrian, pays a visit to some old friends,
Maya and Marcus, behind the Iron Curtain and gets a taste of what life is like under a corrupt
communist government. Adrian's current girlfriend Ruth, is back in America, but he has a desire to
see Maya once more, with whom he has had an affair in the past, and about whom he has been
trying, unsuccessfully, to write a book. Marcus joins them with Irina, a decorative blonde, in tow.
Though rebels in the past, it is unclear whether or not Maya and Marcus are now working for the
government; however, they join Adrian in trying to help Sigmund, a writer who is still a rebel, get his
newly completed manuscript returned after it has been confiscated by the authorities.
Playing For Time (1980) Miller developed Playing For Time from the autobiography of the real
Fania Fenelon. It relates Fania's experiences at Auschwitz during World War Two; how she
survived not only as a human being, but also as a Jew. The notorious Dr. Mengele is the camp
physician, and though not a major character in the play, is clearly depicted as an apparently
cultured man who, nevertheless, has no compunction engaging in unethical medical experiments.
He and other Nazi officials have decided they needed a prisoner orchestra and Fania, with her

musical background, is swiftly recruited, along with young Marianne, a girl whom Fania met on the
train which brought them to the camp. The orchestra is led by former concert violinist, Alma Ros,
and it is made up of both Jewish prisoners, such as Esther, Hlne, Liesle, Lotte, Paulette and
Etalina, and non-Jewish Poles, such as Elzvieta. Though most of the prisoners have been cowed
into submission by the Nazi supervisors and chiefs, like Frau Schmidt and Mandel, we do hear
about the exploits of one subversive, Mala, and we occasionally meet Shmuel, an electrician, who
gives Fania advice about how to survive.
The American Clock (1980) In The American Clock Miller tells the story of America in the 1930s
through the conflated stories of a vast array of characters. We meet businessmen like Jesse
Livermore and William Durant who lose everything, and more successful entrepreneurs like Arthur
A. Robertson and Theodore K. Quinn. We learn the plight of farmers, like Henry Taylor, young
intellectuals, like Joe and Edie, and an assortment of people from all walks of life. At the center,
Miller places the Baum family, who are partly autobiographical. Through the Baums he explores,
even more deeply, the concerns and demands of such a time. The father, Moe, loses a prosperous
business but keeps on going, even as his wife, Rose begins to fall apart under the strain. Their son
Lee goes from childhood to adulthood as he travels through the nation, and finally comes to terms
with the demands of living in America.
Two-Way Mirror(1982-1984)Two-Way Mirror consists of "Elegy for a Lady" and "Some Kind of
Love Story." In "Elegy" a Man enters a boutique and discusses with the Proprietess what might be
an appropriate gift to buy for his ailing lover. Their discussion forces the Man to face some home
truths about his relationship and realize that he needs to take a greater responsibility for his life. In
"Some Kind" a private detective, Tom O'Toole, comes to interview a possible witness in a case he
is investigating. The witness, Angela, suffers from multiple-personality-disorder and appears
reluctant to give him the information he needs. They maintain a connection by playing a cat and
mouse game in which neither will tell the other everything they need to hear, and so their meetings
may continue ad infinitum.
Danger: Memory (1987) Danger: Memory! consists of "I Can't Remember Anything" and "Clara."
In "I Can't" Leonora pays one of her regular visits to her old friend Leo. The two of them discuss
the state of their current lives and recall what it was like before Leonora's husband, Frederick, died.
Unable to reconcile their own different outlooks on life, they quarrel and Leonora leaves. The title
character from "Clara" has just been brutally killed and we witness Detective Lew Fine questioning
Clara's father, Kroll, to try and find out who might have have committed the murder. This
questionning, however, tells us far more about the father than the daughter.
The Last Yankee (1991-1993) The Last Yankee begins with the meeting of Leroy Hamilton, a
freelance carpenter and descendent of Alexander Hamilton, and John Frick, a conservative
businessman, in the visiting room of the state mental hospital. Both have wives who are currently
staying in this establishment, and as they make small talk, we discover that this appears to be
about the only thing that they have in common. Next we meet the wives, and discover that their
mental problems are closely tied to their marriages. Patricia Hamilton seems well on the road to
recovery as she is beginning to realize that she must tone down her high expectations of life, but
Karen Frick still suffers from a crippling lack of self-esteem. As the two couples interact we see
Patricia and Leroy reach a compromise that will allow Patricia to go home, but the Fricks remain
unable to communicate with each other, and Karen shows little sign of recovery.
The Ride Down Mt. Morgan (1991) The Ride Down Mt. Morgan purportedly takes place in the

hospital room of a bedridden Lyman Felt who is recovering from a bad car accident. Lyman, we
soon discover, is a bigamist, and both of his wives, Theo and Leah, turn up, each unaware, until
now, that the other existed. Refusing to accept that he has done anything really wrong, Lyman tries
to salvage the situation and keep both of his wives happy. He largely fails in this attempt as it is
clearly too selfishly motivated, something his daughter, Bessie, tries to teach him. He ends the play
alone; even his admiring friend Tom cannot continue to support his actions.
Broken Glass (1994) In Broken Glass Miller tells the story of Sylvia and Phillip Gellburg, who after
years of marriage come to realize that they hardly know each other at all. Phillip is the only Jew
working at a very traditional Wall Street bank where he mainly works on foreclosings. Obsessed
with work, and his own desire to assimilate, Phillip has little time for his wife until she demands his
attention by suddenly falling prey to a mysterious paralysis after seeing the events of Kristallnacht
in the newspaper. Up until now Sylvia has been a quiet little housewife, but she needs to express
her buried fears and longings. Dr. Harry Hyman is called in to help, and though no specialist, he
decides the case is a psychiatric one, and proceeds to try and treat Sylvia. Hyman, however, has
problems of his own, which become apparent during his interaction with the Gellburgs.
Mr. Peter's Connections (1998) Mr. Harry Peter is an elderly man who comes to a run-down
night-club run by his brother for some ambiguous reason. There we meet various people from his
family and past, as Peter tries to make sense of who he is and what he has achieved. The play
ends with a plea from his daughter for him not to die which seems to give him the strength to
Resurrection Blues (2002) A satiric piece in which the local dictator on a fictional island plans to
televise the crucifixion of a local rebel whom people believe to be Jesus. Even the mainland
television crew become antagonistic to such brutality, and the play culminates in an uncertain
apotheosis of the figure in question.
Finishing the Picture (2004) A distinguished director is about to lose his picture due to the
unstable behavior of a famously fragile movie star. She is recognized all over the world, loved by
millions, but unable to believe in herself. The studio owners are threatening to pull the plug, and a
temperamental acting teacher is flown in to coax the actress out of bed and onto the set.

Focus (1945) His only novel to date, Focus tells the story of Lawrence Newman, an anti-Semite,
whose life is transformed with the addition of a pair of eyeglasses. Newman has spent his entire
life discriminating against minorities, but after wearing a pair of eyeglasses which alter his physical
appearance, he is mistaken for a Jew. Friends who once treated him with respect now treat him
with hostility as he becomes the target of discriminatory behavior he once judiciously dealt to
others. By the close of the novel, however, Newman has accepted his connection with the Jews
and earnestly accepts his responsibility to his fellow men.
Homely Girl: A Life and Other Stories (1992) Published in England in 1995 as Plain Girl. The
title story tells the life of Janice Sessions, a woman who lives through the tumultous 1950s to find
her socialist convictions challenged and her marriage a sham. She eventually finds happiness with
a blind man who accepts her for who she is. The other two stories in the collection are reprints of
"Fame" and Fitter's Night."
I Don't Need You Anymore(1967) There is a short introduction in which Miller explains how he
sees the following short stories as unintentionally interrelating, and what he sees as the difference
between short stories and plays. The title story is about a five year old Jewish boy who expresses

a desire to see the wider world, and begins his growth away from maternal cushioning, to his
mother's displeasure and father approval. "Fitter's Night" is set in the Brooklyn Naval Yard during
WW2 and is the only previously unpublished story in the collection; it follows a night's work in the
life of Tony Calabrese, an Italian-American with a dubious past, who had married for a non-existent
dowry, but finds some dignity in completing a dangerous task and winning the respect of the ship's
captain. "Monte Sant Angelo" introduces us to Bernstein, an American Jew who accompanies his
friend's search in an Italian village for relatives. Knowing his relatives to be dead in the Holocaust,
Bernstein is surprised to recognize someone, however, it is not someone he knows but a fellow
Jew (although this man is unaware of his Jewishness but follows the Shabbat rituals). This
encounter gives Berstein a renewed sense of connection and self-esteem. "Please Don't Kill
Anything," based on a similar event in Miller's time with Marilyn Monroe, shows a couple walking
on the beach watching the fishermen, who involve themselves in saving the "useless" fish by
throwing them back into the sea. "Glimpse at a Jockey" is mostly conversation as a New York
jockey chats to a stranger in a bar, expressing his distaste with all the pressure to win, and telling
how he found his long lost father and bought him a lawnmower. "The Prophecy" tells of the
complicated relations between couples who threaten infidelity and live their lives in petty dispute.
Cleota tries to seduce neighbor Joe, who turns her down, but then tries it on when she apologizes,
flattering her ego, but now finding her resistant. Various prophecies (some false) regarding death,
and couples splitting up give a sense of how it is personal resolve rather than fate which keeps
people together or splits them apart. In "A Search for a Future" a son learns from his elderly father
how to appreciate life by being involved in it and having goals, rather than hiding behind a facade
of acting all the time and pretending things don't matter. "The Misfits," is the story from which the
movie evolved, and it is a simpler tale in which Roslyn plays only a minor role. Three drifters go
mustanging; Gay has left his unfaithful wife, but misses his children. He is seeing Roslyn, but
suspects she prefers his partner Perce, a minor rodeo star. Their pilot is suicidal from losing his
wife during childbirth. They catch five horses and head into town. Their lives are minor, but they
are content. "Fame" (also made into a movie) tells of a rich and famous playwright, Meyer
Berkowitz, who is sick of insincere adulation, and wants for people to see the real him over the
media image and treat him more naturally. He meets an old friend at a bar who at first does not
connect him with his fame, but whenhe does becomes less chummy and leaves, evidence of
Meyer's complaint.
Jane's Blanket (1963) This children's book, dedicated to Miller's first daughter, Jane, tells the tale
of young girl who carries a blanket around with her for security when she is very young. As she
grows older she becomes less and less reliant on the blanket, though it is a release which she at
times finds difficult. The blanket eventually disintegrates with age and the last few threads are
taken by a bird to line its nest, and Jane is led to an acceptance of this development by the gentle
guidance of her father.
Presence: Stories (2008) This collection brings together six pieces that appeared in magazines
toward the end of Miller's life; all, in their ways, celebrate redemption through love. The blocked,
aging writer of "The Bare Manuscript" hires a flesh-and-muscle six-foot-tall model, hoping to tap
into the sexual vigor of his early genius by inscribing new work directly onto her body; what
unspools are the sad story of his marriage and tender memories of courtship. In "Beavers," a
country homeowner is mesmerized by the astounding energy of the beavers that appear one day
in his pond, and whose redundant work seems to parallel the futility of human effort, yet also to

bravely mimic human emotion. "The Performance" finds the Jewish head of an American tapdancing troupe, in Berlin just before WWII, invited to perform in front of Hitler himself. The
Turpentine Still presents a portrait of a man examining his legacy. A 13-year-old boy's life is
transformed by getting a new puppy, or rather, by his sexual initiation with the woman who gives
him the dog in the opening "Bulldog," while in the closing title story, "Presence," an older man
discovers a couple making love on the beach, triggering a flood of recollection.

Situation Normal (1944) Based on his experiences researching the war correspondence of Ernie
Pyle, Miller relates Stateside interviews he made with various soldiers, warts and all.
In Russia (1969) The first of three books created with his photographer and wife Inge Morath. This
one offers insights regarding Miller's impressions of Russian writers, culture, politics and society.
In the Country (1977) A mix of photographs by Inge Morath and text by Miller, here we get a great
insight into how Miller spent his time in Roxbury, Connecticut and learn about his various
Chinese Encounters (1979) Chinese Encounters takes the form of a travel journal liberally
illustrated with photographs provided by Miller's wife, Inge Morath. Chinese Encounters depicts the
Chinese society in the state of flux which followed the end of the Cultural Revolution. Miller
discusses the hardships of many writers, professors, and artists as they try to regain the sense of
freedom and place ripped from them under Mao's rule.
"Salesman" in Beijing (1984) Written about the production of Death of a Salesman at the Beijing
People's Theatre in 1983, Miller describes the idiosyncrasies, misunderstandings, and insights of
directing a Chinese cast in his decidedly American play. Miller-and his readers-- realize that the
play's themes transcend cultural borders. The book includes several photographs which document
dramatic scenes from the production as well as Miller's experiences.
The Theater Essays of Arthur Miller (1978, updated 1996) Contains a variety of essays outlining
Miller's views about his own plays, the state of professional theater in America, and playwriting in
general. Includes such famous pieces as his "Tragedy and the Common Man" which offers a
modern take on how tragedy should be judged.
Timebends: A Life (1987) Incredibly insightful to those fascinated with Miller's creative genius, his
autobiography relates the intimate details of his boyhood in Harlem, his college years at the
University of Michigan, and the finer points of his three marriages-including his infamous union with
Marilyn Monroe. Perhaps of greatest interest are Miller's descriptions of his meetings and
connections with the likes of Elia Kazan, Tennessee Williams, Saul Bellow, and many political
figures such as Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, and Mikhail Gorbachev. Miller's confrontation
with the House Un-American Activities Committee is described in vivid detail, as is his involvement
as President of the International PEN organization. The book includes thirty-two pages of
photographs and a helpful index. For those who wish to really know the man behind the work, this
is a must read.
Echoes Down the Corridors: Collected Essays 1944-2000 (2000)
This collection deals more with Miller's political and social musings over the years, although there
are inevitably many essays that also deal with his plays in relation to these issues. A good
companion to the earlier Theater Essays collection.
Politics and the Art of Acting (2001)
The expanded version of Miller's 2001 Jefferson Lecture. While pointing out humorous connections

between American presidents and actors, Miller ultimately calls for the public to question the
authenticity of its political leaders, and demand a more substantive theater as a corrective to the
distorted politics of the time.

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