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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are X-MAN cell models? What is the difference between Discovery 1, Discovery 2 and Researcher X-MAN
X-MAN cell models are controlled pairs (Mutant And Normal) of human, or other lines?
mammalian cell lines, that have defined genetic mutations (X), knocked-in or Discovery 1 lines are ‘single-mutant’ gene containing cell-lines - These encom-
knocked-out; and which accurately model the disease causing mutations found pass both ‘gain-of-function’ models (generated via the knock-in of oncogenic
in cancer patients. mutant alleles) and ‘loss-of-function’ models (generated via the knock-out of
pre-existing oncogenic mutant alleles or tumour suppressor genes). Discovery 2
What is GENESIS? lines are ‘double-mutant’ cell-lines - These are currently ‘gain-of-function’ models
GENESIS is a virally-mediated (Adeno-Associated Virus) homologous recombina- generated via the double knock-in of two different oncogenic cancer genes.
tion technology that enables the first efficient means to perform gene-targeting X-MAN lines can either be in a normal parental background, or be created from a
in somatic human cell-types. GENESIS has a level of efficiency that is orders of cancer cell line with an established mutant/normal genotype. X-MAN Researcher
magnitude greater than previous plasmid-based technologies that are typically cell-lines are cancer cell lines (mainly colon) with a specific cancer-associated
used to create transgenic mice from embryonic stem-cells, but are poorly gene knocked-out to study its gene-function.
efficient in somatic cell types.
Can X-MAN cell-lines model diseases other than cancer?
How do you make X-MAN cell lines? Any genetic variation can be introduced using the GENESIS system, so any
GENESIS targets the gene of interest at its endogenous locus; allowing for the first genetic disease or predisposition can be modeled using X-MAN cell-lines.
time the accurate modelling of disease causing mutations (knock-ins or knock- Horizon will be addressing this need for genetically defined disease models in
outs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in human somatic cell-lines. other therapeutic areas in the coming months and years.
GENESIS also permits the definitive study of gene function or protein activity via
highly specific targeted knock-outs of the whole protein or discrete protein What are AAV-Targeting Vectors?
domains, respectively. The steps involved are: AAV-targeting vectors are engineered AAV-viruses containing a single-stranded
DNA ‘replacement’ genome that is substantially homologous to the target gene
1. Define the mutation to be inserted, or the gene to be knocked-out. of interest. DNA-variations incorporated into this AAV- homology construct
2. Engineer an AAV virus with homology to the target gene, carrying a enable the efficient introduction of specific mutations or gene-deletions into any
defined mutation. chosen genomic locus; not just within a defined location on chromosome 19,
which represents the natural integration site for wild-type AAV. Engineered
3. Infect the cell line of interest. AAV-vectors do not have of any viral genes, and thus, no viral genes are
4. Clonally select individual cell lines and PCR screen for the correct recombina- co-inserted into the target cell’s genome during the homologous recombination
tion event. process.

5. Confirm the mutant cell line at the genomic level and perform biochemical Why are AAV vectors better at gene targeting than other methods?
characterisation for gain/loss-of-function prior to shipping the cell line. The homologous recombination machinery is essentially shut off in somatic cells.
However, AAV-vectors uniquely deliver their targeting constructs in the form of a
What are the features of X-MAN cell lines that make them different from other single-stranded DNA-species, which seems to reactivate this process in some
cell lines? way – perhaps via mimicking a cross-over event or damaged DNA. While the
The most important feature of X-MAN cell-lines is that DNA-modifications are mechanism is not well understood, AAV-vectors are consistently more efficient
always made within the endogenous gene; closely recapitulating the genetic than double-stranded plasmid- based vectors. Moreover, AAV-vectors elicit
events that lead to a specific disease. The second important feature is that a precise alterations within their target genes, without introducing confounding
matched ‘isogenic’ normal cell-line is also provided; containing a wild-type ‘side-modifications’ that are inherent with other gene-targeting techniques (see
version of that gene. This enables the definitive and controlled study of a chosen ‘Zinc Fingers’).
genetic alteration on a cell’s function and the search for novel pharmaceutical
agents that selectively target it. Are AAV viruses pathogenic?
Wild-type Adeno-Associated viruses (AAV) are small non-pathogenic DNA viruses
Why do we need to create X-MAN cell lines?
that infect humans and other vertebrate species without causing a disease.
Targeted drug discovery aims to better target the root causes of a disease. In the
Wild-type AAV produce a very mild immune response and this property,
case of cancer, there are 100’s of cancer genes now known and very few
combined with their ability to integrate into a specific site on chromosome 19,
cell-based models that either; a) carry your mutant gene or genes of interest, or
has led AAV to be proposed as safe vehicles to perform gene-therapy. Our
b) provide a matched normal control line that enables the study your gene or
engineered AAV-vectors do not have any viral genes, and thus lack the ability to
genes of interest away from other confounding genetic variations. GENESIS
replicate and no viral genes are incorporated into the final targeted genomic site.
allows the engineering of any genetic variation into any endogenous target locus
to accurately recreate any target-patient genotype of interest.
Do any viral ‘sequences’ remain in the cells after causing the desired
How many X-MAN cell lines are there? mutation(s)?
To date there are over 150 X-MAN cell lines in our Discovery 1, Discovery 2 and While there are no viral genes in our AAV-targeting constructs, there are two
Researcher panels. These have been assembled by Horizon through in-house non-coding viral ITR-sites that flank the AAV-vector. This allows the vector to be
development programs and collaborative research groups using this packaged into a viral capsid when it is introduced into a specialised packaging
gene-targeting technology over the last 15-years. Collectively, these cell lines are cell-line (where all replication and capsid genes provided in trans). Other
being marketed under the X-MAN brand. elements in the vector are: a) DNA homologous to the target human gene in
question, b) a commonly used heterologous selection marker e.g., NEO, and c)
How long does it take to make X-MAN models? two lox-P recombination sites to enable the subsequent removal of the selection
Currently it takes 12 weeks to make a human cell-line pair with a single knock-in marker. In our experience, the non-coding ITR sequences are not integrated into
of a desired mutant gene. To make a human cell-line pair with the knock-out of the final targeted genomic locus due to their position significantly distal to the
both target alleles currently takes 16 to 20 weeks. site of homologous recombination.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will GENESIS knockout or modify a gene in my cell line of interest? Should I expect off-target effects with GENESIS?
Yes. GENESIS has been used to knockout many genes (from tumour suppressor GENESIS does not use any ‘priming’ DNA-cleavage methodology; homologous
genes such as p53, PTEN and BRCA) or perform knock-ins of activated mutant recombination is mediated solely via its approximate 2kb of homology to the
oncogenes (such as K-Ras, PI3K and EGFR) in a range of cell-lines (both human target locus. Potential concerns with random double strand- breaks are therefore
and mouse). The tropism of AAV is wide with respect to tissue type and species of removed. The process of homologous recombination is still competing, however,
cell. The only major requirement is that the cell-line grows continuously in culture with non-homologous recombination; even using our highly efficient
conditions. There is no limit to the number of rounds GENESIS can be used. AAV-vectors. For this reason, all our cell-lines go through a clonal selection
Sequential gene-targeting enables either both alleles of a target endogenous process; and Southern Blotting confirms that in each resulting clone, genomic
locus to be modified, or the building of multiple disease genotypes within one integrations are always single events using homology-directed AAV-vectors.
target cell.

How does GENESIS differ from other gene insertion/knockout technologies?

Technique Gene Knock-in Gene Knockout

GENESIS Targeted insertions or modifications are created within Gene knockouts are at the endogenous locus, and thus are
endogenous genes; and so are subject to: a) the correct definitive, stable and patient relevant. No confounding off-target
gene-regulation mechanisms; and b) accurately reflect effects are elicited at other genomic loci. It requires a 2- step
the disease events found in real patients. GENESIS can process:
introduce subtle point mutations, SNPs as wells as small 1. Generate a heterozygous KO
insertions with high efficiency. Moreover, many peer
2. Generate a bi-allelic knockout by targeting the second allele.
reviewed studies have shown that GENESIS does not
introduce any confounding off-target genomic events. This process can therefore generate 3 genotypes (+/+; -/+ and -/-);
enabling therefore the analysis of haplo-insufficient gene function.

Plasmid based Insertion is at the endogenous locus and has all the Deletion is at endogenous locus and has all the above benefits, but
homologous above benefits, but it is very inefficient. It also requires a it is inefficient. It also requires a promoterless drug selection
recombination promoterless drug selection strategy entailing bespoke strategy that entails bespoke construct generation
construct generation

Flip-in This is an efficient technique that allows the directed Not applicable
insertion of ‘ectopic’ transgenes at a single pre-defined
genomic locus (via the integration of a FLP recombinase
site). This is not a technique for modifying any endog-
enous locus. Transgenes will usually be under the
control of an exogenous promoter, or a partially defined
promoter-unit in the incorrect genomic location. Their
expression will therefore not be under the same
genomic and epigenetic regulation as the endogenous
loci, which limits the utility of these systems for studying
gene- function. They are however, good for eliciting
rapid and stable exogenous gene expression.

Zinc-Finger ZFNs have been reported to achieve high rates of ZFNs are sequence-directed endonucleases which enable the rapid
Nucleases genetic knock-outs within a target endogenous gene. If and highly efficient (up to 90% in a bulk cell population) disruption
(ZFNs) ZFNs are co-delivered with a transgene construct of both alleles of a target gene. However, user- defined or patient-
homologous to the target gene, genetic knock-in’s or relevant loss-of-function alterations may be more difficult to
insertions can also be achieved. However, few peer- achieve. Off-target deletions or insertions elsewhere in the genome
reviewed publications exemplifying this application can cannot also be controlled for or readily defined. The speed
be found and user feedback is mixed regarding the advantage of obtaining a biallelic KO in one step is also partially
efficiency of the latter. One worrying aspect is the mitigated if one needs to derive a clonal cell-line study gene
potential for ZFNs to produce off-target double-strand function in a homogenous cell-population. ZFN are likely more
breaks which may also lead to random off-target gene selective than RNAi, however, for high- throughput functional
insertions, deletions and wider genomic instability; genomic studies.
confounding the resulting genotype. Whole genome
sequencing would also be required as a standard
characterization step to determine whether such
off-target genomic alterations are present in any
resulting cell-line.


Key Publications

Use of isogenic human cancer cells for high-throughput screening and drug Genetic targeting of the kinase activity of the Met receptor in cancer cells
discovery Nat Biotechnol. 2001 Oct; 19(10): 940-5 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Jul 3; 104(27): 11412-7. Epub 2007 Jun 26

Targeted transgene insertion into human chromosomes by AAV vectors Knock-in of Mutant K-ras in Nontumorigenic Human Epithelial Cells as a New
Nat Biotechnol. 2002 Jul; 20 (7):735-8 Model for Studying K-ras– Mediated Transformation
Cancer Res. 2007; 67: (18). September 15, 2007
Mutational analysis of the tyrosine kinome in colorectal cancers
Science. 2003 May 9; 300 (5621): 949 Knock-in of oncogenic Kras does not transform mouse somatic cells but
triggers a transcriptional response that classifies cancers
Facile methods for generating human somatic cell gene knockouts using AAV Cancer Res. 2007 Sep 15; 67(18): 8468-76
Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Jan 2; 32(1): e3
Wild-Type BRAF Is Required for Response to Panitumumab or Cetuximab in
Mutational analysis of the tyrosine phosphatome in colorectal cancers Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Journal of Clinical Oncology Published Ahead of Print
Science. 2004 May 21; 304 (5674): 1164-6 on November 10, 2008 as 10.1200/JCO.2008.18.0786
Improved methods for the generation of human gene knockout and knock-in Replacement of Normal with Mutant Alleles in the Genome of Normal Human
cell lines Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Oct 7; 33(18): e158 Cells Unveils Mutation-Specific Drug Responses Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Decem-
ber 30, 2008 vol. 105, no. 52
Somatic mutation of EGFR domain and treatment with gefitinib in colorectal
cancer Ann Oncol. 2005 Nov; 16(11): 1848-9. Epub 2005 Jul 12 Knock-in of Mutant PI3KCA Activates Multiple Oncogenic Pathways Proc Natl
Acad Sci U S A Printed online at
Kinase mutations in cancer: chinks in the enemy's armour?
Curr Opin Oncol. 2006 Jan; 18(1): 69-76 PIK3CA Mutations in Colorectal Cancer Are Associated with Clinical Resistance
to EGFR-Targeted Monoclonal Antibodies Cancer Res. 2009; 69: (5). March 1, 2009
Oncogenic activation of the RAS/RAF signalling pathway impairs the response
of metastatic colorectal cancers to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor A Panel of Isogenic Human Cancer Cells Suggests a Therapeutic Approach for
antibody therapies Cancer Res. 2007 Mar 15; 67(6): 2643-8 Cancers with Inactivated p53 Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Printed online at

For more information please contact:

Horizon Discovery Ltd.
Building 7300 IQ Cambridge Waterbeach Cambridge CB25 9TL United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1223 655580 - Fax: +44 (0)1223 862240 - Email:

© 2010, Horizon Discovery Ltd. GENESIS and X-MAN are registered trade marks of Horizon Discovery Ltd.

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