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Alabama Women Respond To Call For Alabama Completes Worse Shortage Of

WAC Technicians In Army Hospitals W. A. C. Hospital Coal Predicted
Technician Quota For Next Winter
Major General F. E. UbI of the Because the coal shortage next
Fourth Service Command, Atlanta, year will be far worse than it was
Ga., wired Governor Chauncey this year, beginning April 1st, Ala-
Sparks on March 9th congratulat- bama householders will be limited
ing Alabama on the completion of to 80 percent of a normal year's
three months WAC Hospital Tech- supply of coal, it was announced
nichian recruiting quota in just by the Solid Fuels Administration
over a month's time. for War.
"Your patriotic offer of continued Householders will be required to
support until the Nation meets its file "consumer declarations" and
quota is gratefully accepted," stat- accompanying orders with their
ed General UbI.. regular coal dealers. These forms
This telegram was in reply to one are scheduled to be available at the
sent General George Marshall, dealers about April I, when the fuel
Chief of Staff and General Ubl by year begins. Users of less than 25
State Defense Council Director tons yearly will not be required to
Haygood Paterson on March 7th. state how much fuel they have on
"His Excellency Chauncey Sparks, hand.
Governor of Alabama instructed me Those who file their declarations
to inform you· that Alabama is and place their orders prior to May
proud to have met and passed its 15 will be entitled to receive 30
quota in nation-wide WAC Gen- percent of their full normal and
eral Hospital Company recruiting annual requirements before Octo-
campaign. Quota of 60 women ber 1. They must, however, ~
passed with enlistment yesterday, willing to accept any. kind and size
7 March, of five at US Army Re- of usable solid fuels which the
cruiting Station, Birmingham. State dealer is able to deliver.
now has 63 enlistments for WAC Haygood Paterson, Solid Fuels
hospital training. Will continue to Conservator for Alabama is empha-
Lt. Colonel Alex Asseff, District Recruiting Officer and Captain Cora recruit on full scale until National sizing the stretching of wartime
Walker met with Governor Chauncey Sparks to discuss with pride Ala- quota has been met." fuel allotments by installing insu-
bama's part in the National WAC General Hospital recruiting campaign. The campaign for recruitment of lation, weather stripping and auto-
Alabama completed her three months' quota March 7th, in a little over WACS for training as hospital tech- matic heating controls this sum-
a month's time. Major General UbI of the Fourth Service Command, nicians in Army general hospitals mer; repairing and cleaning fur-
Atlanta, Ga., wired congratulations. was begun February 1st at the in- naces.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 stigation of General Marshall, in In sections where it will continue
the face of an increasing number of to be cold for several weeks longer,
Defense Council 7th War Loan casualties arriving in the United SFAW is asking that furnaces be
States at a time of acute shortage stopped as early as possible and
Cooperates In Vet Drive To Seek of nurses and hospital attendants. temperature be kept at 68 degrees
Training Program It was officially launched in Ala- or lower during the day.
Carl Griffin, Chief Civilian War
$14 Billions bama at a meeting at the Gover-
nor's office February 7th.
Services of the State Defense Coun-
cil mailed to all members of the
In attendance at this meeting Cities Interested
Secretary Morgenthau has an- were Major General Uhl, Major
Chamber of Commerce in Mont- nounced a $14 billion goal for the Pauline Lynch and Major Rufus
gomery a questionnaire designed Seventh War Loan, divided evenly Fort - all of the Fourth Service
In War Memorials
to secure information as to job between individuals and corpora- command, Colonel Alex Asseff, dis- That Will Live
training opportunities open to re- tions. trict Recruiting Officer and Hay-
turning veterans in their respective
establishments. Tl:;1e response has The $7 billion quota for individ- good Paterson" State Defense A growing interest is manifested
Council Director. States were given in the Living War Memorial Pro-
already been very encouraging. uals is the highest ever assigned three months to attain their quo-
them. The series E quota is also gram in Alabama as evidenced by
Thirty seven firms have expressed tas. inquiries from all parts of the State
Willingness to accept one or more more than Mr. and Mrs. America to Haygood Paterson, State Defense
veterans for training. have been asked to dig up for that
class of securities heretofore. Council Director, who is serving as
Harley A. Smith, Chief, Vocation-
al Rehabilitation and Education The total quota is the same as GIs Seek Small Advisor of the American Commis-
sion for Living War Memorials for
Division of the Veterans Adminis- that for the Sixth War Loan. District 7.
tration in a letter of commendation In order to sell the unprecedent- Business Or Farms Among those who recently re-
to Mr. Griffin for the fine coopera- ed amount of bonds to non-corpor- quested information concerning
tion of the Defense Council in the ate investors the treasury set the Ninth Service Command, Utah.- "War Memorials That Live" are
Veterans Training Program wrote: longest sales period yet. One out of every eight enlisted men Mayor J. G. Scherf of Andalusia,
"It will be greatly appreciated if The formal drive with its custom- plans to operate either a small bus- Mayor A. W. McAllister of Hunts-
you will continue furnishing us ary great promotional campaign iness or tarm after discharge from Ville, Judge Oscar Horton of Gun-
these job training information will extend from May 14 to June 30 the Army, according to a recent tersville, and Secretary W. Elderry
sheets as they become available to -seven weeks as compared with survey received at 9th Service Com- of the Talladega Chamber of Com-
(Turn to page 2) four weeks in the Sixth War Loan. mand headquarters. merce.

Defense Groups To Atlanta Field Office Praises Montgomery Government Needs

Aid In National C. D. On Work In Tornado Crisis Soldiers Clothing
Clothing Drive When Discarded
Montgomery, Ala. - High praise Montgomery, Ala. - "Montgomery
Chairmen of County Defense for work of auxiliary firemen and can well be proud of itself for the Uncle Sam needs every arti9le of
Councjls, Commanders of Citizens police and other units of Civiliim manner iJ;l which its citizens hand- soldiers' discarded cldo~hing-trou­
Defense Corps, Directors of Citi- Defense for their work in the re- led rescue and relief problems grow- sers, shirts, coats, overcoats, field
zens Service Corps and Chairmen cent tornado disaster has come ing out of the recent tornado," was jackets-and an appeal has been
of County Salvage Committees have from Lt. Col. Paul Sheahan of the the statement of Col. Raymond L. issued to civilians and military peo-
been requested by the State De- Atlanta regional defense office. Winn, commanding officer of near- ple by Major Gen. Frederick E.
fense Council to lend every possible by Gunter Field. Uhl, Commanding General, Fourth
assistance to the local clothing col- In a letter to Alabama Civilian ';rh.e colonel, in issuing a general Service Command, for such clothing
lection . committees of the United Defense Director Haygood Paterson, commendation to the men and wo- to be returned to service.
National Clothing Collection. Col. Sheahan said: "I want to most men of his command who rushed to The program is for the purpose
This Nationwide clothing collec- sincerely congratulate you upon the Chisholm and gave invaluable aid of saving millions of dollars-the
tion is to secure the maximum most efficient job Y9 u did in direct- there, pointed out that while mili- difference between the price of used
quantity possible of good used ing the various units of civilian de- tary personnel through their train- clothing and new uniforms-and to
clothing for free distribution in war fense. ing were prepared in such emer- relieve the already over-taxed wool-
devastated countries. The goal is "You have good reason to be gencies, he thought the survivors en industry nOw manufacturing
150 million pounds. The drive is proud of the fine work of organiz- and civic volunteers acquitted them- Army goods, permitting such plants
(Turn to page 4, column 3) ing and training that you have di- selves admirably. to return to the manufacture of
rected in Alabama for such a long "From reports, and what I've seen clothes for civilian wear sooner.
time and I am sure that you must while visiting the area damaged by
An Optimist Gets feel very happy over the realization
that your splendid efforts have re-
the tornado, the public gave more
than neighborly aid to the unfor- President Calls
First GI Loan sulted in saving life, alleviation of tunate victims. The Citizens De- For Observance
suffering and minimiZing property fense corps, the city and State po-
Washington, D. C. - The Vet- damage. lice, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, Of Army Day
erans' Administration has announc- "I can assure you that everyone the County sheriff's office, the hos-
ed that what it believes to be the connected with OCD is very proud pitals and their doctors and nurses, Washington. - President Roose-
first loan under the "GI Bill of of you and your efficient organiza- the American Legion, the VFW and velt issued a proclamation designat-
Rights" for the purpose of ·starting tion." private citizens all were on hand ing Friday, April 6, as Army Day
a business has been made to Jack On the evening of the tornado, to do whatever they could," he com- and urged State Governors to call
C. Breeden of Falls Church, Va. more than 600 auxiliary police of mented. for observance of the day.
Mr. Breeden, who bon-owed $3,000 the city civilian defense unit and "The Red Cross and the Alabama "I also urge the civilians of this
from the Hamilton National Bank more than 75 firemen of the aux- State Guard were furnishing splen- Nation to renew their energies for
of Washington, with 50 per cent of iliary, appeared at the City Hall in did assistance everywhere I went. the task of supplying our Army
the loan guaranteed by the govern- less than 70 minutes and reported And of course I was proud of the with every necessary implement of
ment as provided in the GI Bill, to Col. W. P. Screws. They were part played by the military in help- war to the end that final victory
is an optimist. He is going into '1ssigned to the stricken areas and ing out," he added.-From Civilian may be obtained as speedily as pos-
the meat business. worked fifteen hours without relief. Front, March 3, 1945. sible and to resolve that the peace
He is going to buy a refrigerator which follows victory shall be firm-
truck to sell and deliver meat to ly sustained," the proclamation
retail butchers. said.
Save That Tin! Army Day will be the 28th anni-
The War Production Board has issued a new appeal for all house-
Chisholm Thanks holders to save and prepare. all used tin cans for return to detinning versary of America's entrance into
the World War and the President's
State C. D. Group plants, emphasiZing the vital need for this commodity for the produc-
tion of war's goods. ..
proclamation calling attention to
the fact that once more American
For Assistance With our original prime source of tin cut by the Japanese and due soldiers "are suffering and dying
to be curtailed for some time after complete liberation of these areas is ni defense of our land and our spir-
State Defense Council Director itual heritage."
accomplished by the advancing American forces, it is more than ever
Haygood Paterson on March 9th re-
ceived a letter from the Chisholm necessary that the citizens of this city cooperate in saving their tin
Community expressing appreciation cans for salvage collection. DEFENSE COUNCIL
for the assistance rendered during The assertion made by the WPB that at the present time Ameri-
the recent tornado. The letter was cans are throwing' away two out of every three used tin cans forms a (Continued .from page 1)
signed by D. E. Walters, Dor- terrible indictment to the patriotism of many of our citizens. The ef- your office. We are haVing a rep-
othy Nell Markham, Mrs. T. J. Ma- fort involved in preparing these cans for collection certainly cannot be resentative of this office personally
chen, Sr., Mrs. S. J. Till, and S. T. termed arduous. The time spent in this task is small indeed in com- contact each of these places with a
Rodgers. parison to the value of the contribution. view of securing agreements to
The letter stated: "We wish to The extent to which people are now neglecting this tin-saving task training our veterans, and you can
express to you and to every member is clearly indicated through Government reports which show that col- readily see how important it is to
of your organization who helped us US."
lections during 1944 totaled but 383,089,507 pounds, a decline of nearly The War Service Division of the
in the tornado, on behalf of the
hundreds of our people' in Chisholm 50,000 pounds from the 1943 totaL-New Haven (Conn.) Register. State Defense Council will furnish
our sincere appreciation for every Mr. Smith with the information re-
aid and assistance given. quested.
"Please express to every member ENGLAND'S WAR COST WHOLE BLOOD FLIES ABROAD Letters and questionnaires similar
of your organization our deepest to those sent the Members of the
gratitude." Montgomery Chamber of Com-
Great Britain is spending $57,- merce, in the interest of proper
Packed in protective containers,
MORE NURSES NEEDED 000,000 per day for war purposes, placement of discharged servicemen
Sir John Anderson, chancellor of whole blood donated through the
in an occupation of their own
President Roosevelt reports that the exchequer, reported recently. American Red Cross speeds by air
choosing, are being sent Chambers
18,000 more nurses are needed by to wounded fighting men in Europe, of Commerce over the State by
the Army and 2,000 by the Navy. supplementing blood plasma and Mr. Griffin.
The U. S. Eighth Air Force de- other medical supplies." Half a turn
Buy more Bonds for the big vic- strayed 7,173 German planes in the around the g~be, refrigerated whole During 1944, American factories
tory push! year ending January 1, 1945' blood is flown to the Pacific front. produced 96 369 planes of all types.

Alabama Citizens Waste Paper Collection Occupies Time Are We Ready?

Respond To Call And Attention Of Patriotic Citizens Asks Commander
For Waste Paper Arn Of C. D. Corps
"Should you receive a call to duty
tonight as a result of a sudden dis-
aster, how quickly could you as-
semble the men under you and how
The amount of waste paper avail-
efficient will they be?" . inquires
able for collection is constantly les-
Fred Am, Commander of the Citi-
sening, yet more must be collected
zens' Defense Corps of Mobile
in 1945 than previously if the needs
of our fighting men as well as es-
sential home front requirements are . Commander Am in an earnest
to be met, according to L. E. Creel, attempt to determine the prepared-
State Salvage Manager. ness of the COunty's Defense corps,
at the end of the directive, asks
- . Cities and towns throughout the
pertinent questions. Quoting from
State are answering the challenge
the Bulletin of March 15:
by putting their shoulders to the
wheel. A number of smaller com- "The history of Mobile is proof
munities that have never shipped that this community is not immune
paper will do so next month. to disastrous storms, conflagrations,
Local Junior Chambers of Com- high waters and epidemics. If con-
merce have volunteered to give as- fronted with such an emergency
sistance to Salvage campaigns in will we perform as creditably as did
their respective communities. Sal- the Defense Corps of Montgomery
vage Chairmen should contact them when it was struck last month by
to secure their cooperation. a tornado which brought death, in:
The Colbert County Salvage Com- jury and destruction in its wake.
mittee headed by Mrs. Milo S. Long, "From the official report of Gen-
Chairman has established a salvage eral William P. Screws, City Police
depot at Florence, which is kept Commissioner and Commander of
open by volunteers all day. The Montgomery's Defense Corps, we
Catholic Welfare Committee will learn that within an ·hour and a
furnish volunteers for next month. quarter from the first alarm, ap-
A shed has been arranged so that proximately 100 members of the De-
anyone who wishes, may drive by fense Corps reported. to headquar-
at night and leave salvage. ters and that some 600 were on
hand within another hour and a
Lions Active
half, including Air Raid Wardens,
One hundred ninety thousand Auxiliary Police and Firemen and
pounds of waste paper, enough to members of other divisions. They
fill six solid box cars will redound were promptly organized into
to the credit of the Montgomery squads and divided into six hour
Lions Club, as a result of an inten- snifts and they served in the strick-
sified Sunday afternoon campaign en areas from the evening of Mon-
staged March 11th, according to day, February 12th until the morn-
figures released March 15th by ing of Thursday, the 15th,
Chairman W. P. DeLemos. "General Screws said: 'The mem-
With paper still the No. 1 war bers of the Defense Corps demon-
material shortage, the Lions sent strated the value of training and
out the word to all local business discipline which they received when
firms to clean house. The result first organized. The promptness
was startling. Clarence Cook, gen- with which their members report-
eral manager of Solomon Brothers ed, the efficient manner in which
rounded up enough paper on the they performed their duties, and
premises of his firm to fill one car. their willingness to' do anything to
Other firms reported that with the At top is shown the Montgomery Lions, including Junior Lions and help in this hour of trouble, are
di~posal of old records and non es- Boy Scuots, assembled at the City Scales, ready to start. They lost no deserving of the commendation of
sential correspondence that had ~ime after churches were dismissed Sunday, March 11th swinging into
all the citizens of our community.'
been accumulating through the "To assure that our Defense
action over the city in a whirlwind campaign to collect waste paper. It
years, they have systematized their Corps is equally prepared to respond
was an epic drive resulting in six carloads of paper from which the Club and perform efficiently, every offi-
filing and increased space for cur-
rent records. Residents also co- realized $1,200.00. cer is asked to check up on' his or-
operated wholeheartedly. Below is pictured the Colbert County Salvage Depot at Florence ganization in the following particu-
The Lions prepared painstakingly which has made an enviable record. It is kept open by volunteers lars:
for their whirlwind campaign. The throughout the day and is the nucleus of salvage activity. Mrs. Milo S. "How many of your men are now
city was carefully zoned. Army Long is Chairman of the Colbert County Salvage Committee. available for service?
trucks from Maxwell Field were "Have you filled all vacancies.
pressed into service. Junior Lions More than 12,00(},000 men are in among your key men?
and Boy Scouts assisted. the U. S. armed services now. Wounded Soldiers "How recently have you checked
In addition to collecting waste up on your call list?
paper essential for war purposes, and myself, personally, I wish to Get New Training "How recently have you had sub-
the Lions realized $1,200.00 from thank the Lions Club for the splen- Pre-technical training courses in ordinate officers check their call
their Sunday drive, which _they will did work done in connection with arts and trades have been started lists?
use as a fund for their Junior Lions their paper collection on March 11. by the army as part of its program "Our headquarters office at 107
Club. Especially do I wish to thank you to aid soldiers in convalescent hos- st. Francis Street; second floor,
L. E. Creel, State Salvage Direc- and your committee for the out- pitals. (telephone 2-7761) continues open
tor in a letter of appreciation to standing job you did in advertising The courses include canvas and during all regular office hours and
Chairman DeLemos wrote: "On be- and the work each of you· did in leather work, sewing machine op- is prepared to' serve you in every
half of the War Production Board the actual collection of the paper." eration, clothing and textile repair. possible way."

Victory Garden J. W. MORGAN The Government'Asks

Crop Essential To Citizen Of Month The Government needs and asks Its citizens to:
Win Food Battle (1) Return to sea duty if you are an engineering or deck officer.
Our Merchant Marine urgently needs 18,000 licensed men to sail the
The citizens of Alabama, already ships carrying war cargoes to cOipEat areas.
garden conscious, spurred on by (2) Address all overseas mail clearly, correctly and completely to
Governor Sparks' proclamation of avoid delays and disappointments. One slight error may easily cause
Victory Garden Week-March 5 to a letter to travel 30,000 extra miles.
10, are responding to the appeal (3) Buy only what you really need this Easter. Dollars unneces-
for more and better Victory Gar- sarily spent contribute to inflation; dollars saved help to finance the
dens for 1945.
Citizens Service Corps through war.
volunteer block leaders and war (4) Help relieve the nursing crisis. AU women, young or old,
service groups are working closely trained or untrained, can participate in one of the eight war nursing
with County Farm Demonstration programs. Inquire at your local Red Cross.
Agents to increase the quality and
number of gardens.
M'Ontgomery Active DEFENSE GROUPS TO
The Montgomery County Citizens (Continued from page 2) Airman's Prayer
Service Corps, with the Garden scheduled from April 1 through
Clubs as co-sponsors are going into April 30, 1945. Plans provide for An "airman's prayer," which a B-
the nation-wide "Green-Thumb" participation by all groups and or- 24 gunner said "I have repeated
Contest", in a big way. ganizations in the community in- many a time at my gun-station,"
Registrations are coming in, and cluding schools, churches, factories, read as follows:
keen rivalry among the clubs is clubs; also house to house canvass- QOd of the evening, God of the
giving the plan momentum. Reg- ing. The campaign will be "spear- - dawn,
istrations are not confined to gar- headed" through the Nation by Ro- God of the morning, God of the
den clubs, although the list of lo- tary, Kiwanis, and Lions Clubs. light,
cal prizes provides a special class - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 AU contributions received will go Keep our engines strong in flight.
for garden club members. into a common pool. No donations And then, 0 Lord, let it be Thy
The Civilian Defense Council has Jefferson County can be earmarked for a specific will
country.. The donated garments
earmarked a war bond for the win-
ner of the most successful individ-
Salvage Chairman will be shipped to war devastated
That there come a day when we
need not kill..
ual garden in the county and mer- Solves Problems countries on the basis of the -great-
chants will cooperate in a fall ex- est immediate need and available
hibit. Tentative plans are being Since 1937, J. W. Morgan has shipping space. VICTORY GARDEN
made for a Victory Garden Har- served as City Commissioner of Bir- The United National Clothing
vest show to be held late in the mingham. With the welfare of the collection is a coordinated effort (Continued form column 1)
fall to give gardeners an opportun- Birmingham citizenry as his first on the part of the United Nations tute held recently, Lester J. Norris,
ity to exhibit the products of their interest, he was appointed Salvage Relief and Rehabilitation Admin- chairman of the board of that or-
efforts; fresh, canned, and dehy- Chairman of Jefferson County at istration and over fifty volunteer ganization, received the following
drated vegetables. the beginning of the War. war relief agencies of the United telegram from OPA Administrator
OPA Urges Gardens Wm. O. Duntze, Chief of the Gen- States. The collection will be con- Chester Bowles, relative to the se-
During an important meeting of eral Salvage Branch of the War ducted under the sponsorship of a riousness of the food situation, and
the National Victory Garden Insti- Production Board, Washington, D, national committee which consists stressing the importance of making
(Turn to column 4) C., declared, "If we had about five of representation from the above every Victory Garden produce to
more men of the calibre of Mr. participating agencies, and other the limit.
Morgan, I am quite sure we could groups. Mr. Henry J. Kaiser is na- "Today the home front is feeling
solve the wastepaper shortage in tional chairman of this committee.
New Handbook the United States." Mr. Dan A. West is Executive Di-
the full effect of a long war. Food
supplies are reflecting the real pinch
Useful For Vets Mr. Morgan adopted a plan of rector. National headquarters is of an enormous double-barrelled
collecting wastepaper during the located at 100 Maiden Lane, New war in Europe and in the Pacific.
Washington. - A new "Veteran's summer months that can be used York 5, New York. We now have more than five mil-
Handbook," compiled by Mal E. K. to good advantage in other com- lion men overseas and more are
INCREASED PRODUCTION going every week. An average of
Gubin, covers about everything a munities. This was accomplished
War supplies valued at $65,500,- six pounds of food is allocated to
veteran or his dependents can ask through the churches and Sunday
OOO,OO~ or $2,500,000,000 more than
for in the way of information re- School children of Birmingham. every American soldier every day.
in 1944, will be manufactured in Forty-six per cent of the 1944-45
garding his rehabilitation. There are 151 churches in Bir-
the United States this year, WPB commercially canned vegetables,
Under the head "Jobs" it details mingham and 85 participated in the
Chairman Krug has announced. and over half of the canned fruits.
the veteran's rights, gives sugges- drive last summer. Mr. Morgan
tions about where and how to ob- placed box cars on the railroad sid-' er of Public Improvements is at are being taken by the armed
tain a job in private industry or in ing every Wednesday and picked up present campaigning for his third forces. Yet in the midst of this
the Federal Civil Service, with the paper at the churches, weigh- term of office. Born and reared greatest war in our history America
points on preference for veterans. ing each amount separately and in Birmingham, he was in the elec- is healthy and well fed, the best
"Unemployment Compensation" cov- paying the churches 45c per CWT. trical appliance and radio business fed nation in the world. Our farm-
ers the matter of the various pay- He mailed a check every Friday so in Birmingham for many years. ers and food industries have per-
ments under that head. "Educa- that it would be received by the Commissioner Morgan has always formed a truly heroic task.
tion" gives information on every- respective pastor on Saturday. been identified with civic and phil- "But a large part of the credit
thing a veteran may expect. Mr. Morgan thus prOVided paper anthropic movements. He has par- must go to the Victory Gardeners
"Loans" gives in detail the amounts for the war effort, and at the same ticipated in all constrUctive meas- who last year produced forty per
and conditions under which loans time, helped provide money for the ures promulgated by the American cent of the fresh vegetables we
may be obtained. Other matters church, which is a very worthy Legion of which he is a member; ate, and to the housewives who did
covered are life insurance, muster- cause. is active in the Beverly Methodist a record job of home canning. I
ing-out pay, benefits for the dis- He also made arrangements with Church and belongs to a number of don't know where we would have
abled, benefits for dependents, le- the small towns surrounding Bir- Fraternal Organizations. been without their help in so sub-
gal protection and income tax. mingham to have them haul their Under his direction, Jefferson stantially supplementing our vital
The handbook can be obtained paper into Birmingham every Wed- County has made an excellent rec- food supplies. The Victory Gar-
for 10 cents by writing Army Times, nesday, paying them exactly what ord in its salvage program which is deners of America are facing an-
Daily News Building, Washington he received. an import3ilt part of Civilian De- other big wartime responsibility
5, D. C. Mr. Morgan, who is Commission- fense. this summer."

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