Sie sind auf Seite 1von 96


Sydney, Austr~lia. rrhis g;eat crowd braved winter weather with muftiers and
, ov~rcoatsandgot up at 3 : 30a.m. to hear a speaker 12,000 miles awaY,.

; Mapl~ L~~f G~id~ns. T~n thousand Canadi~n~ assembled

Toro~to' to J1~.~r: -w . ''""''
Jli~ yo,ice f:r:qm . across' the s~a..
. '
Ev~'rybody inust ''~ACE T:S:~ F~CTS". In H~rHord, Connectic~t, the people were
. invited: to ,do so, among other :ways, in this manner. .
. ~Y,a~hoe Maso'l:1ic Tempie, Kansas City, Kansas. All halls in th:ls building were
filled ~o overflow.

' (~s~rid~foh;' parader~ adverhsing "FACE TH~ FACTS"' to he heard at th~ Lyceuhi:, ' \
:Minneapolis. A :fine erowd turned out.

~ofAi .AL~ERT HALL; LONDON: Key auditorium of 'the more than :fifty others
~nchcling the globe. From here Judge Rutherford, ori September the 10th and
the 11th, addressed the English-speaking world; 200~000 were assembled in
.irlore thap. :fifty convention cities wiji relay connections, while unnumbered
. . . :tp.iUio:ris h~a;r~ by :radio. Ten thousand jammed the Royal "Albert Hall and
~t "~; ~~ :>.. .thousands were .turned away.

: "':~ ".~/~ ' ., i)'>'.>'<': ::' '' '.? \'. .
:..:.: ~h~ .;,\ 8. Oakland California. Beautiful float used to advertise the lecture



j .








:~~E. ~j\~.z~rr?y:./~~! >ve~( ~q~st. . . .

> . .. . - . . .
. . . . :. . :
. . . : . ~:-' ...... ; ..-.;: .i: Ci;~: .>."~, ., ~;~:", .,
sa:lihoat . 011 Lake 0,gtario adverti?ing the rrororito' convenlion~
" t';:)~lO. "(}fasgow .. The. ~'samlw1ch;, .paraders i~ Scotland. This ~ea;ns of. ad~ertiil1g
'~;~':'"t~o1t 'Britain by storm.
.. .

_}":;:",?:" 9:


. "

~t1g'~~~~F-:~~E .i~:~ac~~~; ,_..~~:~hi~fo~, . ~r~w~e~,:!~.,;?::~~~.~~~~~.,-:~~~:~~~: ,~..

.. . . , . gh. The Syria Mosque c'c:iuld not hold all the aiidfonce: . . .


~, ~.

e'~;~k~:~"~~t;~q~Ipfu~iit.; ~~e~ irtt~~~t16'~~~~~r&1:~~.i~~"~m,.:;,11~0~lk'~''::~t:"':':"'.J~;u?.~,i~i*tlfilt~"'~~:~,;;~.,,,.,~~~~

Brooklyn, N. Y., November, 1938

EHOV Alf GOD has devoted more than five

thousand years to the preparation of the
Kingdom. Near the end of this period of preparation He appointed a time for His "strange
work". As this time has now arrived, all devoted to Jehovah are privileged to and have
a share in this work. It appears strange, astonishing and fearful to the organization the work
exposes---those who have made lies their refuge,
who have trafficked in .the God-given quality of
man's need to worship, and who, to impress the
credulous, have tacked the name of God to that
unholy organization. It has sought in this manner to overawe the supe;rstitious and. by thus
blasphemously claiming to represent the Lord
on earth, rearing up its ugly head bedecked
with :fraudulent titles, to gain further power
that might be. needed over and above its armies,
navies, and inquisitioners !
In :fulfillment of God's promise to expos,e
them in His "strange work", before He should
exec.ute them in His "strange act", that organization has just been dealt a blow that ripped
them to the core~ They are inwardly seething!
Naturally the great newspapers of the world,
reduced under their gag rule to' mere propaganda machines, contain little comment upon
the greatest convention ever held ill, the earth,
and gave little space to the. gigantic broadcast
heard. simultaneously by at least three million
people, that rocked the foundation of the Devil's
'"f;t.:f';~1,''."'~ jlqroini,():n. II()wever, this magazine, devoted to
o:CGod under Christ, will :furnish
,,i r..:,:, ~~e people the facts of the Devil's stricken
. ~arthly empire.
;>I11 ~11cient times w,hen Godfought for the
J~r.?;~H~es a11d Judeans, blessillgs .and, spoil fell
' to '.~J:ie Jot offlis, people after the enemy had
been.destr.oyed. (2 Chronicles 20: 25, 26; Esther
. .. J;J.8; 19) At the same convention in which
(:t~ .y{ ap'pfo:ximately 150,000 people, assembled in fifty
;;,.~~~~;.:~..,~ cit\es throughout the earth, heard God's pecree
"'"''''''' '''' that the opponents of His kingdom would short,,.,,.,.....,. . . . . ""' ly be annihilated, the Lord graciously informed

the righteous. that' great blessings would follow

the wiping out of the. wicked: From the most
degraded hireling of the Devil's religious institutions up fo Satan, whom Jesus dei:;cribed as a
liar and a murderer from the beginning, .the
message cut like the sword which. is to follow.
After the announcement that God would clean
up the world iii this' great bafEle'.o!Armageddoii,
His promise to bring rejoicing to the obedient
survivors was repeated. Thus the enemy's downfall was seen to precede blessings. to those on
God's side, just as the valley 6f Jehoshaphat,
wherein God caused the complete destruction
of the Moabites, Ammonites; and Seirites, was
later named "Berachah", meaning blessings, a
place where God blessed His people. With this
:foretaste concerning Jehovah's unchangeable ultimatums and His promise of riches to the obedient, all who serve God ?r are seeking Him
are commended to read this report.

British Isles
,Months of preparation, naturally, went into
perfecting the final arrangements for the worldwide .convention and broadcast which should
reach the ends of the earth .. Speaking of this
hookup or relay many English newspapeil's used
these words in description: "This will .be made
possible by national, international and transcontinental telephone lines connecting the Royal
Albert Hall with ten of the largest halls and
cinemas in th~ United Kingdom and with auditoriums in 2'3 of the principal cities of the
United States. Other countries to be linked
with London in this remarkable week:end convention include Australia, New Zealand, and
Canada.'' (At this time no information had
been released concerning the assemblies that
would pick up the broadcast by shortwave, such
as India, Trinidad, Singapore, and continental
Europe, to mention only a few that reported
later; nor the fact that 118 American stations



wouJg r,~Pr,<?f;t4ca,;st)he .. speeches in the Vnite<L

8:t,a;t~s.) Sub~tantianythe same account \Yas
. / ,, ca:rr,i~,<l,by. the. Kent Herald) the Everiirig. Sentin~{.I$toke), City Times (Stoke), the Kentish
Jndependent;, the }fossley Hill) Allerton& Wool:. .ton:.~~1Jer,t,ier. (Hi verpool), the Edinburgh Eve < News) .the Scottish Daily Express (Glas"\ gow.), the Southwick Telephone (Birmingham),
the :j3efta,~t '/; Letter) the Belfast Telegraph)
,, The. 'qrh,iiig Advertiser (London), and many
oth~:ps .~ytwee~_..t~.4::ites.ofAugust 23 and Septe111J>~I" ,..n:.~.Q~.h~W, .$poke of the "unparalleled
telephonicbroadca~t'', "a telephonic achievement
witho:t parallelin Hi1s country"; another stated
"the" a;~rangements for .this rel)iarkable e;{iort
repres'~1:if the last word in technfoa1: sk111 _and
- effi~!~ncy". "British technicians look .forward
' c?.ngg~p~l:Y to i~~ cp!llplete success."
;-,;: "?'-i,'~-~~~~~~nc~. .-wr11 b~ .made )~ter ~() Jhe: iie\\rs-:
~'.1;~~:-:: pap~ftt>t'the)3ritis11' Isles;-buf ill. pas~liJ.g 1f'is
;t~~,-~~~!J~~t~_t~,t.y~Jl.i.l:!t tn~.S<(/S<>lP.Paraffvely favorable
:~;~u~t-,:fi}'st,}7:~t1:2~~:,~e,:re)~tterJeplaced by silence 7 a~d
: 1 ve,n~)1.16t):$''.. a,;U&~ks. vvhel) tll,e, . . , . Cathqhc
',<Jg~E~~-ph:{ligJ,itened. the gag and, -'inadv.ertentiy
_,9.9!:~~,~Li8:r,.QEP,e; gave the British tc> un:' v, ....

and morEl. of the s11rrou:i;iding cou~tryside like

a growing plant, together with its historic .
towers, grimly. merporia,l of .deeds.. of yalo.r and
despite, was a fitting and h;1spiring place for
this great announcement that G~d would make
the people free. No honest America;n Gan .fail
to be reminded of the struggles for libe;r,ty that
have.racked the English-speaking world for cen-
turies a_s he contemplates the largest city of that
people and of the earth; nor can he fail to.have
a keen regret that these achievements, bought
by the blood of brave men, making England
the most liberally governed nation under the
sun, are crumpling under grip of the most predatory power, for fifteen centuries the avowed
enemy of any sort of liberty, the inquisitorial
HierarGhy of ,the, Roman Catholic Churc.h. In
this place, the last bulwark for free expression,
it' was in ' order that the message of Jehovah
should flash .to all "Christendom" and to those
nations that "come unto". "Christepdom'' .exen,...
as Jerer.Iliiih caused the cup of the Lord's fury
to be presented to representatives .of .all the natioris then connected to Jerusalem, foreshadow:ing that the, Lord will first warn and then de1

,~r;~a~,,~~~iili,1~~611q~~R~~~~i~ii3~~~ s:~tJ. :~r~~c~;i~~Xa~~~, yari~i1:is~h~~r':h~a:in~~i~~

~Jf,~':tJ!Ii!:]li:~~;lt;J.g''ffi'6guis'v'of Rome;''spealdng. ror

:;1~~::):::.:'!3ig-shot'! 'Ratti of Vatjcan City; would: have

~,~~::.::JJ-911'~.of it~. r:J:1rueJo:fo:rm arj.d .type. of editorst~e .
''acceded"' to, this demand from "
;~~7:" ''Jhe,1epresentative of a fore~gn p9wer ~nd thus .
\'' ;;_tJe,~ch~ro.~sly betrayed the interests of their_
' '' : cotrntry and countrymen. Note later the truth-


that traffic witli "Christendom" !

U11ique were tl\e ,r,nethods used to bring to
th~ .,att~ntiOJ:i of the. people this great announce-..
merit', to advertise the great provision and warn:ingfr_om.Jehovah which wo~ld be delivered by
J :g.qge. Rutherford under the title "FACE .THE
FA(JTs".,The very title was appropriate both for

~~t: . kigfts~\~%ii~;t;~~Iiflfa~tiq~~~~t1~~~;s~~at~~- ~?ro;s~~j,e~~e ~;t!:fi~~~dti;;:~s'~hin ~~:~~~ :~~

1\g-pi ~<:liJ()rS 3,l}~,,vy9ici4 tg~y refused to publish. Then

~'(!~-"~ t~;p.d~r,

your own verdict as_ to whether you


elsew4e,re ,1Yhe11; ~ngland and the continent were._

trembling in the. Czechoslovakian-Hitler crisis;

~~~:J7,{'.'~;~i~~~~~,.~~~t.~%ti~~s)~bi!,e:t~~ri~~!:_hwfsfi1rci. ii~~l~J\~d:~h:a~~ti


.t.Q. .~e,,jf,lir,. but the pressure was too .great.,. But ca,:fs, cfoema :fla~pes, c,a,r streamers, neighbor;;:-r :: foi: n:1qst_ it is doubtless. true that. until .Arma-.. ho. . od.. b. ul.J.e. ,t. . .in.... bo.'a. r.-.. d s.,.. bu.s. es., unu, sed shop win. -


H:~j;,;fg~<1Cion'strik1e8,'e~c!'.iiig'tliem an:a tl'le1~work;,th~y:,:::::;..~ ~~11,p~y~J)~Il,~)V;.llfa,t, beca11seof: villa~ny or fe<tr,

Z:~f":1~>Ufiey passea up
opportunity to advertise. the
1~J''.'.:J~ingdo:m of God which should bless the ,wo~ld,
thus ta render a realservice to thei~- follow'



dcn~s, soun,d <;ars,leaflets, and on the backs of

pe,qple. )n. the fo:mous '~sandwich parades",
~:Prang to. the eyes of all .the population of the; Kingdow,. the a.:rresting word.s "FACE .
THE'. ;F:A<Yrs'',; l:i;i,,, Lond9n,, .w'here the British

~i~\~~f~~~~:~~~e~;i~~itiO~fir'th:P,1~:~::~11~] . f~:~ill:!:tf6;;~~1,,~~;~~ ~0fo~ t~~ '~~~;=~~

. . .,,.",.!1.Ji8.P ,l:!Eg~r~,i~P9?-~t, :.was te~~nipg.with thEL tiOn -were busy ev~rj day with, details of hous--

FIY1ty. of Jeh~yah'swit.I,tess~s. for !n::tny we,el~s

.~!M!.~.,l!srn:<!o11, with its irregular street loca12fl~? gs gieat, overcr()wding population, spi:ea,.dJ}'g its tremendous i;1ttmbers of: h1gn,51nity. up .
"'.ti~'"' cl97)y,:p,.J~.e -~]!,am~s_, an,d )a;king over. more.
~~~~i;:~{~t~f~~Bft(~~!t~':-::;~fW,:.:)F.;!;'.':;j~H .+ ~. .~~~;!;' ,::?&;~~;::: r:i.f'

ing;:. cafeieria':ari:angements. for the gathering:

m:ixltitude,, the. manifold duties conne,cted with
te~~ritory distribution .for the workers. to cover;.
and .,eaoh night for weeks ahead they staged
"sandwich parades".
>:; :;};;J~J{~x;:~~~t:::2>';\ . ;..:-., , . . ' -. -.




'",'<"< / .. '',






A word more about these "sandwich parades".

Undoubtedly this was the most 'effective of the
many forms of advertising utilized. Jt'is not a
new method nor original tq:Jehovah's witnesses.
But the number of the people who wore plac'."
ards on their backs, and the smiling enthusiasm displayed, ~ith children in pushcarts and
.;;:ii:.~" 't .in arms or .marching behind sweet-faced moth~\i:.< <. e:i;~ adde_d to the line; together with the obvious
7 )high standing, culture, .and good will of these
/:''" ''' :armies of the King, held the people watching
"'''~'""' in enthralled interest. And throughout it is to
be recorded that they were received with almost
the same spirit of kindness and benevolence in
which they did the work.
In entire. co-operation with English traffic
regulations they lined the thoroughfares fifteen
feet apart, and in every town the friendliest
treatment on the part of the police was observed.
At street crossings, especi~lly in London, the
officers held up traffic while the divisions passed;
one section of about 100, parader~ was followed
by a bobby on its entire route through the Strand
in heavy London traffic and back to its point of
origin at Kingsway Hall, where some. of the
London convention sessions were held. He said
at the conclusion that he desired to make sure
that the whole party were kept safely.

Perhaps the largest number that engaged in

"sandwich" parades at one time was in theneigh-
borhood of one thousand, who marched. both
Saturday and Sunday of the convention days.
Divided in groups of about 50 each. they covered tJ:ie heavy- shopping areas of the English
metropolis. _Besides . the placards on front .and
ba~k advertising the lecture "FACE THE FACTS",
some .carried posters with . the startling words
"RELIGION rs XSN'AltE 'IN'n.A'R.XckET". To olt-'
set the efforts of the enemy who tried fo asso-'
ciate the work with an Atheistic Congress then
also in session in London, others of Jehovah's
:,witn~~~ 9gi:i;r,i~qJ>.~:rwer .sll()wing "SERVE Gon
)'" . . . Q:HRIST. THE. KING". T~11s the people. ~aw
~~~r,;;:~f ...~.B.JHI11Y of fine-faced, sm1lmg people coming
,,.;j,.r down the streets close to the sid~walks, march:~. )~Et1YB9. P,~~- th~. arre~ting banners "FAcE TltE
'"' ' Fl\C~~", ''SERYE GO:p .A:N"D CB:RIS~.THE. KING~'
and "RELIGION 'IS A1 SNARE AND'A{:E'.r'' alterD:ating in a long Hne. Intrig1Jed by such a
nqveJAisplay _th~ people of. :London and .else~ '"!wliere.'.defayed their walking or shopping "long
enough to request more information an.d to each
receiye a leaflet invitation to hear "FACE THE




The judge has a smile for the Jonadabs right

after ''Fill the Earth" speech;

Interesting Incidents Reported by

~'Sandwich" Paraders

SCENE : In front of saloon in poorer section

of London.'

A somewhatJipsy bystander cried out to anybody that might listen: "Who's gonna be at
that lecture ?"
A pretty girl among the paraders answered,
"I .ant." .

"Then I'll be there, too,'' he vociferated. At
this moment the barkeeper stepped out to the
young lady and asked for a handful of leaflets
to distribute in the bar to his customers, as they
needed, he said, more talks like this one;
SCENE: Pall Mall and Haymarket shopping
A man walked up to one publisher bearing
and, looking at the witness with genuine alJ...:,

them that they wer~ coming~ Fe~
incidents of unpleasantness .occurred, and these,
as was to be expected, came at the instigation
of. religionists. Several little boys, who were
stopped from molesting paraders at whom they
had been shooting with pea-shooters, admitted on questioning that they were told to .do
tpis (probably with the enforcement of threats
of ''purghtorJ(' if. they refused) by their Roman
Catholic priest. In another case a "Protestant"
clergyman told one of the-, marchers that he
would like to take a gun and shoot every one
of those advertising the Kingdom of God that
he. could .. Thus the religionists showed the same
spirit as their father the Devil.-John 8: '44.
In all of this publicity work the newspapers
were used scarcely at all, except in a few cases
where free write-ups would be given and advertisements accepted for a small fee. In view
of this fact the enormous turn-out for the speech
Sunday is quite a commentary on the small
real usefulness. of t}iese agencies to the public,
and the lack of importance that most thinking
people assign to such perverters of the truth.
It is also at once apparent from the tremendous
audience that. actually came to hear the lecture
in London and all over the world (besides the
near ll,000 people' that packed Royal Albert
Hall and Kingdom Hall many more, thousands
were turned away in London alone) that Jehovah was not hampered by the lack of support
of the newspapers. It seems appropriate at this
point to furnish the copy that was given all

now I see what you

co.ming up to the parade said:
of Judge Rutherford's hooks
whole truth. Please give me
9an jofo with you."
every case the people accepted the
........ r,tta ...,.,r1 them with thanks in that manthat is so pleasant to
reported that thB
hands as well as the leaflets

'J:'h.~~~. b11~

signs.could 'be seen

an over ..London ..

reporters who came to J ridge Rutherford for

information, and which facts their papers one
and all refused to publish. After reading how

these .same papers, supposedly the people's chosen organ for giving them the truth, muffed this
grand chance to render their subscribers a real
service because they were led .into a snare by
.tli.~ feal' of ma11 (the Roman Catholic HiE)rarchy,
3 1
"''lf!;'.;;;;;:f~ '~ "" ifs they .practically admitted) let each reader
decide as to whom these "mighty" press agencies
s11pport. Is it God? Not unless you mean the
god of this world. ( 2 Corinthians 4: 4) The
~~qts .~:ff~red to ~11 age!lcies who applied follow :

. :"T.:B'.Ei \PEMOCRAC'.I~s

of e~rth, and particularly

Great Britain and America, are in great danger
of ..Totalitarian rule .. The . Roman Catholic Hier~
archy of Authority, the Fascists and Nazis, are
conspiring together. to gain control and rule all
the nations by dictators. Although the
know this fact they refuse to publish the truth
concer11ing the same and so far as the press is
cohcerried the people are kept in ignorance. The
newspapers, therefore, indirectly support the conspiracy and are unfaithful to the people.
Centuries ago the Almighty God gave Hi:;; word
that in His due time and amidst great distress
and perplexity in the world, exactly what 've now

ADVERTISE was the slogan. Anything that could

be moved and would attract attention was used.
see, He would set ~p His righteous government
with. Christ as King, and which will rule the na- .
tioi;is in righteousness. That kingdom is now at
hand and is the only hope of the nations and the
people. It is of greatest importance to the people
that they know about it, but the newspapers refuse to publish anything about the Kingdom for
fear .of shocking the religious susceptibilities of
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and their allies.
Such publication would interfere witmthe religious
racket. For centuries- both Christians and i:eligionists have prayed as Jesus taught, for the coming
of God's kingdom on earth, out only. the Christians have desired that kingdom. Religionists have
an ambitious desire to rule the world. in the place
and stead of God and Christ. Religion is therefore
a snare and a racket, and the Lord's kingdom
will do away with religion and all fraudulent
schemes. The religio-political combine is against'
the kingdom .of God.

It is the business of Jehovah's witnesses to make
known to the people God'~ kingdom under Christ
as their only hope. Because they do so those Christians are opposed and cruelly persecuted by the
Roman .Catholic Hierarchy and their Fascist and
N;tzi allies. Although the true facts have repeatedly .been brought to the attention of the press the

t~>'I .:<:.- ~ .:. "

: . . -._:','.

ne~Jp3-pers declin~

: . .: '.:

:.: _ :

to publi~h the. t~uth . ~ii<l. thu~

pla~e themselves against God and His . kingdom.
Why . should I waste time .. in giving interviews
whi,ch . woulq not be published I The. public press
has bego;rn~ ~t _Jea,st .~- .sil~,nt. t<.>oL q:J: JlJ.;E;l.,.rnligious
combine afore-1P;entioneq . .AJl .~re against God and
against Christ and His kingdom and . therefQre
against\ the inter.ests. 6 .the people who desire to
live. ;Having been warned they have taken their
sta:d. against the Lord's kingdom and must bear
the ,c9:nsequences.

conve~tions a "sandwich" parade was 'staged.

and then all went .home to get to the night's
sleep early in order to epgage in the house-tohouse service the next _day with the new bpoldet
Warning, just off the press and for the first time
released to the public. The next day was a stren
uous 'O:ne. Phonographs, sound cars, witnesses
iri auto.s and on foot, plied the streets and hom~s .
ancf business .ho11ses. of :L9:ggqn, giving more and
more advertising and literature and. word-:-ofmouth testimtmy to this very much interested
English :metropolis. In this . area alo:rlfL)fl.QJ:g_~ ...
than. 400,000 leaflets were distribute(l up to the
time of the delivet-y of "FACE THE FACTS", at
eight p.m. Sunday. The number 0 publishers
reached a peak on Sunday, when more than
1,200 were in the field. Jn Jhe two days more
than 30,000 pieces of literature were placed \n
the hands of the people. (For a detailed report
of the work of this assem.bly, see the final page
. of this iSsue of The Messenger.)
Then, almost before they realized it; all of
Jehovah's witnesses in .Lonqon were seated ip
th&t. most Jt1m 9us <9t :t~L:.E~i:ii~h-.

.... at~~.~~i_bis\.~.~~J'~'\l~~ii~~~'~):'~';;,),;~'~;l~:j, fui~ f~\~~J(' ~\lJMi~~r:i,~a~~~t~Ffr:.fc~~eif "S'~f:.ti~~

~ w

Septe:rnber _10, w]ai~hjs :rlpW:, histwy'. The mtj.sic

was O:Vel;'~:Jl,;Judge-_J~htt~~rfifrd was.up"and_at
t:h.e mforophone ! .GqdbaS' granted the judge the
fi;I1.~S.J._,spe~~i.:qg yofoe-in ._the". w9rJQ. ,_fQL gl~_:rity
~Mg g1Jiphasis~;- a11~ 'Yas th~taudi~:Q9e gra!e:fvl
~1\S$?'.:gtag. th~ P.ublis, to put forth .a st:r:enu ~... to J~goya)}, #>;r;Jhi,s :proviS.ion ! 'What wov&l ge
, .;~B::~~i,,~finkJ? . }Y+.9:ely cucmJate .the new~ J?fJh~ ...t!ie- great 1iJ:eS.s::ige. th~t ,the :Lord wouW deli.v~r
P~~TuliJ:~tstupenctous e,yent. ~here .,was ,a, 1~P.n9,!;:,r-. .JoJhe -people. this-tiirie.thr~}lgh His chosen tq Jhi$. eiC{19rta,ti.on..Jo. tll:ewi,tue~~~-- a,;rit.?~ 1 ~~s.. ~~t;;,.tJ!.opg~t .in ~fre~y -~ind .. Th~n.:}n
~9 ,e~Nt t.hE(roseJ:Y~s toJli~ fll, and more. det~~ls - ~ .tJ>J'.!~.$_:.9.fjh:.,p.t:rxrnt,.:~;1);.wpny~a,i:ie that rn,es~Jlge
j\(- ..f~Jit~)n~t~~f.(wh.",..i.XIJ'.?iJ~kt~P..:U~ inthindiv idua~t~e".'. mf. o:rtehpobrtentfiotus-fJ4.~nh. atny:oth~r itn modTew t~~s
,; . $.GJ.'.Lp ions 0 L .e .conven ions m ere ay ciies.
eJ1e, 9.: ng, ; eous cr~a ure;S . Q W.t,i.Qm
l.I!J;Angon, by Septemper 9,_ on which . date.the -.w~sthis:gr@af:nies.sag~_9hiefly -directed,?. r:[1o;,t}}e
.,. ..G~JiY~Pti~l! opened, th~. workers. had "great multitd~~~Jlecti9~d iti "th,e .BibXe.L,~$
'''feiihli,eda feyel' of activity. It became those "which, no,ro~.i)..c~nl<l.~~wb'er, .. ~ .. c~ot!i'~d
~,,; . "plainer than ever before that the two broadcasts with_ 'Yhite. i:<;>~:~s,and::palms':[of'pfaiSe" to'the
';'_'.b~:~<"~f ~.aturday and Sunday would be like nothing King Christ ;r~.$*~l ~P. th,~!r hands" (Reve~_l;l
.{ :; "else fh~ll.} eyer be~:p. Qrt ~h~ ev~ning tion 7: 9), th~e '.((otlir.,slf.~ep''. that. Jes11~>!e
, "" :;;;r -~frf' ~Iii -~th; one. day before tne :ffrsrofthebroad- scribe(l .8:.~-. ha.Y,i'.rlg bef.i:ie;qed ; Hi~. t~inple &om. .>"bttits .. the London convention was opened by the pany (Matthe~ ~}?..::~a,,~.::~o.) anq oth~rW,f~~)b19wrt
~;IT:1t::~ '''.Bi:it{sh )3ranch~yrva11t with a~ atte11da)lce_Jtt as}he_ ".~911~q~b:',: P!as~ {s~e Yi?Yflicatiqn,.Boo.k
<:: . 'th~::-~rsf~e~f?1oii "of },i4o: . The . assembly' .then . Three,. page 77 :q#;,fof B~pl~nat\q. Q.f ~his .titl~~) ;
:::~-:{ _1J~J~11ed, with that rapt attenti,0n that only Eng- 'the chief mess~ge~~~$.JP,~hi~ group~ which'~()~}. .. .l~P.::litCli~:qc~s seem_ Jhe m9st .C:()}l!~~o11~j11, giv- . posed more th,}(:;i~'..~~~(.t~,.,_:~qiy1p.9.~J ),Yh!}.~;~.t~.s
l~_~l~~~;, .)ng, to several Americans who bnmght greetings the breath-tal~:tP~ ~e~sag~ \Vhicli theyrece1)i~Q.?
,,,\ 1,.,:,; . ',' 'Kp;g ~;n,qQ1gagement, discoursing on the prophetic
Briefly stated, :;i.nq th_~s . s.;~~tem~;nt .P9J!t&;.<be
'iz;1~~,i"':':::~:i:~fo~: .~-~tiJleSJ-. ,.'~II;!~ vy ~;r~\ . (See Watchtower taken as mer~ly, {lU.. appetizer, as there
issues ;Qf July f fo August 15.)
space in this.:~.:~~,~-~riptioii Or:. th~t we.~l~'fi<g.f
deduced hy the Lord's

J~~-\:;i".f\jHc::;::+h';; ;:<-.:,;.,<_,<_<\.\;:', < )':,'.).\;\.

\..('-~~s{~e~9thei; fg~'.iris:.o~ ady~:rti~~+;ig promo.ted.
-~.~'.J~Jg9ve, '!:n.. br~thre:ri . wer.ese~t Jo,Il}~S~
q:(J~~ population, centers. of Jhe B.i~ti.sh_li;;J~s ~Q .. ;,


~~'J(~~i:; ''ij''~~~5J!~~:j~~y}c.~~,~]q~~2~~~P!,~9u~t?;R~ry

'' '



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',i,~-~,:<<.t,~~::~lif'L,"' ... -,...



' " " ' ' ' ,;,,,.;,,:,,,

the great deArm2Lgedd1on, to marry
rwntE~ouls race. What a
~:riJ:.11U,$1IlLg. command from
This great reve..:
. . . .,. . . .,...,'"' "'"' in the October 15
Watchtower, and
you .may now' read arid see .the wonderful
tr11P1:date js. (lS true. and sun~ a:s the, me,.rcies .of
~el10:Vah 1 ' " . . .. . . . . .
~;~~';i:~':?;:f:ty;}'','}".'~<. The_ ~lessings of the righteous .follow the de'."
-'\" siru-ction of all opposers, according. to the divine purpose. In Saturday's speech those blessings were detailed. For Sunday was reserved
the great radiocast that the milHons waited for
with straining attention. Probably the demons
a,ncl .S(ltan, who has long known that he has
but a short time, all listened in. Thus we may
have a limited .comprehension of the invisible
setting. For .one to. obtai.n a small conception
of the- drama presented to the visible audience
of 11,000 people jam~ing the Royal Albert Hall

" y,,. .

is in order to
For the writer the. scene was indescribable!
Here was the culmination of weeks of lalfor
preparation. Connected to the microphone on
the brilliantly lighted platform from which
Judge Rutherford would speak were wires and
phones and' ether waves leading to other millions of people expectant to hear, and just as
ten$ely excited as those people in fro:p.t who
uttered po sound, only waited! Royal Albert
Hall was .honored to]:)e the. first by the fraction
of a second toreceive the 'message~ :from the
King of Eternity!' That vast. audience it con'"
tained wa~ equaliy . lion()red, and they appreciated it. .A scant three feet be.lo'\\'J4e.roses <ind
ferns orthe speaker's stage stretched 9.uft~~.
solJ,q 'phalanx 'of. stall seats,. with. a quiet. a:r:my
of liste:ners; while above, circling like a col()rfl;ll
wall of humanity, the galleries on three succ-es~.



. -~~~-~-~-,,

'fhree views of the Ro~~al .Albert Hall. It . was

packed out and several thousand had to be turned
away from this thrilling meeting.

sive levels, and finally the uppermost corridor,_ spread befQre

the an immense panorama. Along the top rail which
surrounded the auditorium, topping the oval tiers like a
crown, thousands thronged in the upper corridor, fortunate
if they could see the arena from the guardrail. Here, almosffrom the very eaves of the building, just below the roof, with
every seat filled below, jutting heads peer~d down with fixed
attentio;ri on the platform below. A packed house, with thousands turned away!
Then like the waves breaki11g on the shore came a roar
of applause from that multitude for. a real fighter! Then
quiet. Judge R1;1.therford's voice thundered in pleasing melody and no one wished to miss a syllable. What a stu-



pendous moment in the history of man ! The conceivable scope of vice, and which at the same
Lord God, who is above all and over all, was time claims the name of God and Christ? There
telling the people through His chosen vessel is but one contender for thi.s title Qf w.iGk~d:
that soon tbe oppressors of men would be anni- ness; let the Roman Catholic HierarGhy have it
hilated by His mighty arm. Did the great J e~o all ; no lesser criminal can make the grade.
vah in this message specify who are His enemies.
Did Judge Rutherford make it plain as to
and the enemies of the righteous men on earth? what the Lord would do to the Roman QathoThis was made absolutely plain. The Bible proof lic Hierarchy who have blasphemed His name
deduced was abundant that the chief a,mong and. persecuted His people? He did. Blow by
these enemies are Satan and his invisible hordes blow, proof by proof, the case against them
whom God sentenced to death six thousand years was presented with so many Bible corroboraago. And who the visible enemies on earth? To \tions that. no doubt oould remain eve: in the
learn the .answer let each reader a$k: Who 5s mind of the pope, if he believed in God, that
that adversary of God's faithful witnesse$ that destruction of the whole gang was imminent.
has maltreated, persecuted, imprisoned, and This bunch of religionists, whom the Lord hates,
killed His servants in .New Jersey, Quebec, are to be destroyed by their erstwhile allies,
Mexico, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Rhodesia, namely, the radical element represented by the
to mention only a few of the places where their N azi-Fascisf-Communist combine, because God
heinous acts have violated His covenant people? has decreed it so, even as Mount Seir (picturWhat is that organization parading under the ing the Catholic Hierarchy and other mode:rnname of Christ, whose chief representative, re- day religionists) .was destroyed by her former
sjding at Vatican City, claims to be the vice- allies, Ammon and Moab. In ringing denungerent of Christ, which organizatio~, exactly ciation of such infamous hypocrisy the judge,
contrary to God's law, traffics and plays harlot at direction of Jehovah, who caused all Bible
with the commerce and politics of this .world? prophecy to be written for the comfort. a:p.d diof whom He says, "For, lo, I begin to bring rection of His people on earth today, employed
evil on the city which is called by'. my name"? the. tW,,enty-third chapter of Matthew to idenWhat is the organization, abysmal haters of tify the Hierarchy of Authority. What Jesus
liberty, which, though once clai,ming God to said of the Jewish clergy was to be applied by
be supreme, have now allied themselves to the God with greater force against the Roman CathFascist-Nazi-Tadical group of Germany, Italy, olic prelates. These words came like the death
Japan, and Spain; and thus as spiritual super- warrant which they' were in fact:. 'Woe unto
government over these fotalitarian monstrosities you, Catholic Hierarchy, hypocrites! ye are like
to elevate the state above God, defaming His unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear
holy name and entrapping His witnesses who beautiful outward, but within are full of dead
refuse to "heil" men or bow down to the .idols men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Wherefore
of. men? What political power, mas~ing its op- be ye witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the
erations under a religious name, claims as its children o.f them which killed the prophets. Ye
excuse for supporting the blood] Franco in Spain serpents, ye generation of vipers! how can ye
that they 'are fighting against Communism', escape the damnation of hell?'* One could not
which is but another lie to camouflage the mur- help thinking, as these words came from the
der of their innocent followers in war-ravaged mouth of the speaker, that the Lord Jesus, who
Spain; while~to ride every horse at once they is now directing the attack against the enemy,
secretly hold out their hands to Communism? .was repeating .His blistering invective of 1900
What double-dealing criminals, whose record
through the centuries is one of such unspeak- *The Roman Catholic Hierarchy evidently heard this
able depravity that honest men must needs turn speech through their representatives, as an American
their eyes away from these bloody pages of Catholic paper 'Complained that the judge misquoted
torture of human creat,ures and of martyrs for the 23rd chapter of Matthew in the above. We still
Christ's sake, now at this very day presume . think the words fit the Hierarchy as well, if not better,
than the Pharisees, and that the Lord intended it .so.
to tell the world through their Nazi-Fascist Also
the pope must have heard the speech, as he gave
n1,0nstro$ity what everyone shall say and. pub- the statement to an American newspaper that he is
lish, and how .they . shall. worship? Does any- neither entirely for nor against totalitarian governone fail to identify the only organization :under ments. His straddling the issue and side-stepping a
the sun capable of qualifying for such an in- frank answer was for the benefit of Americans.

5:f~f~;;f,%~tt:~w~ ~!t:21:,~-~~1:~::~:;;~:~iJ~:~--

h~~?;fi~!~~?~~~1~~it~7~i~-~~~~;:~~~:~s;J~~;;;t::iJ~~/;j;;~:~::-:{y;~;~;. ;_~:_:,~;~.l~f_\~-~ ~ ~ ~ -~-.~ ~- _. :_ -.~_.-.~.-.~- -~ - '.~:._'.L:~ -._. ~- -:"_,:-~.:_c ,r_

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::trli e M'lfs sJ!'N'()EJ'J.t


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,:n :.;;

',J~~RY-"~~-'"'-'<';.:;,'.,,_; ,t~.



~,''%dts.ago;;tip6n the !n~ra~~liy;:the moder~ 6~~n':,,J~rpart

of the scribes and Pharisees. .

,, .. . . . :,?;\V~ Throughout the speech was interjected by
~~t;l~k:~j;:\~, applause and many a "Bear! Hear!'',
lf~-;:;t#~ki~;~r'. that Br,itish expression of approbation. Two res:
"!'"~lU~i~P~...~~rn",1 proposed .by the speake~ in de1
nun.cu1,t10n of the practices of the Hierarchy,
'a~doftpeir allies, the Nazi.:Fascist-Communist
group, and exporting all lovers of righteousness
:~s:;i:f,t';:.~~'-'-' ~REH.Ply declare themselveson the side of the
Ki:ng Christ Jesus, whose kfogdom is the onl
hope of the world. To the first the ,audience
. una11iniously (as far as could be determined)'
shouted "Aye", and to the second went up a
mighty roar of "Amen". When the judge had
finished almost an hour of the greatest words
of doom to the. Devil, his Hierarchy, and the
Nazi gang; and of the greatest wbrds of abundarit. comfort to God's people and to those who
were seeking Him, the 1 speaker :finished, and
t.he whole house rocked in applause. One coul~
almost hear the echoes from the audiences all
over the earth, too. Then announcement was
made by an English representative that by writing in to the English or American branch of
the WATCH To\VER a copy of. the speech could
be obtained. All was not completely over, how-:ever.
Several weeks before the. judge's departure
for Europe word had come to hiip. that the
~oman_ Catholic Hierarchy was mobilizing its
forces throughout the earth to break up the
entire international convention by having disturbances at the Royal Albert Hall and also
at ~::tch of, the fifty-odd relay cities. This information was transmitted to him by an employee
~t\0;: .:; ()f, lil:I1 ,A:h:J~ricap. CQ~poration. On the 11th of
:i~~-,;~;:;] :~?'>)' .~ugust, at ,a. ~<?~fer~~ce held ~.n a department
~?~~~:~.: :;. ? .?f .~his ~st~Wi~hn;ient, all the conferees were
statf,)Q. 'to. Pe C~th9lics; One' present was a Jesuit
~;.,;~}: .~.,~: priest. He gave the others present the informa2
~~~~:;~; <} tion that th,e Qatholics were keeping-- tab on

Rutherford. The language of the Jesuit priest

:;t. rnported' follows:
. _./!]1aJ'I?:-Jhe:rfor(i w::is going to have conveni'"'<' t~()}l~.!!:U. oy~r tpg e~:rth i $eptember and that
't:L~~~}:.~it priests were going to cover these conven:;./fb9Jl&.J:pgether_ with. police officers in civilian
:\'i~t 2t.S.the~? that t~.~re w.8<1.:e ~o }:>e speakers each day
?:':?, .,.~()Irv,e)1ti()n ang j}iat as soon as one of
{tt,,!h~~~"~ii~e,_j~st one word .. ~h~~h_ -~~~ iJ1 any
~t~ \!'~ ~g~~nst the. government tl)~n . tpey would
;:'. .g~.,,.~J,:I~t~R::.~gcl.t~t~~ . .~P,. jl}e J~pa~ge of sedition
~2:.RJ~Rt~ng sedition. And_ that they were
;!';i'c .'..';~';;;/:.C'';
;' '':}~
, '' , .
'' <

i' --~

"''.;~ :-r,<-~'.~ -.. ,:;..~f.~~~-;,>r~;~:>,;,;.:, ~:~,,.:>;./,..:;.(> :-'<;:<:..:~":"'.~~;f,._;::;,,.,.


~ ,. ~ .):d2 .~ ~ A' ,.,,: ~+ .j,';




go!I{gtoputth~ co~ventions int~ ~onf~sion

expose the Rutherford racket'.
These facts were presented in writing to the
commissioner of police, New Scotland Yard,
London. The commissio_ner n~t only promised
hut actually gave very able protection which
can but be remarked as in outstanding contrast
to what might be expected from Australian,
American, or Canadian officers of law and order; A facsimile of the letter in reply is here
Address any reply to

quoting:- 22/Unc/158 (A-2).





S. W.1



9th September, 1938..

In reply to your letter . of the 29th August, I
am directed by the Commissioner of Police of the
Metropolis to inform you that the necessary police
arrangements will be made on Sunday, 11th September, in connection with the meeting to be held
by your Society in the Royal Albert Hall.

. I am, Sir,
Your obedient Servant,
,Assistant Commissioner.
The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society,
34, Craven Terrace,
w. 2.

A day or two before the speech one witness

had an. unusual experience. A garage attendant,
while washing up one of the cars on which was
a banner advertising the lecture "FACE THE
FACTS", asked the witness if he were going tQ
attend. When the answer was received in the
affirmative the garage man volunteered:. "I'm
not. I'm afraid to." He further explained: "It
is being whispered about London that the Blackshirts [British Fascists led by Oswald Mosley
and now organized as British Union] will be
there._ They have got the word around by their
underground system that they are going to bust
up the meeting.'~ Tne witness took this informa.;
tion to the office.
Scotland Yard was told of this further development. The officer in charge was evidently
not afraid of the Hierarchy; for his reply was
prompt and to tljis effect: "Don't worry. I already know some of those Blackshirters.' But

'we'll take. care' o.r thew .1:10 matfor. wnat~in~ <,o.m~iJ?er, who he'ard the judge on this occasion
of .shfrtS they wear:". . " . . '. ' ~ ....... "~' for the first time, is here reproduced, together'
. . With this explanation let us now. i:~tuwJo . :wJth. . tw<tparagtaphs. to the same editor by an
the Albert. Han; where Judge. Rutherford h,~ e:mi~t journalist.
returned to the niicrophone although the hour's
broadcast .is completed. As might h.ave been ex- !Atter by a New Jonadab
pected, some of the Devil's and Hiexai:Qhy's To the Editor of the "Daily Herald".
Nazi element were present, though afraid to
make much of a stj.r op aCCQ1Ult.Q!Jb&..Y~!:<l; Si~.our distorted acc.ount of the meeting of 10,000
and a few rather faint "Boos" came fro1ll sev,- . people at the Albert liall to hear J -udge Rutliereral places in the upper galleries. The judge ford last night.has filled me with disgust. l wonder
asked them why they didn't get out it they did how many of the 10,000 and of the great number
not. like the speech ; they hadn't rent~d the hall. in. th,e ''te.n b,alls irt c:li:ffo:rgnt parts or this country"
Then the crowd cheered an,d <lrnwned put the . read the Da~ly Herald this morning? How many,
radicals. Meanwhile a :wcnnan had"~;a~d~;e(f. :lil{f myse11~- were shocked to see thaLthe J}p,ily_
down to the end of the center aisle only th.ree, Herald .had 'failed"to ~eep it~ promis/~ ap.d boast
feet below and perhaps. a half-dozen feet in . !o tell the truth, .seeking ~eithe.r to ~gnore what
Th . 0f

1s cheerful nor to hide unpleasant," thereby

f ron t . of. the JU
ose us :W .Q;.QA keeping confidence with its readers? (Daily Herald
.the platform had observed her before, notic~ng July 14, 1938)
that her eyes were blurr.ed and bloo~shc:>Ll!~e You admit that yours is a serious responsibility,
a. person drunk, drugged, or demomzed ; also that you are the eyes and ears of your readers,
an usher had seen her and !;llready requested that it. is your duty to see truly and report FAITH"."
her to leave. Suddenly as if by signal she raised . FULLY,~
her hand and. sai~ somet~in~. that sounded l~ke
Then why ~ave. you failed to do so today upon
"I wan.t to speak ; At this time, though a mm- a matter of vitahmportance to those readers who
ute or' so after' nine, some of the statioiis. had w.ern.n_ot a,t the AH>ert Ha,ll to see with Jhe~r .o.wg_
not cut off in America and. elsewhe:re ~!ld.rn~I1Y eyes, and hear ..with their own ear.s?

listeners heard the judge say, "Take that womPlease prove that Judge Rutherford "prophan out." Two ushers took the wom~n by the arm, esie~ the_ same. thing abo~~. the. Great W~r" as
and the police at the door. assisted jn he!' ejec- you. state, and als~ that he is still f or.ecasting the
tion A few "Boos" shouts andealls came frqm end of the world .. Sha~l those 10,000 who. were
som~ of the pope's hireling~ as she was removed
at th~ Albert Hall, knowmg the trut~, keep silenH

. .; h. h t d' Not hkely !-,.-we value the truth too highly for that.
. th.
an" k. t e twoman,
a manner
.. d I never
.. .. seen
. . .J. .u..
d t. mh't.
h w i<;b. ~s
t .110
th' t goo
i this ,wee k'-en
enc e ' ne o. i e, us ers, u
:a Rutherford, but I had read his books (which you
all there was. to it. And out she went. '.:Cen w~t- do not appear to have done) and I know him to
nesses were not !11ore than ten feet ~way from . be tlie bravest and most GoQ..,fearing man on eahh
her when she tried. to speak to the Judge, but tQd[ty.
not 011e of us heard. what a correspondent of
You have .not given an honest acc.:mnt of Jb.e
the London Daily Herald next day reported her greatest conventi~n of Jehoval:i~ GoQ.'s w.itnes!3es
as ,saying: "What good is it preaching about and their com.pam~ns ever held-rather. you have
Christ t6 me. I haven't enough to eat" .Eut if sought .to belittle 1t. .
... . . .. . , . .. . . .
she did say that. it was no doubt at the instiga- . . Shall we _a9eept. y~ur/ rep~r.t of the w_orld s affa,irs
tion of some of the Devil's agenci~s. There. was , m ge~eral, the true mformation of which we really
.. "

need m these days

. .

:io pro~pect of food on the p~atform\ After hearDaily Herald, you have betrayed your readers'
mg this g~~at broadcast allthat was suggested confidence! Maybe you have done yourself serious
to the density of the same reporter's skull :was: injury, as did the sna,ke in. the blac]{sip.itb's. .shop.
"If I wanted-to phone America it would cost . Fror today I shall cease to be. a regular
3 for three minutes." Is jt any wonder that <>f th.e pq,ily He.t:ald.
the Lord will destroy all sb.clt ilk?

0. s. M. BROWN
The garbled misrepresentation that appeared
in the Eveing Standard (London) manifested
is made .in .. th.e
similar illicit relatfonship, or,, to use the Scrip- ' report to the financing of the Judge's
tural metaphor, "fornication," with the Hier- it may interest you to know the facts. The cost of
archy. But to return to the above report by the that great effort has been defrayed by the free-: will
Daily Herald: The letter of one outraged sub:- contributions of ~hose .who appreciate Judge Ruth\

erford's work in pointing out :'to the 'people the . found :qmch commendable in the Engllsh and
only way of safety now open to them before Arma- Scottish police.
?:1.~in'5l~t\~'"' geddon, and who, like t,he: J"udge, count. every;_
.As has been observed above, due, no doubt,
;..:y:~:;+"~ t.~i:t;tg, even earthly life itself,, of secondary impor- in . . part. to .the. fine co-o.peration: o. f . Sc. o. tlan.d
" "'''' tanc.e to their obedience t() AlII1ighty God in giv
ing warning to the peopl~ of the im~ending "Battle Yard, the big . threat .of the JesuitS failed in
of the Great Day of God Almighty."
the British Isles. But this very conspiracy of
As a sample ~ garbled newsp'aper jourrialism, the Hierarchy's secret police was, very likely, re:
theacc 01mt you publish ranks high, but as a state~ sponsible for the widespread disturbances which
ment of fact it is discr~ditable to straightforward occurred in the United States. When reading
. <
E?~lish journalism,, an,d I make. that observation. the descriptions of the fights the "old whore"


..~.f.l. .~..~.'.i.'. ..:.:.~. .. ,a~:,~, ~~~~o,~ _j~~rnal~~t of mahY,' experien~e~ >.~~~~)t~~~l
..:.' .. .. :D.~;Fxaif{~thi{'~i~~~ir~~.~iiiciide~f:~v:as\~~~er~~a of her racket in that country, b~ar in mind the
. and reported later by one"of the' press hqreau' plot which was disclosed by a 'witness/ to the
of the London division of Jehovah's witnesses. cabal in the Amerfoan corporation plant above
AJter 'recouHng several incidents
people at mentioned.
the hall who w~re oyerjdyed at the wonderful
How were th<~se great broadcasts received
,lecture, whiCh items .will be presented to the throughout the world? Space does;not permit
~ea'der la,'ter, his story refates: "And now for .the printing of the hundreds of cables received
"'\ : , > :an )gqic1e11t of ki11d. i\ Ro~an Oathin London. But some from all parts of the
7,~;;A{c.~::,"~c;. ~otfc""in~ei.foper' hi' the 'gallery
th~':Royal Al- world are reproduced to show the universally
pert :IIall,. when re$traj11ed, exclaimed, 'Why splendid reception:
ca~'(l oppose'?' He wils .fold that he lhred in
' AMERICA.. Pittsburgh: "Engineers statepest
a .democratic country and that if he behaved. ov~rseas reception ever. Audience.. 1800 thrilled
like a British citizen and stopped his ill-man- Jehovah's mandate. Keenly anticipating fomor,,.:;:sc..:. : .. '):11'd shoutshew,ould save himself being locked
row. Love."
::0;,1:">~2 .)Ip in. a prison cell. He did .not cease. ConsePhiladelphia: "Crystal clear. Sixty-eight hun~~:::~:;;:T: "quefitly, though still struggling violently even dred thundered 'Aye' and 'Amen'. r_rwelv.e huri,., . ... in the hands of stewards, who .took the pressu:e dred booklets."
,;9ff <;>11~ s~l!t in. tlw. ~\l~Jt9riB:rrl' an(!, u_ttering Omaha: "One thosand .thtHled. Reception
:: :: :' Mths, such as only the dupes and Jools of the J~~gyll~nJ. Jehovah bless you:"
. . ,
Wyr~p;chy can, he was .carried away bodily,:aiid
' Oakland: ((!teception excellent. '3600 heard
(leposited on the pavement otside. Here he earless expose. Shouted 'Amen'. Joyfully stand
was', ~ev~rely cautioned by, one or the 'Albert with ~you all the way. 1' ; .
,. Hall offiCial ,stewards ..who aGt a.s police officers."
Brooklyn Office: '~Magnificent servic'e all au;{t~l;~;:''' )r;'_,pqgipleting his impromptu :remarks the Judge. ditoriums."

,,.1,,sfated' simply: "My only purpose in addressing

Cl~veland: '.'Jehovah's W<Hd arid naill.e,magycm is to give warning. If you choose to stand nified; Convention : and local radio ryception
wrn:l the Devil's crowd, t~en you die. you excellent Seyel'.l thousap4 atte11ding heard swift
choose to stand on the side of . Jehovah and kick SQTB. Er:nerods painfuL''
}Hs::~i]lg, you wil~ live." r_rben the' meeting
CANADA. Ottawa: ''Saturday reception perMH}i,\'.;/' '"jy;at pyer/~'with~ut any how of .fr~11.e~ ;trou_fo~9t .. A,11 th!illed,'With message~ l\fany Frerich
'' ""~le, ,[t]ld the .Police were on du,ty at.the Judge~s J.~nad~qs present who. were. Catholics a year
~;t: ~::t~at;>:1d.also a, Black Maria, or. patrol .. wagon, ago ... I11terpreter bl1sy . translating for . French
'wa$"see,il'to to carr'ya\V~yany:di~- hr~thren'.,.We .rejoic~ at . the . glorio1rnprospects
turbers.. How . different fr,om the manner m J?! J01;1:a'd~bs~ .)\_ntiqipatirig a grand .witness
which the American' police' hav.e .~Pheldj31~~h f?unqay:" ..... . . . . . . : ... . . . . .
cer- : Toronto: /(J ~hoyp,h's. wif.IJ.~$se~ )u;:i.d eompanunsavory gangsters as Al Capone and
tain Catholic mayor of Jersey City, while. at 1ions at the close of the international conven's;i'y
are wH;h
the same time they set upon, beat, imprisoned, .tio11.:at
and tormented Christian men .and 'fO;men, as heartedlf in thidight. Weexpres~ our love for
witnessed in Lagrange ancl Grifiln, Geo;r;gia, and you. To' all you have' said we say Amen."
many parts ,of Florida,.New Je;rsey,, Pe,:nsyl- : Winnipeg: "I:rrspi!ing messag~: 'FACE .THE
.vania, Illinois, Connecticut~ .and many._., other, 'FACTS' perfectly clear ~:r:d,enthusiastiCally
places. During the writer's staydn Eriglarid he -dorsed. Four thousand present."










Calgary: "One thousand thrilled. Good reception. It shall go forth. God's power manifested. Deadliest wallop ever delivered."
Vancouver: "Auditorium packed reception
perfect ; Jehovah buildeth. the hous~."
Cablegrams . and telegrams to London show
that the, ,ap.d tovyns in nearly every part
of North America heard Jehovah's. warninoeither by radio or in the many relay auditorium~~
~ven Port-of-Spain, Trinid~d, tn Solith A.mer1ca, . reported hundreds .of listeners. Continuing
this check-up around the earth, what do we
hear from the great continent of Australia,
south of the equator? At this time, when England and America were enjoying Indian summer, on the other side of the earth, Australia's
spring was just commencing; but neither dis- .
tance. nor climate marred the crystal resonance
of th~t message; )t was as if the judge were .
speakmg to them m person as he did six months
ago. Listen to this typical message from one
of .the eight great cities that reported: "To
fear less exposure Devil's. religio~ political-Roman
Catholic-Totalitarian-Fascist-combine racket
, crowded ha11 say Amen. Perfect reception."
Close to. the antipodes. of Britain lies New
Zealand, named by the Dutch explorer Tasman, who might have been homesick for the
Zuider Zee. With a climate much iike England's, and a population ninety percent descendants of Scotch and English, this country so famous for woolens, native Maoris, tree .,ferns
South Polar expeditions, and magnificence of
forests and mountain scenery, received Sunday's
broadcast early Monday mor;ning in spring. Reports both of clarion distinctness in ~eception
and of unparalleled enthusiasm came in from
large audiences at Auckland and Wellington.
What of the islands of the sea? Tasmania
green and fertile island of the Southern Hem~
isphere, south even of Australia and separated
from the smallest continent by the tempestuous Tasman sea, cabled through the Launceston
.assembly: "Tasmanian witnesses send greeti:i;igs.
Speeches heard clearly. Wholehearted support
your exposure of enemy.'' . .
Traveling with the sun in this survey of the
earth's listeners we have next selected a cable
from tl}e Orient, from Singapore, once port
of call of pirates of ~ll nations, and even now
a name suggestive of salty villainy and tropic
adventure. ():oiy about five degrees north of the
equator, the hot sun did not deflect the .radio.,.
cast: ''Thrilling messa~e perfectly received."

India, whose teeming millions have long

been used to the exploitation of "Christen.dom"; whose idolatry at least does not claim
to be sponsored by the Prince of Peace; land
of cashmere, elephants, mountain passes, poi-.
sonous jungles, and of those twin specters, poverty and oppression; of this vast British colony,
Bo'mbay and Lahore cabled: "Perfect trans-
J eh6vah commanded and used the ether waves
to carry His great utterance. Nor could the
Totalitarian monstrosities in Italy and Germany
interfere one whit. So it may be said that thou-sands heard in these wretched, despotic coun
tries; but the gag on free use. of all methods
of communication makes the number difficult
to calculate. As has been remarked before it
is certain that Vatican .City heard Jehov~h's
sentence. Other cables came from Switzerland
Holland, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Con~
tinental Europe was undoubtedly deluged with
the great announcement of the purp<;>ses of the
Lord. And so back to the British Isles. An ac- .count of the. events in the various convention
cities there will be considered separately.
Before passing from the London convention
it should be remarked that there were many
other interesting events on the program for
the Lord's people./ There was immersion of 125,
whose ages ranged from nine to seventy. Of
great interest also were the discourses by the
servants of lhe Central . European, Northern
European and South African branches and by
several English brethren. One of these speakers
summed up the German situation in these words:
"The testimony of these faithful German brethren written before God in tears, sweat and blood;
means more than ink."
Worthy of observation are a few more inci.:.
dents that occurred at Royal Albert Hall and
at other places in connection with the great
witness work. It is well to remember that this
great hall is situated in the center of London's
fashion mart, the core of much of its tradition
while it overlooks the two great lungs of Lon~
don, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens: It
is also remarkable that superb weather continued for several weeks before and after the broadc~st. When the weather is fine in England it is
indeed exhilarating.
At the lecture: Two parsons and a colored .
gentleman, who had just listened to "FACE THE
FACTS"' called an usher ~nd asked for a copy.
of the new .booklet .Warning. They contributed
6d each for the publication and said they were



in full harmony with what the judge had just of silence came the same punch and whisper,
said : "We are against this religious racket ; we "What's a J onadab? It's feeding time for my
are on the side of Christ." The usher who had baby and I've got to go. But I can't wait to
been eyeing their clerical garb. responded : "You find out what is a J onadab." She took away a
are not; the clothes you are wea:ring identify partial answer that it was a person of good
you as religionists." They then asked: . "How will, one of t:qe "sheep" described by Jesus in
do we get out of it?" To which the usher quickly Matthew 25: 32-40. (For follexplanation see
answered:. "You can't traffic with the Devil's Vindication, Book Three, page 77 on. 'The Jonaorganized religion and serve the Lord at the dab class' is a term synonymous with 'the great
same time. You have got to clear out of this multitude' of Revelation 7: 9.)
be~ore you can receive the Lord's protection
under His organization.' Serve God and"' live, My First Convention; a London J~n~d~b
or, with. Satan, and die." Their final
"My introduction to Jehovah's witnesses came
word$ were: "':rhen we wiJl get out -of Satan's about a month ago, when a. young man called
at my home witlr a phonograph and an invitaAn Austrian, who had Jost all his possessions tfon to a lecture entitled 'FACE THE FACTS'. I
as a result of the Nazi misrule in that unfor- was reooy for him. By that I mean I was in a
tunate land, and had seen the wicked tortures frantic state of. perplexity. For a good many
to which the freedom-lovers there are subjected, years I had been worrying about the woes and
corroborated the words in th~ speech as he de- wickedness of the world. I could not find in the
parted ""!rom the hall: "Judge Rutherford is wisdom of men any vestige of satisfactory exabsolutely true in what he says. H is a great planation of the present, or hope of the future.
pity there are not more public men like him At times J was acutely wretched.

to proclaim the truth about these wicked totali"Then

. tarian governments. Public men today are so
WATCH TOWER publications. I was amazed !
sel~o:r ~ntereste.&l in public weal."

How simple they made the Scriptures appear!

-~'In a park outside the Albert Hall a police
officer approached some pioneers and asked them: 'Ehe witness of Jehovah who called on me was
"Why don't you broadcast these. lec~ures over in convention mood. I caught the spirit and
radio?" Reply: "Bec~use the British Broadcast- was in the field the next day. The peace of
ing Company have cold feet." The policeman mind, the joy of service ;-in the streets with
aqged, "We' chaps never get a chance to hear the bills I went, door to door with an eagerness
about these things"; wh~reupon the pioneers that leaves me spellbound as I look back on
inforll1ed him that, on application to the WATCH it! ... "
"'FACE THE FACTS' is . my first milestone~
TOWER office in London, arrangements wo:uld
be made to play the records of these speeches How many I shall travel I know not, but 1f
on . ~ phonograph in his own home. He. took the they be greater than this, they will pass hu~
address and went away rejoicing that he could man understanding."i
get the good news in this way.
Advertising the Kingdom
Three ladies from Singapore found tl?-e Albert
A keeper of a butcher shop had observed a
Hall packed out and no seats available. Determined to hear, they had someone direct them "sandwich" parade in his neighborhood, and as
to Kingdom Hall, where an overflow audience it broke up he singled out one parader with her
was supplied with a loudspeaker from the Al- sign rolled up under her arm and asked for
bert Hall ; their persistence was re"\Varded by more information. When this was explained he
the Lord, they not only heard. the great mes- cried, "Oh, I have heard of Judge RutherfQrd
sage bu.~ discovered that this location was only and I should like a share in this work. Give
me the bill," pointing to the placard under her
a few steps from their own hotel.
,During the lecture a representative. of the ' arm, "and I'll hang it in my shop window."
One local cinema manager,. who was apLondon Bethel felt a punch in ,the back and
an importunate whisper, "What's a. Jonadab? proached to show a slide advertising the conI have to. go. home at .once to my haby, but vention, asked, "Are you as~ociated with this
what's a J onadab ?'' The witness was trying to street advertising?" When he received the rehear every word of the talk, and briefly advised ply in th~ affirmative he $tated: "Well, I thought
the woman to hear on. After :fifteen minutes I was a Christian, but when I see the .zeal of

'~i('.Yo~l pe~ple

''i, am going, .tO h~~r J~dge ,Ru therfo~d>;' ,he

said, "and if you will give me a handful of
those. bills I wJU distrilmte them/:_
......... _,,,_,
An ama~ing spectacle was to be seen c9mfp.g
~long the edge of the street. ,t\bgu,,t sixty of
J:~h9Yt!h~~.,~W:~lJly~s",,J}-]1llg out in line, interspersed with three s01md GfJ.:rs, were exhibiting
Pa!!P.e:r _~!!<L posters of "FACE\ THE F AC'rs".
$uc1ggr1ly a. man detached himself .J:rom.Jhe ..
crow<L of. <?!ll9Qk~t, and, buttonholing one of
.u u
thy paraders, asked in bated breath, "Is Judge
~d.yeff~~T,iJ.~- "t11e. "A:lherf Han meeting, when a Rutherford. personally in LonP.on ?'' The ;reply
.: { 'po!ice officer appeared on tbe . sqeng ..~wl.Y.ctl::- p~i,ng ~'Yes", he continued, "I've. heard him
un~~~r~.<l t~L point, out to them the, best posi.;
twice i;n Ame.rica, and I'll. hear _him thfa time.
t,i,();p.~)I1Jli~ H~ighborhood in whicp Jo pass out Count op my being there."
~:lie.~I1xHat~qI1~::fte approved the wor~ and as:.:Nota!lQ1ltlWE~~s,)Y,~!1tJ9.J5!JL~yerybody who
' that.he inteJ;>.ded to hear.Jdge
does not agree . with them. A discu~~ipp. _tgok
RtJ.ther.~qrd: at. ~H (!Osts. ])11e}n part to his aspla(!e in a large London business h9use between
~i'st~cea:n, eiioJ:\nofi.s'1il1~b~rof a11no11i;r~eir1i;it~ one of Jehovah's witnesses and the manager
"'~~j~@vell' ;ouf.ih aliout ~ii-iiolir.' '.. ... , _:
A,S?nd, (;~r Wit bus~ heralding the J~cture the ui.nager responded, "So you want to get
\~;;,; .. ~qf~(iE. ~ii}i J1'49ts.~\ 'f,.._ pedestrian approached away early tonight:, Mr: --.-." "Yes, we have
and questioned the driver, "What is all this a big convention ~ London. :using the Kingsa~c:rt~''iJ.~~ ~~Jrri~fly informed, and, like many
way and the Royal Albert Hall fo.r. three days."
',In J,esus' d[ly, stood astonishg~ at the cloctrin.e.. 1\:J:ag[lger, ~efiectively: "We11; I am glad to hear


me. I
for Jehovah, .an'd I will
sl).<:>w a ~li4e .ev,e.rY. day until .the. leGture, free
0{9harge." Hundreds of theaters in the British
I~les -did)ikywise, and one .who acc9rd.ed, this
G,C>u;r,.t~~y com.menfod: ."It js ab9ut ti:mg -~gm~:-" ..
b9dy showed up the hypocrisy in the churches."
e al'e glad to repeat that th~ qop:hies ill'.~
J10t)ike. Jl}e_ . l~vvbreake:r~.- v1ho_ W'.ear _lm~:ss _ .p,ut:-.
,.,, _ : '.~e.,oa'",~s:,tii~.o.Jn. ".~o"'en_,rA9w.~a.;;s,A-apbao~;ty otofpdio1sntere1brustieil"1:Ne.aoflrteh.t...s~
like tQ d9




:,:~,t~'Aif, lt~s," a great pity there ai:e not more' .wfth

'!r~;;;;,';;,'7Hh~.,s,,~:rrw spir~t as you ~eople. The wo~ld. needs

, . . . these cony~nhons. Jmagme a country like Eng";i~.:;~:;.l~,1l~ '.~Jl<;>'Ying the Godless League here.'' Wit-,

, ,n,ess: .. ''Ie.s, that is so. They seem to get more

:~;:,,::~, :yJt11J~t~ foo." Manag;er, t~pughtfull;y: '~It's very

G!~#\~i~;~;;'.J?i~l~rrmg !; Well, I wish you a happy time, Mr.


Lord gave ..the wo.rd; great was the

~"~:~0~:~;''~Q,p)'.pa'.nJ"'of those that published it." "And the

' i;:,:,.';.;.:1/;pir,it and the bride say, Come. And let him
ifr\~;i,~ji~:'.t!wtJl~~,r.~th. say,. Gome .. And. let . him that .is
~1:<.:;')f:atliirst .come: and. whosoever will, let him take


Pwtadown, Portstewart, Poyntzpass, 'and

po, all joyously ready to advertis.e the King ..
The Society booked the largest and 'best-appoint~d theater in the city for the public meeting,
butpermission.had_ fo be granted by the police
to open the building on Sunday, and although
the owner asked also, this "could not. be acceded
to". Religfousopposition was likely at the back
of ,this, but the enemies should realize that they
ca;1mot. successf111ly fight against the Lord; a
day later the SoCiety engaged the largesf auditori um in North Ireland, .the .new and finely '
constp1~t~.d King's Hall. . .

. :, ,' ,.:,l.~-l.~ i!.:,_,::.~,;~, .e~:.,.'1Y..:f.',fl.~, .s:,t,~ ~:~ .::,:J~, ~r.. . b,a!~,~~e~t;~s~::k:P~~dr~s'.2Zo"~~:~:i~~~\1~

~~~~'; ~~~~.iptt,eq

.'.:,:,':r,. .
n. _ .
. ""
,jfa~.~j~;;;bg~;r '~'.F!cE THE. :f'~,er:i;s"; 40.0 placards

in. shop wiridows.ol' by hose':;: i 'Be ast, chief commercial and manufacturing
llpl.9,e~S';' 65; bann.ers were p~t on. ho-uses f;t;nd
.,<,. city. of Ireland, and Irish. linen center of the , hqardmgs, mcludmg some display~ as large as
!!~.1. '.'Yprlq, t~.ough built . partly on the. low banks , 27 feet long; 20 cinemas~ exhibited slides; while
{~~~;i~''.'><:>i:"ftJi~.,.i:~~~tJ~agan, is s~rroli!l~e~, by ?eautiful 28. "s~nd witch"t parfadthits ~ere 'pheld through the
;~:t;;1~,'1i);;;1J.~.J:1~t, :w~1~h overlo()k the expansive armof the prmc1pa. s ree s o. e city. art of this work
,;'i.~:)<;:,~~~:~.:9~1!{(~_JhY.,,.:Ji.3>~ttJ~gugh. I ts popufation :r~~.~~nth~:gi~~ ~~:ic s{Xe~~l~~. ~elsf.iJet's. wt'~lsn,
1;:,~?~;~;:;.:1s. :t,.qri:~W~ra:b!y more tnan . hal a .million and
~:~;.:~r: }9inposecf 6:f' a , mixture of Protesfants of the /advertisements were carried by the Belfast Tele, '{~Qr,~11gemen" order and Roman Catholics, vib- graph (with circulation of 100,000), including
,,~ .}~it~ly. opposed to .~~ch othe.:r< ~his antipathy; many free news items. ~hey advertised the im~*.;,.: J:iM)~~~g ,expression in throwing bombs mersion so well that many of the public at}..:,. :. :~t political statues and burning . church~s, at . tended and a.sked permission to witness the
;~h5:.:;~;p1'~sent' is rather quiet because of the activity event. At the Belfast Waterwo,rks pool 22 were
~,;(. ,, ,~Ltlie. Royal Ulster Police; to whom are often immersed, among whom were a clergyman's
:~:.'~.:'~.1.~'. !,,}~:'~legated extraordinary. power by the minister, wifFe antdh a fobrl:r:ierdDdublinthCa,tholic. t.
6 t.
~,gf"h<:rwe. ..l:l:fff!.i,:r:~. by virtue of th~ authority of
or e pu ic a ress ere was .a urn- u
., ..... },he, Eniergency Powers Act. Tlie people can of nearly three ~thousand people, and the wit".. ..Jh~. . lJLre,gimented at w~ll by a few men at nesses were delighted at this indication of the
1'\;sn , the top: .
. . .
Lord's blessing on their efforts, and they placed
(;];+?;~~;;:;:~: ;~Js gives a little, baGkground of. the. con- hundreds of Warning booklets. All went home

i :.:1;1~} ~h~~~flttv~~?ca~~1i~~~.8~~1{~~~s 1~el~fshRii~:;:~

~i,.Qg1~;r:aj~e, C60kstown, EnniskiHen, Dublin,

,;:,:'.( E~re), Fivemiletown~ Lisburn, N ewtownards,


~~:i;}\:j~f 1~,~~~:;:~i}>'~.;:' _-:~~~- ;,,:?!)::._~.,.'.; ~~'.(>.~.:,).~J.,c.: ~;\,;; ~'.f.~{~.'~~ \:.;~::(' :~:<~"!;:'-/h> ,.~/,.~~:;:;' ;~'.,' '~;:, .



, ..:_"'.;/.,v,,:",<'''~.

' \'


\ :''",


.~,,.. ,.::::.~'._.:,,;..:.:

strengthened for further service.

'(jfa;j~ g~~a(.~a~~f~~tlifing~erif~r ~f
;.< . . .;: "<<:


teresfod and invite them to the lectur~s; in.

Birmingham 1,000 of these letters were sent out.
With such a mass of advertising it is not surprising that the 2,500 seats in the Town Hall
were quickly filled; then four large buses plied
between this auditorium and Kingdom Hall,
which was used for the overflow. Fift~en hundred b?oklets were placed at the meetiIJ.g. . '

had a splendid converrField . ery,i~e, "sandwich . sign" parades
and folder distribution. went forward with that
~~rJ:rn '.:w11rc111.s. })ecliifar 'to'
i11e coil~ent1011s
of ..J:.~h9:vag; . ~itnes~S\ On, t,~y,Qpening night
()ft~~' conyention ., abo.11 t ,a }lunCl!ed. friends were
. 'given d!scoi.irses on ''His"'War'', was also
CJ.011e } tJ:ie. qther conve.11tion cities; on Satur. ~ay morning 'came fi'eld service, the house-toh,9us,~ S~ry~Ce \V~th .tl,le, JV.(1,f11,~ng booklet, Which
\Va~ }he ..c.<?.P:Y~J:lti.9#.i.~Je~.e.eyerywhere. Saturday nigltt came the wonderfullecture broadcast
6v~l' t}ie ear~li especially for the J onadabs, our
((9?.mpanioris''.. Sunday morning 420 brethrert
'~erei~. the field . , Qn the same !llQrning 18
symbolized consecration by immersion, one a
y'dup.g mah who had just spent.three _years at
~.'.V:l'.l!~~rs,ity with the object of becoming a
i\'d.ver,tis,~ng was 'accomplished by the means
60,tlined in the oth(3r relay cities; and, in addi>
ti6n, three hundred posters were displayed .on
~o.~rdings (the American ter,m is pillg,oa:rd ),
. ~11,ile, t'YoJ1u.n( .,Garri~c1 n~tioes of. tp.e
lec,ture on th~i:r -wirldo\Vs. a:n.d., :fifte~11 9ieroa~
sho,\Ved slides, AU . ~onventioners we~e aa~f's.~d
to' w:ifte to friends
thos~ known to be in- .

a :m1lli()J:l people




Birmingham conventioners starting off on a parade

' 0:11E3,, while making announcements

advertising the lecture and referring to Totalitarian governmertts, fr~m a microphone on sound
car, said, "A hideous monstrosity is rapidly approaching ... ," when he looked out of the car .
window for a moment and saw a n11n comip.g
towards him, duly bedecked with wings, trap-.
pings and other ecclesiastical crow's feathers.
He felt greatly tempted but refrained from

Bristol, situated a few miles from the e:rotch
of cha:iinel formed .by the S~vern river as.. it
empties into the sea along the southern shore
of Wales, has been noted for shipping since
it received its first charter from Henry II, in
1172. Now a city of roughly half a million, it
is a.great manufacturing center as well as port;
its residential attractions include,, the charrn;ing
scenery of Clifton and Durdham Downs.
This city was the rneeting place of the West
country; thirty-six companies of Jehovah's wltnesses were invited to participate there'. They
brought great enthusiasm to the work of: JtdvR:rJising the convention and t~e lectu,re .":f:ACE
THE FAcTs':. Besides distributing 200,000 hand-.
bills: an.d 800 window .cards, unusual display

;r~J~f~~?'~}~.:.:::~.~;,\!.~~,<~~:: ~:. :::1:~~:;,:~~-.)&..~ti1-:; ~;N;:~~~.'J'.~-'. : ../" ..:-~~_j._ 0:> ;._:: --._:>_, ;::. '.:~i :::. '-:: -., ., -:~:,- ,.: ;/1 :, .. ;_- ~-,


sound boat ad.vertising '']),ace the .ITacts"

. . . . . ;:~$?~r~:~\g~t~;i;;~_-;\::~_-r1.76~+T'.:.y;".'.-.,.- . . . . . . . ~ . ~ _. -. .

' ;

' ,:~ ;

~~t:~;\\'..E~~~(~~~opt~d.' A sal.lbOat' with large banners

'~o1''."";''"~~1Y.~~-.J9,th~.. ail.~~ and_ equipped with sound


;," ,>Avon which flows throuO'h the center of Bristol

Glasgow, greatest city in Scotland, and second only to London in the British Isles, approaches one million and a half in population.
Scotland ! romantic synonym for valor known
to. every schoolboy; once .the begetting place of
opponents. of "papists" and "popery"; now the
re~iding place of emasculated "Protestants" .and
a _fast-encroaching Catholic-control group. 'The
writE)r .met one of the once vigorous Scotch
Presbyterian clergymen. In a garb similar to
that of a priest he appeared pale and listless
before the warning of imminent destruction at
the hands of the Hierarchy. How inco11ceivable
that he was a countryman o:i: the doughty Bruce
or the valiant Wallace!

All Scotland joined in the great . assembly

at _Glasgow; Aberdeen, Inverness, Dundee,. Ayr,
~ilmalcolm and Edinburgh were some of the
places represented. Never had this city received
such a deluge of advertising; with great vigor
and dispatch the .friends went at it, and here
again special features were used in advertising
besides the means used in other convention
cities. ~- n~mbe_p _()f posters were ;put together
in ar!<: style which. the police prohibited from
being rolled. through the streets on hired barrows; but not to . Q.e outdone, the brethren put
handles on 'them and carried them like the ark
. of the. covenant !. A tremendous double. window
next .to the meeting hall was secured for' two
11'-foot square displays of ''F.Ac~ .THE FACTS"
by the promise to .keep the vacant room behind
clean. _Besides this, 300,000 leaflets, ,SOO placar~s, streamer~ ._over. _the" three main bridges,
buses, billboards, a:qd cinemas did their work
of informing Scotland, this being especially
tr,ue since the. Qla,sgow exposition was then ex- -

n~:./ .apparatus, plied. up and down the beautiful

_, .
. . .. , o

(;''.t;. ...,t,:<
,. ai'c:v.(u- gave
announcements of"FAC:E THE }?ACTS"



~a gracefully dispiayed tlies~ words before the

:;:people's eyes. The hoardings attached to the
"'.regional servant's car could not be carried qn

t:'.>"~ '.,f;,~~~t!~~irnatsx~i1:s ~t~~:a~ffl~~~~ wko~'~ef~=:~ '

.. aii.y' extra advertising, we see (FACE THE FACTS'
On the river bank, a 24-foot 'Ya displayed by the courtesy .of the rail. ,,, . >'(V:ay conipany whose track runs alongside. These
,:feat,i;i.I'~~- o( agvert,i~n.g were a real witness to
the continuous strea:i of sight-seers to the Suspension Bridge which spans the 'famous Clifton
Gorge, a beauty spot known nationally.
On .Sunday evening 2,500 people o~er:flowed
the :Regent Theatre and hundreds were turned
a'Yay consoled by a 'free copy of Uncovered with
~''lip attached which entitled them to a free_
copy of Face the Facts when printed. It is a
pity there is not more space to relate the activi. ,_ .}l(3~ .of. tb~ qh,~Wren,, those who will fonn a. part
~,'.;~.~~; :}1~.J,!ie};r~!9f~l1 ..f<:>i:... repopulating the earth with
);r~ighteous race, both in Bristol and elsewhere.
~~~:J;.;,;;.~~!ifo~~??;.~2.~t.Q~.~~~i.1~1l9~.. 0.~.~\~r,jght, young mind.
,,, !>; 4:s a Br1st9l 'sa:riqwrn.h" parade came near. a
taxi driver hailed
~t .;,~~~;ttl.. ~jJhjpe question : "!?Ur .two S~gl1S are
t~;~,,:~.v ~g~t.r~~~G.~Qry: you say 'Religion. is a racket' on
;'ff?~ .&n~'''~?cl .'Serye .God 11nd .. Chri~t' on .th~ other
~~'r~: :119~ a0 'you explariil that?". A little tongu~
,,;9,ti~cI~Iy .spoke u~ : . "T~e heathens practice a
~~}lgion by worsh1pmg idols; you wouldn't call
.~11~t Ch,ristianity, would .you?'' The man was
""~lrfmpre.ssecCthat he took the Warning booklet
.her ~nd w:;ts later .se.~n at :th~ Regent to
hear the

: :,''., '
, , ,. ' ,
~}~:\~:> ?:/'"!-::.::[;\:":
-~. ~V,~tywhere."


. :.


~::~~~.(:);;:}'.::~':? ~~:, ',".,



The cycle parade leaves the West unit hall at Patrick, Glasgow. The young folks 'were very
enthusiastic in th el r advertising.


'The results of the labors of the publishers. City Hall in Glasgow filled 'iven before the advertised
time. The clock shmvs 7 : 30. The lecture began at 8 p.m., Glasgow time.





"'.the Bobby" holds up traffic for the sign parade

in Glasgow.

hibiting. The talent that is found so conspicuously among the Scottish brethren, and their
shrewd intelligence coupled with kind good \Vill,
all contributed to the success of the convention.

One of the street signs in Glasgow. You can't

:m.lss it

Several hours before the stirring broadcast

came to the City Grand
Hall, which had been secured for the occasion,
one -woman waiting at the door was heard to
rnmark: "One has to be early when/>. coming to
hear Judge Rutherford, or else it means being
shut out; and I do want to hear him." Before
eight o'clock 3,000 people packed this and two
adjacent halls; o[ the many who were turned
away 188 received Uncovered booklets; while
to the audience nearly hvo thousand Waming
booklets weTe given free. T:mly a great convention, and it is certain that those who participated were refreshed and stimulated.


Leeds, city of half a million in England's

famous Yorkshire, was the assembly place for
the units of Hull,
York and other
places in this vicinity.
here ran
:l.'iot ! If the:re was anything left undone in
Leeds to attrnct attention for the talk "FAm~
THE :F .ACTS" no doubt if it is suggested to those
Yorkshiremen it \Vill be done next time. rrhey
remembered that the battle is God's; they did
not know just how many more whacks they
would get at the enemy and they swarmed with
multitudinous aITay of advertisements, advancing like the mighty pikemen and long-bmvmen
who fought more anciently on this field. ''In
fact, it seemed almost as though this was going
to be the final witness, so united were the
brethren," says the :report. Double-decker buses
and tmmcars carried laTge banners stretching
from end to end; v.rhile hundrnds of shop windo\1rs in the busiest thoroughfares displayed invitations to come to the :Majestic Cinema for
enlightemnent on world prob1ems in "FACE THE
11..,ACTS"; all the twenty-four cinernas showed
slides inviting the public. It must have been
hard for the
to hide in their holes,
which they did,
oblivious to such
a tTiumphant fanfare!
ignored the natmal interest of their readers, and, true to their
agreement with the Hierarchy, they were as silent as the tomb; they appear not even to know
that they are already as good as dead ! The
police, too, seemed to have lined up with the
Roman power and made an ineffectual effort
to stotJ the sound cars.
Everything worked together for a splendid
public meeting. Audiences approac;hing four
thousand crowded two buildings and many
were turned
of '
\vith a]1

message, especially the "ords, in

"The Kingdom is not a thing to be contemplated; IT rn HERE/' and the denunciation of
the Hierarchy, Intemational :M:urderern, Limited.
The conventioners had enjoyed great privileges and blessings from Jehovah,

Third in size in England, Liverpool has long
been an outstanding port; it is situated three
miles from the sea and extends for several
miles along the river -:.\ferscy, in the northwest sector of the country. Easily accessible



The size and close prnximity of English
cities iR noteworthy to an American. Mancut~Dl\;!_." whose popi:1lation, including Salford,
1,000.,000, is located only 30
miles from Liverpool, 30 miles from Lee~s,
50-odd miles from Sheffield, and 80 from Burningham. It is a manufacturing center and
the 'lmb of the cotton trade. Another convention was held in this densely populated area.
rrhe witnesses from Sheffield, and some from
near-by suburbs, swelled the ranks of the residents.
At least one unusual feature of advertising
House-car and sound car in Liverpool. You could
was utilized in Manchester that has not been
hear it and see it.
previously discussed. It is customary in England for
to display three-foot square
to Ireland, it has become the residing place
with what ':re in America call "scareof manv Irish
who, kept in ignoheadlines of the day's news.
rance a~d
bv the avarice of Rome, In
especially Manchesoccupy vast
areas ~clos~ in to the city; ter
Leeds, these news agencies placed the
here relio-ious riots are not mfrequent. How- notices of "FACE THE FACTS" among these news
ever no disturbance came from these quarters advertisements; which proved a very effecti~~
dur1~g the convention, and it must he suTmised means of presenting the invitation .t~ the public.
that many of these Catholics eitheT heard the ':l1hese various methods of ad vertismg are delecture
received literature during the inten- scribed in such detail that the reader may apsive two-day campaign. During the le~ture alope preciate the ingenuity .and tireless ene~gy that
2,181 pieces of literature were contributed for 'vent into the preparations for the public mee~,
and 561 people left their names
calls ino- in each p]acc to show that the vast aud1from .Jehovah's 'vitnesses.
en~es were not '
but the blessing of
To advertise this talk the "sandwich" parade the Lord bestowed upon hard work in His
was used
here as elsewhere. The
name, and also as a record for future use.
ple stared.
and not
that, hut
Jehovah's rich fayor vrns upon the Mancheshad their comments to make as '''ell," gener- ter convention. 1'he Gaurflont Theatre, capacity
ally quite friendly.
one choleric a?d , 2, ()00, which had been
the 24 cinemas
probably Catholic clout shouted some abmnve that had
slides of
language at the paraders; another
selected for
epochal "F AC!'3 THE PACTS".
noting this unmannerliness,
matte-r with that
?" A
the broadwith large-~ize
did good work of adoverflow was repeated here
the crmvds after
__ .._,~~--" ..,~, ~ item: It \Vas found that a dismalThe lecture '\Vas received at both the St.
before which a sound car had
George's Hall and the Coneert Hall, whose
..,.,,,.,,..,.,_."" announcements VfllS a church, and
related as he came out
joint capaeity)
carried quite clearly even to
out. Perhaps
were turned
as was the custom
all the convention
Unco,vered booklets \Vere disNewcastle
i:hose who could not be accomthe great coal-mining
number reached with these
from unemployment ,~oes,
exceeded 1,000. 'fhis was a
more so than in the south of EngEngland, to hear a message
land; and
many instances the cruel Means
workers of an their belongand is a credit to the energy and activ- 'rest has
ings. The convention, bringing with it enlightof the Liverpool witnesses.



;:~il:iili~l:~.~ ~



....1~~;ijUn!.iITv~;jf:}g !:; i:


enment on Go(rs Kingdorn, \\'as welcome io the

people generally. 'J1he

of northeast
England up to the
border assernbled
here. Though these 'vorkcrs \Vere beset
torrential rains a fe-w
hefore the
broadcast, becauf.le the
of the universe had- decreed that
elements should hold
back until His message had been
weather turned :fine. -The ~""'"'""'""",.n 0
concealed their editors in holes
by conventioners with news items
the speech "FACE THE F,rnTs''_, which would
of natural interest to the people of the town.

They were not even met with a frank refusal,

but with evasiYe
Finally, when
the Haymarket
and tl~ near-by assem~
bly hall were both parked out \viih nearly i3,000
people, up to which time the
not a bit towards the
from the North Jfoil was
no doubt
that could have been occupied
bv less
flesh. rrhe
which followed in the paper
did not save
of the editors in the eveR
of readers who could see ":F~rnB THE FAcTs''
a'nd corner in
could not see, 'of which

they were


: _t!:.,. {~l~F~:gf~ ~~!!;!';ililil!' ...

engaged in the service, came up to the line of

marchers and requested posters that they too
The follow-up work is going

in great bounds.

Swansea, located on the right bank of the
Ta-vve rivei:, at its
]n al:1 indentation of
the Bristol channel
Swansea Bay, is an
on the southern shores of
Wales. The
industry is the smelting of
ores, for which coal and some of the other minerals are mined close by. The inhabitants of
this . towi:, . and most of Wales, are largely of

Celtic ongm, descendants of the early Britons,

who did not intermarrv "'1 1-'ith the German invaders. Great enthusias~n for the Lord's .cause
was shmvn
the fine
of this country.


l1he poli.ce here, whi(~h was almost "~"u'~""

true of the entire United -"-"-'--'-'-.:.uvu.1.. ,.,..._ ,--..-y-,,,.,..,.,.,,,,
in that manner which
wards the ambassadors of
the ''sandwich" rmra(iet:
tributed to the
:3,500 books and booklets"
parades were
noteworthy in that four persons, who had never

Swansea. There doesn't seem to be an end to

this parade. Splendid advertising"



The loca] Clydach company, together with delegates from other W clsh cities, led the 1iyay.
Those who engaged in ''sandwich" parades and
in the work of giving personal invitations to
the people had unusual experiences.
A blind witness was personally conducted
through business houses in and about the residential section by kindly people whom she met.
A skeptic, on receiving a folder from another
witness, made a
that "the Society was
making piles of money out of this stunt''. The
witness' challenge to him to prove it was accepted, and. a visit arranged, which resulted
in the placement of a set of 12 books. One
skeptic was convinced of the truth.
A drunken man, when being arrested, shouted at the policeman: "Face the
A young man, seeing the two placards "Serve
God and Christ the King" and "R.eligion is a
snare and a racket", said they were contraHis companion, pointing to the relireplied: "Get a"\vay, mon ! this
what a rotten lot the clergy am!" Anhrc,-i-anr1 .,,, added: ''You haven't got enough
Mister. It ought to read, 'and millions
through it.' ''
the onrnibus companies lined up
and canceled their conwith
the chief news pa per
gave friendly
and it shou]d be here
~dded, too, that
quite a fair write-up
of the lecture. Thern was a
turnout of
2,800 people to hear "FACE THE FAC'rs".

United States
Birmingham, Afae
.Jehovah's witnesses and their
returned to their homes from the ~"''n+,,..."+ convention
Government. and

at Hartford, Philadelphia
did not remain

large cm-iv<mt101n.
vidr~d free
little distance a\vay.

On one of the nine routes. Birmingham.

time, but said not one vrnrd about Jehovah's

witnesses, having evidently been "reached".
The Chamber of Commerce also slmwed itself devoid of spine. After receiving full information regarding the convention of .Jehovah's
witnesses, thev issued a list of all conventions
to be held
Birmingham the remainder of
the vear, but left Jehovah's witnesses off the
list, 'imd,plainly stated that they did not appreciate having them hold their convention there .
But this was no surprise_, nor did it interfere in the least with advertising "],Am~ THE
FACTS" from door to door with handbills) phonographs, sound cars_, car placards, and by means of
the "sandwich sign'' parades, carried on almost
continuously throughout the entire three days.
Nine definite routes were laid out downtown,
covering the entire shopping district of Birmingham. Thousands learned of the convention,
and -were given an invitation by this means,
who had no opportunity of receiving it otherwise. Many interesting and friendly remarks
were made to the paraders. Numerous small
children joyfully participated in this feature,
and the zeal they manifested was inspiring as
when the Lord ,Jesus rode into J emsalem. The
people took note of this and accepted more invitations from the little folks than from their
older comrades in the march.


As the little folks rushed ahead and handed

out the announcements the businessmen '\Yere
looked at them and at the "sandwich
' and said "FACE TI-'l:E FACTS". In a short
the whole
of Birmingham was say~
''t'ACE TH.I<:: FACTS!" until the crv was heard

all over, everywhere.

A witness was not privileged to play the
"Relief" record in an apartment where the
housewife was moving_, had everything packed
and was too husv to listen. Her little bov of
8 years, hmvever; went along with the witness
from door to door until final1 v he had a chance
to hear the record. The lad listened, Jiked the
record, and then insisted on carrying the phonograph until he had heard it played four times.
He then wanted to hear the other side, and
when people did not care to listen he piped
up telling them that it would take only a few
minutes; but none were interested to hear more
than one side. However, he continued to carry
the phonograph until the work was done, an~l
then the witness played the record for him and
gave him a booklet. She states that she never
before saw such interest manifested by a child.
His face shone with delight.

Charlotte, N. C.
Until Friday morning Charlotte had little
interest in the convention of ,Jehovah's witnesses. Not until the announcement was made
that in London there had been "sandwich sign"
parades for two weeks was there a real stir.
Then the troops lined up as shown below and
Charlotte had its first parade of this kind. As
this joyful friendly company began handing
out convention folders the people of Charlotte
took a tumble. The phone began to ring, the
newspapers wanted news, and the nei,.vspapers


wanted to know what it \VUS all about. From

then on the convention was a success.
The "sandwich
vrnre so effoetive that
parades were
on in Gastonia, l\Iunroe
and Rock Hill on Saturday, and paraders from
Virginia, West
North Carolina, South
Carolina and
helped in the goo(l work.
One newlv
conventioner from West
Virginia carried her six-month-old baby under
one of the
know what
had to be
faced. He was given a brief statement that
there is a conspiracy between
Nazis, PasCommunists antl the Roman Catholic
set up a
""'-"--"-"""""'"'..., state and
of their
liberties that these forces arc
of God
and His
as shmvn by the Bible prophecies. Pausing for breath the spokesman said,
"I cannot think of
to add right
and the ans\ver \Vas,
said c.u'vu1~.u.
In the otherwise nice
the point
that the Ro:man Catholic Hierarchv is at
bottom of the
the truth) was
rl\YQ ffiefi "~''"''u'
convention hall were '-'--"'""-'"'"AA'"
Rutherford from
said: ''Did
hear the h:'dure ?"
bui: I don't underare the only

Jehoshaphat's troops at Charlotte getting ready to go forth singing

ones going to heaven, and now there is onlv
one man. ltifr. Dabb, .Johnnie Dabb, I believ~
they call
that is
to be carried through
The nearest thing to oppoSition shown at the
convention -...vas a report from the stock room
that a preacher brought in six books that his
wife had obtained, saying that he did not want

A witness \\Tote: wrhanks to .Jehovah that
I h~we lived to be at this, the most wonderful
convention ever, the outstanding features being
the fulfillments of the prophecies we have so
longed for and the great desire of each heart
to conform obediently to the Theocracv. No
wonder it
fear i:i1 the heart of the e11emy."


A committee went to the City Hall to secure_, if

the recreation sedion of the
Navy Pier. In
of the fact that 1nactically
all the individuals connected with the citv administration are
it was doubtea" very
much that they could
the facilities of the
Pier for the convention.
the commitLynch,
tee \Vas received
the harbor master. :Mr.
and Oscar Hewitt, the commissioner of
works, assured
the committee that ihe
of 'the Pier
would be available to our
A letter was
sent to
l\lr. Lvnch and Mr. He,vitt
the f}i'cilities availahle for
"It is the policy of his
to invite and enhonor,
to come to
of your
Everything looked very farnrable. The
Pier extends into Lake Jlifichigan nearly a mile.
It appeared as if the Pier would be an ideal
place for our convention. Mr. Lvnch assured
of the
us that we vvould have full
facilities outlined in his
the day after
when the
season officiallv
A .. number of witnesses \vent to the Pier on
the auditorium and
6 to clean
convention. After
Hyland, told them
use the Pier for their convention.
stated that the whole matter would be explained
if we called at the harbor master's office at nine
o'clock the
noticed a Catholic
around the
notice was given. It is

generally understood that practically every employee on the Pier is a Roman Catholic.) On
7 a cmnmittee of
four witnesses
at Mr, Lynch's office at
time, Mr. Lynch was not in the
but other
seemed to
be rather nervous and
and verv cuTt
in their replies to any
asked. \{Te saw
at once that there was
ahead. Mr. Lvnch
-.,vas on a vacation during the week-end, includLabor Day, and uo one knew just when he
would return to his office. The committee in:Thfr. Lynch's secretary. but received out
no information. Then the
of the generaJ office~ and,
anyone's asking questions, she began to talk about our convention and informed us that orders came from
to cancel the agreenient..
committee then went to the City Hall
to interview Mr. Hewitt. He was having a conference of heads of all eity dflpartments and
could not see him. They did notice prosperous-looking~
heavy-jowled politicians running in and
of various
of the
Hall. Occasionally a Catholic priest
them. After waiting there several
-....vere informed that Mr. Lynch was
to receive the commitdown at
tee. By this time we were
quite apprehours before
as it was
the convention witnesses were
sent out to locate
The committee 1-n'nt to Mr. Lvnch's office
and he informed them that
coi~ld not have
the Pier.
called to his
the fact
that we had
hundreds of dollarn adverthe
that the Societv had rean invitation from
a letter
himself and ~fr. HewiHJ and hundreds of people would
here for the convention. He
affected and stated he was verv
for them to cancel
sorry that
his reasons, finally
he showed a copy of a
Cathol{c newspaper called The J\' ew
which, on page
of ,June 24,
eleven, column one, in
a Bishop O'ShmighnessyJ of
Rutherford. He said.
you cannot have the
of the paper, he
you and I reallv
should not have shown H to you;'' One of the
committee renrnrked that this. was

assured ns that he would do every-


thing within his power to'iva:rd

that Judge Rutherford's message
auditorium and me~ting the
not rea('.h America from London. Eviconnected therewith. He called his secretary dentlv Jehovah-"~""'""-..... ~,,
on an elecand had him make notes of the fact that more tricai' stori:n from Chicago
York hopthan $500 had been spent
advertisto interfere with the
ing matter for the convention
at the
morning Sunday
Pier and that, if
he 'iYould have this
of the convention it poured rain. Yet
amount paid to
on account of cancame in dear and distinct, with
celing the cont:rnct
what a mes~age it
Things looked very dark for the Chicago conthat the Hierarchy have their
vention, The two witnesses out
for a
new auditorium located the Chicago A:rena, fou:r rmJreser1tat1v1es in the offices of the ~public press
experience :
blocks from the Pier. rrhe manager of the Arena is
told them they could have the auditorium but
9, we tried to get the folnotice
it would cost $1700 for three
After some
in the
papers at full
rates :
to accept commercial '""'~~~
discussion and explanation, he
$1000 for the three
would clean
P U B IJ.I C N 0 T I C B
the place up after the convention. rrhe Arena
is a very fine building :for a convention. It has -.. City Officials canceled agreement for use of Navy
one of the most up-to-date
sys- Pier Auditorium for ,Judge Rutherford's lecture
as result of wrongful relitems in the country. rrhis auditorium \\'US a for Sunday
hundred percent better than the one at the PierJ
and, in addition, they were invited to use three Judge Rutherford s lecture will be heard at the
one block west of Outer
large parking lots adjacent to the auditorium
Drive, between Erie and Ontario streets.
free. The convention
on time and dur'
This lectme will be heard
by muling the three days the witnesses had a
ful time.

and America. AU of us must face

By all means hear this lecture-


Rutherford will also
at 2 PJvI.

three columns i.vide and six

commercial rate of
visited the newspaper ofat the Chicago Tribcal1ed up a
the ad
bY their censor, Mr. Timev, rrhen
Tirney was out of tow;i. Thev
were then referred to :Mr. SteYens. He looked
at the ad and said that it must
to Mr. Hil:llr.
at the ad
said it would
and they
1mrnt see Mr.
who wa~ out of town
and there the ma Her ended. This saved
and the
before the


Chicago Arena, interior vie\v. There were plenty

of people there.

afternoon the -.,rnnderful message from London was heard
enthusiastic anointed and
afternoon the hall was
A thunderstonn
ing all ovrr the
led us to believe
c;cc;uL,JLuu frorn London would be
poor. Furthermore. we were informed that
of Belleville,
had invited all
an<l Protestants to join in a three-

to secure a suitable
form the
of the ,,_._,,,_._1.J_ ..;:;..._,o
the witnesses went down to

assured us
in our ef~
and in:Friday morning
Pier with a sign



announcing the changeo :Ur. Lynch assured us

the sign could be placed anywhere we desired
to have it placed. An officer told the witnesses
they had orders from the harbor master's office
that no sign could be put upo Evidently the
priests had given their servant, the harbor master, further orders. rrhe witnesses who carried
the sign down there said, "We will stand here
and hold it" The police officers said, "That
sign should be wrapped around Judge Rutherford)s neck."
Several "sand,vich sign" parade:s were put on,
using the cards prepared by the Society; having
pasted stickers on these signs announcing the
change from the Pier to the Arena. Some of
the friends in the "sandwich sign" parade reported items as follmvs :
"Two nuns accepted the fliers with a smile."
"One man approached us and asked if we were
opposed to saluting the flag. I assured him ""'e were.
He inquired why, and I called the scriptures to
his attention and he seemed to be satisfied. The
gentleman wanted to know if Mayor Kelly had
anything to do with canceling the agreement to
use the Pier."
"As we walked in front of stores, in some cases
businessmen came out and asked us for :fliers to
give to their customerson
"Even though there is a strict ordinance against
distributing :fliers in the J.;oop section, several policemen told us to go ahead and distribute them,
that it would be all right."

"I gave a flier to a schoolteacher and she said

they already had them and it \vas~he talk of the
school as to why the city officials canceled the agreement to let us use the Pier. This teacher said, 'We
always thought the Catholics ran Chicago, and now
we know it/ ''


in addressing the witness, saying, "If you come to

my house I'll punch you in. the nose and hrm1k
your machine." 'fhe witness irifomied him that that
would be against the law. All those present gave
the sergeant the horse laugh. Then the witness was
told he might go and that he was released.

Another \vitness reports the following: "When

I witnessed to a lady at her door, she said, {No,
I cannot let you in, because the priest broadcast
last evening and told us not to let you in or
have anything to do with you.'"
A lady approached a witness in the "sand'lvich
sign" parade and said, "Is J udg~ Rutherford
the man that is going to deliver the lecture on
'FACE THE FACTS'?" The 'vitness said he was,
to '\vhich the lady replied, "Well, if that's so
the Catholics are in for another helluva trimming." Evidently the lady 1vas a prophetess.

Cincinnati, Ohio
As soon as it became known outside of J ehovah's witnesses that a convention was being
planned, opposition began to appear. The Cham_ber of Commerce \vas frigid. Two days before
the convention two policemen rudely trespassed
at the Pioneers' home, became rude and abusive to both men and women, saying, "\Ve must
stop this work," and, "You will have to get out
of this house." Pressure was brought to bear
on the manager of the auditorium, and he disclosed that it had emanated from Roman Catholic sources.

A special pioneer from Milwaukee reports the

following experience :

''While witnessing in a Catholic territory I played

the 'Resolution' :reeordo A woman became so angry
she threatened to turn the hose on the car and me.
She followed us along the street and tried to interfere with the worko" The witness told her she was
out of bounds in acting as she did, and then she
went into her home and called the police. The policeman placed the witness under arresto He miked
him \Vhat he was doing, and the witness :replied
that he was preaching the gospel of the Kingdom.
The officer asked him a number of pertinent personal questions and then took him dmvn to the
police station. There were five officers in the room
and the witness asked the privilege of playing the
records, 'iResolution" and "Relief"o The desk sergeant becanie very angry and wanted the record
stopp~d, but the other policemen seemed to be interested and demanded that it be run through. The
sergeant became very angry and used vile words

Cincinnati. The l,Jmery Auditorium was packed

to the roof.

The convention was a great success every way,

with the main auditorium packed to the roof~
hut the newspapers did nothing to accomplish
this end. One boasted that it would print nothing about the convention, and kept the promise.

In two other cases there is reason to believe
the reporters turned in good stories and that
they were blue-penciled by the city editor.
There was a perpetual "sandwich" parade.
Some went to their territory and covered it that
way, as well as with the W arn,ing booklet. Others
patrolled the streets, in twos and fours, going one way and returning another, by routes
mapped out in advance. Thus Jehovah's witnesses effected their own publicity. When a streetcar stopped the "sandwicher" on parade windo\Yshopped a little, to give the passers-by a chance
to Tead the notices. Three blind witnesses paraded in front of the auditorium.
A comical incident happened when hvo "sandwichers" met two witnesses near where hvo
priests were talking. A little Ahow was put on
for their benefit. The "sandwichers" handed the
witnesses handbills~ and being by them assured
that they had read some of ,Judge Rutherford's
books with great profit to themselves, and would
surely attend the public, they then offered handbills to the priests, who, white to the
lips with anger, refused to take them.
A sound-car operator announcing the lecture
on the opposite side of the river, in Kentucky,
was approached by a policeman who admitted
that a priest had sent him. He listened to the
speech of the operator and promised to come to
the public meeting on Sunday and FACE THE

Despite the excellent food served at the cafeteria, some 50 were ill for a time on Saturday
because of something not ascertained. The newspapers did not forget to mention that unimportant item, but not one \Yard about the message
of God's kingdom and the expose of the present
great monstrosity, totalitarianism.
The Emery Auditorium proved to be an almost ideal place for holding the convention.
The management was very courteous and obliging, after their first scare about the HierarchyJ
and assisted the conventionern in every way in
their power. Acoustics were perfect and the reception from London superb.
From the very start it was apparent that the
arrangements were being supervised by J ehovah's organization invisible, because when some
difficulty arose, calculated by the enemy to obstruct, it was brushed aside by some po\ver beyond that .of man,

Cleveland, Ohio
Confidently believing that ,Jehovah had arranged for perhaps the
witness of all


time, the largest and finest auditorium in Cleveland was sought. Of the places that had been
previously m;;ed none were availableo The Lord
was evidently directing the witness to the Arena.
This is a large sports arena with a seating capacity of about 13,000 people, The president
of the Arena Company was approached and the
whole matter of the convention explained to him.
One of the directors was in the office of the
president at the time two of Jehovah's witnesses
called to ask about the .Arena, and in answer
to their various questions a witness was given,
with the result that both the p~esident and the
other gentleman obtained a complete set of hound
books. They were most kind and considerate and
placing the Arena at the disposal of
witnesses at a minimum of
Everything went along smoothly until the
Devil got busy through his offspring, the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy. The 1nesident of the OTganization is a ~Iason~ presumably; his wife is a
Catholic, and his children go to Catholic school.
'rhc monsignor got busy, probably through the
wife., and began to disturb her husband, the
president of the Arena. On the Thursday before the convention opening the two J.w's were
called to the office of the president; he was
greatly agitated. It was noticed that he had been
interfered with. For three hours a battle ensued.
He desired to cancel the contract; he would persuade; he threatened-he accused ,Jehovah's lritnes-ses of subterfuge.
He in turn "~as told that ,fohovah's witnesses
had no intention to cancel the contract or withdraw from their privilege of
the Arena
for their convention; that they knew full well
where the opposition came from and that if he
insisted on interfering with the fulfillment of
the contract he vrnuld have
fight the matter
out in the courts, and not only that, hut the
"skunk" behind the scene that 'ms creating all
the noxious odor would be brought right out
into the broad daylight and publicized from Dan
to Beersheba. The witnesses left the office, putting the
of carrying out the contract
shoulders, having effected no n.n.T>Yn ... rn''nH,-,.
A Square Backdown-and Why

Within an hour a telephone call was Teceived

at the office of one of these witnesses to come
and see the
at a time convenient to
them. He
he had
what tho witnesses had told him and that he



for the president's ease of mind. And so the

Arena was used-a :fine new spacious building,
and the message of the two speeches from the
Imd was thrilling beyond measureo A goodly
number of
of literature were placed \vith
Arena officials, and an seemed to
that Jehovah's witnesses had been given
the victory. It seemed so
manifes( that
.Jehovah purposed that this should be done in
the city so priest-ridden as Cleveland.
Whetted Appetites

One of


huge billboards

had entirely changed his mind, reversing his

position, and that he had no opposition \Vhatsoever to Jehovah's \vitnesses' using the Arena
and carrying out every detail of their plans to
the letter. He felt very much relieved in mind.
Of course, the witnesses were glad that the
Lord had so directed as to
a complete victory in this case. At a later date it was found
why the president had changed his mind. F:rom
a reliable source of information it was learned
that one of the high Catholic officials had stepped
into the picture in the endeavor to have the owners of the Arena refuse its use to Jehovah's witnesses. The president, in fear, had gone to the
monsignor in question, and laid the whole matter before him. This visit \Vas after his conversation with Jehovah's witnesses.
After the monsignor heard all the details the
president asked him what he should do. rrhe
Catholic official s.aid, "Well, if you accept my
ad vice,. you will not try to interfere with ,Jehovah's witnesses.
contract to the
letter, because if you
they will advertise
you to the whole world and tell truthfully why
they cannot obtain and use the Arena and you
i.vould be ten thousand times worse off than if
you allow them to use it.'-' This 'vas the reason .

This opposition eame at an opportune time;

for it served to 'lvhet the appetites of Jehovah''s
little army in the Cleveland area until
were ready to face a firing squad if it were
necessary. Such is echoed in the declaration
bj, one witness, which is just a sample
spirit of the convention.

Over 7,000 at this assembly. Cleveland

rrhis was her declaration: "I want to say,

friends, that I can
appreciate the witness
Steinlc's great privilege of serving Jehovah behind prison bars in Hoboken, as in August, 1936,
I was one. of those who 'were arrested in that
same manner
the same man and was sentenced to
davso I cannot tell you the
pleasure and joy I '.Vas afforded in serving J ehoIt has made me more determined
vah in

Cleveland. Some of the "sand\vich" paraders

to serve Him, as I love Him, a11d I would like
to be remembered in your prayers. Not even the
firing squad will keep me from giving my all

to Jehovah and His Son Christ ,Jesus."

The lecture on "FACET.HE FAoTsJ' \Yas adverany witness
tised more completely than
given before. Two large
\Vere used
two of the main arteries at points where
practically all the downtmvn traffic moving out
to the suburbs had to pass. This gave opportunity for hundreds of thousands of people to
be notified of the
Tvro men stopping
the traffic
looking at the sign were heard to say, "Bill,
:just look at that sign. Did
ever see the likes
of it? Where on earth do
money?" His questioner
you know ? These
than any other group
on this earth;
I understand they have just put through some
further organization, and that shows what can
be done 1.:rhen people work
In connection 'With the matter of organization an
incident took
in the
town of Orrville, Ohio. A witness
been arrested for using the sound caT. It was clearly
a case of malicious prosecution. A large number
of witnesses went to this small tmvn in support
of the witness who had been
to attend the trial. It was such an
for this small town to witness such a large
group of people that a n1an was heard questioning the marshal: ''What does all this mean?
Wl1o are these
? Where does all this come
from?" The
said : "Don't
say, you better not bump up
if one of their group gets into trouble all of
the others come and help them; I understand
they are organizing into some kind of grnups
or companies or zones, and if anyone gets into
trouble in one company all the others pile in
on you. If you don't believe me,
look at
this. gang." rrhis all serves to show
of those who are
carrying out their
obligations and privileges at this time.
Of course. there were house-to-house calls
made thou;ands of individuals v,"ere peTsonaHv
to attend the Arena. Hundred8 of
thousands of handbills were distributed; signs
on automobiles; invitations and declarations by
sound cars ; banners acro;;;s the street ; large
signs on private
on the
bumpers of the
;-everywhere you
'Went nm eould see "1''ACE THE JT.4.J)Tff'' "FACE
TIIE ii1..acTs)" until it almost began to



woTd in the Cleveland area. Never before was

forth to advertise the Kingsuch an effort

dom as on the occasion of September 9. All this
was climaxed bv a continuous stream of "sandwich"
at the busiest point
in Cleveland,
Square. There were
in the Square.; many of
thousands of
them \Vere
repeating the words ":FACE
THE FACTS". Police held tTaffic while the parade
\vent by.

\Vitness Miller: It is
interesting to
know that there are still people in Cleveland
vicinity that will listen to the phonograph. I
called on a home todav where nobody was home
but a
.; : so I told h{m that was
he would probably have a few
fine and
minutes to listen. I played the "Enemies" :record for him and he said: "I do not know what
you believe~ but I think
is a racket.
I was youngI ahvays had to go to church
er, and I do not think nmch of it, What do you
think of religion?" I said: "You told me about
the same thing that I came here to tell you."
He said he would be at the convention tomorrow if he could.
Witness Berkets: I was operating the sound
car from the Akron company this morning and
I was assigned to a Catholic hotbed. Wc had
just about finished the record "Relief" when I
noticed a man approaching the ca:r with a hammer in his hand. I thought he would use the
hammer either on the Tecord or on me, as I
saw that the man was coming closer to the car.
I said "Good morning'' to him and he came up
to the car and rested his arms on the car \Vindow and I said : "\Vhat do you think of that?"
He said: "I believe that the judge knovrn 'What
he is talking about." So we found out that this
man was
interested in the truth. I gave
the nian a
as he had no
to con~
this time a
who were
1vith the sound car came np.
A neighbor of
man thought he was finding
fault with the sound car; so he approached us.,
and one of the sisters wanted him to take one
of the booklets. This man proved to really be
, as he thought that if the
one of the
other man
wanted to start something, he
him out. We found several in this
that were interested and it \Vas
a Catholic neighborhood. I have been
back to Akron in the morning
"'""'LUA40 ,, the lecture :from the sound car.




Witness Wo: Just before leaYiug for the convention, one of my fellow \VOrkmen in the rail-

road yards spoke about the movement on foot

in some of the convention cities by the Hierarchy to try L.nd stop the friends from coming
into the cities. I told him that we could call
thousands of workern to come into any city
and work
and he said if anything of the
kind turrn; up to let him know and he vvould
be right there with us. This morning, vvhile
witnessing here in the city, I found a man
working in his
when we came up. He
said, "Yes., I am interested in those things;
and when the trouble breaks, these people who
have looked to
and such things will
have nowhere to go. I told him that was true,
but that the Lorcfs people would have a place
to go; and he agreed with me. He was out to
this afternoon and will be out tommTOVY.

A volunteer orchestra of a dozen pieces 'made

a joyful noise unto the Lord' during the song
periods. A touching circumstance was the presence of a blind brother-who needed no music,
as the melodies of praise were already in his
heart. And, of all the musicians, he played the

Dallas, Texas
The majority at Dallas were Jonadabs; 26
were of four Rogers brothers families in a small
Texas town where three years ago none were
Sorry there is no :rnom to publish smiling
faces of El Paso "sandvrich" paraders. others
paraded, too. three days.
Despite a heavy downpour, there \Yere 1,860
at the public meeting and 1,()46 the day before.
On Saturday, fifteen minutes before the speech
came through from London the transformer on
the amplifier burned out, but the trouble was
corrected and wonderful reception of the program followed.


in Danas

A man, his wife and two children "couldn't

possibly come to the convention"; so a pioneer
brnught them. They
on the ground and
ate in her trailer and greatly enjoyed the convention.
A preacher marveled that .Jehovah's witnesses
should have "found some of those J onadab descendants of .Jonah and put them to vrnrk".
Several truckloads of conventioners came from
yarious cities, far and near. All worked enthusiastically to make it what it was, a great success.
On Monday the Dallas
News contained a splendid write-np of the convention,
featuring particularly the baptism in the Park
PooL The pictures of the baptisms were four
columns wide, were taken at closer range than
the one reproduced herewith, and were really
excellent in design and execution.
Besides the photographs of the immersion,
there vrns a racy, readable story, written in
friendly vein, of which only a few sentences
may be selected :
G:ray skies frm.vned upon the proceedings, threatening at any minute to baptize the crowd of several
hundred spectators as well as actors in the service
with a deluge of rain.
A sharp wind, whipping out of the east, set many
teeth chattering as candidates emerged from the
chill watero
Several had come unequipped for the ce:remony,
were forced to vait until a friend had been baptized1 borrowed his or her wet clothing and climbed
into the pool in a seeond shift.
Still, baptizing of the entire 110 took only twenty

Denver, Colo.
A wide-a:wake convention servant obtained
publication of excellent news items in 28 newspapers, \vith two million circulation, calling
attention to the lecture "~~ACE THE FACTS",
coming to Denver from Judge Rutherford
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy's jackass department admit that they fried frantically to
prevent the convention. Their effort was a complete failureo The manager of Elitch's Gardens,
one of the finest auditoriums in the
by his bargain like a man.
One editor, a Catholic, at first refused to
take the convention write-up because he thought
it was too religious. When told that it was not
religious, but that religion is a racket, he admitted that is true and gladly published the
Fifty thousand convention announcements



spot-announcements, "sandwich
sound car announcements and
cars \Vere used
to the Sunday
cast. 'I1he Denver sound car,
announcements to
over a period of two 'weeks. Officers
break up the ''sandwichn parade, but
A Jew told the cafeteria chef to name his
own price for baked
A crockery concern
expressed astonishrnent ihat not a spoon \Vas
missing or a dish broken.

A man who
to the lecture
in his own home \Vas so
into his car and drove
the auditorium
ram in order to obtain the books.
with the yellowness
Catholic Hierarchy's
Catholic organization is the
that anyone could imagine,
your organization will tear it all
to hell."
A keeper of Elitch's Gardens said he had
never \vorked with such fine
The assistant manager
profound amazement that
Jehovah's witnesses do not s~moke. A policeman
mrhis is
best bunch of
have ever seen here ;
the grounds
While the sound equipment was
insta l1ed someone telephoned to the
trying to make
and they. came
wanted to know if the witness installing it had
to do so, and if the
voltage. The, witness
did not
a permit to
his own equipment. At length the chief of police backed him
in this position.
trouble was anticipated; but
everything carefully, and

Detroit, Mich.

A few paraders. Denver

"'.,,,,,...,,,-i-,,.,," worked a
on the
and caused
to break
off the lecture in the middle. A thousand
calls were
in fifteen minutes
trained in
as trained Al
Capone and Dutch
and the radio stations could not
A man of
lecture 'was
romp on
'em', so he put
in the
Another man contributed $20 for a copy of
The Denver Chamber of Commerce had cold
feet, neurnsthenia and sfck stomach.
,i\n old nmn drove fortv miles to hear the
and said it w~s the

so all could eat without delav. Pioneers
\Vere served meals free. The chefs \vere unexcelled and knew better than to cook in alu.minum.
The J onadabs vvere elated with the Saturday
talk from London as
that instead of
being an overflow of the
the Lord has
a definite function for them to
nection with the vindication of
with a will in the
and handbills and carried
on in the "sandwich"
of rainv
weather. It was not unusual to see rain-drenche2i
handing out folders on the sidewalks
dow~1tmvn Detroit, quite oblivious of the fallram,



reheat was marked at every step

crowd of interested listeners """""'A"~,_,,u
lawn of the Eastern Star Temple,
of the
lecture was fine,
and the
the knowledge that
Lord and His heavenly host
\ 1;ere
n1E>,et1llH! the savage attacks of the
enemy unafraid.

Hartford, Cm:mG
easy to describe the electrifying
Hutherford's addresses from
10 and lL Hartford cable-

of advertising
Detroit. An attmctire
"Paee the Faets"

made in aclrance to rebroadcast

lecture from
rrhe real

attention to forceLocal religionarrcsts. Decisive victory

The self-advertised service of the Hartford

chamber of commerce turned out to be of the
is a Roman
Catholic. The
of the
\vhen the Bushnell Memorial Hall management
rebuffed .Jehovah's witnesses. Every director of
the chamber was mailed a copy ol Consola,tion
the Bushnell
rrhe mother
the man at the
of the
Bushnell lfemorial Hall
is a fine
interested in Judge
her soll' vielded to
Catholic Action
she was hca,rd to ask
him over the
if he is now working
membeT of the
board of
of the Bushnell Memorial Hall
,was inailed a copy of Consolation X o. 495, so
might see thejr treachery to Bushnell's
,, citizen of Hartford had a copy of No.
in his hands. Now let the chamber of
commerce, the Bushnell Board and Bishop Mc~
that off.
Among the

Crowd Cheers

rrhese '1VOrds
at snch a crucial time
sounded the Tetreat for the oflircrs.
back to their
cars defeated in
to carry
the Devil's purpose.


.Jehovah's \vitnesses 1,vere crnwded out to a

sublet for :fighting,
run-dovvn amusement
dancing and bathroller
the boxing arena .
and floor
a re pa tehed with
the overflow must
the basement
tin ; the coaster no
of the rink was filled with
The '\Yi tnesses cleaned the Tink from top to

bottom, basement and alL Hundreds of yards
of white paper made an incredible transformation. Carpenters and electricians 1vorkecl night
and day. Cooks served food that \vould be a
credit anywhere. Ushers, sign painters, musicia.ns, physiciansi \\'atehmen, clerks, were of the
New Government.
Catholic Action Malice

No prize fights had been booked for Saturday or Sunday, but the arena sublessors actually
tried, dog-in-the-manger style, to pTevent the
convention altogether. They telephoned the owner in New Haven. He came and said to the
Catholic Action crowd, "These people have given
this place the most thorough cleaning it has
had in years; if you are not willing to treat
them right, pick up your mvn traps and get
off the premises."
Then a person alleging in an evasive manner that he represented the fire department
came in and stated .Jehovah's witnesses n1ight
not use the rink as an auditorium (though thousands of others had done so), because the seats
are not screwed to the floor ; but the seats had
never been so fastened at any time.
An hom before the first London broadcast
a voice over the
said peremptorily
that .Jehovah's \Yitnesses positively could not
hold their convention in the rink. The person
was invited to come, identify U.U.U..0'~.LLq
his reasons to the 1,900 persrn1s ao~,co.1.1uJ.L'-'U,
receive his ans-wer. He came not.
The Hartford
the city's best paperi
gave good reports at first but the city editor
worked a deliberate lie into the final
the lecture did not come from London
He preferred to
rather than call up
telephone company
learn the truth.
Catholic Action Police

At Columbusi
where Judge Hutherford
addressed 30,000,
was anested; but in
Hartford and its environs 48 were taken in,
nearly all by police with Catholic names, yet
with 3,500 visitors in their midst not a Hartford cop had enough interest in his ostensible
work o:f preserving order to visit the convention
in three days.
In Meriden a
asked a witness if he might
of Consolcttion.
When his
he 'ms told he
for WHAT? Such a
community would be a thousand times better
off, and safer, if like many orderly cornmunities


"\Yhere a hlnecoat is never seen from one

end to another.
A witness called on a
know if the witness \Vas
not. This


her door.
"Xow I know
woman \Vas arrested. I intend to find
about God and Hi8
and about the Devil and his
and will be
a tire
\vlwn he was
at the
the desk
him an the
he could
him that
called at his door
have "knocked his
G----d-- head off'. And thus the Holy
section of Catholic Action comes
to :Meriden. by Police

One witness vrns threatened with arrest

an officer who later admitted he was

had the
and knmvs this is a
A witness
the ~~~,~-,~
A witness made his first call as a Jonadab
and '\Vas arrested
at the second
house. The witness
at headasked the
to read the
Court decision in
Lovell case.
Warned not to do m1v 1nore
he returned
to his
TeSll~ned his
and Ur.
KelJ v
smne more. Next """""'Vn .,.., ,,,.
rfdused to act.
at the honie of a court

and some even

New Government 0B"de:r

On Fridav night a crowd of

the grounds:

ca1ne to



Several of the many sound cars in use at Hartford

A portion of the Hartford trailer campo These

were filled during the broadcast.

vah" and threatening return" Forty gi.iards were

then placed by the witnesses, covering every
opening and entrance for people and for electric current. When such groups were spotted
(as by smoking cigarettes, throwing away programs or using unbecoming language) a patrol
joined each such group, walked where they

Hartford. Gem~rul view of Capitol

showing bleacher seats


.Building used for cafeteria after being

cleaned up'by .Jehovah's witnesses

walked, stood where thev stood, and sat where

they sat, at every occasioii wheeling and looking
them kindly but firmly in the face. Five groups,
of up to ten persons eac11, were thus spotted
and accompanied.

A witness heard one in such a group say to

another, "How are we going to pull the G--d - - thing down?"
Under the Totalitarian Flag

A witness 1,vas conversing with a lady in New

Britain when her little boy came in, asked if
she was one of Jehovah's witnesses, and, when
answered in the affirmative, said to his mother:
"\Yhy don't you kick her out? '!'he priest said
to kick out anv of Jehovah's witnesses when
thev come to the door."
The same witness called on a familv that confessed to the
that they have Bible; he
advised them
throw it awav.
A witness in N ev,,r Britain ":as graciously received by a gentleman who wondered why the


:Main entrance to Capitol park skating rink

witnesses are so hated. His own
own admission, had kicked the last one
order of the priest) "
In the same
a witness was invited into
the house by a well-dressed man w~th. a ?ig
ciaar in his mouth, who extended the rnntahon
m~v as an excuse to abuse the "\Yitness,, kick him
and push him out of his house.
out in the vrnrk for the
out of tvrn houses in a
single morning.
A witness was in a barber
had played
two records to
listeners 5 and placed
literature with
when the proprietor shouted in
"Here comes the priest," and ordered the
A 'iYitness who 'ms called a vile name
head of a
and was then arrested, '"as
taken back to
territorv after he had explained the work.
A witness in l\Ieriden was accosted
a female car-driver who threatened arrest unless
she got out of imvn.
Another vvitness vrns followed
ing, "Get the
after them.
and when her
to know if the
record had a permit to do
so she
"I don't knmv and I don't
ca~e.'' \Vhen the Tecord was :finished this nobleminded wonrnn
"\Vhat a vrnnderful lecture
that is! God
kill all opposers; for
" She asked for meetings
at her home. On leaving the. home
the witness was arrested"
Wonderful Bleuings


on High

a week before the convention, prayfind someone 'v ho lo yes God,

found a
who obtained an entire set of
.Judge Rutherford's hooks on the first interattended the
subRcrihed for
The H7 a.tchiower and
for herself
and for The Watchtower for her mother in England, and \vent home
her intention
to identily herself "\vith the witnesses. All in a
Tho electrician and
pressed by the fact
from I.,ondon came .,,.....,,,.,,, ,,..n
tember 10, but at the close of the
aJter Judge 1-'"'"h"~ 1''""
finished his
the power transformer


in as
ventioners heard the marvelous
as if
had been in the roomo

Houston, Texas
Despite terrific heat and constant rain the
huge auditorium was filled and the convention
'\vas a tremendous success. What a thrilling exto see JehoYah's
On the
ner i.36
long, with
"The battle is God's; be
of the auditorium was a
of the city were
10 feet
sign" parader, asked what
strike was about, quickly
the Devil and all his works.'' At
of Jehovah's witnesses
behind the
taking down
No Jesuit can ever mind his own business.
On August 15~ 1938, the lfusic Hall of the
Sam Houston Coliseum was leased to J ehornh's
witnesses free of
as is the custom of
the eivic authorities
in such
such expense is counted
nrhr..,..h'""'"' the city
lines are unkno-\~cn in
The witnesses made tremendous n,.,-,.,..,,..,.n 1
vitations to
London to
es, and cafeteria and
tliey were
suit threatened
council unless
for the use of the
hands and
No other
had to face
violation of a bona fide . .
tion of uniform
at the last AU~~H~,AA~,

\JJLH, ......



I have been informed that because of pressure

brought to bear
took this course.
about us, \vhich were
in touch with several of
You were
one such nn:mster
Pastor Knovdes 1 of:
Cen traI Christian
that we are all
Frankly, \Ye do not understand
enlightened age, and in a country
and freedom of ,_,,,_"''~".shouhl have

of commerce 01 its tourist

first tried to get
there \vas no hall in the
desired. \\'"hen asked
said they had
have been exsome Tegret or apol-


way in the \vorld in which

done us can be undone is to
exacted from us in violation of:
can assure vou that in returnno lmim or
~ -vvill be done and
no cause for
of the
and nu-American pressure
the enemies
because the convention is
nmv over. Tlwse persons do not
ment of the money. \Vhat
uroelarrratwn of th~ truth

JaeksonvillP. "Santlwiell sign" paraders ready

for the march

If all others \nre

of the
then we \Vonld lrn W'
same without
hnt since others do not
for its use for eon Yen hon pnrposes 1 we theredemand the return of the money so
sneh eonwntion nse of this hall.

There has never been any active opposition

to our work in ,JaeksonYille; no arrests or perto have adopted an
secution .. The
attitude of
; and this attitude is
of the newspapers~
public ofUUll.lHl.C-'L'-"



1;rords !" rrhis
the 500
Scottish Rite
wide convention.
\Y c were unable to obtain any



city administration, to which it is politically
opposed. This is proved by the fact that this
paper 'vould give us not a single line of publicity before the convention, and only one short
paragraph afterward.
The only exception to this hands-off rule is
in the case of a few of the more radical preachers. One of these is reported to have held up
the Warning booklet at his Sunday evening meeting and demanded that if any present had obtained the booklet
dest:rov it at once" This
information was given us by'' a lady who \Vas
there and \Vho had the booklet. She said that
hereafter she will be at our
and will
never darken his doors
J: was a pleasant
on Saturday morning when word was
that Station WFOY
in the Hierarchy-ruled town of SL Augustine
had been engaged to broadcast the speech "FACE
THE 'FACTS". Immediatelv a witness was sent to
St Augustine to intervie~v the station manager,
and in a few hours he reported back that: everything was in readiness for the hrnadcast. The
manager told this witne~s that he had fea:rcd
the Catholics in the past but had made up his
mind that he would broadcast ,Judge R1itherford's speech, and if the Catholics desired to
reply the station would be available to them if
they were willing to
A witness handing
radio slips in St. Augustine
met a Catholic priest
who was very
and declared he
see that the lecture was not broadcast there"
A few minutes after the lecture started we received a
call from the station manager
saying the wires had been cut bchveen the studio
and the transmitter and could not be repaired
in time for any of the speech.

Kansas City lined up ready to move into the

business sections of the city.

Kansas City, Mo
the "hard heart of America",
welcomed .lehovah~s \Vitm:s8es with open arms,
until it was
that this was not just
another commercial religious ,..,..,. . ,n~"""-i-'"'"
to enrich the commercial
ization assembled to become
Lord and interested
equipped to serve in
The convention was a
Jehovah's witnesses were far from
in Kansas City. Although the people of good
will were happy to have so
of Jehovah's
witnesses here, the rest of the
was not interested-not even curious to know what \Vas
going on.

Oldest witness in Kansas City (age 101)

and a ne-vrcomer



every day, both in the morning and in the after- sideration would he receive a property bond.
noon and evening; a wonderful witness to the He was most indignant and said that if we
great name of Jehovah God. These paraders, didn't get all our sound cars off the street at
who operated in groups of two and three be- once he would order them all picked up. We
cause of restrictions by city officials; could not assured him that in the face of the ordinance
be ignored; they could not help but be noticed and his attitude, we would send out notice to
in all sections of the city. Signs were prepared the cars and have them repOTt back to the confor 300 to engage in each parade, and each time vention headquartern at once, and he -replied
practically every sign was in use, not to men- to the statement, "Well, you had better hurry
tion the great number of automobiles, sound up."
Upon leaving the chief's office_, we went at
cars, etc., which carried both large and small
once to the telephone, and while we were calling
1l1 he Kansas City company has been operat- convention headquarters 'iYe overheard the chief
ing a sound car throughout Kansas City for a giving instruction that all police cars on the
year, and \vhen we began this operation the cap- str.eets should be notified to pick up and bring
tain of police informed us that (despite an ordi- in everv one of the sound cars of Jehovah's
nance) the police were not picking up operators witness~s. This resulted in their picking up
of sound cars unless special complaints were eight cars and nine \Vitnesses. Every one of
received regarding the individua! cars, and that them was put under a $100 bond. A local busiwe need not be afraid of being molested. This nessman \Vas notified of the action of the police
information was given sound-car operato:r;-s that department, and shortly after talking to him
a trip was made to the police headquarters by
came to the Kansas City territory.
rrwenty-five sound cars arrived for the con- two witnesses who found the chief of police in
vention, and these sound cars were operated in a very amiable mood. He had reduced the bonds
such a manner that each one of them went to $25 each and was hoping to get the cash
throughout the principal sections of Kansas because he didn't like to have to hold them
City, Mo.~ Kansas City, Kans., North Kansas over Sunday.
In checking up on the cars that had been
City, and Independence, Mo. It was so arranged
that no two cars would be in danger of oper- picked up, we found that not only were there
ating together throughout any section. All cars six cars picked up following the picking up of
were busy pretty much of the day Friday and the Kansas City caF, but one of the cars that
of witnesses to noabout two hours and a half on Saturday, when was sent out with a
tify the rest of the
cars to come in 'vas
\Ve received a telephone call from two witnesses
who were operating the Kansas City sound car, itself picked up and taken in. The police came
stating that they had been taken into police out to the convention hall and ordered that the
headquarters and booked for the breaking of sound cars parked around the hall should be
taken down to the station at once. This, of
the ordinance.
The chairman of the convention and the Kan- course, would be a direct violation of the law,
sas City company servant immediately went to because they were not operating. Of the eight
police headquarters to interview the chief. He cars picked up, only hvo were actually operatwas most indignant, wanting to know where ing their sound equipment at the time the police
we ever received any authority for the violation took them in.
of a city ordinance-, and. that he would certainly
In order to release the arrested \vitnesses for
show us whether or not we could break the ordi- the convention, cash bond was posted for them
nances of the city and get away with it. rrhis and on Sundav the sound cars were directed
statement was made in the face of the fact that to drive with their signs throughout the city.
dozens of sound cars advertising tobacco and The Kansas City 8tar of Monday morning recigars, baseball games, picture show bank nights, ported that one of the cars passed by the home
beer signs, and the like, are operating constantly of Mr. McElroy, the city manager, who immethroughout the city streets and are played con- diately called police headquarters and gave inm
siderably louder than any of the cars that at- structions that these cars should be spotted and
tended the convention.
if they let out a sound they should be taken
Chief Coffey iI1formed us that the men were into police headquartcn; at once. As a result of
put in jail under $100 bond and the case was this order, a number of the sound cars enjoyed
to come up Monday morning, Under no con- a police escort about the city.


Monday morning, the nine witnesses came to
trial and five were fined $10 each.
They tried practically everything on the docket before they took up the sound car cases,
About 9: 00 o'clock a photographer came in;
about 9 : 30 a second photographer walked in;
and close to 11: 00 o'clock a third photographer
walked in. All of these three men seemed to
know what they were waiting for, and as soon
as the case of the Kansas City company of J ehovah's 1vitnesses was called, these men were right
on their toes 1;1nd shortly began taking pictures.
Strange to say, for several hours since the
fining of the witnesses for pperating the sound
cars there has not been heard on the streets of
Kansas City any kind of sound car; and usually
there are a great many.

Little Rock, Arko

Catholic Action put Jehovah's 'vitnesses out
of the noisy Agricultural Building into the ideal
Community Building, The American Legion
refused to join the Knights of Columbus in
their dirty work \vith the city council, and the
Knights had to be their own chambermaids for
the harlot of Isaiah 23,
At the last minute the "Church of Christ"
picked out one of their number who could write
(after a fashion), and he signed the brotherly
letter referred to below. There is Rome reason
to believe that the letter was written by the
minister, and that Brewer was selected
it because he could do so without merelv making an "X". The intelligence of the niinister
is disclosed in the manner in which the letter is
typed }.lerely a little off in his spelling of "bap-


Little Rock. ls this one of the dogs that ate Jezebel?

Ejected from the church, the convention held

its baptisms in a paradise. But ao or 40 immersions had been anticipated. Opposition raised.
the number to 70, and finally to 73. At the
park where the immersions were actually held
a large truck was draped with comforts and
blankets and served as a dressing room for the
sisters. The brothers went out to the "brush"
and dressed. Baptismal robes were of every sort,
bathing suits, nighties, pajamas, and in some
instances brothers vvere baptized in the only
shirt and pants they had. None were embarrassed, not even the timid, in the doing of God's
The six "sandwich" parades, including the
parade of Tilli the dog (guided by her little
mistress) attracted much attention. The newspapers were far above the general level. The
result was a great witness to God's name. It is
estimated that not less than 2,000 heard the
greatest witness to God's kingdom, and the most
fearless denunciation of His enemies ever given
in the earth.
One sound-car operator was taken in, and on
the way to the station heard the message coming in on radios and filling stations all the way
to town. Little Rock was not one of the greatest
conventions in numbers, but in blessings from
on high it was near the top.

Los Angeles,

Little Rock's baptismal location. Beautiful, isn't it?

tising", "notis" and "arangements", he is alto"."

gether askew in punctuation, but Brewer and
the rest of the :flock like it that way best.


For three weeks prior to the convention two

sound trailers, equipped with large panels advertising the lecture "F ACB TllE FACTS'\ com bed
the city. Special invitations were sent to 3,338
people of goo,l will, the Chamber of Commerce
rnailing 750 of these to points outside of Los
AngeleR; and 375,000 handbills were distributed,
"Sandwich sign" paraders stormed the city,.



and were in progress r.Alni-l,-,,,,,-,n

ers 'ivere
the business
sectjon, .An
in a
section stopped
and esrortcd them haH a block to a
There he asked his
what he should
is uneonstiofficer 'iYaved his hand to a
"God bless you alL"

Minneapolis used streetcar advertising,

insidt~ and outside

'!'he Trinity Auditorium, Los Angeles, It was packed.

One irate woman shook her finger at a parader and

"Don3 t
know .Judge Rutherford was in jail
years for murder?''
'rhe poor vrnman
confused with the
that blessed }[ussolini's murders
and Franco's murders in Spain.
newspapers throughout California were
with news of the
and many
of them carried the readerso
attention was paid to
will to attend the
lecauditoriurn vrns filled to ove:rThe
was clear and distinct,
and as the audience listened to the rnessage
with the .Jonadahs and their
in the Kingdom,. tears of
The common ~'-''"""'m
to be
was, 'I
surely know nmv . where I
,. ::M:anv ;vere
lward to say, 'I
I have been
because I have, not
in thf>.
from now on my
Jehovah in the
of the

vent the


anarchists did their best to p:reconvention held in the Lyceum

Theatre, Minneapolis, September 9-11; but all

to no avail. T\venty-two "sandwich" parades,
1,500 personal letters to the interested, hundreds of automobile streamers tens of thousands of handbil1s, street-car a'avertising, billboards and placards made the lecture "FACE
THE P~4..CTS" the talk of the Twin Cities. Stomach trouble of the nursemaids of the Hierarchv
(the newspapers) made it impossible for thern
to do anything to assist in the good work. Most
people realize that the nffiNspapers have had
their day. Anyway1 they have.
A woman called a.t the Iris caf e prior to the
convention stating that she represented 25,000
Catholic women (Hmv they do love to strut
that silly line ! ) and that if the Iris ca.fe did
not take .Judge Hutherford's sign out of the
;vindow thev would bovcott the cafe. The Iris
~ in the ,;indow and Sunday was
one of its
A :man
Lyceum management
to tell them ,Judge Rutherford had been kicked
off of every radio station in the country, and
was told that over 100 radio stations would
carry the Sunday broadcast He gulped a gulp,
A woman called and said her Arch Bish Hop
had done his best to keep ;Tudge Rutherford
from saying anything by radio or otherwise in
the 1\vin Cities, and, besides, she represented
50,000 Catholic women. (Every time this lie
is told the figures double automatically.) She
was told it was just too bad but there was no
way out of it. Then she suggested force . but
was saddened that this was not possible, as the
speaker would he some 5.000 miles away, She
thought it 'just too bad that Catholics had to


put up advertising signs in the streetcars and
theaters and bring in the talk by telephone.
They should get together and do something,
law or no lavv'. She was commiserated, and
heaved with the heaYes.
A man called up and advised that the auditorium be overheated so as to make it unusable.
He sorrowed with a
sorrow and moaned
These telephone calls 1mt ,Jehovah's witnesses
on their mettle and a thorough system of guards
and patrols was installed which
the Arch
Bish Hop's anarchists at bay.
Two friendly cops at the Lyceum stated that
if anybody started
he would
Every available seat was taken, 'vith manv
standhig in the overflow
and in Hie
first-floor lobbv. The music
All is quiet!
The main auditorium is
lighted. Entirely ,across the stage the
curtains of royal color form a magnificent
backg1ound for the
silver letters, invisibly suspended:
not afraid: the battle
is God's:' The aimouncemcnt from London!
Hearts trip ! The facts are
! Nearly 3,000 are facing thern 'vith
. The Hierarchy hypocrites arc made to
their death
warrant! Their hearts
for a moment-the
earnest of their

New Orleans, La.

It was apparent from the beginning of the
two months ago that
"Official New
lar pa.rt of the Roman
rules over New
having a convention
Templen, one of the
buildings in the
arrnngements did not
for very
the influence of a certain ''foreign
known to .Jehovah's 1,vitnesses
against the
.Masonic Temple was
but the same
was repeated. Remy
tarv o:f Masonic Lodi:res in ...... vu.ucnu,,,i.,,,
instrumental in both of these

Coliseum. was
check in final
seu1n, )fr.


refu::-:ed to
that he had to confer
before he cou] d
mission to use the
asslued us that he
any tllTeats rnade
hut that he
wanted to hear all
before he accepted
It now <HJ1.1c1:u.o that he was servas a faithful tool
his "church", but at
the time
evidence of being interested i~!1 our
So confident 'irerefhe i.Yitnesses that we would
have the use of the Coliseum that
from about

witnesses were
and the v ~u..u~u. .v;o..
stated that he
that no one -vrns to enter the ,,u.1u..u ..c..."""'
ther notice was
Nine o'clock
came and still
we were unable to
.J udlin so the
i,yo.rkers were sent into the :field from
hall of the local
of Jehovah's witand instructed
back to the
one o'clock for further
in "conference"
and then his attorfathers') until about
nev notified ouT
on this
~ Mr. J udlin had received a letter

architect's office
him not to rent


cou] d he made.

stated that Mr . .Jndlin

to meet us at the
Coli.seurn and
it np
:N'jcc "\n1rk !
took then1 all morning to figure m1t bow to free :I\f r . .J udlin of
tlw hall to us, but
of it Of course, the


as it YrnR

The search for

and the
appeared that
hut when. on
lin, of Peter ~fodlin,

men to go

and took
even to


were sent to look for another ha1l, and succeeded in

the W.O.W. hall for :Friday
afternoon and evening, and tentative arrangements \Vere made to use this hall for Saturday
but these anangements later foll
the first session of the convention
was somewhat late. but 'lvas attended
hy about 150.

---~~~~~,.,_, ... the

didn't find out where
cur meeting place was in time to
there for
the afternoon
came in all their
to the
even brought
truck for towing
when he learned
of the
asked for anbecause "This is
his crowd''. Apparently
-was .--.. ....,,.,-111" ' for the officers came
in large numbers.
was the fact that
one of the officers
to talk to Judge
Hutherford in person.
One McKamara, a police lieutenant who
seemed to be more or less in charge of the
told one of the witnesses that
made any statement which he
construed as an
~+~,~--~- to incite others
the arrest of the
is known to him, 1\Icmn st
ashamed as he sat
through the exposition of Isaiah GO: 17, which
had been
for the conyentioncrs for
that session.
It became
that we
hall for the
sessions of
witnesses were again
to hunt for an
blesRed their efforts ; for
of the Order of Druids sitting
''"n'+ with thenl
,,,.,..,,,,.,....,," and Sun"'"',


of the talk coming in so that it could be understood perfectly.

The chairman of the convention, and the assistant
\Yere called into the conference vvith the
and the representative of
the Druids' organization and -informed by l\lcN amara~ of the
department, that they
didn't vrnnt .Jehovah's witnesses to have a convention in ~ew Orleans and that thev would
cause cancellation of the lease on any building
that we could obtain. When asked for a reason
for their
refused to
were not there
Thus the lease
home \Vas canceled.
the city, and
"'.,.,'"""1 Mrl for about
was outanother

lines. So a
wave radio was instalied in tbe

out TWO
ete. 'rhev
out and tried to
he~ and
make her lmak her contract with us. but she
re1use<l to do so, and insiste<l that we be
ted to hold our.

The "lv1E8SENGER
Then :McNamara appeared on the scene, and
announced that as soon as the program started
the police would cut the wires, and he gave
orders to his men to shoot anyone who attempted
to do anything about it. Then addressing the
assembled crowd, he said, "I sincerely hope that
we don't have any bloodshed here this afternoon," As soon as the first sound came through
the speakers :NicN amara cut the main telephone
line, and his men rnached for their guns, and
perhaps were disappointed that they did not get
to use them; but, after all, this \Vas an assembly
of Christian people and, since it was pouring
rain and the shelter was very meager, the meeting \Vas dismissed.

Oakland, Califs
Perfect obedience to instructions made perfect co-ordination of all departments at Oakland, and the greatest witness. On Saturday
and Sunday 115 cars brought 430 people to the
auditorium, including aged, blind and poor who
expressed utmost appreciation of this service
to the Lord. In one instance a party of five
called up 45 minutes before the lecture, expressing their disappointment that the car driver
assigned to pick . them up had not appeared.
Another driver vvas there in jig time, and their
of appreciation were really touching.

Oakland. Main entranee to the eafeteria: only

a block avrny from the l\fonidpal Auditorium. Here
,Jehovah's \Vitnesses served three meals a day to
the publishers.

A young priest, who had read and enjoyed

Light One and Two was present at the public

lecture on "FACE THE FACTS". 1\fonday morning he came to the witness who had helped him


Oakland "sandwich sign" parade a mile long

to get a start in .present truth, and said: "I have

come to say goodbye. My heavenly ]father knows

my heart. I never wanted to be a priest. :My
parents insisted that I be one. I am going away,.
leaving a letter of resignation for the bishop.
You know the church, what it means if they
find me. So I will disappear~somewhere."

Omaha, Nebrs
At Omaha Jehovah's witnesses have the backing of the wealthiest livestock owner (Psalm
50: 10) and are privileged to draw on his account at any time; so they borrowed $325 to
finance the convention and, when an bills were
paid, had $100 left over toward defraying line
'fhev had to use an auditorium that was built
while acoustics was in its infancy, but got the
best results out of it ever obtained beneath its
The chamber of commerce, after a preliminary cordial welcome. suddenlv recalled their
llfoa.bite ancestry and expresRed~ a desire to see
Watch ':rower literature, so that they could submit it to the inhabitants of Mount Scir for censorship. Told where they could go, they 'I.vent.
Before going they feebly said that they just
could not get the Omaha papers to give the
convention any publicity, but they would try,
which meant that they would tip the papers
off to be quiet. For the most part the papers
meekly submitted to the hobnailed shoes resting upon their windpipes. They hardly cheeped.
Arrangements were made to advertise "F AdE
THE FACTS" on front and rear of 210 streetcars
and buses, but when the general manager of
the streetcar system found some wholesome
truths might be told about the Roman Hierarchy, he folded up like a punctured accordeon.
The Ron:um Catholic mayor of
have been oh so glad to grant a te1np,orilt.rV
mit for operation of sound cars, but 1us't C<)u!id1t't



fanity, and subsequently arresting the witness,

that he voluntarilv offered his name and address
in case the need~ arose. But it did not arise:
at the
the witness was not
little discriminating that no
rnr\"1-.n01be made

....u''"'-' ...

One cop detailed for duty at the convention

"'\Ye had reports about you people, but
yom~ actions belie those reports." Another one
said, "I don't kno1-v what it is all about, but
I do know that
is a racket."
for immersion
of Mount


meni:mrnoneJ['S and would

romns to
witnesses. A Catholic lumber dealer vrns so eager to be mean that
he wanted more 1ent for a of lumber than
it could be bought for
Five minutes before
came in
from London the
that static was so
could not be
made; but in the next five minutes conditi011s
that the entire lecture came.,.,."""'"'~"'
c1Par as a bell. Auditorium officials said
had never, in all their born
move so
as the
Police were
and efficient. The peofrom "'ivhom
and sil vcrware. were
rented stated that
had never before received
their stock back so
and undamaged.

PhHadelpbfa, Pa.
Municipal Auditorium was used to
the Philadelphia
even here Catholic Action showed
AA.'"'''-"''''""'"'''i" face when tvrn cops came
"y"'""""TI"" and wahtetl to knmv if a
fo:r this "affair". They
itself had leased
p, of this Christian
asked if they had

. U U L H i ......


arm and '''''"''''""rl

While the
cop at the corner of
'vhich is against the law in the
Staie of
and wanted to know of
A citizen was so
in using pro-

Philadelphia. The. Municipal Auditorium. Nearly

7,000 were in here to hear "Face the .l!~acts",

'I1he Philadelphia papers showed their meek

submission to Cardinal Dougherty by remaining
silent as the tomb about one of the most widely
advertised conventions ever held in the "City
of Brotherly Love". "Sandwich" paraders were
in such profusion everywhern that they could
not be overlooked, but the newspapers with the
Hierarchy's hook in their jaws dared not speak;
and nobody cared whether
did or not. A
dog that cannot bark is not worth its feed.
''Everything went oYer swell. You would
have thought it was a local station. They certainly got the breaks on the radio!" Tony, con. hol-hoard man back-stage_, was telephoning a
on reception of "FACE THE FACTS". He
There in the operator's protective
through the loudspeaker of the control
one heard
word of Judge Ruthera couple of periods of
,. . u_,,_.,,,.._,.,,,,......u. of volume occasionally.
stage depth behind the curtains

was filled with sound. Out in front 24 loudspeakers flooded the tremendous
by the
Several times
broke out
applause, even \vhen the London
audience was not heard to
They roared
out their endorsement of
Resolut1on, and
unabashed rose and amenned their
what Judge Rutherford said of Hierarchy and
allies. So moved, so irnJJressed, were
on departing the public took 1,150
the ne'\v booklet 1Varnin,q as offered
ers. besides
additional 11 ,,,...-hn
in the
offerings dropped while
boxes, and, totaling
At a : 58 p.m., while the London chafrrnan
was making his closing
suddenly, without warning the
went out in the
operator's cage. A snap on the
system told the
that the public-address
system was now opera ting on an emergency
circuit. A circuit breaker or renevvab]e fuse had
come loose, broke the
extinguished the
lights, and threw on an emergency -circuit,
This was the first time such a failure ever
occurred on the Convention Hall sound
ment since its
bv the
ocratic Party, when
l.ise of the
Hall for their
convention and renominated
that possibly the Republicans
and cut the
er, the first ones to
vision of the New
During the speech one Catholic lady inside
held up a crucifix on
the whole
hour, apparenUy in
or as a charm
against the effect of
Hutherford's words.
Shortly before a p.m. a group of about 150
. Catholics massed across the street before Convention Hall. Observers did not knmv their
identity or what form of Catholic Action
planned. Some Catholics entered the
,+,.,.- ,,, ...,,,
with "Father" Felix's literature. After
THE .FACTS" they came out
and distributed it outdoors to the


Some o:f Jehovah's w11messes,

torium improperly
overlooked the Bible
: al will take
to my ways, that I sin not with my

who hrarrl ''Relief'

to know
Rutherfonl did not come out in the
He heard


Pittsburgh? Pa.
to this convention



The last heard was that they were still looking

for Hessler. Saturday afternoon the American
Legion took the law ~ini.Ktheir own hands and
pulled down this sign themselves. Anarchists I
The convention was advertised very thoroughly
-:300,000 leaflets distributed, 25 liig'hlvay signs,
300 in "sanchvich sign" parndes Friday, Saturand Sunday, and an automobile

A very effective display of. the literature was

set up in. the lobby, and large sign containing
the year's text was made to go across the front
of the stage.

Sound. The auditorium's sound equipmen~

excellent. It was
for the audience,
to hear clearly
was uttered. rrhe
but this in no wise interfered
which vrns clear and,-.. -F,,
for the first six
that were a little
These were eliminated. At both ui'~'"'''-'-'"''~
Rutherford could be heard as
he had been
from the platform of the
Quite a ne:rcent~ure of the public in attendAll of them. without exance
,J udge Hutherford's addTess
in everything
of col-

.._,.._,,__'"', u ....... ''--'"-

l'ittsbul'gh. 225 automobiles doing


225 cars on a ten-:mile route under police escort.

careful numeuvering the witnesses were
._,,_,_(!,,.,.._..__'-'- to
for this
but apparently
desired a more extensive parade. To have the whole parade pass a given
took about ao to 3.5 minutes" In the busv
section of the city this interfered with traffi~
considerablv. ,,,iis
officials took
it upon th~mselves to.
the parade while
the business
to let traffic
each break the parade got lost,
could not find the ones that had gone on ahead,
and the result \Vas four
varying in size
from 25 to 100 cars
through different
sections of the
on these cars
were uniform and made a splendid witness.
The custodian of the
said, "These
peop1e are clean inside and out."
An observer of the downtmvn automobile parade vrns heard to
"This is the greatest
in Pittsburgh."
rrhe attendance at the .Ult:;t:;L,JlU<:'.i'.:l
r:rhere \Vere 1,800 out fOT
Of these
500 of whom were
hack and
automobiles. This

At the condusion of
lie talk the
free to anv who wanted it, and contribution
boxes were' distributed ov~r the
for anv
who wanted to contribute. The confrihution:s
amounted to
booklet; 1,200
~!'here were GS
this convention.
for the use of the trailer camp in
was ideal and
witnesses there
\Vere well satisfied.

Ro,_.cheste:r, N. Y.
Rochester's "'"'''"t-""tabout
See the next
"'"'J'"'"-'H" out

and made it tlie talk of the whole city.
floa.t, the silk screen signs on autos, tlie
"sandwich sign" paraders, and six sound
cars helped the Roman Hierarchy to make a
huge success of the convention.
1n the effort to make it appear that the Hierthe American Legion and the D.A.R
and for that
reason Rochester
not have a convention
of .Jelmn1Hs 'lvitnesses anywhere in the
across h1s
must have
else in
his career.
all auditoriums \Vere
Rooms were
.u:;i.u::i1eu, the witnesses
to meet in three
and were
inconveneourt order the
best audito them
citv knc1v about
and was
it. and. in western ~cw York ihe
Hierarchy got ~ black eye that will never be
ministers offered their churches
their best wishes. World "\Y ar
their indignation at
by the drafted
within miles of the
long in
because of the direct
favor to His
had received more
in the three
of the convention than in all the rest of
As ""E'ACE THE FACTS" came to the conventioncrs and to the
assernbled in the Convention Hall many were
moved to tears
of joy.
In the back of Convention
on the
next to the
car was
"~~~,,-1-~.-I with its four horns rh,v,~!-"r-1 across the
and ihe
on the other
and incithe
of St.
most of the
\Vas on
in uniform
most of the
to "FACE THE FACTS" while
seated in an automobile
the horns of the sound car. An
him to
the sound car
lecture he
that he
is in harmonv with the
of the
across the
. way. rrhey were in their shirt sleeves and struck

Close up of un actual immersion.

Hochester convention

out toward the sound earJ


their sleeves

to Commissioner
the Hierarchy in
and himself a most rabid anrf unopposer of Jehovah's witnesses and
an earful as he sat on the
acrosR the street from the
to the lecture "FACE

F ~4..C'l'S".

A witness parked his car near a Catholic

as \Yas his right. The
wlwreu1Jon the
witness was within his
and did
not have to move. This backbone of the ehief
was so nmch
by the witness that
he moved anyvrnv.
an.accordeon band of
entertained the entire cu.un,Ln,,,
to the lecture.
was the best
service eyer received in Rochester,
though the test prograrn, two minutes before
the talk started, \Yas n~ry poor .

Th e ]:[ESSEN


a ER

Bishop Regrets

word convention" wa~

en'o.ugh to cover such a ns
tlm society 'Planned.

Publicity Over
Cult Meeting


Early this week, ]ehova.'s Wit~

:nesses leased Convention Hall
for a convention. Protest was
made by the l.?,ev. John Randall.
director of the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith, who
claimed the gr.oup fosters re~
ligious strife. Commerce Com~
missioner MacFa:rlin ordered thi!
lease can.celled on the ground
the group plarmed to use the
.ball for purposes other than
those stated when the lease was

Supreme C o u rt Justice
J o h n Van Voorhis today
crdered the eity to permit the
'Vatch Tower Bible & Tract
Sof iety to use Convention
Han for meetings today .arrd
Justice . Van Voorhis ruled the
city's contention, that the lease
provided for a "Ch:ristian conven~
Uon" and that the society's adver~
Using was for a mass meeting, had
:not been sustained. He said. Urn

In their attempts to suppress the

truth, certain .selfish interests (!l~
sort to un-American deeds and
practices. Such was recently mariif.ested in our cornn:mnity.
Jehovah's Witnesses do
"preach, a. gospel_ or religious
hatred," as a spokesman of the
Catholic Diocese of Rochester recently s'tated,
Thus he seeks to belie Jehovah's
Witnesses and the work they are
commanded to perform. (See Matt,.
24 :14, and Isa. 43: 10-12.)
'!'hose who seek truth today ap~
preciate this work, for they desire
to know what .Jehovah God is
going to do about thi's crisis on
earth at the present time, the like.
of which has never be~n encountered by humanki.nd, <Isa, 61:1, !U

Bishop James E, Kearney regrets

"unfortunate pulilicity" Which
followed efforts of the Rev, John
Randall, director of the Catholic

Society for the Propagation of

Faith, to prevent Jehovah'.s Wit,..
nesse2 from .me-CtiU in CH;1-owned
Convention Halt
The leader of the Rochester
Catholic I;>iocese voiced his regret
yesterday at the dedication of the
new St, Charles Borromeo School,
3003 Dewey, repladng the structure
destroyed by flre last April
In his address Bishop Kearney
deplored the "unfortunate publicity
about those who have come into
our city to preach a gospel of re~
ligious hatred."

"Jehovah's w i tn es se s" went

their .several ways fiap!UlY today,

Letters to The Times-Union




Eaitur, Tll~ Tlm11s~Vido112

ROCHESTER seems to be goin~

Jersey City and Mayor Haig
one better, when it refuses an honorable citizen and a former judge
the right to speak at Convention
Hall, If this is any criterion, the
country seems to be going fascist
much faster than most of us even
dare to think of.

Many of us only know Judge

Rutherford 118 a. :radio sp~aker, and not particularly interested in
him and his Jehovah's Witnesses;
but I believe they are a sh:u:ierely
religious group and have a right .to
be heard. The attitude of the city
government wm be re~~mted by
thou.sands ~f Rochestena.ns who
have a keener sense of freedom.

Bishop No Lika di.a Light

It is said that the doers of evil hate the light

and come not to it ''lest their evil deeds be discovered. ( .Tohn a: 20) When Bishop Kearney
and the self-designated "Reverend" .John Randall butted in ,dth their un-American tactics
on the Rochester convention they had much light
turned on them. Ko wonder the bishop regrets
the "unfortunate
. It was so very unfortunate for them, dragging them out in the
open, exposing their inward corruption to vimv,
taking off the veil of hypocritical
showing them up to all as rrig:ntertea ra1~Ke~te1~rs
trying to dictate what can
Rochester. No one likes to he spanked, and it
is especially embarrassing to be spanked where
all may see and hear. The
and the reverend received
from the
saw and
heard about
and therefore they do so deeply

deplore the "unfortunate

with it. Ii would have
better for
the bishop if the
had been done in
the woodshed, where
wails would have
been muffied, and no one vvould have been the
wiser. But handing it to them out in the open
is not in accordance with their code of spiritual
progress and
their wails have grown
louder and louder
the "unfortunate publicity" deplored with
Next time, Bishop,
had better stav in yom
in after vou ... And be assured that even there
Jehovah'~ Executioner will locate you: "Though
they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take
them; though
climb up to heaven, thence
will I bring them
and though they hide
themselves in the
I \Vil l search
and take them out
"-Amos 9: 2, a.


Tacomaj Wash.
Badly frightened
the Hierarchy, the Tacoma chamber of commerce and newspapers
washed their hands of .Jehovah's witnesses as
Pilate did. rracorna is
;35 miles from
Shaughnessy of Seattle.
the Tacoma Masons and Y.M.C.A. and Odd
themscl ves real Americans and
not do
enough to make .Jehovah's witnesseR feel at
home in their magnificent Pellowship HaH,
to hear two of
which was packed to
the most remarkable
the world. rrhe chamber of commerce missed a
blessing; the l\Iasons and Odd Fellows listened
to the lectmes, and liked thenL


streets of rracoma ?" He \Vas ans\vered that it

iR earth's
honor to get a chance to do
honor the name of the Most High
God in a world ,vhere it has been so dishonored
bv the racket commonly known as
How strange the strange work !

Automobile signs advertising Tacoma convention

Friday morning each car driver had an ambition to locate one person of
'Will that
bring to hear
lectures Saturdav and Sundav. On
these ears brought in over
" and on Sunday
over 200 fine
will. The Seattle
convention so
interest in that citv
that a bus was chartered to bring 42 such peisons to Tacoma, where thev stayed all
Sunmany participati;ng i~ all the
In o~ne load taken out in the \vork \rere three
that had never been out in the service previously.

Starting out on one of Tacoma's "sandwich" parades

When fifty "sandwich

trolled the business section one
chant thought he was
ious countenance beamed
he read "FACE THE FAC'l'S".
man asked one of the
get a bunch of
in this manner

:uasonic Temple filled to its capaci.ty. Tacoma

as a
age were shocked at the
tlling, so came out,
in a drinking



muttering prayers to Dagon, the god of the

rrhere was no opposition in Tacoma.

Washington, D. Co
At Alexandria, Va. 1 two nuns were overtaken
by a "sand,,ich" parade, andi unknmvn to themselves, led it for several blocks. When they tum~
bled to what was behind them they darted off
do-wn a side street. But something worse than
that is after them.

persons attended the public lecture. The deaf

and those needing transportation were specially
cared for. A pioneer lost her husband and the
Lost and Found department located him, but
it fell dO\vn badly on an appeal for a safety pin.
\Vashington people were glad to have Jehovah's
witnesses as guests, often at no cost. The conventioners went home greatly refreshed and
their hearts filled with gratitude to Jehovah
for the feast He provided for them, and with
renewed determination to put forth even greater
efforts to proclaim .Jehovah's kingdom.

H.irehie Coliseum, m;;ell tJ;r

\Vashington, D. C., connnriorwrs

Near the Catholic University was a parade

of cars with the idea imported from London,
spread all over the rear., that "Religion is a
snare and a racket". You should have seen the
faces of the young priests when they saw this
truth blazoned in front of them.
On the next to the last night of the great
feast a witness was driving home with this
sign on her car. She was forced to the side of
the road, compelled to stop, and told she must
remove the sign or be arrested. She talked the
cop to a standstill and he promised to listen
to the lecture, ":F_l\CE THE FACTS."
Application was made to the police inspector
to have a parade in the District of Columbia.
When the Tequest was refused it was taken over
his head to the Corporntion counsel, who stated
there is no law against such a parade to advertise a lecture. The
then gave the permit and a police
Three car parades were
held in Washington on
and one on
Sunday morning, one in Baltimore SaturdayJ
and one in Annapolis Sunday. The police escort, in front of the
statement that
"Religion is a snare and a
, was a burly
red-haired Irishman, who seemed
relieved when the parade was over.
Newspapers played dead. Despite the fact
that the audiforium was in ~faryland, 1,400

A fe\v ot the 1,818 immersed in the United Stutes

on September 11

Toronto, meaning in the Huron Indian tongue
"place of meeting'', great port on the northwest
shore of Lake Ontario, witnessed an amazing
assembly of Jehovah's witnesses. They came
from GOO miles north out of the wilder sections
of Ontario, from the priest-ridden province of
Quebec, and from the Maritime Provinces a
thousand miles away on the Atlantic. Grateful
that the Lord had brought them together from
such distances to the honor of His name, intensive effort was
forth to torment the enemy and afford opportunity to the righteous to
find the Lord's
for their safety. Although hundreds engaged in such details as cafeteria operation, wherein
meals were provided9 and in the printing and manufacture of
signs, and the unnumbered duties of taking
care of the needs of several thousand delegates
and more thousands of the interested public,
besides these activities
witnesses reported field service. Great
was required to
achieve the
the door-to-door
offer of
as most bf the time \ms re~


Toronto introduces a nevr method of advertising

quired in advertising "FACE TJ-Ig FACTS", for

which the
Leaf Gardens, with a capacity
of 16,000,
been secured. rl1his event \YaS
scheduled.for a time when the National Exhibi~
tion vvas
at the
fair grounds, which
was an
reason for
audience of
upvrnrd of ten thousand
heard the voice
from across the sea speaking words from the
Bverlasting :Father.
But the greater reason for this enormous
was the Lord's
on a detervoluminous advertising
states: "Newspapers were
for the advertising
witnesses." Let the
take note of how their
'L.'u.uuu..La. u cousins attacked this
: Two
thousand placards \Vere
of which were
in the business district :
as large as rn feet
signs in the

of "Co3rn To",
3 P.::n.," "'YHY ?" ''HEAR ,JUDGE RUTHERFORD,"
"FACE 'l'H..E
" with the backs
in the reverse order, to catch
eye of the peohath ways
were rigged with





carriages put to another good use

Besides the ten thousand to eleven thousand

people ~vho listened
to tl1e great
exposure, ;'_FACE THE :FACTS," the witnesses
learned that stations \VGR, Buffalo, and W.JR,
Detroit, would carry the talk, both of which
stations can be heard all over Ontario, and these
stations v,cre given wide publicity. In
rroronto did a whacking-good job of
of the particular job at hand, and
henceforth God's people take the
this warfare.


of the Dominion of Canada,

was a scene

a fierce scrap with the

of Ontario, it
Catholic strongho1d of
Spain, the Hierarchy
guise of
Cornrnunisni. No
zation on
on the
of the British,
and American
ernments to nourish a snake that will
the host \Vhich
money, protection,
tolerance, in the manner in which the Homan
Catholic Hierarchv has done this. In lands where
there was once freedom for all
have been
to rear a cobra that
sufficient strength to kill its benefactors. Some
who ask, ''\Yh~t can
do if
are in control?" have
official inwho
are different
Wlii]e in the, torture
are found useful
where the


control the use of organized mobs .to break up
peaceful meetings is a
procedure ; of
which latter praetice Ottawa "\Vas recently treated to a disgraceful example.
For marry years the friends in Ottawa have
made progreS's under much difficulty because
the pope's hirelings have ensconced themselves
about the seat of the government with a vie\V
to getting in their death-gTip. Consequently tension was high when a small newspaper account
:informed the capital that .Jehovah's witnesses
that notice
were coming. "Undoubtedly,
stirred the Hierarchy here to quick
sayR the
However, the
brnadcast of
-vvas received ;:lU\.Ax'""lu.u
even though effort
been rnade to cancel
lease of the Coliseum. Uegarding this
and as an example of
attention to
dom interests, the
is noted: An exceedi:ngly alert witness took
the afternoon
lecture in shorthandJ transcribed it and translated it into French, to be delivered that even}ng to 1nany who had formerly been
Catholics and understood only French.
Although the Hierarchy iri'tcrfe:red with the
of the sound truck and
hoodlums to tear up
thev seemed to mass their chief attack on the
pul)lic meeting Sunday. This was their scheme
throughout the whole world, but it was more
more arrogantly bragged
and found
more willing tools in the
N cw Orlea1~-s, than
~,."''v'"'"'"' the air brooded
ten minutes
of ''FACE Tfffl FACTS",
o'clock. At this
the account
senger reporter
"Rumor had it that the St Patrick's College
boys \Vere primed to wreck the meeting ; others,
that an Eastview French gang were involved.

Ottawa. All l'yes were turned to,vard the Coliseum

door and sound car when rioters \Vere acting.

'If that
permitted to go on, thel'.e
' said a radio preacher.
Another later
from a boy in the gang,
was to the effect that the Roman Catholic church*
knew o~ the ?~oadcast and \~as ~aking ~teps in
the varrnus cities
for it

Ottawa. Three signs out of a dozen destroyed

by rioters

''About 2: 50 an
some 25
deterbu t not
of the Coli:;eum for a few
then. in
response to a
moved to the nearest platform. The
advised an usher to telephone for six
officers. Another convention
servant wa.s
to send as manv huskv
to the troublesome section as })ossible.
the bovs
to take photos

"When the hroadeast
Cath- a conspiracy
their arranged, and the
feet, moved around, and it
a mass One stranger
booklets taken
attack on the platform and sound equipment from his pocket.
the thief in
was imminent. A detachment of conventioners the face of a
the officer did
\Vas sent from underneath the platform,
the nothing!
chairman, and the
realized they were out"Throughout the whole afternoon we '
menaced by a gang 'vhich finally, late in the
passed the night, reached the proportions of 300. Small
hventv groups frequently entered the hallJ but were
sticks cut for sif,111s,
outside. Evi- firmly told to leave. About five o'clock no arof
dently they retreated a block away, held fur- rests "had been made. An extra
ther conference, and returned. Memnvhile dele- merely held them oft we had supper,
gates outside formed a wall in front of the gang, reinforced in
sound car which ~was broadcasting the speech
"While the evening Tower
progat the street entrance, and headed off an in- ress, Aldermen J\fcMilla:n and Sloan,. in reponse
tended attack on it. Hard green tomatoes were to calls from citizens, came to the Coliseum,
thrmvn by the rioters, hitting two
and and, after introducing themselves to the chair~
another witness had his scalp cut open, while man and others, sized up the situation and
one was beaten over the head \vith a stick. A acted quickly. Alderman Md.iillan
woman, a stranger to the
had a stick the first policeman he sa,v, asked for
brandished within a foot of her
and al- patrolman, and said: 'I am Alderman Mdlilmost -fainted."
lano I command you to clear this ground imIn the meantime, where were the police? mediately Arrest any man who resists you or
If the call had been to arrest a poor drunk refuses fo go. And f don't care how ma'ny artrying futilely to forget his ::;orrows they would rests you have to make to do it'
have already pounced; but when it came to
left the
but congregated
exhibiting some :real manhood
preserving on the
street Rough-house
law and order in the face of such a strong vio- methods
and some of the
lator as the Catholic-Fascists they preferred to were clubbed bv the
Indignant citizens
break their oath to the people. "\Vhy? It might were hea:rd to "'
of the treatment acprove dangerous to act like men. rrhe account corded Jehovah's
while in peaceable
continues to the
disgrace of the coun- assembly. Newspaper reports o.f it appearedhy of the Royal Northwest Mounted !
all fair. The Montreal Gazette reportc.d it. :Thfayor
"The police seemed only to come finally in Lewis, of Ottawa, is asking for an investigaresponse to several callso We are wondering tion; and freedom-loving people, whether Cathwhether the Catholic desk sergeant purposely olic or otherwise, are asked to protest ui.:aHu:'"
neglected his
. rrhe calls were put in be- such befouling methods by gangsters and police
fore three o'clock, and
one policeman had in combine at the Canadian capital."
arrived almost an hour
; then, before the
An honest citizen may do little but protest,
other police who straggled in had restrained ' but he may readily underntand why .lchova h
the mobsters, the meeting \Vas over. The chairwill shortly sweep from the face of the earth
man asked for the arrest of the ringleaders,
an organization which would employ such murbut two policemen refused! Thereupon we asked
derous tactics while claiming to be representathe police at least to secure their names for
tives of His Son, ChTist Jesus. The honor of
identification purposes.
the name of the Lord is involved, and thefr
"After the gang had returned three times destruction draweth nigh!
to the Coliseum in ever-increasing numbers,
It is noteworthy that on October 2, three
some fourteen of them ~were taken to the police
weeks later, a line \ms nm
to ail audistation; their names and addresses were taken
and they 1vere then liberatedo Some of the radicals \Vere heard to say:
won't arrnst uso the second exposure of the Ronum invasion,
rl1l1ey wiH protect us.;'
old Quebec. The "F ASCIS.U OR FREEDff:U /'
this was heard
police are for us."
felt confi- broadcast from Nc-w York,
dent and
as, no doubt, \Vithout interference l






Sir1-"0ttawa's mayor aroused

by riot; will stand for no padlock on religious meetings," was
the heading on a Canadian Press
despatch which appeared on September 13th in The Montreal

The story had to do with a
mob of two hundred Ottawa
hoodlums, who broke up a meeting in the Coliseum last Sunday of the Witnesses of Jehovah,
other>vise known as the International Bible Students' Association.
1-'o these Christian , mobsters,
the name of "Coliseum" suggested nothing that would act
as a deterrent to their savage
attack upon these inoffensive citizens. I hold no brief for the
\Vitnesses of ,Jehovah, of whom
I know next to nothing, but I

hate, with an abiding hatred,

persecutiono These unfortunate
people are subjected to enough
of that in this Province of Quebec, where even parsons who
preach about a personal interpretation of the Bible raise not
a voice in defence of the Witnesses of Jehovah for their. interpretation of the Holy Book
according to their lights.
When, I ask, will this Province of Quebec cease its inquisitorial hounding of the International Bible Students' Association? It is time that it began
to follmv the most praiseworthy
example of Mayor Stanley Lewis,
of Otta,va, whom your paper
quotes as follows: "I have always stood for free speech and
tolerance in religion as well as
in other things, and I will stand
no padlock in the city of Ottawa/'


No appreciable opposition vrns manifested in
Winnipeg, great city of the Canadian plains
and wheat belt. As the witnesses assembled at
this point evidenced especial ability at convention organization, their arrangements arc described. In explanation for those who have never
attended one, it should be explained that a convention of Jehovah's witnesses is a perfectly
appointed machine. The responsibilities and
duties are divided and as~iigned with branch
captains, and all function h~ unity under the
convention chairman. Besides the regular \Yitness work with sound car,
literature, in which all e11gage, assignments
were given for such duties as tabulat1on and
counting_, registration~ ushering, room accommodations, territory and literature apportiontraffic ofl1cers to assist police,
in which all participated, cafeteria,
hospital and nurseTy,
office. These departments worked
: for example, the hospital
treated more than 200
for minor complaints, and the
served more than
3,000 meak
'rhis city had a wonderful audience to hear


0TT4nvA, Sept. 14--(C.P.)At a meeting yesterday the Ottawa Presbytery of the United
Church recorded "regret and
shamen at disturbances which in~
terfered with the convention of
the Ottawa Company of the Witnesses of Jehovah at the Coliseum here last Sundayo
"It is deeply regretful that a thing could happen/' said
Rev. Russell l\foGillivray, pastor
of the Southminister Church here,
who moved the disapproval be
recordedo The disturbances occurred when some 200 youths
attempted to break up the meeting, which 'vas concluding its
three-dav convention.
Policew are serving summonses
on 14 of the youths who were
taken to the police station for
questioning, They will appear in
court on charges of disorderly

the lecture aF ACE THE F-AcTs" and the transcription speech following, entitled "Violence".
A motorcyc1f~ section of the police at the head
of manv ears and several hundred brethren in
parade whad been a feature of the advertising
of the lecture, A tremendous crowd \vhich did
not quite fill the Amphitheatre, capacity 7',000,
was a result. This convention had been a joyful occasion, and all went home stimulated for
the war of Goct

Calgary, thriving railway, farming and cattle
center, in southern Alberta, lies. in a natural
bow1 over three thousand feet a hove sea level,
and in sight of the Canadian Rockies but eighty
miles distant. A climate which would otherwise
be rigorous, is
by the warm Chinook
winds whicl1 tha1v many a blizzardo Judge Rutb:erford once
addressed a large and
repn~se:ntatilve audience in Calgary.
400 miles around the witnesses gathered in Calgary for the convention. The Mesreporter states: "All the multitude of
for this most successfu]
on the main events, the
two great messages from London. rrhe Al Azhar



Calg1uy. The crowd assembled for the public rneeting, and outside vie\v of the Temple

Temple_, with a capacity of 1,400, had been secured both for the broadcasts and for assembly
headquarters. Even under the strenuous work
of advertising, the query 'Will the reception
be good?' never left the minds of the witnesses.
Then, at twelve noon the first great broadcast
reached this Canadian metropolis, eight hours
behind Greenwich time. The remnant, the 'strangers', and those vvho thirsted for righteousness
listened with bated breath. Afterward, while
still aglow from this revelation of Jehovah's
purposes, the assembly went forth to give further announcement of ']?ACE THI<~ FACTS'. Again
the history of these conventions was repeated
and the rremple was packed_, and the message
came with great clarity. All felt that they were
participating in the forceful declarations of the
'judgments written' then going forth throughout all the earth."

Vancouver, British Columbia, is important
as a port for passenger travel and freight shiprnents both from England and from Canada
to the South Seas, Australia and N mv Zealand.

Vancouver. This auditorium was crowded to the

doors ; large overflow outside, all as a result of the
unique advertising by .J 'v's,

It is also within striking distance of Alaska

and the Klondike. Incidentally, one of the old~
est members of a "sandwich" parade staged by
Jehovah's witnesses assembled in this one of
their convention cities was an eighty-year-old
veteran of the Klondike gold rush of '98. In
the same parade was a little boy of nine. Ad~
vertising went forth in the usual enthusiastic
"\yay and an auditorium seating 2,500 people
with exceptional acoustical qualltics was advertised for the lecture "FACE THE :FACTS". Free
transportation was offered to all requiring it.
rrhousands of handbills, large window cards,
and other means, hereinbefore described, were
used to inform the people. As the Canadian
Pacific Exhibition was then in progress, even
greater crmvds learned of the lecture "FACE
THE FACTS", to be given by ,Judge R.utherford.
In one of the parades a little boy was stopped
bv a bvstander who looked on both his front
and his' back, saw the words "FACE THE FACTS"
and remarked: "If
knew what you were
doing you would not
in this." The little witness for .T
. ehovah replied: "If you knew what
you were doing you \vould be doing \vhat I am."

The Vancouver "sandwich" parade, A few of the

200 that swarmed along the streets, into the stores,
market places, streetcars, everywhere



The Society's 'lvitnessing boat "The Kingdon.1.", with its crew, took part in the advertising. Her customary work, operating in some
of the roughest waters of the world, visiting
lighthouses, isolated settlements, Indian villages,
canneries, logging and mining camps, \Vas suspended for the convention season in order to
advertise. The crew Telated to the conventioners
that sometimes Indians would come aboard and
speak the message of the Kingdom through the
microphone in their own tongue for the benefit
of others of the tribe on shore.
At 11 a.m. on Sunday, exactly nine hours
came the opening anbehind I.iondon
nouncement. An audience a little short of 3,000
heard as clearly as if
had been in London.
Rapt attention was
After the lecture \vas over several thousand Wa,rning booklets were taken
the people. One of these cona judge, was heard to say as he left :
truth, every word of it."

Vancouver. You can't miss this one.

Under this somewhat rough geographic term
is included the South Sea continent of Australia together with New Zealand and ri'asmania.
'I1ogether these countries have an area considerably larger than the United States; however, the
less than that
in the
For the
broadcast from
discourse "FAm~ THE FACTS'', radio and telernade for auditoriums
Perth and
Tasmania; and

tion of these
cities. At the time when the broadcast came
in the season was the equivalent of early :March

in the northern hemisphere; it was also quite

early in the morning, the times varying, in a
range from about 3 a.m. to 6: 30 a.m. Complete
:reports have not been received from all the cities
above named, but cables from every one of
these towns show that the reception of the
was clear and resonant.
ADELAIDE. The \Vitnesses of Adelaide were
very enthusiastic over the prospect of the convention and great broadcast. In addition to
other means used for advertising, 27,000 handbills were distributed, and in this and other
cities of Australia, besides the local auditorium,
the kilocycle short~wave-length of the broadcast
was announced. Reports indicate that thousands
of radio listeners throughout these three countries picked up the radiocast. Another interesting method of advertising vrns used particularly
in Adelaide. The back call or return call on
an interested
was made the occasion to
tell the one
of the coming broadcast.
In the few
before the convention these
people took a tremendous amount of literature.
As an example, one couple made 46 back calls
which netted the
in but 36 families
booklets, 50 books, 22 subscriptions
and 10 Bibles. Among these
will five Model Study series
and are now going splendidly.
Radio station 5KA
performs excellent serviec in
Kingdom. In
view of these facts it is not surprising that
manv hundreds
for the overseas lectures and
could join with
other ,,itncsses
world in learning of aehovah's purpose.
:\fELBOURNE. This great
of more
than a rnillion
in the southern province
of Victoria was
to an excellent convention. i\fanv
from thi8
heard the
when he spoke
about six months ago.
quently enthusiasm ran high at the prospect
of another
In order for the witnesses and
hear the great broadcast it was necess1uv that
in the morning.

and that the



down the streets to the convention hall. 'rruly

this is a 'strange work' ! The joyful occupants
of theBe vehicles were not, however, on their
'vay to 'holy mass', but to hear the nightshirt
wearers, the buck-nuns, smitten hip and thigh"
And weren't
smitten in 'FACE THE FACTS' !"
The great audience that heard this talk was, no
doubt, due in part to the 100,000 leaflets distributed. It was a breakfast of celebration and
rejoicing that those people ate afterwards.
PERrrH. This
of Western Australia, received the
broadcasts earlier
than the other relav
in the Commonwealth. At two-thirt}' in the morning the witnesses \Vere
Kingdom Hall, an .... k"'"uun..
place owned
local company. Due to
early hour
building 'Was found adequate for the
and transrnission of the
speech was effected
connecting the company-owned
machine" Although
the speaker was
thousand miles avrny
by land and sea the report states his voice was
as clear as if
:fifteen miles intervened. After this first
the friends
renmved their efforts to advertise "FACE Tirn
FACTS". For this
leaflets were distributed. As well as the regular service work the
account of activities includes: "As efficiency


is the keynote of acceptable ser~ice in God's

organization a good proportion of the time in
the convention sessions was devoted to the consideration of various aspects of the witness work"
Finally came the clarion notes of that shattering blow to the enemy_, "FA.CE THE :FACTS."
Had space allowed we should have published a
picture of those eager-faced hundreds who had
stayed up all night to hea:r Jehovah's message
come in from London at 3: 00 aomo
LAUNCESTON. This was the assembly place
of the witnesses of Tasmania, "Apple Island"
of Australia. Describing conditions there our
reporter states: "Like the rest of Australia it
is dominated by the agents of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and this despite the fact that
its population is less than 20 percent Roman
Catholic" But since Judge Rutherford's recent
visit to Australia many
have had their
"!J''-'U'~U.o 'I1he booklet
or Romanismy
him for Australia, and
are a 1,vonderful means to this
end" The 1,vitnesses are veiy active on this island; during the last seven years the 60,000
families residing there have received an average
of four
of literature each. At the convention
a number of persons of good will
of the opportunity of par-

:Melbourne. 'Thii,; crmvd came out to face the facts.

It was winter, early morning the next day, in



ticipating in active Kingdom service for the

first time."
While the lectures came
in perfect
in the morning, many
stvle, but very
b1:ight-eyed people
and were enthralled
by the revelation and
they imparted. The
of the 'l1asmanian convention also
another significant statement
which might be broadly appllcd to all Australia
and New Zealand, and ,\hich is quoted: wrhe
distribution of the leaflets advertising (FACE
TH.E J:i~ACTs' gave a
'vitness against the
ruling class in
because the people
could see from them
was rendered the facilities of
Hall in London, while
we1l remember that
the Australian authorities refused him the use
of the
Tmvn Hall a few months ago."
At all
sessions it is
that the
J onadab class \Vere in attendance
the rcmnm1t in the
of six to one! Another
division of
armv had
season of refreshment.

Had they not betteT heed

\Vere sent
two of which gave good

cast came through

au were
tion the
was so g-ood that the
who handled the Lconnections were
that they had
in the
, some of these will take their
the I...1ord's side as a Tcsnlt and remember the
occasion for their
life. Bnt hmrnver
this may
of Jehovah's


officers ~were accorded

good people of
Judge Rutherford

secured and a
ered to hear
encc that
them which would
them for fmther service.
was received mere worrls could not

of both the

for the words of life to vvhich
they listened. On the
day, when an-


nouncement had been made of suitable arrangements for immersion, only 15 names had been
handed in, but after hearing the position and
responsibility of the J onadabs so clearly expounded the number continued to mount until
eventually 61 were immersed."
The le~ture "FACE THE FACTS" came through
with clarity equal to its reception in other parts
of this diBtant empire. It is well to keep in
mind that the thousands who heard the great
messages from .Jehovah in Australasia were not
casually interested people, but hard-working witnesses and others who had such great zest for
the food of .Jehovah's table that they either
stayed up all night or rose at hours ranging
from 1: 30 to 5 : 00 a.m,, depending on the location, in order to listen,
:M:any interesting stories were related by the
pioneers who had come from the more distant
regions, One witness told an incident 'vhich at
once illustrates the contemptible meanness of
the Hierarchy and also their evident desperation when faced with the truth, As she was
passing by, narrates the witness, a boy from a
convent school threw water upon her, Other
children at the school said thev had been told
to be ready to throw \Vater over the little woman
who came around \Vith books. But, as usual,
this shabby trick reacted against the perpetrator.
At almost every house in that street
literature because
were incensed at this
evidence of Catholic action. But it 'will take
.A.Tmageddon to teach that gangster organization
that fighting against God results in destruction,
The convention was brought to a successful
close in Brisbane and the work of the Catholic
obstructionists simply gave the Lord's message
greater publicity there.

AUCKLAND, CHRIS'rCHURCH, WEI..LINGTON, N. Z. Incomplete reports indicate that the

in these
was as
splendid and as
received as in
other parts of the world. Pictures of the audiences show many of the
wrapped in the
famous New Zealand steamer rugs and would
seem to indicate that the weather was
chiHy. However, this did not dim the ardor
of any fighter in .Jehovah's army, and the photograph bears out the report of zestful attention
to every word of that great historic London
Auckland went about the \York of advertising the convention and the broadcasts even
though leaflets did not become available until
a few days before the lectures. Besides the leaf-

Wellington. The photographer snapped a few

after hearing the lecture "Face the Facts".

lets, fifty advertising boards were exhibited on

all tramcars going to all suburbs. Besides this
the Star of Auckland was used to advertise the
broadcast. As similar newspaper announcements
were used throughout Kew Zealand and Australia, this cut is reproduced herein, Tl.le General Post Office technicians classified the reception as "Very good" Hundreds rejoiced in the
cheering news,












AT 6030 A.M.

AT 6.30 A.ll:L



Reports have been received m the Bombay
office of the Watch Tower, where manv of the
brethren assembled to hear the two br.oadcasts
which came in at 12: 30 on Sunday and .Monmornings, that the
were also picked



up at Calcutta, Lahon~, Ajmer, Kottayam crravancorc State) and Wellington (Nilgiri Hills),

Singapore, Straits Settlements

Besides a large audience in this tropical city,
which has been referred to, the Messenger reporter relates: "Reports from Burma show
that there vvere ~therings of the Lord's people at Rangoon_, l\lartaban and Mandalay. , , .
The lectures as a whole came through splendidly.
''In Malaya (including Straits Settlements)
the lectures 'vere also well received in Singapore, Seremban and K':ua1a Lmnpur, A gro'Up
of the Lord's people at Batavia, Java, enjoyed
Besides these places there is
many of the public tuned in and
enjoyed 'FAC1'~ ':l'HE FACTS'."

Convention Aftermath at Mecca Temple

In view of tho
local reactions in
North America,
Hutherford, while yet
a transcontinental radio
in America to broadcast a speech
on "FASCIS:.\I OR FREED01I : ..Which Shall We
Have?" on
October 2. A few days after
landing in Kew
he was urged to rnake a
on said subject,
and to
he yielded.
Barely seYen days before the public address,
:Mecca Temple in Manhattan, New York city,
was engaged, the managers thereof finally back:ing down from the point that no criticism
should be made of any religion of the community. Immediately the prnsses at the Society's
Brooklyn factory were started turning out the
needed advertising matter-700,000 handbills I
Signs were made, and "sanrhvich sign" parades
were promptly arranged by all units of the delighted and surprised New York company. Every
evening they marched. There 'vas no newspaper
advertising. Mecca Temple managers said it
would not be filled : it had never been filled.
Yet~ Mecca 'Temple and its Casino dQwnstairs coimected by electric wires were this time
obliged to accommodate approximately 7,000
people. Two hours before the lecture there was
a great milling throng on sidewalks and street
in front of the rremple. It was interfering with
traffic, so the police ordered the doors
open to admit the public and clear the street.
Quickly the auditorium and its two balconies
filled up, all seats being occupied by 2: 15 p,m,
So the steadily arriving people overflowed into

the Casino, ecating

In half an hour it
was filled and all standing room taken. Then
the police permitted further new arrivals to
stand round about in the main auditorium and
sit on the stairs~ Yet many hundreds had to
be turned away in disappointment, many such
accepting free booklets and giving in their
names and addresses to have the speech mailed
to them when printed,
Simultaneously the public was thronging into
auditoriums in Pittsburgh, Columbus_, Ne'"' Orleans and Seattle, in the United States, and
Toronto and Otta,rn_, in Canada, in which cities,
"hot spots," said auditoriums 'vere tied in by
telephone line with :Mecca Temple to deliver
the speech by public-address system. Multitudes
were seating themselves before their radio
tuning in on the radio stations engaged to
broadcast the speech.
It was an unmmal audience for New York
city that came (many from \Vashington, D. C.~
and other equally distant points) to Mecca
Temple on that beautiful Sunday afternoon
when all out-of-doors beckoned, With deep seriousness they listened to the great exposure . by
Judge Hutherford, repeatedly applauding. In
the audience were recognized a Catholic priest.
a Catholic newspaper editor, and a me1nber
of the Department of J ustire, all sitting together and taking notes. At the conclusion the
public took home with them thousands of free
booklets and l,300 handed hi their names with
request for visits
\Vatch Tower representatives. How fitting on this occasion was it that
the corner stone of the Mecca Temple beaTs
the inscription "Laid to the glory of Jehovah".
Of the 65 stations originally engaged to broadcast ''FASCISM OR ~ RF~EDO:l'l'I", one backed down
right before the speech, and four others yielded
to fear and did not finish the radiocast.
The delivery of "FASCISM: OR FREEDOM" was
a masterly and adroit summing up of the proof
that the Hierarchy are aligned with all radical
elements in the world, namely, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, Since the first broadcast
in London the Hierard1y has kindlv furnished
more proof by their subversive tactics. There
is no reasonable man in the world, be he Catholic or otherwise, who can successfully refute
or even object to the amazing evidence subrnit'"ted, from which excerpts are herein quoted:
"Shortlv after Mttssolini became dictator he
entered in'.to an agreement with the pope, the
leading religionist on the earth." Besides the
"rape of Abyssinia", "for more than a year .a

bloody and unrighteous war has been prosecuted in Spain by rebels against the gove:rn. ment, and that war of rebenion, which has
brought cruel death to many innocents both
Mussolini and the pope have fully sup11~rted."
~'J.apan has the
of the pope and at his
mstance ,Japan has excluded or denied J eho~
vah's witnesses the privilege of bearing testimony to His kingdom." "Fascism, Nazism, and
Communism all mean the same thing, because
all are for totalitarian rule and all are against
God and Christ His King and all persecute
the faith:ful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This evidence is cited to show the deadly conflict between ].,ascisrn and Freedom."
"In Germany the common people are peaceloving. The Devil has put his representative
Hitler in control, a man who is of unsound
mind, cruel, malicious and ruthless, and 'Who
acts in utter disregard of the liberties of the
people." "Hitler has imprisoned thousands of
Jehovah's witnesses . . . Manv of those witnesses have been foully murdered in Hitler
prisons. In the persecution of Jews and Christians, and in his arbitrarv rule. Hitler has the
of the, Cath~lic Hierarchy."
In proof a quotation from The German of
~fay 29, 19a8, was read into the record: "Hitler said: 'These so-called Earnest Bible Students [ J ehovah"s witnesses] are trouble-makers;
I do not tolerate that the German Catholics
shall be bem1irched in such a manner . . . ;
I will have all their literature confiscated.'''
"The Vatican betraved the Austrians and
fully supported Hitler., in his ruthless act."
"The Catholic press of America tries to induce the people to believe that the Vatican is
against Communism. But the facts show that
the Hierarchy is willing to make an agreement
with any dictatorial or totalitarian power that
will permit the Vatican to act as a kind of
super-spiritual government and have the political element do its bidding." In support a quotation from the New York 'l.'imes, July 26,
1938, vrns given as follmvs: "Mr. Forbes, ex~c
utive secretary of. the Communistic party, proposed mutual co-operation between Communism
and the Roman Catholic Hierarchy in state
affa:irs. In answer thereto the pope . . . made
reply ... : 'If this gesture of the outstretched
hand from your side expresses the wish to
become better acquainted with your Catholic
then the church will not refuse '. .. " "To such generous offer from the
pope the Communistic party responded in these

Judge Rutherford .in good form for

or Freedom", He loves a fight.


words : 'The outstretched hand of the Communist party to the Catholic people remains outstretched.' "
"That it is the purpose of the religious or~
ganization named to destroy .A.merican freedom,
I shall now prove, and in support thereof! quote
from a letter of a Catholic priest;. 0'Br$n, of
Syracuse, N cw Y ol'k, published in L' Aurora, as
:foHows : 'This land belongs to us by every right.
... Now ... we arc going to have it; ... peace~
fully, honestly, if we may; if necessary we are
ready to fight and die for it. ... . From now on
the Protestant heresies will receive the treatment ascribed .
We are ready prepared for
1940. , .. All
institutions must he wiped
out or placed under the protection of our Hier~


archy ... "All loyal children of the [Catholic]

church [are] to assi::;t our \Vorthy President with
all om strength to see that the individuals comprising thf3 United States Supreme Court shall
'Obey the President's injunctions and if necessary we will change, an1end, or blot out the
present Constitution . . . '"' w:rhat traitorous
statement has never been repudiated by the
Hierarchy, and therefore has the Hierarchy's
''No one has ever tried to interfere with Catholics' practicing their 1eligion. . . . Many honest and enlightened Catholics, seeing that the
\T atican is bent on political com1uest of
ica, have forsaken that religious oT1:ra111zatllOn
and have taken their stand on the
of the
Lord and Tighteommess." In proof of this aggressive activity the book of Dr. E. Boyd Barrett, ex--Je~mit priest, is quoted from; and es1wefaUy regarding their greed, note the follo\v.._
ing: "Amend the Constitution so as to allow
State Legislatures to apportion public moneys
to the suppmt of eatholic schools and institutions. rlihe Church vrnuld grudgingly admit
that a long-delayed obligation was being met
.by the country. , . Go further . . . But still
she would demand more and more of us.')
In view of the efforts to interfere with Amerright o:f assembly and obstmct the radio
<stiltHms which were giving the people this program. of interest and necessity, the judge asked
thn stations bToadcasting to carry the speeeh
'fhro1lgh to the finish, and the listeners to ;,vrite
them ~letters of approval of the course of these

want to
bring to pass
peace and Jm'.1Sl}et1tv
choose, the
With a roa1
the DeclaraJion
mitted to them

A Tabulated Report of Those Wh(} Asfi;embled at the Convention

'fhe results below show only the hours spent in dod~.;to,.,door ''ritnessi11g, not
in ((sandwich sigff'' parades and taking care of the many other duties which go to
organized convention. 'fhe report is astonishing, and the work accomplished
under the direction of .Jehovah's l'stheocratic government.



Total Listeners to Persons
in the Literature Phonos. and. BaptiZed
Attending Attendance
Placed Sound Equip.
U.S ..lL
62 5 556
3,7 50
17 ,900
't)reat JMtain
N'oTE: A u"'''":"'.J"'u report from A ustmlia is ...not in, and other countTies where asi;e111b11eliL wetEl .llelcF <<
are not included in the above tabulation.
After .reading this most interesting report you will want to be a
magazin~ that will bring you truth and a clear understanding .qt. f.Hb!e oro1oh1ec\l' ar1d
you shcrnld take as a lover of righteousness. The "Watchtower'" magazine can be
tributlon of only one dollar a year in t.!'.)e U.S. A., $1~5~ a year in other cotmtrles. Publji~he.'d
the first and fifteenth of every month . Subscribe now. Address
WATCH TOWER, 117 Adams St., Brooldyn, N. Y.


18,000 order1y people entering and ten"nng \ladl:ron Squa,r~ Garden on: the ()c<-~fii()n of Jur!ge
Rutherford's address on 'Government and Peace", $1.1uday, .luu~ 2..5, J!).~



Cablegrams and Telegrams

BRAzn.. $10 P;,u1.0: "H;-arq m~,J:agc.''

thous~n<t Lond(in convention warr(qr~ thrill<rl ;

erlgincers satlfied.'' "Despi~e, lhrent, elghlren
h11nd1cd., thtilled "ith 'Vj.etilry'. .\Yild wlt)l joy
for .'!fil:alion. t'9n,entio'n 8et for 'l;real loeut
nltnck~'. "Trih llcpub!ican Arm~ threaten London-B~fast e1tcu1t. . Soot.lnntl 't nrd on '1'\tcli.
Kothinir happened. llt ovcr,cM rccc!)_lion yeL.
En'1incc1s ,::rwtly >alislied. K~nly abt(citiafo
torilirrow." r,fAKQllES.')'t~R ; "Excefl:eut reOO]>liQ~,.
Locusts t htjlled aml
unanimously send
, keenest apprecintion
of wonderful surprise
l:ial'valion an.d pllAy
all power tomorrow's
speech." "l;plcndid rccrption; 2.:lOO entirQI)'

DE~)l~Jf: Cor}o>l ILAl>P.' : "~'l'ption splen

<Ud and Mw~ entl)u,~ipg. Mighty menifoeling 110c0n1foxtal)le. Jiall~lujuli."
$1";LAND. Brnmi<OILDI : "Jebo1ah' me."age
'\'ictor)' to lfi# gro.U army of los,usts hear;! perIe~tly wi1h great thrill. rxultaf'ron; all lllanks
to- Jehovah.'' "Magnifi((('nt rc<~ptili'TI of .Jcho

vah's theocratic mr~~age.; audif'D(C thrilled.''

B1usT01,; "

j,hrill~!f.; greatly rej()i('e \viih you in virfo'ry song." '"l'hrillcd

by you r fcnrl""' anti
bo)Jl decla ra lion for
the Kingdom; rccep
tion perfect." G1t.1.1"'
RAll (Kllwr): "Hoard
)~ture i.lisliucllv Sun-

dav." HULL: ''Ext'<!I

lent reception; attendanc< 1.200; rcjoi<'c;
Catholic op)>osition
failccl; standjnw iirip
for Theoeracr." "Reecptfon gran;I; cai::er
to use hOok Salvatipn
in ~oundiog <L-ebrn
of rclil(iou.' '

with you; no oppo<i,

tiou." NE\rC ..\STLR-o~-



(,EM :


.;Two. thousand Jle'Urtl;

excellent reception of
l h rfl ling adrlre>S."
"Exci)llenl'reception of

TYNE : "Fightin!( lo
custs heard '\"id<flv'
perfectly; all praif;e
to J ehovah for Salvali-011." "Reception ex
cellent : I.GOO enthu<eil
bv opposition's self)
exposure. P ra.isc J eh<>
rnh.11 ) ' Eov11.. : "J{cccptian thrilling. clear,

HA w A J t. Ho 1<0t.UJX : 'I<ej~lti!jl hearing 'Victory'; houwd
'.:\ye'; received Sah-wtion:~ ''PerfPct rece-J)
t ion; thd'lliug, i n
pledge our8clYeti for tbeocrat.ic

your P.nilling 'Wd"'"

~onv"n tion sends
.\ 1'ingt101u sn111e
grertiltl(s nnrl declare,
unilcd deler1niaation to march on 'rith YOU to ~piring nH:-;:-;agc;
victory." ~TOD>ON'l'REN'l': 6''fhrilled !)y vi<:- Kingdon1."
f.ory ~hont; bet:t yet." LrYEnrooL: .. \1'ictory'
Ix DIA. Bo}rB.AY : 1..~ai r reception."
reception mogui.lilcnt; Jocu,t-< 1cady lo devour
litEL.\ND. Bh'l.FAsr : 'Reception plendid; en
all varnish." Lrt all forces come: vieto~ co- tir au<lienti! 11ith 1on. Jehovah continue with
operotion a:;;14urC'd." H<'<'C'ption p~rf('ct; ntlf'nd- J"Oll ., .; 1-'uhli::.her~ e;ithus.iastic; rejoice ,,iUt you
anc~ 2.410; no cli'...,turhanc:C'; nuclic1H'P thrill<rl .'' in \~ictorY-'.''
WAl\Hll'GTOl' : "Loyal gre<lings. Brondcat perLAT\ rA: R tOA: "Saturday, Sunday, reception
feet." ELLI:SMEIU<ronr : "Ueady for all co-opera- perfect."
ti.on; reception thrilling.'' Brniu:i<HEAD: 'LoLITHUANIA. KAUN,AS; "Heard hoth; encusts will conliuuc to the complete vindication." thu,cc\."
LONDON : "l.i0ndon ronYrntion $.'nd:-. greetings
.\ 1-:\V RouT1t \rA r.F.s. N F.\\'O,\STLE; "li'arnily
fo 1\ew York t'On\cntion. \\'ith you in sounding of locusts r;iclio 2HD N'e\vrnstlc r<.'ceivect speech
ieli~iou>s doorn and rn;tking- tJH old la<l_y ho\vl."
\'er\' c-lca rh ..A.Ht'Ul1) you of our ollrhundred"Grand, ~tip:gin~. iightiu~ :<pcec.:h ~ every "'Ord per{eut. su 1)port.., ST&\THFJBLL> : t;pwa rds t\\o
pe1fect. 'fho11sand religionists could not hike it; tho11<and heard giant-<laymg speech: repeated
walked out. 7,.iOO hea r<l c11tire.\pprove 11ar appl11u'e high pQints; throng joined in tumuli1ll'itatio.n to rcligioubt<. fo li.ce heavily guard tuo11s 'Aye' us it resounded through the earth.
~a.lace ; bombs; no 1.+'a.s~m: interference. 'J'hrec
( co~tth1ued ot pfJge JS)

,_, .
~\' -.





Published by Watchtower Bible anct Tract i:eiety, Inc., 117 Ad~ms St., Drooktyn, N . Y.
Printed 1n the Utilted States or A merica, Auaust, 1939. 5c .

E:HOYAH'S KI~GDO:ll is functioning in

the earth today. 'he King Christ J~sus is
p1esent, ruling in the midst of His cnemie>.
Soc1~-rY. a company of
Christians whose live
are de,oted to proclaiming the honor of
Jebovah's wime..<oes.
The conwntions of

Jebo\ah's 'vitne!!se-i; are

not like an v others in
the world, either in

evidence presented to then1 of vnst




. .

~,~ 7:~

purpo!lc or in scope.


over the planet where the voice of the speaker

is heard.
Those who N"ad this Report "ill have the

God's name, and who

arc God"s "itoe...-.....--e6-


Convention Report - 1939

in such farsepa rated points as

Lo ndon . ;:\~w York.
Chicago and Los AngelPs to lil'ten to the
trulbs of God'o Word

and of His kingdom,

a< the_);; went forth by
radio beam. and by
"ire c-onnections to all
the earth. They "ill
take note that in lauds


'fheir purpose is to do
God' will. and His
will at this time is
that the Day of \'eugeance shall be declared
throughout the earth,
tile proclam11tion that
Armageddon is at the


is not

s.pokcn therl" '""~ pro

vision that swift reporters tran,lated simnltanrouslv or took
in shorthand and reproduced the lectures
for the benefit o( the

E"cry convention of

Jehovah's witnesses
pposition to
has this in view: that
God's Kingdom
the Mrth is about to
h it podsible that
be cleansed by removany human creatures
ing !rom it e\'ery disArri\'al of Judge nutherford nt the auditorium
C'ould he fallen so 10
turbmg clement, root
as to oppo,e the estaband branch, and that following its cleansing lishment in the earth of the perfect conditions
there will be on this earth the reign of jusllce, which are foretold hy nil the holy prophets since
peace, truth and love for which told His the "orld bc"ill? It <L'<'m.< incrrd.ihle, does it
followers to pray.
not? But d0::s it not oloo ..e..m incrediblr that
Theocrac), God's government, is in operation the Son of God was crucified as a malefactor
in the earth and is mo;t noticahle at the..<e in .Tnn>alom in A.D. :l:l. and that it "as done
conventions of Jehovah's witne..<ses. ~one of the at the instance of tho;c who claimed to be God's
proceeding>< u e secret. All who love God are own speeial representatives
welcome at thr l!<>int at which the speaking L~
It will be seen in this Report that Catholic
done, and at. all the scores or hundreds of places Action today is as active ag:aint Jehovah's wit-




nrr~ as the Jewish bierarchs of Jesus' day

was a~nit1"1: Him. To be sure. it is not only in
this Jav that Catholic Action has been opposed
to !)el fer tondiJ:ions for bumaniiy. It bas always

"!we'll O OP!JOSei}.



1t fa an established policy of the Roman Cath

olic Church to claim ultra-patriotim in every
l~d in which it is established. Jn America
today this takos the form. not ot regard for
J.merican institution, but of ostentatious ftag
waving, to c-over a hatred of Jib.rty and free
spceeh o d<'<!p that it would gladly put to death
those who cbcrih the heritaize passed do""' to
them by their forcfathrrs, if only it had the
power. Admissions to I hat. effect have ben made.
The spur of neces-ity has compelled Spain,
Germany in r,,ither's da_r. }'ranee in the Revolution, England, Ru>sia, 1le:rico and many
other countries lo unhors.c the clericals and
give the people a chance to breathe. What of
The whole world knows that the Roman Gath
olic Hierarchv backed and still bacb Hitler,
llussolini and Frnnco in .;heir destruction of
the liberties of many people, and that these
men stand for exactly the opposite of Ameri
can ideas and idenl. Who is so foolish as io
believe that thr men who tire their arms wav
ing the flags of thrso dktators, and lire their
mouths bouting "Heil Hitler", "Yiva il Duce"
or .fVi,a Franco", are sintere when they prewnd to accord honor to the American flag?
The Ilierarchy makes much of Jehovah's wit' ,.efusal lo lute any flag of any nation,
as a.<.erihing salvation to a man-made object, but
one glance into the history of America will
prove that flaunting hand-service of the Ameri
can flag is merely a bit of hypocritical musclewastiug.
The American flag was intended by the fore
fathers of Ibis land to be a symbol of liberty.
lt was the srmbol of a nation that had eman
cipntcd from oppression by all foreign
power, especially that of the Vatican. Of the
1i6 signers of thr Declaration of Independence
only one was a Catholic, and he did not favor
Americans' yielding to the \"atiean.
What of that great liberty- loving empiie
called the "Lone Star State"? Were the Catholic Hierarchv the leaders in this break from
1'fexico? Reacl the 'fexas Declaration of Independence, which appoars in full on pages 25-29
of tl)is i&ine. Note the words that have been
Ali!o, take note of the fact that a.t this mo-

ment the Cougblinites. definitely committed to

the o\-erthrow of American institutions, are ad
,;sed hy their leaders to carry flag~ of the S!ara
and Stripes when doing their hoodlum work
of breaking up law!ul as.emblies. Such men
are not patriots; they are the worst of traitors.
Of what avail is all the talk of the Pre;s
about patriotism when it is notorious that it is
under the control of the Roman Catholic Hier
archy? It merely ~rves as a ~moke- screen -to
co<er up the Hierarch)Js treacherous course.
The Catholic Pre;s it.;;elf is still more reprehensible. It claims to be ultra-patriotic, yet it
knows that Judge Rutherford, an innocent man,
WO$ denied baii by Judge Manton, and was de
prived of his libe,.ty nine months because of
that fact, while Manton himself, tenth in line
of American judiciary, is one of the mo-5t reprehensible criminals that ever lived. And it
knows that it never hesitates to refer to Judge
Rutherford as an "ex-convict", well knowing
that he never was a comic!, while it is entirely
silent about the man who sold justice as a
farmer would sell potatoes or pigs. Meantime
~tanton. on bail, lives in luxury in his Long
Island palace, and of his crookedness the Catb
olic Press is silent.

World-wide Convention
Cent ering in New York
The most important feature of the World
wide Conveniion of ,Jehovah's witnesses oc11ter
ing in New York, .June 23-25, 1939, were the
addresses of Judge Rutherford on "VICTORY",

June 24, and on


Juno 25, with the rolea$e of the book Salvation,

a guide to truth and life for the .)one.dabs who
would eseape Armageddon. This book can now
be obtained on a contribution of 25 cents.
Both of J udgc Rutherford's addresses were
broadcast over the world by radio stations. Nci
ther of these addresses is available for Tlte Mes
senger, though obtainable otherwise. A concluding announcement respecting "GOVERNlLENT
.um f'EA<'E"' was: '"You will de.ire to study the
points made in the speech. For that purpose
it ,..;ll be prinred, and you may have a copy
upon request made to WATCHTOWER, Brooklyn.''
The address on "VICTORY" will be obtainable
in due time, and announcement to that effect
will be made in due course by the WATCHTOWER
BrntE AXD TRAcr Roc1e:-rv. However, it is pos
Sible to "purloin" for The Mes.~enger one little
taste out of this address, which will surely reach



some before they have opportunity to r~ad the

whole discourse. Surely this is enough to $fir
the interest of auy person who loves God's Word:
Jeho,ah is ilO\v 1,1~ing b i:1t \v itn~:;, to cftr1y on

bis slrnnge \\IOrk in the e~l r lh. and he not ooly lilerH;

thl".m unto IO<u~Ci<", l)ut he (':1IJ~ thf'ltn "m~ grlat

ar.rny''. ( .Joel 2: ~.5) 'I'hUt anny Ood n()\v ~ndi; o\lt

~gnlnst cbe rcllgtou:-; Pil('ultl'nt 1)f ''Chr ii;te11C1011i"', anti
tbefr fnithtu1 scvlc0 if;; a tQnue:ut lO rfl'liglou:-; l(%>\d

ers. Locusts do not kill hurun.n <-rcatures, but U\ey

do destroy the tood suppl.f .Jehovah:; wi tn('.ssru; do

not prosecute -a ~\o.r n.galnst wcu with carna l w~a1r

ons.. buL the..v do destroy cbe pro,e:nclc:r '''l\iC'h reli-

gionists hav& dished up

!or the people and "'hle:h
ls poisonous ; [hcrei'ore
tl1e people or good 'viii
flee !rom religion. because Jt is a deadb
thing. )lark now Cod's
de~ri ptioo iu !irwbol of

the following Warning, whieh i> enough to mak<1

any per.on stop and think of hi. " J:. ipn to
'fo THE VATICAN< IltKRAftCHY :\:\D Jt"'' l(H <;! o::r'f'PORTERS I address these \vord~: o_ uch1:1.~.:' 1. dge

yourscl\"cs as part or the

01c-r41lt ~ove11:ui11.:c:. 1 "'

\\'hich cruelly pergecnte Jc"s nod Christians.: hence

sou OflJXl$C Tnx. Tf-1 1(,()('t:.A<'Y.
fi'or fif111en t.(>ul urhi-; )'011 ha n. hl~,:.;pht\u1E'tl .J(>h(J..
vah C'...od's name, disturbed the peace of the l\'o-rkl.
0111ented and prooeculcd wnrs of conquesti cn11~(l
the unUtn(>Jy dE?.a 1h of touOUt>sS hu1o<'<>nt~. t~lothPd
l h{>ir ('11it:>f kilJt)r in rubes

of glory ftuit l1Clfl him

op 1.0 the 'vorld ns an
cxan11>lc of ''lrtt)C;


you\' more


r{'<:ent :-:tent'~ of \'i.Ol(>HE.~.

'l'hercf4.ln" G~~r tle<:lar(>S

to you : Opou so11r :5kitt;.;

Bl'lUY". whtcb he sends

ls tountl Lhe blood ot lhe

$0uls. or the 11oor Lnno~


in f( )t)\I IHI.\'(" kt"tU,

man~ Ln tgnotn.oce. and


\V i I n~~~.::.P.$.

his gl'Mt

among 'Cbrlstendon1''.
He describes his 'vit
nesses as a "holy na

cents.'-Jere1u iah 2: 84.

By pttttine; the J)t'(IJ)lf)

beca.l ~e

"hoity d~
voted to Gc>1l'H k ingdom.
(1 Peter 2 : 9) As it is

DO\\' yuu toctt...- che igno

tu como1lt for you


w:rltten. locusts have oo

earthly kins. yet they

:lHRnultg upon Chriro:ti~n&

\'vu h:1\'e dei;trQved tree

go forth by bands.

do111 or sf*f'<:h and of

(Proverll 00: 27) J. i ~e

\V()1'1'ihJp, ;.1ud DOW ;i.ou


.leho\'nh'$ witnes1:1
es havo Jh) ~flrl.hly king
or leader. Christ .Tesu::\
ts their King oud Lead
er. Of them God's proph

'''OU1d take a\\ny n.11



the 1)001)1(:'.

neretoft'> rP you 11:1 \'e

DeH\ering "GO\'ER.NMENT A:"\D PEACH"

saya: "\Vhose teeth

&l'C the te<!th of :l Uo'u, ~u1d . . . [jn"' l teeth of
a. great lion." (Joel 1 : 6) Tbelt Lender. Chrit
J~s. is the great .. Lion ot the tl'ibe of Juell\",
and they tollo'v h1s lead and utter big wes.'5a.~~.
'"hich bites and stings oppooeot:;. Locu:;ts f>ncer

into 'thE.' h ousea and evE;>n ('Qt Ute vRrl'llSb olT the
f uriiiture. Je!H)\ab::; " aoc:;s~ enter into tbe houses
of th~ J)oople and tnke away tb(lo \'Cnf."Cr ot religion

that hoi'. been smenred O\'er the people [0 kef'P thr1n

to darkness Their Leader. Cltrist J~u !i, the grta l
Lion, reduee8 religion to s11red1;, co m 11 1 eu~ly che\\'
Ing 1t up.

While, therefore, neithet of the above addi-esses appears in this issue of 1'/le 3les-e11.ger,
the ooncluding" words of the lecture "G01' eRN
ll:ENT A."ND PEACE" are quoted, so that all may
have ,1 taste of the thrill that went rouucl the
world when 18,000 persons at ~fodioou Square
Garden shouted "AYE". One of the shouters
was a catholic woman in tho bal('Ouy who had
come tO be one of the disturbers ot' the m<w.ting. At fil'$t she hacl booed "'hen \he others
booed. Warned to desist, .be remain~d quiet
till. the .clOHe, when he apologized to the usher
l!.(ld remarked that she bad been helped. As
~.concluding words of that lecture she beard

c-rui-<h~d C\'~ry


for troth ond ri:zhteon.'!.nt:T ll(' Jnfor1ucd th111 you <.-;1on<l au<"<:eed ln

~:our 1.1r1~ition

to Tt1E TUEOCf(,,('Y. ,f1h<na11~ '':it~

<lo tiot !ear you. be<1tU~t <:orJ i!( "ifh us.
(JtH'\'ll'Jinh J: 19) Yoi:u 1;Nr> ha:; c:<JO.l<.'. 'l'hr dhine


Ju<lgn1...,J1t i ~ wrjtlen againf:t you. thhntng f(}ur

d<'structtou. :lnd rou ~nt> J;oing to die-, and, Curth.e r,
that the n1cnhn:.V Qf roll shall J>erlsll tor ever.Psahn 1.J5: ~o; ProvPrl)~ 1(1: 7.
'l'o :\LI. OltJ>ta=ELO\'lNG CATliOLJCS, .J l>:\l' :S .\NI'> J>R()'l"EST.\~Ts I il<ldr("R"- tbPro:e \l'Ol'dS of hopt: He-1""totore
you hn\'e J'ullo,.,c"4.t the l~ad of norl,::::bteou~ U\CJ\,
pern\lttlng tht1111 to thiok for you. It you \VOnld
l'SCal>e dls:1stet nnd lind ~=- h:ttion 1o life you U)U!-tt
for~nltt rcHgiou uocl choo,se aort :o;<r\e J<'hn\'ah God
and Christ his Kln1!. A11 \\'ho l~ l\(l .stand for God
and H il'! kiogdou1 by Christ 1-eouliu 111 011ro~ition
''1'1d \till be dei-troyed. Those- ot good will tn,\a1d
God " 'ill choose I-lifl. .;:ovcron1ooc undPt C IH i~L.
L'hl)5't- no'" he~1riog and "ho ci.~~trc thac righteous
g<nerrunPnt ao<I pente, R:'lY A YK.

.Awakening of the Jews

A r<?markable thing aoon~ lhe World-wide
ConYention. C('ntering iJ1 Xew York. h; the- awakening of the .Jews to 1he fact that Goel' King-

don\ is thE>il' only hupL~. ln an early isFU<' of

Co11solc1tiQ11 mag-azme will be published a letter

from a


Jewish oculist a[!pealing to

Judge Rutherford to strike a blow for liberty literally 'veeo O\~er the great disaster whleh has
the German peoJ)le.
at the M~iliwn Square Garden which would be.fall~u
Ther(}f()re 've ought utso here. up6n A.meriea.n
h('lp tht"-.:c- p~~oplc now in ~nrh dire distress over soH. <'rrul[~ a <'loser (.'()Dtfl<'t ,,ith the:;e very 1mporthe world as a resvlt of lhe per:iecution with tant non -Jc,vt~b groups, wl\O$e members nre o.ur
whitl1 Etn:Op<' i~ now a(!ame. That letter was sincere f11cnds. Let us tnnnt!e..'i'.t towilrd them t~e
dcsl>r,ed sy1npathy : and '"h~n they organlze
reaa at the con;rnntion, and ercat~d a stir. And '"en
m~u;s meetlDJ?S to flg:bt against Nnz1sm and nntt
sinoo the convention the friendliness of many S~m ithnu. the American Je'\'S ought to sho\v them
bf the Jewish Jl(:ople in New York city is note- open friendship in order to fight, jointly "''lth them,
worthy. The following ate certain selected para- tlle co1nmoo fQe.
graphs from Der Tog (The Day) , leading YidConvention Music
dish ne,-.spaper of the world, published in New
York July 2:
The music at the
There '\\ere nun1e1-ous cases In Danzig ,.,..he-re
convention \vas excel
mcmbci-a or the- 8au1e- or~'1\nlza.tton (Jchovo.l\s ,vlt
lent. Artists from all
nesses] defended .Jc"s 1\itatnst assnnlts by
the country assistor 'vhen those upl'IJ?ht \V01ncn of lh~ con1nlou people
regular WatchIntentionally pnt1ooized .Je,vish stores .1ust ,,hen
Hit1erites piclteted those .Jc,vl~h sbop$. Only a hnlf
tower orchestra of
year ago \\'hen lt~c an cpldc-1uil: all klnds of food
WBBR. One of the
st.ores JJe~an to Lhc ";e-Hkno\\o slgus Judeo
sweetest sights at the
uner,viinS<.'.ht" (Je';\'R not \vantt.'d), th() S<HUC Gel"
Sunday morning sesman "'omen bare regarded it as n sacred duty to
pro\'ide t heir Jewir-:b neighbors or n>f'l'C' :t('<1Ut1int
sion in the Madison
~nces with food or milk \VJtbout llsklug any l"C\\'ard
Square Garden wa& to
for it.
see a little girl, not
'l'O us, Je,..l$. tbe wemf.M>rs of thnt or;u1nizatioo
over 11 yeal"s of age,
:ire true "tellllw ~\1ff(!1'(.)r!'I", brethren ln <lharefls.
\Vben one uteet~ :ouch a Jnun or "'ornao they arc
Wilma zee Whitener,
U1e on"S "'ho comfort t he Jew~ They (fllOtC? '\'u11ons
of Kansas, two braids
Sible textt;. und (-'ll<.h.'a\'01' to J)r<>\'e to the .Te\\'S that
hanging down her
i tlnle or IHtt)pinc:;:-; is i m fu~n din g. ID a tlwt' of 1noral
""''"-"''-"'""" ba c k , mod es t Iy b u t
d~pressiou uud 1.<JIOI a bs~n<"f' of l'i ghti:c~ of hopeleS$
ncs$ >lll(J <h~pcr utio u, \ Vll!-!U tn(): does not l\now "'hat skillfu lly playing a piano-accordion, and very
the morro,.,. \Ylll bring. thf> it<'i i v<.~ , ..orl\ of th<' \\'lr!c$Prcad roUgious socl<'tY ot Lhc "futt!rtrn tion:JI Blble

Si:udents Association'' and ''.TC>h<J\' nt(~ \\'it n c~~e-s" ls

evidence thtH we still bnve a \'~l'Y g1t>&t l'lt11nber of
triends among~t the Gerr.01\n COln1uon people "'bo

evidently inaking S\.:cet music t\YO \vays, one

with her instrument. and the other 1.-ith her

heart to the Lord. God grant that she may pass
unsrathcd through Armageddon.

Resurrection of Kingdom News


early pa.rt
IthreeN THE
issues of

of 1918 the \VA1'Ct!& TRAOT SOCIETY published

Kingdom N eu:s and circulated


them widely. The circulation of these papers

exposed the duplioity of the clergy so completely
that one intelligent person said of J udgc Rutherford, "That is the last tlii11g he will eYer
write." .)Yhat he meant was that the hypocrites
would he "" infuriated that they 1rould caue
him to be put to death. They did indeed attrmpt
il, but f~.iled, and since lhen almost thrre Aundrea mfll'ion copies of his book> ha\'e been plac.Jd
in the han<ls of the people.
It is extremely interesting that lhe mi,d<!<!ds
of the ~Jergy and their followel"S !eel to the pnhlkation of Kingdqrn News ~umbers 1, 2 an<l 3;
and it is also extremely interesting, and ignili-

cant too, !hat, after a. lapse of 21 years, cond itions in connection with .Judge Rutherford's
address at Uadison Square Garden made it
manifestly God's will to pnhlish Kingdoffl Nems
No. 4, which is hown on the next four pages
in slightly reduc-ed facsimile.
In Ki11.gdom Ne1<s Ko. 4 appears the best
statement of whr1t look place at Madison Square
Garden. July 25, 1939. You will find it in
Judge Rutherford's "Open Letter to Mayor La
Gthlrd ia'', and, ju;st so that thc'"1uayor '''ould
not oo left in 'UJY doubt lhat the matters therein
brought to his notice de;er,e his allentien, Jehovahs witnesses placed a million copies in the
hands of the eiti?-"ll< of Greater New York between .July 15 and lhe 25th. Not another organization on earth c-ould do it.


Pt,..M of t<>Ocl win to

wafd Almlg'hty Ood.

Jte..LIOION It 1 ..,,,.. al\d

a "cJltt. GOO'& TRUTH

tflllde, aM tt.r"0-11".."f
tha UPflgM.



. tbe ~'WDDM?Ot &baU be upoo &boulder; and lllS DflIOO 6ball
~called ~ooder~l 001lnsellor, .. of th<i In~ ot bl$ 1;<11'l:f'n
U)eOt aod J)('ate tl;lere !ball be oo end , . The teal '<IC JEllO\'AH
Of boEru! Wlll 1)trlOr11'1 UiJt.-Isalab &: 6, 1.




clp&p of Juftl(;1, tn;rth,

equl&y .J.nd tcln$fne-u .u
IJrtmpltl'titcl In ll'.. ct."

and '"'>''"Ill' of \h

<trf tfl UnlUM

~":.: ~la KfNI CMl1t

New York City July 1939

No. 4

Garden Assembly

ne1;5" in a "bloody free-forall fight". All- present

On Sunday 25, at Madison Square Garden,

New York, a great multitude of persons of good
will met to hear the principal address of a three.
day convention.. The Garden asstmbly \fas UnJ,ed
by wire and witeless to dozens of slmilar a.ssem
blles throughout North America and other con
"nents. At the same also 1;cores of stations
broadcast that address. For a fevr minutes during that one-hour meeting some misguided. fa
naUcs. directed by the Hierarchy of the Roman
Catholic ChQrc.h. tried to drown out the $peaker's voice and break up t.he assembly by a:tarting
a chorus ot boos, howls and shouts of ''Viva
Franco" and "Heil Hitler", in t.he top balcony.
That shoi;t bat unlawful disturbance the press
of New York and the entire nation snatched up
as "news fit to print", falsely cha.racterizing it
as a "riot" that "broke up the meeting" "in dark-

at the Garden and the thousands or milliOf:\S who

heard the whole speech on the radio know what

occurr~d. Falsehood$ printed ag "news" are unan
swerably contradicted by THE FACTS searched
C)Ut by Con8Qlation mai;:az-ine and its atforney&. people who love honesty know that they
cannot rely upon the associated press and new~
paper publishers who prefer to print what helps
to sell papen;. In the public interest, therefore,
Kingdom News presents THE FACTS a.. found
and sent to the l\Jayor of Nt.w York. who also
was misled by the false press reports. 6lore facts,
in another open letter sent to the Roman Cath
olic urc.hbishop of New York bya member of the
New York Bar, are also publii;hed here, to;rether
with other information for the cartful consider.
ation of every order-loving person in this world's

greatest city.

o pe n L et t e r t o Mayor La Guardia
tDated Brooklyn, N. Y., July ll, 1939)

Honor<d Sir:

Canada, Great Britain and Australia, all of which

This letter is not to ask a favor. The purpose assemblies "ere tied togetiter by wire and wireless

is to place before you some pertinent facts and to

respectfully request a ste.tement of your position
regarding the same. As tl\e ehiet public servant of
the people of Gr<ater New York your attitude not
only affects the people of this city but its influence
reaches throughout the land.
FACTS: June 232'~ wAs the oecasion of peaceable ..,,sembly or thousands of Christian people in
C6nvention within the City of Xe\t' York for the study
of God's Word, the Bible. On the 25th Madison
Squ(ue Gtlr den was the key assembly for 1nany other
like public a...qenlblies of Christians in A.1neriea,

equipment, thus n1alting it one tre1nendous Ja,vful

Christian assembly. The people were there at that
time to listen 'to an address on OOVERNl\IENT
AND PEAC~; deliyered from 4 to 5 o'clock P.M.
In addition thereto seventy-five radio stations broadcast t he sp~ech. More than eighteen tllous.and person$ were orderJy and la,vfuUy assembled at t4e
Garden to worship Almighty God.
The Catholic clergyman Charl03 El. Coughlin
had his followers picketing a ce.rtaitl ra.dio station
i:n the eity. 'l'ho"e and other Catholics ho.d
repeatedly on previous occasions threatened to break


up the Madbon Square Garden mceti.ri,@:. and (lther meet.in8$ tied togethf>r
with i~. Out. n9tice or this thrc.nt.c.ncd

proven by the recorded apcech and

by the many eablegram.s received and
publicly r~d that same njgbt at the
~t:idison Square Garden.

as \~1 ~ oth:t; Ciljes. About <J P.ll.

29t.h the New York Htrold Tribunt

quotes yon, the ?tlayor, as follows:
"I eall your 3ttention, goentlemen, to
an incident of a few days ago, when
another group, seemingly and osten
sibty pretended to be for the good
thinga of life, openly att~eloted people
of your faith." The paper then adds:
"The remar was taken ~ to be a rtf
erenoe to the ~oo.,,.crnment and Peaee'
meetini; of the J ntermtional Bible Students Associat.ion at. Aladison Square
Garden on Su:nday, at which a riot
started chargeis by Joseph F.
Rutl1erford that the Rom;in Catholic
Church backed Chaneeltor Bitler in
In complete contradiction ot thb
statement. to you, that.An.
other group openly attaeked t he people ot your (Catholic) faith", l submit the complete text of the speech,
' 'be iranscrlption reoord thereof,
which will be furnished tit your request. At the point of the speech where
the di$iurbanee bega.n had
bcC1'l said against the Catholic faith
and no reference to Catholics, except
a quotation from Tht Catlt<>lit E""

unh:iw(ul ac.tiOI). was gi\en to the 1)0

Jie offi:ci:i.h, of lb~ City of New York.
tbree-OathoJic Dti<'{lts took i;eat.'I in the
gallery of the Oardtn and <'bout Che

&au\e time 200 or more Coughlin Cat.h-

o1ic pickets, led by an a,ghatol weU

known to the pol ioe, m:rrched into the
$tltl)6 sallery immediately bac.k of the

ep_tak:cr-'a pJa&form. They came there

for the ~xpl'('$$ed purpc:xse of breaking

up that mooting, nd thi! is sh<>wn
by an abundance of evidence. About
twenty minutes afte;: the .speech began, and at a ghen s.i,gnal from some

one of t11em in the gallery, tl1at company or fanatical persons t>eg:in a loud
dii>turbanco of yelling. shouting and$:. Us.hen e.alled upon tlle police
to quell the disturbance, to which demand &he police ~ter in charge replied: "That i.<J your job." This state.Wltnt wrus in the taoe of tbe facts


that the policemen at the time

bearing tllld :seeing the unlawfnl action
of the di$turberB.
Uishcn lawfully in charge of the
meeting hurriedly r ushed 10 the point
of disturbance and demanded ef the
distutbtns t4t . th~1 oem intetl'UJ)
tlon or else leave the meeting place.
Instead of obeying, the Cfltholie anat.
ica1 disturbers violently assaulted a
number of the ushers., and some of
lhe tUJhers in turn defended them.
sclvcs. TJ1c police did not CV\'D at,...
tempt to ar"' anyone for unJawtuUy
disturbing that lawful as.<rembly, but
they d id arrest $everal of the ushel'9
who were aeting lawfully in the per
formanec of their duty. Two woeks
have passed and no one of the dis

turberts has been arrl'!SLed tor an at-

tempt to break up a Lawful tl$$embly.


Low-abiding citizens have been a.r

res~d for doing what the police are
gworn to do but whieh they failed
to do.
PRESS: The public press and a
few "'dio statio~ 11nnounced that the
meeting at :&ladison Square Oarden
was broken up by rioten llnd that
the riot. spread to every part of th~
Garden and that usht"rs had been
The mooting was not broken up.
The entire pt'Otledings were tsirnultaneowtly recorded by electrical means
and that tl'anscription clearly pro\'es
the untruthful statements made by the
public p~ and certaio radio st.ationl't. l<'or one hour every word of
the spiakc-r was tran:s:mittcd to the
Englis:b'SJ>Caki11g world abo,e men
tioned, was clearly heard, and was
transmit\ed by wire to lhc reirding
$tudfo, all of which is unquestionably



The name of Hitler wu not mentioned once. There was no occasion at

that time to mention bis name. In
view of thC$C (act.3 t.h e public is, miJJ.o
led by the press and by quotations
of high oOicial~ who wert not present,
all of which the thousand$ of orderly
people who were present well know oontral'y to tbe facts.

QUESTIONS: In behalf of a greal

number of honest, &incere Catholics
and oon-Ca.&holies or t.he City of New
York, as weH as elsewhere, J respect.
fully propound to yOli, ~11". Mayor,
the foUow iJ)g questiorui whic.b the peo
p)e have a right to demand uf 'heir
:&layor shall be answered:
(1) Section 1..'fO ol Utie Pena) JA.w ot
New York i;c": ..A pcr$0n 'Who, without
aullwrity of Law wilf\Jll)' dJatu.rbs any
flMembly or mec:tin,1, not unlawful in i~is
character, ia guilty ot a misdemeanor."
Are you in fa,-or of enforcing lhllt law!

(2) The aasimtbly at Madiso-n Square

Cardell was a lW'ful one. A crowd <if
ganvleni. ope1)]y claiming to- be
elie Cougblinitel!, w)Ufu.lly diJturtie<.f th11t

meeting, having come th~l'e delibe111.tely

for that purpo$e. oft\cer$ th$T$
p~nt saw auc:h ftagranl violation of
the b..... Why did not ~ police arrest


tbosie iutul

at the


tin:.e arre:cting u:shers who there by right and aeung in the

performance of their lllwful <hay!

eRo .. oeASTi Tu114 '" W88A (1.SCO kc.) S<11', .. t & PM, July




Do you approve of th ution of the p~

Uee in ~ruaJng to arrest the rloteu and



,)f!(I A.u~n

""d PH~'', whlo:l'I ~vu th llN. did


Your copy free

Tbe 8POOCh "OottnU.nfflt aod Pesce'',

on Juoe 2t'i at M11.dl!!On &

Gardtn b1 .Jod~e Rutherford:. It


sbows l\l'hat JJ$ll0\.AH, the Pro-

tector or all uprl,gbt persoo3,, pur"

po!le!I to ao very sooo t1ptD1Jt ori;a.o-

llt.'d rdlgloo, Oi!J eoe-m.1 aod the

~tru.c~th'e roe or au ~t people.
Il Sho'll.'8 bow JEHOVAH. ttie Al
m1stit1 GOO or ltle H<'brtws. Mil
@\'t'"f'O the ('n1i~ worid forever
th"-11).gh n111 Kloc. Christ Jt$'US.
tbe .MeM1ah. who lt tM PT.lnoe
r>f f'CitCC. wheo ef'ff'J relii;!Oa" ln11t11ut100 aDd $J$lem Is N't'Pt tron:i
t~ (;D..l'th b,. ll'mh1tl~~ power.
\Ytlte ror yoor toPJ ot tbe .el)('b to
tlT Adams St.. Brooklf1l, N. Y.

(3) Is the atatement publlshed in th

~sJMtpu, to wit: A~


<>ther grovp (meaning thOM: Cbri.slWU

lawfully a&"!le:Mbled at the Gank-n for
won.hip of Almi.ght'J God) openly a.t.tacked the peopk! '>f 7our [Catbolk:J
fs.ith." 1u1Jy approved by you aa 14AJOt

or not, and if yes. upon whtt.t. do JOU

ba.e:ie that statement!
(4) AS Mayor do you favor and ap..
prove the action .of the Catholie CoaJb
linile$ In w1Ufully attempt:lng to break
up a ptaces.ble Md lawful auem.bly even

though those disUl.rber# did not agroe

with the statemeni. mAde by the s~er?
(S) You ha'te publldydenow:>eed B.iUer
ol\ many occtL&:ions, and properly to. I 'Clld
not mc1"1tion Hitler. But fNffl it I bad._

t.hat any UC'QM for Catholic Cough-

linites to att<:rnpt to break up a lawful


(6) TheN is a vo.$t d.iffe.rtaoe bet.-eea

the'tl people of the CasboUc faitb.
who honest!) and iinoerely follow Utat
fo.itll, and tboi$e who compose "The Catholic Hierarchy of Authority". Do )'Ol;l
fAV'Ot the lliertircby, wb.ldi is ~tpen.te-Jy
at.ttmpdng t.o mkie Amerk fA$Cit.. $1"
do 7Qu favor and support &.be COM.Mon
J>M>pli! of the Catholic and au other fa.itha

who dc$int to h<me$tl)' And p~abl1 aa.aembli', and' wbo a roemnu?.nt
where men mo.y wo,.sbip Cod accordi.ntr
to the Constit.ut.ioul giuatar1tf;G?
(7) In tflo; ligoht of more than ft(~
centuries ot bis.tory, showing n1as tht-

IlitU1rchy hu con11tantly p$rS$cuted

Jewa, do you now Utln.k tor one momm.t
th.At t.M Hierarchy '>f Acithority is hon
estly and a:inetrtl1 in ta.vor ot perm.It.ting Je3 to live pe~abl)' in America
like other J>t!Ople, as the prut hai, 9\>d?
(8) The "'Cti.tholic Action" operated b)the Hie.rtnchy '>l Authority hu repfliattdly at.ttmpted to break up lawful astemblles of Chrbt.fikn people in A~rica. Tbe
same Hierreh.1 and ita ~nlll tried to

do lbe same. thing at .our convention on.

June 2Sth at. London and other Brili;sb
c1tie11. but $cioth1.nd Yard pre"en\.ed &.be:
same because they did thtb- dul)'. Do YoU
approve of !luch CnthoJic Action' or do

you fvor froodom ot llpeech a:nd fr.odom of wor.sbfp in Ameriea by aad for-

' to.- bl'Olkaft of FtleOAoo Sl'llCtt '"'O.........

p11bllflt th tJolil'tl'I


-CatWicil. P..oe.tuit.. ' " ' ' and all otll

_.. aliMT
(t) y .. .... ,..., ..........
fed tut l'&ldam or- Nulua k npidly
~ . . . .Mot Amtrica. and tlle
ftt.rtber rut U..t c.thotk An:kln b not
ciMt IJ9~ Wt optal.J nipponinc
that Teitalitatl&A _..._.... A N&J'O:r
of Utl.e ritJ w'Wda 9'dt ot that qoatiaa
JM \ak4iT
(JO) Ref.... i. a&lute !..p. bD a:nd
Nw dow"ai W mt11 I Nbed upon u u

or Jutifleatloa to p11ni.s.l1 om...

tlan1. That fanetKlllm had itf birt.h it1

Nati C..nna.nJ and It tm_,1oyod by TotaJJ..

t.arian r..-ltn u method or eoereinr

and t'f!Jlwntlnr the people. That rtU-

sio1J1 f11Mtkftm ha been brought Into

Amtrka tflOC!ntly, 11.llliovah Americana
tor 1$0 )'O":r havo N1tpe11\ed tht Bag
and obeyed the law for which I\ 1tnd1
without bti111 oomptlled to wonbJp It.
Chrltiain do not 1aluto the flag ot any
ciountl'Y nor !!!II nor bow down to any

for the tole l'tMon U\al Alre1-"t1

God ba:9 commanded that t~ ah&JJ not
de> 10 ancf liT.._ Tll'7 df> '"1 C(ld rt.tii.r
thaa l!!M!'ll. bttaat Goel' law la "''""""
and tbq .,. altO' dilipat .. . , .....,.
... of . . lud. tha.t .. aot la '9mt,..
ftJrtion of ~ law. SlMIU CMllau
'be cceipelled Yiola\4! Cod' la
lO plea9e miea! ls ft Wt.r t. obt7 tM
law oi w-hQ tM lac la a .,,.w, and
ded1be to won.hip tbe ftaa, or b it '*"4T
to ind11lp. ha th ~1"n>Of\7 of h1una
the ftag and Uien nra.t,ptway U.h ,,,,..



punity and ap11roval of ~lal1, wrtltullJ

~ Jaw ot lbe land?


Jeho,ah';t witnC81U do not oslt fa.

\'ors of you aa ma1or, but thoy do d&o
mand that thrir Con.llitutk>nal richta
be respected. Jehovah's ,.,hnestet 11ro
not tisking for a dofctlllO, bcc1u11c they
need none. They trual in Ood and in
Chri!st, who de.fend them. Jchovab'1
, witnesses do have the rlaht, howtvcr,

l'I demand tbat pnblic oll!ci.&b tttpt

and i.rn'D&l"tiall1' &dmi.D.ilUr the i.w
of tM fa.nd bi seeing to It that tb ~
poopl<9 of all faiths and all,. ha"e the right to exettise withou1 biD
c1nn.. the tr..daa of .-mb!T. ' dom of gpoe<b, and freedoll of ..-onlllp
of God wbm such lttOdom .i.. not
endan&" tho pobHe ...iw..
Mr. llayor, b afiida! ttpre.enta
tive of millions of people in lbis greet
c:ity, you owe to them and to the public generally throughout the te.rth a
plain statement o{ what exactly la
your mnd and what it you.t answer
to tl1e foregoing questiom.
Very rt&peetfully 1ubmitU:d1

WATCH Towu BmLs k TRAOT Socmv

h b i~-h op Notified

oly 7, 1939, th followi~ let ......nt to tho rtttn!.1 ual"'1 bta4 of the C.tholie
azcliy' p,.,.;...
of New York. by Jmepll WheJ~ Attornq and Coonttlor It Law, 10 Mt 40lb St., Xew York.
deDt. J~ J~ F. Bal~ WU
~ to . ., .. ud IMdt. pabllie
ICkl:l'f!n. bl"09dc!nl CO I tarp pl.rt t Chi
wortd. 011 U tltor!J' .ubJt'<'C cif l'Ut'll lDd
Goteromen.t~: hl1 aoa.rn1 Mcu a1 roar
o~oct t.nd ('Oallnlllld tor OO tl. . r. dt-

&pite tbe lncldeots I a.hall rtdt. An


trice.I LraaterlJ)l.10111 or 1ht allrt ddl'\'1111

waa rosde. aoct-n ls "lla\IM In cooOrma

tiM or tlU' slat.eU1eota.

For omo month pullt lr8' pn1 of

Roman Catbolle aod o.llle<I'1ot1 have
ckmt1r1str11tc.od" be(.,,.. Radle> 6t11t1011
\VHCA In "prOteM 11.pluet 1.1..a.lal (If frt>e

.-->clau, cor:np1atout ,,,...,. 10001 C.tlio

Ollt' Jtfrl, AaxlM \Va.UoQ. Botb Of tlwm _.....

behind the tOMktra plaUor: tbbi I

A BoolU C..lhOlie prl..t, wbOM t dtdl .oc

M!e. sat Jn lM lrvat F\)llr, Vpoe a ~ko
laalli Cll t.4ttttk llPtt. tM nHN . . .
brob 0Gt latG bo'sb .... wl'IJ 0Mo~
u6 llllCapd Mt tlttolt ltM9all t~
"'doe.. wfddl M I
aM ...,......
....... aod ~ Clt'C'Vn(L
'De .u...... , ~ Of ,.. "'()oall.
ltolte'" le.-aloo or lk C..rfife f t l Ct
""t1l'Ut: .., lbe mtdllt" ... '"""" tbil
eurd9t of t~ "'rtcht ot ""' 9"'C'b"' bJ
the 6PMkn: lhlt UPI w. . P'f"ID'dl
rated, ealldou. llflid trlilllo.I; It rNUltfd


Hear Records Free

c;, Wtd!-.Wer, 117 Afllftl t., .,!yn, N. Y.

Tiit pllt-111..~ f.C...d l t 1 i lhhlll)' l'OprOdll>Ce

Wt )'il\1110 Ul t WU Hid tnf ~1"41 t i l ht

o .,.n. T ...)' wlU llt

flt!\ ,..,

)'01o1 and )'011f'

ff'ltl\ftr,. I.II )'OWi' tWPI llltMt tWU,.I)' WIU.f'llt

.-.1.1 tlto'l tt
If Y1t hlt - Pllri. .ra_,.
" "" '"- ,..,..HllfllloO ...,.,,.,.,.. wut lie llol't11tlU.
... _. flU flt 1 11f 1t111ll l . . tto\1#0" H





'?111 Cl.tie PN!!lf!fll &och UblQU(' r('C()N1

lato an. U.lliOct\lpif.d ll(ll("lli"ft ot ti



<11 11tteroooo menuoootl:, "tbt t.od,. OOM

0011mt!Ot'I Une ino'td over t'to11 \\'MOA

to tbe Ordm." eome GOO atrOIU'. orrlvlor

mere after Ult acJJrt11 blLd ~ u1Mttr
wey for .... t"uau- mtrn.ic Tllt1
IDO.ttbed dawn tbe bt.kOn.y C'Ol'tldott God

thllVtl'"/ lh llPtHh Wiit tMl11luny

of perJur1 <10 lbl' pert or tl1e a:ei.101.11 Catb

011(' <vmplalnants that. with tbe 11(too1raphLc rt00r111 before me. I ~It" lta moni
al(."11111 meodactt.t to you. Ooe of U11 plck
l!(tlf mob Which '4g]of'ed OW'ef from W)tCA
to lb~ 01trdeo.. aad who m11de lltWI ,,..o,..

1ieech" to u nh.. Qvougl1t1n, Oo U*" 8un

Yo rnq """ "'"'" QtytMllllfofl\ flf ,...

ftlJY#td ~ .tllod. . "ll<itrloN I Madltol\
*'!Mtt Otl'd*" ti! J11111t
At lhoe II .t

.. I ria.M Of P9Uft l'lda, Gii tht . .

-.Diii et tllt rlohn. or Ollbel'll . .1:1.,
f'fl'Ol1 to ~ ordf!r, kt MDt er uw
rowdif9 WI!'~ amisteid;, U fK 8eTfNI
re- or ('hi~ (lf tetookllll 1M11lt ..,.,.
Jald o"'r ID F~ Oovt from Jo1t 5 toll; M
fOf' lk>ftd "dltt>nkrtp ~
Chlll't,. ..... trted on t1''0
ID tile TO.
Dlrk!C a!Bg.J.u,.nte'e Covrt. dtfl"ade6 bl
mt, and Jodameot of .,oot g1.1lll)'" -....
41DI01"fd Ind tJ1e dr:f~llOt u.ber <II
clu1rai!d, on .Toly $1'\1,


._,'i'f tnll#ll)'

'"" Pt1>11H nr.d your l'tllf'l. .,.llliW't wlU1

tht noe-oHta,,. tQ'lllpr-nt, 0111

=.t:~: ,:~~:~:t

:..; :l~S:t~ ~~~1T1-:t

W'(l1Ai"ii1i1''4fiii ...

ti.Our; P.M.

N1!11.!__. .............................,, .. 1 , . ,
kl"tet ....................................... .
City aM &tlw .......................... , .. .

to tbe eomptalat AB ooe, Pblllp M"7: hi.

''TIOfloa"' voclf(lfOUl1. Both IW'O,._ llll

mlk'b ~lrn:~tlal detan uiJ I~

ree1nidlit<klelt\. the Oto:ftadant Ullfot
Jowplil Rot... altf'.r f.nt snU:'-lf . . . ._:
bowa ..........,... ltlD Ml caw. ~
~ ~ wlOt tlile ft:C'Tllle tell Of Ids

rue-. t1wD "'n.19ed ld:I ca. Ud .C1'11Ct: 1W

oe ta. Med Apes wu ~ .,.,......
~ f,.. die 1'0rft of Ulie lllc'W. 8omt
ot ACDM' bteudi lltm eeco~.,. btt rroc.
the Gardfa q 900D: a. She bad ,...,~
tbe bliow lbat .....,-'". ~CIOf' Of Ulilt lqJ!llfDlld.
~ "W'U DOt loocbed. U \M ~I wUI
A ..ltbMJ tor tbe &f1:1ndaot t8tl&ed
tbal be ottrbC.f"\i Ma;v ttll Atoetl lo lk
d6wt1 an the Aoor et Jf lwockOO OOwo, o.00
then make a Char84 t<> th& Jlk'e- Uu1t h9
IMld "bt!il;n tnH:t bf an U:'l.ber 111)(1 lo(l('kl'CI

uoco011Cloue. 'l'o '':rcbct" thll aa,n11sf&11J

te.thooo,v. tbe oompLtlnanb 1lr111.11ht In ll
111t1w wltoeas wbo lutd not bl.'tlrO ttie "''""'
\tfOWI t~ttmonr aboot Rotb' attl)(lt; oo

Ag!Xl9: tbl Wltoe$ff "r~bl.11100 .. too WU<il.


&'llio~ tlia~

be bad eecorted AfP h'l'r

tJ11ttr 1u1d other women 10 tbe 111eetl01C au<1

ant with tbeu1 l.n t11(1 l!Ectloo referred t1>;
Ape11 llAd lf1"on> tbat Ille llad not beeo lD
ttlat lli!('t\OCl; bet friend tbeo IWOl't Ullt
wtlff lbt riot bf'OU oar. lie and bll ~


~l'tl '1nrl"'<I

1. . f~ tJ1f' Cardell, be
f\l!Ohll A)tl>tt 1tod be,. 919ttt bJ 1be arm;
til4'.'J pa11111J bt 11uw au usber
{lh1s~dl Kur.teo. ho wa.9 ilfltlon("C) ~V
c:r 111 ""llt>ri>0 11wsiy frqm R-0tl1'11 '113111.lll,








QUrrt'<l I

sworo thi In.

J1trlk1 lht" "tmknoD

woman" 11.'lth hi.ii <"fltie: ib:it no one Hrt.)el

AglMJt. bul thut ;\;n1~ 1117 doYrn on tbe

ftoor 11 hi Ct-el, and 111n c:i.rrk>d wt by
frll't;ldl. 11nd thnt 1e hud t11k1n ..movlt11
J>IC1Uret" uC lllt' e:irrJlllJ 0\11 111ttr.e. 111!3
rtb111C.ol whu~ th1,111 rth111t('e,I ti~ ~llrl!
tory ot nllt-1,'f!d as!luul oo Al:OP$ bf Uotb
1r by an)'Ofl(> and oro,d that M11~" Agr"!ll
t.11J u.elrotbtr Cut11olk\>IW~ badU111e
1u'11(11('11 reun:I tor '{"~the>!!(' 'J'ru1h.'" 1't.o
tit'(l"O.d~ttl Y.11ll ll.\'llUIUed, aJlid the ((Ill~
pla101u:it were t.dmoD\blW<I C!!lruit 1n;1k
i.nJ; u Curtl!&r rotl'lplafot for "aHnull.. u

a >Katte ot Coort time,

Thf':.( art' 11uri11nory OOtal11 of 1111~ OUI

roae aicclnst dvll rights oo the ron of


of JOur F'ltltliful trnd of lhdr .i:ullty

enort t-0 tNike eurltal aod N'edll out ot
lbdr owu ll1"1in11t 1>11Wlc order 1uu.J
rl.l:bt or Crk sl)K'cta. 1.'belr dar or rectoo
Ing for lt 11 )'N 10 ('(ltl)('.
Tbb; latt<St C:atl10U~ outras;\' aploat tbe


and rl;ht.t

()r "Jt'bo\'h" vdll'l'M

es" (1 aiu t'llt oae) is a.iUi,i>ll' tbe 'llllt one

.o 11r oc 1011.g ud dh1.gr1u.-etu1 tl4:rlfl of
R01U1ll ("'al~li(' -OUINltt,'IJ 11~h'l3t tbeae
r11~Pt"etabk! 11nd 111w-abldlo1 C".'01)1~ ht law
lest a11emp1s to aufS:Or~ tlllod deillOY them

l.Od l11~lr >esal fllMi OOOl!tUuU011111 rl&hl..

Your E:n'f'llf'ncy m~I lus4w that hU.O
dtt<la,, tJ1ouw.ods of t hel r Q"mb.?rt bti '-e
bNol'I !lub)l..::tro to lnmtt, al'Tdt. tlnf' llDd
hrl1.frl60Clll\('IH lo maoy dtih IMS towna ot
Ud$ ~miry, In n.uu11n Oltho1h' mm.11:tul'll
t1('8. by JlOOlMI C..'a1b011C 1tMIOt8, f(W n-O
)l:g11I off4:n.c. H )'4>11 di> oot lmow, I 1111 you
tbtH lb ()\'tr v1w huhdred ln,stu1M.'t8 Uom110
Olt1>11Uc ntu:u1v1 lttl\'(' lx!o!n n1110Jl' toH!f
t\O 1111w11 .611'<'6!C\lllJ) 1-0 torw JtAdto
Br()90C$1Ung 81.illr>PJ 11.avinc ~1.1tr1u:t
with ti.ii orpub:alion, to btftldl 11ldr
C'Otl\1'911 nd (1("1111h~ nght Qr Cn-e 1)(('t:b
10 Its INkeAAiell: one audl attt-lllPl \\:ti
m:ult' by Cle pious 1al>trt ot UrOQll:l)'O,
1 but t:iilled: a.u~u! oDe was tu;ttel~.. by
the hends of your Ou.iN.>h lo. l 111lladelphltt.
tor wl1lcl1 a dtlltlfli.< t..t:H I.ti nvw 1*n1llllj:
ttgnlit J'O<lll' ~rdhu1l ArC'hhl~op allod
01Jwrs t11t'l'4!. A blj; bill of pt1rd<-ul11n of

htr meotkltlns <'" bqt rtnd('l't'(l: tblt

ulllt'fll 10 1iutnt tbt morttl. LJml tht>~ i.
too moet1 "C.1b<>Uc AetlQo' 11broeo 111 thle
ltncl, and IL1,tt ~un:hnllloit Au:itrlNn

Actloo 1 btmllug 1o-cr~11a11y



Otts& tbb tTil trentL

H doe!i nor become m~. oot bav1nr t.he
Cure- Of CflUWlito toul,f, to ~1j;1,"(>$l rl'fn('(11t'4
throu;b )'-Our hip Jurl&dlctlOO: 1 lmttlJ'
eull to )'011r 11t1C'ntlon th._ obrioias 111>\!se.
aod 1~ lhat. u-0... 1iv: 01~111. the tH<mtnc

lfal of


F1111lhf\ll In lhll

).letropoli1tn. SH ,alD8' thC' dvll rls;lllJ

of An:if'r1C"Q.nt ru:11.v be rctesooo.bly abotel.I bJ
.tKture (t(llll )'OU.
\\'Ith n1lr..W111 ao<l wlsbee Cor


&000. I'om

Vcrr l'e$1)l'('lfu1ly 1oura.


J06J!l'R \VHb..tQ

A ook O!U dlt<!Ht Ood'a Of'O\llt;o" for
mtn' IM'O"-CU~.. 11d lir vtrluliftg.. lflf.,.
m;ot\.clft tor 111. Clo01~011n.d, ~00 IN'Git. .lust
o" tllt PtUt. Yo11r COl'lll'lbullon ol flltf UftU

o:~~~~\.-.''Ol. ~'~Q~:!~ ,';! ::~'!':, .~r:f~~

dt.:!:;..~~..',~1l'!~. 1Z:~::~ ~~ ':!1:

~.:!: ~ ..

prim: More. A<lltrtn


111 ANm



Orookt)'n, N,V.

City l\1agistrate Finds Usher "Not Guilty"

The Luw of the p,fo,t High C<id


\'ldN that '1H the llH>\Jtb or lWO OJ' th!'ff

wH11t.vcJ1 :d11ll th~ mllltt-r ~ ~labl lilhed'.
CDeuhr.'OOJnT 1u: 15) 1'he 11P'rh ot ou11
1111'' he tullllled by thf- lt'llth"OU) "'hltb Col

Jowo; ('111 M11J:.151ra1e Pet('r Abtlct. S""'mth

Disnkt, Boroutb or }11nba11an. llti~Dtd
for two da)t co lht ('SISf' of n u"1itr.
J0&epb Roth. r111.w11 attVllf'dof tiavl.Dr.-Jt
In tl1 Madhon $quirt Curd.ea "r101" -011
Jun@ 25. 'l'bl ls tb~ uttter 01itnt1ooed lD
tl1e l!C'U('r If> !bot C1Hl1<1ll~ t1 rd1bbllop, l'6'
pr~tu.<."'d lo tblt paper, The JU$t Judi;e,
l'ru:r AbC!lti1, upoo henrln; the tt'1thooo1
hi ti~ cut OjO.IMt Rotb. eald:
"h would '-em rcnmnoblC' t.hat the detecioJOl ao ue.IM>r. Tbtl"e' I no dealal
ot tllaL T~CY w11s ottd for 90mebods to

OTdtT, AJ)lltlreotly lbe ~kt I~ It

h> tbC' peuJ)le lbllt rfl.ll the 1111ow' 10 k~

or1~r thl'tl'. Wltb 1u mny tlKlusnod of

JM'(lflle In II (l}U('(! llke tbUt 1'01'l'l~bod1 lla
H> kV<'P orller. 11ocJ 11114.' 1he fortt JI~

san to pretene oroet. 'l-Wy may have to

u.. rl'lltOnaUe fO"-'t No one! b.a1 o rl,cbt

ti> IX' th~~ oDd cre.ote a dl11t urbaQ~ T't(at
Is llOW ' uodl'nltllud II. Th~ J'leOj)le r\10
ulo; lht m4'oertng bn.d 11 right to t'jtt'I 111.1
"Wbo v.ere 111.wtna. So rar ail tlte dleorderlJ

('hurg(' lJ

('(IDCf'l'llf'd I wlll !.w;I

t~e tter ot

Rotb 0-01 1u.Ut)'. :>ow oo

a$Wnlt ~ I think th11l oo 11.111 d1&r-tt la

Spe('tal St>uk>D6 th-e deteod.11.01 R0th, WUJt
1111 t~ tTl\knre lbllt ha1 eowe bt<C.:>r~ mt.
would ~t the b'lo~nt or 1t1e d<l\1\11. 1 Cbfnk
It would ll4l o wa'l'1e of lftne or the Oou1'1
of Spectd Se-Wont to P"'cot tb1' m111u r
th~re: You l1aie l111d
full aDd OOIZ'.lttlece

bearltlJ bere u aorbod.v <-'Ot.lld hfll ID

ca:st" lit thll. I bnff oo PtlltlK't With
ao)'bo<I)' ho disturb& 11n1 publl~ ~ IA(.
wb!ther of t'u.tbf'r t"OU&blto ot iinyboclJ
el. AJDH (\>;'altoo) t no( hurt. 'l'bt
*lkkl lC UIY mlrid. So I <IJfD)I 01 f.'Olll
plalo1 11gninwt Ro-th."
Mactsc,.te AboelM It hereb1 publklJ
('()mwes1dI for bl.I o.bUJt)I to Jlld41t betweeo Caci 11d Octlon,

Jesuits and Catholic Moguls Disagree on Methods

Embarrassment. confUsl<in and dUunity, tll)' F! Pncolli' Jc1t1it1, re11\llt ,trom unauthoriied
of the term

"CaUiolie': b)'



of Cutholic:a who

actually oppoae the reneral aen11e and

inlcnt. of Co.tholieitm in thi country.
Jn A.~ (Ju.n.e 24, 1939), their Gtft.
eial mt.i"AZ:i.l)o, Juuita appeal for l'CI
at rkted U3e of lbe Urm. Biah<ip& Ol.lg:ht

to t:Ol'l"rol most trialy tM u.;e of the

name "C11.thohc'", s11.y the Jesuits.
J. Noll. a biiho'P wh06e diooeae ctnten
at Port \\'ayne, Ind., llllowcd his oftidaJ
newspaper, 01t1' S10"4y Vi.tit~ (June 25,
1939), to pl'lrU boldly on its ft(lnt

.. RulMrford ahou\d be H<futed. \\'e'd be

much wiser to devote out time to n~r
lng the aYj'\H1'41Jlt8, Dtprive )'0\11' nen:UM
of free spocch, a.nd )'OUr Cllt.m~cs will

aomt day deprive you. ot your right&.

Cerll1inly Rutherford i& mo.king c;apltaJ
"of Catholic attempts to have him ailenctd.
Fortunately wc !\ml lo ha\'C jp\'l!n up
our mbguided etr<im along thoM llM:1,
Wt tlltr.. ii till bit~r after t.llrle

from the pre'rlou.s mlstallts. We can nrove

our cloim a:i tb &\JPPl>rl('rt of liberty
onl1 by helping- protect the llberty even
of tlw1!e with hom w4'Clt.''
Ul1:1agrteiog, Pactltl'a "hot.. l"adlo priest,

Charles Coughlin ot SO(it.d Jw11tic.: rtd

its ';purgatory" r:tcktt. prefers the JWW
broradea.ittn' code under wbkh "h says
"'nti-Oiithol!c nnd anti~rdigioua broMI
usts, ot Che RuthC'rlord iypc. would bt
barred". ln the prittt"s brwdcut July II
he ls said to have induded tht falsehood
that 'Jeh<>vah's witnC'.&Mt arc api11$t e't
erything and eve.r)'body' and that 'if pa
trfotk Amcrku.ns would rise up n<I stnnd
on U1eir hind ),gs and tomt out of their
boles, Ji-h-0,abs witnCNJC& e<>!lld be de1tr07cd 1n one dsy'.
Coo~ 1urgestion, Pf:l'NPt, i John
Barney's. lie, u hea4 of Pattlli's ~
elcty of r.Hulon.ary Jtt.uiw' (alJO c.Utd

"Paulis\ Fath.en") t. New York. k~dt

thnt 'heretic may riahtly be killed' by
Catbolles wbenevu Catholle11 111'C $t~ng

Ue action if iM brotidCNting of Judp

RutMrlord is permitted to continue".
Likcr~:i" Pactlli' ard'cbishops a.od bi1h
op wlio at \Y1uhlngton dirtiel hit Na
ttonal Cth.,,Ue Weltr Confef' ~au. .
HS newt bureau to g ive r~der1 ct

olk-controUed newspaPtr throUogho-ut 'ti.

United States the Ad\ke of their mon

aipor P. W)'flhovtm, of New Orleans.
in whose 11)-nclic.atecl &rt.ide they l'Ud:
'Flrit ol all ch~ Jehova)1't .,..ltneau
strong 11r1umcJtl!t whe.n they eall al )'our
doors: and if that proves lnetfeelJve, call
tM poliet tlotioo or thcl lhtrHf, not th

Pacelli personally end<>rMt th C'lm'Plp now belnr pushed MUon -wtde
eaint Jehov11h' witneNN by the priest R1chard FtHx, of MISJIOurl,
and his 'Dcfcndcl'$ of Cath1>lic Faith'
Ith alil ot the Knights of CohJmb\a.s,
for the iW-Ol'D PU.l'l>OM that Judge Ruih rford. "shn.11 <inee more, Cod w-illins.
wf';flr the mit>e of a c:on"iet''. .-ven
thou~ the pope' Knigtit of St. 0'1'1trors. liartio TbO'lllu Manton (who dv.rirl& the World War wronafu.11)' denied
them bail and htld Jud~ R<J.tMrlord
1ind hill companiont io tht Pftlj

tentlary tor nine month!), now vainly

tri~ to uvc him.Mil the nco4 t1> dor1 tbe
zebra garb and take up his re!ldence
Jn tbe Federal penitentiary for "aellinc
justice"' (Mt J.utttt) whllc arY
iJ\.&' u U- .,tenth old man" ()f tbe Unittd
$t1tte1 judiciary. Catholic pr$ howls
~tlnuov.5ly 1.bout hat u done
Rut.Mrford roo" U1.11n lweoty )'4t.n JO


o.hd remains entlrt1y tilent about


lie ~eml" Mal'.lton and his &rtt crime.

Cathohe HWratth)'--<'Oflthtmt.-beyf



lllble and Tract $0C1tl1, I nc.

So also at Philadetphia, Po.cclll' em.i

)17 $1ttet

New Yor"
S!cglJ', le
OOe tbOlQ!ln4. tt

JK'flt aid1t, Dcnnls Dougherty, tardl:nn.l

arcbbl!bop. ln&iau .toutly thflt he and hit
aooc- ..will ~ fuitb(.r and more dzu..

NEXT lSS'CF. wlU 1o<"hidt ~!let., It

fn;im tbe archbltbop aod tb. roayor.





Experiences with the Police

Uork policeman. on reading the One

NEXPECTED prai.e C-QntC somrlimc. an<l

from quarter. un<xpected.
hi'h ~ew
$ign 'Reli~ion is
a snare nnd n racket". inade the rcn1ark. 'Yc'r<'
domned right; you
people have the right
slant on it."
When a Brooklyn
\ \ itncss \-ras nssan ltCd,
the patrohn<1n on the
beat used his nighl
stick on the aailant
and offered to prefer
charges again~t thr nggrei:sor.
111 N e'v Yotk. iu
front of Manhattnn
Center, a reporter for

The Messenger said to

and protrctc<l. He was infonnecl lhat he need

uot wo11-v about lhnl.
i\ Jilt\ of infor111ation mareher~ wa:-: mot'ing
no1thwt1rd on Eighth :\vf'nUP, Xeu 1-ork . .c-\
man. approaching,
ushed over to a po

........m ~1 oi."'
J ~:;:~\;:'::~~::"~.

Inforw!lt1ou m.arch~rs nt llouolulu, 1Iuw11U

liee1nan in the ::treet,

<nying loudly: "\\'hat
th<' h-- does this
1nrnn nnr"ay!


where you go you meet

'cm 1 The poli<'<'man
11 as heard lo .:n: "It's
n Mn:.:.pirncy .... ,. But
Lhc information n1arch
inovf'cl on.
Aflrr Jwd.~c Huthcr
font's >tieech. one po

lic-eman at the :.\Iu<li.son

a policeman. ".Ho" do vou fmd this bunch?" Square Garden wa< lieartl to <1y. "From now
He replied, "They are the easiest collection of on I'm going lo tell tho,e priest. >Ontething !"
p<:ople to b.ifndle we've e1er liad here. There is
In CJ1icago. while adwrti>ing the !:;unday
no argu1neut 'vith the1n. 'fhry do "hatcver you speech and giving H ";itnPs~ to a '"01nan. one
ask them to do. You
oft.he publishers heard
can oee thnt they are
>Ollleone come up be
a God-fearing lot.' Look
hind him. After pine
at their faces. 'l'hat
ing a booklet with the
"omau. he turned. and
In front of Manhal
found a policeman
tan Center on anothstanding there. "What
er occasion a boy of
do YOU get for those
twelve, with one of hi
books?" the officer
hands grippin~ one po<l. "These books
!iceman and the other
are not Old. but peoanother, was giv
pie of good "ill (and
ing them a witness effi
I hope you ore one)
like tu oontributc a lit.
cientlv and o.lertlv. and
in \he presence of their
A 'l'hcocratic soundcnr
tic so that more can
sergeant. Presently he said, "Well, boy, 'I're be printed and cli.slributed," he wns told. He
got to go and get another earful, but I'll lie remarked. "You people have something. l am
back to see you in about an hour. So Jong!" a Catholic. but J'm 'atbCe<l the whole thing is
As he left. the grny-hailrd. kindly-faeed ser- a racket. I hope you work all \hei;e buildings;
geant and the two officers said in one brenth. "If for I know a lot of good Catholics living here
that kid hasn't got some head on bis shoulders!" that think and feel :1; I do. Al av I have some
lnfecte<l by the evidences of brotherly Jove, of that literature?" He look Fwcism or Fl'ee
all ai-ound Manhattan Cei1ter, one policeman dom., I:'nce the Facts, and E11emie."J. "Good luck
lo you !" he ai<l as he wnlkcd away with his
walked up to l1is colleague, put his arm around litemture.
his shoulder, and was heard to my. "Well,
Denver polke were temporarily embarrassed
brother, how are you today?" The captain of Friday. June 23, when the chief gangiiter o
police in this precinct. nume unknown. mani- the city, "Righl Rernrend Father" Hugh L.
fested considerable concern over the large mm1 ~lcMenamin, temporarily took charge. Whereas
ber of information marches going out, for fea1 for SC\'cral dni-. previou. information marches
the mu.rchers would not be properly escorted had been in progress, on that day the police









H:;1cni11g In

brorely arr<>stod one ix-yrr-old child und seventy-two oth<r pcr><on. "'me of them befol'e
they had 1ime to g<t out of their automo~ilc,
on ihe ground that t11e signs '"hich they bore
were likely to frighten quietly enjoying
lhir feed bags on lhe g1'a.<>-lined streets. Whot
they 1ea1Jy meant wa that the jnekosscs were
already frightened, so that rvcn their colJurs
\~rre t\vh~tcd aronntl lu1ek,rnl'd~.
The Demer chief. after a bvstandcr hnd remol'kcd to him that he hn<l token to anesting
Fchool chi ldr(>n ( n \Vhct'lchair pionec r

\Vas in
the huul). shouhd to the witne8'es that if they
would lake otf their sign> they could go. No
body took off any sii:us. One polic-cman said he
kue,.,.. the ;_\rJe~l~ ~hou1d not hnve h(IC'n mnclo.
'1.,he llC'"k ~ergennt said it. 'rns n good uh1icily
stunt. After two hom. the witne"'-:e~ere rel<'asccl find th<' n("xt n1ornin,!! over t\ro hundred
mardwrs thoroughl) cove1ed the tity without
moleslntit)u. Tiu chief "'a' probably sleeping off
ilte drinks ::olnc> nolit~<l he nppearcd to have
hbd the day previou.
After lldleuamh1 took charge of Ocnver the
polke revoked a sound-car p<.'rmit gnmtC<l ight
<lay prcl'iou,ly. on the ground lhnt they had
1eeeived c<>mplnints about its operation. ll'hereas
tho fads were thal the sound-car had not yet
oporafod antl would not be operating !or yet

n11othc1 hour.
One D<nver poli~man . ''ho l\l'restc<l some
wilnf's~8 for n1at\:hing in such
S'< Den,E>r's hor~('~, ~id thPv

a \\'ay 'as to
had l>ecn ar-

reslc'<l beem1se the~ had been 1iaratlin:;. \\' hen

ask~d ho11 rlo,.,, tog<'thor poopl~ urnst he to make
a pnrndo. ho ,;1id he <liJ not know. ll seems thot
for sewcral hours the bmins of most of the Dc11



Af~xnn 11t'rl

Pulnee. Lon<lon

\'Cr polit'<' weie under the control of the pontifl;

opera.till!( Jrom Vulican City.
At 1lobilc, where l,GOO people were assembled at one time. there wa not one police officer

p1'es;ent, and none \ras nee<le<l.

At Portland, Q,.egou, prusure from some

source (guess the source) was brought to beat
on the Portland police department ngainat in
formation marches. Police officials were noti{i~d
of lhe Supreme Court decision and the number of mnrohcrs was increased from 200 to 950.
One polieeman smiled on a group and said,
"!low do yon do?" Another said, "The time
is <crt,linly short for the damned olcl pope,
isn t it?:; A.!:lke-d how he knfl:\V \Vhnt \vns coming. he 1eplied, "Ry the grapevine method."
Lenrning in advance of pious for Calholic
ac!ion by thirty yo11tl10 from a Jesuit College
at Winnipeg, Inc police of the city posted fot\r
oftioers with 11 <rnii><!r cal' outside of the theater.
A few signs we!'e tom off and one car windo'r
was bro.ken, for whieh the parents of the young
ster.i paid, but, all togethc1-, t he gangsters ac
complished nothinJt.
The Londo1i police showc<l a plendid spirit.
\\'henever ~ Jascist or ~nspicious pe1:;on enter.eel
the great ;\lcxandro. Palace a man 1<as sent to
sit nr.a r him and to watch him. 'rbc police of
Scotland Yard take 110 chonccs.
At Los Angeles press111e on the poli~ cnu;;ed
a demand that no intormnlion muicl1c$ be hcl<l,
but a friendly officer adYised the mnrchers to
keep fifty fod apart. '!'his was done with nine
hundr~d mnrchcrs, rep!'esenting app.roximately
nine n1ilc, \\'ilh IJ1e l'esult that at certain .times'
every bloek in downtown Los Angeles ho<ffrom
five to ten marchers in i t..

From the Convention Address of J.\lartin Harbeck
UCH of the material in ?if. C. Harbeck's

address 'vas taken from 1Fatck tower art1cles on the "Drama of \:indication", published in
issues of February 1 to l:Iay 1, 1939. and much
of i t will be in Consolation magazine, whlch will
""BR B t
contain a di'gest ol his add ress.oYer '' 0

a few addltional paragraphs are ne,v, and appear herewith:
t,;nder t he direction or the president ot the So

ctet-y. the t>ooklet The Kingdor the H<>P<> of the

lS'orld- wRi; translntENJ into many European lun
guoge:s, tncludlng the Italian l&Djt\lagc. One tutlr
inllJlon ooptes were printed at :\lilnn sud then dtstrlbuted untll tbe Hlernr<;hy inlPrfel"E'd.
At Rome r ,,as told bs tbe chief in ~lussolinrs
cabinet that they (the Fa8Cl~t go,erninent) ,,ere
married to the Hier-nrehy and had to (~ns ider her
\\'lshes, thou.~h the inarrlQge ,,as nierely for (.<nl~
veoleoce. From 1930 to J933 a ntunl)Pr or Euro.
pean radio stations ~b'tllar l y broadc0st the message.
The most thorough \\-itn~ \V3S gi~cn in Germany
and $\\itzerhl.nd.
Theo 1n the January 1, 1..933, natchto1Cer appeared
the emphatic statement. "'The tight iS on, and \~UI
cootin\le until the Lord deiitroya hh~ enerules llt
ln Jnnunry, 1~, Hitler bec11.n1e (hnn('ellor with
the help ot the Hierarchy. On 1'"ebn1nry 27 H itler's
O\\'D pu.rty set Ore to the Be-ichi;rug l)uili)lng, and
then t he next duy n ltt\\' \\"ttl:l J)(ti'iSed ~'iYing to Bitler
aod the police dicta.toriul l)O\\"er$. 111at law
"'as lhl"D upplled 9gtt.inl'<t .J"hu\9h'~ '''itnesses, aJ.
tbou;h on the- fa<'f' of it it "ns. directed ago.lost
act~ of YioJen<-e iilHI Communists.
On Aprll se<.'Ond of the same year Uu~ pope J)l"Oelnhned .hls "holy yeu r".
Apl"ll 4 an O'rder was Issued forbidding lh<! opera
tlon of lht-> \\"fllehtower :$octety In Germany: later
the- property \\&S seized t\ number ot tlm~s, but
tioally released.
In July ot thnt year the \"otican. acting by Car
dlnal Pn(!('11J, the pre~nt pope, <..'ODthH.led a ("<>nc..'Or
dat "Ith Germany for the l)i?netlt Of tl1e Catholi~
jo G-er1n;luy.
In August thousands or books. Bibles nnd plc
t u.res "'ere publlcl.y burned by the )lnz:ls oo the
outskirts ot thE" city or Ma;deburg. Photos of this
bonfire " ere &1\'en to the .:\ruerlco.n ambassador at
The~after the persecution, the arrests of thou
sands of brethl'(>n and 1he murder of n number or
them, bet:ao. tHld It ha~ <-'<Hltiuuec.I to thl~ day.
A detailed report or th~ perM!C'UUou~ of oor brcth
re.u Jn Germany \\'BS recently publlsbed 10 the
Oeru1an language by nu~ Europa PubHshers" at
ZUriCh. s,,itzerland. The same book 1$ DO\\' also
pUbll~lted iD the French tangu~ by tlie ..Unher$lty Press at Parts., France. The uue or this book
is "Crusade agninst Christlanicy. The foreword
<.'Ontninl'-1 tono,vlng: ''The fact that about six
thou-sund or lllese Christians are "'1thstandlng cou
regeously the Na.zt terror ln the prtsons, ~ntten.
thtries and eoncentratlon comps, and conunu~ to
tnulntaln lhetr Chr fa.1th, ls \\'Orthy ot a<I


mlrnuon by l'eryon who stands for liberty o!

faith und 1..'011.!ioCienl-e.''

Fron 1 t he propbeti< pi<'h1re or tl1P. <'onque.."it of

the city Al '"e have leo1ncd Lhnt the Lordi.s army
on eflt'th ts apparently a1 n disac.hanulge ror n time
and bnr<l pr...00 by the enemy. umll tlie lnvtslble
army 1o ambush eot('r th<' <'t>n.OJct.
some to their own hurt have crttlclzed the ex-

plaoatlons of 1'he n1tchto1cer on lhese thrN! polot:s::

evidence of the consptraey bet"een the r11crorchy

and tl1e Fascist and Nazi ond Coromu0Ls1 L'le111ent:
e,idence that the Lord ls beginnlnic to 1>uL lt lnto
the mlnd.s ot the&- ratllcal elt"ments and rulers co
hate the \\bore and burn htir flesh "Ith 61e': evl
den<.-e wnceming the grE.'ttt multitude nod God's
Rii:ht after the \Yorld \\"ar a nun1ber ur new
republics "ere created. All or the.;,(' repulJ11cs stood
for freedom of ~peech und freedom ot th(' press.
'l'hls '''US ne,,t in the Interest of the Il1erut.:!h.Y.
Gerrnany, whi<h i ~ J:-11"f,,'(>iy popolated by Prot
est.ants, ,.,a~ ~Lru)-ed hy C-~thollc Italy, her ally
at lht' J;teglnnhl~ of !ht> "ar. <>ncp before Germnuy
was dO\\"D und out. \\"ht>n the Catholic thirty-year
war \\"OS lost by th~ (':J1 hollt rort"t's..
Therefore, ag the poJK>~ had don~ iu Ute past.
(.'utholic priests aod \\'rlters in 19~19:!:; ptP:l('tled
~ crus:lde aguini.:t Jew~, l'reeuh\$00~. Comniuni.sts
J}od Bible Studtonts tlnd pa<"ll1"5tS.
\\"e hn,e tbe e\h.lPUt"fl 1hat Hitl('r hlnlS<'lf hnd
contact \Vlth soeli pri~Li; iu litt\';.1ria and ._\.ostrla,
\\'hleb are he most Catholi(" 8t?c:ti01t!:i of the present
r11ei;e. <:ru~ldPr.; preoehed the resurr0C'1ion of thP
Roly l<om:tn J+:1npire' or the Geriunu nation nnd
stressed the- ~upt>riorlty of the Aryon nlt>t>. 'l'ht"Y
"'rote tlu1t Hiller~ J:rf\alnei;s \\'t\S sllO\vU by theCact 1.bnt hP 10ll the na1 ion al n10Ye1ucnt Into the
Prusslun, mililtlrlslic l'htll~ue-1, "hlch 1~ f>Xt>r{"S.~d
by th{' torn1ntlon or 1ht' Storm 1.'roopers. Tbei;~ ure
mostly very young men 1uki:n <:ltiettr from <-"atbOlil'
taruJUes. They wear bliitk uniforiu~. nod, on their
hideous helmets ns tns.ignia, skull and croS-"booes.
The Catho1ie bl~bops in G~rmnD)'. in Au!'ltria, in
Cz.>hoslo,akiu nnd lo S\\'Jtx.erland hu\t' thne and
ugilin i-eq_ue.istt"d lht> go,ernrueots 10 SlllJJ)l"f>ss the
aeti,'lty ot lhP SO<:ie-ty.
Hitler and bis lJagbohler~ unlloubtedl) read Cnth
oli<" books and papeN. filled "ith ,ne lies about
Jthovah's \\hne&s4.~. BitJt:r perl)()nall:r trlell to break
up a me-eUng of JehoraJrs w1u1esws io "\"ienoo sears
before he came to ))O\\'er tn Gennnny.
Recently one ot the mo~t Important U{'\\.iiJla~rs
In Oer,nany, on 1he fJont pnge, carried n numbe-r
<lf photos., prolinbly taken troiu th< rogues' gallery,
an .fe\-.;'iShJooklng, an(! thPo stated : Th~ ur~ tht>
lenders ot Jehovah's '''itne"'iK'~ lo GerJnnoy. N<iL oue
single picture \\'1Jfi lruv; t>\ery ooe n fraud ot tilt"

Re<>ently a number or lhf' ue" OOoklet J'

or Freedom "-'<'re taken Into Cermuny and att l>E-lng
distributed rl~ht DO\\'. Mon.>o,1r the bl"(" tn


these countries are lntonuetl rt>gardini;: Brother

Rutht'rtord's lecture on Suntluy, und some ot them
\Vill be able to tune tn on<.l re<;ehe great romfort


.. -




DY the Lord's grnre

"ere able to prott.>Ct and
s._qfegu :rrd Lhe Socic L ~..ii pl'opcrtr ond 1>tber l'ingdom iDl<'f<".St~ in Gcru1any, Austria nn d C7.('<'hoii10TOkhL Sowl' oC tbt prlut1ng mnchloe~ front Gtrmany "'ere ~nt co &roe. Swtc:i::erh1nd. The SO<'letya:
prol)('rty in Ylcnun. l\.tlt-it rla. "us sold a nd the mol\Py
taken out ot the country n short tlnle before Hitler
rnarC'hcd In. 'the printing 111a<-"hinc8 at Pr:tb"lU-' " ere

ulso q u ickly dl!irn:.tntlM and ever:vt h ing ,,.~11:1 <:l(>:lnPd

<>Ut th<> dny bel'ol'e the !>f>('lii't Gern1nn J)l)li<"e (>utered our oflires ;1nd found no1hing lo <:onfisc:ate.
ex<."t'(lt n fcw Gernrnn Blblt8. The branch ~rnaut
thQrt>, "horn thr "anh."<1 tr> :1rr~t. h;1d lt.'ft Pr11gue
Se<'l'etly the n ight J.xf()rE.", tl!i dit~'.\(>11. 'fhe IU!uhillf&s
al'e UC)\\' i::er up ill :HlOtlur t0\1n Lry unJ ti re J)rinring
F'asc(~1)'i> or l ' re<;do11i. 'l'ht 1-.'t r e11t wni; '"ell 01g-J.ui7A>d. IAtPri1lute WH~ i:'t()rerl iH)(l i ):; llow ))elug dis1


Four brethren In ('zech~lo\'akla. tor refusing to

tnke the unlt'orru nnd beur arnl~. 'vere sente nc:ed
by inilitary court LO ht~ shot. Their Jtu~t re<1uest
\V:t$ that th: \\hole reglo1rnt 8hould br prc~cnt at
t.hPir ext.'cuth:in nn<J that they :<hotrld ha\c un opl>Ol'tunit~ to tell "hy they '"ere to lX' ~hot. 'l'hl1t,
or <.'OUrS(>. cltrl not fit thtlr pro;:ram. 'fhe vro<.'('e41$ \Yi'rf!> "fOJ){>{"(I, jUSt h(>{Ql'(' th(' ('Xf'<'QtiOll ; {lncJ
later, when Hn ofti<'(>r again ll'kt>d one of th<> l11eth
ren 10 hlke :inns, 111 ....r rE;p11td : "\\\ :i.rt> fiUflllO!>(>tl
to litlYfl> l'l<!ell fihOt, und wt;> c:u ulOt obP~ ;ro nr o rdP1':'l
DO\\'." Thertoupon all bn~thr~11 were n>1ttti;()\1 and
st?l\ t home.
Se\erul or Lh.e brothers \\ho \YOrkeQ in thP Society's: foctory st Prngut', nfl{'r Kune very interest
in g ex1)etlt:ll<:(\..s, pussing tlordcrs fit nl:;ht ill $t(lr1n
lllld rnin, ~\ ft lr a rrivLtl :;11 fll(.>ir tlE>st lnation :.nJ
are tiuek on their o ld Johs, ftrin t ing l"dSCiJon or
'Vhile ltf'r.._. l receht'd i11ror1ua1ivn f ronl our own
secret cl11u:i.oe1 or c1>1uu1uui(:.riou, tllo.r th~ bnuu.:h
ser\' tlDt in Ger1nun)' , after four yeun. of iluprisotl
menl , bus bten r\!IC-'ftSftd, 01.w a uou1l1er or other
bretlu-cu ,o;er~ rel!.!n"'c<J Cro1u LhP <'<) camp
B ucl1CJl\\'llld. In SwiLzerlaud, llulluu<I and Belgiuul
some of tbe go~ern1nenc ofliclo l ~ hu ,.e l.eeo \'ery k in(!
to our rctugcc-plon<"Cr brethren und ha,e freipJy expressed thnc our brethren arc \\ eh.>o1ue iu th~
countries. 11nd the 1unror of n $\\'lss to,vn even
w rote an ontdal lnvlhHloo aod said he- hoped th:lt
o ur breth r~u in h h:1 con1nn1olty u1ny fi nd th e
aud peace "bich they ha'rC" need ot.

'l'ht>l'E'forP. as inr.:truc. tC'd by th e Prt"'Siden t of tlae

So<.:il-y, fnr1ns WC'rt' bougln In 5' \" l tz~rlond, '" Ile~
tthJut t h irty rt-fugee-ploneers ate tempora r ily provided for und \Yh1e they OO\Y prepare tbemsehei>
for o,ersE"a htods. 0-rer lhir cy of sueh br ethren
expe.lled frorn to1n 11u1.rian st.utes have nlready SO
Jonrnect on 1he$iE' fnr1n~ and ha\e bef>n JJe-n t to A uf\
trn,lio (1 1111 to South Amer lcan ('Qllntrif"!:I at the ~ :t
t">en:-;e of tht> SoelPty 11nd "'Ith t he hel11 of the bretllr~u

lu B 11 101)e.
Thf' :->IOJn1n <f C':1tlt()li(' A(tJon in J: uropfl' is to
rnaki' F.ur()1e (':utu1l!t hr 1!)40. I f'rH1ld 1-.iola te a
nun1lJ1Pr or most M'Y(>re ntht<k!t flb'Tlin~t th<> SGeif't )'
and h.s iel)~SPOhlt.he~ 10:1<1e- hr Ca\JH>lie Action .
b u t \\"hleh t::1ilvd and wl\h:h only ~er,eci to briu.g
the l rutb '''ill1 gr~nll:r rorc:e to lhe f\UC l\tlou ot t he
peopl.;i: of #'QOd \\'ill. ln 1wo <'ftst>:s 1he ~u premt
Court or S'\' ltt.1:rl.uud co1h-eted tlle dc'<!r<-es of Caotonnl ('achollc ou tborltlf'~ Corbicldln~ our actl r lty.
Agntnst n1uch oppo~h1ou also. lhe booklet Faacistn
or f 'rredon1 hnd o " '1th" dtstrlbutlon in LUC('l:'D~.
g,yfcierJnnd. \Vh c-re they t r letl to Interfere with
Brother Huthcrfo1c.1~ s:ubHc roecllnJZ'S lo 1936. ' "P
<'OD~htnUs hrt \e o lar~e nun1h('r of ca~ peodlng
In the C(llll't~. p1\rfleuln1'1Y to Poland and S\\tt.zer
}11J}lj, hUt \\I llJlOk nOthlJl;: Of thh~ iUff't'(Crell<'e
nod tJir nu111r nrrcsts ot our brethren, "htch ar<"
ln,n r lubly CtUsed by the f'ntboltl?' Hl~rnrehs.
\\'C' co n~ C'!t'ftrty thnl t hP IMrtl ifi holding back
the c1u!rny uuLil Iht "g-rcnt u111ll lLUd('o" t s gathered
out a ne1 ftsSf'1nhled before n 1e th rone of our l{iug.
Xow :it e\er~: large. SPr\lee convention \\'e hfttP
irno1~n:;ion prh il t>~s for thE> Jon:ld:\b$. In F'rance.
Re-lgiuru n1ld Honnnd the nu rutwr of p ub ll1'hers lg
coni-.tautly itl<1"">1s ing ::i ruJ It ))P("(lml?- n f'<!e$$:try to
p ro \l de lfi1g('r !luPtinJ! 1 >ht<~ \ Ve n ote 1ll$0 thllt
a lnrge nurnhfl>r Of <'hlld r eu a 1ld ;rouoz peoJ)Je are
htking their ~1 :.1 nd on t hE." LOr d'1:1 s idP. I n H o lland
'"~ hs,e vubliS.bers at t11e of H,e "'ho tak e part
in t h ~ houfif'-lo-bou se ser\'l<'e an(I \Vllo ha\e a clear
k111,nvleJ ge of tll~ tr uth. The lVotcJato-u:er hO.S sho\\n
Ulj l'1'01n t he

Serl1n ures,

un(I n ow w e h uve t he


incl"'t'tu;.in g e,ic.11?01..-P th a t the "g reat n1u ltilude" is

cQ1ning fo r th in Europe OA well as O\er h e re. Both
t he faitlttul o f the retnunnt nn d tlle ftlitbful J ooadubS :r re detnonstt-:lting tbat cl.tey Jo\e the Lol"C.I
and the truth more than a nyt hing else iu the " orld.
In Cermony. breth ren. at the risk or t heir lives
or huprtsonwcnt , obtnin 7'1te lVatchtOl<."Cr. Do you
appreciate T he lJfatchto1oer as mucb as that?

Tl1e "Great Multitude" Speaks -Revelation 7 : 9, 10

BOU'l' ten o'clock in the e1' en ing of the first

day of ihe Convention a very intelligentlooking lady came into the Manhattan Center,
New York, and asked ii she <'Ould ob!aiu some
information about the organization, She was
told to come back in the morning and she would
be welcome to attend all the essions, When she
J:eplied with anxiety. "Uust I wn(t until the
rooming? Can you not give me something to

read tonight ?" the witness on duty ga<e her

some liwrature, even though he had to take it
from an unidentified publisher's bug.
On the same day, Friday, a refined gentleman
approached a group of marchers and said, "1
hine been watching you people. You are true
Americans, and I want to have a part in this
work!' He was banded a package of literature
and took the lead in one of the processions, dis-


T l"


tributing the cirtula rs. At tlw cue\ of tJ,. march

he keel if he couldn"t join with th 111Archers
on Saturda\' also.
At the ronclu>ion of Jud~e R,1therford's
sptl'<.:h on " <:iovern1nent and PtJH''~' a .Je'"'i1'h
man OJ)<'net! his pocketbook and took out some
bill, ll'hich he held in lli hant! 11 hill' the aunounctr 1nodr his state1nent. 'l'hl'.'u, \\'h1n the
judge agnin rose nnd told how the lh blical record .showA lhat when the J ew had $tl'OVNI nwav
!rom God and l'eturned and u,:uin kept .JehOvah':!- comtnandments. He al\\a\'&e ahun~luutl,
ble,l thtm, a big >mile >pnnti 0\0r th! fa,:e
or this natural d"""-endant or .\hrah2m, nnd
he took wme more bill> out of hi pur.... .\t
the C."Onelu~ion of the lU'-.'(''. 1 n;.!. h1 ''"t:1t;1i.:.!ht
to Ute '<>ntribution box and .tt1lfeI 111 :h lulls.
On i_Tu11e 25, the day .Judit,.'l' H111h1rfol'11 :,!nre
his lccturl on .(Qo,er n1ncnl ancl J'~'atl'. on offi.
t-er in thr United S tatcs Anuv. tnl ione<I in
Brooklyn, wrot< thot his d11tir;. l111d nrnde it
impo.,lblc for him to nttrnd lht ht tll"<' at
MaJ ion Square Garden. but that hr hod listen<d o-.r the radio. He "'i<l. " I tak" lhi opportunity to uprr<S my appM'tation for the
wonderful opportunity olf~n-d me throu~h the
<"OUrleti\' of ,our :i;.tatiou. lu 111, time I M'"'
listrnrd to "iiriou speaker;; of d"rrs hndes of
opinion. hut ha.-e yet to boar anything the like
of which ! had the pleasure to list.11 lo from
4 to 5 p.m. lodny. Judge Hutheriord' m nnrks
were O timely and well plac-ed 1111<l -pokrn with
on ea rnestness and honesty unpamllclcd iu lhis
day and n~c nnd. in connection with lhi, I intend to g~t all your litcrahuc in lhe f11 turr nnd
g<>t bttter atquainted with thi< n11wr~allle man.
who is"' yet loo little apprcciafrd hi the puLlit."
A Catholic Ind\', with trars in her c1t'I;. '<lid
that 11hf? had n~' fir ~n such courogt' ii\ nil h9r
life as was manife,ted al th liadi'n :0:.1uare
(:ardcn. and now is determined to
the 'l'ruth. She was partiC'ulnr1~ iinpr1"'"'"(.ld by
the fooli>h attempt and failure of Catholic Fa<dsls to p1-el'ent honest pe<>ple fro m hearing the
'l'he dnv a llc1 the lecture one of lhr witno,.os
called nt home in Brooklyn. T he hclld of the
hon1c in\ited him in anJ. Said. " I a111 a n1einber of the ,\ mericao L-gion and wa at Madison l'quare Garden last ~undoy to hear Judge
Ruthn!ord. and I agree 11ith e.-erv word he
... id. l'urtlwnnore, l londay the .\nicrican Legiou hod a ineeting and our \"Onnnontlt>r told
me that be wo also at :'.itudi..<-011 "1t10M> Gorden.
He wa> O impressed with the nte!( b)' .J udge
Ruthcr!ord that he said, 'I pray lo God the1"

will be more men like .Judge Rutherford in the

"Lnied ,;ut who ha\e the courage to toll the
truth n:;; hr cloes !' ..
.:.\t I;1r1niu;;hn1n. J~ng:1and. a Ro1nan t"atholic
COnfidtd to Olll' or . lthOYah'it Ul \he
puhlie mdill;< thnt he hacl rend .Jud!(e Huth
erfonl's hoold<'t Cr11 ancl he had debunked relir

gion fo r h iln.

At Well ingrn (ilnrgnu ). Switzerland, a ,(I'.

no;;rapl11'r wrotr do\\11 .I nrlg<- Ruther ford' tnlk
in horr huutl uud tll<'n tranlated it to the con, .<'otio111rs. !'irnilur a!l'l'\"it:e 'Wai;; fC'ndt'red, apparently. at l.u:r.:"'1nbur~. where the add~ \\'1$
he-anl "ell.
.\t Honolulu. llowii. the j!reat multitude
\tt'f{' indcPJ t'OUHHg- frotn e\'<'I} n- tion. kin
dred. on_c.ll' 11111l pcople ~ for in tht> inforina
tiou Ul11rth1 ... 1hl'JYI " . ,.., .~pnni~h. Korttau, .lap
&lll'l-'I'. 11'tl i pi 110. !-oifoiih and ,..\n1rr icau.
()n(' g11ll l<:1u.u1 ai 1hC' J.on<lon, J~ngl nnl.1 . re.
f'<lption ol' I ho 1Hl dr<..,;i;; ' Oovl!rn1nent and P(lnr~,,
was i-;O i111pn.i~~I th11t ht contrihulecl fivt gold
SO\erd,w ( !j<2.;) to an U>her. to be UH'tl in the
Ki.n~<lo1n wurk.
.\t H11ll, l-:11glund. n gentleman had eagnly
&<'quirrd o l'OJIY or ~a/ration. _.\uthor'.PJ t:chtion,
at the rontribution of two ,hilling<. Will'n h
beard anotlwr mnn o,k if he <<>uld have one for
a ont--..lullntg t.'On1ribntion. nnd the reply that
1hc tontrihntiou

wa~ t'Yo :.:hi lling~.


and 1hen

the ro,pon"' thul he could uot a fford mol"t' thnn

one ~h illinj!, th1 JiJ'sl gcntlenHtn inte1\ened. ,;Oh,
but you m1i.I 11111 it. J will give the other hilling; for t\<1)'01u ihrtls this infol1nalion."
.-\t th" {'nlu1nl1i1t t.on\cntion two witn1~~~
spent mueh hnie making back-calls telling tho
people or ;:ooI "ill that cars were \.,fog provid<'<I to hrin~ tllt'm to the mrdinl?'. One place
repaid nll rtlortio. ll-Oth man and ..-oman
cripph"(I and pc>\1rt~l-tfi(ken. 'fears ol joy <'8m<':
into their e)L'll "hn th<)' were told they would
be taken lo tho ,rnJitorium.
Aho at f'oltun!Jin a man in parked car he<:k
Qned to ~01n1J witn(tt~er; in an lni"or1nntion 1nnrch
and Mkcd...,rh .. 11 clid )'OU say the nu<"ii ng '''AS
going to he t' 11 iH nttrntion , called to the
place and linw " ' ,Ji01rn on t he folder. He commented.. '"I wlit'''' ill tht! ,,ork yon pf'Qplc are
doin~. I barn u otock of your book, thi< big"
(holdingiii hnnI> about two feet apart). E"'Y
tinie a1. n-pn~.5euhatl\c com6 by I get tomt of
tl10,e Look;, I nl.-ava >aid if then' are an) or.. ~
God\ i"'<>Pk on <art!., JOU are the people. You',rc
tho happiP>t-lonking people. 'l'lltenewr oor of
you come tu Ill)' door I can just see Chtit iu ~





In U1e same pince two marcher wete ap-

proachrd on r.h(' :-:tl'f'ct by t\\-o young! saying. "Could \\c bny those signs? \Ve'd love to
gllt in this/' 'fhe auswer can be imngined.
A man and woman, at IIouston, evidently
Catholic-s. in bitter profonity, denounced lhe
judge to ach othN a' hr poured it on thut system. They de<i<led to go. but the woman said,
''l onn't !("t up"-after u ,eooud attempt to
ri>e. And she <'OUhl nol leave. 'l'hey stayed and
quieted down to !'eal and apparently sympathetic

_.\ 1-louston

"'itnes~ handing out circulars

from door to door wa< called back by a lady,
where she had ju't left one. She said, ' Plea'e

come in and talk to me for a minute. I feel

like PauL I have fought you people for years,
bu t lasl week I read that little booklet Wam ing,
and now I see the light. No mQl'e going to
church fo r me or my ch ildren, and you good
workers "ill ah,a.vs recciYe a. wurm \\'elcorne and
a cup of cold waier at tny hou;e.''
At Lo; Ani:eles, on June 24, a lady, known
to be n Seventh-Day Adventist, was brought to
the meeting, and, after the "Yictory'' addres.s,
she >aid. 'I do not want to be selfioh. I love the
Lord . J want to do something for J ehovah. May
I march with you?" And Ile did.
At Oklal10ma City one elderly man that attended the public lecture rematked to some wit-

Madison Squal'e Garden Packed Out

Judge Rutherford Is Seen at Right

neqe;; at the door that be ,...... a memher of thr Another ,.,.id. "I am not one of you, but I am
Chul"<'h of Cbrut drnnmmation but had t-omr 100 peiwnt U.himl )Ou.'' Another ,trpped over
to hear the J~tnl't' \x<1111 "you people are the to one of the rontribution boxeo, hook the
only ones that are uot nfrnid to tell the truth llloney out of hi~ tJO<krt into the box, nd said,
no1'" He added ful'\hcr that he belirvc lhat 'This vrork llN.'dlf n\y money."
mnny of the clergy know these things us well
A young womnn who atlendcd a Watchtower
us .lrhovah.' wilnese but that they love pop tucly fo1 the fir<t limr, in llfarch, in Sa$katoon,
ularity too much lo -uk concerning them.
was one of the infonnation marcher ru that city
,1\ poor tramp in 1~urtlaud \\"&S counting on advertisini;: th New York hookup or June 25.
his fwgors trying to figure out wbeth.!r b <'Ollld .\notber ~a..Jcatoon "itne.s walked in a vc>uring

mana1,-e to >laY \n l'ort~md until be "<11uld her

another "good 'lecture b) this man of God". .
Af!Rr the lecture "Government and Pell1'<'' a
wo1nan said, "l ha\-p bt'en in San Diego fiftC<'n
years and thi i the be I ln lk I have e\er hennl."

rnin to take part m the information morch. Her

onll' sh.,., literallv fell apart. She



afford to hmc tlll'ni repaired, but thr 110xt morning a neighbor brought her a gilt of a pair of
shoes of the lllll~ iw.




CabJevam and Telerrams (Co11lh1tJi'(l frou1po.gt2)


Jehovah. Splendid rerepliou many points,

sbortwa\'c." Sr u1rny: "Two thousand nonloafcrs
foll of sting heard speech extraordinarily cleur;
l'b.ip fiY<'


author's. hundrf'd thousand

regular: orden; pouring in." xe,er heard you

bette1. Spceeh 11orl<l'> be>I. Another \iclory
for Jehovah."
NOR\VA"\'. C J1lUSTIAN$.\NO: "Norwnr hPard

your lecl ur<'::.; vc>ry j n~pirin,~.'' O:n.o : :. l{eception ve1fect Snl urday and Sunday.'' l..1JLLF.SAND:
'"Loving g1'('etings fro1n Norw~giau friends. '1




both 1ulks. 1.o('ust. public thrilled: ttnafrcctcd

but in1prt'K'f'cl hy Alarlison Square Ga rden dL<1.tu rlnltlc(c). Bnno ! \rarnH~-t g['('<-'li"~""" 1Iacked

hall: over two thou-am! h~rcl clear!" ewrv

"ord, inC'luding flffort... of the rn<'n\y." .:Locui;f$
thrillrd \rlth ntf'~_.:ngr: l'l..nlorkahl<' rcC<'ption;
Salvalion C'o1uplrtc:; J_!l'~"'nt OC'<'U!-<ion."
SocTlT t\ Fn1 cA. ('AT'I~ 'l'O\\'N: "~on t h Afri<'an
_!!l'PL'1 ing~; J erc.nihLh 011e, vcr:scti:

frient.11' !-111d

sevrn lo ten Sund av ...


Sr.-11"tM,(P.,rs.. ~rN"nA.PORH: (;Sinj!n-

pore <onv('ntion

!-.rn<l~ g-Tf'ftin~.~; rnthu~iastic

"'*'mbly hearcl lecturr. With you in lhr fil(ht.''

SWEDEN. ~TOCKHor,u: "B,uuJ of locll~fs lis-

tened with giea l jo.r ho1h dt1v': pnwtrful mes

sagt"' much npprL'Ciutrtl ~ .~olrntion.glnll ~urpri~."
8\VITZ.t:JtLAXD. Bs:H~E; .. Overjoyld hrar your
encou1"agin~ mt\.::~Jtg<'..\\\nit .-..:a/ration \rith enthu.sias1n. Kcrnly anliipa1f' ~n1ncl \Vitnes.-. tomorlow. ,Jf'hov<1h'l' ri che~t hlc"!<itiillg." .. \\"e rcjoice
ju lhe only hope for the world. and ,i,1alralion

'1:rom the first to lhP


\\'Ord verv

el<'ar. Jfril 'rhPOc:'l'aty !" "HP(~ption ,.l'f)" .~ood;

ottrmptcd intrrfrri..'n(''"' un ...ucc'<'~....ful. 'l'hrillP'U."
ST. GALLE~ : ''.Hndiouch<'rln)1(Hngt'n .A"ul g-ch()(lrl.
I Radio hroadta'I" 11011 r('coi,ed.]" II' ALZE~

ltAt:S~K: u''"orlrng ~an1stag und ~onnlag !:!-<'ht'

gut cmp!nn~cn, l,'l'o"e l'rou<le.-Ort>giuppen

Davos, lluoh<. Hh ri n eo k. llor,ehneh, Arbou.

[Lecture Saturclav and ~uncluy fl'l'<'ivcd ex

(..<e-Uenlly. (; reat Jo.\. (1on1panit ..:.~ l)nvo~, Bucl1f!,
Rheiueck, Ror'<!hnch. Arbou.]"
BRl'J'.UI<: Othrr points in lhe llrifoh J<les
1'C'po1Uug rercption of lectnrP~: l.ydnC"y. Glos. ;
Bletchiugley, Surr<>y: Bt>xhillon-~ta. Ru~~<'X;
Kintyre, 8cotlaud: Bounyri~;!. ~t'Otland: \\'e~t

Wickham. Kent : Bem1onde) : Hertford. IIerls.;

Kettering. Northan I<.; llowluis. Glam.: PelcrIJoro.;:;.; Fnrnl1nn1, :-\u11'<')'; HrndJ'orcl,
Yorks.; 1\l::ag(r. (~he~.: Cr<'"' f~hC'~. ~ Sheffield,
York.; Behe<lere. Kent: Cuildford, Suney;
Watford, Herls. : :<cumhoq,.,. Lines.; Brownbills, Staffs.; Maidstone, Krnt.




"Grand lecture;

reception splPnd id."

WeST81lN AUSTRALIA . PERTH: ''Lect ures
elrar; .fudge coumgeous; fighting with you."
CASAD.!. ALni:nrA. lo1f;tJcB1uooP.: "Excellent
rrcrption your thrilling lecture 'Victory'. Rejoicr to know of new book Salvation." "'Oovcrmnrnt and Peare came through perfectly;
splPndid nttention. Albe1la. and ):fonlana send
\\atmest love to a11. Join ttarniug to pope."
.\MPBCT...L RI\'P:R: "Re"'ption perfect de;pilc unruly clement."
lfAN)'rOBA. l\'rN~JPF.<i: "l-<'cture came in
wonderfully. Six hundred ,Jtohov~h's witnesses
asscn1bl<.>d here iu couYeotiou. 'J'alk. '\rictory/
r<'"r<'iYcd ,,ith ~"l'<'nt enlhusiasm. Convention en
dor;ed rc;;olution and ,eud lore and greetings
to wu and ;Ill the bn>thrcn at Xew York. Recc1ilion perfect." "Reception pcr(ect. Full auditorium. 'I'wo thou'l.rnd rc;pondocl 'Aye'. What
a \"ietory !''
ONTARIO. CH ATHA 1r: "Thrilling." Foar
E1uE: "Co111pany heard thrilling lecture. With
you lmndred percent. !':plendid =cption station V E:l XX." ''Heurd Covern1ncnt and l'<'nce'.
Expr<,.s warm love and full co-opc1ation." L<rnooN: ''Enjoyed hclmes. Sunday reception good.
War it is!" OTTAWA : "Hope the locusts make
good picking iu :Nett' )rork.'' TORONTO: "Thrilling message much appreciated. f!eecption fair
'ho1-twavc." "Although deprived of hearing Jcho"nh' message nctory' and 'Covernment and
l'r:m", unbounded joy expl'essed for .Jehovah's
gift Sa/ration. Praying .Tcbovah's rich blessing
us )"OU gi\"c forth his mel'\sagr Gov('rnment and
l'eac-e'." ''Oppo>ition by Fascist Cathol ie action
denying ll> the l'igbt o( informing the people
of J c110,oh's gorernmcut and pcatoe by telephone
conue-etion hrondcast increasPs our determina
tion to hr loyal and faithful to yress on in the
battle wi1h mu lo the end." " II c were thrilled
to l"ceire the lotc;t treat, Salvation. We are
with you one hundred percent for the bi~ witne.'s Suudoy. Ma) it go out with p-0wer. '
QUEl!Bc. J.JOh~rn'-'~ 1. : "Jehovah's witneses and
their co1npanions assembled in convention at
)lontreal send greeting' to our brethren assembled al Ma<lison Square Garden. Forty of
the fifty to be bnplized l1ere Sundey have picked
up takes and left the Roman Catholic Chul'ch."






clra r. You might have been iu the hall hel'c.

)lay Jehovah richly bless you tomortow." "Re<~ption perfect ;Govcmment and Peace'. Rapt



l('".211$1111"EllP't_'"_,.,.. ___ .



U"1TJ:D STATT.S\LABA>I.<. )!muu:. .Jrhovah ,..ihw"" o,><>mhled at )lobilr fl.'<1'ln"<I

me-a~~. \'irtory.' with gn>at
fAdion. 8nl1atiotl. brought great. shout." "'(,o\( r11tnr11t anU
Peorc' perfect. 'l'wo hund rrcl 1wllhound, >hont
' Aye'." ' 'Another Viclol'y. )iuv .J<hovuh su<tn in
volt as 'He \U~e.s vou to Uh,, 'ho1101'. 1Hnlvnho11
belon~th unto J ehoah.' llc<"f'liou 111rf1d; no
di~turbonC'f'.n "~i xte<>u hundr\U ti;lV ""\vt'. 'rt>
art' with vou ..Enthu!o=.ini-n1 hij:h." ~
CALlf'OitNTA. Ol,n:O.AI.t:: '"Prni~ ~to .TC'ho''Oh and J[i~ Kinj?'. for th(' in"pirin;: rn~.ia~
delivered hv Jli bnmhle """'ont, .I. ~. Huthcrford.'' I..o~ ,;\ ~ur.1.E~: ''Thrt'P thou..a.ntl join in
11Aying ',\y<>'. Ht'('('ption 1hw. 'alt11fiun nc,i\l<I
enlhuiMticallv." Forty-fiw lmndnl padI all
t1\ tulobl<.' convc~ntion hnJl~. HNlpl 1011 fillt>. ,\u<lieoce t CO!lt.\ with ex<:ilen1eut at nh;.tionl~t:\' oppoition. All joined io shout." SA~ lln:oo: ''Hrnd
love. llocption wonderful. 'l'hrow 'rl' down >Omo
more I" wonderful reception: nG thrill~d ut
:Savoy 'l'hentrc." "Nice work, .J udg !'" Sas

FBANCJEIOO: "Reception goojl. Hrjnil'll." SJ.x

JOt!.E: lle~~ag-e coura~u ... and hrne-1.\. Htet>p-

tion 1><rf,..,t; all pre><>nl desire tlu'Ol.ratir go<-

l'rJ.Ul\l'llt~" STOC'KTOS": ''Company cxpttU avpre-

ciahon of int11piring


Our tnotto, '<)n.

COLO HA DO. 1).oN\'.&8: "Safoatiu11 11 pp1wialr<l;
G32 th1illed by Jehovull's r;!1clutJou ol '\'it-

tor~. Jl1:'1'f'Jltion p111frc:t. llana~t>nunt )lamrnoth

<-:ardent-. uudt>r 11111rh pw~q1J'l'. faithfullf fta1HI
m~ 11~ conlr111t." "Fiftl'f'11 hnndrf'J. 1hunc.ltrt>tl

'.:\.yt>' for c;o\,1,111hnt and

Pt:J1"l', ,\rnasts of
infornH1tio11 llUHTlw1.-;. j:rtatl) ndYtrlii-1d tnt~
~llj?('. !.Iay ,Jthon1h <c1ntinunlly rilrcnglh\ll yon
in 1hr fi~hl rur llu ' l'hC'Otf;'.1('\'."
~1.01u n.\, l)l(l.:\\110: "For lfi~ (:onr11u1111t
and l't'.H'l': Iii~ po\'.tI irrt"..:i_..,tihli: llis 1uu11t
t:hnll l'ol'l'\1r f., prauctU. \\'ith ~011.''
tiEoROI.\. Hu\u ~ Tht~ l.ord~ propl1 n~11(un~
bled at Horn< htcrn'<I e11rapture1l to the tunel_r
mc.~:--a~ oo,prnment and P('at:c'. }(C("{"ption
J Lt.t \ul1'4. <'Jlll '.\t,(> ~11~:-;1~ thril1in;..:. 'l'hroo
thou.,.11nd ltn u~t-s r111)\' fur ilC'tic.n. l~nok 1"\'1tfL fl ..
lion J\.'l 'l\Td \\ h I r~11.ij11dou~ tu1 h u iu 11n. \ u1to
nncl l'l't.:~pl1011cl1'ur11~ li<'ll. .IC'ho\ah hl pr111-jcl.''
"NC\'('f )1 a~ l llUrt pow<11'nl \\'illl<.'Hli ht111 iYl'll
to Jcbo\'ah'I" 110111l'. Jl is l.\in~ aud kit1Kdu1u.
S ix thousJTid p1d\cd t'hit<t',.{O :\ Un,1 l'ttpt

attention. Hi<'lptinn 111 .\rPna Jllrfttt. .\lil4:, liuP.

rrt..-ption \\ 1l11'. \\ l11th l1roadt'i11'l 1nti re. ~"1<:h.

L:>c:ushi:. rei1IJ to 1 !u\r all \&rllillh Jn 1ght."
llor \ 1,, "(--.01npau\ as...;qomblcd heard (;o,ern~P:
m('nt unJ l,1ot'l'. 'i'hrWin}! ! <_; rcct1nJ,."l5 I"
lo'~' l>11it'1J1'J-:: \\oullerful INiurc c1une
in tinr- \\"e arc for .ltlho\ah~ tht"O<rac\:
l\.A~"""' 111 1c111'.\F.o!\: "Your ftdri1ic:t od
Jre hrnl 11 ilh jos ! \\'o huil ,Jd1urnh a llwo-





gofi'rnn:~:nt !'. P ..!R:--0'.'\S: .. f.Jt>ttu r~ 'Govt~rnniflnt a ntl Ptac{: rt"lvhrd Pnthrui21,tiea1Jr.


Jkll1Wt'ss 11L..apirin~ to (-onlpany."


h-c.ture; came

ju fltlt'", ..
\lAU\' l_'\.!'\JI. 0AKL.:\!'D: "l~Yt'IY

"ord Jeho-

Kr.:'iTPCK\. ll.\lll..\~:
\' 1iI'(




a ._.J,.nion uoh."

f\[Atti<IACUUHF.1'TS. Beunun,-: " Il <'lll'd xpeech

'Vif'lury' \'try good by !-1hu11\\ll\l' ~ti T-Cingdo1n



IJOOk. 8af1nlhni. 1\11 t-hout

'.\yt' t ~r\uh 10\1 to nil gJthir1'11&t ton\<'ntiou.'-'

M1>00l "I. KA'<ti_.\l; C1n; "\'il-tOl'J I r~rfect
J'tffJlhoa ~ l,~'."I~ re"'l")1U.ll~1t tnthn"ia-.tilally."
'" Ht'4"'1'1 IOll '(io\ e-rnn1ent 111111 P~a<'l'' IK'rf1'<1, int'h11h11g lh<' riot. (),er t.200 liithned nttcutiYely.

lfo1" took 1:ia/rnlio11. Killllla City ecml i,'l'eeliug..1'


,~ORh.. lTJIA<'~\: "J{1cl'l>lion good.

0\11 11u~:.:~~t! HJHI llt'W hook I'' ~YRA
ct~~O:: .. \' 011 1' thrillli1g lt><:l 111't1 ('lUIU' in \'el'y

ehurl)' ""'" \\"JBS." 1Jn~.\: " 1i<'ll'<l lnonc1CT1st

J,y .el101:\\0n"' rC'c:<'ption. \\'<>ncf<'rl'u l rrH~~~j.!;e.
'J'hl'illtcl nt 111\f" hook." "Juhlit di.-ttou~~ n1aki11g liuld tltclaration for GoJ'11 lhtocntti<: goi,l'rrtmnt was bt!<.lrd o,er !'latiou \\'IBX Utica.
1tf' r fr'<: t.


~OllTJI f'.\ltOLn;.l. \\"JLMJ~t:TO:S: hCongrat-

ulat1011. \l'ouderful m<"ll~. ll<'<.-Cpllon t""rfc.ct.'"

\\r1u.os: "lleard eyer~ )\Ottl. ng11rtlh""i o{ op]"1:nt1on. R1joittd at. in~pirin14 1111:-. . . ngr.''
()11 rn ..\~nos: "llt!tcptiun li111. S1otlon cnrrit'(I 11tl 1t'(I Jll'Og'l'atn. ~p1~th htl'll (\\'f'l'.'' AN
oNJ,l: f[eard lectu r<' on'r ll'MM.)I. H<><'Cp1inn liu1-. l >cH)HI of lrif'ra rchy nl i~iouri C'o1nbioe
plniul,\ s:-i\'t'n_ .\llof .JC'hOYuh'" "il11t-""{ ..i. ,.:.tanclu1g- Jinn l'ot tlH Kin.~1.lotn. l -.\\I rut 1no. "'rhrilling i;pi('(lt l1t,;.irJ. }>t._'rfttt1~ Cro1n Falrn1ont. lloo-ra) ror 1llr .. tdc ~ .. Ct.'("l~~.\TI :' "l.t-cture re("i'l\'Nl; t'Ol'C idrrabl~ aid1<l .\n.XlOU!l for .....alra...

lton: < 1.t.\EL...\SD: "lla, thl' I.uril l'Clllttnue to

l1tc-11S ,uur 1fTort, to ;"('r\I' lli111. \rr al"(' ";th
\OU out htu1clr1-11 ]"-'rc"<'nt." "'l'hnnk .fchoYnh God


for a;thli n 1n1shng<" of hop" in llh'M' hrrible

fi1111.:," "Entin )r<:tur(~ I't't'l'ivcd 0\'4-'t' \VG~\R.
H1<.-.ptio1~ p(rfcc:tF' GHtF.N\'!: 11 JTL11l rd l<'Clut1 o\'1r J'i .h 1niUhr:<'tc>r:-:.. 'l'hn nks 1o ,J r hovah ["
\I \ltn:'l'T\: "Rr.:Pi,rd IC'ctu rc '<'O\'t1nnuut iln<l
1''',lt' 1xitlltnt hv the Lord':c ~ni<,." Nrv.-. LF:X1suros: "tlnr h;a.rt.... al\! joJhtl on ht\aring to4111 d:l, 's n1 '"'"D~t>. Re..eption ~plt.111htl." 'fo1.t:uo:
'"llar\l'lothl expo ..ition of truth. 'l'h<- c-nemy
w I ft'('J "'" hoat_ W.uta&~; "'ll<""J>lion clear.
1'hr 1n~._. frcan ,Jehovah ha." hrou~ht in:'piration and joy tu the witut.-1'>~~ ...


().i\1.A110MJ1.. ()KLAlioJt,_\ CtTI:


''0\'er two

thoJJsand enthuiastic witnesses heard thrilling

and i1i.,piring l<'<tun>. 'Yictory.' Audience crowding around uhtr. for Salootion. E,e or whole
audienee reutcr..'<I on louwpeaker. $ome looked
a' if they e\j)('ded JOO to appear in person."
Om:oo~. : "Lecture dear. Great
enthu~ium. Alleudanee 200. 8a111ation re~-eived
with thundoro11~ applause." "Lecture 'Gove1nment '""' Prnl'<'' heard by four thousand. Ai
opening h!'f !(lites. Praise J ehovah for your firm
~tunU und touro~."
l'EN~M 1.vAN A. PtTTSBU&GH : "Heard lecture in Piti>l>uri:h through Fairmont. R-ption good. IA'<ture best yet!" UNIOXTO\n:;
"Heard 'l"""'h o\~r .Jiortwave. Yo.t wonderful."
Sot.TH C'AllOJ.T"-' C'o1.C1JBU: "We, .Jehovah'
locu.:;t ar1uy. 1J..;:01r1ublc-d in conYention at Co1um

bin, Soulli Carolina, give thanks to Jehovah

for surh ti hOJl(>ins1>iring, heul-cl1eering and

foilhsl nni,<l hcni ng message, 'Victory,' and by

the Loni' i:'ll<'r are detcrminccl to continue to

fight l ho Tl<viI uncl hi, organization until the
Lord mite them to the dust and thus vindiratc> Hi< holv name before all cfl!ation. Until
then we lu1li l"<>ntinne to spoil the 'food &upplie,;' of tll<' rdigioni>-i;;. and shall put forth
the gn!alel otfort to publish far and wide the
mc""..agc in tlw hook Salralion and ball continue lo dimb ol'er their walls aud steal our
way into thrir homes with onr phonographs,
aud we hllll <;;ntin11c to meet the ~nemy, particularly in tho valley of Jehoshaphat. Mai Je
hovah'i. rieh bleM~ing be upon you. uud n1ay your

c>up continur to run over \Vith joy as you Cenr.

lr"'l.I" munH.i t hr name of Jehovah aud His

,Je.~n~.,, ''lleception perfect y<"sterdav and todn 1-. We n~ much refrehed and
rhi>en!<l. W1 .i.110,ah'> IOClllot'. shall eat up all
thr \'lrnih doulx>d by the religioW.t.. and ghe
to the 'other http' the umarnished truth> of
Salralio11. Pra;..,. ve Jehornh.-'l'welvr hundred
olinging l0<:uI."'"
TExs. l louroN: ' Rite Cathedral
and overflow ml'<'tin7 filled, with many st.ondiul:(. n eceplion good .' P ECOS : " Mragc wonderfully in>pirillg. We'1e one hundred percent for
the<>crntic l(Ovel"llment." "Recehed your timely
ntC'S~agr, 'Gov<'rnn1ent and Peace.' It Wb good.
\\'e giw thnnk to Jehovah for th~ bleslng.''
Yrno1s1A. Non1ou;:; ''Your marvelous lectufl!. 'Gowmment and Peace.' receiw clear,
through ~tot ion \\'SAL." PAl~THtt; "'Goern1nent and l)1ac(' came in fine. \\"e giYt prai:;e
to Jeho,h. 'l'hl'illed. Determined to >"land houlder to ,houlder in pres.sing battle lo gle."

Son Chri.o1t



.:\Jnnbattan Center

Experiences with Religionists

T New York convention an information

marcher WIL< riding to his appointment ,ia
subway. A clergyman accompanied by a friend
entered, and as he took his s<?at his eyes fell
full upon the sign "Religion is a ;;nure and
a racket". His face red with fury, he tartPd
to speak to his compnnioo, saying. so as to be
beard dearly, 'I ll'Onder if that b--- woul<l
like a plllich in the uo.e." A he started to
speak. the witnes< deftly turned the sign, so
that the cler1:yman's friend oaw only the word,
"Sene God and Christ." Tl1e friend then accused U1e clergyman of ha,ini: lingered too long
with tl1e fio" ing bowl. Thereupon the clcrgpnnn
tOC and left the car. aying. "Damn it all; 1
am not drw1k: I don't want to ride on the same
train with that pack of b--!'
An item







their failure to interrupt the eon\'ontion seems

indicated b~ the remnrk o( a prie.t at the Granu
Centrnl station at 9: 45 p.m ...June 25. Asked
by his mother ( app" r<'ntly) whNe he wn goil)g, he replied. "No. l will not tell )'On whore
I am going until this thing has quieted down.
and then 1 will write a long letter." "11.v did
not this pric,;t want e\'en his mother to know
where he went?
In Chicago a female clorgrman "ith a huge

cross on her


and dre:--sed in the


ary block Mother llubbard rnuteruity p;own ,aid

to a gray-haired old witne;s: "Yon and your
message are just a dirt)' as the idewalk where

you a.1e ,i;nlking," ond her foc'fl "a" '\'hite with

rtlg_e as i;;he hiR:;:ed hini. 'rhc "itnPss rP~ponclrd,

"\\'on1an, the Lord Ultu.le rne out o! the dust

of tlie ground. I am not claiming to be much

myself, and you yourself ore nothing but a pile

of mud." The womau waddled oft lo finu a policeman. but never came back.
At Columbia, ~outh Carolina, convention a
C'atholic woman who had promised to rent rooms
lo the oomontioncr:< eancclcd the assii,'llment
lhrough fear of lho pri'"t. \\'hon nked if she
did not lhiuk the priest< should come out in
the opCt> ru1u dear lhemseh-es if they could,
she N'plird, "{ will hnve to 11$k Father Murphy
befol'<" l ~in an~wrr that."
A <.:hurch menber in Coh1111hia sai<l he heard
one of the prominent mini.-;!ers of the city ay,
",T udge Rutherford hould be bung and no mercy

At Dom-or, Colorodo, lhc gangster clergyman,
'!light llc\'on>nd" Hugh I,, .l.lcMcnumin, demanded tha~ tllE! Huinbow Hardens contract
with Jehovah's be abrogated. When
thr timid Rainbow manager, Orlof K. Farr,
tried to stand him oft and proU!d bis own
rights and tho>e of Jehovah's witnesse., the
gnng.t.i ohiof ,.,nt him tlte following telegram:
l \\'Hli 1u1xlOo!ol to c.'Onfer a ft\\'Or upon you be<..'tluse

1 belle,ed you clld not knO\\' the nature ot the group

to 'vhon1 you rented th~ llainbo\\'. You '''<'re ill
suiting in your t'.'ler1hon(' tnoonel'S. I \VOU1d ndvlse
tbut you t'(lnhtct rue and discuss the matter.

'l'ho 'r\'rn'nd" thereupon took charge of the

cil.l' of Denver, inC'lnding its police department,
Fnrr ,rield1'<1 lo th<' i:ang"ters and Jehovah's witnc,...;es routed the Mammoth Gardens instead.
No Ooner bad they cleaned the huge structure than the gang>;ier orga11ization undertook
to break that contract also. but lhe manager
"'"" an American, and a man, and they did not

'l.' 1' r ~I ESSEN 0 E R

1'he "rC'vrrcnd" 1nadr a hacl tnove. The l{ain- and that i proof to me that they are not after
bow r::nrdcns. 'reJ'C' ~t>Yerfll n1iles fro1n his rnihe- our rnouey.'' The first answered, ''I guess you
drnl; the Mannnolh Gardens were only , ix blocks n1-e right." 'l'hc ~cond said, ''You don't
away from hi church, and alo only a few blocks nn.v religious orgalliiatiou nli~sing au oppor ~
from lhe headquortrr of tho Knights of Colum- hmity to 1'ot nll the money they could from a
bus. Aft('r lhc convcntion the n1at1agcr or 1'ron1
moth (Jardcn~ fallecl .Jeho,tlh~:; wiinl'H!"('Fi thr iin. CfO\Vd like tl1at."
At Mobik. Alabama, one liskncr to "Governet people he ever do.111 with nd "'id thry loll
antl Peace", who S'mcd still under the
the Gardens in lwttrr tondition lh;1n auy other
group that lud rv11 renlccl il. !Ie invile1l them infiuC'ncc of the clergy, ~aid to his f1;cnd, "He
to come bock U!(ain. and s1itl he woo Id he pleaFcd't tnkc our rel igion frorn ns." 'ro \\hich his
con1 pauion replied,
to rent thrm tile Gar"But didn't he bring
dens at any I ime.

it out plain?''

At JlO\ltilOn. 'l'<>xas,
wl1eu thr hratl J!llO~
ster of thr Dioce>e or
Gahc~ton iush:tc-d thnt

One .Mobile clergyman hoostod the con-

\'cntion by publishing
a chu l'c:h bulletin lamenting the prOllperity
Scotfoh Hite CatheoI Jehovah's witnw;es
dral cancel their <:011and weeping because
tracl with .lrhov.1h's
his own parishioners
'vitue~ises, thC' 11111ung<'r
a re indifferent to his
stood hi i;round. and
said nftrrwinds 11tat
thev h>Ml never had a
At Oklahoma City,
gathering in the build
W. A. Quinn and ten
ing that \\'i:t." ns orother persons sympa
thetic with his church,
derly, or thnt g111e ""
little trouhi<', a.; !hat
and calling themselves
of JchoYah's wilnci;l'C~.
a ;;truth co1nmittee",
'rhe t1si;L~tt1nt manager
issued a mimeographed
\(lun~ .Toundal> being huwersed at llol>He. Alu.
bulletin entitled (sic)
I \voke up {1t ::ii :< o'clock thi~ 1uornln~ Wl)t'l'Ylng "Catholics. P rotstants, Jews and Americans,
\Vherc I \V I\$ goiog 1.0 gc-l <l bnn<'h of lUt'H lo t'le.on
- - - Protest I ! ! ! ! .I::x-convict 'Judge'
up thl" 75-foot hy JU()-toot 1"0(l1n, on.J here "'() 01~n
Rutherfotd get~ use of l?ree municipal Auditothe dool" ttnd n l11111t.h of YIJUI own ptt>ple, u1en and
1i11m". They called upon all persons receiving
\V01ncn, huve a lr("n<l)' cl('aru,,.J il flH though ii be
Jon~t"ll lo them, nnd done u 1JE1icr job lhno \\'e 'vonld
il to cn ll up the city officials Lo try to break
have douE> !
the contrllCt for the use of the municipal audiAt Kansas Cily '1.fl unknown clergyman pre torium arid olso to call radio stations KOMA
vailed upon the fire dcpartmont to remove a and KTOK to persuade these to break their
baWJer fhirtv Jed Jong, plal'ecl by }leM\lission contracts for broadcasting Judge Rutherford's
over one of. th~ main highwiiJ leading into address. 1'his woTkecl as a boomerang as far
the city. 1'he sign was n-c.n- led, ho\'tcver. in as 1he aud itorittm \\'OS concel'ned, but tl1e n1a11~
a con~j1icuous place on nciu-hy property, after airer of radio tation KOMA got excited and
shut off the lecture 28 minutes after it started,
a friendly firemnn "had >pillocl the beaus".
At the same city two ti-angers had listened because .Judge Hutherford quoted something
to "Government nnd Peace". The one had snid, from 7'he Catholic Encyclopedia.
"I can't help but think iL fa a money-making
As an information march in Portland, Orescheme like everythinl( 0Jse." The other replied. gon. was passing a high-class restaurant out
"I don't agrer with you." A~ked why. she ex- <fUIHl two priests and for about a block walked
pla ine<l, "Because if th ii:: \\'ere n mon<'.''-rnuking directly behind a beautifu l seventeen-year-old
scheme, why didn't they takr up n collection gil'l ca1'1ying "t11e banner of Jove", the banner
this afternoon? They could have gotten hnu- of Jehovah's Kingdom. 'l'he priests fell the emdreds of dollai from the crowd that was there. barrassment of their p<>sition so much that while
But you see they didn't take up a collection, following the young lady they turned up the
the 1nnnager of t.hc




collars of their coats to hide their iH:lrnss <'01- i~ ph\t't"\l upon rour h1i11J~ ( ..~r.ckhI a:-t: "I) nnil ~~,u
lars. On one occasion these Portland marchers arc> a<touutubh lei lht:> i,.:r~:1t ,Jthovah (.io(I l'or y,1111"
went by a Salvation Army gtoup and attracted atlion.
Tho Rell 'fdepboue Compau_r al>-0 Jll"el"<nfod
so much intrrst that when they had pa,secl
t he tambourine->hakers had to find anolher ph1"c. th1 use of th.. ir liuc.. to lht 'l'oronto ('1)Jl\-111tion,
At Portland the Knight> of Colun1bus. with hut. "~rvll'l~ \\as ol1taiJucl to tin <'f>llYPntion at
John R. :Murphy a> spoke<man, undcnook to J~~thhrjdge. Al1~1rla. aud other \\'c:0tetn Cnnuda
exclude Jcho,ah"s witnesses 1rom the )Junicipal ]1-0inb.
Auditorium. Murphy cxph1incd thnt hr 1rus for
i\t th( Llthhri1l;..'1' <Olll<'ntion ihr Catholic
free speech for the lri>h and the Bomnn Calh- pril:t. local rt>fH'(h1rltatirf' of thf' ,.atican. :-1.inI
olics and the Knighls of Columbus and the i11~ on tlv~ o;:iJewi1lk as .rehovah'~ kin!,!dorn pub
Italian Ca111orra that operate' ont of Yutican li~htr~ utar<.ht'(1 bv, '""" l't'<-'n hv Htanv to turn
City, but was not in fo\'Or or fr'P 'J'e<?d1 for up hi~ tnat loJJnr" to hidt' hi..: lwrh.~1 ~f i-.:hrnn1~.
J udge Rutherford : \mt
Tlw Catholic cliurc-h
he lost his case whcll
huiltliu~ wa .. dirtttlv
he aked the question,
:1rro1's ~Iv ~tn:-c-t fro1U
the ron,rntion h<':td"\\'ho is this mau

Rutherford?" If the
c1u;1 rters. and the
Mm-phys dont know
priet".t~. "a 1kin:,r in
by now who .Tudp:c
nnd out of 1heir houi-.:e
R utherford is. it is too
0 r Hnal. 8C'('ll1"cl greatly
late to tell them. In
cn1 ha rrn ~:-:f'1l. '
.l1hn\11h~ r~ll/,!dom
the exciting colloquy
on this .ubjed in the
puhlii"her~. mar<'hing
maor's office. Ed.
in \\ i11niprg, sa\\ a
Betier had to defend
<:11.'t.~.' 1Hnu turn up his
even thnt innocent and
roat "olla1 to hid\ hi~
Rn11ti~rn nt Coluu1hiu, ~. C.
truthful nncl gentle
i1hntitY.. \J,.n. n -:-:oun<lmag:'.17Jne ('onsolafion. J>'1"'S(il a 1lrr:?.\'n111n
It just :_;:ho"'s "hat .A1nerica h:t~ cODlC to! Com- thfl"I' tinH'-" an1 ou thP third trip hl~ sa,, what
ml.$ioner Bennett showed lhal be wn< n real it \ra:-; 11nrl hf'lc1 a box it1 front o[ hi:-: collar;
.Americnn when he dispo:;ed of ~n1e eamooth1,!!od thus in clfe('t tht:-.C' nun hn\c l'>ai<.l. "l anl uo
patriotism by saying, .. Some of the biggest trai- prophet, I anl an h11~lmndn111n: for n1a11 t1111i.:ht
tors we have han, been the boys with lhc Ameri- InP lO k('IPP t'<lii1P fru1n 1ur youth." z,1h. 13: ."i,
can flag ,,rapped around tht;m; the bisr~er lite
Jn H1lfn,.t, lrtland, .J1ho'"uh'"' lGu_:,:durn 1n1b~
traitor. the n1ore it tuke:- to CO\'tr hiw, the Hslittr:-. Juul 11i1Jfl<.;n infor1n:ition 111nr,hf' ..., 1-cJowe.:-:t refuge of a coward."
~i<lt ... l.1Ulo1uol1iit ..;, t'on ... tantlv r11nni11~ to and
Denied the u"" of the Bell Tolcphone Com- tro, wc~ll <l1c.:k1U Ut .adrc:>rti);iug- appar<'L \\'hC'n
pany' lines w their conv~ntion al ~fontrenl. the Orangen1rn 1nnrrh iu J{elfast tht\ haYc to
the there nsetnbleu adopted a unani- ha\' H \'rry :-.trung police guard. lint .Teh'""
,ah':- witnc~:-:<:-; 1u;uhld with no police t~1...'0l'l
mous protest iu which \hey aid. in part:
The Il<'11 Telephone Cornpuny bafl n i:tr11nd oppor
tunl[y (0 U!SC 01elr facilities to brlDJt u Bil1k~ h'<:ture co this cttr. One of tbc officials s11y~. "flur
hands url' tied." It ts 1rcll kno1n irho li<d lht-i'r
l1'111d8. It Is history rcpf'atln~ ltsett: In the enrly
days, Chrlstlans fled from Spain and South AmPricu
and other plnces "heJ'c- that ~nnH~ <'ii'm"nt "a<i:
operatlnJ:, to e~1lf>C' SU('h Inquisition. ~lnnr JJ1t:OJ1le
tn this city. Catholics uod Prot<"Stant~, ,,ere hln
dert>d from bearinJ: this "'orld h'<'tUl"<' a.s a r~ult

or your delern1lnotloo 10 <."O-OpPrute In tht' Ron1nn

Cuthollc Ilterurchr lnethods. lu8tend or s<.ndln; to

you as \\'C' hnd holX'd, n n1cssui:e ot chonk!' n111.l

apprcctatlon for rour cooperatlon, ""~ nre obllgell

to do otherwise. This Asscmbl~ onnnirnou~Jy en

dorses tbls prot~l to .)ou. tlenounting your action.
Tbe Lord is c:'u~ing all people to be ldentitted.
I'ou have identified 11outclve. The responslbHlty


..\t llri ...;tol. En,1:dnn1l. the usual attt_~rnpt \ra~

uu1<lc to


.h.-hoYnh ',:.;.


fro1n the

n::ic of lhcir audiloriuu1, whirh thl'Y hs.U en-

goj!eu. but the inatlllger rcplircl by rctul1l of

po~t. '[ he~ to inforn1 )"OU that Uirr( arr r;till
two eountrhs. l\ritail\ .-ind A1uric1L wlt<'re free
pt'ch . i' tolcrakd...

.:\t Ilic Leech;, l;n.~lnn'l. COH\'(ntion. nbout nn

hour hcfon 1hl lcc.tu1c was due to t'Olrllnen(e,
~ix young men npp.iarcd at thl main C'nfrnnce
to the cinema. tlishibttliug the llellartninc leaflet to thP public ns they 'rere eutt>rin~ the building. 'fhcreupou arraug:en1ents \rcrc n1ade !or



lo surround the entrance

Upd tti tribute program:-. 'l'ht lnunrclintf' ~-ult

r ll \\8S tlmt the oppooing purl) ure crowded
ofit and retreated into tlw l.atki:ruund some
v. nl. n'' ll.\ ;1nil "('r(' 'i.('>tn t.1!1,111;.: it o\:rr. Jcl1oi,a11 '.. \\ ltul' ...'l":-1. a_f..:o obh1il111l u number of
tlw'" ltallct.' from the pul1lw nl'lc1 lhe.1 had
cnt(1id 1hl' <:> incnHt. by a ..kin~ thc 111 to exchange

for 11\liel' ~trl'atu tY'. fn 1h i~ n111nu<"r i;:cvernl

of 1lw '"'"'" tolleded fK>lktllul of ovJ>Osi!ion
h r111 un and aJYi--eJ thl' ~ouug 1u1" what \ras
hc111g lon1. 'J'hi:: , ppa!"('ntl, ~ ctii-heart('n<'d

th 111 that the) -oon diappo'.aMI oltoi:t>ther.

b~ry .\merit11n cbil<l kno,,.1 that it'' illegal.
i11 this <'Ountr). to pre,C'nt or 1li~turb or break
up a 1nblir ... s:athend for puqlQ!lo.4..: of "or:-hip,
,r..t ( 'uthohr. have dom tin- "'l"'nledly in the
I niltd :-.tale<. thereby Jult111;: .l,ho,ah' witlh ~"1' to ~l"f'Ut inroni.f'nif"n~1 nnd rx1x'nl"C. 'fhc
('ulholh?t. ndnlit that tltc>y h1l\'f' dolll' lhh1, and
flii\' ndndi thnL suc:h illeg-;1 1 il('fivitits have uot
l1'l'~1 u 1"-\ll'4'tl--I', Jcho,ah':-: "jh"'"'""' 'I" 111p not t.ak-

iug tuh frc11ttnC"nt qui<'fly fru11l n11yl>od~r an~

wh1tv, and that is wby tht gilllJ!"l1rl<I grie,e.

011r S11nl/ny li&ilor, Huntington, Indiana. i

the officiul mouthpi- of the "ll0><t Reverend"
.Tohn Fruncis !'.oil. O.D .. J.L.D., bihop o! the
Fort \l'a1nr. In<liallil. diooo<;e of the Roman
('atholit- l'hurch. In its i ..ue of June 2;,. 19$9,
lite very <ln,v when t he "8me organization conspil'NI t-0 h1"nk up the meeting in .MadiHo,n
Hq1111re G111tle11, t he editorial writer, A1L Kuhl,
\Vt"d tt.. 111uch \\'liser to de\'OtP o ur t hne lO an
i:.w4'rini;: th1 ur,n.1ul{'ut... t han \\'e would be lo scu rry

ahoul ntt111111cln1r to hal'e hlm shul up. Deprive

)our t--r*'mlt .. of free -ql(!(.'('h. and your ('flf.'mlee "'lll


chty th11riYP you ot your rights. The J)OlDt

''''II tnk.-n. c...nalnly Rutberton.l 1~ maklDJt

C."'tlplhd or ( .. lhollf' tlt-mpts to ha,e him allto<"ed.

)~ortuuithI.> "~ ~-.n' to have J:"ll'eo up our mis

guillt>1I trort:oe nloug tho~ 1ia(><;I:, but thl"re 1 still

u hitt~r 11ft1rtu:-1.1t fn.iw the previo us m h,tnkc.. \Ve
au 1noH 11111 h1hJ1" ":, t he support('" ot 11berty
onlJ' b,r l1tl pln1it 1 uo t ~1 the li1*rty .....eo or th 060
\\ H it \\'horn

\\'l l

cl isui;ree. N ot , qf <"(lllr8(', t hnt



f.las~ lo 1u~ H wHh J udgt? Hu tJ u~rfo rd. H e ~pend!i

u1os1 o r ltli.1 Chu~ In atJ.,ttncin g arg u1n1u tA thut ure
busc-d cnllrtl;i.- oo the Dlbte, and WI:' C111hollt1 hnve
nh\lly.. dinl('d tbut the Bible \\10.s the iOl ~ rule or
!a Ith.

Cornention Brevities
Court ExJ1eriencc11

01w o( llw wilne8'es I llw 1\111 York ron"'f"(nt1011 Wll:-l. 1\tto1ncy Cirn\'c.1 C. Po\\'cIJ, \vho
hacl tlw plca.-urc of al'rc,ti11i: tll<' chief or police
of OJJl'liku. Alabama. for \'iohuiui: lht laws of
1h1 '"!~~ iu in1pr1S0uin~ <lll n111011 nt soung boy
111 u t.,rD cl and holtc'<i room full of whites and
hlac. ke. men and "-on1rn. Jetain~"ll th1fl" in r~'"'f'.s.

\1110 ' Ruiiner. o! Yir_iurn. fincJ the dollRl'll for I ng a Chri.tian m SulYolk. and $1.75
1whs, &."-ked the.~ jucl~t to nuik1- thi total teu dollori<, "' thnl the "" ..aulcl I np1imltd. \\"hen
ll11 judge !'( fu:-14~<.l. RutTwr ~Prvc.d ~1u clay!'!. and
w111t 1lll ovf!r town r:-.:plaining thnt the- Lord
hud ~i<l to H iN poople thcy lu111lrl Ill' hotod
of nil nun fo1 l lis uan1t's rutk1, UIHI that this
luid fok111 11hl<'<' right iu Suffolk. 'l'hi re.ulted
in 111nn) 11o1(on1ing in1rrrl't<'d nntl obtaining litt

Ba pti.~ms

,U Xew York it"'lf til 1ero b:1ptizeJ. They

ruutlt an unpn.......i\e picturt> i.;t1tn1H1t,i.r on the side
\IUll a"aiting their opportunity to b itnnu~rsed
in IIi pool proidet.l, in lokcu o( lhttir COU...'"'{.'Crutiou tu do the will of Jeho\'11h Ood.,

At IA Ani:rlrs one Jonadab was immersed

who 11ib ho1u whilr J ames K. Polk wns prel!ident ol' !ho United States. $ hr. wns retently
ma rried, nnd here's hoping that nftcr A rmagoddon <hn inny have the privilege of helping
lo ful llll ttw divinr mandate. Age now, 93.

A Real S oldier of the Lord

A l'l'id ..nt of the Sawtelle California $oldie"'' Home !Pd an information march through
the terrilor) or the above Home. The oe:ct day,
taken by thr guard, before the resident offioor
in cha1g<. for u.n hour of questionin~, he was
asked by wh11L au lhority he eng~d Ill ~uch a
di'{'lay withoul per111ission from headquarters,
nnc hr 1epliNI elfect.ively, "Jehovah God nsks
no n1iln'r; p<'rulis.siou to carry on Hif1 work."

A Dallas Jonadab
A Dalla.s Jonadab, who attended tbe Ilousto11
convention, ..auJ:
I attt>tuJ.._-tl 1111 ftM't ron\"entton and r cannot t i:
fl1"P"., my fl'PN'C'fnlioo and enjoyment In l\ordaa. M.7

sister nnd l hitchhiked nearly cwo hundn.~l mll~

to uttt:-nd. I\ly 1o1f''r, who ls ~nntng to be<'Ome
lnt.-r-..sted 1,ftlr dndfug reUcioo a l'nek:e[, 1flld It ehe
htd known t hul it " ' filf thut "ood she "'Obld ba;,e
gone l'lfiar l o Ne\v York.

Provid cnlially



T/ltt Jlt'l'lff,JIJtr' \\RS

up, tht>rf'
lh! hand111 lhf Tt'taft t:>ee-

laratlon of Jndf'Pf'Dc:lence

In fa<'Simlle

bett~lth. It '" a good

tblns: tor A1nf'rlc>ruu1 .- 10

read at thli. ltmt>. E"""D~

chdly the part 1hat are
underl!cored. lt 11u-1y make
them 1nof'\? OJlJU'C'CIRtlve
of the lll>ertl~ they nro
fast losing, an<l muy n1ake

tben1 mo1e

w ld C'~nwu k~

CLqe Unanimous
i'eclaration of ~n~epen~ence


the fnct thnt l hf\ Ro11111n

made by the

Catholic U l'ru l'<'hY Is in

deed and In trut h An1crlcu's Public Jo;ntn1y .'.'lum-

Delegates of the People of Texas

ber One.

in General Con1:-enlion

Toke note ot th~ nnnM"S

thl de<ltitatlon.

~lgned to
and th~

al the Tou.n of \X'ahington

on the 2nd day of March I 836

kiNd (If nnm~.

and you wttl know "'h)'

ttire "''" not a Homan

Catbolle ln tht lot: and
yet. "'Ith nlm<W'l lnftnlle
gall, "hen



ann.l''rttitr-y or 1he "'tgnlng of rhlK ~Jamtion

of Iud('plndtnw "'"" Ct'lebratNI, lhP Homnn f'.nthollc Hl(!rurtby Mloh the
Wow und 11f)1Jro11rltttt"d to

Itself tlh' <'rc<llt fo1

t h~

\'<:lt"Y thing nitntnRr, \Vhich

IL fought. 'l'hlft Is <'har

acterl11tlc- of nn ln!:illtn
Uon bullL nn11 HUl'llalned
cotlrely on 11'1"..
It Is "Orth ('()n{(ldf'ring
that ID thl Ito< or 61
nflml'fl thf're arr JO whose
names "ere l:hf'n to f"it
i8 or thf' Lonf' ~tnr Slot-.

namtl). Ut# cltl~ or Brill:

eoe. C"blJdn"M.. C'h1r1r. c-01~


era" rord, Goodrleh.

Ilamlltoo. llardlu, 1-tonstfln. KenrH?)'. 'l"'~rl<-"k,

}if ena rd. PennlnK1on. n ul'lk,

Tnylor, Tho1U111', \\'Miier,

'\'f)l!l, 11nd \\lhnrton, nnd
Texn!!I lti 1Jtg an(I h1111or-

uu1t l'le>ugh thnt It could

buve nnmtI elt l ~ nfl<>r
the rClilldOID" 4:.! \Vlth





'fexns \Ver~

stnrL o. nobllll y rn~k~t

8UC'h o.s pre,nl1~ In Eng
land, these 61 men l\o'Ollld

o gove.mme,,.t has OMlI to protf!'ct t+ie lives. lberty and prcpe.-ty of '"-o

people, froin whom ih legitimot1 power1 o,. derivod, ti~d few f"'e odvo"Cement of
whose happiness i-t was insti-tuted: orid, so {~r from being guoro-.fee fo1 the el\
joymenf of those inesfim.eb.. o"4 inelienablo rights. becomes an inshu'""'Ont in tfote

hond.s of evil n.ilon for their oppreHion: When the Fedcrol Rcpubl'con Cori>tilut'ol"I
of their country, wh;(:h thoy h.ovo lWOM to aupport, no longer hos o i.ub,tontiol o~
idence., ond the whole notu,.. of thtir govflrnmont hos been fotcibly diongod, witfi
out th~ir con$Cnt, from o re1tric.ted f&derative republic, composed of Sovereign
State$, to o ~solidotod, C.ntrol. militor des l\sm in which cvory in!!~~I
o f the orm o
tho tiodhood-both -the otornol enem'es of
.civitotdlibe utthethatever-ready
minions o .~ o the.,,..u~~~jn!t~~r'!.~ ~f tyrol\h:

--..-- -- ------

o er

t e spirit o

the Con\tituti~ departed. moderelion is. ot

le~. so f.,r

lost, by thowi in powt'' thot ovon tho semblance oF freedo<'t'I ii removed.

.,nc1 the forms themso"'9s. of tft-t Consftufon discol'lt' r11.ied: orid so 1JJr ff()(f1 the r
petitions a.rid remonstro~ belt'aQ regorded tne &gents "Who bear them ore throwrt
into du:"19eons; e!Kt mercenery ttmiet aont forth to Wee a new government upon
them at the point o{ the beyoMI: ~Mt cont.eq\l"Ce of wch octs oi mtlf0(.14:"1C
ood obd<otion, on tho porl of !"9 pem...,,t, h..0., pnsv.. ~ nd c;.,1 Soc;oty
f$ di.s.solved into its originol lemtnh: In. sod. 1 cris4. t+ie firrl r.ow of natvto. tM
right of te-.lf-p-ew:rvotion-tho it1hcront ond ina1ieNbl& right of ft-.& people to op
peal to fir1t ptinciples and tale tkeir politic.el offoirs into the-ir own hands i" tr~
coses - e11joins it o.s o right towords thomwl.,.s al'ld o soered ob igotion to the>r pos
tcrity to obolis.h such go.,ommont ond creote another, in if$ sleod, co'cu!oted to ros
cue them from impendi~ dongon, oDCI to ocure thoir future welfare ol)(j ~oppinou.
Notions. os well os lndi11iduelt, oro omenoble for their acts to tho public opinion
of mankind. A stotement of o port of our grievot\ces is, therefore, s.ubm1Hod to on
importial WOJlcf, in iultificofion of tht hozordous but uno.,oidoblo step now toktn f


be- enliOed to first pince

Qn tbe list. .i\nrl e,er~ one
or t hf>tn t\atr1l lh<' Jlon1an

CUtholic Tti11-.,rchr; fo r
ch~y knc'Y \Vhnt n JyJn:t,
p r~d a tor y. uuJ)riu<t11led
gtlQ.:Z- of thieves they ~ue.
An<! uO\V ror n I<~''' k lnc:l

\VOrd.s nhout l't':(:ent doi u ~i;

or t h< Jlie>ror!'hy nnJ its

Do uot


that Hit-

ter, )lu~solini 111\<J. l'runro

nrc all Roinun Catholics,

and as sud\ lhcll' high

est aTnblti<ul is to n<<fiv~

tlle plaudits frcquenUy
~ho,,et1.d tipon lh11n frOnl
th~ ncsl of cthnlnalf<t ""Ith
jt,.s ht:"l:Hllt,1t:1rhr:-; nl \'at-

lcnn CH:i.'. If th(' JlOfM'.'


\\'i101<cl l(l fXC'<1lnnn1nicac1>


ltloo<lthlri:;ty I hh\'t.'!"

nnd UHINIC"rt'l':S ht' ('(IU)d

do It hef<>'t' the :-;un wtuf

dow-n. The l ll<'J'arc:hy ls
LIH?l't' f o n li r(>i:l ly r f'SJl(fl
f:iblc, in 1h i:; very gt~nera


fllld \\' ith ill l hC l H!'.L

f('\,. n)onl hft. fo r the fo1

()~privin,!t \\.OJU~TI lH'i~

on<'rs jn 1nidwinter of both

hca[ nn<l


in~ wouu~n


pri:->onerl'l on one Jllc'a l n

llfly fo r f lln-4 da:;l'<' at tt
l'ttretrb : r-ontinlnc- wom<.'n
prtsouP1x in tluo geou:-;.
$:h11t off f1on1 <tH li~ht for
tbrf'C d a)s al t\ l'<'lnltil;

W< lfl('U

uolil t hC'il' crks

ri ll~


n101Hhs Hu,rC':i fi<r i n {he




'''ho heard

t hLJU; Jrlviug- \\'on1Pn J>ris

one11'<' iln)lure \\'alcr 1.u11l

n11lde\rL-.l l11~ttd: dting all




seveting ()(.Ir political connection with the Mexicon people. and assuming an independent attitude among the notions of the eorth.

The Mexican govemmcnt. by its coloniz.ation laws.. invited ond ind veed the
Anglo-Ametican popu~ tion of Te:xos to colonize its wilderne.$$ under the pledged
faith of a written Con$tifution -that they should continue to en joy thot eonsHtutional
liberty and republi~fl government to which they had been hobifuoted in the land
of their birth, the United States of America. In this expectotion they h.ove been
cruolty diS4ppointed, inasmuch os the Moxicon notion has .ocquiesced in the lote
changes m.:ide in the govemment by Generol Antonio Lopoe1 de S,,nto Anno, who.
having overturned the Constitution o f his Country. !:f!N offers us tn.e cruel alternatjre
either fOJ~ndon our homes, o~~rod !>Y...!?~!?l:Erivat~, g r_submltfo the ~t
inlolerabJe o{ oll tyr,t.any. the ~~~-bined deJpC?ti~!P_ef)liO. sw~!..~nd the P.!:iesthood.
It has sacrificed our welfare to the stote of Coahuiki. by which our intor&sk hov$
been eontinuolly depressed thrwgh a jealous and partial eourse of legislotion <:.orriod
on et o for distont s.eaf of government, by o hostile maiority, in on unknown tongue;
aod this too, notwithsta'Kling we have petitioned in the humbl1t terms. for the es~
t.:iblishment of o separate Stote Government, and hove, in accordonco with -the prO
visions of the notional Constitution, prc~ntcd to the general Congress o republicon
Constrtution whic:h wos. without just COU$C contemptuous>y rejected.

It incarcerated in o dungeon. for a long time, one of our citizens, for no other
couse but o 2ealOU$ endcovor to procure the acceptance of our Constitution and
the ostoblishment of a State Government.
It has faifed ond rafusod to secure on a firm basis, tho right o f trial by jury:
thot palladium of civil liberty, ond only safe g uorantee ror tho fife, liberty, and property of the Citizen.

prii-IOOl'l'l'<' \\'i( h

rubber clubs nntl :.1ua)

ing th('111 "'ilh i<'e ":tter
in u1id\\'illtf'r tor refusal to viulutt t lltir <:ouS<.:iencEs hy h<'i1lng Til tltr:
hltnrtlnJ?: won1en p ri~ 1111~r.s
b:r p11tling t h<>rn in th('
glare of 11uJ:C :~aa1<J1Jlghts : Ittllin.:4' \\on11n



i h ~ lhin~s



'\rho~ on lv oll' i." ( haL

U1~y l1ve
:11Hl rt'fU&..'


It has 1c)ifed to establ'ish any public syricm o f education: although po$S0$$0d of

olmost bouocJtess resources (the public domain} ond. although. it is an axiom, in politicol science, that unless a people are educated and enlightened it is idte fo ext>eci
the <:ontinuanco of civil liberty, or the cepa<:ity for ~If government.
It hM suffered the military commondonts stationed among U$ to exorcise arbifrory acts of oppression ond tyrrony: -thus trampling upon the most soe:rcd rights of
tho citiz.en and rendering th.& militory superior to the civil power.

It ha.s dissolved by foree of ornu. tho Stoto Cong ress of ~huila and Tel(OS.
e.nd obliged our representatives to fly for their lives. from -the se4t of government:
thus depriving us of the fundomental political right of reproscntotion.
It hc)s demanded tho surrender o f ti: number of our citizens, otKI ordet6d mili
tory detachments to $0ltC ond ~arry th'm into -tho lntorior fo,. tric)I, in CC1t1tempt of
the civil outhorit~es. and in defianco of the loW'$ and the ConstitvJion.

It hos m~o pirotieal ottads upon our commerce, by commissioning foreig n

d esparodoos, ond outhorizing them to seize our vessels, ond convey the property of
oor citizens io for distant ports for confiscation.

It denies us tho right of worS:hieping_~ Allmighty_~~ording to -the didotes of

our own consciGnce; by ihe support or:-~ol ~ligion calculo ted to promote the

tQ bo'Y dO\\'D to Ol' do



homage to the Devil or bis

representatJ'"es. rhe poDe ' xxj
and RUier.
Command.Ing pe:Qple to

surrender all ,~ea.pons or

sclfdcfcnse so that they
n;.oy be the more effectively attacktd l>Y mobs;
eompelUog them to inark
theJr resit.leilces so that
they can be immediately

and effecti,ety attacked



T1U:ii U"N,ANDIOUS 'DF,ct.ARATl(>N OP INDEPE:HDl:NOB of it$ humon functio~ties rather tha!?.-!h.ulory of the true and


It hos demo!lnded us to deliver up our orms. wh~h oro euentio&I to our defence.
the rightful property of freemen, ond formido!lblo only fo +yrranic.I governments.
It hos invaded our country, both by see ond by land. with intent to lay waste 01.n
territory ond drive us from our homes: and ho$ nO'N " large mercenary ormy o!ldvanc~
ing to '4"Y Ol'I &gointt us a wor of eAterminatic>n.

when the mobs start

" 'Ork; compelliog people
to surrender keys ot tbeh;
propertles to the police so

It hos. through ih emiSo!lrics, incited the merciless sevogc, with the tomoho!lwk ond
scalping knife. to mossocre the inhobit.:ints of our defenceless frontiCf'$.

thut the mobs ml~bt destroy e'erything in the

()lace; a rresting people for

It hath been. during the whole timo of our connection with it, the contemptiblo
sport end victim of succe~ive military revolutions: t1nd h.,th continually exhibitod
every chotacteristic of.& weak, CON'Upf. and tyl"tonical govemment.

corup1nioini; about the dc.-

structton of property:
preventing (lcecnt peopl~
troru purchasing t he nc<...-essities or life; eoml)CI
Ung people to pus the
Insurance com(IQUHes


the damage done to th~ir

O"'D properties; clrlving
tuberculosis patients out
of a bo..,;J)ital to the- ni~ht
and "'hen the tP..mpera-

These, ond other griovonces. were poticntfy borne by the people of Texos untiD
they reached thot point of which forbeoronce cel!sed to be ., virtue. We then took
up arms in defence of the notionol Constitution. We appealed to .our Mexieo!ln
brethren for assistance. Our appeal has been made in vain. Though months hove
elapsed. no sympathetic response has yet been heard from the fntetior. We ore,
therefore. forced fo the meloncholy conclusion thot the Mexican people ho!lve acq uiesced in the destruction of their li~rty, and, 1he tub>titution therefor of ~ mifi~
tory government- that they are unfit to be freo ~utd incapable of selF government.

The necessity of selfpreservotion, therefore, now decrees our etornol politico!

ture "as do,vn to zPro S('lporotion.

nnd there \vus no phlt"e

tor them to go; COLnpeJ.
ling fl \\'ODHUJ O\er 80
years Of age lo open her
b(une anJ submit to hav
ing evert article of f ur
ntture or clo1t1lug cow
pletely derooli~hed und
her poeketbook to b~
robbed of t he last coin


Co1npelllog people 10
band O\'er all their ''ill
u:ibles \Vtthln n specitied
time or be itaprlsoned;
eompelll~ ne'\'Spnp.ers to
Ile~ incredibly that those
\VbO \Vitnt>~ired the (:\'eDts

narrated can see ln th1;;>1n

hardly 1he folntcst rese1nbh1oce to "hnt 1ook I)ln.CC':

cxnnpe:Jllog chUdren to npplnud all t his l>e<1evlln1ent

or be dcprhed of an edo
cation; crainlng police to
l)eo.t up aod imprH;on
those \\'ho appeal to th~1
for protection; rt1 n0Jni;
<'ities into bnnkruptcy ro

We, the1efore. the delegates, with plenary powers. of the people of Texo!ls, in
solemn c:onvention assomb&ed, appeoling to o condid world for the necessittes of our
conditioo, do hereby resolve ond declore thot our political connection with the Mex
icon neition hos forever ended: and thot the pcoplo of Tc.xa$ do now eonstitute o
free $0Verefgn ond independent republic. ond era fy!ly inves.ted with ei!t the rights o!lnd
4ftributci which properly belOf'tg to indopendcnt notio:is; and, consciout of tho tee
titudo of our intention$, we foat!essly and confidently commit the iuue to the deci
sion of the Supreme Arbiter or the destinies of notions.

-------------...... ...







1>rovld JOils tor thl..t!I

aOd looters who d~lee
the law: padlocklol'
ll(tmf'!' or other bulldlnp
becnuse the Bible Js tstutl
!('d th('reln; preYeotlog
rudlo stations fro1n broad
<'ft~tlng Lhc truth of Co<fe

Word: pre,-enting o\vncra

oC hnllA from letting


for ti><> tnebln& oC Blble

truths; eorouraging Ho

man Catholic Lhtel'es b)'

Jtttlog- Protes.tantHs1n tako
thf' blB1nc for thelr m1"
def'dA: threntenlog to
mur<l er peop le if t hoy
teiaeh dltr~rently from the
Hlernreby; de1~ y i og Hie
rl.&ht to teach the tn1th:
matln.1 lt tiecUUon to say
anything np.lrurt the It.,.
man CIOolie Church; op.
tratlng rackets in th('
nHrnP. ot chartt:Y: cau~lnJ:
100,000,000 poople to I...,
n c.tny


\vhen tbe hentl

of 1he Hlf'rarchy dies; fix

loit things so that !\the
world' biggest republic


l'OUld and did stll munl

tlon.~ and eYerrtbing el!llle
to Ellt1er and Mu.nolln.I
i-o Chat Germany aod could b1o~ Uu~ SJ)OD
111.h flC'public to ~1nHl1t"r

etns., hut nothtog ('ouhl

bn ROid to Sp~dn lti:\U' i
und (>1\oou1'ilglng studt'oh1
to brpak u1~ st.ud)' <'IU.~l'A

lo thf" unlve~ities or ror

tlgo '-,,unrrtes.. ~ that tbe
fltt'!llt"nt deTillsh Ho1nfl'oln-




mor'f :o;~lly 6.nL~ the

de111ructlon ot e\ery dt"

t'('nt tlllog ln U1e: ()1\flh
11J1d prepure the "'ttY (Or
Armngf'ddon, \Vb\cb will
c:ll'iln house fo r e\(r.
It might be inter.,.tln~
to> c1uroal reader to


ltftr'D thMt all L~ fo,...

g<1lng f aem are drav.. o

tron1 the i;.ingte iflBue ot
Con.1olotion. mag a zl oe,
Hrooklyn, N. 1'. Noruher
618, <lntcd J oly 26, 1U30.
'You cno falotly imttf:1Dt'
"'bill t he ex~ ruinatloo C'I(
a )CRr'!S lssue& would

.. .... ......



fhow. but no human brain

nan lmadnt wbat a Cf'D
tury or four C'l"llluri~ or

ftttM-o t'eoturles


11:how. It l!!l too awful ro

f'vfo tmaglne.
Sln<'fl tht' toregolng w&"
wrltlt'n Con.1olation No.





hos appeared sh<i,,._

Jng th18 maeterpiece ot the

Devll a1 hlghly honoring
tht lnttunou" :\Janton that
llOld Ju!!Uce; remaining .itlJtol hen hew-h exposed :
ahuslnat the C'bri~lan.s hf'
"""""' to be lmpri...,..S;
bo"~tlOIC of their ftag-wa\
Inc potrlotlsm rigbt whll
IM man of gtttte!l't bonor
moor them Wfl5 flayed n~
a brlhP-tnkPr and perjur..
tr, on oppre11sor of thP
ooor, a blackmailer, gangftter and conteroJ)tlble ,Hlaln.


to that same numbf>r

Bleran:hy i$"~n
a re!llponslble for t~
df'fllnactlon or food for
whlrb the hungry had
made request: deny"fnc

burial to chlld"'n of th_.

who lo.-e God: caoslnat
ehtldrto to be frozen to
dtalh; cau@iog 27 of them
to IOfJf! tb('lir lhnbs lrou1
frMtblte: causing 2,000
to bl' cro"<Jed tnto on old
1tablt lo su~ztro uearb.
f't; ('9.tUdDK GOO to U\'"e In
an. old win in bltlt~t
<Old without &DJ' heating
It I ohown u respooolble for employers' being
ftned for rnl"1ng the
ot thtlr employees; ton....
Int 1. young ,Srl to work
wheo ~he voas to be marrlf'd In ouJy three \Veek.s;
ootopelltng men to run U('I
hill \\'ltb burdens so gre-at
It ttQul~ se,era.1 men to
place them on their shoul
dl'll; kllllng 4 perce1n or
Dt prl11;ooers lo tour
~kw: .....Ing the entl~
prof)frty or Innocent men.
!<pore forbids the poblltatlon or many more diit--



I, M. E. S.n<il"n, M:stont S.Cretory of Stoto. of tho Stole ol To.., do hat by
c.trtify tfoiot th foregoing j, o true o~ corroct copy of #ie un.,nmo"'t. dk!orttiOft of
>ftC!opo.danc:o by ti.. dologotel of the ~lo of r.... gonoral ~
ot ff>t '-of Woshcog!cft on the 2.d day~ M'<h 1836.

04foc;:11 S..I


f\p<R, 1936

~ "- u.)' , :

E. S..-.o,

Aus~o ...t ~etry of Stal~


.pt .... ......



, t ':

L<tndoo kite' G~ la!i'~o,,

t nHk',,,.kron
trtuk ' Bristol


London launch


Ad ve rtis1ng
. .
Ex per1t'n
. CC'!

:s' 0 La ~D put forth th gr.-~1 ..1 effort.

~nd in evet) direction. to 1flake a complete
>11('('\"< of the Kingdom intere
l'lltru,tea to
them nt the time of the comrntion, ond the'


DL'1'<hrr., pla) in=: martial m11--i<. <'8uing murh

exe1te1mnl thronf,h the bu-: r nters. (',ir andtlrhc ohd their part in chspln\lll)l the
1, 1ti1ul '"''"''' nnd thr hor-r nnol i nrt was
qnitr- u 110\111.'. c_-u1upJctc \\'ith 1rau~ripho1\ mn..
chinf nnd nnuu11n<.L~n1eut~. \\'iudo\V cn rds wrre
txhihil{rl. Un .tun,:? ~ig:ns at houu:!( u1Hl on cnr~,
h:wdhi I< h> tlw 1hon>nnd. and dnr1111i >li<le,
nil dll'<Tf<'<f th<' pnhlic to tho Empi1'' ' l'hl'ntrc
anil 1'1rl1111 !lull to lta rn of .J,.liovh\ kingclom
nn1~ l
u:ifi llu t}l. !leu,! to :-iat.1n' 1rgani1.a
tiod..~'. I he P1t'r llta'.l lar;.."l"' -.1x1httt ~lera
"~Ill' 11lell<'t'; ;lllff,,~, .wn, 1~a<'<'<l l11 tramra1'>-tht mot JM>fHtlnr monn. of ln1111Wlrt in
~I\ crpo61: rail\\ n~- 1raint' and ..taliOJ "tn alir.o,_.... __
11tili>A1L ,\t the J..inpire 'Theatre, ilu 1 in the
<'t nt1r of th,, t 11). thrl'1: large i:-pt(i,lUy 11n111\rL-d
t'tnu 111('fl' 17 ftPt h~ 4 fr'C't. \\l~I\.' uH'l \td 1(\..the
n1nin door~ l hiK 11-1~ing t hr rir :-.t 1in1t tho l ~1cfi


111ucefl~d<'d b<>)oncl all praiM'. l\ot fl cli ~triC't o'f

l JOndon w11:: overlookPcl. ()11 i-on1<> o<<n:.iious .there
'''C' re A8 n1nny o.s 1,500 tnarthcn1 in Hnc al one
Oor ndvrrti>ing stunt wa "flv po<ting".
Rtor( of )Otmg~nd ?l'almt> .Jonadnh, or\tered
thia part of thr ~rviee with all thr thrill~ of
Ill n>ol ad' enture. 'J'he idta "nlJ to llO.'t lhtir ou-n
,ign, 1n.t.-ad of payini: [or ha\111!( them P''ted
on hillh<>ftl, or hoar<lin~. llu11<lnb of location" \\tre found all ov(>r thr <'It\. '"l'hP ronra
f g('()u lit lle band wont 011\ with IHicket of pal te
e and hrni-he<;t a\}:d literall) dl't'Sl"l'cl up 1hP old
tnwn. ~orne of this w~ wn~ 1Jon t '\ul\ on in
th<' 11 ight ; and in one C8bC ~1tAc:th c)'I. g1l\l' 1wo
of t hfl hov~ a n1Prrv rb11 ~c- 111 th ('ill'I \' hfn1rl". n1ethodr1 of d1l\'1>rti in!! "'""H' u~11rt nt thi~ l h~n t<'r.
of Oh JllO-rning, oad' wht'n t1tc f~1Jn1I O~lt \rhnt . 11 ('011/'ililut~~ a .11pl1."1,1ijcl wilnt'""' to uu~ thou,,,.
thr bo}~ ,~ere doing a ulild \\ frnin~ wa:-i ;h-en ~aniJ .. Or 1opl1 on tit ~al1j pID-8in~ thil'I point,
th('m dl~ the bo,s shoved o1t to th11r next "t"OOp. and v.:a.~ \C'r) "ff' ,.11,._. s \ Pn tlv rars a14t1.111urchN> g~at the suctt . . .. <i_ ttu~ Lont!oo ad- er< po !CCtl r1 h in lrfunt. 'l'he ihMmation
rrtlsing campaign that dp1te the lnle l\nur marchr
t' ' ry orderly ancl ""'" 111111".uht
(9 p.m.) thte wete 6.0QO p<'<lf'll' thron;:ing . etfly th .ma.I n tlpres.41. e ad,.rh mg m drnDL
" lh auditorium, vith t,~00 o01l'r outside )!nth- It 1 .-'ear th811 ~he p r:;011al w1t11 .. h~ tfhe
end a round four loud~peaker1;. ' l')u .\lrxanclra \\orkt..rM nM n Jit.uta()(' to rnen i" th1 1nn!il po
Palac;l~ Alldicnee app1audLt1 M.'\tra1 1 iun~!-t where
tcu1 !01111 tl 111h~rthdnf!.
the /i morican andienoo faiktl to, thu, ,]\owing
At 1.,. An;.:<'i<' lhe editor o[ tlw ll<flt~lth('iJ' l~fc1l intf' in follow i n~ t h<' Hnh,ic>rt ownC"d J.o" \n,!..\lh~ b'.ra1Hinrr l'aj<l '' ith t n..>lnn111 lt<r fH'r.irntPd.
hh11J.! hiuul A t hn I hf' hnd " ordf'rs not. to tonch
'I'hil'I il'lsue of The. ~lf.V.'lf'flf/rr con lu in!'I a pie au\ lh1111i_11h1111 Hnt1u,rford" .. \ II .\ntt>rh 1111" \\1ho
t un ('.) f t h(' ~$-foot 1notorhn~1t ll l'd with l!'l'e.1t ku~\\ 11\ijlr t ppr~ti.ah thi:o ~ul,tl1 ro1npli 11u'nt
rt?N~t ()nth<' r1,er ClyrlP nntl a.long tlu. lwantifnl
to .Judg1 H crfonl. In the au city. "h<'n
",~t 4oa...t of ~rotlancl. Th~ l10.1t t1lrr1~11 a preth'" prol
IM""Rn (-on1u1~ to ra1ho 1;tat1AJl
pared oail, 12 by 6 feet, nud 1b broadrnt nn- K~\"ll, th oprrutor. wlll:> i- a Hofl1on C'ath.,. noun('(>111t"nt~ oould e,en , ht- hnrd on l11!' .f- olic Uut fri<nd}y to .r('?tm ah's l"itni "4c, \1'8.&
fd1tAnt hill of Rotlll'-ay.
~t~ nmu<L'd at t!i(' protot . .lo o"11\1: that

.\ t :\t,\'Ca....tle-?n-Tyne tl 4\ J1~1lo\ts of i-('\ en- lt \fa~ n ~r 1tf -u p: I h " ath t "t>il <.1th )u=Gltl-.1 ..
tN"'n rmpt~ shop1' 'rrrc ('O\err<l. \llh 1rfr,.:1 1lQnl!lc 1ht.'. KF\ I \\llS 011 ~ oue of 1non th1-1
tro"n po...:.1f'r~. and th<' Ntwtn1<tlr c(H1 pnny d i ~ t-tatlon lito1uh1*linJ! h is 1.alki anrl t1 n1
tiUl(lli!ihrd it!'rl f by hirin~ n 1n11rq 11tr on 1hr no cont.r ol 0\1 1 lh<' pmgr~nn. J>ro
tnoor [or a ''eek front which t l1c Ki u~dom rl'rtut~~t to h'<r' 1 I hri1; nun1C!-l,
- . ti
nt(.)l'it1agc "a.:;, heralded fol'th ti,1.: 1 11ny hy loud- hco1 \\ l'rt' 11 "hn 111rrl lo do ~o
r"'akrr. attarhrd to. the tent. .
.\l :-;1in llir,.u ; , , itti
At llanche>trr. t .n1:'ancl, lwule~ all thrir "'ml t. u '"" rnnu
' oth('r 1nf'an_.. of advrrlt:-t1n~, puhh ll('rli p;1stt>d
fl 110
t;tU k1n1 all O\f'r thti-1r 4<l"'"' anti phono;rrtaph. .. arp a f'n
('oH&Jlation will ]18\C lllt:ll1rt O( the-A', :-OUle. PlfTim<'llt A

c o:=e u ,
.\ t Lilnpool all manner nf .11]\rr i-~i: wa~
u-'ll, i ncluding >peeiallv prepund i;.M for '
fo rmnt.ion ma"rcher~, a. wuud-tor prefPdi


1) '




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