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Hello from Denver in

The 70th Colorado General Assembly is coming to a close, as well as
my rookie year as your Representative. Here is an update of
everything that went on this year.
It has been an extremely busy first year for me, and while it is such an honor
serving you all here in Denver, I am looking forward to being home with family and
closer to you all.
This year, ten of the bills that I was directly involved in have been, or are most
likely going to be signed into law by Gov. Hickenlooper. Five of those had myself
as the prime sponsor.
HB15-1102 - Expansion of the Colorado Cottage Foods Act to allow homemade
tortillas, pickles, and empanadas. Sent to the Governor for signing.
HB15-1305 - Criminalizing the use of butane in dangerous manufacture of
marijuana hash oil. Sent to the Governor for signing.
HB15-1021 - Seven day court date intervals for DMV records. Signed by the
HB15-1304 - A study to find a way to reduce the black bear population. Sent to the
Governor for signing.
SB15-197 - Making it easier for Nurse Practitioners to obtain their license. Sent to
the Governor for signing.

Unfortunately, politics was the downfall of eight bills, five of which I was the prime
sponsor on. HB15-1157 and HB15-1177 were both economic bills that would
vitalize business in rural and urban economic distressed areas. They both were
supported on both sides of the isle, but due to politics, failed in the Senate. The
good news is, much of my work was rolled into SB15-282, "Jumpstart Colorado,"
creating tax free business opportunities in economically distressed rural and
urban areas. That bill will be voted upon this afternoon.
On social issues this sessions, I hold a perfect record on gun and 2nd amendment
rights issues. I was also had a perfect voting record when it came to freedom of
religious expression and the rights of the unborn. I also fought hard to restrict
recreational marijuana and it's varying social ills.
I rose to a leadership position in the State Affairs Committee, the Judiciary
committee, and floor debates concerning various legislation, including efforts to
curb construction defect litigation to fight against opening up schools to lawsuits for
acts of unforeseeable attack. The caucus also designated me to argue on behalf of
rights for a murdered baby in the womb.
Here are two videos of the arguments I made on the floor regarding potential
increase of the ability to sue schools.

So folks, as of tomorrow, May 6th, we will adjourn until next year. I encourage you
to get in touch with me, and let me know what needs to be addressed here in HD
54 and in Colorado. I am honored to have been able to serve this session, and I
cannot wait to do some more good next year.
On the campaign trail, I promised I would focus on economic development, stand

steadfast on gun, social, and Christian concerns. I also promised that I would work
in a bipartisan fashion to get something done. To that end I have fought to form
working coalitions and reach across the isle on economic issues.
The majority of my constituents would rather I be part of a legislature that gets
something done as apposed to saying "No" and being divisive. I am happy to
report this first year was a success in these regards.
Please follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more HD 54 updates.
Thank you
Rep. Yeulin Willett
HD 54
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