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Objective of the study


Need for safety

Health and safety measures for the organizational front


Legal framework

What is safety program?


Research Methodology








Statistics show that every twenty seconds of every working minute throughout the world,
someone dies as a result of industrial accident or poor safety conditions at workplace.
Thousands of employees throughout the world lose their limbs, suffer from temporary or
permanent disability or lose their lives due to insufficient arrangements for their health and
safety at workplace. Not only workers but their families also suffer the loss all through their
December 1984 witnesses the worlds worst chemical disaster in Bhopal, India, when a
methylisocyanate gas leaked from the Union Carbide plant in the city. It killed over 4,000
people and not hundreds but thousands suffered from permanent health damage. The haunting
memories of this disaster are still fresh in our minds.
Not only insufficient arrangements of workers health and safety at workplace have taken
away their lives but these days stress at workplace is also emerging as a major culprit of
spoiling employees and their families lives. Every now and then we hear of suicide cases of
individuals from the corporate world. Does mental stress not a factor that should be considered
with physical health and safety provisions? Have workers lives become so cheap that small
issues can take away their lives leaving their families wracked, children orphaned and parents
shocked with disbelief?
Does safety at workplace only mean to protect the workers from the danger of accidents
or any other mishaps? Should workplace safety not consider mental stress or emotional trauma

or personal issues of employees? Is the physical presence of an employee enough for an

employer to run the business?
There is no end to these questions. In todays fast-paced life and cut-throat competition,
employers need to rethink about safety provisions at workplace. It not only refers to the absence
of accidents. Rather, the concept expands to both physical and mental safety of the employees.
It is possible to show the external injury but what about something that is suffocating the
employees from inside?
Providing safety to the employees at workplace has a moral dimension as well. Though it
is a legal requirement and fetches monetary compensation in case of failure but it cant bring
back an individuals life. Eliminating the causes of accidents and counseling employees at
workplace play a substantial role in saving the operating costs, increasing productivity and
ensuring reliability and dependability from the employees.

Definition: The condition or state of being safe; freedom from danger or
hazard; exemption from hurt, injury, or loss.

What is a Safety Statement?

Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 requires that an
organization produce a written programme to safeguard:

the safety and health of employees while they work

the safety and health of other people who might be at the workplace, including customers,
visitors and members of the public
The safety statement represents a commitment to their safety and health. It should state how the
employer will ensure their safety and health and state the resources necessary to maintain and
review safety and health laws and standards. The safety statement should influence all work
activities, including

the selection of competent people, equipment and materials

the way work is done

how goods and services are designed and provided

It is essential to write down the safety statement and put in place the arrangements needed to
implement and monitor it. The safety statement must be made available to staff, and anyone

else, showing that hazards have been identified and the risks assessed and eliminated or


1. To know need for safety.
2. To know measures taken for employees safety.
3. To study implementation of safety program.


The benefits of maintaining a safe work environment are many, but first and foremost,
safety is about what you can do to protect your workers. Its the right thing to do. Employers
should send their workers home in the same condition they came in.
The practice of safety also brings financial benefits to the table. A safe work environment
impacts a projects bottom line both directly and indirectly. Costs associated with incidents,
including lost costs, workers comp claims, insurance costs and legal fees are minimized in a
safe work environment. So are the indirect costs that follow incidents, including the lost
productivity that occurs when people turn their attention to dealing with an incident.

Why is safety important at work place?

The key to employee productivity is to keep them motivated. Employees can remain motivated
if they feel safe and happy at their workplace. This says a lot about the importance of workplace
safety. Workplace safety is important for the very reason of improved productivity. It is only
when the employees feel safe at work that they can invest the fullest of their capacities and








Workplace safety is the employer's and management's responsibility. It involves the

formation and implementation of safety programs. Employee insurance schemes and employee
safety policies help cover the risk an employee might suffer at work. Jobs, which require the

employees to travel or stay out of their city or country, should cover the risks involved in the
journey and the on-site stay. Certain jobs require the employees to engage in life-risking work;
they require the employees to be part of dangerous industrial processes. Jobs, which put the
safety of their employees at stake, should also provide the employees with the safety costs.
Workplace safety involves training programs that are meant to teach the employees to
handle risks. Employees need to be trained to react to impending dangers, if any. They should
be trained to fight risks and deal with accidents at work in case they occur. It is important for the
management of a company to cater to the safety needs of its employees through risk covers as









At the time of the formation of a company, its safety goals, safety programs, policies,
plans and procedures need to be documented. The management should ensure the health and
safety of the employees by the means of safety education programs. The importance of office
safety can be promoted through the formation of a safety committee that is given the
responsibility of employee safety. Safety committees are helpful in increasing employee




Violence at workplace gives rise to serious issues pertaining to office safety. Acts of
violence eclipse the atmosphere in the organization and can leave a permanent scar on the
company's image. Violence at the workplace is sure to lead to frustrated employees in turn
leading to a decline in their productivity. The management should implement strict measures to
prevent acts of violence at work. It should implement policies that safeguard the employees








Safety is important at a workplace, also because human resources are the most important
resources of an organization. Safety at a workplace, also known as office safety refers to the
safety of this valuable resource of an organization. Satisfied employees can earn for a company
what money can't buy. Human life is priceless. It cannot be made up for, by monetary
compensations. An employer might be able to substitute an employee by another. But, not
necessarily his dedication and expertise. That's why it's important for organizations to

understand that human resources are its assets. This is also a reason why employers should cater
to workplace safety, and moreover, to the employees' lives.







Health and safety training plays a vital role in the organizational front this days. For
business owners, managers, and employees it is necessary to take part in such Health and Safety
(H & S) Training services in order to reduce the number of accidents that may arise at workplace.
It will not only benefit them personally, but will be beneficial for the entire organization.
In most countries, it is compulsory for all the workers of any organization to engage
themselves in this health and safety training courses. Some companies provide in house training
while others will give you assistance to some training centers for taking the H & S Training

Industrial Safety Training services is an important factor in workplace risk management

programs. The training objectives of such courses includes many courses like, learning safe
work practices, identification of every job risks and appreciating other precautionary measures .
This can greatly contribute to the goal of minimizing occupational risk of injury as well as
spreading disease in the working environment.

Basically, such Safety Training Services should be designed in such a way that it always
helps the employees effectively in their work performance in a healthful and safe manner. The

training should be related with the responsibility level of each individual. Every individual must
be aware of all the safety measures to take care in the working atmosphere. Everyone should
contribute to make the environment suitable for good living.

It is very important to train staff in the safety measures as the untrained staff can injure
themselves and even other employees at workplace, cause needless expenses to the organization,
and come up with their own methods of performing tasks. This will lead to the work getting
effect and all the tasks will not be performed smoothly.

Not only the top managers in the organization but also the low level employees and even
the factory workers in the industries also need to undergo such H & S Training Services. It not
only makes them aware of the risks they are linked with, but also helps them in reducing the
number of injuries and accidents that may arise while working alone or in groups. Along with the
managers and the other staff, even business owners need to take such courses. This will help
them making their companies a better place to work for everyone.

Apart from engaging oneself in such H & S Training Services programs it is also
important for every individual to create awareness among people about such Safety Training
Services. These services are focused on educating people and getting them ready in order to take
up an important and effective place within the social order. This will help many people to come
up with taking such programs and making the environment a peaceful place to live in.

Such H & S Training Services programs will surely help the management in designing
and implementing safety policies in the organization and thus creating a good culture to work for
Workplace Safety Training
Any workplace may it be a factory, office, a construction site, farm and dairy or for that matter

any location place of work, is basically a second home to employees. Ensuring the safety of
employees in such places, in every possible way, is an important responsibility of the employer.

Whatever may be the compliance by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), or the state and district governance, safety training at the workplace is valuable for
companies and business organizations, in order to protect the lives and health of their
employees. A sincere participation by the employees in the training process and the actual
implementation of what they have learned is also very important as indirectly they would be
taking care of not just themselves but of the company's premises and also of their fellow
Employer should cover all compliance which have been imposed and enforced by departments
of labor, or agencies such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration, as any non
fulfillment of such compliance tends to have a certain legal implications. Also note that the
following explanation does not cover the compliance part that the business organizations need
to comply with under the obligation of the law of the land. Take a look.
1. Tell Where the Danger is
Whatever may be the location of the workplace, assess the situations and locations within
the office which can prove to be potential threats to health. For example: an electricity control
room or a generator room can be hazardous, especially if an untrained person accesses it. Apart
from that during the induction while conducting workplace safety training some other regional

hazards such as low or weak railings, slippery or extremely smooth or slippery surfaces, hazards
related to local traffic, should be disclosed to the employees. Any small and pointless thing can
be connoted to be a hazard and while such a training make it point to identify it and disclose it.
2. Risk and Safety Related to Machines
The term, workplace has become almost synonymous, hence whatever may be the case,
may it be the office building or machine shop, vehicles, or for that matter utilities such as
elevators, during training make it a point to disclose and also train your employees to deal with
accidents or related disasters. For example in a place full of computers or machines there is
always a possibility of the occurrence of an electricity fire. All your employees hence, have to
be trained in remedy. What to do when you smell smoke? What to do when the actual fire
erupts? Are some of the specifications which have to be dealt with. In case of safety measures
regarding heavier machinery or utilities such as say cranes, cement mixers, industrial equipment
and machines and even elevators, you will need to fulfill some kind of safety compliance and
also train your employees to adhere with the compliance. For example, you have a generator in
the office basement, notify the employees about the insulation of room, where the fire
extinguishers are kept, which switches have to be switched off or have to be put on when a
calamity, God forbids, strike. Remember a machine can be a man's friend and enemy both at the
same time.
3. Disclosing Compliance to the Employees
The next thing that you need to do is disclose all compliance to the employees. The
complied rules, regulations and laws of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and
local governing bodies can be highly helpful in situations when danger strikes. Several of these
details may even seem to be insignificant; however these very details come in handy in bad
times and help in saving lives and preventing injuries.
4. Make Provision Before Disaster
It is of critical importance that the workplace premises have some essentials such as fire
extinguishers and first-aid kits, both at very prominent and easily accessible positions. Also
training employees in using these remedies is of great importance. Another great way is to

actually make the employees participate in mock-up drills such as fire evacuation practice at
regular intervals. It is a great idea to invite experts on industrial fires, emergency treatment
experts, once in a while to explain the importance of these measures which would prove to be of
great help. Also organizing safety meetings and discussing various topics with the employees
also tends to help a lot.
One of the drills which is often ignored is the regular practice of the procedure of emergency
evacuation from the building. Remember such drills successfully help the employees in
negotiating every possible obstacle, under unfamiliar conditions of a calamity such as
earthquakes or fires. It is important that every business organization conducts such a kind of
training, not because it's compliance, but because it could mean a life saved or lost. In fact,
making every employee acquainted with every nook and corner of the building and premises
right from the first day is a great start. Further more, the employees must be aware of the nearest
route to the hospital or emergency room.

Eye Safety at Work

Eye injuries while working, have affected the lives of many on-site workers. Ensuring eye
safety at work can prevent accidents and unnecessary medical expenses.

Eye injuries may happen suddenly or may occur over a prolonged period of time due to

continuous exposure to chemicals, flying particles or radiation. Every year thousands of

industrial workers report of having injured their eyes while working. The eye is a very sensitive
and crucially important organ which must be protected at all times, while at work in a factory,
workshop or heavy machine industry. Here are some tips on how to maintain eye safety at work
in the best possible manner. At an average, 1000 eye injuries occur every single day, thereby
causing collateral damage to the worker's health, financial condition and job prospects.

Eye Safety Measures while at Work

Mandatory Eye Safety Signs
It is very crucial that all employers get Eye safety signs put up all over their workplace. These
signs are very easy to understand as the pictures depict a worker wearing protective goggles or
shield helmet. The sign must be very simple to understand and must have an easy warning such
as "Protect Your Eyes. Please Wear Face Shields". The organization must also provide a face
shield or goggle to each of their workers at the time of joining the job. These equipment can be
returned or placed in individual lockers after the day's work is complete. Having written signs on
the walls throughout office or personally made workplace safety checklist and pamphlets for
workers, will ensure that everyone is aware of this requirement. Those workers who do not wear
their protective eyewear must either be provided spare ones on reporting for work or must not be
allowed to enter the workshop area.
Wear Protective Eyewear at All Times
It is the duty of the worker to ensure his own safety once the protective eyewear has been
provided. If in case you haven't been provided one by your employer, buy one for yourself. The
reason being that, this way you will have your own protective eyewear and will not have to risk
your eyes while at work. You must wear your eyewear at all times while in the workshop,
because flying particles and sparks from your table as well as others' tables can hit you in the
eye, when you least expect it.
Wear Well Fitting Eyewear
Always try and test the protective eyewear before wearing it for work. The safety goggles
face shields, welding helmets or face respirators must fit you perfectly. They must never be too

loose or ill fitted as this can cause harmful particles to enter through the gaps and injure your
eye. This applies to harmful chemical gases and radiations which can seep through the gaps and
cause severe damage to your eyesight and your health.
Work Appropriate Eyewear
You must be very specific about the type of protective eyewear you chose to wear while
working. If your job requires that you deal with welding, metal sharpening or cutting, drilling,
etc., you must wear a welding helmet. This helmet will protect your entire face and parts of the
neck. If you have to deal with chemical gasses, you must wear a full faced respirator helmet or
mask. This will block the gasses out and keep you safe. You must always wear eyeglasses with
side shields as these help protect the eye efficiently.
The best way to maintain eye safety at work is to ensure that you yourself take steps to be
extra careful while working. Do not wait for the organization to come to your aid, if they haven't
already taken steps in this regard. It is also important that you let your co-workers understand
the significance of wearing protective eyewear.
Workplace Safety Topics for Meetings











Workplace safety is a grossly underestimated and underrated aspect in today's business

organizations. While all the necessary equipment may be in place for use in the event of an

emergency, the employees need to be kept up to date and well informed about 'how' to use said
equipment and how to react in a potentially dangerous situation. For this, organisation need to
know what some good workplace safety meeting topics are. They'll help you to get all employees
together and well trained in safety and disaster management.
Fire Safety
One of the most important topics that need to be discussed at a safety meeting in an organization
is the fire safety of the office. This meeting could involve demonstration of the use of various
fire safety equipment by professionals. It can also have an interactive session in which
employees can ask questions about the equipment to be used in the case of a fire. Also, a lecture
on what are the steps to be followed and how to safely exit the building in case of a fire, needs to
be discussed and held.
Safety Training
The organization should carry out a meeting about the various possible dangers and what to do
in their event. The employees should be actually trained to use various safety equipments. For
instance, employee can be trained to use the fire extinguishers, to activate the security alarms, to
alert the police in case of a robbery attempt, etc. He can also briefed about what are the steps
that they need to follow and what exactly they need to say to the emergency assistance people
when they call them, in order to ensure that help reaches the office as quickly as possible.
Safety Drills
Apart from just the training in the use of the safety equipment and tactics, the employees
also need to have some first hand experience handling the equipment, so that they get a feel of it
and are more confident of using them in case of an emergency. For this, carryout mock fire
drills, earthquake alerts for evacuation, staged armed robbery, a medical emergency etc. either
by informing the employees about them or just surprise them with it to see how well they
respond to the situation.


Office Safety Checklist

Another important topic that can be discussed at a safety meeting with the employees is
an office safety checklist. Prior to the meeting, management can have a group of people
assigned to various aspects of safety within the office. These people will devise a safety
checklist for their assigned departments like electrical safety, housekeeping, ergonomics, etc.
Finally, combine all of these items and formulate an office safety checklist for the entire office.
At the meeting, distribute copies of this checklist to all the employees, have them go through it
and explain to them that they need to make sure that all the items mentioned therein need to be
taken seriously. Clear any doubts that they may have and encourage them to ask questions.
Internet Safety
These days, one does not really need to be in the vicinity to cause or experience an
emergency. With the rapidly developing technological advancements, cyber crime can be as
devastating as any other disaster. So, having a meeting to discuss the importance of safety while
using the Internet and the impact that overlooking safety measures can have, is a good topic of
workplace safety.
Why is Health and Safety Important in the Workplace
Understanding the importance of safety and health in a workplace is important for employees as
well as for employers.


Whether you work in a hazardous environment or in a comparatively safer zone, workplace

safety is important to prevent mishaps. Since employees are spending most of the time at work
place, it must be safe so that no threat to health is posed. Thus, health and safety of employees
are major concerns of an organization.
Health and Safety Issues in the Workplace
Understanding the importance of safety at workplace should be the concern of the
management. Certain norms are established that an individual should know to ensure self safety.
There should be arrangement for first aid and health care services as well. Frequency of
accidents taking place due to negligence in safety measures have been reported to a large extent.
If the safety measures are executed properly, then cost incurred in recovery could also be
eliminated because chances of mishaps are considerably reduced...
Safety in the Corporate Sector
It's an established fact that working in corporate sectors is considerably safer than
working in mines and factories. The working environment is made conducive for employees
and safety is ensured to avoid minor accidents like tripping or skidding inside office. Chances of
short circuits and outbreak of fire are always there. So fire extinguishers are always installed.
Accidents inside elevators, although not frequent, could be dangerous and to avoid this they
should be always monitored for proper functioning.

Safety of Miners
Safety at underground mines is the most important concern of a mining company.
Working underground always carries potential life risks. Most workplace accidents have been
reported in underground mines and therefore, there should be sufficient provisions for
eliminating such mishaps. Miners are provided with helmets, goggles and other equipment to
ensure safety while working. Mining trolleys and lifts are regularly monitored to avoid
transportation accidents. Food and water is provided and other requirements are taken care of.
Their work zone is inspected regularly to prevent unforeseen accidents from taking place.

Nuclear Plant Safety

Working in nuclear plants is definitely a risky job because there are chances that
employees might get exposed to radiation leakage. Nuclear safety systems mostly ensure that no
radioactive materials are released even during accidents, while workers are given high
protection while working in its vicinity. They are equipped with special radiation proof jackets,
masks, goggles and caps. Exposure to radiation causes cancer, which in most cases is fatal.
Thus, protecting workers' health is the primary concern of nuclear plants and companies.
Safety at Factories
People working in factories where they have to handle fire, instruments and chemicals to
a large extent are provided immense protection to prevent health hazards. Machines and other
tools are regularly checked to ensure that they are safe to work with. Workplace safety is a
major concern in such places because getting exposed to these risky objects would definitely
have damaging effects. Thus, they are properly equipped with lifesaving gears that offer
substantial protection to them.
Health Safety Measures


These safety measures, apart from providing physical safety, are also necessary for
maintaining one's internal health while working. They are equipped with every kind of medical
facilities that prove useful in emergency situations. Mobile vans having all types clinical
systems patrol mines and factories. Experienced doctors and nurses are always present to offer
first aid. Corporate sectors also have health care facilities for offering instant treatment to
employees. Thus, creating an environment that would be conducive for employees should be
one of the most coveted goals of an organization.
Ensuring Personal Safety
There are issues of violence and molestation of coworkers. Such incidents can mar the
reputation of any organization. It's almost impossible to work in an environment that is devoid
of personal safety measures. Rules and regulations are implemented by the law for ensuring
physical safety of workers which are adopted by companies to prevent any such incidents taking
It's responsibility of employees to know the safety rules prevailing and learn how to practice
them. They must be well acquainted with the safety symbols and should be capable of utilizing
them when needed. Also follow the health policies provided by the organization to protect
themselves from health hazards.




Safety and health occupy a significant place in India's Constitution, which prohibits
employment of children under the age of 14 in factories, mines and hazardous occupations. This
policy aims to protect the health and strength of all workers by discouraging employment in
occupations unsuitable to the worker's age and strength. It is the policy of the State to make
provisions to secure just and humane conditions at work. The Constitution provides a broad
framework under which policies and programmes for occupational health and safety can be
Legislation on occupational health and safety has existed in India for over 50 years. The
principal health and safety laws are based on the British Factories Act. The Factories Act, 1948
has been amended from time to time, especially after the Bhopal gas disaster, which could have
been prevented. The amendment demanded a shift away from dealing with disaster (or disease)

to prevention of its occurrence. The Factories (Amendment) Act came into force on December
1, 1987. A special chapter on occupational health and safety to safeguard workers employed in
hazardous industries was added. In this chapter, pre-employment and periodic medical
examinations and monitoring of the work environment are mandatory for industries defined as
hazardous under the Act. A maximum permissible limit has been laid down for a number of
The Act is implemented by state factory inspectorates, supported by industrial hygiene
laboratories. There are similar provisions under the Mines Act. The Factories Act is applicable
only to factories that employ 10 or more workers; it covers only a small proportion of workers.

Factories Act, 1948 (section 24 to 40)

Section 24. Striking gear and devices for cutting off power.In every factory,
(a)Suitable striking gear or other efficient mechanical appliances shall be provided and
maintained and used to move driving belts to and from fast and loose pulleys which form part of
the transmission machinery, and such gear or appliance shall be so constructed placed and
maintained as to prevent the belt from creeping back on to the fast pulley; (b) driving belts
when not in use shall not be allowed to rest or ride upon shaft in motion.
In every factory, suitable devices for cutting off power in emergencies from running machinery
shall be provided and maintained in every workroom.
Section 25. Self-acting machines.No traversing part of a self-acting machine in and factory and no material carried thereon shall
(if the space over which it runs, is a space over which any person is liable to pass, whether in
the course of his employment or otherwise) be allowed to run on its outward or inward traverse
within a distance of eighteen inches from any fixed structure which is not a part of the machine.
Section 26. Casing of new machinery.In all machinery driven by power and installed in any factory:

Every set screw, bolt or key on any revolving shaft, spindle wheel or pinion shall be so

sunk, encased or otherwise effectively guarded as to prevent danger;



All spur, worm and other toothed or friction gearing which does note, require adjustment

while in motion shall be completely encased, unless it is so situated as it would be if it were

completely encased.
Section 27. Prohibition of employment of women and children near cotton-openers.No woman or child shall be employed in any part of a factory where pressing cotton-opener is
at work. Provided that if the feed-end of a cotton-opener is in a room separated from the
delivery end by a partition extending to the roof or to such height as the Inspector may in
particular case specify in writing, women and children my be employed on the side of the
partition where the feed-end is situated.
Section 28. Hoist and lifts.IN every factory every hoist and lift shall be:
Of good mechanical construction, sound material and adequate strength;
Properly maintained, and shall be thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once in
every period of six months, and register shall be kept containing the prescribed particulars of six
months, and register shall be kept containing the particulars of every such examination.
Section 29. Lifting machines, chains, ropes and lifting tackles.
In any factory, the following provisions shall be complied with in respect of every lifting tackle
for the purpose of raising or lowering persons, good or materials:

All parts, including the working gear, whether fixed or movable, or every lifting machine

and every chain rope or l lifting tackle shall be.

I. Of good construction, sound material and adequate strength and free from defect;
II. Properly maintained: and
III. Thoroughly examined by a competent person at least oince in every period of twelve
months, or at such intervals as the Chief Inspector may specify in writing: an a register shall be
kept containing the prescribed particulars of every such examination;

No lifting machine and no chain, rope or lifting tackle shall, except for the purpose of test,

be loaded beyond the safe working load which shall be plainly marked thereon together with an
identification mark.

Section 30. Revolving machinery.

In every room in a factory in which the process of grinding is carried on, there shall be
permanently affixed to or placed near each machine in use a notice indication the maximum safe
working peripheral speed of every grindstone or abrasive wheel, the speed o the shaft or spindle
upon which the wheel is mounted, and the diameter of the pulley upon such shaft or spindle
necessary to secure such safe working peripheral speed.
Section 31. Pressure plant.
if in any factory, any part of the plant or machinery used in a manufacturing process is
operated at a pressure above atmospheric pressure, affective measures shall be taken to ensure
that the safe working pressure of such part is not exceeded.
Section 32. Floors, stairs and means of access.
In every factory, all floors, steps,
stairs, passages and gangways shall be of sound
construction and properly maintained and shall be kept free from obstruction and substances
likely to causes persons to slip and where it is necessary to ensure safety, steps, stairs, passages
and gangways shall be provided with substantial handrails.
Section 33. Pits, sumps, openings in floors, etc.
In every factory, fixed vessel, sump, tank, pit or opening in the ground or in a floor
which, by reason of its depth, situation, construction or contents, is or may ne a source of
danger shall be either securely covered or securely fenced.
Section 34. Excessive weights.
No person shall be employed in any factory to lift, carry or move any load so heavy as to
be likely to cause him injury. The State Government may make rules prescribing the maximum
weights which may be lifted, carried or moved by adult man, adult women, adolescents and
children employed in factories or in any class or description of factories or in carrying work on
any specified process.


Section 35. Protection of eyes.

In respect of any such manufacturing process carried on in any factory as may be prescribed,
being a process which involves:

Risk of injury to the eyes from particles or fragments thrown off in the course of the

process, or.

Risk to the eyes by reason of exposure to excessive light, the State Government may be

require the effective screens or suitable goggles shall be provided fro the protection of persons
employed on, or in the immediate vicinity of the proves.
Section 36. Precautions against dangerous fumes, gases, etc.1.

In any factory, no person shall enter or be permitted to enter any chamber, tank, vat, pit,

pipe, flue or other confined space in which dangerous fumes are likely to be present ot such an
extant as to involve risk of persons being overcome thereby.

Suitable breathing apparatus, reviving apparatus, and belts and ropes shall in every

factory be kept ready for instant use beside any such confined space as aforesaid which any
person has entered, and all such apparatus shall be periodically examined and certified by a
competent person to be fit for use.
Section 36A. Precautions regarding the use of portable electric light.In any factory:

No portable electric light or any other electric appliance of voltage exceeding twenty-four

volts shall be permitted for use inside any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe, flue or other confined
space : and

If any inflammable gas, fume or dust is likely to be present in such chamber, tank, vat,

pipe, flue or other confined space, no lamp light other than that of flameproof construction shall
be permitted to be used therein.
Section 37. Explosive or inflammable dust, gas, etc.
Where in any factory any manufacturing process produces dust, gas, fume, or vapour of
such character and to such extent as to be likely to explode on ignition. All practicable measures
shall be taken to prevent any such explosion by:


Effective enclose or the plant of machinery used in the process:


Removal or prevention of the accumulation of such dust, gas, fume or vapour:


Exclusion or effective enclosure of all possible sources of ignition.

Section 38. Precautions in case of fire.


In every factory there shall be provided such means of escape in case of fire as may be


In every factory the doors affording exit from any room shall not be locked or fastened so

that they can not be easily and immediately opened from the inside while any person is within
the room, and all such doors, unless they are of the sliding type, shall be constructed to open

In every factory, every window, door or other exit affording a means of escape in case of

fire, other then the means of exit in ordinary use, shall be distinctively marked in language
understood by the majority of the workers and in red letters of adequate size or by some other
effective and clearly understood sign.

There shall be provided in every factory effective and clearly audible means of giving

warning in case of fire to every person employed in the factory.

Section 39. Power to require specifications of defective parts or tests of stability.
If it appears to the Inspector that any building or part of a building or any part of the
ways, machinery or plant in a factory is in such a condition that it may be dangerous to human
life or safety, he may serve on the occupier or manager or both of the factory an order in writing
requiring him before ea specified date:

To furnish such drawings, specifications and other particulars as may be necessary to

determine whether such building, ways, machinery or plant be used with safety, or

To carry out such test in such manner as may be specified in the order, and to inform the

Inspector of the results thereof.

Section 40. Safety of buildings and machinery.
If it appears to the Inspector that any building or part of a building or any part of the
ways, machinery or plant in a factory is in such a condition that it is dangerous to human life or

safety, he may serve on the occupier or manager or both of the factory an order in writing
specifying the measures which in his opinion should be adopted, and requiring them to be carried
out before a specified date.
Section 40A. Maintenance of buildings.
If it appears to the Inspector that any building or part of a building in a factory is in such
a state of disrepair as is likely to lead to conditions detrimental to the health and welfare of the
workers, he may serve on the occupier or manager or both of the factory an order in writing
specifying the measures which in his opinion should be taken and requiring the same to be
carried out before such date as is specified in the order.
Section 40B. Safety Officers. - In every factory wherein, one thousand or more workers are
ordinarily employed the occupier shall, if so required by the State Government by notification
in the Official Gazette, employ such number of Safely Officers as may be specified in that
The duties, qualifications and conditions of service of Safety Officers shall be such as may be
prescribed by the State Government.


A safety program is a set of policies and work practices specifically designed by your
company for your company.
Effective designing and implementation of workplace safety programs can minimize the
loss and damage caused to persons and property by eliminating the risk of industrial accidents.
In addition to it, the employee safety programs can result in substantial cost savings, increased
productivity and establishing harmonious relations with workers.

For designing effective safety plans and implementing them requires thorough analysis of
workplace conditions and determining the level of protection required. The degree of protection
depends upon the degree of risk involved in any job. For example, people working in mines
require more safety that those working in a BPO. It also depends on the kind of job the person is
engaged in. Sales personnel may require higher level of protection than the one in any
administrative job.
Workplace safety programs are not only effective in eliminating the risk of damage
caused to person but is also an effective tool in retaining the existing and attracting new talent
from the industry. Who doesnt want a safe and healthy work environment? Around 90 percent
of working professionals seek safety at workplace rather than a fat package.
Organizations can reduce the risk of accidents at workplace by identifying the level of
risk, modifying the already existing policy and implementing it effectively. For this, it needs to
design proper and efficient management programs to improve physical environment employee
assistance programs to help them diagnose and treat their stress-related problems.
Here is a mention of few workplace safety programs that are implemented by top-notch
organizations to ensure workers physical and mental safety:

Safety Policy: It contains a declaration of the employers intent towards the safety of
employees and means to realize it. It includes causes, extent and remedies for accidents
at workplace. The policy specifies the companys goals and responsibilities and caveats
and sanctions for failing to fulfill them.

Provision of Physical Health Services: Many organizations render periodical physical

health check-up services to their employees. Regular medical check-ups of employees
help detect the signs and symptoms of tension, stress, ulcers, depression and other
diseases resulting from the exposure to harmful gases or other irritants.

It is considered as one of the major steps to control occupational health hazards and treat
them before they become worse. In addition to this, it helps managers in rehabilitating the
employees by redesigning their jobs in order to eliminate the further damage to their health.


Mental Health Services: In order to reduce the risk of mental breakdowns because of
tension, pressure and depression and mental illness, a mental health service is provided
to the employees in different ways such as psychiatric counseling, co-operation and
consultation with specialists, educating employees about the importance of mental
health and establishment, development and maintenance of harmonious human
relations at workplace.

Employee Assistance Programs: These are specially designed to deal with stressrelated problems of the employees and help in diagnosis, treatment, screening and
prevention of both work and non-work related problems. These programs provide real
help to professionals and do not carry any negative implications.

Fitness Programs: These programs focus on overall health of employees and include
both disease identification as well as lifestyle modification. The most common
programs carried out by the organizations are hypertension identification, physical
fitness, exercise, nutrition, smoking and drinking cessation, diet control and personal
and work-related stress management.

Awareness Programs: Conducting the workshops about sexually transmitted diseases

such as HIV AIDS help a lot in raising the awareness of employees towards such
dreadful diseases. Such programs clear out the confusion and disruption in the

We all must have heard of a simple phrase, Health is Wealth. This is true for individuals as
well as organizations. Understanding, developing, implementing and evaluating workplace safety
programs not only helps individuals in maintaining their health but also helps organizations in
retaining their resources.

The system of collecting data for research projects is known as research methodology.
The data may be collected for either theoretical or practical research for example management
research may be strategically conceptualized along with operational planning methods and
change management


Some important factors in research methodology include validity of research data, Ethics
and the reliability of measures most of your work is finished by the time you finish the analysis
of your data.
Formulating of research questions along with sampling weather probable or non probable
is followed by measurement that includes surveys and scaling. This is followed by research
design, which may be either experimental or quasi-experimental. The last two stages are data
analysis and finally writing the research paper, which is organized carefully into graphs and
tables so that only important relevant data is shown.
Research can be classified by purpose or by method. If we categorize it by purpose, it
would fall into two major categories: Basic Research and Applied Research, while in case of
method, it would be deductive research and inductive research.

Also called Pure or fundamental Research, it is undertaken for increase in knowledge.
There is no direct benefit as it is a research for the sake of research. It is conducted to satisfy
any curiosity such as: (a) what makes things happen, (b) why society changes and (c) why
social relations are in a certain way. In fact, it is the source of most new theories, principles and
ideas. Basic research rarely helps anyone directly. It only stimulates new ways of thinking. The
main motivation is to expand man's knowledge. There is absolutely no commercial value to the
discoveries resulting from such research.

It is use of basic research or past theories, knowledge and methods for solving an existing
problem. It deals with practical problems. It is opposed to pure research which is not problemoriented but for the increase in knowledge which may or may not be used in future.
In the present world situation, more emphasis is being given to applied research to solve
problems arising out of overpopulation and scarcity of natural resources.

Applied research should not be treated the same as Research & Development(R&D)
which is involved in developing products demanded by the existing clients. Applied Research, on
the other hand, focuses on uncovering what needs are not being met and use that information in
designing products or services that would create their own demand.
The basic types of research are as follows:

Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The major
purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present. The
main characteristic of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variables. In
Analytical research, on the other hand, the researcher has to use facts or information already
available, and analysis these to make a critical evaluation of the materials.

Applied research aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem facing a society or an
industrial/business organization, whereas fundamental research is mainly concerned with
generalizations and with the formulation of a theory. Applied research is to discover a solution
for some pressing practical problem. Whereas fundamental research is directed towards finding
information that has a broad base of applications.
Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to
phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity. Qualitative research is concerned with
quantitative phenomena. It is especially important in the behavioral sciences where the aim is to
discover the underlying motives of human behavior.


Conceptual research is that related to some abstract ideas or theory. It is generally used by
philosophers and thinkers to develop new concepts or to reinterpret existing ones. On the other
hand, empirical research relies on experience or observation alone, often without due regard for
system and theory. It is data based research, coming up with conclusions which are capable of
being verified by observation or experiment.


The purpose of the research should be clearly defined and common concepts be used.
The research procedure used should be described in sufficient detail to permit another researcher
to repeat the research for further advancement, keeping the continuity of what has already been
The procedural design of the research should be carefully planned to yield results that areas
objective as possible.
The researcher should report with complete frankness, flaws in procedural design and estimate
their effects upon the findings.
The analysis of data should be sufficiently adequate to reveal its significance and the methods of
analysis used should be appropriate. The validity and reliability of the data should be checked
Conclusions should be confined to those justified by the data of the research and limited to those
for which the data provides an adequate basis.

Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and it promotes the development of logical
habits of thinking and organization
The role of research in several fields of applied economics, whether related to business or to the
economy as a whole, has greatly increased in modern times.


Research provides the basis for nearly all government policies in our economic system. Through
research we can devise alternative policies and can as well examine the consequences of each of
these alternatives.
Research has its special significance in solving various operational and planning problems of
business and industry.
Research is equally important for social scientists in studying social relationships and in seeking
answers to various social problems.
To those students who are to write a masters or PH.D thesis, research may mean careerism or a
way to attain a high position in the social structure.
To professional in research methodology, research may mean a source of livelihood.
To philosophers and thinkers, research may mean the outlet for new ideas and insights.
To literary men and women, research may mean the development of new styles and creative
To analysts and intellectuals, research may mean the generalizations of new theories

Facts, information systematically collected and formally presented for the purpose of
drawing inferences may be called data. Statistical information collected, compiled and
preserved for the purpose of establishing appropriate relationship between variables may also be
included in the data, whether statistically processed or not, play a vital role in the research and
analysis of various problems in all types of area of investigations. This is the rational of data
collection in research.



Primary source means first hand sources or original source at the hand of the researcher
that is not collected previously. For example, the various replies by the teacher from the students
as regards their assessment of teaching method constitute primary source of data. Primary data is
collected through principles sources of observation, surveys. Using primary sources,
researcher can collect precisely the information he wants. Primary data consist of Qualitative
Data and Quantitative Data.


Primary data are the information generated to meet the specific requirements of the
investigation to be had. Hence, the investigator is required to collect data separately for the
study taken by him. A method refers to the way of gathering data. Some of the methods are as
(i)Observation: It involves gathering of data pertaining to a given research either by viewing or
listening or both.
(ii)Interviewing : It means conversation between the researcher and the respondent directly.

(iii)Mailing: It involves collecting data by getting questionnaires completed by respondents.

(iv) Experimentation: involves study of independent variables under controlledconditions for
evaluating their effect on a dependent variable.
(v)Simulation: means creation of an artificial condition similar to the real life situation
(vi) Projective: methods aim at drawing inferences on the characteristics of respondents by
presenting to them stimuli.


Secondary data refers to information generally collected by persons other than researcher
for other purpose and not for the purpose involved in the given research project at work. As an
example, the annual accounts of a company form a primary data for that company for purpose of
presenting the companys financial status and performance. But to a researcher, it may form a
secondary data as it is used, perhaps in part, for some other purpose and is independent
of research investigation. The sources of secondary data consist of reports such as census reports,
annual reports and accounts of company reports of various government departments.
Reserve bank of India various reports, national sample survey report, UNO, UNICEF, WHOM,
ILO, or World Bank various reports compiled. In fact, books, journals, diaries, manuscripts,
letter, etc. also form secondary source of data. The main characteristics associated with such a
data are that the data is readily available. Also, the researcher does not have any control over this
collection. The forms and contents are shaped by those other than a particular researcher.


They are further classified as
(i) Personal sources and
(ii) Public sources

These include several ways of collection of data, prominent among them is through:
1. Autobiographies
2. Diaries
3. Letters
4. Memoirs
Such data proves very useful to get a better account of things such as pre-independence life
in India, history of a person or a particular society, social life problems such as love, death,


marriage, and divorce-revealing important information. It also throws light on different social

There are varieties of sources and are easily available to a researcher. They include:
1. Books,
2. Journals or periodicals
3. Newspapers,
4. Reports of Government Departments
In this project both primary and secondary and data are included. Primary data is
collected through questionnaire and secondary data is taken from the internet and books.

The study is a cross sectional study because the data were collected at a single point of
time. For the purpose of present study a related sample of population was selected on the basis of
A sample of 20 people was taken on the basis of convenience. The information is collected from
the employees of different sectors.

Research work is only carried for 1 or 2 weeks.


This work is carried out through self-administered questionnaires. The questions included were
open ended and offered choices.

Work-related information serves the labour force and the working society as a source of
important data to improve production and the national economy. Systematic work-related
research and an unbiased collection of data through extensive field investigation are very
important, not only for an increase in production, but also for the need of decreasing accidents
and injuries and protecting workers" health and the environment.

The research shows SMEs (small and medium enterprises) face more safety problems
compared to large firms. These firms have basic facilities like first aid box but they do not
provide complete safety to the employees. The employees are not insured against risk in their
The data analysis is as follows:1. Does your company have a written health and safety policy signed by management?

No; 20%

Yes; 80%

80% of the companies have safety policy

2. Do you provide on the job training to all employees?


No; 40%
Yes; 60%

It shows that 40% of the employees lack training which leads to safety problems.

3. Does your company have fire extinguishing or suppression system in place and in working

No; 55%

Yes; 45%

The analysis shows 55% of the companies do not have fire extinguisher.

4. Has the organization identified the risks to employee safety and training to fight the danger?

Yes; 35%
No; 65%

The analysis shows that only 35% organizations identify the risks to employee safety and to fight
the danger.

5. Does your company have a procedure in place for investigating incidents, accidents and near


; 25%

; 75%

Only 25% of the organizations have procedures in place for investigating incidents, accidents
and near misses.


6. Are the employees insured against risk to life or risk of accidents in the workplace?

Yes; 30%
No; 70%

Only about 30% of the organizations employees are insured against risk to life and that is
basically seen in big organizations.

The analysis shows that many organizations have health and safety policies written but the
implementation is lacking. Big organizations have safety measures and insurance for the
employees against risk but small organizations lack this and employees are not safe in such


Employees safety is a major issue in an organization as human resource is asset and needs
to be treated properly. All the organizations do not provide proper working conditions to the
employees. Even they are not insured against accident or life. Employees health and safety
should be given utmost importance. Small and medium organizations fail to provide good
working condition, training against risk and insurance to employees. Employees in such
organizations are not safe.
In this world of intense competition employer needs to think about safety of employees
and safety not only refers to physical safety but mental safety also must be considered.
Providing a safe working environment need not be a difficult or time-consuming exercise,
particularly if in a low-risk environment. The most important thing is to make safety part of
business culture driven by a commitment from the top of the organization. Benefits of working
safely include fewer accidents, reduced insurance premiums, a better-motivated workforce and
peace of mind. There is no point in spending extra money to recover the unwelcome accidents
The Company has to ensure that work is under its control and carried out in such a way to
minimize the risk to the health & safety for employees and any other person who could be


1. Does your company have a written health and safety policy signed by management?
2. Do you provide on the job training to all employees?
3. Does your company have fire extinguishing or suppression system in place and in working
4. Has the organization identified the risks to employee safety and training to fight the danger?
5. Does your company have a procedure in place for investigating incidents, accidents and near
6. Are the employees insured against risk to life or risk of accidents in the workplace?



1. Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health - Mark A. Friend, James P.

2. Human Resource Management Rao



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