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Data Structure CS305 (CS3,CS2 II YR)

WAP C Program to Check if a given Integer is Odd or Even
WAP C Program to Find the Biggest of 3 Numbers
WAP C Program to Calculate the Sum of Odd & Even Numbers
WAP C Program to Find the Number of Integers Divisible by 5
WAP C Program to Reverse any Given Number
WAP C Program to find the factorial of a number (write recursive function)
WAP C Program to Find if a given Year is a Leap Year
WAP C Program to determine and print the sum of the following harmonic
series for given value of n1+1/2+ 1/31/n
9. WAP C Program to Accept two Integers and Check if they are Equal
10. WAP C Program to Compute First N Fibonacci Numbers using Command
Line Arguments
11. WAP C Program to Find whether a Number is Prime or Not using Recursion
12. WAP C Program to produce a triangle using * symbol(right triangle and
centered triangle)
13. WAP C Program to swap the values of two numbers. Do this using call by
reference and call by value functions
14. WAP C Program to accept any string from user. Convert case of the string
to lower/ upper case.
15. WAP C Program to Calculate Average Using Arrays
16. WAP C Program to reverse an array.
17. WAP C Program to Display Largest Element of an array
18. WAP C Program to Add Two Matrix in C programming
19. WAP C Program to multiply to matrix in C programming
20. WAP to implement single linked list using array with the basic operations
as Insert(), delete(), InsertatFirst(), InsertatLast (),InsertatMiddle(),
Traversal() with appropriate prototype to a functions.
21. WAP to implement Doubly linked list using array with the basic operations
as Insert(), delete(), InsertatFirst(), InsertatLast (),InsertatMiddle(),
Traversal() with appropriate prototype to a functions
22. WAP to implement Queue ADT using array with the basic functions of
Create(), IsEmpty(), Insert(), Delete() and IsFull() with suitable prototype
to a functions
23. WAP to implement Stack ADT using array with the basic operations as
Create(), Is Empty(), Push(), Pop(), IsFull() with appropriate prototype to a
24. WAP to implement Queue ADT using array with the basic functions of
Create(), IsEmpty(), Insert(), Delete() and IsFull() with suitable prototype
to a functions
25. WAP to implement Stack ADT using Linked list with the basic operations
as Create(), Is Empty(), Push(), Pop(), IsFull() with appropriate prototype to
a functions.

26. WAP to implement Queue ADT using Linked list with the basic functions of

Create(), IsEmpty(), Insert(), Delete() and IsFull() with suitable prototype

to a functions
27. WAP to generate the binary tree from the given inorder and postorder
28. WAP to generate the binary tree from the given inorder and preorder
29. WAP to implement Quick Sort on 1D array of Student structure (contains
student_name, student_roll_no, total_marks), with key as student_roll_no.
And count the number of swap performed.
30. WAP to implement Bubble Sort on 1D array of Employee structure
(contains employee_name, emp_no, emp_salary), with key as emp_no.
And count the number of swap performed.
31. WAP to implement Insertion Sort on 1D array of Employee structure
(contains employee_name, emp_no, emp_salary), with key as emp_no.
And count the number of swap performed.
32. WAP to implement Selection Sort on 1D array of Employee structure
(contains employee_name, emp_no, emp_salary), with key as emp_no.
And count the number of swap performed.
33. WAP to implement Merge Sort on 1D array of Student structure (contains
student_name, student_roll_no, total_marks), with key as student_roll_no.
And count the number of swap performed.
34. WAP to implement Binary search on 1D array of Employee structure
(contains employee_name, emp_no, emp_salary), with key as emp_no.
And count the number of comparison happened.

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