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Babchi Seeds

Psoralea Corylifolia known as Bakuchi in Ayurveda, Belongs to the Papilonaceae family and is originate in many
parts of India. There are different name of Babchi seeds like Hindi Name: Babchi Sanskrit Name: Bakuchi Latin
Name: Psoralea Cortlifolia Other Names: Babchi, Bakuchi, Babchi Seeds. The Babchi seeds can be described
as a vital plant, which is an integral of the Indian Ayurveda system of medicine. The Babchi seeds in this plant
have a range of coumarins, which includes psoralen. There are numerous medicinal uses that have been
connected with the babchi seed, but the definite part of psoralen in these benefits is still not clear. The powder
derived from babchi seeds are applied topically on the skin, for curing several skin conditions. At times, the
extracts from the babchi seeds are also used to make a type of fragrant oil, known as babchi oil. Some of the
conditions that have been known to get better with the use of psoralea corylifolia are Vitiligo, psoriasis,
leucoderma and leprosy. Moreover, there are many commercial Babchi seeds uses that are also related to

Uses of Babchi Seeds:There are some therapeutic benefits that have been associated with babchi seeds and oil. A Babchi seed
contains properties that are antifungal, anthelmintic, aromatic and antibacterial. People use it as a stimulant or
even a diaphoretic; at times, people also make use of babchi because it has diuretic and laxative properties.
The Chinese believe that babchi Seeds is an excellent tonic remedy, for improving overall health and vitality.
The babchi are believed to have aphrodisiac properties and can be applied to the genital organs, as a tonic.
The babchi seeds are generally used for treating febrile diseases, incontinence, premature ejaculation, Bed
Wetting, frequent urination, impotence and lower backaches. The antibacterial properties that are present in the
fruit are known to restrict the growth of mycobacterium tuberculosis. The root of the Babchi plant can be used
in the treatment of dental problems. The babchi plant can also yield a potent medicinal oleoresin which can
treat certain kidney disorders, as well as conditions like lumbago.
The Babchi seeds can be used externally or it can be taken internally. People take babchi seeds orally, for
curing various health conditions, such as intestinal worm infestation. However, an overdose of babchi seeds
could bring about some adverse side effects, such as headaches, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. The use of
babchi seeds can help cure several skin diseases like tinea versicular, scabies, ringworm and psoriasis. People
also use babchi oil for vitiligo treatment.

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