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Yr 7 Maths Emergency L 1

Question 1

What does the 3 mean in each of these numbers?

(a) 3 241 (b) 231 906 (c) 367 855 (d) 43 004
(e) 31 022 (f) 397 045 (g) 83 567 (h) 3 412

Question 2

Write these numbers in words.

(a) 26 431 (b) 2 583 (c) 236 579 (d) 40 873
(e) 193 702 (f) 391 254 (g) 103 890 (h) 35 404

Question 3

Write these numbers using digits.

(a) Two thousand seven hundred and three.
(b) Three hundred and eight thousand and forty nine.
(c) Twenty one thousand seven hundred and fifty.
(d) A thousand and ninety one.

Question 4

5225 is a palindromic number as it reads the same

forwards as backwards. How many four-digit
palindromic numbers are there?

Question 5

Find as many ways as you can to fill the square and triangular boxes.
(a) + = 15 (b) 10 – =

Question 6 Do not use a calculator

Work out each of these mentally:

(a) 16 + 23 (b) 48 + 29 (c) 253 + 34
(d) 347 + 26 (e) 589 + 42 (f) 68 - 25
(g) 53 - 27 (h) 478 - 43 (i) 635 - 78

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Question 7

Are these statements true or false?

(a) 42 + 35 > 70 (b) 28 + 37 < 62
(c) 78 - 37 < 41 (d) 86 - 28 > 52

Question 8 Do not use a calculator

Work out
(a) 47 + 36 (b) 32 + 49 + 17 (c) 76 + 58
(d) 506 + 387 (e) 684 + 539 (f) 48 + 675

Question 9 Do not use a calculator

Using only the digits 2, 3, 5 and 6, find four pairs of

two digit numbers that add up to 88.

Question 10 Do not use a calculator

Find the missing digits in each of these subtractions:

(a) 5 2 (b) 4
– 4 – 3 4
3 4 9 4 6 3

(c) 7 (d) 6 3
– 8 9 – 2
1 3 9 2 5 6

Question 11

Round these numbers to the nearest 10:

(a) 28 (b) 14 (c) 87
(d) 132 (e) 265 (f) 697

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Question 12 Do not use a calculator

Round each number to the nearest 100, then add or

subtract to find an approximate answer to the calculation:
(a) 473 + 319 (b) 486 + 357 (c) 732 - 379

Question 13

For each sequence:

• Write down the next two numbers.

• Write down the rule that you use to find the next number.

(a) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ....., ..... (b) 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, ....., .....

(c) 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, ....., ..... (d) 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, ....., .....
(e) 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, ....., ..... (f ) 20, 17, 14, 11, ....., .....
(g) 22, 18, 14, 10, ....., ..... (h) 23, 19, 15, 11, 7, ....., .....
(i) 30, 27, 24, 21, ....., ..... ( j) 31, 27, 23, 19, ....., .....

Question 14

Find the missing numbers in these sequences:

(a) 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, ....., ....., 38, .....

(b) 37, 34, 31, 28, ....., ....., 19, .....
(c) 3, 9, 27, ....., ....., 729
(d) 1, 12, 23, 34, ....., ....., 67, .....

Question 15

For each of these sequences:

• Write down the nth term rule
• Use the rule to find the 20th term
(a) 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, . . .
(b) 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, . . .

Impact Maths - Red Book 1 - Copyright Heinemann © 2000

Question 16

Write down whether these outcomes are likely,

unlikely or have an even chance of happening.
Give reasons for each answer.
(a) Scoring an odd number with a normal dice.
(b) You will be given some English homework next week.
(c) It will snow on your way to school.
(d) The head teacher will take your next maths lesson.
(e) A coin when tossed will land on 'tails'.
(f) You will see your best friend next weekend.
(g) You will have fish fingers for tea one night next week.
(h) You will catch a bus to school next week.

Question 17

Copy the likelihood scale into your book.

Each letter shows an estimate of an outcome.
Write down a possible outcome for each letter,
e.g. A could be an estimate for the likelihood of a cat
having puppies.

Impact Maths - Red Book 1 - Copyright Heinemann © 2000

Question 18

Draw a probability scale like the one shown below.

Mark an estimate for the probability of each of the following

outcomes on your probability scale.
(a) A coin landing on 'heads'.
(b) A dice landing with 6 on its top face.
(c) You will have a holiday on Mars next year.
(d) You will have maths homework next week.
(e) Sunday will be the day after Saturday next week.
(f) A card taken at random from a normal pack of cards will be a red card.

Question 19

Tim spins the spinner.

(a) List all the possible outcomes of spinning the spinner.

(b) What is the probability that the spinner will land on 3?
(c) Find the probability that the spinner will land on an 8.
(d) Work out the probability that the spinner will land on
an even number.
(e) Work out the probability that the spinner will land on
an odd number.

Question 20

A bag contains only red and blue beads. The probability of

taking a blue bead is 5 . Work out the probability
of taking a red bead.

Impact Maths - Red Book 1 - Copyright Heinemann © 2000

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