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Freeman 1

Lisa Freeman

Written Analysis 3

November 11th, 2009

AMH 1041

The political, social and economic climate of the late 19th and early 20th century

significantly shaped the evolution and cultural phenomena of jazz music in the United States.

There were tremendous social changes that occurred which made jazz grow as rapidly as it did.

Economically, our economy was in a state of growth and by 1910 America was the world’s

greatest industrial power. Politically, the “wild” politics that were taking place can be heard in

the wild and rebellious music jazz is. playing a huge role in politics. All of these changes in the

systems of the American society spun off the greatest evolution in music history.

To start, social changes and influences played a huge role in the evolution of jazz. Slaves

were looking for a way to communicate and they did this through music. In the meantime, Black

C,odes were moving African Americans to certain spaces and people were wanting to get off

farms and into cities such as New Orleans. It appeared because of segregation African Americans

were forming a culture of their own. Shows, movies, dance halls, and bars were becoming

increasingly popular because of the booming economy which gave jazz musicians a playground

to play in such as Storyville. Minstrel shows brought black faces to show business which

ultimately helped African Americans enter show business. Industrialization of cars, trains, and

riverboats were making it possible for not just people to travel, but also musicians which

Freeman 2
contributed to jazz being spread across the country. Propaganda and newspapers were becoming

a necessity of Americans which also helped the news of jazz spread across the country.

Americans were also starting to view African Americans differently with the explosion of

African American art in the Harlem Renaissance. With new inventions coming out such as the

telephone and electricity people were starting to see more rags to riches stories. Everyone wanted

a way to become rich and African Americans saw jazz as their way to get rich. During this time if

extreme individualism African Americans used jazz as their way to practice their form of

individualism. jazz as Social Darwinism was also contributing socially to evolution of jazz

because of the increase in immigration. People were now looking as the “new immigrants” as the

inferior people of society rather than African Americans. All of these social influences were

planting the seed for jazz music to grow and expand.

The evolution of jazz music was remarkably shaped by the economy during this time

period. With consumerism, over production, and mass production taking place, record players

were being produced and distributed everywhere which allowed jazz to be spread across the

country. Communities of people, especially African Americans, were coming together which was

drawing curiosity from outsiders. Powerful corporations were taking over the job industry

generating jobs which made amusement parks and dance-halls a popular feature of American

culture. Jazz musicians were often heard playing at bars which helped people hear their music.

People where flocking to where there were jobs in cities across the United States and this

included cities such as New Orleans where jazz was growing. When the Navy closed down

Storyville, many of the musicians left for Chicago to get jobs. This Great Migration to Chicago

proved that jazz music is capable of being mobile like the economy. With the economy thriving
in inventions, industrialization and advertising, it was allowing jazz to be heard all over the

country which was helping jazz musicians become recored. Traveling from place to place was a

new change in the American life and the economy created an outlet for jazz to spread.

The political climate of this time also contributed to the phenomena of jazz music. With

the economy expanding, the government started to expand to handle more issues. With the

government expanding and people dividing, there was a lot of rebellion and crime taking place

particularly with the prohibition of alcohol. The government wanted to gain all this control but

didn’t know how to put the policies in place and enforce the laws. With all of the rebellion of the

people, bars and organized crime were bringing people into the cities and bars were where jazz

music was being played. Jazz was played at illegal speakeasies and in places like Storyville in

New Orleans which was causing this “wild” music to become associated with the crime that took

place during this time. It appears it was the government and corrupt political climate that was

taking place that was causing the people to desire to be where there was alcohol, crime, and

music. Jazz and politics were often following the same pattern during this time period. They both

were changing, rebelling, uncontrollable, and expanding.

The many changes and up and down experiences that took place during this time can be

explained through the evolution of this phenomenal music. Everything from new inventions, to

companies, to government control all started out small and then boomed into something big such

as jazz music did during the late 19th century and early 20th century. Jazz music spread just as

fast as people were spreading and traveling all over the country. The American experience during

this time appeared to be all about out with the old and in with the new. New inventions and ideas

were coming up just as fast as new forms of jazz. Jazz music was “wild” and during a time of

wild politics and government people fell in love with the sound of jazz.

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