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Verbs ending in -er: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent,

Verbs ending in -ir : -is, -is, -it, -issons, -issez, -issent,

But there are numerous irregularities, especially in the third group.

Verbs ending in -re: -s, -s, - , -ons, -ez, -ent,


1st group

2nd group

3rd group

je parle
tu parles
il, elle, on parle
nous parlons
vous parlez
ils, elles parlent

je finis
tu finis
il, elle, on finit
nous finissons
vous finissez
ils, elles finissent

je descends
tu descendes
il, elle, on descend
nous descendons
vous descendez

The correct conjugated forms of a French verb are obtained from its basic,
unconjugated form called the infinitive.

Heres a list of regular ER verbs

abaisser - to lower(regular ER verbs)

accepter - to accept

accompagner - to accompany

accorder - to admit

admirer - to admire

adorer - to adore

aider - to help

aimer - to like (to love)

ajouter - to add

amuser - to amuse

apporter - to bring

approcher - to approach

arrter - to stop

arriver - to arrive

assister - to attend

avancer - to advance

bavarder - to chat

blesser - to hurt or offend

brosser - to brush

brler - to burn

cacher - to hide

casser - to break

causer - to cause or to chat (informally)

chanter - to sing

chercher - to look for

commander - to order

compter - to count

conseiller - to advise or to give advice

continuer - to continue

contrler - to control

coucher - to put to bed (se coucher means to go to bed)

couper - to cut

coter -to cost

crier - to cry out

danser - to dance

dcider - to decide

djeuner - to eat lunch

demander - to ask for

dpcher - to hurry

dtester - to hate

deviner - to guess

dner - to dine

discuter - to discuss

donner - to give

douter - to doubt

chapper - to escape

couter - to listen

employer - to use

encourager - to encourage

enseigner - to teach

entrer - to enter

tudier - to study

excuser - to excuse

exister - to exist

expliquer - to explain

explorer - to explore

fcher - to get angry

fermer - to close

fumer - to smoke

gagner - to win or earn

garder - to keep

gaspiller - to waste

goter - to taste

habiller - to dress

habiter - to live

insister -to insist

intresser - to interes

inviter - to invite

jouer - to play

laisser - to leave

laver - to wash

monter - to climb

montrer - to show

neiger - to snow

occuper - to occupy

oublier - to forget

pardonner - to forgive

parler - to talk

passer to pass or spend time

peigner - to comb

penser - to think

pleurer - to cry

prparer - to prepare

prsenter - to present

quitter - to leave

raconter - to retell

regarder - to look at

refuser - to refuse

remarquer - to notice

rencontrer - to meet

rentrer - to return

reposer - to rest

rester - to remain

sembler - to seem

sparer - to separate

souhaiter - to wish

tomber - to fall

travailler - to work

In English, the infinitive is formed by adding to in front of the verb (to do, to
In French: aller- to go, donner to give (etc)

Verbs ir form the second group. Ex.: some 2nd group verbs

to act


to choose
to run

to finish


to die
to feel
to want

Verbs in re form the third group. Ex:some 3rd group verbs


to understand


to drive


to hear


to smile


to sell


to live

It is useful to classify verbs in these three groups because

different conjugation rules apply to each of them
The irregular verbs tre, avoir and aller are not a part of a
Conjugation of ER verb below chanter to sing
Note : the verb forms : je chante, tu chantes, il/elle/on chante,
ils/elles chantent are pronounced exactly in the same way.
This means the final e, -s and ent are silent
Verbs ending in eler (Ex. : sappeler: je mappellemy name
is) , its derivatives, similar verbs and verbs ending in eter
(such as jeter to throw)
When conjugating these verbs in the present tense, double
the roots consonnants l / t.
This rule doesnt concern the plural nous (we) and vous

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